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Music video by The Offspring performing The Kids Aren't Alright. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 128851 (C) 1998 Sony BMG Music Entertainment.
GTA 5 Online MODS Aren't Fixed Still (GTA 5 Gameplay) Subscribe for more GTA 5, GTA 5 Online Gameplay ( Click Here ) Twitter, Facebook & Website Follow for more updates! GTA 5 RACE PLAYLIST Checkout Last Video! GTA 5 Online Heists OFFICIAL Trailer (GTA 5 Heists Gameplay Trailer) Hi everyone I'm DomisLive this is the DomisLive2 channel, I'll continue to upload on DomisLive2 until I get back DomisLive, I appreciate the continued support from you guys, and you're the best subscribers I could have ever asked for.. More information on GTA 5 & Rockstar Grand Theft Auto V (also known as Grand Theft Auto Five, GTA 5 or GTA V) is a video game developed by Rockstar North. It is the fifteenth installment in the Grand Theft Auto series and the successor of Grand Theft Auto IV. The original edition was released on September 17th, 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. An enhanced edition was released for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on November 18th 2014. It is due to be released on PC on March 24, 2015.
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feeling confident that you're singing the correct lyrics? yeah, you never are :P JOEY'S VIDEO: SUBSCRIBE TO JOEY!!
SUBSCRIBE TO FOB: "The Kids Aren't Alright" off the new album 'American Beauty/American Psycho' out January 20th worldwide on DCD2/Island Records. Download the song on iTunes listen to the song on Spotify Pre-order the album on iTunes for $7.99 and get an instant download of "Centuries," "American Beauty/American Psycho," & "The Kids Aren't Alright" Pre-order bundles available Watch the video for the single "Centuries" Upcoming tour dates:
Subscribe ► Please share and like if you enjoyed the video :) thanks so much ♥ ► Stay Connected ◄ Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest - Twitch - ► 2nd Channel◄ I also post videos on DIY, cooking, home decor & travel: What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game. However, there is an achievement system. Gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions. ► Friends ◄ Adam - ► Music ◄ Detective Orange "Om Nom Nom" *Used with permission from the rights holder. ► Business Contact ◄ Interested in working with me? Awesome! I'd love to hear from you :)
Peristiwa dibakarnya begal motor di Jalan Raya Ceger, Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan menimbulkan rasa puas tersendiri kepada warga. Mereka mengaku sudah sangat gerah. Begal motor Begal motor di pondok aren Begal motor di bakar hidup-hidup Begal motor di bekasi SEREM....VIDEO AMATIR PEMBAKARAN BEGAL MOTOR DI PONDOK AREN,SEREM....VIDEO AMATIR PEMBAKARAN BEGAL MOTOR DI PONDOK AREN,SADIS BANGET....VIDEO AMATIR PEMBAKARAN BEGAL MOTOR DI PONDOK AREN
The pusillanimous sexton masticated a kumquat while holding his dongle. Post to Facebook: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.f...
Here are 10 things you thought were true, but really aren't. Top10Memes Channel: Plethrons Channel: Visit our site: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Music: Silent Partner - Pacific Hike 10 Things You Thought Were True, But Aren't
Sebelum Dibakar, Begal Motor di Pondok Aren Sempat 'Duel' dengan Sri Jakarta - Korban begal motor yang dibakar warga di Pondok Aren sempat memberikan perlawanan. Sri (20), yang motornya hendak dibegal, sempat merebut pedang yang digunakan bandit itu saat beraksi. "Korbannya menderita luka di bagian tangan," kata Kanit Reskrim Polsek Pondok Aren Iptu Agung kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2015). Data yang ada di Humas Polda Metro Jaya menyebutkan saat itu Sri sedang dibonceng Wahyu. Mereka dihadang empat orang begal yang menggunakan dua motor ini di Jl Masjid Baiturohiim, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Para begal itu menghadang motor yang dipakai Wahyu dan Sri sambil mengacungkan pedang, mereka meminta korbannya ini untuk berhenti. Namun pedang yang digunakan salah seorang pelaku pembegalan ini dirampas Sri, akibatnya salah satu pelaku yang memegang pedang terjatuh. Korban pun berteriak hingga didengar warga sekitar yang kemudian mengepung pelaku. Tiga orang pelaku pembegalan bisa kabur, namun satu orang begal yang tertinggal jadi bulan-bulanan warga. Setelah itu, massa kemudian membakar pelaku pembegalan yang belum diketahui identitasnya itu. Saat ini petugas masih memeriksa saksi-saksi. Petugas juga mengamankan barang bukti Sepeda Motor milik korban dan sebilah samurai milik pelaku.
Video Pembegal Sadis Tewas Dibakar Masa di Pondok Aren, Tanggerang Selatan, (24/02/15) - Ini adalah video amatir yang direkam oleh seseorang berinisial TY yang kebetulan sedang lewat disekitar TKP. - Seorang pelaku begal sadis di Jl Pondok Betung, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan tewas setelah dibakar oleh warga yang geram, Selasa (24/2) dini hari. Pelaku sebelumnya sedang beraksi dengan melukai korbannya. Beruntung warga ada yang melihat aksi itu dan bersama massa lain menangkap pelaku. Pelaku kemudian dihajar hingga babak belur. Tak puas, pelaku kemudian dibakar hingga tewas. Di Twitter sendiri ramai yang memposting foto kejadian itu. Pelaku yang sudah berlumuran darah tak berdaya kemudian dibakar. Peristiwa itu juga menjadi tontonan warga. "Nih hasilnya setelah mateng.. Bagi para kang begal yg lainnya mungkin mau dibuat jadi begini kah?," tulis akun @andre_bighole di akun Path miliknya. Perhatian: Segala isi video serta thumbnail dalam video ini ini tidak ada hubungangannya sama sekali dengan kasus yang terjadi di Pondok Aren, Tanggerang Selatan, (24/02/15) dini hari tadi. Ini hanyalah berupa video ilustrasi saja. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Video orang tewas dibakar hidup-hidup, begal ditanjung duren dibakar hidup-hidup, pembegal dibakar masa ditanjung duren, pelaku begal dibakar masa hidup-hidup di tanjung duren, begal dibakar masa, tanjung duren, begal, orang dibakar hidup-hidup, berita hari ini, tni bakar satpam, dibakar, bakar orang, main hakim sendiri, berita kriminal, pembegalan motor, pembegalan sadis, pembegalan, pencurian motor, maling motor.
The Kids Aren't Alright- Fall Out Boy with lyrics Follow me on Instagram @Drumstick.s and @HalseyLyrics Comment songs you would like me to do as well Have a nice day
Begal Motor Gosong Dibakar Warga di Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan Jakarta - Seorang pembegal motor dibakar warga di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Pencuri motor ini bisa ditangkap warga setelah terjatuh saat beraksi. "Kejadiannya sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren," kata Kanit Reskrim Polsek Pondok Aren Iptu Agung kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2015). Agung mengatakan, jumlah pembegal motor ini ada empat orang. Namun tiga orang lainnya bisa kabur dan hanya satu orang saja yang bisa diringkus kemudian dibakar warga. "Tiga orang lainnya masih kita cari," katanya. Foto-foto pembegal yang gosong itu beredar luas di media sosial. Terlihat di beberapa gambar, api masih menyala di tubuh pemuda tersebut. Ada yang pro, namun tak sedikit yang menyesalkan tindakan warga.
Seorang pembegal motor dibakar warga di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Pencuri motor ini bisa ditangkap warga setelah terjatuh saat beraksi. "Kejadiannya sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren," kata Kanit Reskrim Polsek Pondok Aren Iptu Agung kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2015). Agung mengatakan, jumlah pembegal motor ini ada empat orang. Namun tiga orang lainnya bisa kabur dan hanya satu orang saja yang bisa diringkus kemudian dibakar warga. "Tiga orang lainnya masih kita cari," katanya. Foto-foto pembegal yang gosong itu beredar luas di media sosial. Terlihat di beberapa gambar, api masih menyala di tubuh pemuda tersebut. Ada yang pro, namun tak sedikit yang menyesalkan tindakan warga. I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Begal di pondok aren dibakar hidup hidup
Begal Motor yang Dibakar Warga Bawa Pedang Saat Beraksi Seorang begal motor gosong dibakar warga di Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Polisi mengatakan begal yang dibakar ini membawa sebilah pedang yang biasa digunakan para samurai Jepang. "Dia membawa samurai (pedang katana), saat ini rekan-rekannya masih kita cari," kata Kanit Reskrim Polsek Pondok Aren Iptu Agung kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2015). Peristiwa ini terjadi sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB di Jl Masjid Baiturohiim, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Saat itu ada sebuah motor yang dipepet oleh empat orang begal yang memakai dua motor di kawasan itu. "Saat beraksi seorang begal motor ini kemudian dibakar oleh warga," katanya. Foto-foto pembegal yang gosong itu beredar luas di media sosial. Terlihat di beberapa gambar, api masih menyala di tubuh pemuda tersebut. Ada beberapa pengguna twitter yang pro, namun tak sedikit yang menyesalkan tindakan warga. Begal Motor Gosong Dibakar Warga di Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan Jakarta - Seorang pembegal motor dibakar warga di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Pencuri motor ini bisa ditangkap warga setelah terjatuh saat beraksi. "Kejadiannya sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB di Pondok Karya, Pondok Aren," kata Kanit Reskrim Polsek Pondok Aren Iptu Agung kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/2/2015). Agung mengatakan, jumlah pembegal motor ini ada empat orang. Namun tiga orang lainnya bisa kabur dan hanya satu orang saja yang bisa diringkus kemudian dibakar warga. "Tiga orang lainnya masih kita cari," katanya. Foto-foto pembegal yang gosong itu beredar luas di media sosial. Terlihat di beberapa gambar, api masih menyala di tubuh pemuda tersebut. Ada yang pro, namun tak sedikit yang menyesalkan tindakan warga.pencuri motor
Charlamagne awards the donkey of the day.
At is a song for the gaming journalists who haven't defended gamers from the hateful stereotyping that has been directed at them by people who say they are interested in social justice and a better society. FYI, if you are a Hulu subscriber interested in watching the full episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit "Intimidation Game", it is here (login required).
We had to do a dare every time we laughed. - Our other video: - Subscribe to Joe: Find Joe: Vine: ThatcherJoe YouTube second channel: Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: Instagram: Find Oli White: Main Channel: Facebook: Instagram: Gaming Channel: Second Channel: Find Caspar: Main YouTube: Side YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Tumblr: If you're reading this I dare you to comment: Caspar won! (remember to vote up other people who write this) x
From myths about long-dead painters to how long you're supposed to wait after eating in order to go for a swim, we count 15 things you generally assume are f...
Power 105.1FM The Breakfast Club 2015. #StayWoke Charlamagne awards the donkey of the day. Subscribe to The Breakfast Club's Official Channel for New Videos Daily: the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1
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Adam is here to tell you why everything you know is wrong. See more LIKE us on: FOLLOW us on: FOLLOW us on: Subscribe to our new channel: CH2: Come to Dubai, the ancient City of Gold, for your next vacation. Modernity and antiquity collide in this vibrant city. Shop at the same spice market locals have been visiting for generations, then visit the stores in the Gold Souk, a jewelry-centered traditional marketplace. For a more modern shopping experience, go to the Dubai Mall, home to over 1200 stores, an underwater zoo, and KidZania®, a “city” where children can roleplay various careers. To soak up some of the legendary Dubai sunshine, simply step outside. Take in the view of the city from the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Continue your Dubai tour by wandering through the exotic buildings and resorts, or visit some of the public beaches. If you’d like to try something a little different and don’t mind paying a small fee, you can also attend local hotel beaches even if you aren’t staying there. You can’t finish your Dubai sightseeing without a trip into the desert itself. Ride a camel, go sandboarding, or just stand out on the dunes and marvel at the beauty of it all. Visit our Dubai travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
AngryJoe shows off the New Arena mode in Farcry 4 before its release! FC4 Website: Newest Trailer: Twitch ► Twitter ► Facebook ► AJSA Community ► AngryArmy Shirts/Stuff ► If you had fun watching the video please leave a like and comment! Under FTC guidelines it’s important to note that this video is a part of a promotion awareness campaign. I was compensated for my time and travel to the event. However, my views and impressions are my own and per my specific stipulation I’m free to say whatever I’d like about my experience and the game in question.
Things to do in Germany | Top Attractions Travel Guide Germany was a country we fell in love with. Having spent a lot of time in SE Asia, we felt the need for a change of pace and Germany was just that. From urban hubs like Berlin to hidden gems like Freiburg, Germany offers a lot for those willing to explore and dig a little deeper. We start off our top attractions travel guide to Germany by focusing on Berlin. Below are the top 25 things to consider doing in the city: 1) Berlin Wall - East Side Gallery 2) Brandenburg Gate 3) Tiergarten 4) MauerPark Flohmarkt (MauerPark Flea Market) 5) Friedrichshain 6) Currywurst 7) Reichstag building 8) Tempelhof 9) Museum Island 10) Holocaust Memorial 11) Charlottenburg Palace 12) Checkpoint Charlie 13) Alexanderplatz - Berlin TV Tower 14) Ritter Sport 15) Berlin Cathedral 16) Currywurst Museum 17) Ride a Bike 18) Spree river boat tour 19) Wurst sausage 20) Friedrichshain Flohmarkt (flea market) 21) German Breakfast 22) Cat Cafe 23) Schnitzel and Spaetzle 24) U-bahn and S-bahn 25) Turkish Food Recently we had the opportunity to visit Europa-Park, the largest theme park in Germany and second most popular theme resort in all of Europe. This was the perfect opportunity for us to rekindle our childhood passion for rides. With over eleven different roller coasters alone we quickly realized we had never been to such a big theme park. What we found cool was that the theme park was divided into different European countries. If you can't visit all of Europe going to Europa Park is like getting little slivers of it all. Accommodating up to 50,000 guests per day, we were fortunate we didn't come during peak season; however, it was still crowded. Overall, the weather was perfect, the rides were fun and it is an experience we won't forget anytime soon. This is a bit of a surprise. We have an eight hour wait for a flight in Frankfurt, so instead of just hanging around in the airport, which was our original plan, we decided to drop our bags off and come into the city. That pretty much wraps up our little visit to Frankfurt. We spent maybe three or four hours just walking around and it was really nice to just see the city without much of an agenda. I came here with quite low expectations to be perfectly honest. I had heard more or less this is just a financial hub but it ended up being quite charming here in Frankfurt and I'm definitely going to miss Germany. I've had a wonderful time traveling around the country. We aren't having much luck with the weather today. It is really rainy here in Freiburg. It is Easter weekend but we are out an exploring and we want to show you the city. Let's go have a tour. One of my first impressions of Freiburg is that it is such a great city to walk around in. That's all we've been doing so far. It's very picturesque. There are cobbled streets and it is also very historic. Thankfully, the weather has shifted dramatically for the better. Earlier we had been rained out, so we had to head back into the hotel because it was cold and windy. Now we're seeing a few patches of blue skies, so we're going to keep exploring around Freiburg. This is part of our Travel in Germany series. We're making a series of videos showcasing German culture, German arts, German foods, German religion and German people. Proudly presented by: , , & All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Our recent week in New York City was an action-packed one. We decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possibly could, and that gave way to this travel video guide which highlights 50 of the top attractions. In a city like New York this means we barely scratched the surface, but hopefully this video will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the Big Apple. We try our best to cover all of the top attractions including fine arts, entertainment, festivals, dining, architecture and museums as well as focusing on lesser known off the beaten path attractions to cover all forms of tourism. If you only have time to visit only one city in the United States it ought to be NYC, USA: 50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide: 1 Grand Central Terminal 2 The High Line 3 Meatpacking District 4 Greenwich Village 5 Brooklyn Bridge 6 Williamsburg 7 Street Art in Williamsburg 8 Prospect Park 9 Dumbo 10 New York Style Pizza 11 Bryant Park 12 New York Public Library 13 Staten Island Ferry 14 Statue of Liberty 15 Battery Park 16 Little Italy 17 Little Korea 18 Chinatown 19 Coney Island 20 Mermaid Parade 21 The Cloisters 22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre 23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's 24 World Trade Center Memorial 25 Trinity Church 26 Wall Street 27 Lincoln Center 28 Ride a Bicycle 29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium 30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art) 31 Flatiron Building 32 Washington Square Park 33 NYU (New York University) 34 National Museum of the American Indian 35 Museum of Natural History 36 Times Square 37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) 38 Roosevelt Island Tramway 39 Fifth Avenue Shopping 40 Rockefeller Center 41 Empire State Building 42 Carnegie Hall 43 Central Park 44 Strawberry Fields 45 Street Food 46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance 47 Madison Square Garden 48 African Burial Ground 49 Columbus Circle 50 Take the Subway Metro Most journeys begin at Penn Station or Grand Central, and if you arrive at the later you'll be wowed by the building. The Meatpacking District was once home to markets, slaughterhouses, and packaging plants, but times have changed. Today you'll find a mixture of trendy restaurants, clubs and boutiques. The Village used to be a bohemian neighborhood that drew artists and musicians, but today you're more likely to find upper middle class families living here. Completed in 1883, Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. Williamsburg has become popular given its lower rent prices. University students and young professionals have been flocking to this part of town. You can walk along the riverfront for a great view of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges and the Manhattan skyline. During the summer months, Bryant Park also becomes a popular hangout spot people looking to relax and even work on their tans. The Staten Island Ferry is free of charge and this makes it really popular with visitors who want to catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from a distance. Battery Park is located on the southern tip of Manhattan. Having both lived in South Korea, we were thrilled to come across Manhattan's own Little Korea. Coney Island is all about good old fashioned fun. You can ride roller coasters, stroll down the boardwalk, enjoy some beach time, and then head over the Nathan's Famous hot dogs. The Cloisters will make you feel like you've travelled over to Europe. Central Park is massive and there are so many places to visit within its boundaries. We managed to visit Belvedere Castle, the Great Lawn, Shakespeare Garden, The Ramble, The Jackie Onassis Reservoir, the Alice in Wonderland Statue, and we still left feeling like we barely scratched the surface. Strawberry Fields is a section of Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon. And that concludes a look at our very busy week in New York City. I'm still shocked we managed to cover so many attractions, but the great thing about this city is that distances aren't very long and there's always something really cool worth checking out around each corner. Have you been to New York? What are your favorite things about this city? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. This is part of our Travel in the United State of America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American cuisine, American religion and American people. Proudly presented by: & All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker). This video features the songs World Map, Crimson Fly, Omission, Monks, Say Yeah & First Day available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: Step out of the ordinary world and into the glittering, wild spread of “Sin City,” better known as Las Vegas, Nevada. Test your luck in the numerous casinos lining the city and then indulge in some Las Vegas sightseeing – will you win big or head home empty-handed? The main drag, also called “The Strip,” is lined with exotic resorts sure to leave an impression on you. These gigantic venues aren’t just about the gambling, though you’ll find craps, poker, and other games running at all hours of the day and night. A trip to one of these extraordinary establishments is a journey unto itself, filled with luxury and excitement. Take in the dancing fountains at the Bellagio, or watch knights jousting at the Excalibur. Explore shopping centers, theme parks, and some of the best dining in the country with menus designed by five-star chefs…all without leaving your hotel. When the sun goes down and the neon lights wink on, all bets are off. Visit our Las Vegas travel guide to plan your Sin City excursion! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
Looking for info on the cheapest flights, packing checklists, required ID for flights, and travel hacks?! Let's learn HOW TO TRAVEL! NOTE: A couple of these tips will be US-centric, but most aren't. Also, because international travel gets really complicated, for this video, we're going to assume you're traveling within your own country. Xthanxbai TSA Liquid Carry-on Rules: Travel packing checklist: USAToday article on required travel identification: Wall Street Journal article on best day to book tickets: Merchandise from Mike (including posters about books and "Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost"): "How to Adult" is a "life skills" edutainment channel brought to you by Executive Producers Hank Green and John Green. Subscribe for new videos every week! Tumblr: Twitter: Facebook: Created by: Emma Mills & Mike Martin Mike is also a Young Adult novelist. His book, THE END GAMES, is available at all online booksellers, including Indiebound ( ) and Amazon: ( ) Written, Hosted, Directed, and Edited by: T. Michael (Mike) Martin Executive Producers: Hank & John Green
They'll either get you, or themselves killed with their awesome high tier traveling abilities. Enjoy the double clip upload guys! Live twitch Video:
Things to do in Guilin and Yangshuo Top Attractions Travel Guide 1) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间) 2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田) 3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船) 4) Tour of Yangshuo night life visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China 5) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林 Okay, so it's early morning here in Yangshuo. It's about eight o'clock and the town is still sleepy. There is hardly any people on the street, so we're going to go have breakfast at our favorite Israeli restaurant and then we're going to bike around the area. We've rented a couple of bikes and we've decided to spend our last morning exploring around the countryside areas of Yangshuo. They were pretty cheap. Just under two dollars for each bike. Today we are visiting a local hill tribe that just lives a few hours outside of Guilin and we've come here because this community is known for the women's long hair. They grow it out and it's almost a meter and a half long and we're actually going to be watching a performance where they spin their hair and wrap it up and show us how they wear it. So tonight is our very last night in Yangshuo, a charming little town in Southwestern China, so we're going to show you around the main strip. background music playing. So our first stop is going to be the street food market. I haven't eaten in maybe two hours, so it's time to get a snack. So you're officially starving. Starving. Ravenous! Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind. Background music playing. So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout today. So we finally made it to Guilin. We've been waiting for things to cool down and now that it is evening we're going to give you a little tour of the place. Background music playing. So I'm not sure we want to be walking through that tunnel when it gets a bit later in the day because it is pretty dark in there and there are no lights. And people aren't using their headlights. Background music playing. When I was in Guilin two years ago this area right here used to all be traditional homes. One of my favorite restaurants was here. A really good Chinese restaurant. I used to love wandering around here. Now it's just new development. Background music playing. So this is the Guilin main square. It gets really busy here at night. Lots of shops, restaurants, eateries. You can do it all here. Background music playing. Chinese singing. Background music playing. So we are now at the lake and the main attraction are the these two pagodas that light up at night. Background music playing. Oh, that mapo tofu looks so good. Really generous sized portion. Mix it in with my rice a bit. Please don't be course. Oh hot! Oh hot! Too hot to handle? It's nice and spicy. Really flavorful. Fresh tofu. This is part of our Travel in China series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Chinese culture, Chinese arts, Chinese foods, Chinese religion, Chinese cuisine and Chinese people. Proudly presented by: & All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker). Music in this video courtesy of Kevin Mcleod under a creative commons attribution license.
Once a Spring Break hot spot for college students, Fort Lauderdale has gradually evolved into an upscale resort town in Florida that is full of museums, bars, restaurants, and excellent shopping. We hope you like water, because your Fort Lauderdale tour will feature beaches, ponds, and the canals that link the Everglades to the Atlantic Ocean. You’ll also see some jaw-dropping vehicles, from high-end yachts to powerful sports cars, all of them brought down by “snowbirds”: travelers from northern states staying in Florida to escape harsh winters. When you aren’t fishing from the piers, swimming at the beaches, or shopping at Las Olas Boulevard, your Fort Lauderdale sightseeing should include a trip to the various historic locations. Why not look at the King-Cromartie House, which is part of the Riverwalk Tour? While there, you’ll get a good idea of what life was like in early 20th-century Fort Lauderdale. Here’s a hint—it wasn’t all shopping. Head to Sunrise Boulevard (north of Las Olas Boulevard) to continue your Fort Lauderdale sightseeing. Along “The Strip,” you can wander around in your swimsuit and flip-flops, ducking in and out of stores and restaurants and interspersing your activities with trips to the beach to sunbathe. Don’t forget your sunscreen! Enjoy the sun and sand of Fort Lauderdale. What beach are you going to visit first? Visit our Fort Lauderdale travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
In this video we see the Prague Castle Orchestra kicking off the first of six tour alumni parties that we hosted last week. About 2,000 of the travelers who joined us on our tours last year gathered here for a massing of the scrapbooks. At each party I enjoyed introducing guides who would share from their cultures. In this clip you’ll also see Federico from Madrid singing a little opera and managing to attract Concepción from Sevilla in her dashing flamenco dress. And you’ll notice how, through the language of her fan, she communicates how fast her heart is beating. To enjoy much more video fun from our parties, please like our Rick Steves Europe Tours Facebook page (where we have lots of guide-related fun and tour-related news and tips to share): And at, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more.!/mikepolkjr The Cleveland Tourism Board gave me 14 million dollars about 8 months ago to make a promotional video to bring people to Cleveland. As usual, I waited till the last minute and I ended up having to shoot and edit it in about an hour yesterday afternoon. I probably should have invested more time.
Looking for the best things to do in London? Head to - your official London city guide. For more information about the top 10 Lond... Travel England with me and visit London, England. Experience top things to do, places to see and places to visit in this England tourism travel guide. Travel... Top 10 London England Attractions to visit for tourists and other visitors, and for once you traveled to London! London is one of Top Destinations in the Wor... Visiting Paris could be an overwhelming experience. But with our Paris top 10 attractions" video guide, y... London is one of the world's most remarkable and exciting cities and has something to offer every type of traveller. The most import... Travel England with me and visit Oxford Top 10 Best Places to Visit in England Top 10 Best Places to Visit in England
I hope you enjoyed the guide and found it useful! More to come :) Requirements: - 60+ Magic - Runes for combat spells - Knife/slashing weapon (for spider web...
Are you frustrated because you’ve been working toward a goal but aren’t seeing results? Shannon Kaiser, life coach, best selling author, teacher and travel writer, takes you through 3 simple steps to get motivation back and stay focuses. Click to Tweet:
Traveling India: Come explore Udaipur, the City of Lakes in Rajasthan. We spent several days here, enjoying views of the lake and city from the many rooftop ...
Membership site now open: Step off the plane with maps, money, the best phrasebook and an international sim card. http://retire... Budget hotels aren't always hotels from hell. In fact, I stayed...
How it all came together on the blog: Disclaimer: Don't try this at home! Everyone on set is a trained professiona...
You can read the whole post on ------------------------------------------------------------ Lena and I are thrilled to introduce our first of a series of videos about our travels around Europe and afar! Our adventures aren't the same without you guys to share all of our stories with. :) Bologna is not the most famous city in Italy. It has no world-famous monuments or museums. There are no destination resorts or breathtaking seaside. But Bologna is our home. And we love it. For good reasons I might add. Actually, for reasons so significant they beg the question: What makes a city famous? And what should make a city famous? Is what we need for living so different from what we want when we travel? We think no. Because if there is anything we can be sure of when we travel, no matter where we go, no unforgettable travel story every started with, "So we were standing in front of this monument." Ha! Instead, how do these travel tales that you tell for the rest of your life begin? Perhaps, "We wandered into this amazing restaurant," or "We made some new friends that showed us the town...." These are the experiences that you are going to find in Bologna. So if you are concerned with seeing some of the world's most famous monuments, definitely don't come here. But if you want to eat some pretty awesome food and make some new international friends, all on the backdrop of a undeniably medieval city, then don't miss it. Seriously. Because what more can we ask from life than great food, new friends, and some medieval eye candy?
Brought to you by as part of the Through Local Eyes project ( South Australia's Baro... Mike and I are avid travelers and having a baby doesn't have to stop us from continuing this great love of ours. We've already taken ...
In this video, Kai gets challenged to show how to do self portraits in the most tasteful way possible.
INSCREVA-SE: Cifra, tab e aula com divisão em capítulos em Equipamentos - Amplificador Roland linha CUBE 40XL...
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Aren M. Maeir, Professor, The Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University and Director, The Tell es-Safi/Gath Ar...
Aprende a tocar en guitarra "The Kids aren´t alright" de The Offspring , tutorial de la version electrica con Fernando Lobo Przewlucki.Podes encontras mas tu...
After a disappointing reunion dinner, Victor is killed by a Dangerous Driver. Facing up to life without him, Margaret receives another shock when she discove...
Friend me on Facebook Final Witness The Kids Aren’t Alright Caffey family Murders. True-life murder cases are reenacted and told from the victim’s point of view. The series opener revisits the 2008 slayings of three members of the Caffey family of East Texas, via the mother, Penny, who was killed along with her sons, ages 8 and 13.
Tyler of ( reveals the "soul" aspect of game, which is commonly a huge missing piece if you aren't getting results. Jeff, Julien, and Todd chime in as well - visit their Youtube channels at...
There is nothing more frightening than the moment we expose our ideas to the world. Author and vulnerability researcher Brené Brown shows us how to deal with...
Bill Johnson What do you do when Prayers aren't Answered Don't blame God... Don't blame yourself... Just dig in deeper to God!
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening Full Playthrough Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning aren't So Frightening is a game created by Hum...
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? (Dub) Other name: 問題児たちが異世界から来るそうですよ?; Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They? Genres: Dub, Fantasy, Supernatural Date aired: Jan 12, 2013 to Mar 16, 2013 Summary: Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasugabe have tremendous psychic powers and are bored with the regular world. An envelope arrives for each person, and when each opens their envelope, they are stunned to see the scenery around them change to a world they had never encountered before. They've been summoned by the Black Rabbit to help the community "No Name" to overthrow the Devil King. Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that well be miserable if we dont get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things dont go as planned. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes -- including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at
Lament the great things that don't exist anymore, like ice cream, or button shops.
More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined. The documentary "...
Electric Cars Are Rubbish. Aren't They? 21st March 2013 The Head of Steam, Liverpool Nothing but glorified golf carts that take forever to charge and then run out of power on the way to the shops. Try finding somewhere to charge them. They cost a fortune to buy and another fortune to replace the battery when its range drops to half. You don't want to believe all that nonsense about them being environmentally-friendly. They are actually worse than petrol-powered cars because the batteries are made from dirty lithium and use electricity made from dirtier coal. There isn't even enough lithium in the world to make all the new batteries we'd need anyway. Electric cars are just rubbish. Aren't they? -- Robert says no. This evening he'll tell us why he thinks we need to put away our prejudices and think seriously about electric vehicles as the future of transport. Robert Llewellyn is an actor, writer, comedian, TV presenter and self-described wishy-washy liberal best known for playing the android Kryten in the long-running BBC sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. He presented Scrapheap Challenge for 10 years and these days he can be seen on TV presenting the shows Car-Pool on Dave and How Do They Do It? on Channel 5. He is probably the UK's most prominent advocate of electric vehicles (EV) and presents a YouTube-based show called Fully Charged which documents current developments in the electric vehicle industry. He also writes a column for the EV website The Charging Point. He has been notably critical of BBC Top Gear's position on electric vehicles -- a case in point being the Top Gear "review" of the Tesla V in 2008 which is currently the subject of a lawsuit by Tesla. This February he debated the motion "This House Believes Electric Cars are the Future of Transport" at the Oxford Union. The motion was carried. Hosts: The Head of Steam, Liverpool twitter: @HeadofSteamLiv twitter: @merseyskeptics facebook: MSS Members: Mike Hall Michael Marshall Colin Harris Andrew Johnston Helen Wynne Video Production - Mark & Heather Pentler Still Photography - Richard Cooper Event Poster - Christine Williams
David Knight takes the studio for Alex Jones and plays a report from Rob Dew about the dangers of vaccines. Follow Alex on TWITTER - Like Alex on FACEBOOK - Infowars on G+ - :Web: :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: Visit to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation. [] Ancient Defense™ [] Secret-12™ [] Oxy Powder™ [] Occu Power™ [] DNA Force™ [] X2 Survival Shield™ [] Super Female Vitality™ [] Lung Cleanse™ [] Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silver™ [] Fluoride Shield™ [] Super Male Vitality™ [] Survival Shield - Nascent Iodine™ [] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™ [] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™ All available at - INFOWARS MAGAZINE - LATEST ISSUE INFOWARS HEALTH - START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - Newsletter Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider :
Chris Stuckmann and his fiance Sam give their picks for romance movies that aren't your typical fluffy crap. Intro graphic by: Anthony L. Green http://www.fa...
Uploaded via Clowdy ( Check out my profile on Clowdy (
Got extra tampons lying around? Need to do your nails? Wondering what these two questions could possibly have to do with one another? Then this video is for you.
NPR's On Point host Tom Ashbrook explores the literary and arts world. New: Douglas Brinkley, Atul Gawande, Claire Dederer.\ Why "Our Kids" Aren't Still Winning Today When the doors of opportunity close on America's children. How and why it's happened, with Robert Putnam and his new book, "Our Kids."
filmed this a while ago but who needs a description ugh the kids aren't all right - fall out boy
For more Vines from BigCatDerek, go here: . Funny Vine by BigCatDerek. For the BEST and FUNNIEST Vines, go to
This is the 27th video of the 330 video series. In it Justin talks about the TV show Lost and rants about all the questions it leaves you at the end.
from K-Trio Live 2015/03/15 at ' Johnny Angel '
My favorite gaurdians are the ones that don't learn from others' mistakes. SHAREfactory™!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00
Sorry about the long wait guys, but short 1 of the golden age is finally here! Thomas has a strong opinion on buffers and why they aren't needed, and doesn't care about dodge. I was supposed to upload a parody of a certain scene off of TATMR. Unfortunately some clips got lost during the editing process. I'm yet to finish it, and it probably won't be up until April. And please excuse the poor quality, I tried a couple different cameras, the first result was horrid, and this result wasn't much better and I don't want re shoot it a third time, so here it is. And i will upload the poor one as well as a BTS. And then the April train show is coming up, so expect some cool stuff at Easter time.
Julian Flores (Bryan Vovk) Demo from circa 2007-2008
Facebook Comments Aren't Free Speech There is a debate around social media that Facebook comments are free speech. Since online comments are on platforms owned by someone else, that owner can elect to disallow certain types of speech like hate speech. That power, alone, relegates such comments to the non-free space, if you will. Simple rule. If you want your own speech make your own platform.
Evoution Theory- What They Aren´t Telling You
This is a vine I did on my vine channel. Like, subscribe, favorite, and follow me on Vine.
que tal ya tenía tiempo sin subir debido a unos pendientes pero ya estoy de regreso con este vídeo de the offspring espero y les guste no olviden dar like y suscribirse a mi canal. Si gustan que suba un cover que a ustedes les guste pueden decirme que canción en el comentario o dejarme mensaje en mi pagina de facebook.
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780595499588 Book Synopsis of Women Aren't Supposed to Fly: The Memoirs of a Female Flight Surgeon by Harriet A Hall If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By ID: BM9780595499588-369800
Christians aren't perfect, and sometimes, we do a poor job of modeling Christ to the world. But Jesus WAS and IS perfect. We invite you to join us at BridgePoint Church in Gloucester, VA, on Easter Sunday (April 5th) at 11am. Find out more at
We Love Sharing These Amazing Videos With You. The Owner Of This Video Is BigCatDerek
Here are 10 Places that you'd probably love to visit, but you can't. From a secret club at Disneyland and a place in the Nevada desert that doesn't exist to an island that only natives are allowed and a vault where a secret recipe resides, all of these places sound both enchanting and mysterious, but the mystery will remain because you and I aren't allowed in. We make Epic 10 List videos twice a week! Thanks so much for watching! We love making these videos and we appreciate your support! Here are a few of our most recent E10L videos: 10 WEIRD Ways People Have DIED 10 AMAZING FACTS That Will Make You SMARTER [#1] 10 CANCER Fighting Foods 10 Ways The WORLD May END 10 LYRICS That People Always Sing WRONG 10 EXTREMELY Weird Religions 10 EXTREMELY DIFFICULT Things About Living In The 90's 10 EXTREMELY Offensive Foods 10 Stunt Doubles KILLED or Seriously Injured On Set 10 CELEBRITIES You Didn't Know Were Raised MORMON 10 MOST DANGEROUS Kid Toys Ever Sold 10 Celebrities With Ugly Significant Others 10 Things President Obama Has Done Right - Obama's Accomplishments 10 Serial Killers Who Are Free 10 Most Mischievous Elf On The Shelf Moments If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to Epic10List for 2 new videos every week! -- Connect with us: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: -- Music by: Kevin Macloed
Integrated day settings aren’t appropriate for all The unintended effects of the Olmstead Act will ...
Buffalo News 2015-03-25Article extract not available. Link to source for the full article.
Star Tribune 2015-03-25I'm the worst gardener ever ... I usually just end up with a patch of weeds. Weed Out Hate.
The Examiner 2015-03-25There’s still a possibility that Vince McMahon will convince himself that the boos aren’t going to ...
The Inquisitr 2015-03-25Expectations have been high for this team, and Few wanted to make sure the Zags aren't crushed by them.
Seattle Post 2015-03-25OK, they aren't exactly the Boston Celtics of the 1960s. But they aren't bad, as they proved again Tuesday night.
The Miami Herald 2015-03-25Our relations aren't confined to gas ... Many big countries have been blacklisted because they aren't going according to law.
The Times of India 2015-03-25... But our other source says that the duo aren't out of the woods yet, despite Patrick's seeming ».
IMDb 2015-03-25With demands for millions on one side and the seeking of a court declaration that they aren't ...
IMDb 2015-03-25PHOENIX (AP) - If the Tennessee Titans use the No ... Picks that high aren't drafted to stand around and watch.
The Washington Times 2015-03-25PORTLAND, Ore ... These Warriors aren't done yet ... Read more on Colorado Springs Gazette.
Colorado Springs Gazette 2015-03-25A ... His current whereabouts aren't known, but if convicted on all charges Lil' Twist faces 25 years in prison.
The Examiner 2015-03-25Eva Mendes really has a problem with pants ... I mean, I think jeans are really uncomfortable actually — aren’t they?
WPXI 2015-03-25Coordinates: 43°15′43″N 0°41′14″W / 43.2619°N 0.6872°W / 43.2619; -0.6872
Aren is a commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in south-western France.
Missing something in my life
Searching for it day and night
Couldn't seem to get it right
'Til you walked my way
Leaving lovers one by one
Didn't like who I'd become
Couldn't face myself, I turn and run
Made me see that I could change
Out of my darkness
As I step into the light
We get a new day
Taking one step at a time
You were what I needed
I was falling
Hiding my emotion
You made me see the truth
Your love was what I needed
Hear me calling
Waiting for a lifetime
Girl, you were my rescue
All I needed was you
I used to always get my way
Told me that you wouldn't stay
Had to face it, what you had to say
If I wanted you
You tell me when I did you wrong
I guess I've known it all along
Cared enough and you stood strong
I believed in you
In my frustrations
Tried to become someone else
The years I've wasted
I'd been lying to myself
You were what I needed
I was falling
Hiding my emotion
You made me see the truth
Your love was what I needed
Hear me calling
Waiting for a lifetime
Hear me calling
What I needed
What I needed was you
In you I found shelter
How you believed in me, stood strong
You were there through my darkest hour
You lifted my spirit up
Brought out the best in me
And now I'll stand before you with all my love
You were what I needed
I was falling
Hiding my emotion
But you made me see the truth
Your love was what I needed
Hear me calling
Waiting for a lifetime
Girl you were my rescue
Hold on, hold on
To opportunities you thought long gone
Hold on, hold on
To the could-have-beens and should-have-dones
You can lose yourself along the way
Find there's something new in yesterday
Hold onto your faith and your dreams
Look into yourself and believe
In you
Oh, go on, go on
The stars will guide your journey home, yeah
Oh, it won't be long
'Til you see your diamonds in the stone, yeah
'Cause there's still some magic here tonight
If you just step out into the light
Hold onto your faith and your dreams
Look into yourself and believe
I believe in you, believe in me
I believe in you, believe in me
I believe the truth will set you free, yeah
I believe in you, believe in me
I believe in you, believe in me
(Hold on) Hold on, hold on
To your innocence and your beliefs
Mmm, hold on, hold on
Onto who you are and where you've been
I believe in you, believe in me, yeah
I believe in you, believe in me
Oh, I believe the truth will set you free, yeah, yeah
I believe in you, believe in me
Oh I believe in you, believe in me
Oh I believe in you, believe in me
Yeah I believe the truth will set you free
Oh, I believe in you, believe in me
Oh, whoa, oh yeah, oh yeah
I believe in you (I believe in you)
Darlin', believe in me (Darlin', believe in me)
I believe in you (I believe in you)
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
i want you - nothing you can do,
i'm a vampire!
watch me do my dance for you,
i want you - nothing you can do,
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
come to my world, child of the night,
come out of your darkness and into my light,
looking for you all of your life,
don't be afraid - it'll be all right...
god grant you serenity,
you bring out the best in me,
let my love take you higher,
guess what... i'm a vampire!
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
i want you - nothing you can do,
i'm a vampire!
watch me do my dance for you,
i want you - nothing you can do,
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
in your head you always hear me
close your eyes - i'm all that you see,
for lust, for life, my intimate fire,
nightly dances, dance in desire...
god grant you serenity,
you bring out the best in me,
let my love take you higher,
guess what... i'm a vampire!
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
i want you - nothing you can do,
i'm a vampire!
watch me do my dance for you,
i want you - nothing you can do,
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
(let's be together... don't be afraid... you called
me... i was what you wished for...
you held me here beside you... i was what you wished
for... i came for you... i came
for you... i was what you wished for... you taste like
honeydew... be careful what you
wish for... i wished for you your whole life... be
careful what you wish for... let me
be you tonight... tonight...)
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
i want you - nothing you can do,
i'm a vampire!
watch me do my dance for you,
i want you - nothing you can do,
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
Desperately falling
Feeling our love set us free
We were better together
Believed it was all meant to be
Stay as one forever
The band of gold would always prevail
Happy in the moment
Life betrays one, a fairytale
Memories time cannot erase
I still see your face
Where did I lose your love
You'll always be the question in my heart
How could I make you stay
I still regret the night you walked away
What we shared was not enough
Where did I lose your love
Never saw it coming
You left so suddenly
What was here that scared you
You want what I couldn't see
Emotions time cannot erase
I still see your face
Where did I lose your love
You'll always be the question in my heart
How could I make you stay
I still regret the night you walked away
What we shared was not enough
Where did I lose your love
So far from each other
So close to happiness
I'll be there to remind you
Love forgives but never forgets
Emotions time cannot erase
I still see your face
Where did I lose your love
You'll always be the question in my heart
How could I make you stay
I still regret the night you walked away
How could I make you stay
Where did I lose your love
Still regret the night you walked away
Open my eyes to a new kind of way
All the good times that you've saved
Are you feeling
You felling that way too
Or am I just
Am I just your fool
Please baby stay
Just for today
Just please stay
Are you feeling
You feeling that way too
Or am I just
Am I just your fool
A new road's waiting, you touch my life
Soft and warm on a summer's might
Are you feeling
You feeling that way too
Or am I just
Am I just your fool
Please baby stay
Just for today
Just please baby stay
Please for today
Are you feeling
You feeling that way too
Or am I just
The situation's got me rattled
I twist and turn late at night
This whole world's up in shambles
Who's the one to make it right
Missing persons lost in action (action)
Forgotten victims of the night (victims of the night)
They're making crime the main attraction (attraction)
They're making everyone uptight
They're all looking for a fight
In this confusion from day to day
Sometimes fear just makes no sense
In this crossfire I see one way
In self defense
You'll take your chances, Mr. Policeman (policeman)
You're like a cat with thirteen lives (cat with
thirteen lives)
Your law and order is our lifeline (lifeline)
Through the danger, you'll survive
I do what I need to stay alive
In this confusion from day to day
Sometimes fear just makes no sense
In this crossfire I see one way
In self defense
In self (self) defense
In self (self) defense
In this confusion from day to day
Sometimes fear just makes no sense
In this crossfire I see one way
Kids hanging out on a Saturday night
Waitin' on wheels, wanna go for a ride
Cruisin' 'round town, just feels right
Got to get away
Blasting rock and hip hop, they know
All dressed down with no place to go
A difficult age just takin' it slow
Wait for better days
Can't stop the wild and restless
Still the ritual goes on
Following the footsteps
Where their fathers used to run
Turn around and face the change
Young hearts all beat the same
The fire in the soul remains
Ooh, in every generation
Young rebels have their time
Glory days are gonna shine
Ooh, there's a brand new face waiting right behind
Every generation
Fashions go and come back around
And vinyl LPs still got a cool sound
Flash back to retro (retro)
It's all new again
Fighting wars under different names
Losing daughters and sons, we all feel the pain
Through the tears, why don't things ever change
Between now and then
While the radio's still playin'
That familiar sweet love song
We still share the same desire
We all need to belong
Turn around and face the change
Young hearts all beat the same
The fire in the soul remains
Ooh in every generation
Young rebels have their time
Glory days are gonna shine
Ooh there's a brand new face waiting right behind
Every generation
Some generations leave us heroes of their day
With magic moments that still take our breaths away
Some will inherit all the politics and blame
And some will leave this world a better place
Turn around and face the change
Young hearts all beat the same
The fire in the soul remains
Ooh in every generation
Young rebels have their time
Glory days are gonna shine
Ooh there's a brand new face waiting right behind
Every generation
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Every generation
They keep comin' around
Every generation
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Morning sunlight on her face
As he wakes her with a kiss
She's been everything he wanted
They were married as high school sweethearts
Never dreamed it'd be like this
Finding nothing for them comes easy
Trying hard just to make a living
Seems life won't give them a break
Well as long as they've got each other
Ooh, they'll find a way
There's a better life
Waiting out there somewhere
They gotta learn to fly
Need to spread their wings to soar
There's a better life
They'll find it together (keep holding on)
She shows him rainbows every time he sees her smile
They've been more than lovers
There's no mountain they can't climb
Can't stop dreaming dreams together
Gotta rise above the crossroads
Beyond the streets they were born
To a place where prayers are answered
And battles are won
There's a better life
Waiting out there somewhere
They gotta learn to fly
Need to spread their wings to soar
There's a better life
They'll find it together
They keep holding on
It only makes them strong
They wanna learn to fly
Gotta arise above the crossroads
Beyond the streets they were born
To a place where prayers are answered
And battles are won
There's a better life
Waiting out there somewhere
They gotta learn to fly
Need to spread their wings to soar
There's a better life
They'll find it together (keep holding on)
She shows him rainbows every time he sees her smile
There's a better life
(Waiting somewhere)
Her head is filled with doubt
Search her heart for faith that can't be found
He's running desperate now
All that he's become is just not working anymore
He's needing something more
Someone that he used to be
Part of her is a mystery
Spinning around in an empty place
Lie to themselves till they're blind with rage
It's never too late to feel the world come crashing
It's never too late
It's darkest just before the dawn
They can rise above it all to see there's life beyond
the pain
Never thought they'd fall this far
You know it's never too late to change
So much to understand
So much to feel and finally now you can
They'll see a different day all because they faced
And now I hear them say they're gonna be okay
She found who she used to be and now there is no
Open his eyes in a brand new place
A different soul in a different place
It's never too late to feel the world come crashing
It's never too late
It's darkest just before the dawn
They can rise above it all to see there's life beyond
the pain
Never thought they'd fall this far
Love is waiting, love is patient, love is kind
Love is falling into places in their minds
They love enough to know the difference
The dream they had today, don't throw it all away
It's never too late to feel the world come crashing
It's never too late
It's darkest just before the dawn
They can rise above it all to see there's life beyond
the pain
Never thought they'd fall this far
You know it's never too late to change
To rise above it all, never question, never fall
There is no mystery they are who they used to be
They're in a brand new place,
A different soul and a different face
Lost in a feeling
And this distance between us
I start believing
These days we're drifting apart
We're leading separate lives
Separately missing each other
It's time that we face the light
We can't go on pretending this way
I want to get back to the place in your heart
When we knew with a kiss
How we felt from the start
Can we still make it real
As we lie in the dark
Am I still there
In the place in your heart
When was the last time
We were lost in the moment
Seems like we can't find
Oh, the love that we used to share
If I could take you there
Could we surrender together
Somewhere to begin again
Oh, it hurts just to go this way
I want to get back to the place in your heart
When we knew with a kiss
How we felt from the start
Can we still make it real
As we lie in the dark
Somewhere there's love
We've come this far
Reach out your hand and I'll find where you are
Am I still there
In the place in your heart
Times that I let you down
You could have just walked away
Yes, I need your forgiveness now
Don't say it's too late, yes
I want to get back to the place in your heart
When we knew with a kiss
How we felt from the start
Can we still make it real
As we lie in the dark
Somewhere there's love
We've come this far
Reach out your hand and I'll find where you are
Am I still there
In the place in your heart
Oh, let me take you there
Save a place for me baby
Save a place in your heart
Aw, let me take you there
So now love is gone
I can't go on, love is gone
I want to say but it's just too late
Waited far too long
Should have told you then I knew
Should have told you right from the start
But the words didn't come out right
So I'll tell you straight from my heart
You meant more to me than I let you see
You held on somehow
All your tenderness and your sweet caress
I miss you now
But a headstrong stubborn man
Only works it out the best he can
Valentines he never sent
There's not enough time, he's a workin' man
Can't stop fallin', heartaches callin'
Finds you after the fall
Saints or sinners, take no prisoners
What's left after you fall? No not much, no
Oh I say love is gone, I can't go on
Now love is gone
I want to say but it's just too late
Waited far too long
Should have told you then I knew
Should have told you right from the start
But the words didn't come out right
So I'll tell you straight from my heart
Can't stop fallin', heartaches callin'
Finds you after the fall
Saints or sinners, take no prisoners
What's left after you fall? No not much, no
No, no, not much, after the fall
Young blood has got it shakin'
Growin' up, she's changin'
She's so tough to try tame her
These days she just wants to run wild
Short skirt, loves her make up
Plays the flirt, it's daddy's wake up
He's on the edge of teen age shake up
It's so bad he's losing sleep at night
Cause he was young once restless and free
An apple doesn't fall far from a tree
She's the pride of the family
Stands above the crowd, makes them all believe
She's the pride of the family
When it's her time to fly
She's got love on her side
Photographs of her childhood
The years have passed
Where did they run to
Love still lasts the tears they've been through
Time's a thief as precious moments fly by
Dreamy eyes like her mama
Her temper flies like her papa
Her brother's cool and he's never been a bother
But he's someone to turn to
When life ain't feelin' right
Hold on loosely but never let go
The rest she'll have to find out on her own
She's the pride of the family
Stands above the crowd, makes them all believe
She's the pride of the family
When it's her time to fly
She's got love on her side
Hold on loosely but never let go
The rest she'll have to find out on her own
She's the pride of the family
Stands above the crowd, makes them all believe
She's the pride of the family
When it's her time to fly
Man is love man is animal
A warrior an intellectuell
He's the face of original sin
He's the devil and the poet within
Our father's have embraced the messian
Made the peace with Allah
Even sought to be like Buddha
To follow the old ways of Krishna
Pretending prophets come to rule this age
Turn the faith to fuel the wars they stage
Well something has to change to go beyond the pain
And somehow turn the page
To whom it may concern I'm sending out a prayer
The world finds peace in my lifetime
To whom it may concern are you listening
Are you There? I'll keep my hopes for paradise alive
To whom it may concern
We simply want to live it free
So happy and in harmony
No guilt, no fear, no hell to burn
To whom it may concern I'm sending out a prayer
The world finds peace in my lifetime
To whom it may concern are you listening
Are you There? I'll keep my hopes for paradise alive
I close my eyes
To whom this may concern
We care you'll see we aren't cold
When flesh and bones our live is lord
And now we meet the gods who rule this age
Well nothing much has changed
Politicians, Landlords crowd our age
We simply want to live it free
So happy and in harmony
No guilt, no soul, no hell to burn
Down the lowest I can go
With no one left to turn
On the edge, I lose control
Before I crash and burn
Can I turn around
Slow it down, oh
Hold on, we've still got living to do
So far gone
See life for someone like you
In your eyes
You showed me reasons to live
Take time
The time it takes to forgive
It's my life, it'll change for the better
I've faced the light
It's worth the fight
See a new day
Start a new way
Get it straight
Make it change for the better
I was dying, a drowning man
And I wish you well
Pull me from the darkness
And save me from myself
Wake up, shake it off
Let go
What I'm pretending to be
I know
I'm still the man I could be, yeah
It's my life, it'll change for the better
I've faced the light
It's worth the fight
See a new day
Start a new way
Get it straight
Make a change for the better
I'm waking up to find
A different state of mind
There was a new place, I'm okay
I've changed for the better
I've opened up my eyes
I'm glad to be alive
It's never too late
To cheat fate
Changed for the better
And now then there is no hope
Until we are faced without
We can never fall in love
Until we learn to live without
In our love we can't find peace
Without conflict in our lives
And the healing won't begin, oh
'Til we open up our eyes
It's my life, it'll change for the better
I've faced the light
It's worth the fights
See a new day
Start a new way
Get it straight
It all comes together
Made my mind up
There's still time enough
I'm all right
Made a change for the better
Change for the better
Change for the better, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Yeah, I'm all right
So long ago, has it been that long
Since we felt the sun
Where has it gone to
Has it hid from the world
Have we lost our way
I can remember it filling the sky
And it'd warm my face
The summers were endless
But they're over now
That was yesterday
I know we'll find love again
If we all pray a little
The heart will break free
Beyond the clouds
That's where my soul waits
She's waiting now
Beyond the clouds
Sorrow seems endless
Now there's only so much
That a man can bear
Hold on so tender
To a glimmer of faith
Gets me half way there
I know it will shine again
With some prayer and some patience
We'll find our way home
Beyond the clouds
That's where my soul waits
She's waiting now
Just beyond
Beyond anything you've ever known
Oh, so beautiful
Like a summer sky
Oh, you know it won't be long
If we find the strength I know
There beyond the clouds
We'll find the sun
Beyond the clouds
That's where my soul waits, oh yeah
She's waiting now
Beyond the clouds
That's where my love waits
She's waiting now
Beyond the clouds
Yeah, that's it now, ooh
Oh, that's it now, baby, ooh
Beyond everything you've ever known
Oh, if I could find the strength, I know
Young and wild with a madness
I wouldn't listen
I thought I knew just exactly
The way life would be, you see
You came along and you showed me
Just what I was missing
You opened my eyes with your sweet love
Oh, then I could see
They said it wouldn't last
We proved them wrong
We learned to fly above the storm
Cause we've always known that we belong
And we're better together
If we got our backs against the wall
Somehow we survive through it all
Knowing I'll be there if you should fall
Oh, we're better together, all right, yeah yeah
Running alone, I was searching
While you were there waiting
Lessons in love I was learning
Were all right with me, you see
You changed my world and you gave me
Aw, the kiss you were saving
Ooh, we had each other to fight for
Ooh, when no one believed
They said it wouldn't last
We proved them wrong
We learned to fly above the storm
Cause we've always known that we belong
And we're better together
If we got our backs against the wall
Somehow we survive through it all
Knowing I'll be there if you should fall
Yeah, we're better together
Ooh it gets so lonely out there
Oh, playing my solitaire
Oh, Mustang
All right
Wait a minute
Young and wild with a madness
This time I listened, baby
You opened my eyes with your sweet love
Ooh, yeah, you set me free
They said it wouldn't last
We proved them wrong
We learned to fly above the storm
Cause we've always known where we belong
Yeah we're better together
Oh, if we got our backs against the wall
Somehow we survive through it all
Knowing I'll be there if you should fall
Oh we're better together
So much better, girl, we're better together
Better together, all right
Let's get together, let's get together, all right
Let's get together, well
Let's get together, let's get together right now
Day has come
You're prepared
Electricity in the air
Feel the calm
Feel the rush
You want to leave victorious
Will you look in their eyes
They want you gone, they want the prize
When day is done, risk it all
One will stand, and one will fall
When you learn to lose
You'll know what it takes to win
Wanna go the distance
With a hunger that never ends
When you want to prove
You're the best that's ever been
They can knock you down
You're on your feet again
'Cause you know what it takes
What it takes to win
Seal the deal
Get it done
Earn the right to say you've won
Work it out
Someone's gonna have to pay the price
Face to face
Stand your ground
Stay in the zone, now don't back down
More than pride
You depend
Fighting hard 'til the very end
When you learn to lose
You'll know what it takes to win
Wanna go the distance
With a hunger that never ends
When you want to prove
You're the best that's ever been
They can knock you down
You're on your feet again
'Cause you know what it takes
What it takes to win
When you share the dream
There's no "I" in team
Let the spirit take you higher
It's a state of mind
No one can define
There's no limit to desire
When you learn to lose
You'll know what it takes to win
Wanna go the distance
With a hunger that never ends
When you want to prove
You're the best that's ever been
They can knock you down
You're on your feet again
'Cause you know what it takes
What it takes to win
Wanna go the distance
With a hunger that never ends
When you want to prove
You're the best that's ever been
They can knock you down
You're on your feet again
'Cause you know what it takes
What it takes to win
What it takes to win
She never knew the meaning of the word
Or ever heard or felt of freedom
All she knew was looking out from windows
Streaked with her own tears and her own shadows
Within a cage, tried to escape
The silent rage
Cause no one ever listened
Behind her back, she's both wings tied
She will break free
She will not be denied
And so she
She flies alone
High into the great unknown
And no one there to tell her where to go
So she flies
Sweet butterfly
Counting every second, minutes turn to hours
Seems like years
The wait's eternal
Finally passed the point of all lost hope
She will break free
She will not be denied, oh no
And so she
She flies alone
High into the great unknown
And no one there to tell her where to go
So she flies
Like a butterfly, oh
Within a cage
Tried to escape the silent rage
But no one ever listened
Behind her back
She's both wings tied
She will break free
She will not be denied
So she
She flies alone
High into the great unknown
She don't need me to tell her where to go
Sweet little butterfly
So she
She flies alone
Up into the great unknown
She don't need me to tell her where she goes
So she flies
Within a cage
Tried to escape the silent rage
Where no one ever listened
Behind her back
She's both wings tied
She will break free
She will break free
He grew up in some forgotten midwest town
His mama raised him well
Barely getting by, but he'd be okay
As far as he could tell
Oh, the plant in town closed ten years ago
Now an empty ghost ship stands
For the last nine months he's tried to find a job
But there's nothing to be had
So he signs up to fight for Uncle Sam
It's the only choice he's got
To fight a desert war with another land
Only to find peace or not
He's a moving target in a desperate place
Every day is a twist of fate
Oh, his family wonders if he'll make it home
Knowing his faith's his saving grace
Now he's waking up in a strange land
To face an even stranger day
Brave ones, standing tall
Keep them all out of harms way
Now he's waking up in a strange land
To face an even stranger day
Brave ones, standing tall
Keep them all out of harms way
Keep them all out of harms way
Harms way
Oh, they sent him home to his family
Nursing wounds that no one sees
Certain scents and smells trigger flashback spells
That rewind the tragedy
All these memories hold him prisoner
Cause of the violence he regrets
What was his ticket out is his nightmare now
In a war he can't forget
Now he's waking up in a strange land
To face an even stranger day
Brave ones, standing tall
Keep them all out of harms way
Now he's waking up in a strange land
To face an even stranger day
Brave ones, standing tall
Keep them all out of harms way
Keep them all out of harms way
"I join the Migrator on its long journey through time and space in search of the planet
Earth. On my journey I encounter many fantastic astronomical phenomena."
Ralf Scheepers
Fly me across the sky
Fly me to the edges of space
Show me the wond'rous sensations
And mysteries of aeons gone by
Guide me through a maze of stars
Guide me to the birth of my race
Give me the answers to questions
Reveal to me secrets of life
Journey on the waves of time
Lead me through the centuries
Lead me to places unknown
Sail me away on the x-rays
Of quasars that died long-ago
Carry me through the universe
Carry me back to my home
In search of the gateway
That leads us into the black hole
Journey on the waves of time
Our quest for life has now begun
The die is cast
Our voyage leads us to the sun
Reason Now you know the truth, what will you do?
Me I still can't believe it's true...
Passion You better believe it, and make them pay!
Me There has to be another way...
Pride You cannot take this lying down!
Me I gotta stand up, can you show me how?
Love You must forgive them and open your heart
Me It's all my fault, it tears me apart!
Agony It would have been better if you would have just died!
Me No, I've got to win this fight!
Fear But can you face them after all you did?
Me I gotta reveal the feelings I hid
Best Friend See him fight, he's all on his own...
Me I need your help, can't do it alone!
Wife Listen to me, can you hear me shout?
Father Look at you, lying there, defenceless and alone
See I am no fool, I always knew you wouldn't make it on your own
Cos you're just like your mother, well, where is she now?
You'll end up like her soon, 6 feet under ground, loser!
I came here to watch you bleed, oh how I love to gloat
If you had any balls at all, you'd grab me by the throat
You don't even look like me, ha! Not even close!
You're an aberration, some freak...I suppose, loser!
I had my fun, I'm going back to the place I don't call home
There's no one there who waits for me, but you won't hear me moan
My ex-wives all sue me, and with half my kids in jail
I'll still come out laughing, cause me? I never fail, loser!
You're killing it from afar, go tell it in a bar
my journey's over
I'm standing on the edge
and close my eyes
to this world of lies
my will is broken
it's the end of all my dreams
my soul yearns
for the valley of the queens
my rose has withered
it will never bloom again
the soil is dry
time has come to die
my faith has left me
they've stolen all my dreams
oh lay me down
in the valley of the queens
my search has ended
my name is carved in stone
on the temple wall
beyond Osiris hall
no holy sunrays
will light my tomb of dreams
I won't return
"It is the 21st century. The Final Experiment has failed. The final devastating war that
was foretold by the blind minstrel Ayreon has indeed come to pass. The war has destroyed
all life on Earth, making it completely uninhabitable. I hover above my own dead body..."
Lana Lane
Silence fills the air
Echoes fade away
Of sadness and despair
On that cruel and fateful day
My body lies motionless
Upon the kitchen floor
The Earth has died, the world's at rest
Many centuries ago
In a dark enchanted land
Our fate had been foretold
By a poor misguided man
We carried on down the road we chose
The path of nevermore
The journey ends, the book is closed
And now I have to leave, my work on earth is done
I'm heading for the planet known as Mars
To the last of its race, the final newborn son
Lying on my back on a railway
Looking at the sky and its full moon
In the back of my head I feel the rumbling wheels
Shaking my memories
It's getting darker and darker and darker
My hands are frozen and steam comes out of my mouth
As I whisper my last words
Seem to fade away
The train is moving forward and closer
Can't stand up and walk away
Once I made my mind up so long ago
Now I can't change
It is just too bad
I feel so left alone, so forgotten
Nobody knows where I am, no one misses me
Cold water runs from my eyes
And the cold is freezing my last tears
Like I'm only half in my body, I can't feel
I think I'm already half gone, I can't think
It's getting colder and colder and colder
I can't breathe
The train is moving forward and closer
Can't stand up and walk away
Once I made my mind up so long ago
Now I can't change
It is just too bad
Cold metal - burning in my back
Cold cold metal - freezing
Cold cold metal - my head will burst open
Cold cold metal - it's been too much
At last! you enter the Electric Castle! Here in this vast hall where even shadows fear the
light - here you must confront your past. If you have killed, beware of the Gathering of Spirits
for they do fish for men. Here, the disembodied Astral World becomes flesh once more. I pity the
men of swords.
For here blood runs cold...
cries from the grave resound in my ears
they hail from beyond my darkest fears
faces of the past are etched in my brain
the women I raped, the men I've slain
shades of the dead are sliding on the wall
demons dance in the castle hall
I call upon the sword, the mighty Excalibur
grant me the skill to fulfill my quest
I call upon my king and the knights of the table round
grant me the courage to stand to this test
I call upon the seer, Merlin the sorcerer
grant me the magic to end my pain
I call upon the spirit that lives in a noble heart
grant me the passion that's within my veins
shades of the dead are sliding on the wall
demons dance in the castle hall
Ah, my friends! So light of foot. So swift. You have come this far. And now - here beneath the
ancient, omniscient boughs of the Decision Tree - one of you must depart this world of flesh.
Only seven may continue. Only you can decide...
let it be known I won't be the one to die here
honour and glory are heaped upon my name
let it be clear I'm not the one who cries here
what about the tall one, the one who's lost to shame
I've followed princes, I've raised their bloody banners
I've killed and wounded on the side of right
I've reaped the harvest, scattered fields with ashes
I've buried children, sowed the seeds of hate
all (chorus:)
we're alive
we'll survive
we will strike for
our freedom
we're alive
we'll survive
we'll arrive in our
I've followed princes
I've followed kings
I will take their lead no
I will not lie
in shallow graves
(I'm nobody's slave)
let it be known, by Thor the god of lightning
I have been chosen to do battle at his side
let it be clear I was born to go down fighting
what about the craven, the one who's lost his pride
don't speak to me of homour, pride and glory
I've tasted blood, seen your type before
you talk of battle but all you tell are stories
you'd see me buried in a shallow grave
I soar on the breeze
I soar on the breeze
into the sun
I soar on the breeze
I soar on the breeze
into the sun
I'm drawn towards the sun
and then we will be one
my soul will melt into the universe
futureman It's all a lie
roman you will just die
futureman so don't give in
roman for we can win
I am the breeze
the bringer of rest and ease
I am the wind
the forgiver of those who've sinned
I am the storm
I blow the devil's horn
I am the fire
the source of lust and desire
I am the sun
the joining has begun
I am your fate
the guardian at the gate
I am death and I claim your final breath!
I overheard the elders telling each Other stories about the days when They were young back on
planet earth
I wish to learn the secrets of those Who lived before me so I program my Computer for a flight
to planet earth
Blue skies over the oceans sail on the Wind to the valley below rise high over The hills to
where the wildflowers grow
And I ride ride ride the waves of time Fly fly fly beyond the sky
We've abandoned all emotions Whether good or bad up here in this Station far from planet earth
I can't tell if I'm happy I don't know if I'm sad but I do know I'd have been at Home back on
planet earth
Black clouds over the debris storm is Raging over the land no life left on this Planet now you
will understand
And I ride ride ride the waves of time Fly fly fly beyond the sky
Blue skies over the oceans sail on the Wind to the valley below rise high over The hills to
In a dusty room on a stormy night Away from all the crowds I rise above The clouds
Into a world once so bright where now The shadows fall and a thousand Voices call
Dream on forevermore our future's in Your hands close your eyes close Your eyes and fantasise
Only one boy whose heart is pure can Save them from the curse that's upon This universe
He's on a quest for the secret cure Across the burning sand to the edge Of the fairy-land
Dream on forevermore our future's in Your hands close your eyes close Your eyes and fantasise
This world was built upon human Dreams on hopes instead of fears now It slowly disappears
Scream as loud as you can scream For the empress needs a name or Nothing will remain
Dream on forevermore our future's in Your hands close your eyes close Your eyes and fantasise
Ready for the enemy hungry for the battle
Fighting hard for victory in the army of the king
Armed with shield and sword we mounted our horses
Leaving on a sacred quest
On our way to fight the holy war
They attacked from different sides
Hard pressed with numbers
Could not even run nor hide
We had to stand and fight
Then I felt a blade of steel
Penetrate my armor
I did not dream the pain was real
As I went down I knew my time had come
And then he rode into the night
Towards that eerie distant light
That seemed to charm him
Until he came to a road that disappeared
Beyond the last horizon
He knew there'd be no way back
Once he had vanished in the blackness of infinity
And so he gathered all his strength not to descend
Into the valley of death
Into the valley of death
I opened up my weary eyes
The haze slowly lifted
The mighty roar of battlecries
Stopped ringing in my ears
I gazed upon a friendly face
He carried me to safety
I told him of this frightening place
And of my journey back from the other side
And then he rode into the night
Towards that eerie distant light
That seemed to charm him
Until he came to a road that disappeared
Beyond the last horizon
He knew there'd be no way back
Once he had vanished in the blackness of infinity
And so he gathered all his strength not to descend
Into the valley of death
Into the valley of death
And then he rode into the night
Towards that eerie distant light
That seemed to charm him
A force so seductive
And yet so destructive and cruel
Until he came to a road that disappeared
Beyond the last horizon
He knew there'd be no way back
Once he had vanished in the blackness of infinity
And so he gathered all his strength not to descend
Into the valley of death
Into the valley of death
I followed that road to the edge of eternity
He knew there'd be no way back
Once he had vanished in the blackness of infinity
I fought for my life
For I had to survive the ordeal
And so he gathered all his strength
Not to descend into the valley of death
Into the valley of death
Me Friday night, I had a few
There she was, out of the blue
Thunderstruck, nailed to the floor
I couldn't move, couldn't talk...anymore
Love Of all these guys it's you she desires
Secretly her heart is on fire
Waiting for you to ask her to dance
Go ahead, make your's your chance
Passion Do it right, do it right, we ain't got all night
Do it now, do it now, I think you know how
[Pride] Let it out, let it out, now don't mess about
Let her in, let her in, let the party begin!
Me There I was, nervous and shy
Struck with awe as I caught her eye
I mustered up courage and walked her way
Figuring out what to do...what to say
Love Her heart sings as she sees you come near
The music fades, the crowd disappears
She weeps in silence as you pass her by
And she's wondering why...oh why
Passion Do it right, do it right, we ain't got all night
Do it now, do it now, I think you know how
Pride Let it out, let it out, now don't mess about
Let her in, let her in, let the party begin!
Agony Remember your father, well you're just like him
Nothing but violence and fury within
Remember your mother, so lonely and sad
This will be her fate if you treat her as bad
Fear You're afraid she might turn you down
All your hopes dashed to the ground
Nobody loved you, nobody will
Why should you even try...but still...
Me Friday night, I had a few
Wife There was no need to talk
Me There she was, out of the blue
Wife We just started to walk
Me Hand in hand, we took the floor
Wife And we danced, and we danced, and we danced
Me I could move, I could talk...even more...
Passion Do it right, do it right, we ain't got all night
Do it now, do it now, I think you know how
Pride Let it out, let it out, now don't mess about
Let her in, let her in, let the party begin!
Agony Remember your father, well you're just like him
Nothing but violence and fury within
Remember your mother, so lonely and sad
This will be her fate if you treat her as bad
Passion Do it right, do it right, we ain't got all night
Do it now, do it now, I think you know how
[Pride] Let it out, let it out, now don't mess about
Let her in, let her in, let the party begin!
Agony Remember your father, well you're just like him
Nothing but violence and fury within
Remember your mother, so lonely and sad
This will be her fate if you treat her as bad
Passion Do it right, do it right, we ain't got all night
Do it now, do it now, I think you know how
Pride Let it out, let it out, now don't mess about
"It is the 6th century. This is where it all began. My tired body has passed away, but my
once-tortured spirit is finally free now. My name is ... Ayreon."
Arjen Lucassen
I've crossed the edge where time disappears
My life has been taken by the charm of the seer
My conscience is clear, I committed no sin
My spirit roams free now, carried by the wind
My mission has failed, the spell has been cast
I wasn't the first one and I won't be the last
This can't be the end, so let it begin
My message will reach you, carried by the wind
Out here on Mars I now realize
Mankind has vanished, tears fill my eyes
There must be a world I can live in
Hansi Kursch: Is it too late to prevent their fall?
Bob Catley: Are they ready for the key to it all?
Hansi Kursch: The mystery solved, the answer to life
Bob Catley: The final solution, a chance to survive
Bob Catley, Hansi Kursch:
We can save this ill-fated race
Who are lost in the ocean of space
Show them the way to reverse their decline
Guide them back on a river of time
Hansi Kursch: Follow the wave, speed up the flight
Bob Catley: Slow down time, faster than light
Hansi Kursch: You might let the forces take a giant leap
Bob Catley: And the stream dive into the deep
Bob Catley, Hansi Kursch:
We can save this ill-fated race
Who are lost in the ocean of space
Show them the way to reverse their decline
Guide them back on a river of time
Hansi Kursch: Send back visions of war and decay.
Bob Catley: Paradigms of fear in a world of dismay.
Hansi Kursch: Shape the present, alter the past.
Bob Catley: Create a new future, one that would last
Bob Catley, Hansi Kursch:
We can save this ill-fated race
Who are lost in the ocean of space
Show them the way to reverse their decline
Hey dude, you're so uncool
But hey, that's alright
Like there's no need to get uptight
My eyes reflect the stars
And a smile lights up my face
We're on an amazing flight in space
It's kinda groovy in this world of fantasy
Where no one else can go
Within these boundaries I'm shielded from reality
Without a care or woe
Amon-ra, have you come to seal my fate?
In the garden of emotions
Free my ka, how much longer must I wait?
In the garden of emotions
I roam the universe in cosmic meditation
To find my inner me
I'm getting high on love and spiritual vibrations
To set bad karma free
Amon-ra, have you come to seal my fate?
In the garden of emotions
Free my ka, how much longer must I wait?
In the garden of emotions
Mirror mirror I can see a lonely child, he kinda looks like me
Staring out into infinity
His father lies, his mother cries, his spirit flies up in the skies
Wandering off to another galaxy
Secret fears we all try to hide
Lie dormant deep inside us
Defy the ghosts of long forgotten days
Here inside the mirror maze
Mirror mirror I can see an angry boy, oh well I guess he's me
Rising up to the society
He's aware that no one cares and life's unfair so he grows his hair
And takes a trip into eternity
Secret fears we all try to hide
Lie dormant deep inside us
Defy the ghosts of long forgotten days
Here inside the mirror maze
Best Friend Did he open up his eyes?
Did he try to touch my hand
Or is my mind playing tricks on me...
Do you think he hears us cry?
Does he understand
We are here by his side
[Wife] Why are you so concerned?
Do you really care
Or do you feel responsible?
Now the tide has turned
Won't you try to clear the air?
Jorn Lande: Find your way home, little extremophiles
Floor Jansen: Fly, beloved sons
Tom Englund: Find your way home, donors of life
Floor Jansen: Fly, my chosen ones
Jonas P. Renkse: You're on your own, little extremophiles
Floor Jansen: Ride your frozen ark
Bob Catley: You're on your own, cleaving the skies
Floor Jansen: Ride into the dark
Magali Luyten:
Carry out your dangerous task, sail uncharted spheres
Live out our dreams, ride the comet
Journey on the Migrator trail, cross the new frontiers
Pass on our genes, ride the comet
Jorn Lande: You are the future, little extremophiles
Floor Jansen: Fly towards the sun
Tom Englund: You are the future, you know what to do
Floor Jansen: Fly, it has begun
Shine down on me, Sun of the Underworld
Set me free, chase away the night
Proud Jaguar, king of the Mayan Gods
Shining star, light up the sky
And guide me to the Temple of the Cat
Heart-of-Sky, Maker and Hurricane
Mighty eye, harvester of life
We were born solely to speak your name
Bring the dawn, we'll praise the sky
Here inside the Temple of the Cat
Upon his throne the High priest addressed the crowd
Now carved in stone his holy name
Beads of jade adorn his cotton shroud
His silvery blade on a golden chain
He lies here in the Temple of the Cat, dead
He will rise again from the Temple of the Cat
Simone Simons:
Dear PX, I feel you are the one
What's your name? Where are you from?
I'm in love, though we never met
Looking for clues, I search the net
Dear PX, I'm waiting for your mail
Check every hour, to no avail
Been up all night, couldn't get to sleep
No way out, I'm in too deep
Dear PX, it's been 11 days
I'm kind of lost within this maze
Are you there? Give me but a sign
Are you at home? Are you on-line?
Phideaux Xavier:
Dear Simone, sorry for the wait
I've seen your pics, you're looking great
I'm all alone, dying for a date
I think we match, it must be fate
Simone Simons:
Dear Ol, I feel you are the one
what's your name? where are you from?
I'm in love, though we never met
"It is the 20th century. I am a little boy peacefully asleep. My father comes to wake me
so that I can witness an historic event in the finite story of mankind."
Edward Reekers, Lana Lane
On an early summer morning, July '69
As I dream of the planets
I hear a voice softly whisper: 'son, it is time
It's happening soon'
It's a quarter to four now and he carries me down
To our place by the telly
I see lights on in houses all over town
For the man on the Moon
One small step for man
But a giant leap for mankind
The mighty Apollo prevailed
The Eagle has landed
I go back to my warm bed, back to my dreams
But not the one of the planets
I decided this morning I don't want to be
The man on the Moon
As I lie here in this cold tank, living a dream
I'm the last on the planets
I decided this morning I don't want to be
Tom Englund:
We have to teach them all that we know
Their evolution moves far too slow
Expand their minds and reject compliance
Upgrade their knowledge, upload our science
Steve Lee:
This revolution will lead to their demise,
We should not make the same mistake twice
We're kept alive by artificial means
We've lost our souls to a world of machines
Jorn Lande: Listen to the warning 8X
Tom Englund:
We need to teach them to fight disease
They seem so helpless and need our expertise
I see them dying all across the globe
Their greatest foe is but a small microbe
Steve Lee:
The sudden change leads to overpopulation
Shifting the balance, destructive habitation
Killing a live biological invasion
Consuming it by ruthless exploitation
Jorn Lande: Can you see the fire in their eyes?
Bob Catley: Can you hear the anguish in their cries?
Jorn Lande: Can you see the beauty in their eyes?
Bob Catley: Can you sense the love within their hearts?
Jorn Lande: I can taste the freedom we once had
Bob Catley: I can touch their pain when they feel sad
Jorn Lande: I can smell the fragrance of the air
Bob Catley: I remember times we used to share
Hansi Kursch:
Don't want to live in a world that's dying
I want to die in a world that's living! 2X
Jorn Lande: Listen to the warning 8X
(Before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. - JFK)
(Humankind has acquired a collective power and ability to dramatically alter the environment of the entire planet - Gore)
(This will not be another Vietnam - Bush)
(The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - Roosevelt)
(Our task is not only to win the battle, but to win the war - Churchill))
Bob Catley: We gave them feelings - what did they sense?
Steve Lee: Shout out the world and put up a fence!
Bob Catley: We gave them science - what did they do?
Steve Lee: They built a bomb and they used it too.
Bob Catley: We gave them reason - what did they learn?
Steve Lee: Warmed up the planet and made it burn!
Bob Catley: We gave them art - what did they make?
Steve Lee: Nuclear weapons for their own sake!
Bob Catley: We gave them insight - what did they see?
Steve Lee: Degrade the noble, enslave the free!
Bob Catley: We gave them wisdom - what did they teach?
Steve Lee: Destroying all that's within their reach!
Bob Catley: We gave them language - what did they say?
Steve Lee: They put the planet in disarray!
Bob Catley, Steve Lee: We gave them dreams - and what did they dream?
Hansi Kursch:
Don't want to live in a world that's dying.
I want to die in a world that's living!
Jorn Lande:Listen to the warning 4X
Jonas Renkse:
A chain on guilt around our neck
A planet straying in darkness
Can we save the lives we wrecked?
I say we should find a way
I say stop this decay
Jorn Lande: Can you see the fire in their eyes?
Bob Catley: Can you hear the anguish in their cries?
Jorn Lande: Can you see the beauty in their art?
Bob Catley: Can you sense the love within their hearts?
Jorn Lande: I can taste the freedom we once had (freedom, freedom)
Bob Catley I can touch their pain (oh, can you feel the fire?)
Jorn Lande: I can smell the fragrance of the air.
Bob Catley: I relive the times we used to share (yeah).
Jorn Lande: Can you see the fire in their eyes? (Oh!)
Bob Catley: Can you hear the anguish in their cries? (Can you fee the fire?)
Jorn Lande: Can you see the beauty in their art?
Bob Catley: Can you sense the love within their hearts? (Can you feel the beauty?)
Hansi Kursch:Don't want to live in a world that's dying!
Jorn Lande: Oh yeah, so beautiful!
a new horizon
hear the travellers call
behold there lies a kingdom
go forth ye minstrel tall
sing of your wisdom
spread tidings of joy
a feast of song and laughter
ye courtyard minstrel boy
o'dance thee 'round the table
for conquerors and kings
thou muist win the heart of Gwenhwyfar
fair maiden of the king
thy lord thy master
Arthur thee so bold
heed the words of Ayreon
and thy future will unfold
sing ye tales of wonder
whilst ye hide behind the joy
cast thy spell asunder
ye courtyard minstrel boy
sing ye, oh sing ye, courtyard minstrel boy
a day of splendour
how beautiful birds sing
ladies, lords and masters
and rainbows he would bring
a child's sadness
sweet dreams, oh princely boy
let thyn eyes reveal the madness
Welcome! You have entered the cranial vistas of psychogenesis. This is the place of no-time and
no-space. Do not be afraid for I am merely the vocal manifestation of your eternal dreams. I am
as water, as air - like breath itself. Do not be afraid.
Look around, but linger not. Where I lead you will follow. Mark these words well. Ignite my
anger with your delay and punishments will come your way.
You are eight souls of the flesh, chosen from different eras ancient and modern. The trivia of
your mortal lives is unimportant to me... Indeed, some may die...
You have a task: to release yourselves from this Web of Wisdom, this knotted Maze of Delirium,
"Finally we are approaching our own familiar solar system. But there is something wrong.
Reality begins to break through the illusion. I have an unsettling premonition that even
here inside my virtual journey I will never reach the Earth..."
Robert Soeterboek
I can feel the sun burning on my skin
I can feel the sun from deep within
I can hear the earth calling out my name
I can hear the earth crying out in pain
I'm coming home to the planet of blue
Our own sun is coming into view
I'm reaching out to the planet of blue
Can you see me fly?
Can you feel me die?
I can almost touch the glorious rings of Saturn
But then I feel them slip away
I can almost see the yellow clouds of Venus
But then the sequence slowly fades
I'm coming home to the planet of blue
Is this the end, can it be true?
I'm reaching out to the planet of blue
Can you see me try?
Can you feel me die?
Dream Sequencer system alert
warning - core processor buffer overload
please abort Universal Migrator sequence
System failure imminent
from the cities underseas
to the skyways in the east
from the stations on the moon
to the planet of neptune
I'm a sophisticated man
and you would say I'd understand
is it a virtual design?
are we launched into a time beyond time
space beyond space
we are lost here in this cyberworld
is there no way out?
I don't understand your words
they strike as hard as steel
I'm sworn to the sacred quest on the isle of Avalon
to retrieve the magic chalice
which holds the power to heal
only the pure of heart are received into the realm
just look around you now and tell me what you see
a world full of treachery
skies of silver and seas of gold
the past is young and the future old
we're closed in by iron gates
beyond them Elysium waits
far away on the edge of the world in a time beyond time
space beyond space
we are lost here in the underworld
is there no way out?
from the birthcry of our race
to the mysteries of space
I'm an educated man
and you would say I'd understand
"As we continue on our journey, we dive into a black hole -- a spiraling wormhole. As it
sucks us in, time slows and images become distorted. Reality itself twists and bends. We
leave the galaxy where our journey began, headed for the unknown. Where will it take us?"
Fabio Lione, Lana Lane
Hold on tight, we've reached the gate that leads us to the mystic zone
What a sight! I cannot wait to cross the bridge to the unknown
Defy the laws of relativity, gravity will be our guide
Surrender to the sea of energy that drives us to the other side
Faster than light, we're traveling time through the wormhole
Out of the night, into a vortex of fire
Time slips away as we plunge into unknown dimensions
A brilliant display, quenching my deepest desires
Will it take us where we want to be?
Will it show us what we want to see?
Through the wormhole
We're crashing down to our goal that lies beyond this cosmic gate
I've been lost in the valley of nightmares
I've been found in the garden of dreams
speak thy charm, I know you are out there
cast thy spell and silence the screams
but as I poise on the edge of life
where time disappears
I bow in fear
to the charm of the seer
I've seen fear in valiant faces
I've seen hope in desperate eyes
lead me home to familiar places
lead me back to crystalline skies
and as I poise on the edge of life
where time disappears
I bow in fear
to the charm of the seer
I have failed, I have been forsaken
I've been scorned and misunderstood
I have lost, my life has been taken
Agony You're alone in your bedroom
Hiding from the world, staring at the ceiling
Me Mother said 'he'll be home soon'
But he never was, and I knew how she was feeling
Fear You always let him down; 'you'd never be like him'
He'd always break you, never let you win
No matter what you said, he'd always disagree
You swore that one day you would be
better than day you'd win
Agony You're hiding out in the cellar
Aching and ashamed, covering up the bruises
Me And then he would tell her
How I tripped and hurt my head, how I'd always be a loser
Fear You always let him down; 'you'd never be like him'
He'd always break you, never let you win
No matter what you said, he'd always disagree
You swore that one day you would be
better than day you'd win
Agony You're all alone in your bedroom
How could you learn to care, when nobody cares for you
Me Mother said he'd be home soon