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EXILE / 情熱の花
EXILE / 悲しみの果てに・・・
EXILE / Believe in Yourself
EXILEカジノJP 2月25日 / メンタルが強いのはボーカルかパフォーマーか?! イケメン超集中!SHOKICHI vs 岩田剛典 アーチェリー対決
週刊EXILE 3月9日 / EXILE TRIBE ツアーの裏側をメンバーが撮影!他では見られない素顔大公開!!
EXILE / EXILE PRIDE ~こんな世界を愛するため~
Exile - "Kiss You All Over" - HQ Audio)))
There's Super...and there's Epic.
Actors Danielle Cole (actress), Sean Kaufmann (actor), James Sled (miscellaneous crew), Mark Daniel Dunnett (composer), Ryan Knight (director), Ryan Knight (producer), Peter Higginson (actor), Peter Higginson (actor), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (actor), Tiffany Wong (miscellaneous crew), Kristin Wallace (actress), Adam Rodness (actor), Craig Cyr (actor),
Actors Tadeusz Kantor (director), Tadeusz Kantor (writer), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (actor), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (producer), Leslaw Janicki (actor), Waclaw Janicki (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Maria Kantor (actress), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor),
John Simm, Olivia Colman, Nico Mirallegro, Claire Goose, Shaun Dooley, Jim Broadbent, Kate Magowan, Lucie Mills, John-Paul Hurley, Sarah Jayne Dunn, Daryl Fishwick, Timothy West, Sarah Parks, Alex Clayton, Jamie Birtwistle, Denise Black, John Dang,
Peter Gaughran, Eden Suarez, Joseph Golden, Akiko Day, Jim DiFlorio, Curt Riedy, David MacDonald, Daniel Sottile, Andrew Stirling MacDonald, Evan Masteller, Marvin Day, Jesse Kalavoda, Keith Thornton, Lauren Tocci, Sean T. McBeth, Jen Santos, Sherry Link, Abigail Mallin, Dave T. Campbell, John Doherty, Ryan Tocci, India Coombs, Varun Syal,
EXILEメンバー、三代目J Soul Brothers、GENERATIONS、劇団EXILEのメンバーが再びオーディション会場でアカペラを披露。 EXILE EXILE HIRO(ヒロ)松本利夫(マツ) EXILE USA(ウサ)EXILE MAKIDAI(マキダイ) EXILE ATSUSHI(アツシ)EXILE AKIRA(アキラ) EXILE TAKAHIRO(タカヒロ)橘ケンチ(ケンチ) 黒木啓司(ケイジ)EXILE TETSUYA(テツヤ) EXILE NESMITH(ネスミス)EXILE SHOKICHI(ショウキチ) 岩田剛典(いわた たかのり)白濱亜嵐(しらはま あらん) 関口メンディーEXILE 世界(せかい)佐藤大樹(さとう たいき) 三代目J Soul Brothers 片岡 直人、登坂 広臣、今市 隆二 ELLY、NAOKI、山下 健二郎、岩田 剛典 GENERATIONS 白濱亜嵐、片寄涼太、数原龍友 小森隼、佐野玲於、関口メンディー、中務裕太 劇団EXILE 青柳翔、秋山真太郎、小澤雄太、春川恭亮 鈴木伸之、町田啓太、小野塚勇人、野替愁平 八木将康 2015/3/15 EXILEニューアルバム『19-Road to AMAZING WORLD』発売! EXILE HIROが勇退するまでのEXILE第三章から新メンバー5名が加入し、新生EXILEとして華々しく始動した第四章までの3年間の歴史と想いがつまった作品。EXILE第三章の歴史とこれからの第四章への期待感を十分感じて頂けるアルバムになっております。 ■2012年1月にリリースした『EXILE JAPAN』から、3年の制作期間を経てついに発売! ■アルバム・タイトルは新生EXILEメンバー19人による結束と決意の「19」新生EXILEは第三章の14人から 第四章は19人グループとなり、19人のそれぞれの個性と力を発揮しEXILEをさらなる進化させるという意味が込められています。 ■収録内容はEXILE HIROがパフォーマーを勇退するまでのEXILE第三章(2012〜2013年)の作品8曲に加え、 2014年に新たに5人のメンバーを加え始動した新生EXILE第四章の作品6曲(新曲3曲含む)全て合計14曲を収録! 収録される楽曲及びミュージック・ビデオは時系列で構成されており、第三章から第四章へとEXILEの新たな時代へと進んでいく 歴史の架け橋となるEXILEの進化の歴史が分かる内容になっています。 ■アルバム・サブタイトル「Road to AMAZING WORLD」は、秋のEXILEライブツアータイトル「AMAZING WORLD」への繋がる入口 秋に開催されるEXILEドームツアー「AMAZING WORLD」は、第四章のEXILEが作り出すエンタテイメントの世界を 示唆するものになっており、ツアーを最大限お楽しみ頂きたいお客様にも是非オススメしたいアルバムになっています。 ■DVD/Blu-ray1には、EXILEオリジナル・アルバム史上初となる収録楽曲全14曲のミュージック・ビデオを全て収録! CDの音源だけでも十分EXILEの歴史をお楽しみ頂けますが、映像で観てもらえば更にEXILEの第三章〜第四章へ進化の歴史をお楽しみ頂けます。 ■DVD/Blu-ray2 には74分もの長編ドキュメント「EXILE Document 2012-2014」を収録! EXILE HIROのパフォーマー勇退への過程から、 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITIONでの新メンバー選考〜第四章への裏側に密着。 ■EXILE REMIX DISCでは、世界最先端DJによるEXILEサウンドのリミックス音源収録! これまでEDMと言う音楽ジャンルを日本流にアレンジして楽曲をリリースしてきたEXILEが、 あえて今、世界の最先端EDMにREMIXし直すことでEXILE サウンドの可能性を感じて頂きたい想いで収録! 世界仕様の最先端EDMに生まれ変わったEXILEを是非体験してください。 2015/3/15 EXILEニューアルバム『19-Road to AMAZING WORLD』発売! EXILE HIROが勇退するまでのEXILE第三章から新メンバー5名が加入し、新生EXILEとして華々しく始動した第四章までの3年間の歴史と想いがつまった作品。EXILE第三章の歴史とこれからの第四章への期待感を十分感じて頂けるアルバムになっております。 ■2012年1月にリリースした『EXILE JAPAN』から、3年の制作期間を経てついに発売! ■アルバム・タイトルは新生EXILEメンバー19人による結束と決意の「19」新生EXILEは第三章の14人から 第四章は19人グループとなり、19人のそれぞれの個性と力を発揮しEXILEをさらなる進化させるという意味が込められています。 ■収録内容はEXILE HIROがパフォーマーを勇退するまでのEXILE第三章(2012〜2013年)の作品8曲に加え、 2014年に新たに5人のメンバーを加え始動した新生EXILE第四章の作品6曲(新曲3曲含む)全て合計14曲を収録! 収録される楽曲及びミュージック・ビデオは時系列で構成されており、第三章から第四章へとEXILEの新たな時代へと進んでいく 歴史の架け橋となるEXILEの進化の歴史が分かる内容になっています。 ■アルバム・サブタイトル「Road to AMAZING WORLD」は、秋のEXILEライブツアータイトル「AMAZING WORLD」への繋がる入口 秋に開催されるEXILEドームツアー「AMAZING WORLD」は、第四章のEXILEが作り出すエンタテイメントの世界を 示唆するものになっており、ツアーを最大限お楽しみ頂きたいお客様にも是非オススメしたいアルバムになっています。 ■DVD/Blu-ray1には、EXILEオリジナル・アルバム史上初となる収録楽曲全14曲のミュージック・ビデオを全て収録! CDの音源だけでも十分EXILEの歴史をお楽しみ頂けますが、映像で観てもらえば更にEXILEの第三章〜第四章へ進化の歴史をお楽しみ頂けます。 ■DVD/Blu-ray2 には74分もの長編ドキュメント「EXILE Document 2012-2014」を収録! EXILE HIROのパフォーマー勇退への過程から、 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITIONでの新メンバー選考〜第四章への裏側に密着。 ■EXILE REMIX DISCでは、世界最先端DJによるEXILEサウンドのリミックス音源収録! これまでEDMと言う音楽ジャンルを日本流にアレンジして楽曲をリリースしてきたEXILEが、 あえて今、世界の最先端EDMにREMIXし直すことでEXILE サウンドの可能性を感じて頂きたい想いで収録! 世界仕様の最先端EDMに生まれ変わったEXILEを是非体験してください。 2015年3月25日発売EXILEニュー・アルバム『19 -Road to AMAZING WORLD-』に収録される新曲! アルバムはEXILE HIROが勇退するまでのEXILE第三章から新メンバー5名が加入し、新生EXILEとして華々しく始動した第四章までの3年間の歴史と想いがつまった作品です。EXILE第三章の歴史とこれからの第四章への期待感を十分感じて頂けるアルバムになっております! 「DANCE INTO FANTASY」のMVは第三章パフォーマーのみで収録した「PEFORMER'S PRIDE」と比べて楽しむことをオススメします! EXILE第三章では表現することが出来なかったEXILE第四章のパフォーマンス・スキルに是非ご注目ください!メンバーが横一列に踊るラインダンス(2分25秒〜)もお見逃しなく! いよいよ3月4日発売! 2015年EXILE第1弾シングル「情熱の花」Music Videoが遂に公開! シングルとしては3年ぶりとなるEXILEの真骨頂でもあるラブ・バラード! 世界的なフラメンコギタリスト沖仁が書き下ろした楽曲に、 男性目線で描かれた禁断の恋をATSUSHIが歌詞に書き下ろし! 新たな扉を開いたEXILEが魅せる激愛バラードが完成! Music Videoではフラメンコギターの旋律と重なり合う激しい情愛を メンバーが様々なシーンに分けれて表現する。 18人で魅せる妖艶なパフォーマンスに心奪われること間違いなし! EXILE「情熱の花」 3月4日(水)発売 【CD+DVD】¥1,500(+税) RZCD-59797/B 【CD 】¥800(+税) RZCD-59798 CD 1.情熱の花 2.情熱の花 (Instrumental) DVD 1.情熱の花 (Video Clip) “EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR 2014”と銘打ち、一年を通してEXILE一族が総動員で日本中を熱狂させた2014年。その総仕上げとなるEXILE一族史上最大の祭り、6大ドーム全18公演82万人を動員したEXILE TRIBEドームツアーを完全収録したLIVE DVD & Blu-rayがEXILE「情熱の花」と同日3月4日(水)リリース! 「EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014 〜THE REVOLUTION〜」LIVE DVD & Blu-ray 【DVD5枚組】 \12,980 (税抜) RZBD-59865~9(初回生産限定豪華盤) 【Blu-ray Disc5枚組】\13,980(税抜) RZXD-59870~4(初回生産限定豪華盤) EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014 〜THE REVOLUTION〜(LIVE本編)/ 特典映像 / ドームツアー・ドキュメント / “THE SURVIVAL” LIVE & DOCUMENT ——————————————————————————————————— 【DVD3枚組】\7,980(税抜) RZBD-59875~7 【Blu-ray Disc3枚組】\8,980(税抜) RZXD-59878~80 EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014 〜THE REVOLUTION〜(LIVE本編)/ 特典映像 / ドームツアー・ドキュメント ——————————————————————————————————— 【DVD2枚組】\5,980(税抜) RZBD-59881~2 【Blu-ray Disc2枚組】\6,980(税抜) RZXD-59883~4 EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014 〜THE REVOLUTION〜(LIVE本編) ——————————————————————————————————— 2012年1月にリリースした前作「EXILE JAPAN」以来3年振りとなるオリジナル・アルバム 『19 -Road to AMAZING WORLD-』が2015年3月25日に発売決定! 『19 -Road to AMAZING WORLD-』 2015年3月25日リリース 【AL2枚組+DVD2枚組】 \5,980(税抜) RZCD-59799~800/B~C 【AL2枚組+Blu-ray Disc2枚組】 \6,980(税抜) RZCD-59801~2/B~C 【AL+DVD】 RZCD-59803/B\3,980(税抜) 【AL+Blu-ray Disc】 \4,980(税抜) RZCD-59804/B 【AL】\2,980(税抜) RZCD-59805 収録予定(表記未確定・順不同) CD-DISC1 ・ ALL NIGHT LONG ・ BOW & ARROWS ・ あの空の星のように・・・ ・ Bloom ・ EXILE PRIDE ~こんな世界を愛するため~ ・ Flower Song ・ No Limit ・ NEW HORIZON ・ Craving In My Soul ほか新曲含む全14曲程度収録予定 CD-DISC 2【AL2枚組+DVD / Blu-ray2枚組に収録】 ・ SPECIAL DISC DVD / Blu-ray-DISC 1 【DVD / Blu-ray付に全て収録】 (Video Clip) ・ ALL NIGHT LONG ・ BOW & ARROWS ・ あの空の星のように・・・ ・ Bloom ・ EXILE PRIDE 〜こんな世界を愛するため〜 ・ Flower Song ・ No Limit ・ PERFORMER'S PRIDE ・ NEW HORIZON ・ Craving In My Soul ほか多数新映像収録予定 DVD / Blu-ray-DISC 2【AL2枚組+DVD / Blu-ray2枚組に収録】 ・ EXILE Document Movie EXILE HIROが勇退するまでのEXILE第三章から新メンバー5名が加入し、新生EXILEとして華々しく始動した第四章までの3年間の歴史と想いがつまった作品。EXILE第三章の歴史とこれからの第四章への期待感を十分感じて頂けるアルバムになっております。 ■2012年1月にリリースした『EXILE JAPAN』から、3年の制作期間を経てついに発売! ■アルバム・タイトルは新生EXILEメンバー19人による結束と決意の「19」新生EXILEは第三章の14人から 第四章は19人グループとなり、19人のそれぞれの個性と力を発揮しEXILEをさらなる進化させるという意味が込められています。 ■収録内容はEXILE HIROがパフォーマーを勇退するまでのEXILE第三章(2012〜2013年)の作品8曲に加え、 2014年に新たに5人のメンバーを加え始動した新生EXILE第四章の作品6曲(新曲3曲含む)全て合計14曲を収録! 収録される楽曲及びミュージック・ビデオは時系列で構成されており、第三章から第四章へとEXILEの新たな時代へと進んでいく 歴史の架け橋となるEXILEの進化の歴史が分かる内容になっています。 ■アルバム・サブタイトル「Road to AMAZING WORLD」は、秋のEXILEライブツアータイトル「AMAZING WORLD」への繋がる入口 秋に開催されるEXILEドームツアー「AMAZING WORLD」は、第四章のEXILEが作り出すエンタテイメントの世界を 示唆するものになっており、ツアーを最大限お楽しみ頂きたいお客様にも是非オススメしたいアルバムになっています。 ■DVD/Blu-ray1には、EXILEオリジナル・アルバム史上初となる収録楽曲全14曲のミュージック・ビデオを全て収録! CDの音源だけでも十分EXILEの歴史をお楽しみ頂けますが、映像で観てもらえば更にEXILEの第三章〜第四章へ進化の歴史をお楽しみ頂けます。 ■DVD/Blu-ray2 には74分もの長編ドキュメント「EXILE Document 2012-2014」を収録! EXILE HIROのパフォーマー勇退への過程から、 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITIONでの新メンバー選考〜第四章への裏側に密着。 ■EXILE REMIX DISCでは、世界最先端DJによるEXILEサウンドのリミックス音源収録! これまでEDMと言う音楽ジャンルを日本流にアレンジして楽曲をリリースしてきたEXILEが、 あえて今、世界の最先端EDMにREMIXし直すことでEXILE サウンドの可能性を感じて頂きたい想いで収録! 世界仕様の最先端EDMに生まれ変わったEXILEを是非体験してください。 新生EXILE 第1弾シングル「NEW HORIZON」いよいよ7月23日発売!! 4月27日のEXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in 日本武道館にて、 新メンバー5人が加入して、第四章へと突入した新生EXILEの第1弾シングル 「NEW HORIZO... 2015年3月25日発売EXILEニューアルバム『19 -Road to AMAZING WORLD-』に新曲として収録! メンバー初の自撮り映像を中心に構成されたミュージック・ビデオになっており、 歌詞にも出てくる「TAKE IT EASY!(意味:楽に行こう!)」というテーマに沿って EXILEのラフな表情を見せたいと言う想いで各々のカメラで撮影し編集。 ステージやTVでは観られない、完全私服で100%プライベートな空間で楽しむメンバーの仲間感や表情に是非ご注目下さい。 アルバムに収録されるフルバージョンには、様々なプライベートショットが満載です!
2月25日(水) 24:35~O.A 今夜は、ボーカルSHOKICHIとパフォーマー岩田剛典がメンタルの強さを競って超難関障害物付きのピンポイントアーチェリーで対決! イケメンが奇跡を起こす! 2015/02/25 放送 20150225
3月9日(月 今週の週刊EXILEは…現在、発売中のNEW Single『情熱の花』を リリースするEXILEをピックアップ また、「EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014~THE REVOLUTION~」の ライブ映像や裏側のオフショット映像もたっぷりと紹介! 2015/03/09 放送 20150309
EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014 ~THE REVOLUTION~ EXILE TRIBEのエンターテイメント革命を告げるツアー連動アルバム 「EXILE TRIBE REVOLUTION」がいよいよ8月27日にリリース!! そのアルバムに収録される大注目のMusic Video「24WORLD」が遂に公開!! ストリートに根ざした『混じりけのない... 「EXILE PRIDE 〜こんな世界を愛するため〜」の録りおろしとなるMusic Videoを収録したスペシャル・エディションが10/23(水)に発売決定! EXILE PRIDE 〜こんな世界を愛するため〜 (スペシャル・エディション) 2013.10.23 ON SALE!!...
Exile, originally known as The Exiles, is an American band founded in Richmond, Kentucky by J.P. Pennington. They started by playing local clubs which led to... 『EXILE一族、史上最大の祭り』と銘打った 2014年EXILE TRIBE ドームツアー・キックオフ・シングル 「THE REVOLUTION」が8月20日にいよいよリリース!! ボーカル7名&パフォーマー19名で総勢26名のEXILE TRIBEメンバーが集結し、 それぞれの...
Welcome back for some more Path of Exile racing this time with the classic DESCENT race mode! It's been a while since I've done this race so we're going into it blind! Should be fun! SPOILERS! Final Result: - Level 20 - Overall Rank 77 - Scion Rank 7) More Race Guides & Commentaries! Path of Exile Playlists Here on YouTube: - Beginner's Guides: - Farming Guides: - Gearing Guides: - Skill Guides: - Build Guides: CONNECT WITH ZIGGYD: Web → Twitter → Facebook → Support Me → Livestream → WHAT IS THIS GAME? Path of Exile is a loot-based Action RPG by indie developers Grinding Gear Games on the PC. It's free to play and you can register for an account here:
●EXILE TRIBE mobile ●GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE Official HP ●Official Facebook ●Official Twitter GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE 2015.1.28 ニューシングル「Sing It Loud」リリース!! 今作「Sing it Loud」はGENERATIONSの 真骨頂でもあるダンスナンバー! 疾走感のあふれるサウンドにキャッチーなフレーズが印象的な1曲!! さらに!!2015年1月12日(月・祝)19:00~O.AスタートのTBS月曜ミステリーシアター「警部補・杉山真太郎~ 吉祥寺署事件ファイル」主題歌に決定!! また、カップリングには、Vocal片寄涼太が初めて作詞を手がけた「STORY」を収録! GENERATIONSの歩んできたこと、これからの彼らを歌った渾身の1曲!! EXILEデビュー10周年突入記念!! 極上バラード&最強ダンスナンバー 2ヶ月連続リリース!! 第一弾は9月15日発売「もっと強く」。 ☆前作500万人以上の動員を記録した人気シリーズ「海猿」の最新作映画「THE LAST MESSAGE 海猿」主題歌。 そして10/6(水)に...
2015/03/11 20150311
PBA(パフォーマーバトルオーディション)合宿審査 最終日前日、最後のパフォーマンスを披露. exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile . PBA(パフォーマーバトルオーディション)合宿審査に完全密着 1日目の模様. PBA(パフォーマーバトルオーディション)地獄の合宿審査に完全密着 3日目の模様.
以前都内で活動しているとあるCLUB DJがアメリカ人に『なんで日本のCLUBは自分達(日本人)の曲を流さないんだい??オレはそれが理解できないよ〜』 って言われたっていう世間話を聞いた時、DJとして心にズシッとくるものがあり、すごく考えました。 確かに日本はもちろん、世界のCLUBシーンはEDMが主流で、基本的...
三代目 J Soul Brothers Official HP: 三代目 J Soul Brothers Newシングル!!! ○春夏秋冬シリーズ第二弾【夏】 三代目JSBとして初の海外撮影で...
3月4日( 水) 25:55~O.A 今週は、GENERATIONSが超激辛料理店が立ち並ぶ激辛ストリートで食べつくしコンプリートに挑戦! 絶叫、絶望、涙目!経験したことない辛さに全員KO!? 2015/03/04 放送 20150304
●EXILE SHOKICHI Official HP 2014年6月にソロデビューを果たしたEXILE SHOKICHI。早くも2nd SINGLEをリリース! 今作「The One」は、ただ純粋に、まっすぐに1人の大切な人を想う気持ちを綴ったラブソング。 そして、この先の未来を共に歩んでいきたいというメッセージが込められています。 作詞・作曲をSHOKICHI本人が手がけた渾身の1曲。 <商品概要> ■発売日 2014年10月22日(水) ■タイトル 「The One」 収録内容 CD 1. The One 2. Loveholic / EXILE SHOKICHI feat. DOBERMAN INFINITY 3. HERE WE GO 4 The One (Instrumental) 5. Loveholic / EXILE SHOKICHI feat. DOBERMAN INFINITY (Instrumental) 6. HERE WE GO (Instrumental) DVD The One (Music Video)
EXILE / Someday;_exhibit_id=16905&categ;_id=
EXILE 『ふたつの唇』 11月11日発売 フジテレビ系 月9ドラマ『東京DOGS』主題歌 EXILEデビュー10周年突入記念!! 極上バラード&最強ダンスナンバー 2ヶ月連続リリース!!第2弾はすでに9月2日からTBS系の『2010 世界バレー』のCMでも流れている『I Wish For You』。 この曲はEXILEの曲を数多く手掛けてき... EXILE待望のニューシングルをリリース。今回のシングルは少しロックアプローチも入れた新しいEXILEサウンドで攻め姿勢が見えるこだわりの1曲。EXILE史上最高に気持ちいいサウンドが完成しました。
EXILE - Yell 【LIVE】 6月9日発売 ダブル・マキシ・シングル「FANTASY」収録曲.
6月9日発売 ダブル・マキシ・シングル「FANTASY」収録曲 (財)日本サッカー協会公認 日本代表応援ソング『VICTORY』
EXILE 2年振りのオリジナルアルバム「愛すべき未来へ」収録 iTunes amazon
Holy Night【EXILE】 冬も深まりもうすこしでクリスマス。 恋人達と幸せなひと時を過ごされるのでしょうね。 イルミネーションの画像に合わせて曲をアップしました 皆さんよいクリスマスを! あなたが選ぶbest song
今日はEXILEさんのPUREを歌いました!! 最近は男性の歌をうたってなかったので新鮮な気持ちで歌えました(^^)聞いてください!!
Exile Last christmas (200 8 Perfect live) Japanese Last Christmas!
EXILE / 24karats feat.J Soul Brothers,DOBERMAN INC,COLOR (EXILE PERFECT LIVE 2008)
3月9日(月)25:11~O.A 今週の週刊EXILEは…現在、発売中のNEW Single『情熱の花』を リリースするEXILEをピックアップ また、「EXILE TRIBE PERFECT YEAR LIVE TOUR TOWER OF WISH 2014~THE REVOLUTION~」の ライブ映像や裏側のオフショット映像もたっぷりと紹介! さらに、Flowerが約1年2ヶ月ぶりとなる待望の2ndアルバム「花時計」 メンバーのコメント付きの全曲紹介! 2015/03/09 放送 20150309
しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL HD PART 1
しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2 しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2しゃべくり007 大沢たかお EXILE 3月16日 FULL PART 2
SMAP x SMAP 140616 - Guest Star "EXILEのHIRO" SMAP x SMAP 140616 - Guest Star "EXILEのHIRO" SMAP x SMAP 140616 - Guest Star "EXILEのHIRO" SMAP x SMAP 140616 - Guest Star "EXILEのHIRO" SMAP x SMAP 140616 - Guest Star "EXILEのHIRO" Click here to see VS嵐 : Click here to see 嵐にしやがれ (Arashi ni shiyagare)!! : Click here to see other Video :
3月18日(水) 24:35~25:10 今夜のEXILEカジノJPは 【男だらけの甘酸っぱい青春写真対決!スクールラブ選手権2!】 TRIBEメンバーが自分で考えた、思わずキュンとなる青春恋愛写真を女子高生に判定してもらうスクールラブ選手権!互いの作品に先輩後輩関係なしの大舌戦!? 2015/03/18 放送 20150318
Exile Audoibook, Exile R. A. Salvatore Audiobook, Homeland R. A. Salvatore Audiobook, Legend of Drizzt Dark Elf Trilogy Audiobook, R. A. Salvatore Audiobook, Legend of Drizzt Audiobook, Dark Elf Trilogy Audiobook,
The greatest album of all time今夜は、AKIRAと登坂広臣がサッカーの海外一流クラブの練習システムで白熱シュート合戦!TRIBEサッカーNo1の座をかけてお互いバチバチの名勝負!? EXILEを始め、三代目 J Soul Brothers、GENERATIONS、劇団EXILEがさまざまなチャレンジをする番組「EXILEカジノ」がリニューアルし、「EXILEカジノJP」(JP=Jack Pot)としてスタート! カジノの世界観の中、スタジオにいるEXILE TRIBEメンバーたちが、チャレンジVTRを見てコインをベット! EXILE TRIBEメンバーの他では見られない新たな 一面が明らかになるかも!? ドキドキ・ハラハラする新しい形の総合エンタテインメント番組です! EXILE 三代目 J Soul Brothers GENERATIONS 劇団EXILE
しゃべくり007 2014年8月11日 140811 内容:EXILEと有村架純がゲストで登場! 出演:くりぃむしちゅー、ネプチューン、チュートリアル、EXILE、有村架純. しゃべくり007 EXILE 有村架純 2014年8月11日 しゃべ くり007 しゃべくり007 EXILE 有村架純 2014年8月11日. しゃべくり007 2014年8月11日 140811 内容:EXILEと有村架純がゲストで登場! 出演:くりぃむしちゅ ... 【しゃべくり007】EXILE一族2014年8月11日①MAKIDAI・関口メンディー・登坂 【しゃべくり007】EXILE一族2014年8月11日②MAKIDAI・関口 ... 【しゃべくり007】EXILE一族2014年8月11日 MAKIDAI・関口メンディー・登坂 part 1/2. しゃべくり007 三浦春馬 三浦翔平,石原さとみ しゃべくり007にて、エロトーク,しゃべくり007 総集編 1,しゃべくり007 Guest WaT(ウエンツ瑛士小池徹平)..... しゃべくり007 三浦春馬 三浦翔平,石原さとみ しゃべくり007に . 140811 しゃべくり007 EXILE 有村架純 Part 1 内容:EXILEと有村架純がゲストで登場! 出演:くりぃむしちゅー、ネプチューン、チュートリアル、EXILE、有村架純. 『しゃべくり007』にMAKIDAI(EXILE)&登坂広臣(三代目J Soul Brothers)&関口メンディー(GENERATIONS)、有村架純が登場する。 チャンネル登録→※このチャンネルは芸能人のニュースを ... EXILE TAKAHIROしゃべくり007流 しゃべくり007 EXILE 有村架純 2014年8月11日 しゃべくり007 EXILE 有村架純 2014年8月11日
1 Rocks Off 0:00 2 Rip This Joint 4:32 3 Shake Your Hips 6:56 4 Casino Boogie 9:55 5 Tumbling Dice 13:30 6 Sweet Virginia 17:17 7 Torn And Frayed 21:44 8 Sweet Black Angel 26:02 9 Loving Cup 29:00 10 Happy 33:26 11 Turd On The Run 36:31 12 Ventilator Blues 39:09 13 I Just Want To See His Face 42:34 14 Let It Loose 45:27 15 All Down The Line 50:46 16 Stop Breaking Down 54:36 17 Shine A Light 59:11 18 Soul Survivor 1:03:28 19 Pass the Wine (Sophia Loren) 1:07:17 20 Plundered My Soul 1:12:11 21 I'm Not Signifying 1:16:10 22 Following the River 1:20:05 23 Dancing in the Light 1:24:57 24 So Divine (Aladdin Story) 1:29:19 25 Loving Cup (Alternate Take) 1:33:51 26 Soul Survivor (Alternate Take) 1:39:17 27 Good Time Women 1:43:16 28 Title 5 1:46:37 Pictures and music belong to their respective owners. I don't own or claim to own it. Can and will remove on request. This video is composed for entertainment purpose only. At last but not least, enjoy.
【EXILEカジノ】 三代目JSB ELLY VS 江頭2:50 くるくるバット対決 三代目J Soul Brothers 片岡 直人、登坂 広臣、今市 隆二 ELLY、NAOKI、山下 健二郎、 【週刊E... 【EXILEカジノ】 三代目JSB ELLY VS 江頭2:50 ... e-girls mr.snowman, e-girls highschool love, e-girls ダンス, e-girls おどるポンポコリン, e-girls ごめんなさい, e-girls クルクル, e-girls anthem, e-girls candy smile, e-girls しゃべくり... 【EXILEカジノ】 三代目JSB ELLY VS 江頭2:50 くるくるバット対決 三代目J Soul Brothers 片岡 直人、登坂 広臣、今市 隆二 ELLY、NAOKI、山下 健二郎、 【週刊E... 週刊EXILE 2015年1月12日【三代目 J Soul Brothers レコード大賞の裏側 ライブツア 【EXILEカジノ】 三代目JSB ELLY VS 江頭# くるくるバット対決 三代目J Soul Brothers 片岡 直人、登坂 広臣、今市 隆二 ... 週刊EXILE 2015年1月12日【三代目 J Soul Brothers レコード大賞の裏側 ライブツア 週刊EXILE 2015年1月12日【三代目 J Soul Brothers レコード大賞の裏側 ライブツア
後編もアップロードしました!! 容量の問題でフルバージョンでダウンロードできませんでした。。。 【PLAY LIST】 1.O’ver 2.運命のヒト 3.We Will ~あの場所で~ 4.羽1/2 5.砂時計 6.careless breath 7.May Be Tomorrow 8.Love, Dream & Happiness 9.こんなにもながい君の不在 10.fallin’ for you 12.Distance (Orchestra Version) 13.HEART of GOLD 14.M & A 15.ただ…逢いたくて 16.それが僕だから 17.永遠 フルバージョンは↓こちらでダウンロードできます!! 【音源ダウンロード】 MP3 AIFF 【Twitter】 @djpockettt HIRO , USA , MATSU , MAKIDAI , ATSUSHI ,SHUNの時代の曲を集めてMIXしました(● ̄(エ) ̄●)ノ 評価、コメントおねがいしますー
State of Exile Episode 20 with GGG Lead Designer & Producer Chris Wilson - A Path of Exile Podcast! Chatting about Patch 1.3, PvP Racing, Game Meta & Game Design! Contents with Timestamps: - 0:00 Intro and what we've been up to - Catch the podcast live here: Pohx: Path of Exile is a loot-based Action RPG by indie developers Grinding Gear Games on the PC. It's free to play and you can register for an account here: CONNECT WITH ZIGGYD: Web → Twitter → Facebook → Support Me → Livestream →
Tracklist: 01 - Your Time Has Come 0:02 02 - Out Of Exile 4:17 03 - Be Yourself 9:09 04 - Doesn't Remind Me 13:47 05 - Drown Me Slowly 18:04 06 - Heaven's Dead 21:57 07 - The Worm 26:34 08 - Man Or Animal 30:31 09 - Yesterday To Tomorrow 34:25 10 - Dandelion 38:58 11 - #1 Zero 43:36 12 - The Curse 48:35 Audioslave - Out Of Exile (2005) [Full Album] High Quality for Path of Exile reviews, videos, screenshots and more. Path of Exile is similar to action rpgs such as Diablo and To...
Подробное и информативное прохождение Path of Exile Sacrifice of the Vaal. В этой серии: создание персонажа и квест Mercy Mission. А еще фейл с амбушевским с...
VBA4(VOCAL BATTLE AUDITION 4) 三次審査を勝ち抜いた15名とGENERATIONSの数原龍友、片寄涼太を加えた17名が、地獄の合宿審査へ。 exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile lovers again exile craving in my soul exile . 【週間EXILE】5 - 19 VBA4 地獄の合宿審査スタート!HD 2/2 exile exile tribe exile atsushi exileカジノ exile 道 exile rising sun exile pride exile 24karats tribe of gold exile love.
2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組オリジナルメニュー... 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組 . 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組オリジナルメニュー「男旅チャウダー」を持って ... 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full... 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 ... 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 2014-11- 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9
2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組オリジナルメニュー... 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組 ... 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 2014年10月18日 Full 内容:番組オリジナルメニュー「男旅チャウダー」を持って . 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE TRIBE男旅 ... 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. 2014-11-01 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅. EXILE TRIBE男旅 SHOKICHI 青柳翔 野替愁平 八木将康 10月18日 EXILE... 2014 08 18 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』9 20 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10 2014 08 20 UHB『EXILE TRIBE男旅』10
EXILE TAKAHIROが板野友美のブログにうつりこむがブログが削除される!! チャンネル登録はこちら↓ ◇おすすめ . マンタロウTV ドッキリ!ハプニング!ギネスに挑戦!毎日面白い動画をyourubeのマンタロウTVで配信中! 板野ブログにTAKAHIRO写真? 板野友美さんがブログ . 以前から交際が噂されている 板野友美さんとEXILEのTAKAHIROさん。 先日。板野友美さんが ブログでUPした写真に衝撃の写真が… .
EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD EXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HDEXILEカジノ 2015年03月11日 FULL HD
EXILE『19 road to AMAZING WORLD 』新曲MV公開 引用: → BARKS 【関連動画】 ・EXILE / DANCE INTO FANTASY ・EXILE / 2015/3/25発売EXILE "19 -Road to AMAZING WORLD-"ティザー ・State of Exile Podcast EP:19 AngryAA Vs Alarm Clock Round 2! - Racing, New Leagues & More! 【関連キーワード】 exile 19 予約exile 19 まばたきexile 19 ゆず
説明. トークの続き➡ □内容 メンバーへの負荷・試練について ドキュメンタリー映画について 前田敦子卒業の舞台裏 □出演者 内容 「永久の学校でありたい」「現状の盛り上がりは異常」「もはやアイドルではない? 説明. 篠田麻里子さんが、中居正広さんと江角マキコさん司会の音楽番組「火曜曲」にAKB48のメンバーらと出演し、板野友美さんと高橋みなみさんとの確執があったことを激白してました。 篠田麻里子さんが語った心の ... トークの続き➡ □内容 メンバーへの負荷・試練について ドキュメンタリー映画について 前田敦子卒業の舞台裏 □出演者. 内容 「永久の学校でありたい」「現状の盛り上がりは異常」「もはやアイドルではない?」 □出演 . トークの続き➡ □内容 メンバーへの負荷・試練について ドキュメンタリー映画について 前田敦子卒業の舞台裏 □出演者. 内容 「永久の学校であ... トークの続き➡ □内容 メンバーへの負荷・試練について ドキュメンタリー映画について 前田敦子卒業の舞台裏 □出演者... 内容 「永久の学校でありたい」「現状の盛り上がりは異常」「もはやアイドルではない?」 □出演 ... 説明. 樹の里 高尾山へ 2012.02. 説明 入学後すぐに行うレクリエーション。全国から集まった仲間が協力して、山登りをしますwbr。イベントの後は、他人行儀だったクラスの雰囲気もこれを境 ジャニーズの光GENJI ... 説明. 説明. 樹の里 高尾山へ 2012.02. 説明 入学後すぐに行うレクリエーション。全国から集まった仲間が協力して、山登りをします。イベントの後は、他人行儀だったクラスの雰囲気もこれを境 ジャニーズの光GENJI諸星 EXILE魂 秋山康が大島優子を激褒め! EXILE魂 秋山康が大島優子を激褒め!
週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3) 【週刊EXILE】 EXILE TRIBE新ユニット「THE RAMPAGE」武者修行に密着 仙台・新潟 ナビゲーター:MATSU 放送:2014年8月4日動画. exile exile tribe ... 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3) 【週刊EXILE】 EXILE TRIBE新ユニット「THE RAMPAGE」武者修行に密着 仙台・新潟 ナビゲーター:MATSU 放送:2014年8月4日動画. exile exile tribe . 週刊EXILE / VBA2 ファイナリスト10人決定(Part3) 週刊EXILE / VBA2 ファイナリスト10人決定(Part3)nn週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿1日目(Part3) 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿1日 . 週刊EXILE / VBA2 ファイナリスト10人決定(Part3) 週刊EXILE / VBA2 ファイナリスト10人決定(Part3)\n\n週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿1日目(Part3) 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿1日 ... 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3) 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3) 【週刊EXILE】 EXILE TRIBE新ユニット「THE RAMPAGE」武者修行に密着 仙台・新潟 . 週刊EXILE ... 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿1日目(Part3) 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3) 週刊EXILE VBA2 ファイナリスト夏合宿2日目(Part3)
YouTubeを仕事にしよう!月収36万円計画はコチラ↓ 江頭 2:50 暴走まとめ AKB48, EXILE, 大堀恵に容赦なく! 江頭2:50が物資支援の真相激白「お金ないからさ。体で払ってきただけ」 【笑っていいとも!】出禁だった江頭2:50が13年ぶりに乱入ダイブ 【放送事故】 江頭2:50 に秋元才加がマジギレ飛び蹴り AKB48対江頭① めちゃいけに五年ぶりに登場した江頭、EXILEに対して暴走する(2007年) コーラ1 5ℓVS江頭 江頭ゆい 江頭 ppp 江頭 年収 江頭2 50 生い立ち 江頭豊 江頭憲治郎 江頭 私服 江頭 ものまね 江頭 スリル 江頭 ppp 江頭 年収 江頭 私服 江頭 ものまね 江頭 スリル 江頭 会社法 江頭 2 50 江頭 剣道 江頭 北朝鮮 江頭 フィギュア 江頭 アメトーク 江頭 アプリ 江頭 aa 江頭 相方 江頭 アンサイクロペディア 江頭 愛車 江頭 頭いい 江頭 アムウェイ 江頭 アナ雪 替え歌 江頭 明治 江頭 いいとも 江頭 イベント 江頭 いい話 江頭 イラスト 江頭 いわき 江頭 飯田里穂 江頭 石川梨華 江頭 イスラム 江頭 逸話 江頭 イタリアン 江頭 上原美優 江頭 歌 江頭 ウイイレ 江頭 動き 動画 江頭 うつ 江頭 うたばん 江頭 ウォッチ 江頭 運動 江頭 動くスタンプ 江頭 ウィキ 江頭 exile 江頭 エピソード 江頭 エスパー伊東 江頭 エタガシラ 江頭 えがろっく 江頭 宴会芸 江頭 エタ 江頭 営業 蹴り 江頭 営業妨害 江頭 絵文字 江頭 音楽 江頭 オリンピック 江頭 表参道ヒルズ 江頭 おしゃれ 江頭 おもてなし 江頭 弟 江頭 岡田 江頭 オタク 江頭 おいー 井頭 温泉 江頭 会社法 江頭 海外の反応 江頭 家族 江頭 かつら 江頭 カッコいい 江頭 壁紙 江頭 カレンダー 江頭 家系図 江頭 家電 江頭 格言 江頭 北朝鮮 江頭 キレる 江頭 競艇 江頭 北朝鮮 よど号 江頭 キス 江頭 給料 江頭 キモい 江頭 決め台詞 江頭 きれた 江頭 キック 江頭 草彅 江頭 空中浮遊 江頭 栗原あゆみ 江頭 草なぎ 江頭 クソガキ 江頭 栗原類 江頭 邦雄 江頭 苦労 江頭 倉持明日香 江頭 剣道 江頭 蹴り 江頭 結婚式 江頭 憲治郎 江頭 賢太郎 江頭 ケツから 江頭 健輔 江頭 蹴り パチンコ 江頭 蹴り youtube 江頭 蹴られた 江頭 子供 江頭 怖い 江頭 告白 江頭 小和田 江頭 後輩 江頭 港 江頭 興業 江頭 コスチューム 江頭 粉 尻 江頭 高校時代 江頭 佐賀 江頭 佐藤浩市 江頭 サッカー 江頭 最高 江頭 最近 江頭 沢尻エリカ 江頭 幸代 江頭 指原 江頭 サガン鳥栖 江頭 さんま御殿 江頭 私服 江頭 重盛 江頭 身長 江頭 収入 江頭 写真 江頭 謝罪 youtube 江頭 身体能力 江頭 しゃちほこ 江頭 出演情報 江頭 失神 江頭 スリル 江頭 スタンプ 江頭 スケジュール 江頭 凄さ 江頭 数取 江頭 水曜日のダウンタウン 江頭 スリル pv 江頭 推定年収 江頭 進 江頭 スキー 江頭 セーター 江頭 聖子 江頭 姓 江頭 聖徳 江頭 潜水記録 江頭 性格良い 江頭 センチメンタルジャーニー 江頭 生活 江頭 潜水 失神 江頭 潜水 動画 江頭 速報 江頭 挿入 江頭 空 江頭 そこまで言って委員会 江頭 壮絶な過去 江頭 ソフトボール 江頭 創価学会 江頭 卒業写真江頭 タイツ 値段 江頭 たかじん 江頭 たけし 江頭 タイツ メーカー 江頭 武田鉄矢 江頭 誕生日 画像 江頭 タイツ デニール 江頭 タレント 江頭 玉ねぎ 江頭 誕生日 江頭 親 江頭 珍宝館 江頭 チェイサー 江頭 中型免許 江頭 知恵袋 江頭 ちんこギター 江頭 小さい 江頭 チッソ 創価学会江頭 ツイッター 江頭 ツムツム 江頭 強い 江頭 つまらん 江頭 釣り 江頭 捕まった 江頭 つとむ 江頭 テーマ曲 江頭 天才 江頭 天龍 江頭 テスト 江頭 点画 江頭 天井クラッシュ 江頭 テーマ 布袋 江頭 テレビ出演予定 江頭 テレビ出演江頭 登場曲 江頭 敏明 江頭 トラック 江頭 登場 江頭 俊文 江頭 twitter 江頭 歳 江頭 取って 江頭 東北 地震 江頭 トーク 上手い 江頭 名前の由来 江頭 なんj 江頭 長瀬 江頭 泣ける 江頭 泣く男 江頭 なぞかけ 江頭 なぜ人気 江頭 ナイナイ 江頭 中川 江頭 中川家 江頭 ニット 江頭 ニコニコ 江頭 ニコ生 江頭 似てる 江頭 似顔絵 江頭 入場 江頭 入場曲
説明. 説明. 説明. 【EXH】EXILEから和田アキ子に質問① 説明. 和田アキ子がEXILE LIVE TOUR 2013 ''EXILE PRIDE''東京ドームに行きました。 2013年9月27日(金)4時... 説明. 和田アキ子がEXILE LIVE TOUR 2013 ''EXILE PRIDE''東京ドームに行きました。 2013年9月27日(金)4時間の内容に「すごかった」「地震かと思った」とその感想を語りました。 2013年09月28日(土)12時45分 ... 和田アキ子がEXILE LIVE TOUR 2013 ''EXILE PRIDE''東京ドームに行きました。 2013年9月27日(金)4時間の内容に「すごかった」「地震かと思った」とその感想を語りました。 2013年09月28日(土)12時45分 ... 関係してそうな動画は下記。 あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた / 和田アキ子 ガキの使い 和田アキ子性別詐称疑惑裁判 ... ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで. 関係してそうな動画は下記。 あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた ... 説明. 説明. 説明. 【EXH】EXILEから和田アキ子に質問① 説明. 和田アキ子がEXILE LIVE TOUR 2013 ''EXILE PRIDE''東京ドームに行きました。 2013年9月27日(金)4時間の内容に「すごかった」「地震かと思った」とその ... 説明. 関係してそうな動画は下記。 あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた / 和田アキ子 ガキの使い 和田アキ子性別詐称疑惑裁判 和田アキ子がEXILE LIVE TOUR 2013 ''EXILE PRIDE''東京ドームに行きました。 201 【EXH】EXILEから和田アキ子に質問① 【EXH】EXILEから和田アキ子に質問①
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exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe こんな世界を愛するため, exile tribe the revolution, exile tribe / 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe live, exile tribe burning up, exile tribe live 2014, exile tribe めちゃイケ, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe keep on singing, exile tribe clap your hands, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24world, exile tribe 24karats, exile tribe 24world ダンス, exile tribe 24karats tribe of gold, exile tribe 2014, exile tribe 24, exile tribe 24world カラオケ, exile tribe 24world mp3, exile tribe 2012, exile tribe 2014 live
「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 08」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~農業の未来に挑む18歳(前編) exile exile tribe exile . 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 08」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~農業の未来に挑む18歳(前編) exile exile tribe exile . 「どさんこ ... 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 サングレイスでの活動紹介&セラピー犬募集について、「どさんこワイド」で紹介されました。次の試験で多くの犬たちが受験し ... 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 08」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~農業の未来に挑む18歳(前編) exile exile tribe exile ... 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 08」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~農業の... ビリヤード / 第4期 女流球聖位決定戦 - Captured Live on Ustream at ... R.Y.U.S.E.I., 水野絵梨奈, CD 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編 「どさんこワイド 2014 08 02」 EXILE・SHOKICHI みらいの空~ビリヤード少女の挑戦・前編
The upcoming home game against Tranmere Rovers on Saturday 11th April has been designated as our 'Exiles Day'.
noodls 2015-04-04The elected House of Representatives, now in exile, is recognised by the European Union, Egypt and United Arab Emirates.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-04Burned early on when Claudius exiled him to Corsica for alleged adultery with Caligula’s sister, he ...
The Guardian 2015-04-04... season, with the first of the trio against Tranmere Rovers on Saturday 11th April - Exiles Day.
noodls 2015-04-04And my young grandmother,. what about her? No documentary evidence exists ... Only hours earlier ... her exiled lover of seven more, ... ).
The Irish Times 2015-04-04It was 1951, three years after the family’s exile from their hometown. "My father had lost everything.
The Guardian 2015-04-04Snowden, a former contractor at the US National Security Agency, has lived in exile in Russia since ...
Dawn 2015-04-04... Raisani said when asked about initiating dialogue with exiled-Baloch leaders as chief minister.
Dawn 2015-04-04... of contemporary society that includes powerful Arabs, exiled royalty, and pregnant cheerleaders."
The Independent 2015-04-04... exile. But if they don’t control their prophecies, they might as well bring about the end of it now.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-04Photograph: AFP/Getty Images. Xiaolu Guo. Saturday 4 April 2015 09.00 BST ... The writer who recognises this can choose exile: ... ).
The Guardian 2015-04-04... last month advanced on the port city of Aden, Mr Hadi's stronghold, forcing him to go into exile.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-04In August 2014, following brutal clashes between militants and the Lebanese army in the border town ...
Al Jazeera 2015-04-04Exile means to be away from one's home (i.e. city, state or country), while either being explicitly refused permission to return and/or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment and solitude.
It is common to distinguish between internal exile, i.e., forced resettlement within the country of residence, and external exile, deportation outside the country of residence.[citation needed] Although most commonly used to describe an individual situation, the term is also used for groups (especially ethnic or national groups), or for an entire government. Terms such as diaspora and refugee describe group exile, both voluntary and forced, and government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to relocate and argue its legitimacy from outside that country.
Exile can also be a self-imposed departure from one's homeland. Self-exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person that claims it, to avoid persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular thing.
Contradiction in my thoughts is the barrier of my life
I cannot jump that nigh to overcome
Too many hidden ways - their destination is the same
Which way is wrong and which is right
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time
I don't need to understand
There's no confusion in my mind but the clarity is gone
I hope you'll never ask about tomorrow
My abandoned ship is carried by the current
I cannot fight against it and I cannot force it
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time
We are the following generation possessed by the old
Riding dead unicorns in the name of thrash lord
We are free, thinking we are mad and odd?
We are loyal and we'll never break the metal oath
We are murderers for those who stand in our way
Our fury will turn the sky from blue to gray
We will hunt you - can't run - you're our pray
Flag of hate will always fly, burning those who defy
Breaking the rules
Rule the world
Crushing the fools
You're gonna crawl
We are your nightmares nightmare its better to beware
Seeking revenge we're gonna rip your body apart
You will be buried under and we will piss on your grave
Malevolent strikes upon you, dead thrashes rising
We are murderers for those who stand in our way
Our fury will turn the sky from blue to gray
We will hunt you - can't run - you're our pray
No longer I roam on the shores that I love.
The ship that I am sailing is lost at sea.
Lord knows I long for the blue skies above.
You know, home is where the heart is.
Why can't you see?
But now there are asking questions.
So be careful for what you say.
"Step into room sixteen, sir".
Please come right this way.
Because you are in exile.
Exile no!!
I cannot believe they are wasting my time.
Please tell me what is happening.
Cause I don't have a clue.
It's so hard to conceive that I'm still standing in line.
I'm feeling so lonely, I could cry the blues.
But then there is a ray of hope somewhere.
At least that's what they always say.
Again "step into room sixteen, sir".
Because you are in exile.
Exile no!!
I don't want to be a memory
Just a shadow in your mind
Wanna be the one you always need
Not the one you left behind
I don't want to be a notch in your handle
Another love casualty
So lay back down and let's talk it over
'Cause I don't want to be a memory
Don't you remember how it used to be
When we were so in love
We spent the nights in a two-room flat
Drinking wine from a coffee cup
Making love was so very easy
We couldn't get enough
I never dreamed there would come a time
When you'd think about giving me up
I don't want to be a memory
Just a shadow in your mind
I wanna be the one you always need
Not the one you left behind
I don't want to be a notch in your handle
Another love casualty
So lay back down and let's talk it over
'Cause I don't want to be a memory
I know you've had other lovers
But that's all history
I got to know that you'll let me be the last one
To share your company
I don't want to be a memory
Just a shadow in your mind
I wanna be the one you always need
Not the one you left behind
I don't want to be a notch in your handle
Another love casualty
So lay back down and let's talk it over
'Cause I don't want to be
I don't want to be a memory
Just a shadow in your mind
I wanna be the one you always need
Not the one you left behind
Media and the ignorance it brings
Heads are full with none-sense like shit in a sink
T.V screen seizes you can't even go to piss
Truth you're looking for covered there is a missing link
Devastation and Civilization become one
Meanings of murderers and innocents are gone
What's wrong and right is your present problem
Supplying and increasing your stupidity level
Commercialized your life now is ready to be sold
Canning your mind inside the electric red box
Ignorant is what you are x4
Breaking into your very mind
Brainwashing, blinding your sight
You're living in a state of illusion
Killing you alive for them is the solution
Black toxic haze killing smoke
Blasts your bones, burns your skin
Storm of merciless death kills
Faster than unleashed hell
Eternal darkness without a dim of light
Unclear vision because of blazes bright
A Hellish reign comes from the skies
Lethal winds ride ,killing who is still alive
Dead bodies underneath crumbled land
Killing storm its a dead man's fate
Killing storm
Winds of torture cast upon the land
Soil turned to venomous sands
A storm of hate kills you and me
Human wastes destroy the landscapes
Nature dies from the pollution we made
Back skies kill because the acid rain
Crying out another life is dead
Poisoned biosphere
Toxic atmosphere
Living the present but we're killing the future
Abusing mother earth consuming air
Lack of nature resources but we're looking for more
Fear of the reflections, but it seems we don't care
Deformed at birth
Organic drained
Out of our mind, think we have full control
Living hell, the earth is gonna explode
Poisoned biosphere
I don't need a shooting star
To make my wish come true
I don't need a four leaf cover
Or a crystal ball to see through
I don't need a claim for fame
Like some folks always do
I got my very own big time star
And she shines the whole night through
She's a miracle, a sight to see
Oh, the way she touches me
Way down deep in my soul
Somethings got a hold and it won't let go
If I stumble, if I fall
She's waiting right there to catch me
Oh, she's a miracle, a miracle to me
I don't need any good luck charms
Always hanging around
Don't need any wishing well
To throw my money down
I don't need to make the front page news
Or be the talk of the town
I'm telling all the world I've got a heavenly girl
Right here on the ground
She's a miracle, a sight to see
Oh, the way she touches me
Way down deep in my soul
Somethings got a hold and it won't let go
If I stumble, if I fall
She's waiting right there to catch me
Oh, she's a miracle, a miracle to me
She's everything in the world to me
A beautiful dream come true
Everyday I count my blessings
'Cuz I'm the lucky one she gives her loving to, oh
She's a miracle, a sight to see
Oh, the way she touches me
Way down deep in my soul
Somethings got a hold and it won't let go
If I stumble, if I fall
She's waiting right there to catch me
Oh, she's a miracle, miracle
She's a miracle, a sight to see
Oh, the way she touches me
Way down deep in my soul
Somethings got a hold and it won't let go
If I stumble, if I fall
She's waiting right there to catch me
It's getting late the day's at its end
And my favorite time is right around the bend
It's when the time comes to turn the lights down low
She pours the wine and I lock the door
And she takes my hand like so many nights before
That's when I know Heaven's waiting for me
She's too good to be true, she blows my mind
She's still the one who thrills me time after time
It's unbelievable the way she moves me
She's so easy to love, so tender to hold
She touches me like no one I've ever known
The way she moves me, she's too good to be true
Radio plays a melody
One designed especially for her and me
An old love song that we used to slow dance to
And when she says how happy she's been
That old familiar feeling comes over me again
And I count my blessings how lucky I am
She's too good to be true, she blows my mind
She's still the one who thrills me time after time
It's unbelievable the way she moves me
She's so easy to love, so tender to hold
She touches me like no one I've ever known
The way she moves me, she's too good to be true
I can feel it coming over me
I feel it all around me
I've been waiting for this moment all my life it's my destiny
There's a fire deep inside of me
it's waiting to come out now
no matter what, no matter how, I know I'll make it through somehow
cuz when the road feels too long
I'll still be holding on
I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong
I wont let nobody break me down
nothings gonna stop me now
gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
the last man standing
I'm ready for whatever
I'm never giving up
nothing can break my spirit
cuz it's indestructible
can't explain it, it's incredible
the strength I feel inside me
nothing is impossible
I know I'll find my way
through a storm through the darkest night
whatever comes it's alright
Not gonna turn around I'm ready, for the future now
and when the road feels too long
I'll still be holding on
I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong
nothing is impossible
if you really want it
and I really want it
not gonna stop, no matter what, no
yeah this time, nothing can hold me back, no
Girl, you know it wouldn't take much
Just one little bitty touch from you
You could make me feel so fine
If you're so inclined to
If you feel like dancing
Let it show
Tell me anything
But please don't say no
I could get used to you
Oh, darling, you're so fine
I could grow accustomed to
Your body layin' right next to mine
If you would walk on my way
Girl, I'd give my heart away to you
Dancing all through the night
Holding each other tight
Darling that's what I'd like to do with you babe
I could get used to you
Oh, darling, you're so fine
I could grow accustomed to
Your body layin' right next to mine
I could get used to you
Oh, darling, you're so fine
I could grow accustomed to
Your body layin' right next to mine
I could get used to you
Oh, darling, you're so fine
I could grow accustomed to
Your body layin' right next to mine
While you were sleeping they waged a war
Didn't tell you 'till they came to your door
While you were sleeping they stole your freedom
Made sure the odds werent even
There's blood on the hands of time
A lie cheapens the vision
Did you read between the lines
Or did they teach you not to question?
There's blood on the hands of time
They've taken it all away
Buried the past with lies
But the pain is still felt today
While you were sleeping they dug you a grave
Gave you a # instead of a name
While you were sleeping they stole your dreams
Beat you out of your beliefs
There's blood on the hands of time
And in the pages of your books
Blood paints the heavens
For all the lives that you took
There's blood on the hands of time
I still hear the screams
These wounds haven't healed
They've massacred my dreams
Exiled in the land of the free
While you were sleeping they took the words from your mouth
And bound your hands
So when you tried to reach out
Noone would understand
While you were sleeping they glorified the past
Tried to cover up their lies
We will never forget
There's blood on the hands of time!
Exiled in the land of the free
It's in the eyes of the homeless and the abused
Like it's in the way that I live with this truth...
An outcast in my land, in my home, and in my mind
Guilty 'till proven innocent and I'm still doing the time
My head is crowded with these screams
My mind is massacred by these images...
Those who couldn't keep up with the rest
Weren't worth the bullet
Something I'll never forget
Not worth the bullet
I'm not gonna forget
Not worth the bullet
There's blood on the hands of time
We will not forget
Our people marched in Exile
Not worth the bullet
...there's blood on the hands of time
In this land of Anaka They called us Payira In this land of Anaka They called us Payira
*Obiga lead me in this darkness Show me the way Obiga take me to a place Where I can see light
(Obiga lead me in this darkness) Show me the way (Obiga lead me in this darkness) Show me the way
In this land of Anaka They called us Payira In this land of Anaka They called us Payira
Obiga lead me in this darkness Show me the way Obiga lead me in this darkness Show me the way
(Obiga lead me in this darkness) Show me the way (Obiga take me home, take me home) Obiga lead me in this darkness Show me the way
In this land of Anaka We had hope in Obiga In this land of Anaka We had hope in Obiga
We had hopes, we had dreams Of a clear green land In place of the family house Dead sand, dead sand
(Obiga lead me in this darkness) Show me the way (Obiga take me home) Show me the way
Obiga is no more We are left in disarray (Obiga take me home) The clan of Anaka, pillar
I could leave this job and never be missed
Every day I get to feel like this
The only time I ever hear my name
Is when somebody needs someone to blame
I think I'm the invisible man, I never know where I stand
People walking up to me lookin' right through me
Talking to the beat of the band, yeah I wonder what to do sometimes
I'm startin' to think that I'm the invisible man
Well my girlfriend's good friends they don't see
What my girlfriends sees in me
Yeah they're lookin' at me like I'm not there
And they tell her that I ain't goin' nowhere
Like I'm the invisible man I never know where I stand
People walking up to me lookin' right through me
Talking to the beat of the band, yeah I wonder what to do sometimes
I'm startin' to think that I'm the invisible man
You can't see
You can't see me
it ain't because I'm Santa Claus
It's because I'm the invisible man I never know where I stand
People walking up to me lookin' right through me
Talkin' to the beat of the band, yeah I wonder what to do sometimes
I'm startin' to think that I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
I'm invisible
Hatsuyuki ni zawameku machi de
Furi muita shira nai kao ni utsumuku
Ano hito ga heya wo dete kara
Kono taikutsu na machi ni nidome no fuyu
Boku wa mada omoi no honoo kesezu ni kusubutte iru
Hitori dewa aishiteru
Akashi sa e aimai de setsunai dake
Futari dewa yasashiku
Mimamoru koto tsudukerare nai...
Mou ichido aitai to negau no wa
Itami sae itoshii kara
Tokimeki wo nakushita eien yori
Atsui setsuna wo
"Sayonara" wa boku kara tsugeta
Koukai naraba nando shita koto darou
Jikan dake makimodosetara ii no ni
Kuchibiru wo usuku hiraite "Mou heiki yo" to
tsubuyaita ano hito
Tsuyogari to hontou wa kiduite ita yo
Kono boku demo
Hitori dewa aisareta
Kioku sae hakanakute munashii dake
Futari dewa omoi atatameru
Imi mitsukerare nai
Mou nido to anna mi
Dareka no koto aise nai
Sou omotteta
Demo ima wa jounetsu ga me wo samasu
Yokan ga shiteru
If I ever fall in love, again
Mou ichido meguri aetara
Sono te wo hanasa nai mou mayowa nai sa
I just dont know what to say to you
Kotoba ni deki nai mama de
Omoi wa afureteku
Get back in love, again
Mou ichido aitai to negau no wa
Itami sae itoshii kara
Tokimeki wo nakushita eien yori
RIARU wo ikiruu
Mou nido to anna ni
Dareka no koto aise nai
Sou omotte ta
Demo ima wa jounetsu ga me wo samasu
doko made mo tsudzuiteru yo
yume e to tsunagaru michi...
jibun wo shinjite hashiridasou
AH... mayoitsudzuketeta hibi
nani wo sureba ii no ka, zutto tameiki bakari
sou... risou bakari idaite wa tojikomete bakari iru
ippo fumidasu yuuki wo
namida ya ase ni muda nante nai kara
omoitsudzukeru jibun wo shinjite
doko made mo tsudzuiteru yo
yume e to tsunagaru michi
kurushimi ya itami sae ikite iru akashi dakara
itsu made mo susunde iku yo
owari nante nai no sa
kanaete yuku kokoro ni kimete mirai e...
mou tachidomaritakunai noni
jama suru kabe darake de omoidoori ni naranai
OH... wasuregachi ni natte ita
senaka wo oshite kureru nakama ga iru to iu koto
tomadoi ya fuan mo kanjite shimau kedo
kesshite bokura wa hitori ja nai
mugendai no sora miage honki de tachimukau yo
tsurai koto mo aru kedo kitto tsuyoku nareru sa
omoiegaku monogatari iroazayaka ni kagayaku
wasurenaide mitsudzukete itai itsu made mo...
doko made mo tsudzuiteru yo
yume e to tsunagaru michi
kurushimi ya itami sae ikite iru akashi dakara
itsu made mo susunde iku yo
owari nante nai no sa
Girl I'm crazy for your love
Out of my head for you
My mind just can't believe
What you're makin' my body do
I'm delirious over you
And I just can't get enough
You're driving me mad
Makin' me crazy for your love
Thought I heard the telephone ringin'
It must be my imagination
Thought I heard a knockin' on the door
I guess it was just wishful thinkin'
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you see
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you
Driving me mad
Making me crazy for your
Makin' me crazy for ...
Won't ya give me just one more chance
Maybe we could make a lil romance
No reason why you and me can't get it back together
Like it used to be
Gimme Gimme Gimme just another try
If I can't have you I'm gonna die
Give me one more chance give me one more chance
Do you remember how it used to be
When we had a love so true
You were my confidant
You were my closest friend
Someone that I could always turn to
Then I played the fool let you slip right through my hands
Ooh I let you get away Now I've come runnin back
Hopin you will let me back in your heart someday
I'm so alone here without your touch and
It seems like a lifetime to me
Oh darlin can't you see right now I know
How wrong one man can be
(k. green)
Counting ships crossing lake blue
You don't seem to notice the light house has blown out
In my need, I'm crying for you
In my bleed, I'm dying for you to sail on
Crossing bridges but I just keep crossing over you
In a limousine in my mind
All that I am is everything you are
I'm your mirror, you're my scar
And I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
Putting the pieces together contradicting every word
Believing everyone is against you
"we'll all get you!"
What's that I see crossing lake blue
A battleship surrendering to the darkness inside of you
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain, boy?
I already said that I was wrong
In exile I'm already gone - if that's what you want
(if that's what you want then I'll give it to you)
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
I was... counting ships crossing lake blue
Billy lincoln - guitar
Kat green - vocals, acoustic guitar
Jeff legore - bass
Noah lifshey - drums
Girl I'm crazy for your love
Out of my head for you
My mind just can't believe
What you're makin' my body do
I'm delirious over you
And I just can't get enough
You're driving me mad
Makin' me crazy for your love
Thought I heard the telephone ringin'
It must be my imagination
Thought I heard a knockin' on the door
I guess it was just wishful thinkin'
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you see
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you
Driving me mad
Making me crazy for your
Makin' me crazy for ...
A crossroad
With no direction
Destination zero
I am nowhere to be found
Save me
Borderline ahead
This is the edge of my world
Burdensome was my cross
To bear this far
What have I become
An exiled
'Daring my voice
Once more
I invite the pain
To come with me and stay
For another endless
Night and day
To hold my hand
And tear me apart...'
Emerging from the silence
A muse misunderstood
She knows, oh she knows
That some wounds
Will never heal
Never fade away
But you must go on -
Go on and live
So come what may
The words entwine with sound
A lone voice
Against the roaring tide
Whether or not
The world will stop to listen
'And suddenly I am
A world apart
Through the world beneath
And the skies above
I've arrived
This time with no way out
Touching raw flesh
With every sound...'
Through sorrow and pain
The only way's forward,
Through adversity to the stars
'..And if I am to fall
And if I am to fail
I know you'll be there...
you'll be there...'
And we must run sometimes
and take the blame
We must fight two fights
for one great mistake
No matter
Where this road will end
We must live
Ans give all ourselves
'So come what may,
I won't try n' escape
Without this love
What's life but an empty dream
So have my blood
And have all my dreams
Have the tears I cried
And all I've never been
The moments missed
And al that made me feel
It's all worth it
I know
Deep inside
I've always known:
It's all I am...'
Though I empathize with em
And sympathize with em
Though I empathize with em
And sympathize with em
I don’t enterprise with em
Or synchronize with em
We don’t strategize with em
We’re not allies with em
We don’t fratenize with em
Let em patronize
We don’t want no ties with em
Wont monopolize with em
Let em ostracize
We don't
compromise with em
We wont victimize with em
Commit genocide with em
Spit their lies with em
Or objectify women with em
Socialize with em
Broke my ties with em
Now we open-eyed in this over-hyped system
We know…
This wisdom of man
Is foolishness to God
Don’t build on the sand
Or trust in the odds
Be shrewd as the snakes
And innocent as doves
Don’t succumb to hate
Overcome hate with love
We’re taught not to question to status
quo cuz the masses never get heard
that’s unless your established
with expert professors in dress-shirts
and glasses that lecture to classes
from lecterns
where next term the best third will pass an’
earn cash working as
desk clerks for the best firms in manhattan
where the pressure can crack em
cuz networks and net worth and class get
treasured over pleasures that last
always measuring stacks
a passion for lesser god’s
growing, see – the distraction is clever
but trust
Though I empathize with em
And sympathize with em
I don’t enterprise with em
Or synchronize with em
We don’t strategize with em
We’re not allies with em
We don’t fratenize with em
Let em patronize
We don’t want no ties with em
Wont monopolize with em
Let em ostracize
We don't
compromise with em
We wont victimize with em
Commit genocide with em
Spit their lies with em
Or objectify women with em
Socialize with em
Broke my ties with em
Now we open-eyed in this over-hyped system
We see…
Anything, I would give anything
If I could only show you
How strong my passion is for you
But every time I've tried to tell you
I can't find the right words to say
No matter how hard I keep trying
I just haven't found a way
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Everywhere, I would go everywhere
Right beside you, if that would prove my love for you
Wherever you lead, I would follow, it makes no difference, you see
I'd give anything to make you understand how much you mean to me
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Oh, I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Got to get closer, near enough, near enough for you
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Close enough, got to get closer, near enough, near enough
(Near enough for you)
Close enough, got to get closer
Near enough for you
Close enough, got to get closer
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Near enough
If you're going across the sea,
To dear old London Town
Kiss the lips of my true love
They're soft as eiderdown.
Tell her if I was a thief
It's time with her I'd steal
And walk with her where once we walked
In love 'cross Finsbury Field.
I'm exiled here in Flanders now
Where it's flat as flat can be.
While she has no way to feed our kids
Away across the sea.
So if you're going overseas
To dear old London Town
Find the man that exiled me
On the lonely mountain
Where the white snow lies
Angel exiles from the paradise
Expires his life
To any questions
He knows exact answer
Angel has seen the misfortunes
And the people's suffer
Exile sits and recalls
All the paradise years
He remembers his clear life
And remembers the universe tears
He remembers the various people
In the course of his way
But he don't know anybody
Who will heal his soul's pain
Angel was staying in the solitude
In his old age
He sat in the grief on the mountain
Anything, I would give anything
If I could only show you
How strong my passion is for you
But every time I've tried to tell you
I can't find the right words to say
No matter how hard I keep trying
I just haven't found a way
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Everywhere, I would go everywhere
Right beside you, if that would prove my love for you
Wherever you lead, I would follow, it makes no difference, you see
I'd give anything to make you understand how much you mean to me
I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Oh, I can't get close enough, I can't get close enough to you
Just holding you tight, all night, doesn't seem to do
I can't get near enough, I can't get near enough of you
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
But you know that, it's a good kind of thing I'm going through
Got to get closer, near enough, near enough for you
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Close enough, got to get closer, near enough, near enough
(Near enough for you)
Close enough, got to get closer
Near enough for you
Close enough, got to get closer
(Oh, I've got to get closer)
Near enough
(Near enough)
Exile---Kiss You All Over
[Doorbell rings.]
BOB: (clears throat) It's a kind of a big day.
It's, uh, my buddy's first time with a
WOMAN: What are you talking about? Andy comes here
almost every weekend.
BOB: Who? Andy?! (laughs)
WOMAN: Oh, he doesn't always call himself that.
Sometimes he's "Tony," and he wears a tux.
BOB: Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!
When I get home, babe
Gonna light your fire
All day, I've been thinkin' about you, babe
You're my one desire
Gonna wrap my arms around you
Hold you close to me
Oh, babe, I wanna taste your lips
I wanna fill your fantasy, yeah
I don't what I'd do without you, babe
Don't know where I'd be
You're not just another lover
No, you're everything to me
Everytime I'm with you, baby
I can't believe it's true
When you're layin' in my arms
And you do the things you do
You can see it in my eyes
I can feel it in your touch
You don't have to say a thing
Just let me show how much
Love you, need you, yeah
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Stay with me, lay with me
Holding me, loving me, baby
Here with me, near with me
Feeling you close to me, baby
So show me, show me ev'rything you do
'Cause baby, no one does it quite like you
Love you, need you, oh babe
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
ANDY: If I gave you both dollars, would you, um,
come to Hollywood, and help me destroy a TV show?
As a straight line heading north-west echoes nowhere
A few marks on the dashboard of disaster
Some names glitter on the glitter, clouds caught in thin air
Go ahead, try living happy every after
The cold meets against the coast, steal miller's daughter
Raised against the backhand of the north
Order up a round, I'll have another
Oh, labor will have us anyway on all fours
There's no man to dig a hole without forgiveness
Unless it's near where fortune comes to cry
Curl up beneath the stars and those resting on the bars
Come talk to me begging a ripple drowned and high
Can't you see the darkness beside your sons?
The teeth are grinding up somewhere the dead grass
Chewing all the rusted hopefulness of options
A thousand times as wild as roger's path
There's no man to dig a hole without forgiveness
Unless it's near where fortune comes to cry
Flags will rise against you, you'll stay still on the surface
Maybe here's a place where fortune comes to die
Here's a place where fortune comes to die
(Music by Y.Zhuchkov and Sergey/Lyrics by Y.Zhuchkov 1992)
On the lonely mountain
Where the white snow lies
Angel exiles from the paradise
Expires his life
To any questions
He knows exact answer
Angel has seen the misfortunes
And the people's suffer
Exile sits and recalls
All the paradise years
He remembers his clear life
And remembers the universe tears
He remembers the various people
In the course of his way
But he don't know anybody
Who will heal his soul's pain
Angel was staying in the solitude
In his old age
He sat in the grief on the mountain
And fled into the rage
Won't ya give me just one more chance
Maybe we could make a lil romance
No reason why you and me can't get it back together
Like it used to be
Gimme Gimme Gimme just another try
If I can't have you I'm gonna die
Give me one more chance give me one more chance
Do you remember how it used to be
When we had a love so true
You were my confidant
You were my closest friend
Someone that I could always turn to
Then I played the fool let you slip right through my hands
Ooh I let you get away Now I've come runnin back
Hopin you will let me back in your heart someday
I'm so alone here without your touch and
It seems like a lifetime to me
Oh darlin can't you see right now I know
How wrong one man can be
Oh gimme one more chance gimme one more chance
Exile---Kiss You All Over
[Doorbell rings.]
BOB: (clears throat) It's a kind of a big day.
It's, uh, my buddy's first time with a
WOMAN: What are you talking about? Andy comes here
almost every weekend.
BOB: Who? Andy?! (laughs)
WOMAN: Oh, he doesn't always call himself that.
Sometimes he's "Tony," and he wears a tux.
BOB: Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!
When I get home, babe
Gonna light your fire
All day, I've been thinkin' about you, babe
You're my one desire
Gonna wrap my arms around you
Hold you close to me
Oh, babe, I wanna taste your lips
I wanna fill your fantasy, yeah
I don't what I'd do without you, babe
Don't know where I'd be
You're not just another lover
No, you're everything to me
Everytime I'm with you, baby
I can't believe it's true
When you're layin' in my arms
And you do the things you do
You can see it in my eyes
I can feel it in your touch
You don't have to say a thing
Just let me show how much
Love you, need you, yeah
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Stay with me, lay with me
Holding me, loving me, baby
Here with me, near with me
Feeling you close to me, baby
So show me, show me ev'rything you do
'Cause baby, no one does it quite like you
Love you, need you, oh babe
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
ANDY: If I gave you both dollars, would you, um,
Pushed, promoted, justified?.
Perhaps not guaranteed.
Reassuring cash transfer providing leads, media profile - fallacies
we need?
Labels breed the money making rock machines.
Broadening minds, eyes blind.
Criticism for the masses - or for themselves?
Progression or procession?.
Do opinions count, or do they mount?
The piles of shit.
Alternative press delights us with.
Critique elite - ill informed.
No wrong can be done, depending on the trend at times to be
The underground fell to the ground and fighting made no sense
I laid down my arms and took my legs in my hands
I had to walk away
I had to walk away
I dream of coming home
Blood I can smell and tears in my coat
A burning burning dream
My past is present always there
Scars left in my heart
The mirrors fighting not to lose the sense
I hold my head up high
The winds are chiming like the ones at home
Against the north I cry
I dream of coming home
The exile burns my brain
The exile eats my heart
The exile tunes the sound
The exile cuts me down
Counting ships crossing lake blue
You don't seem to notice the light house has blown out
In my need, I'm crying for you
In my bleed, I'm dying for you to sail on
Crossing bridges but I just keep crossing over you
In a limousine in my mind
All that I am is everything you are
I'm your mirror, you're my scar
And I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
Putting the pieces together contradicting every word
Believing everyone is against you
"we'll all get you!"
What's that I see crossing lake blue
A battleship surrendering to the darkness inside of you
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain, boy?
I already said that I was wrong
In exile I'm already gone - if that's what you want
(If that's what you want then I'll give it to you)
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
Fragments of my life are slipping through time
In washed out memories I just can't seem to find...
It seems I break all my fragile dreams
when I call the angel into me.
So what have I done? What have I done?
Have I made you proud or have I driven you away?
Her eyes are complicated. Silently she slips away,
And in her wake I find a cascade of regret...
All that I believe in, the anchors in my heart,
Cannot be for nothing. But we still stand apart...
In silence.
It seems I break All my fragile dreams
when I call The Angels back to me.
So what have I done? What have I done?
When time has claimed my fire and left me in Exile.
Shadows cross in essence as part of what I am,
When you try to see the Angel. Standing like a man.
Paper hearts and faded pictures that we cherish
all the while, and guard of distant forests,
Raining tears placed in Exile.
What have I done? Who have I become?
Though these words may come alive...
Poets and prophets die...
God are you sleeping?
God are you dreaming?
Are you watching me tonight?
Finding tears to mark the time?
God are you sleeping?
God are you dreaming?
Are you crying for my life?
Falling Angels in Exile.
God are you sleeping?
Never give up.
God are you dreaming?
Never give in.
There is fight within.
Do you hear me in the dark?
God are you sleeping?
Never give up.
God are you dreaming?
Never give in.
There is fight within.
And I long to see your smile...
What have I done? Who have I become?
Though these words may come alive...
Poets and prophets...
I've felt a shadow passing over me
It could stay for ever more
Like a wave I'm breaking far at sea
There's no one to hear the roar
The days are drifting into seasons
They're the hardest I have known
A million spaces in the earth to fill
But no going home
There's no going home
I can dream before the break of day
That I'm back with you again
Then the morning blows it all away
And leaves an echo of your name
Still a thousand miles lie betweeen us
Where we're waking up alone
And what if I could cross a hundred borders
There's no going home
There's no going home
When it thunders from the empty skies
I shall be there
No one to hold you when the storm birds fly
There's no one left to care
I search the rumours with my hollow plans
And all I want is what's mine
Lost and lonely in a foreign land
I'm left too far behind the lines
I want to tear down these walls between us
But I can't do it on my own
A million spaces in the earth to fill
And there a generation waiting still
We've got year after year to kill
But no going home
No going home
Baby, I'm off the wall
Up the creek
Goin' down the wrong way
On a one-way street
I ain't got the sense
That the good Lord gave a goose
But I sure got one thing
That I'd like to give to you
I got love, super love
Super duper love for you
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love, super duper love
I ain't too good lookin',
Won't be no movie king
Won't be no Elvis
Up on the silver screen
Can't be no teacher
No nuclear scientist
If you ain't been kissed by me, baby
You ain't been kissed
I got love, super love
Super duper love for you
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love, super duper love
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love for you
Get love
Give up freely now
Burn strong
Get along like cold fire
Float around like satellite
Cause your beautiful and I see you
And Right line for the good kind of spirits now
It?s a slight smile to a small child and it looks good
on you
Cause your beautiful and I see you
Oh and it?s not for sale
Its? not for sale
Cause you wear it well, and you know it
It?s not for sale
It?s not for sale
Cause you wear it well, and you know it
Watch the time I see you run around
Sit there tight I know that you needn?t worry about it
Cause your beautiful and I see you
Oh and it?s not for sale
It?s not for sale
Cause you wear it well, and you know it
It?s not for sale
Its not for sale
Cause you wear it well, and you know it
It?s not for sale
Its not for sale
Cause you wear it well and you know it
Time is ours
Time is ours
Even though some things are better left unsaid
There's a few things I need to get off my chest
I need to vent - let me tell you why
I'm suicidal, maniacal, self-destructive
You leave me no hope, no life
Nothing worth living for
I've taken it, can't take it anymore
My worst nightmare
You make me want to slit my own fucking throat
Just so I'll be rid of you
Just to get rid of you
You self-righteous fuck
Give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off
Why don't you take a good look in these eyes
Cause I'm the one that's gonna tear your fucking heart
My hate is contagious; you've got no one to run to
Just tell me fucking why everything becomes an issue
Your opinion is always senseless - fuck this
You make my fucking skin crawl
I've lived with it - can't stand anymore
My worst nightmare
I want to take a bullet in the fucking head
Every time I think of you, every time I think of you
You self-righteous fuck
Give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off
Why don't you take a good look in these eyes
Cause I'm the one that's gonna tear your fucking heart
My hate is contagious
Anyone else need to vent?
You've tried my tolerance; I just want you to die
There's nothing more for me to say
There's nothing more for you to say
There's nothing more for us to say
I fucking hate you anyway
Can't count the ways that you light my fuckin fuse
I can't tolerate the sight of you, the thought of you or
anything about you
You know what I want to see?
How many ways can a loser fucking lose
I know you'll find a way
The humility awakening the idiot inside
You spineless fucking maggot - you're just wasting my
Get out of my face - Get out of my life
The band was playing, kinda, something low
All the lovers swaying, to and fro
You and me, together, dancing real slow
Tonight's the night, I want you to know
I can't hold out any longer
Remember, love can't grow
Oh, very much stronger
You better hang on to your heart, hold on tight
Or I'm gonna steal it away, tonight
I'll take you in my arms and never ever let you go
There's a new moon out, the stars are shining bright
You're here with me and it feels so right
So hang on to your heart
Or I'm gonna steal it away
You're living proof, that dreams come true
I can't believe, I'm really holding you
So close, so tight, all night through
If I could only make time stand still, forever
It'll always be
Just you and me
Here, together
You better hang on to your heart, hold on tight
Or I'm gonna steal it away, tonight
I'll take you in my arms and never ever let you go
There's a new moon out, the stars are shining bright
You're here with me and it feels so right
So hang on to your heart
Or I'm gonna steal it away
Hang on, hang on
Hang on to your heart
Hang on, hang on
Hang on to your heart
Hang on, hang on
Hang on to your heart
Hang on, hang on
Believe it, you went and threw it all away,
I gave my life, not an inch.
Exile, only made worse by the
Tiresome hours wasted away inside this cage.
Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters,
And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way
Into my thoughts.
Into my thoughts, into my thoughts.
Social well-being is a state-of-mind,
It seems, vagrancy is all I have.
Exile, only made worse by the
Tiresome hours wasted away inside this cage.
Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters,
And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way
Into my thoughts.
Into my thoughts, into my thoughts.
Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters,
And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way
Into my thoughts.
Baby, I'm off the wall
Up the creek
Goin' down the wrong way
On a one-way street
I ain't got the sense
That the good Lord gave a goose
But I sure got one thing
That I'd like to give to you
I got love, super love
Super duper love for you
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love, super duper love
I ain't too good lookin',
Won't be no movie king
Won't be no Elvis
Up on the silver screen
Can't be no teacher
No nuclear scientist
If you ain't been kissed by me, baby
You ain't been kissed
I got love, super love
Super duper love for you
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love, super duper love
I ain't no doctor, ain't got no PhD
When you talk about love
You better talk to me
I got love for you
If I could make one wish
And have it come true
All that I could hope for
Is for just one night with you
Cause that's all it takes
And that's all I need
It doesn't take much of your love
To satisfy me
Just one kiss goes a long long way
Just a little of your love
Can get me through the day
Just one touch and my heart remains
Just one kiss goes a long long way
I was a loner, I had to be free
I never needed anyone around
To depend on me
But that was before you made me see
That falling in love could be painless
You made it look easy
Just one kiss goes a long long way
Just a little of your love
Can get me through the day
Just one touch and my heart remains
Just one kiss goes a long long way
I wonder how I ever got by
I wonder how I ever made it
Without you in my life
I don't know how I ever survived
Just one kiss goes a long long way
Just a little of your love
Can get me through the day
Just one touch and my heart remains
Just one kiss goes a long long way
Oooh baby, just one kiss goes a long long way
Yeah darling, just one kiss goes a long long way
Yeah baby, just one kiss goes a long long way
When I get home, babe, gonna light your fire
All day I've been thinkin' about you, babe
You're my one desire
Gonna wrap my arms around you
Hold you close to me
Oh, babe I wanna taste your lips
I wanna fill your fantasy, yeah
I don't what I'd do without you, babe
Don't know where I'd be
You're not just another lover
No, you're everything to me
Ev'rytime I'm with you, baby
I can't believe it's true
When you're layin' in my arms
'n' you do the things you do
You can see it in my eyes
I can feel it in your touch
You don't have to say a thing
Just let me show how much
Love you, need you, yeah
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Stay with me, lay with me, holding me, loving me, baby
Here with me, near with me, feeling you close to me, baby
So show me, show me ev'rything you do
'cause baby no one does it quite like you
Love you, need you, oh, babe
I wanna kiss you all over
And over again
I wanna kiss you all over
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
Till the night closes in
O Satan, prends pitié de ma longe misère !
Oh Thou, the most savage of angels
God only judges mild
Those who chant songs to his praise
Oh Prince of exile...
To whom in every tale done wrong
(but who) after defeat, always redresses more strong
Like a patron saint of
Heavens rejected souls
Distinctively closer to
Humanity Thou art
Connected to
Mother earth more profound
Oh Thou fallen angel of gloom, joyfully I join thy side
Even if this means eternal fire, I embrace thy kingdom of night
Exile, exile!!!!!
Wandering in Thy wastelands
Far away from the heavenly autocrat
Close to Thee I chose to repose
Liberated from God’s wrath
A temple raised for the ones like us
With plentiful room for science
A shelter for creative minds
To dream away in silence...
Oh Thou fallen angel of gloom, joyfully I join thy side
i just want to lay myself down
drink the illusions and let it all float away
into the river of voices
one of them will speak and tell me where to go
i packed my thoughts and visions
headed for the light on the other side
although consoling was a myth
the tunnel was a con
i ran - but i never turned back
i have deported my own life
into this foolish splendour
i have brought the beauty of a soul
cold and dark as the last day
is the image of the dream
that made it all worth-while
in exile
if there is a sign out there hiding
come to me now or forever hold your peace
you'll find me in my room in the guesthouse
riding clouds that are hard to please
when there is a fight i will be there
it feels so good to do what one should not do
and i play i gamble and stay
i look - but i never turn back
Girl I'm crazy for your love
Out of my head for you
My mind just can't believe
What you're makin' my body do
I'm delirious over you
And I just can't get enough
You're driving me mad
Makin' me crazy for your love
Thought I heard the telephone ringin'
It must be my imagination
Thought I heard a knockin' on the door
I guess it was just wishful thinkin'
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you see
When I close my eyes I can see your face
Feel you touchin' me
Oh darlin' don't you know
I need to find a real way
To make you
Driving me mad
Making me crazy for your
Makin' me crazy for ...
for ...(repeating to end)
Please don’t put it into words
‘Cause I fear what you’re thinking
…its gonna make it hurt
You better not try to make me
Believe in someone new
Faithless, on my way
Defenseless, from my heart, wont you be.
Heartless, here with me
Breathless, from the night’s misery
This night will start the exile… run
Now you tell me what it was worth
Was it meant to be broken?
The circle that wouldn’t shed a single tear
And now you wanna redirect me from the face of the earth
Not willing to share your time
Not near, not far
I’m just a spectator, once loved
Just fear, just scars
A sheer introduction to what I’ve lost, to what I’ve lost
Faithless, on my way
Wont forget, from my heart, wont you be
Heartless, here with me
Breathless, from this night’s misery, from this night’s misery
One more endless night
To notice all the things I have to be
Faithless, on my way
Won’t forget, from my heart, won’t you be
Heartless, here with me
Breathless from this night’s misery
When you gaze into your polished metal plates
You picture the face of a man who longs to see his soul
But claws are claws, whether sharpened or painted or blunted
From hours of bounding, one-track-minded, through the snow
I have arrived, an exile too inferior for your highness to fight
Armored, not humored, and prepared to seize your life
The prisoner I came to rescue sits down to watch the fight
With tears in her eyes,
Who knew a tongue could do so much harm
Lying in one's mouth?
Dancing to music that wasn't really there
Muttering about moments we never even shared
Your twisted jaw moves
But you've lost all sound
How soon till your breath runs out?
When the others gaze into your polished eyes
As glassy as the doll's you hold to represent your soul
They witness the face of an animal acting like a man
In their confusion, you dressed them in sashes and perfume,
But the stench seeps through
I long to scream, "My country,
This is not how we were supposed to live!"
And with each mortifying blow, I'm fading rapidly
"Get up!" I hear that faithful onlooker plead
She won't insult me by looking away
When I start to bleed
Who knew a tongue could do so much harm
Lying in one's mouth?
Dancing to music that wasn't really there
Muttering about moments we never even shared
Your twisted jaw moves
But you've lost all sound
How soon till your breath runs out?
One leap, one strike, and the metal snaps away from your face
That chattering jaw comes unhinged
And your insincere tongue hangs down from your neck
I plunge through the ribs and grasp the steaming, slippery heart
It slides down my throat and I am king again
"Tear down these garish walls and let the prisoners free!
Throw their gaudy stones out to the sea!
Rip these dolls limb from limb, claws proudly unsheathed!
Dead seed is planted in the black soil of my heart
By death I'll be awaken, behold this repulsive art
Life has been rejected as if taken a step out of time
I find rejoice through suicide, I kiss this life good-bye
The gate is revealed to the second awakening
I know death a true friend of mine
I am through, reborn but dead
Entering a life of another kind
Dead seed is planted in the black soil of my heart
By death I'll be awaken, behold this repulsive art
Life has been rejected as if taken a step out of time
I find rejoice through suicide, I kiss this life good-bye
The gate is revealed to the second awakening
Shining steel through fragile veins
Exiled from sordid flesh
The gate is revealed to the second awakening
I know death a true friend of mine
I am through, reborn but dead
I wont pray here
Or bow my head
I wont praise your name
I wont kneel down.
I wont pray to you
On this side of sane (oh lord)
I wont pray to you
On this side of hell (father)
I wont pray to you
On this side of heaven again.
I dont need faith
Forgiveness of sin
I dont need saving
I dont need lies.
I dont believe
In the angel wars (oh lord)
I dont believe
In the virgin birth (father)
I dont believe
In the cross on the hill (jesus)
I dont believe
In the kindness of God to man.
Ill drive a stake
Through the black of your heart (oh lord)
Ill pull down your temples
And burn every word (father)
Ill kill all the angels
That show me the light (jesus)
Ill drift into darkness
And tear out the soul of god
written by: Enya/Roma Ryan
Cold as the northern winds
in December mornings,
Cold is the cry that rings
from this far distant shore.
Winter has come to lay
too close beside me.
How can I chase away
all these fears deep inside?
I'll wait the signs to come.
I'll find a way
I will wait the time to come.
I'll find a way home.
My light shall be the moon
and my path, the ocean.
My guide, the morning star
as I sail home to you.
I'll wait the signs to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait the time to come.
I'll find a way home.
Who then can warm my soul?
Who can quell my passion?
Out of these dreams, a boat
Synchronise the flow of intersections
Catalogue all still heartbeats
Franchise the machinations of
The bourgeois-fangled reverie
Gleaming in flamboyancy
Resign to solid chrome
Ohmic opposition is futile
And impedes upon ideas worthwhile
Delicate, infallible construction
We know now what destructiveness comes from
We are living - there's no deed in indulgence
A faded glory, relying on 'Me and Mine'
The exile from human ecstasy
To a place where we're engineered
Seminars on entangled escalators
Meetings with silent translators
A flashback of dystopia
Warning in sleep with a recurring trace
All the fragments and segments
Of fluid sequences
The pretence of a universal race
Not made of metal is moot
Delicate, infallible construction
(k. green)
Counting ships crossing lake blue
You don't seem to notice the light house has blown out
In my need, I'm crying for you
In my bleed, I'm dying for you to sail on
Crossing bridges but I just keep crossing over you
In a limousine in my mind
All that I am is everything you are
I'm your mirror, you're my scar
And I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
Putting the pieces together contradicting every word
Believing everyone is against you
"we'll all get you!"
What's that I see crossing lake blue
A battleship surrendering to the darkness inside of you
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain, boy?
I already said that I was wrong
In exile I'm already gone - if that's what you want
(if that's what you want then I'll give it to you)
I was innocent in your eyes 'til you went blind
I was a real saint
How much do you need someone to blame for your pain?
I was...counting ships crossing lake blue
Billy lincoln - guitar
Kat green - vocals, acoustic guitar
Jeff legore - bass
Noah lifshey - drums
I'm light years away
You can't change me
I'm passive and cold
Just waiting
I've seen the future's threatening sky through dreams at night
I've seen the dogs of war let loose I've seen the blood-red sky
A promise of rain
Divided we stand
A distance I can't take anymore
In the cage in the corner
I'm safe from the beast
Once you wanted me, the image of me
I've played that game a million times and see the signs
I've played that game from A to Z I've lost a million times
Wounds are open again
Divided we fall
I'm bleeding from the dark of my soul
Burning in water
This rain so mellow
These words so shallow
And I'm lost
In my own shadows
The queen of dark clouds
And I know
The sound of distance
Like dark blue oceans
And I float
Across the tides
And far from islands
And I fall
I gliss on the surface
And see the depths of the sea
My love, my exile
Bringing the sound of this
Song from afar
Taking my soul far from me
My body and mind
Blaming and blessing
This chance to escape this agony
I hear you calling
I cannot wake up
From this dream
That takes me inside
Its silent womb
Where I can sleep
So sound is my sleep
I feel like I was dead
I won't
Turn back
To your embrace
Where I belong
My love, my exile
Bringing the sound of this
Song from afar
Taking my soul far from me
My body and mind
Blaming and blessing
This chance to escape this agony
Will you find me
By the thunder?
Will you see me
Through the fog?
Will you find me
When I am far?
Will you catch me
As I fall?
My love, my exile
Song from afar
My body and mind
Blaming and blessing
Your begging on your knees,
without dirtying you hands.
You want someone to love,
but not someone I can.
I dare not ask why this again.
A trusted freind in my exile...
I'm free in my exile,
I'm free.
A strings was born to play,
with fish hooks in my flesh.
You try to draw me in,
but still deny me then.
You're clinging to what I have left.
While I forget in my exile...
I'm free in my exile,
I'm free...
Free to forget.
I drag these rags and tatters off my feet.
Here a test I know I can beat.
You say that I am weak,
and kiss the tears aways.
You offer what I need,
for more than I can afford.
My choice is to choose who I want to betray...
Or stay in my exile...
I'm free in my exile,
I'm free ... to stay.
In my exile...
I'm free in my exile,
Home, it's where the heart is
So just let me breathe again
Make me young again
And we'll go where we are free again
This is not the end
We'll be young again
So we'll say goodbye girl
And watch as the world burns
This is exile
We're in exile
So just let the heads roll
And we'll stand on this world alone
In this exile
We're in exile
Exile, exile, exile...
Home, it's where the heart is
Where we'll never leave again
Suffer or bleed again
When we go
The vultures will feed on them
And fire will come around
And we'll be young again
So we'll say goodbye girl
And watch as the world burns
This is exile
We're in exile
So just let the heads roll
And we'll stand on this world alone
In this exile
We're in exile
We're in exile...
We're in exile...
Outside the boundaries where all the streets are empty
In such a lonely moment we reach the same conclusion
Chants of cathedral choirs, stations of iron cogs grind
Primeaval screams we heard.
Release cannot be found, no
You'll never see that water flow
You'll never see the water flowing
We that have tasted such beauties of corruption
Triumphal arches raised designed to fall again
My kingdom and place of exile
You'll never see the water flowing.
Your shouts of righteousness jaded our contributions
Too scared for anger, the cause without a rebel
No revolutions in four four time
You'll never see that water flowing.
I walk down amongst the ruins and past glories shattered me
Elysian decays, answers that we are finding
Waters of perfection fade
You'll never see the water flow
You'll never see the water flow
You'll never see the water flowing.
Now that you say our romance is through
I want you to know that I'll never get over you.
And I can't believe you're out looking
for somebody new so soon
not after all that we had
breaking my heart and it's so sad.
I'll never get over you
You thrill me
every night
every day you thrill me
baby don't take it away
you thrill me
I need you to stay
'cause you thrill me
you thrill me.
Now that you've gone I'll try to pretend
but baby
I ain't much good
at playing a game I can't win.
And if we could have it all over again
baby I'd be so good to you
all the things that I would do
I'll never get over you
You thrill me
I'd be so good to you
all the things that I would do
I'll never get over you