Call for Papers: Victims’ Rights: An Agenda for Change

The Centre for Criminal Justice at the University of Limerick will hold a one-day conference, Victims’ Rights: An Agenda for Change on September 11th, 2015. Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (The Victims’ Rights Directive) must be implemented into the national laws of all EU Member(…)

Maynooth University to Host Seminar on the Rights of Minority Groups on 20th April 2015

The Centre for Rights Recognition and Redistribution, Department of Applied Social Studies & the Department of Law at Maynooth University will run a seminar entitled ‘Promoting & Progressing the Rights of Persons from Minority Groups’ on Monday, April 20th 2015.  The seminar will run from 13.30- 17.00 in Renehan Hall, South Campus, Maynooth University. International Guest Speakers:(…)

The International Criminal Court Summer School 2015: 15-19 June 2015, NUI Galway, Ireland

The ICC Summer School at the Irish Centre for Human Rights is the premier summer school on the International Criminal Court, the world’s permanent institution for the trial of international crimes. This year’s ICC Summer School will take place from 15-19 June 2015 at NUI Galway, Ireland. The Summer School comprises a series of intensive(…)

EU Criminal Justice Conference at University of Limerick

EU Criminal Justice is a rapidly developing field. The adoption of the Lisbon Treaty has resulted in a proliferation of EU criminal justice measures, some of which are nearing deadlines for implementation into the national law of Member States, while others have some way to go. There is an increasing imperative for scholars and practitioners(…)

#DirectProvision15: The Start of Year 16

#DirectProvision15: The Start of Year 16

Caroline Reid is the Communications Officer, Irish Refugee Council. Liam Thornton is a lecturer in law in UCD.  This post concludes the #directprovision15 week long online events. You can access all the blog posts here and can see the Tumblr page here. We would like to express our deep appreciation to all the contributors, in(…)

#DirectProvision15: Proximity Mouth at Dublin Castle

#DirectProvision15: Proximity Mouth at Dublin Castle

This contribution, from Dominic Thorpe, UCD College of Humanities, artist in residence. This was originally published here.  This performance was made in the former children’s court at Dublin Castle. During the performance audience members were given a short tour of the former court by tour guides who have personal experience of the current Direct provision(…)

#DirectProvision15: The Need for Comprehensive Protection

#DirectProvision15: The Need for Comprehensive Protection

This guest post comes from Mehari Fisseha. Asylum seekers and refugees are one of the most demonised and marginalised social groups in Europe. Ireland’s current agenda for dealing with refugees and asylum seekers is inadequate. The government of Ireland is aware of the inadequacy of response and has proposed to make a number of changes that(…)

#DirectProvision15: IASW DP Working Group Submission

#DirectProvision15: IASW DP Working Group Submission

The Irish Association of Social Workers is the national organisation of professional social workers in the Republic of Ireland. The IASW is also an active member of the International Federation of Social Workers. Throughout the country social workers encounter asylum seekers on a daily basis in their work within hospitals, mental health teams, child protection(…)

#DirectProvision15: Children in Direct Provision

#DirectProvision15: Children in Direct Provision

From an End DP Limerick member, who wishes to remain anonymous.  Sitting in my kitchen watching my toddler play with a saucepan, spoon and some dried pasta, I feel very privileged. Recently I visited a direct provision centre, one of a number throughout the country where people seeking asylum from persecution are placed by the(…)

#DirectProvision15: Making Visible

#DirectProvision15: Making Visible

This guest post coincides with today’s moments of silence outside the Department of Justice, making 15 years of direct provision in Ireland. Events are also taking place in Galway and Limerick. Making Visible – Ceara Conway, Noirin Ni Rian and Veronika Ncube St Nicholas’s Cathedral, Galway,Ireland 6th January, 2014 One of a series of socially(…)

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