The Holy Bible - Book 05 - Deuteronomy - KJV Dramatized Audio
The HOLY BiBLe BOOK 5 - Deuteronomy Audio Book KJV Dramatized
The Book of Deuteronomy (KJV)
The Book of Deuteronomy KJV Audio Scriptures Using Yahweh instead of "the LORD"
Book of Deuteronomy - KJV Bible - Book 5
The Holy Bible: Book Of Deuteronomy (NIV)
Book of Deuteronomy - Amazing Narration HQ - Holy Bible
Deuteronomy - King James Bible, Old Testament (Audio Book)
The Book of Deuteronomy In a Minute
Just Thoughts The Book of Deuteronomy Part 5 2013
Just Thoughts The Book of Deuteronomy Part 6 2013
Audio bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 1-20
Audio bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 21-34
What Is the Book of Deuteronomy All About
The Holy Bible - Book 05 - Deuteronomy - KJV Dramatized Audio
The HOLY BiBLe BOOK 5 - Deuteronomy Audio Book KJV Dramatized
The Book of Deuteronomy (KJV)
The Book of Deuteronomy KJV Audio Scriptures Using Yahweh instead of "the LORD"
Book of Deuteronomy - KJV Bible - Book 5
The Holy Bible: Book Of Deuteronomy (NIV)
Book of Deuteronomy - Amazing Narration HQ - Holy Bible
Deuteronomy - King James Bible, Old Testament (Audio Book)
The Book of Deuteronomy In a Minute
Just Thoughts The Book of Deuteronomy Part 5 2013
Just Thoughts The Book of Deuteronomy Part 6 2013
Audio bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 1-20
Audio bible book of Deuteronomy chapter 21-34
What Is the Book of Deuteronomy All About
#1 Deuteronomy 1-2 by Chuck Missler
#10 Deuteronomy 21-22 by Chuck Missler
Dr. Chuck Missler - The Book of Deuteronomy - Session 02 - Chapters 3 & 4
Dr. Chuck Missler - The Book of Deuteronomy - Session 12 - Chapters 25 & 26
Dr. Chuck Missler - The Book of Deuteronomy - Session 13 - Chapters 27 & 28
Book of Deuteronomy | Audio Bible English Full - Non Stop
The Book of Deuteronomy
Brief summary of the book of Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy - Hebrew Audio Bible! ಕ್ರೈಸ್ತರ ಧರ್ಮಗ್ರಂಥ Kitab Suci ព្រះគម្ពីរ 성경 ຄໍາພີໄບເບິນ Bībele
The Book of Deuteronomy (from Greek Δευτερονόμιον, Deuteronomion, "second law"; Hebrew: דְּבָרִים, Devarim, "[spoken] words") is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible, and of the Jewish Torah/Pentateuch. The Hebrew title is taken from the opening phrase Eleh ha-devarim, "These are the words..."; the English title is from a Greek mis-translation of the Hebrew phrase mishneh ha-torah ha-zoth, "a copy of this law", in Deuteronomy 17:18, as to deuteronomion touto - "this second law".
The book consists of three sermons or speeches delivered to the Israelites by Moses on the plains of Moab, shortly before they enter the Promised Land. The first sermon recapitulates the forty years of wilderness wanderings which have led to this moment, and ends with an exhortation to observe the law (or teachings); the second reminds the Israelites of the need for exclusive allegiance to one God and observance of the laws he has given them, on which their possession of the land depends; and the third offers the comfort that even should Israel prove unfaithful and so lose the land, with repentance all can be restored.
Charles "Chuck" Missler is an author, evangelical Christian, Bible teacher, former businessman and US Naval officer. He is the founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Missler was for several years the chairman, the chief executive, and the largest shareholder of Western Digital. In 1983 he became the chairman and chief executive of Helionetics Inc., another technology company. After teaching for many years at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Missler moved to Coeur d'Alene in 1992 and founded Koinonia House. Through this organization, Missler distributes a monthly newsletter, Bible study tapes, and a radio show, and speaks at conferences.
Missler is a prominent speaker on the subject of bible prophecy. Missler has had numerous programs aired on the Christian television station GOD TV, namely the DVD versions of his biblical studies "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours", "The Book of Revelation", "The Book of Genesis", and "The Book of Daniel".[citation needed] A Los Angeles Times article reported that Missler and co-author Hal Lindsey had plagiarized a portion of Miami University Professor Edwin Yamauchi's 1982 book Foes From the Northern Frontier in their own 1992 book The Magog Factor. A YouTube video in which Missler uses a jar of peanut butter to attempt to disprove evolution attracted media attention in 2007-2008.