Slovak wine is produced in the southern part of Slovakia, which is divided into 6 wine-producing areas. Although Slovak wines except Tokaj are not well known internationally, they are popular domestically and in neighbouring countries.
The most commonly grown grape varietiews in Slovakia:
Typically, the label will specify the wine's origin with the following terms
The types of wine is usually labelled with one of the following terms:
Víno bez zemepisného označenia - "Wine without geographic indication" is replacing former category of Stolové víno - Table wine. Minimum level of sugar content is 13 °NM[clarification needed].
Víno s chráneným zemepisným označením - "Wine with protected geographic indication" - produced from grapes registered in the List of registered varieties, grown, produced and bottled in one of the Slovak wine regions, maximum yield per hectare wasn't exceeded, minimum level of sugar content was 13 °NM and it fulfills the requirements of established product specification. It can be indicated with traditional term regionálne víno if the grapes reached 15 °NM, the maximum yield didn't exceed 18,000 kg/ha, wine has minimum 8.5% of alcohol and it complies with quality requirements.