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The Life of Charlemagne (FULL audiobook)
water - einhard luther
einhard trainiert 04
surfaces - einhard luther
slow sunday - einhard luther
broken light - einhard luther
am bodden - einhard luther
DEEP TECH by Einhard Luther, Kaleidoscope Preuschoff-Perrier
ARIA FOR SPICEGIRL by einhard luther, oil painting kaleidoscope v. Preuschoff-Perrier
filmtal Wuppertal ach nee TV / BODY PRINTS mit Einhard Zang
rügen am 13.11.2014 - einhard luther
rügen am 14 11 2014 - einhard luther
Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny : Einhard moves and Full Drive Burst
The Life of Charlemagne by Einhard (c.775-840) translated by Samuel Epes Turner (1856-1896) Einhard was employed by Charlemagne as a court historian. At the ...
In Michelstadt Steinbach kann man eine Basilika aus der Zeit Karls des Großen besichtigen.
Hier mal wieder etwas wassermusik. Aufgenommen am 2.7. 2014. Krumme Lanke und Schlachtensee in Berlin.
hier der vierte teil meiner vlog-reihe zu meinem projekt 10.000 in 2015.
Hier mein Videostück "surfaces". Die Musik entstand in Reason. Zum Einsatz kamen die Synthies Thor, Polysix und Monopoly. Viel Spaß wünscht Einhard Luther
hier mal was in zeitlupe mit eigener musik. viel spaß. Außerdem ist das ein gruß an meinen freund Maikel und ein antwort video auf sein spheric dream 8, welches ihr hier sehen könnt:
das mondlicht bricht durch die bäume.
Hier der vierte tag meiner rügen reise im november 2014.
COMPUTERPAUSE bis Ende Oktober / siehe Anmerkung im Video !!!! ☆FullHD☆ Zu der Komposition DEEP TECH von dem Berliner Musiker & Filmemacher Einhard Luther, der den Youtube-Channel...
Full HD** Hier seht Ihr ein von mir aus meinen Oelgemälden "Ballade in 3 Akten" erstelltes Kaleidoskop-Video. Die Musik mit dem Titel "Aria for Spicegirl" ...
BODY PRINTS - eine Performance im Wuppertaler Kunsthaus mit Einhard Zang.
Hier ein weiterer rügen-vlog von meiner november-tour. ein tag am nordstrand.
hier das abschließende rügenvideo meiner novembertour 2014.
Einhard is pretty awesome,her melee does good damage and she has a spell that guard breaks and a buff that grants her a short period of super armor.
ich war mal wieder an der elbe
Hier mein Vlog Teil 1 von meinem Ausflug nach Magdeburg und an die Elbe. Gefilmt 2013 09 12.
heute früh hat es ein wenig geschneit in berlin und ich habe gerade meinen weihnachtsspaziergang gemacht. die musik ist mit dem fm-synthesizer px7 in reason eingespielt. Besucht sein Kanal und schreibt auch ihn wie ihr das Video fantet er freut sich bestimmt.
Full HD** IGUANA-KALEIDOSCOPE Zu fantastischer Klaviermusik, komponiert und eingespielt von dem Berliner Musiker und Filmemacher Einhard Luther, bewegt sic...
Hier mein aktuelles Thema auf der Gitarre. Ich arbeite es noch aus und werde es dann mit einer Melodiespur versehen. Demnächst dann auf meinem Soundcloud-Acc...
My oldest AMV i just saw it in my computer and uploaded it ^^ (DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN GUNDAM SEED OR SEED DESTINY. THEY BELONG TO SUNRISE.)
gestern auf dem rückweg meiner trainingsrunde gefilmt.
In diesem Experimentalvideo der Künstlerin Inge Agnes Preuschoff-Perrier ist das Treiben der Tauben auf dem First eines alten Bauernhofes zu sehen. Die Musik...
Video, das mit der Socialcam-App erstellt wurde: www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 twitter-com-ThiefTimeless Deutschland, de...
To listen to more Messages and view the other resources please do visit this Ministry's website :
Radio-Interview (Berlin 88,8) vom 05.Juni 2013. Viel Spaß damit!
Was macht das Wesen von Führung aus? Welche Kernaufgaben muss jeder Manager erfüllen? Und warum werden sie so häufig vernachlässigt? Im Interview gibt Bestse...
Günther Jauch im Gespräch mit Prediger Reinhard Bonnke 1988 Ausschnitt aus der TV-Show 'Na siehste'
To Buy Books, DVD and CD Benny Hinn Messages and latest Conferences go to = Listen to Benny Hinn Internet Radio at = htt...
Interview with Reinhard Bonnke at Hillsong Conference 2005.
Radio-Interview (WDR 5) vom 02.Mai 2012. Moderatorin Gesa Rünker im Gespräch mit Deutschlands Liedermacher Nr.1: Reinhard Mey. Ich garantiere niveauvolle Unt...
Der österreichische Saitenhexer Reinhard Stranzinger (Alpinkatzen, Supermax, Drahdiwaberl, EAV) stand Michael Voit beim Konzert im bayrischen Pfarrkkirchen R...
Am 13. Juli 2000 war Reinhard Mey zu Gast in der ARD-Sendung Beckmann. Join Gordon Pettie as he interviews Reinhard Bonnke for this series of Heroes of the Faith.
2002 war Reinhard Mey in der ZDF-Sendung "Volle Kanne, Susanne".
Die Kunst des Irrens oder: Der Umweg ist das Ziel Perfektion, Zielorientiertheit, Berechenbarkeit stehen heute überall hoch im Kurs. Von klein auf werden wir...
Songs an einem Sommerabend 2014, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein Ausgestrahlt am 15. August 2014 Songs an einem Sommerabend: Reinhard Mey: Songs an einem Sommerabend:
Ein kurzer Ausschnitt aus dem Interview, das Reinhard Kahl mit Dr. Manfred Spitzer führte - mit den aus meiner Sicht allerwichtigsten Aussagen: - Das Gehirn ...
In der Talkshow 3nach9 erzählte Reinhard Mey nicht nur aus seinem bewegten Leben, er spielte auch eines der Lieder von seinem neuen Nummer-Eins-Album "D...
Reinhard Bonnke - Benny Hinn Interview with Reinhard Bonnke (Reinhard Bonnke Sermons) Reinhard Bonnke Evangelist|Reinhard Bonnke Sermons|Reinhard Bonnke Ministries|Bonnke| Youtube Reinhard Bonnke|Reinhard Bonnke Video|Pastor Reinhard Bonnke|Bonnke Ministry| Pastor Bonnke Preaching|Pastor Bonnke|Pastor Bonnke Ministries|Reinhard Bonnke 2014 Directed by Reinhard Bonnke Subcribe and watch more: =========================================================== Tag: Reinhard Bonnke Bonnke Ministry Reinhard Bonnke 2014 Eva Reinhard Bonnke Pastor Bonnke Ministries Reinhard Bonnke Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Sermons 2014 Full Reinhard Bonnke Ministries 2014 Full, reinhard bonnke evangelist,youtube reinhard bonnke,bonke,reinhard bonke,pastor reinhard bonnke, bonnke,reinhard bonnke ministries,facebook reinhard bonnke,reinhard bonnke video,reinhard bonnke sermons,reinhard bonnke youtube,reinhard bonnke quotes,reinhard bonnke video,reinhard bonnke ministry,bonnke ministry,pastor reinhard bonnke sermons,pastor bonnke ministries,pastor bonnke preaching,pastor bonnke,pastor reinhard bonnke,Eva Reinhard Bonnke,reinhard bonnke holy spirit,reinhard bonnke preaching,reinhard bonnke miracles,reinhard bonnke preaching 2014,reinhard bonnke crusade,reinhard bonnke messages, Reinhard Bonnke Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Sermons 2014 Full Reinhard Bonnke Ministries 2014 Full ========================================================== Reinhard Bonnke studied at The Bible College of Wales in Swansea, where he was inspired by the director Samuel Rees Howells.In one meeting after Howells spoke of answered prayer, Bonnke prayed, "Lord, I also want to be a man of faith. I want to see your way of providing for needs. After graduation, he pastored in Germany for seven years.He began his ministry in Africa, with which he is principally identified, preaching in Lesotho in 1967.He has subsequently held evangelical meetings across the continent. Thank for watch my videos Like and Share If You Like This Video God Bless You!
1996 trat Reinhard Mey bei Wetten, dass... mit dem Lied "Lilienthals Traum" auf.
Reinhard Mey tritt überraschend bei 3nach9 am 14.08.09, zum Abschied von Amelie Fried, auf. Lied: Die Zeit des Gauklers ist vorbei Weitere Informationen:
Dave Emory and Nip Tuck on the Reinhard Gehlen Organization. (Recorded June 21, 1984) The series focuses on the pivotal role Hitler’s top spymaster (General Reinhard Gehlen) and his organization played in post-World War II history. In charge of all intelligence on the Eastern Front during the war, Gehlen’s organization was adopted by U.S. intelligence after the war and became, in turn, the CIA’s intelligence eyes and ears on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the de-facto NATO intelligence organization and the intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany, the BND. In this capacity, Gehlen was able to exert a profound influence on the course of world events. Despite a pledge to his American sponsors not to employ war criminals, from the first, Gehlen did not hesitate to utilize some of the worst offenders. SS colonel Otto Skorzeny put his post-war ODESSA network of SS men to work for Gehlen as part of the latter’s operation. This broadcast documents Gehlen’s use of Skorzeny and a force composed largely of veterans of Hitler’s “Final Solution” to train the Egyptian intelligence service, having undertaken the mission on behalf of the CIA. Program highlights include: Gehlen’s central role in the creation of Radio Free Europe; an interview with Gehlen; Gehlen’s employment of Eichman’s superior in the Final Solution, Otto Von Bolschwing; the BND’s employment of Eichmann’s deputy Alois Brunner; the appointment of Von Bolschwing associate Helene Von Damm to serve as White House specialist for Presidential personnel; Skorzeny’s creation and training of the first Palestinian terrorist groups while serving on the Gehlen-CIA mission in Egypt in the 1950’s; Gehlen’s use of Adolph Eichman in the Skorzeny/CIA/Gehlen mission in Egypt; text of a rare interview with Gehlen, in which he demonstrated his unreconstructed Nazi sympathies; Gehlen’s pivotal role in the establishment of Radio Free Europe; a history of Gehlen operative Helmut Streicher, a former SS officer, whose intelligence activities ranged from the Eastern Front in World War II to the Bay of Pigs invasion; Gehlen’s work as a minister in “the Evangelical Church,” following his alleged retirement from the BND (Germany’s intelligence service and the final incarnation of Gehlen’s Nazi spy outfit. Video from DAVE EMORY PLAYLIST... Follow me on TWITTER to get all my uploads...
Written, Produced & Directed by Randy Kaiser Starry Night Communications The Even Greater Show with Reinhard Bonnke and hosted by St...
Das Abendstudio (DAS!) des NDR interviewte Reinhard Mey (vermutlich 2002)
Der Autor Ulf Schiewe begann nach seiner Karriere als Programmierer historische Romane zu schreiben. "Ich bin ein Spätzünder!", lacht der viel gereiste Autor, "aber ich hatte immer schon eine künstlerische Ader". Schiewes Hörbücher erscheinen seit 2013 exklusiv bei Audible und wir freuen uns sehr, dass Reinhard Kuhnert, mit seiner beliebte Stimme (z.B. Das Lied von Eis und Feuer), zum festen Sprecher geworden ist. Nach vielen Telefonaten und Emails, die die beiden während der Hörbuch-Aufnahmen miteinander austauschten, trafen sich Schiewe und Kuhnert nun bei uns zum ersten Mal persönlich und wir haben dabei die Kamera für euch mitlaufen lassen. Die beiden verstanden sich auf Anhieb richtig gut und waren sofort auf einer Wellenlänge. Ein tolles Autoren-Sprecher-Team! Alle Hörbücher von Ulf Schiewe, gesprochen von Reinhard Kuhnert, findet ihr hier: Weitere Interviews mit Sprecher & Autoren findet ihr hier: Abonniert jetzt Audible Hörbücher:
Interview with Reinhard Alexander Kastl, Head of Regional Project Silva Mediterranea - CPMF (Collaborative Partnership for Mediterranean Forests), at the Thi...
Einhard reports of frequent eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and a black spot on the Sun which lasted seven days.
ListVerse 2014-03-03Historical records (like the biography written by Charlemagne's courtier Einhard) indicate that the ...
Yahoo Daily News 2014-02-06Professor Röhl will receive the Einhard Prize in March 2013 in the town of Seligenstadt, east of Frankfurt.
noodls 2012-11-28Einhard (also Eginhard or Einhart; c. 775 – March 14, 840) was a Frankish scholar and courtier. Einhard was a dedicated servant of Charlemagne and his son Louis the Pious; his main work is a biography of Charlemagne, the Vita Karoli Magni, "one of the most precious literary bequests of the early Middle Ages."
Einhard was from the eastern German-speaking part of the Frank Kingdom. Born into a family of relatively low status, his parents sent him to be educated by the monks of Fulda - one of the most impressive centres of learning in the Frank lands - perhaps due to his small stature (Einhard referred to himself as a "tiny manlet") which restricted his riding and sword-fighting ability, Einhard concentrated his energies towards scholarship and especially to the mastering of Latin. Despite such humble origins, he was accepted into the hugely wealthy court of Charlemagne around 791 or 792. Charlemagne actively sought to amass scholarly men around him and established a royal school led by the Northumbrian scholar Alcuin. Einhard evidently was a talented builder and construction manager, because Charlemagne put him in charge of the completion of several palace complexes including Aachen and Ingelheim. Despite the fact that Einhard was on intimate terms with Charlemagne, he never achieved office in his reign. In 814, on Charlemagne's death his son Louis the Pious made Einhard his private secretary. Einhard retired from court during the time of the disputes between Louis and his sons in the spring of 830.
Turn it off; Turn it off. (I) Won't make that mistake
(I've) Been down this road before
Think again; Think again. I will not compromise
(I) Won't compromise anything
Beat down; (I'm) At the end of my rope
Beat down; (I) Can't stand these changes
Beat down; Headfirst I take on survival, survival
Try to tear my down
I won't hesitate to stand face to face with my worst enemy (x2)
Standing tall in the face of defeat. Go it alone at my discretion
The hammer falls whenever my will says it does, I promise you
I've fallen all too far, Obsession with the shadow in the light
This constant war will lead me home
This constant war will force me onward
Try to tear me down, Headfirst I take on survival
I fell all too far, Obsession with the shadow in the light
I'm at a constant war(x2)
Yet this strife has carried me to my home
I've fallen all too far, Tear me down
Lost in the shadows in the light, Tear me down
Only word
It's been a lifetime of fueled obsessions
a promise kept is my only word
Only word
Lost in the shadows in the light, Tear me down
A promise kept is my only word
Here I am
All alone
Staring down, down, down at the telephone
I know you hear me
I feel you near me
I need you help me
Please please tell me
Who I'm gonna call on Sunday
Who I'm gonna pour my heart out too
Who I'm gonna call on Sunday
Now that heaven has called on you
I know, you found God's grace
In a far, far, far, better place
I know your watching
My tear drops falling
It's not you going
It's me not knowing
Who I'm gonna call on Sunday
Who I'm gonna pour my heart out too
Who I'm gonna call on Sunday
Now that heaven has called on you
Tell me Margaret who
Whom I gonna call on Sunday
Snow on Easter
cold is this morning gray
Frozen noontime
no flowers will bloom today
I hear laughing
Over her land of endless white
I am hungry
She'll feed a cold dish tonight
Her white winter eternal
cursed in stone
of the lion's silent roar
Icy winter eternal
warmth of springtime
caught in nevermore
we'll stand forever in stone
The world is mine
in frozen time
Whenever you dream of summer
too late
Open your eyes
to a northern frigid sky
Iron cauldron
boils of Antarctic brew
Frozen nighttime
her fire burns only blue
For she enjoys it
Her tit is the metaphor
One can wonder
will this be forevermore?
Wind filled winter eternal
cursed in stone
is the sand time warrior
Witches winter eternal
dreams of summer
lost in nevermore
[Repeat chorus]
[Repeat chorus]
Who saw the last star fall
Who heard the first note of death's song
Why is it now I have to wait
No place to hide, no true escaping
Left all alone for no man's sake
My planet home will lose today
Who can feel the ocean's cry
Who will bid the last blue sky good-bye
I've lived only half of my life to be
Not chosen was this day of mine (time unwinds)
Today we all share the same destiny
Tomorrow our fate will be all as one
Who saw the last rose bloom
Who tasted life's sweet end too soon
Now I can feel the mountains shake
All cities obliterated
Farthest from the fist I stand
The last one to die is my plan
Who makes our nightmares true
Who first knew "there's nothing we can do"
The fires will burn all except the sky
The sun will be leaving us soon (time to die)
Today we'll all have the same destiny
Tomorrow our fates will be all as one
I'll wait here
As Lucifer's last star does fall
I'll be here
I shall leave all of my thoughts to you
A crystal river is flowing
and falling below
Fact or fiction
I've heard the tale
of death lady's cove
Many men come here
to seek the enchantress divine
lured by her power to heal saddened,
heartbroken minds
She stands behind the falls
that crush the bodies onto jagged lime
Blood mixed with water a crimson stream
now washes through mine
I can hear her song, a haunted melody
I can now see her face, unequaled beauty
Legend does say
a fearless heart
will cross the falls unharmed
But who doth have
a fearless heart that's also broken
A warrior am I who's fought
not wars of swords and armor
The thirst of loneliness
I've tried to quench for all my life
Moving closer I gaze
onto healing emerald eyes
Song of solace breathes
through the lips of soothing red wine
Long flowing hair blows
through whispers of wind from my dreams
Two arms that will embrace and hands
that will caress my longing face
Her voice now calls me clear
my fear's abandoned
Lustful were other men
whose souls have fallen
Can't see the spray
that whips my face
and robs the air I breathe
Thunder falls,
such power that it dwarfs my body
Yet I continue on
even if it means that I will drown
to know that I have felt
the hope she gives forever moving
Moving on and on
To what ending? I still hear her song
Under or through the waterfall
I now shall go
Behind me water falls
my body is left behind
My soul now in her arms
enchanted I'll remain
on, on forever on...forever enchanted
Dream forever, forever I dream
Ten thousand galaxies away
Rests the world of hallowed waters
Two suns that shine on Labyrinthine
Reflections of the seven crescents
Icons of the gods once worshipped
Control the lands of seldom seen
Shifting, rising, falling
Seven centuries pass by
The seventh cycle tide arrives
Seven levels mark the worth of men - divided
The low - A barren expose of non-high covers all but cream of men
One land exists above the oceans amethyst garden
Lost whispers (calling)
I am one man with two dreams inside
Shared by my last kingless queen
Dry above the waters high
Lie the sifts of cirrus tower
Keeps cold and dry my love unseen
Safe is she from waters raging
Cold death will I soon be facing
Unless my call will make me king
Endless waters rising
Denied - passage to the towers climb
The wall that's safe from the sixth tide
Near is the high water that we have forever
The mark - chosen for me at birth
The worth - of my heart unbounded
No sea of judgment can decide the fate that dreams make
Feel me (softly)
When your almond eyes close out the light
Hear the voices in dark waves
(the promised sound of sleep)
Tides are rising (from your tears)
Not from moons or science theory
Lonely is your mind of dreams, awake
hear my answers
And one heart will keep beating
Awake to a returned sunlight sky
For my dreams have christened
The sole one is me that breaths
The sea - I am chosen
Away - from this lifeless land seen today
Hand in hand I meet my queen
The air of honor is whole again
We now descend
One together
The end of loneliness we shall achieve
The emerald sky also has eyes
Still forever
Or at least until the life in our eyes die
Our oceans still create the rain
And soothes our sleep
Dream forever, forever I dream
[Part I: Remembrance]
At the end again my autumn wind will blow
I've returned to a place once lived
A cold cave filled with tears
A lost retreat from the storm that came
And killed green lands now barren
I remember, remember so well
This place I left long ago
Back with the lost by the Road of Lose
The sorrow, so hopeless, the dark it smothers me
The past of spring gave damn to here
Victorious I led my own exile...from here
Now winter's come to freeze my core
By fire I shall warm
The winds will howl yet I will hear song
Through dark of night I await the dawn
The prize I once had the life I then lost
Was written, recited and challenged by the same
Soul that sits and waits not long
For once I found my way
Once is all too much
Yet twice seems not enough
For failure need
Yet without dark, no light
A side of sadness mine
Even through death I'll find (my triumph)
There is no true horizon
That I won't sail, succeed or fail
[Part II: Reawakening]
I dare myself the will
Every garden has a wall I must climb
Every triumph is a journey
Every road has a destination
Why do mine lead all to dead ends?
Every day I lose ten hours for another's profit
My free time will just get postponed
Just to sleep and face the next day
Promises were never fulfilled
But never broken
I have gotten good at waiting
Such a thing for me to practice
For my future's never certain
My past is in stone
And I know the more things do change
The more I'll just remain insane
Today is not good for dying
No reason for my fear (to stop me here)
Strong is the wind of triumph
That's ever-coming clear
My day is near
Once is all we want
But once is not enough
For triumph's need
(It's when we see)
Born the light from dark
The sadness is now far
My death no longer alive
I'll stay alive
My true horizon the sea I'll sail
Succeed or fail
(I am my will)
No looking back into the black
My triumph's clear
My triumph's here
The only true love i ever knew
was behind those downcoast eyes.
The only comfort i ever felt
was during those long hours of loneliness
when i felt for you
i do believe
Only innocence can save the world
The sun has set, the sky so red
harmless clouds are drifting high and pale
The moon so bright will make the night
only as black as a widows vale
Some stars will live,
some stars will fall
Northern lights will dance
to no sound at all
Yet I hear song, of winter's wind
Through trees so long...dark whisper
The rest will sleep,
their dreams they'll keep
I'll stay awake to sensitize the night
I can hear such sounds
no one else can hear
life it is so mystical
it's just that they have gotten used to it
Wolf's tears have fallen down
remember me of lost saddened memories found
Still awake. Alone I'll take
Into my mind my midnight's kind
Day only hides the sounds
that play within the dark
embrace your fears so near
When you know that there's no one else
around for miles,
your conscious will be clear
I have found the (sacred)
lost (secret) side (love)
of the world...
laced in true mystery
I live in the (never)
lost (ending) side (time)
forever here I shall stay...
change in wind course
blowing to northeast
the wrath of sky unseen
but when the birds stop singing
crickets quiet its kind days quarantine
The wind's kiss is getting wetter
darkening, the truth of leaves now lie
Even though the air's electric,
so eclectic
I choose not to hide
It's time to cleanse the land again
so red was the morning sky
The endless clouds look so fed
The strongest elements collide
Welcome to nature's greatest show
by the eye of the morning moon
With a twisted smile I now know...
storm coming soon!
Humble branches bow and face the other way
the sky's now evil green
Electric claw of lightning, applaud
power so unseen
One with the storm I here will stand
so red was the morning sky
On a higher plane I will command
The strongest elements collide
To see the center of it all
by the eye of the morning moon
Wisdom I'll find or I shall fall
storm coming...soon
From the red of the morning sky
by the eye of the morning moon
storm coming soon
I feel sheltered yet I'm still outside
Now I enter onto the unknown inside
One day you'll know...
By the red of the afternoon
by the light of the evening moon
midnight coming soon
I recall, the day of the fall
Betrayal from brothers, bloodlines broken
No one but me from these eyes I can see
I heard only silence, disloyaling quietus
Discontented some else, a nightmare
From the dream, from then alone
Without a home, a cursed limbo
An army defected, the loyal are lost
Believers are not dead
They just only sleep
Sleep and dream of your own memories
See a time of reawakening
Realization now
Now the sun of our morning shall rise
Dawn has broken
Know the vengeance from you open eyes
Reawaken all
Wage the war, fight all once more
Relive the sound of purest power
Born in the wilds, from desperate we feed
We'll black out the silence from our own evil
Gather 'round to make the sound
A nightmare for their dreams.
No more alone, we'll find the home
And cleanse the dead minds
New army gathered, the loyal are found
Believers are restless, time for us to wake
Wake and live once again to the memories
You forsaken
Sleep is always the home of your misery
Reawaken now
Now the sun of our day remains high
Never Broken
Chase the mind-washing sleep of the night
Now and forever side by side
We'll seek the taken
Find and return all the rage to their eyes
Reawaken! Never will my heart be stolen
Reawaken! Never will my mind be shaken (heed the call)
Reawaken! False ones now your bones will shatter (one and all)
Reawaken! Time is ours and onward we will march
Here within my walls so safe and warm my darkness
Light is not a factor
Stay what will I may think today wrong and clever.
Selfish sings the inner clever seed
Walk away don't try to know me
I've claimed my maud' from unperfect days
I'll take what's mine from my divine methods still proven
These thoughts I have you questions were not meant for you eyes to see
Why should I know you what can you do that helps me
Reap and eat my lustful harvest
leave there's nothing here and I don't care about your spoken concerns of
my nature
Dare to try to really know me
I'll leave you lost just to find my way
So satisfied of your demise no more a burden
These thoughts I feel existing were always for my eyes to see
No handed doom, there is no gloom, no hint of violent hatred
Feel what I can feel
And then you'll find the hallway to my darkest room
The love I make for me is chosen (you've come too soon)
From the pain of past and broken (nothing for you to see)
Why so long have I been waiting
Just to let fate be dictating (you cannot steal my fear)
Seasons of unrest approaching (it's all now becoming clear)
Careful in my dark selecting (just how many years)
Feelings teem of constant irate (through many tears)
God help those who stand in my way (I've learned it was always there)
I want to gain everything unchastened (so scared at first)
Chip away at my frustrations (but when revealed, I then was healed)
Seven sins of deadly beckon
No force of divine will stop me (to know I rule my world)
Evil is a state of free mind (I will have it my own way)
Treasures that all seek I will find (don't look away)
Look away
Or you will see man's darkest room
Do away, now that you know me
The nature of evil I understand (perfectly clear)
Forever mine is my own mind you cannot shatter
Such thoughts the world still questions are not meant for their eyes to
The unborn darkness lives in day
The youth of dusk will soon grow older
Mature into the air of black
Steal your blood from nocturne prey
Embrace a million suns much darker
Caress the other world of night
The night cooling refuge
From southern's sun so endless
A polar summer midnight's shine
Night, my night, day's oasis
Where all my dreams still survive
A paradise I'll lose too sun from sleep
Summer, northern sunshine
Endless, midnight daylight
White night, insane sunshine
Go to where I'll meet the dark
The winter of polar sullen
It's where the noon is filled with black
Give your eyes to evil's play
Gaze upon a moon much truer
The strength of arms that hold
The Night
The Night, inspiration
For my own silent pleasures
Let fall the star of earthly life (for my night)
Night, my night, light forsaken
Where my power is alive
A paradise that's found earth's own shade
Winter, polar darkness
Endless, midday nighttime
All night, lost is sunshine
Eternal night
Come and see where your loyal shadows always betray
Come with me once cleansed of fear
Night's love will make you stay
Autumn, days grow shorter
Colder, nights grow longer
Seasons, change through time
(Forever) night, still seeking
Darker places call me
Hiding doesn't cure me
Expose my whole being to the night
One more year just past today
A year ago I felt the same
Trapped in a lost situation
And solutions are too complicated
One more year will pass again
The hourglass just starts to end
The time I need lays before me
To kill my never-ending story
In due time, sands won't fall
May the moment freeze so I can take time to keep
I'll see
What is ever-moving
closer seemed so far away
In time - tomorrow will become today
What is left behind forever is too far away
In time - the past will only stay
In time - all that's left is my stone name
One more tear just fell today
A tear that tries to wash my pain
Wasted in a useless location
Not in mind was this dull vocation
One more tear will pass again
A wishful thought my only friend
So much time I have now before me
I'll start to write my unknown story
[repeat chorus]
In due time sands will fall
When my moment comes
I'll keep the time that I need
To have
Tomorrow what was ever moving closer is now here today
In time - I'll forget my lonely days
No sorrow - I have left behind forever my void-filled days
In time - the past will breathe my name
Tomorrow - gone away and moving onward to better days
In time - I'll laugh the nights away
No sorrow - try for now to see forever my glory-filled days
In time - all time will know my name
In time - in time we'll see the end
[Music and lyrics by Loudness]
Scared, oh where of body disappeared
kidnapped of my mate
without a trace
(no case)
Tried to find,
until I lost my mind
What crypt found on this earth
would hold your place?
(I am)
Lost of cause
not knowing where you are
or more important
dead or you alive
(I need)
To know the fact,
final answer if you will
If I only could sleep now
once again
here I am at the end
realized finalized
without a sound, you are found
seek my peace of mind
But wait, too late
Unfinished still I feel
Revenge is my own way
to feed my rage
(I have)
Found the clown
who toys with evil thoughts
Good deeds were things
that he lost long ago
(here I)
hide with time,
patience is on my side
When sleep will gall of then
I shall now strike
Life you took,
the method you will share
and absolutely you will say
once again at the end
realized finalized
all is said, now you're dead
found my peace of mind
Final, finne, over, ending
all my past thoughts gone
Good does it feel
when your mind can heal
and life can now move on
I feel satisfied
Absolution mine!!
Absolution mine!
Absolution mine!!
Evil will follow
Faculty X speaks to me and again it's calling
I feel it warning me of something darker than kind purpose
Always I, the rod of lightning from the blackest clouds advancing
Finding, seeking me to haunt my days of virtue
It's not me, yet they all think so (melancholy mercenary)
I'm just here, a bystander (stealing, borrowing the peace)
Cool and calm is my true nature (burning madness perceiving)
Stay away, I am the force
You feel in my presence
Keep far, beware, it is me
Evil does follow
Traveling to distant places does not matter because it's isolation that gives the
strength to use the blade
Two men fight and one will win with a knife of steel that cuts through tin
and I am just the witness who was not the cause
To kill and see the crimson blood flow (intoxicating visions blind me)
Still, with fear, I dare not move (glassy eyes filled with salt tears)
Try to warn, I will soon infect (try to keep the peace, it's failing)
Stay away, I am the force
You feel in my presence, stay far when I am near
Believe my real danger
Keep far, beware, it is me
Evil does follow
Where evil does follow is where I have been
Unfortunate sorrow finds just where I am
Where evil will follow is where I'm going to
Try to outpace it's maneuvers too deadly
I'm where evil follows
Where evil does follow is where I have been
And all the blame it spawns comes back to where I am
Where evil will follow is where I'm going to
I have now accepted it's cause from me to you
(evil will follow)
Where evil does follow
Is where I have been
(evil does follow)
Might as well just use it's power for my revenge
(my evil's followed)
Where evil will follow is where I'm going to
(where evil follows)
Don't you dare and try to follow its power too
as you take a step back out of fear
it's just a primal reaction
through the eyes of suspicious is clear
why is it you don't trust me?
Gaze on a smile
that is sweet and so haunting
fixed on a feeling
so wrong and attracting
Temptation rising, paralyzing,
I won't do you harm
Gray is the hand!!
Of an elderly figure,
shaking and frail
a faade of soul darkness
Weak is the eye!!
To the passion of evil
here we both stand
we are two perfect strangers
Into my mind!!
Is the realm you shall ever discover
my truth or my unholy purpose
Please take my hand!!
Take a chance for the first time
have no fear to the kindness of strangers
I see that you are preparing to leave
is it with or without me?
Go!! - to walk alone can be paradise
that in time you will fall from
Witness a tear
that can make you so happy
a safe distance
that could leave you so empty
Logistics rising, sterilizing
it will do you harm
Strong is the hand!!
Of a young fighting soldier
clear minded strong
a detractor of frailness
Strong is the eye!!
To the passion of evil
nothing will change
we are still perfect strangers
Out of my mind!!
Is the place you will take me
to find all the lies
and discover true sadness
Let go of my hand!!
Isolation now beckons
fear I'll have
to the kindness of strangers
Together we shall be
side by side we'll always walk alone
End of days, my greatest fear
My body tires and sleep is near
Close my eyes and I will pray for dreams of rapture
But still it comes, the storm of spiraling clouds of nightmares chasing
Fed from boiling seas of sorrow, blackened yawns of deadpan horror
Stand, upon these shores and wait for my own storm
Learn to endure, like always before. My eyes will see
If I hold on I'll be, within the soothing center, calming, restful solace
Try to enter
Not forever in the eye of the nightmare
As you enter, feel the eye of the nightmare
Trapped inside the violent eye of the nightmare
Lucid colors sees the eye of the nightmare
Try to run but in all dreams our bodies fail, we want to sleep
Kin and loved ones torn apart by winds of torture
Be still, I feel a million legs of angry insects, hungry I sense
Peel away from faceless children, from them I hear young screams of terror
Hold my body down, so scared without the sound
My lost dreams found, frightened all around
It's just a dream
Hold on and I'll soon be, within the guarded, peaceful, quiet, sunlit
Try to stay here
Now forever in the eye of the nightmare
Peace I will find from the eye of the nightmare
Lost inside behind the eye of the nightmare
(within, the end, behind the)
Tearful madness sees the eye of the nightmare
(always, open is the)
Frozen lies and frozen stares of subconscious thoughts, they're not really
The only to leave the eye is through the storm wall
Dreams of burning, dreams of drowning
They're all just to me, elementary nightmares
I'll stay in the eye and sleep forever, sweat through the storm
Hope I can wake
As the storm clouds fade it looks like I will wake to another day
All's well now until I see the sun fall down (only close one eye)
Onward I walk,
alone and abandoned
Feeling the wind and the icy cold rain
Feeling each step, destiny hidden
All to aware of the fear and the pain
Feeling the sting of true betrayal
now I have no one to trust but myself
I am now one, no more believer
yet there is still wind to fill my sail
A paradise I seek shall be found
The only one I'll know
I challenge failure to cut me down
'cause it's Onward I shall go
My power strength shall never die
as long as I stay alive
One word shall always be by my side
Ever moving Onward!!!!
Battles I've won,
the war I have los
My blood and my tears
they are equally spilled
The risk I shall take,
the feel of the cost
the prophecies of shattered dreams
now fulfilled
The specters they watch,
I can hear them laugh
yet I will impale onto their doubting eyes
Victory due one of these days
revenge will silently
come all in due time
Onward on - never underestimate my force of will
Onward on - never I will hesitate to know
that I will fight!!
Onward I walk, with each step now close
but closer to something that might not be there
Using the rage, feeling the hunger
the book that I read always has a new page
Come strike me down, take all that you need
Resilience is my newfound weapon of choice
Again I will rise, one day I will win
as long as I sing Onward cry from my voice!!
5 scores and 3 years my life's seen
My minds last command is read to me
No angel of death will take me away
my fear's washing away
So still while I'll rest
gaze upon the last sunset
Feel no cold, and I still see
no fabled guiding light
My life's before my eyes
I'm ready now
My blood will flow its final round
Onward to death the only way
I'm not afraid
Last smile, last pure breath
fade with the last sunset
I shall go to a place
that I remember long ago
Soft endorphins soothe my mind
dancing shadows play
as I die.
Never departed or saw my body from above
a ghost I would not be
No memories of heaven or hell
or of the Guff final passing
Open my new eyes
gaze upon the first sunrise
For now I'll forget
the day I'll see the last sunset
It's unending, all connecting
never pausing, so relenting
Lives uncounted, days unnumbered
different bodies we live forever
Zindagi Mein Jab Tumhare Gam Nahi The
Itane Tanhaa The Ki Ham Bhi Ham Nahi The
Waqt Par Jo Log Kaam Aaye Hain Aksar
Ajnabi The, Vo Mere Hamdam Nahi The
Besabab Tha Tera Milna Rehguzar Mein
Haadase Har Mod Par Kuch Kam Nahi The
Hamne Khwaabo Mein Khudaa Bankar Bhi Dekha
Aap The, Baahon Mein Do Aalam Nahi The
Saamane Deewaar Thi Khuddaariyon Ki
Warna Raste Pyaar Ke Purakam Nahi The
Posted By : Babydoll