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♥ Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Thrall, Wind Fury
Thrall vs. Garrosh - Epic Cinematic (WoD Spoilers)
Heroes of the Storm: Thrall Trailer
Thrall will follow Vol'jin - New Warchief - Cinematic - Horde Version
Warcraft Lore: Grom and Thrall Kill Mannoroth and free The Horde
Heroes: Thrall (Gameplay)
Heroes of the Storm : Thrall Survival Build - "Solo Anything" | Hengest | Gameplay
Thrall's Crib
Lore For Noobs - Thrall (Part 1 of 3)
THRALL IS IMBA?! (Heroes of the Storm Thrall Gameplay)
Heroes of the Storm Thrall Windfury Build
Thrall 1v1s Garrosh Hellscream [Edgy]
Destiny Infinite Thrall Glitch (PS4)
Alan Thrall's 10,000 calories/day diet
Actors Patrick Galligan (actor), Varun Gupte (actor), Igor Bass (actor), Helen Gasser (actress), Alex Del Negro (writer), Greg Mourino (director), William Olsen-Hoek (actor),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Jack Donner (actor), Gideon Emery (actor), Troy Waters (miscellaneous crew), Vincent Gillioz (composer), Natassia Malthe (actress), John Klemantaski (actor), David S. Hogan (actor), Sam Bauer (editor), Zale Morris (costume designer), Zale Morris (actor), Andre Fabrizio (miscellaneous crew), Shelli Ryan (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (writer), Hidetoshi Oneda (editor), Hidetoshi Oneda (director),
Actors Sandy Sanders (actor), Mel Ferrer (actor), Kathleen Freeman (actress), Lee Majors (producer), Farrah Fawcett (producer), Jaime Mendoza-Nava (composer), Cornel Wilde (actor), John Welsh (actor), Jack Elam (actor), Lee Majors (actor), Charles B. Pierce (director), Charles B. Pierce (producer), Charles B. Pierce (writer), Christopher Connelly (actor), Seamon Glass (actor),
Click here for the Heroes of the Storm Daily Quest Gameplay playlist ► If you liked this video please show your support by hitting the thumbs up button, commenting and subscribing :) MFPallytime's Twitter - MFPallytime's Facebook -
The final cutscene after fighting Garrosh Hellscream in Nagrand.
Heroes of the Storm proudly presents Thrall. Heroes of the Storm is a raucous online team brawler starring your favorite Blizzard characters. To learn much more, visit, where in the weeks to come, you'll find tons of videos, hero profiles, game features, information on how to join the public beta test, and more. For more on Heroes: Website - Twitter - Facebook -
For the Horde!
Grom Hellscream and his clan had rallied with the up-and-coming chieftain Thrall in the battles to free themselves from the humans and in the journey to Kali...
The son of Durotan is here. Heroes Beta Registration: Force Strategy Gaming:
This is my first few hours of playing Thrall in the closed beta build of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm. It's a nifty little build I came up with that emphasizes sustain through ability usage. If you're low on health as Thrall, keep using your abilities. Follow Me On: Twitter ➜ Facebook ➜ Twitch ➜ Google+ ➜
Azeroth's most famous warchief gives a tour of his crib.
Thrall, the former Warchief of the Horde, Azeroth's greatest shaman, an orc fighting for peace between the Horde and the Alliance. This is as most people kno...
I had a little bit too much fun recording this game. But wow, Thrall is pretty strong. Heroes of the Storm is an upcoming multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. Heroes of the Storm website: Support me on Patreon: Subscribe for more videos: --
Thrall is an amazing late game hero, with tons of damage sustain and great in a team fight. Windfury is definitely an amazing skill and this build makes the best use of it -Wind Shear -Mana Tide -Lethal Momentum -Sundering -Grace of air -Tempest Fury -Bolt of the Storm Live Stream: Facebook: Twitter: Like,Comment and Subscribe Thank you for watching!
Thrall challenges Garrosh to a 1v1 @ rust.
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Meal 1: 7:30am Meal 2: 11:30am Meal 3: 2:00pm Meal 4: 4:30pm Meal 5: 8:30pm Meal 6: 9:30pm.
Powerlifting meet in Vacaville, CA
Thrall using his newly acquired power, the dragon soul, to cast the mighty Final Flash !!
Frostwolf Resilience is Thrall's passive trait that allows Thrall to heal himself whenever he deals damage with an ability. In this build we focus mostly on Windfury to chain the passive healing trait. In between, whenever you can spare the mana, try and use Feral Spirit on Heroes and Chain Lightning to pick them off from a distance. Talent build: - Wind Shear - Envenom - Battle Momentum - Sundering - Grace of Air - Tempest Fury - Worldbreaker Heroes of the Storm is an upcoming multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. Heroes of the Storm website: Support me on Patreon: Subscribe for more videos: --
Juegos Baratos: Runas y Maestrías FULL PENETRACIÓN. Canal de Knekro: No quieres perderte ningún vídeo? Y estar informado? Bájate esta APP: Twitter: @G4G_Revenant Canal Gameplays G4G:
Hey Sinners, Saby here and I've brought an in depth tutorial on a new glitch that has farming benefits. Not only can you farm glimmer, loot, and exp, but also 17 bounties as well. Like Destiny content? Be sure to subscribe and check out our Destiny forum as well as others on our site at If you want more information about this video visit this thread here: Director: Saby Song: Nobuo Uematsu - Fanfare (Evil Needle x OriJanus Remix) Discounted Games/Game Codes: Discount Code: 7sins Social When submitting please be sure to read the Guidelines YouTube Submissions:
Y llegamos al capítulo diez de la historia de Thrall. Después de los estragos que dejó el cataclismo, Thrall se verá involucrado en este y el siguiente capítulo en los temas que atañen al Jefe de Guerra de la Horda: Garrosh Grito Infernal. Espero que os guste y disfrutéis del vídeo. Un saludo y no olvidéis el "Me Gusta". ;) Créditos por la música libre de derechos de autor utilizada a: - Positive House Music Royalty Free Music by
The Horde goes to war against Arthas, just before of the Wrath of the Lich King kickoff. Thrall fights against Garrosh Hellscream for dominance within the Horde. More info, since people keep asking in comments: this was a special event that happened a few days before the release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The whole scene repeated on a loop every 15 minutes or so for a day. The musical selections are mostly from the World of Warcraft original soundtrack by Trach Bush: 0:00 "Orgrimmar" 2:20 "Seasons of War (Intro Movie)" 4:50 "Shaping of the World" 7:00 "A Call to Arms" One selection is from the Warcraft III soundtrack, by Glenn Stafford: 5:59 "Temporary Alliances" Please support the composers and artists who designed this event and wrote and performed the music.
Destiny - Best Cursed Thrall Location (Easy & Fast) - Urn Of Sacrifice / Gather Their Fury Destiny playlist - ¤ Add Me On Facebook - ¤ ¤ Follow Me On Twitter - ¤ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ¤¤¤ Please Drop a LIKE and Subscribe!! :) ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ I love you ALL, and the support you show is amazing! ¤¤¤ ------------------------------------------------------------- Playlists - Destiny playlist - Black Ops 2 Emblems - Watch Dogs Videos - Rage w/ Every Gun - Infected Hiding Spots - ------------------------------------------- Friends Channels - DPJSC08 - EnragedPumkin - The Tiny Tangerine - EddyTheChump -
After unlocking Thrall and his talents, Sinvicta and I came up with an amazing build I like to call "Thralls Balls". We decided to try it out - with an Abathur AND Murky. Needless to say, shit is lost. • Watch Cox n' Crendor on • Listen to Cox n' Crendor in the Morning! The best PODCAST! On iTunes!: • Get epic OMFGCata gear! • Frequently Asked Questions • Stay connected! Twitter - Facebook - Reddit - • Send your fan mail to: Jesse Cox PO Box 11089 Marina del Rey, CA 90295
Thrall has been added to the Heroes of the Storm with the Closed Beta patch and in this video I commentate a match showing off a Windfury build I've been playing most of day 1 - extremely effective and high DPS, especially against tanks. Nothing is more satisfying than instantly bursting down that Arthas or Tyreal who thinks they are immortal. Thrall is a Melee Assassin with a versatile kit that can do decent sustained AoE damage or very good single target burst. He has insane sustain and very rarely has to Hearth but he lacks escapes against heroes like Illidan if caught in the open. His auto attacks are melee but two of his abilities have medium range giving him pretty flexible options for each engagement. Thrall Windfury DPS Talent Build: 1 - Wind Slash OR Seasoned Marksman if you want a better lategame 4 - Envenom 7 - Battle Momentum 10 - Earthquake Recommended 13 - Giant Killer vs Tanks OR Grace of Air if against a DPS heavy team 16 - Tempest Fury every time! 20 - Earthen Shields if lots of team fights or on Dragonshire / Garden of Terror. Bolt of the Storm otherwise. You can find more of my Heroes of the Storm videos here: Heroes of the Storm or just "Heroes" for short is an online multiplayer "Hero Brawler" - a game of tug-of-war with other players where you fight both their heroes and the opposing team's AI controlled minions while trying to destroy each other's bases. It will be available for PC & Mac. Find out more on the official website here: CONNECT WITH ZIGGYD: Web → Twitter → Facebook → Instagram → Livestream → Support Me → Code of Ethics →
Danica Thrall talks to us from the PureRally Celeb launch party and tells us why she is looking forward to PureRally Ibiza 2014.
MUSIC EDITED OUT** Interview conducted November 20, 1982 with Glenn Hughes backstage at the Student Union Ballroom, San Jose State University during their ...
John Payne & Pat Thrall & Frankie Moreno - Superstition - Drums Mike Zerbe - Guitar Pat Thrall - Bass Tony Moreno - Trombone Caleb McKee - Sax Rob Stone - Tr...
The Truth 365: Day 7 Preview: Excerpt from interview with Laura Thrall, Pres. & CEO of CureSearch.
Glenn Hughes and Pat Thrall talk "Hughes/Thrall", their self-titled debut album on Thursday, July 1st, 1982, during a TV interview in Tokyo, Japan. "Hughes/Thrall" was released in Spring 1982 :
For more of The Long and the Short of it visit or search Liquid WoW on Itunes. I am in no way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment A litt...
Disclaimer: All ye who enter here, warning! This video holds nothing of interest to you. Valuable seconds of life WILL BE WASTED if you view them. Proceed at...
Cinderblocks guitarist Thrall interview 4/29/?
HopeFest, HopeFest Phoenix, CityServe AZ, Working Poor, volunteers, community service, healthcare, hope,
In this interview with Heroes of the Storm Game Developer Matt Cooper we discuss the new characters: The Lost Vikings, Jaina & Thrall, the New Maps: Sky Temple & Tomb of the Spider Queen. We also talk about the state of the Alpha and moving forwards into beta. This was recorded at Blizzcon 2014, just after the announcements about these new pieces of content for the game! My Blizzcon 2014 Coverage Playlist: About Matt Cooper: Matther Cooper is a game designer working on Heroes of the Storm. His primary role is to design hero talents and balance the game. A special thank you to Blizzard for providing flights and accommodation for this trip, I wouldn't have been able to make it to Blizzcon without their help. And thanks to my viewers, subs and fans, without you guys I wouldn't be where I am now getting ready for a trip the USA! Your support has helped us to be able to get the hardware we need to cover events like this. Looking forward to bringing you all some awesome videos and maybe meeting some of you at Blizzcon! CONNECT WITH ZIGGYD: Web → Twitter → Facebook → Instagram → Livestream → Support Me → Code of Ethics →
J.T Thrall, a spokesman from Feed My Starving shared how the organization helps people all over the world who suffer from hunger in an brief interview.
The mindflayer hosts a series of job interviews, asking the candidates if they would best serve as a thrall or as food...
Hier stellt sich die überaus engagierte Hordengilde "Selected" von Thrall vor. Nicht nur die Vorbereitung, sondern auch die Giveaways bereiteten dem Intervie...
The Heroes of the Storm Beta brought a lot of changes. Fnatic player Lowell analyses together with Khaldor how they influenced the Warriors in the game. Which is the best warrior now? Who suffered the most and what's the best way to skill the new hero Thrall? Social Media Links: - - -
(part 1) Helios Creed and his erstwhile partner Monet Clark bring the new CHROME single "Prophecy" from the upcoming CD in 2013. Also announcing the pledgemu...
Buy a Buddha Board: The Buddha Board is a unique product that allows the user to master the art of...
-- Show Notes -- Interview with Señor Hodgson about Heroes Designing, Creation, Balancing and etc Talking about the game post-Beta release Thrall Ranked Play eSports news (If we have time) -- Watch live at
Brendan Sera-Shriar geeks out over the Thrall, the World Of Warcraft Mega Bloks behemoth. This is one of the biggest builds they've ever done. He took weeks to build and he's been around the world. This interview took place at the Montreal Comiccon 2012. Check out more interviews and videos on the Citynet Magazine YouTube channel and subscribe today! Also, visit
Pat Travers Interview Interviewed by Jason Saulnier May 20, 2010 Pat Travers talks about his new album Fidelis. Pat Travers talks also... Part 1 of an interview I did with Uncensored Net Noise for MARAZENE MACHINE on July 25th, 2008. Courtesy: www.morningshowcentr...
Click here for the Heroes of the Storm Daily Quest Gameplay playlist ► If you liked this video please show your support by hitting the thumbs up button, commenting and subscribing :) MFPallytime's Twitter - MFPallytime's Facebook -
You guys wanted it! So here it is! The Thrall quest line : Elemental Bonds in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.2.
TRISCRIBE To Become A Dota Rakker Today! Subscribe: =================================================== Dota 1 EPIC Gameplay Hope you...
"Hughes/Thrall" is the self-titled, debut album by musical collaborators Glenn Hughes (Deep Purple, Trapeze, HTP) and Pat Thrall (Pat Travers, Asia, Meat Loaf). It was released in 1982 on Boulevard Records and is, to date, their only album. In January 2007 the album was re-issued. This new version featured the original album, fully remastered, as well as two bonus tracks, both outtakes from the original sessions. The first bonus track, "Still The Night", originally featured on the first Phenomena album, which featured Hughes, but not Thrall. Another version appeared on the John Norum album "Face The Truth", again featuring Hughes. This is the first time the original version has been released. History: While Pat Thrall had spent the late 1970's and early 1980's making a name for himself by playing with the likes of Automatic Man and Pat Travers, former Deep Purple man Glenn Hughes recorded one solo album after the demise of Purple in 1976 entitled "Play Me Out" a record that focused more on his love of soul and funk rather than hard rock. "Play Me Out" had limited success and Hughes had slipped off the musical map, save for a few guest appearances here and there. Hughes moved to Los Angeles to write with the intention of releasing new material. In 1981, Thrall's playing caught Hughes' eye and the two formed a musical partnership. After a period of jamming and writing they started recording with producer Andy Johns (who had previously worked with the likes of Led Zeppelin, Free and The Rolling Stones). They released their debut album, simply called "Hughes/Thrall" in August 1982. Released on a short-lived subsidiary of Epic, called Boulevard Records, the album had little marketing behind it and although it received critical acclaim it failed to make a big impression with the music buying public and suffered from disappointing sales. The album itself had a definite radio-friendly, album-oriented rock sound. However it also had elements of post-punk and new wave, many musicians and critics have cited the record as highly influential to the direction of rock music in the eighties. Over time it has become something of a cult record. Hughes/Thrall took to the road for a short American tour, playing a handful of gigs in California and Texas supporting Santana. The touring band featured drummer Tommy Aldridge and keyboardist Jesse Harms. Other Glenn Hughes/ Pat Thrall collaborations: "City Of Crime" (1987) - Single taken from the soundtrack to the film Dragnet Feel - Glenn Hughes (1995) Personnel: Glenn Hughes -- Vocals / bass Pat Thrall -- Guitar / guitar synthesizer Gary Ferguson -- Drums Frankie Banali -- Drums Gary Mallaber -- Drums Peter Schless -- Keyboards Track Listing: 01. I Got Your Number 02. The Look In Your Eye 03. Beg, Borrow Or Steal 04. Where Did The Time Go 05. Muscle And Blood 06. Hold Out Your Life 07. Who Will You Run To 08. Coast To Coast (Originally recorded by Trapeze) 09. First Step Of Love 2007 remastered CD bonus tracks 10. Love Don't Come Easy 11. Still The Night
Solo queue in Hero League in Heroes of the Storm can be very hit or miss. Sometimes you get great teams, sometimes you get bad teams but in this game both of the teams are very equally skilled. I decide to go for Thrall in this game, as we needed another damage dealer. More Heroes of the Storm: Heroes of the Storm is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and OS X. Heroes of the Storm website: Support me on Patreon: Subscribe for more videos: --
Un bon perso, qui nécessitera une bonne équipe avec des controles pour en tirer le maximum de potentiel, un gameplay en va et bien et des grosses mandales, voici Thrall ! Acheter vos jeux à bas prix : Et gagner de l'argent : Pour suivre l'actualité de ma chaîne, des jeux et des bêta ? C'est par ici : Facebook : Twitter :
Map: Sky Temple Gameplay at 2:35 Build: Seasoned Marksman Envenom Follow Through Sundering Giant Killer Tempest Fury Nexus Blades =================================== Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: http://Twitch.TV/RurouniKage =================================== Royalty Free Music by Major thanks to Enkeria for helping to get the intro splash screen done.
Thrall-- 00:00 It's Coming Down (Glenn Danzig) 03:36 The Violet Fire 08:34 Trouble (Jerry Leiber y Mike Stoller) --Demonsweatlive-- 11:56 Snakes Of Christ ...
Vidéo découverte de l'ancien chef de la Horde, notre ami Thrall. Rappel: Stream chaque jeudi à 20h sur (suivez nous, c'est gratuit !) Suivez-nous sur twitter : Suivez-nous sur facebook :
Pas de limite à mon pouvoir. Seconde partie découverte de notre ami Thrall. Rappel: Stream chaque jeudi à 20h sur (suivez nous, c'est gratuit !) Suivez-nous sur twitter : Suivez-nous sur facebook :
Historia de "Thrall" personaje del universo "Warcraft". El vídeo se compone por una agrupación de las escenas cinematográficas relacionadas con la historia d...
La batalla por Entrañas en la parte final! Historia de "Thrall" personaje del universo "Warcraft". El vídeo se compone por una agrupación de las escenas cine...
Foam Rolling, Stretching, and Dynamic Warm-up. List of movements to perform before training.
This week we break down Thrall and go with a "Windfury" build! It's very effective for high damage output and survivability. We also feature Abathur in our 3rd game "free-for-all". We hope you enjoy! http:/
Vidéo de gameplay Heroes of the Storm sur la nouvelle carte Sky Temple présentée à la BlizzCon 2014. Trois nouveaux héros sont présents : Jaine, Thrall et Lost Vikings.
Into the beta we go with the new champion Thrall! Very well balanced in my opinion, and fun to play to boot!
In this video, I am playing Thrall with the hellhammer skin, the new melee assassin hero of Blizzard's MOBA called Heroes of the Storm. I find him to be one of the strongest characters in the current beta version, dealing massive amounts of damage while managing to escape fairly easy and catch up with his enemies in no time. The craziest thing is that this character can even heal himself after hitting 5 spells over and over again. Enjoy watching, lok'thar ogar! Like what you saw? Donate to support me and my channel for more awesome content:;_button_id=HZW34KPM8MJUC Follow me on: Get partnered with Curse: Get games for cheap:
You gotta show your supremacy when playing a mirror match. ···················································································· 00:00 - Han...
Band: Winter's Thrall Album: Anomie Country: UK TRACKLIST: 1. Void - 00:00 2. Hollow Ground - 04:51 3. Ride - 11:39 4. Dust - 16:37 5. Endgame - 24:11 6. Bet...
Cualquier duda, consulta o sugerencia expresen la en los comentarios (los respondo todos). Este es el cuarto video de esta serie de tutoriales . Espero les a...
Map: Sky Temple Gameplay at 2:53 Build: Block Ride The Lightning Frostwolf's Grace Earthquake Spell Shield Forked Lightning =================================== Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: http://Twitch.TV/RurouniKage =================================== Royalty Free Music by Major thanks to Enkeria for helping to get the intro splash screen done.
Erstes Let's Play als Versuch :)
Tentokrát jsme málem zemřeli ale porazili jsme ho a máme ho. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokud líbí LIKE + Komentář=Subscribe :)
So....yup - what can i say!
Ebben a részben bemutatom a hots. első két karakterét. :)) Facebook: Ha szeretnél iratkozz fel:
Happy Chinese New Year! Today's gameplay is gonna be Thrall. A pretty good Melee Assassin that is able to lock and beat the enemy, while still being somewhat tanky. This current build is in case the team looks pretty squishy so you're gonna see some shield blocking here.
Sundering stealing FTW!!
TeamZodomy Destiny™!/tid=CUSA00219_00
ja tentokrat zkusil hearthstone
Look at how the arc comes off the grenade. Destiny™!/tid=CUSA00219_00
That's a long title for such a short video clip. Watch LaleneGG do a spin in the air the moment she's revived. LoL.
Hier unser Killvideo zu Kromog Aus der sicht vom Unholy DK Dinistrio. Wie am Ende des Videos steht suchen wir aktuell neue Mitstreiter für den aktuellen Raidcontent. Falls ihr interesse bekommen habt an unsere Gilde oder auch fragen habt meldet euch bei uns!!! BTag: Cougar#2979 Musik: Black Ghost - Repetition kills you (Laidback Luke remix), Gaming Dubstep Mix 2014 (by DYJ)
Hier unser Killvideo zu Flamebender Ka'graz Aus der sicht vom Unholy DK Dinistrio. Wie am Ende des Videos steht suchen wir aktuell neue Mitstreiter für den aktuellen Raidcontent. Falls ihr interesse bekommen habt an unsere Gilde oder auch fragen habt meldet euch bei uns!!! BTag: Cougar#2979 Musik: Black Ghost - Repetition kills you (Laidback Luke remix), Gaming Dubstep Mix 2014 (by DYJ)
Air: Then free from sorrow, free from thrall: Handel: Samson The Sixteen and Harry Christophers ℗ 2002 The Sixteen Productions Released on: 1997-07-19 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Unser Killvideo von Hans'gar und Franzok Hc in der Blackrock Foundry Aus der sicht des Unholy DKs Dinistrio Wie schon am Ende des Videos steht wir suchen neue Mitstreiter für den aktuellen Raidcontent. Also wenn ihr Lust habt euch einer ambitionierten, zielorientierten und motivierten semi Hardcore Gilde anzuschließen, dann meldet euch bei uns!! BattleTag: Cougar#2979 Musik: Gazzo-Inspire (Jai Wolf Remix)(feat. Farewell Luna), Black Ghost - Repetition kills You (Laidback Luke remix)
Video donde traemos un gameplay de Thrall en la Cuenca Maldita - Heroes of the Storm.
The conclusion to the Nagrand questing zone in Warlords of Draenor
Protection Warrior PoV
Simultaneously in thrall to Bellow’s fiction and stung by Bellow’s fictional characterizations of ...
IMDb 2015-03-23Green as Emerald, Carrion Sun, Oceans of Slumber. Fitzgerald's. March 20, 2015 ... There was an excited buzz in the air ... REWIND:
Houston Press 2015-03-23With China’s rise, the Hong Kong film industry finds itself in thrall to three distinct audiences: ... Golden Ducks ... com ... com ... com.
Screen Daily 2015-03-23With China’s rise, the Hong Kong film industry finds itself in thrall to three distinct audiences: ... Golden Ducks ... com ... com ... com.
Screen Daily 2015-03-23The sharemarket remains under the thrall of historically low rates here and abroad, but the ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-03-22It evokes the spirit of Led Zeppelin (Jimmy Page is a fan), the Animals, or the Stones circa Sticky ...
The Independent 2015-03-21A Memphis- based Baptist minister whose fiery sermons held his African American congregation in thrall, the Reverend L.
noodls 2015-03-21And I don’t want to see a literary festival in snivelling thrall to the techno-inanities of nerdspeak ... React Now. Tweet. -->.
The Independent 2015-03-20... being dismissed as a nostalgia act, in evident thrall to American bluegrass musicians of yore.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-20His admirers were in the thrall of the auteur theory, which argued that truly great directors were ...
CounterPunch 2015-03-20Manchester artists are sometimes accused of being overly in thrall to their city’s musical heritage, ...
The Guardian 2015-03-19... allow itself to be in thrall to unionists as it would undoubtedly jeopardise the peace process here.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-19We can enhance national security by using America's resources to provide energy to our allies, ...
noodls 2015-03-18Thrall (Old Norse þræll) was the term for a serf or unfree servant in Scandinavian culture during the Viking Age. Thralls were the lowest in the social order and usually provided unskilled labor during the Viking era.
Thrall is from the Old Norse þræll meaning a person who is in bondage or serfdom. The Old Norse term was loaned into late Old English, as þræl. The corresponding native term in Anglo-Saxon society was þeow or esne.
The term is from a Common Germanic root *þreh- "to run" and the Old Norse term in origin referred to "a runner". Old High German had a cognate, dregil "servant, runner".
The English derivation thraldom is of High Medieval date. The verb to enthrall is of Early Modern origin (metaphorical use from the 1570s, literal use from 1610).
Thralls were the lowest class workers in Scandinavian society. When Christianity arrived in Northern Europe, there was increasing demand for non-Christian slaves, and the Scandinavians had a de facto monopoly on trading them because of geographic access to large non-Christian populations. In 1043 Hallvard Vebjørnsson, the son of a local nobleman in the district of Lier, was killed while trying to defend a thrall woman from men who accused her of theft. The Church strongly approved of his action, recognized him as a martyr, canonized him and venerated him as Saint Hallvard, the Patron Saint of Oslo.
I don't know whats wrong wit these fuckaz, Alwayz winin alwayz cryin he ain't
doin this fo me she ain't doin dat. Motha fucka get wit me i try to teach a
motha fucka somthin and then they just jump in here talk about goin AWOL who
the fuck goin AWOL man i let these motha fuckaz in here, then they go to the
fuckin white man and sell they fukin sole for a couple o bitchez and a blunt
man. How we supposed to respect that whoadie, if any fuckin producers runnin
they mouth man i'll pay fo the equip met a motha fucka couldn't even make beef
fo a hundred and two dollaz man. show a nigga how ta deal some papa, and dats
what i get in return man. How u talkin bout u ain't wit no limit no more? y
don't u bring bak the tank then whoadie? You ain't gawta bring it bak to me man
i kno u scared, mail it to me. What r ya keepin it fo protection? What are ya
gonna do wit the tatoos punta? Cover it up wit a suit? Thats somthin that some
bitchez would do. Oh Yeah, when i met ya ya'll had nothin, now ya gone and ya
got nothin again punta. Ain't no real niggaz gone fuck wit ya. Sell all the
stories ya want to the inquirer i don't give a fuck. I don't have no image to
hold, you do, i'm from the streets, where you from? Wha u gone call the police
and press charges every time ya get ya ass whooped? What kinda gangsta are u
You can hear it in the street,
See it in the dragging feet,
The word is getting out about control,
Spies they're come and gone,
The story travels on,
The only quiet place is inside your soul.
>From tree to tree,
>From you to me,
Travelling twice as fast as on any freeway.
Ev'ry single dream
Is wrapped up in the scheme,
They all get carried on the relay.
"Pass it on."
Someone disapproves
Of what you say or do,
I was asked to see what I could learn you;
Don't believe your eyes,
They're seeing only lies,
What is done in the first place don't concern you.
>From tree to tree ........ etc.
Relay, things are brewing,
Relay, something's doin'
Relay, it's a revolution,
Relay, relay,
Hand me down a solution!
"Pass it on."
She was a thrill, she took my will
I would do anything to appease her appetite
She was my love, I was amazed
She would do anything to humor me in her way
She was the one I chose
At very first sight
She took my breath away
And led me to paradise
Inside my mind, she was so kind
I would unwind, she said the greatest lines
And so I learned of many things
I sat at the piano singing about her
For a thousand years
A cold, hard world was understood
There wasn’t nothin’
That hadn’t passed my way
I was still in love with her
I didn’t know what to say
Took a million miles get this far
And though my love was inspired
I’d see her again someday
If I had my own way
Oh what a dream it was
A realistic dream
Trying to remember her
What was going down
You were my star, you truly are
You are everything I ever imagined so far
At some of the best times we really had some fun
We were just standing in line with a love most true
I conquered her wicked heart
I certainly must prevail
Oh, what a turn-on
I desperately can not fail
Oh, oh what a thrill
Oh, oh what a thrill
Oh, oh what a thrill
Oh, oh what a thrill
Rewind the clock
We were riding a wave of Oz rock
We were b-b-barely of age to take charge
Or pack our guitars for the long flight, she'll be right
No cash or plan
We were criss-crossing the States in some van
We were c-c-cooking up beans on the block
While the motor was hot
Something's gonna blow, let's get to the show
Give us half an inch we'll be tacking on a mile
Give us a half stage we'll start up a rampage
Put on your backpack, throw out your road map
God'll use anything, check it and see
He's giving us more than we ever could ask for
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
Reset the stage
We were out rattling the cage with each show
We were out hawking our shirts for more lights
'Til shine hit the brights and we saw your faces
And we got new bassists
The good and the lame
We were spinning our drums like a dial
We were blowing up domes from a pile
It worked for awhile, if yours didn't rise we apologize
All we've got to give is a God given drive
He keeps us moving, He keeps on proving
Put on your backpack, throw out your road map
God'll use anything, check it and see
He's giving us more than we ever could ask for
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
Lighten up, we'll lighten up the load at the starting gate
We'll lighten up the load to a fighting weight
We'll light up the road
Come on kiss your mama goodbye, we gotta fly
Put on your backpack, throw out your road map
God'll use anything, check it and see
He's giving us more than we ever could ask for
That's the way you roll 'cause you've been set free
Put on your backpack, throw out your road map
God'll use anything, check it and see
He's giving us more than we ever could ask for
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
That's the way we roll 'cause we've been set free
I don't know the real from what I Know I saw
I can't remember where I went
Where I was
I'm gonna move toward a point in time
Where where you are is a state of mind
And anytime I can read your thoughts
Some of them yours and some of them I thought up
There's no good reason for a heartbreak
Nothing's repeating every Monday
It's no good saying you'll always be mine
These jokes life's playing it makes me so tired
It's already to much to always seen you off
The sense that hours go back is enough
I like to fade when I write this line
There's every reason to paint a decline
And every mile I walk is five
I'll get where I'm going in the next life
And all the while there's a false face
This every killing is left untraced
This kind of falling saved my son
[Intro: 2Pac]
When I was young I read a lot, I wrote poetry...
I would have been a totally different person
Had I not been exposed to these things
I'm not saying I'm going to change the world
But I guarantee I will spark the brain that will change the world...
[Verse: Wale]
Sometimes a simple cadence can get in the way of greatness of a nigga statements
I feel I know a little bit of everything but I've grown unfamiliar with limitations
See I'm just a narrator that's see the world as a nigga who never made it
I forever debate a nigga who stand in the way of my standing ovation
Nigga I'd be lying to tell you my mind isn't exhausted
But to recline is to say God's blessing isn't as awesome as I flaunted
See I got more haters and nay sayers than eight Lakers in Boston
So I happen to Phil Jacksons along the way with this talking
See I give my heart to an unforgiven genre where passion is frowned upon
With a muzzle around em all a league full of dry rhymers I proceed to... cannonball
Loose cannon starts us off and crucified for the passionate ways...
I'm only but a man but man enough to challenge all
And I love you all
And I pray you just don't think I'm smart and see my vision and know my heart
This is 11.1.11... 11.1.11...
11.1.11 is when it all makes sense
When my critics break down and make amends with my supporters
Who been supporting me since day one can tell you niggas who fronted
Wale polish and guess what Wale got it...
I am just an artist
I am just a man
May not change the world
But let me inspire someone who can
Hurry up, let's go, take all his riches
That's what I used to learn from these older misses
You gotta, stop, cock and roll with mister
Flip, flop, my robes from dub to misses
Only run with real dudes, with the guns for sticking
Big dicks for sticking, fat tongues for licking
The type you like, she can have all my riches
Pretty Girl, you thorough, cancel all my business
Like to stick my pretty two's, but known to get stitches
Since a young girl, I've been grown up figures
Little older now, and I'm getting grandfather figures
More grands, than the grams, my poppa was sniffing
Laid up, slumped up, is how we leaving these niggas
Turned up, cooked up, like turnips in momma's kitchen
Burned up, like niggas banging dirty bitches
There's many ways, with a kiss, blazing niggas
[Chorus x2: P.G. (Streets)]
Real recognize real, we known to spill
(Get back, flip tracks, been known to peel)
With hoes and fake niggas like Kodak film
(Kill tracks, murk beats, and we'll take your deal)
It's real, kid, I'm that chick
Time to recognize who she runs with
Spit, bars, I'm so sweet
Gutter langer by the name of Streets
Son get soaked when by myself
Heavyweight bitch, I hold the belts
I, rip tracks, yes, she's hot
I, run them Streets, I run blocks
I, keep my heat, don't fuck with cops, no
Tell Diddy, I won't stop, no
Time to cop, so step your game up
The reason why these fellas open
From rags to roaches, we've been had though
Been smoked that 'dro, beef for a ho
Holla, come on now, bitch, I know my work
Who you talking to bitch, yo, I sold myself
[Chorus x2]
Been enemy of the state since I was born
Trying to make some moves like Farrakhan
Trying to see the world before I'm gone
Spitting over Buddha's beats in Brooklyn
Yo, I'm caging niggas, I'm flaming niggas
Like drag queens in parades on Thanksgiving, niggas
Uh, it's real with no deal, I'm hiding man for niggas
Like mixtapes in the hood, over instrumentals
Why, yo, we move in silence
Nowhere, to run, nowhere to hide
Bitch, keep that thing, by my sidekick
You jack and laid off to bust a nut
Uh, feel it in your guts, you know what's up, and what's what
Get bucked, fired up, light it up, it's a must
Cause, we be the chicks, niggas cannot touch
Chicken mimic how we spit, stop riding us
It's a dreadful situation what has happen on creation
See mankind is heading to distruction
We must make a stand rise and make a change before we wipe away the humans on this earth
If man would abide by rule
Knowledge is the strenght and you need no evidnence, no
Then he wouldn't die like fool
To trod without your wisdom dat nuh make no sence, no
Well do you think about your brother think about another
Think about jah loving that we all could share together
Ever think to split the treasutre would never take that measure
Just righteousness last forever question oppertunity
Whatis gonna be
Whatis in for you now tell me what is for me
I see your strategy
False prophecy
Good over evil always conquer your enemy
It's about time man can realize
That the gift of god is eternal life
You got to think positve in this time
That?s da only way we can survive
Stay away from the wrong and live upright
If man would abide by rule
Knowledge is the strenght and you nah need no evidence, no
Then he wouldn't die like fool
To roll without your wisdom dat nuh make no sence
If man abide by rule
Knowledge is the strenght and you nah need no evidence, no
Then he wouldn't die like fool
To shant without your wisdom dat nuh make sence, no
God created man and gave him dominion
Overall his creation
But man has violated the fathers plan
Love it's on the road to distruction, yeah
We talk bout realization
Coming throught with the right information
And the messenger give me the right inspiration
To break those evil walls of satan
Them ask a who?
A gentleman same one
Send da one ya to the hearts of peagons
And what we need is some unifikation got to overstand we got to bunn this distruktion and them illusion
What we need is understanding
Give alittle love
If man abide by rule
Knowledge is the strenght and you nah need no evidence, no
Then he wouldn't die like fool
To shant without your wisdom dat nuh make sence, no
Do you think about your brother think about another
Think about jah loving that we all could share together
Ever think to split the treasutre would never take that measure
Just righteousness last forever question oppertunity
Whatis gonna be
Whatis in for you now tell me what is for me
I see your strategy
False prophecy
(originally by Tomoyasu Hotei)
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Can't You See That I Am Yours?
Can't You See You Have My Heart?
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Take Me Far Beyond This World
Take Me Far Beyond My Dreams
Everytime Our Eyes Meet - There Is Pain
See Right Through My Heart - Like I'm Semi-Nude
Being Here With You - Just One On One
Gives Me Such A Thrill
Underneath The Table - We Connect
A Theater Of Darkness - Where We Can Play
Fingers Tangle And Touch
And It Drives Me Crazy
So We Count To Three
After One Long Kiss From Me
And Like Clockwork It Begins
And Again The Night Is Ours
The Passion Lies - Like A Plastic Rose
Dangerous - Like Caressing A Gun
My Life Flies Away On The Blowing Wind
But It's Such A Thrill
Dazzling Love - Like A Million Lights
You Burn My Eyes - But I Like The Pain
You're Blinding Me With Your Laser Fire
And I Don't Care
With The Stars Above - I Will Give Myself To You
And My Hungry, Hungry Heart
It Will Never Hesitate
It Will Never Wait
It Can't Wait - I'm Crazy For You
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Tonight Is Ours, And Ours Alone
And The Moon Belongs To Us
Baby Baby Baby Baby
The Only Lovers Left The Earth
So Jump Into The Last Great Love
Tears Are Falling In The Moonlight
Here We Are
The Sound Of Sad Song Melodies
Plays With Our Sighs
Midnight Is About To Break Our Lonliness
Please Embrace My Passion Because
When It Begins To Grow
It Begins To Show
I Can't Wait - I'm Crazy For You
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Can't You See That I Am Yours?
Can't You See You Have My Heart?
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Take Me Far Beyond This World
Take Me Far Beyond My Dreams
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Tonight Is Ours, And Ours Alone
And The Moon Belongs To Us
Baby Baby Baby Baby
The Only Lovers Left The Earth
The real revolution starts within
The real revolution starts within
Locked down and caged our lives directed
We just can't ignore the real reasons
We are just as much to blame as anyone else
Silent in apathy we won't make a difference
How can we say
That we are not a part of the problem
We are not a part of the problem
That's not true
How can we say
That we are not a part of the problem
We are not a part of the problem
Stereotype values and intoxication
Won't bring about change
There's a reason for the rejection
I feel it in my range
A protest to insufficiency
A purpose to save and heal
A balance to recover
The distorded picture
How can we say
That we are not a part of the problem
We are not a part of the problem
That's not true
How can we say
That we are not a part of the problem
We are not a part of the problem
Words mean nothing
Action is what counts
And when it comes down to it
Don't count me out
Words mean nothing
Action is what counts
And when it comes down to action
You make the deserts collide
You give the voiceless, songs
You think to bear unless
You make the weak one strong
Who can thrill a heart like Jesus?
Your life flowing in us
You can make the heart ablaze with life
Glorious, You're glorious
Who can thrill a heart like You?
You give the dreamers, dreams
You help the lame ones lean
Now let the singers sing
Of all the life You bring
Who can thrill a heart like Jesus?
Your life flowing in us
You can make the heart ablaze with life
Glorious, You're glorious
Who can thrill a heart like You?
Let Your presence rise around us
Let Your light chase off the dark
More of You and less of us, God
Let us in Your burning heart
Let Your presence rise around us
Let Your light chase off the dark
More of You and less of us, God
Let us in Your burning heart
Who can thrill a heart like Jesus?
Your life flowing in us
You can make the heart ablaze with life
Glorious, You're glorious
Who can trhill a heart like You?
Who can thrill a heart like Jesus?
Your life flowing in us
You can make the heart ablaze with life
Glorious, You're glorious
Rollen on slauson [x3]
Rollin on slauson rollin on slauson rollin on slauson comptons in the house
Comptons in the house
[Nipsy Hussle:]
Blue converse nigga rich rollin from the dirt just bangin my turf like snoop did
Same color rag just a new crip blue bandanas blue dickies and a deuce fith
Slauson ave ain't the side you could choose with homicide city turned these
Young niggas roofless with loose lips will make a snitch nigga shoes slip
Pistol introduce a pussy nigga to the pool pit blue rag "S" hat gold on my
Neck fat gun case catch that cause neighborhood I rep that bust heads peel
Caps cook coke sell crack hit the county jail make yo enemies run that
Momma know my gun clap granny know my gun clap shoot it out fuck that
Duck down bust back deuce deuces on my cadillac california state of mind
Since korupt dropped with battle cat
Some niggas crippin and some niggas don't times get so crazy when your
Out on your own some niggas bloodin and some niggas don't cause times
Get so crazy when your out on your own we gets it crackin like the old G's
Use to do we keeps it crackin like the old G's use to do in 85 and 87 and 91
Them gangstas they roll them gangstas they roll
[The Game:]
Red converse nigga soo woopin from the dirt nigga bangin my turf like snoop did
And it's still 187 on a mothafuckin cop when I'm dippin down the block bangin
Black Superman and CJ Mack naw Game wasn't the first with the L.A. tat
It was Ketia Rock I'm the blood him straight from Cedar block name still
Painted on the wall I never leave the block can't stop won't stop gotta
Keep the heater cocked fiends like S Dot they'll neverleave the rock
Palm trees crips bloods hundreds in the strip club Game soo wooped out
And Nipsey all ripped up C walk B walk stompin in my big chucks red rag
Pants sag nigga I don't give a fuck bigger rims on bigger trucks California
State of mind since Pac drop Hit Em Up
Some niggas crippin and some niggas don't times get so crazy when your
Out on your own some niggas bloodin and some niggas don't cause times
Get so crazy when your out on your own we gets it crackin like the old G's
Use to do we keeps it crackin like the old G's use to do in 85 and 87 and 91
Nothing is real
But its real if you want it to be
(ideas in my mind none self subsisting)
Look forward to life all of your life.
Just your life not a dream
("hello" i've been waiting to meet you)
So turn around you will still feel
That the real is deep inside
I have opened all my doors
So there's nothing left to hide
I said it
Live in your hole
Box your soul
Without hope pride or faith
(depend on full attempt of boundary)
Turn around before you fear
What you've found
(turn around and
Face me now)
Your faced down
I know the sun's around
To wake the dead
You've got if anything
A bigger head
Most likely to perform
Was who I knew
But now it's you that I have to know
Silly who ya know
Has got away
Sweet little who ya know
Lives in L.A.
Most likely to conceive
Was who I knew
But now it's you that I have to know
Only the real world
Is so unreal
Only the real is real
Pocket the business card
Be on your way
Pocket the smiling face
And save the day
Most likely to perform
Was who I knew
But now it's you that I have to know
Only the real world is so unreal
"Look at the castle full of crime
It's walls streaming blood,
As if a demon lived here"
Time is paying your debt off in the face of the world
Has already finished.
Look around, you are alone,
But there are spors of blood still on your hands
A dirty soul is soaked of crime
And it's still in your body
You feel inside you aren't alone
It's demon who leads you
He makes you hate yourself
Your face covered deep wounds
Is looking with disdain from a mirror
Black man in black dream with black redections
Life is a place that dream
You used to be obedient to that faith
But now this is hate to yourself and God
You struggle and destroy the crosses
But this everything is out of control
You have to wait when the anathema fills in complete
The visions of perish Christ at the cross
Makes you successful
Fallen God, fallen the world, only despair remains
Your crimes are waiting on the glory
Told you I'd be working late
Now I'm on my way home, babe
Cause I'd rather be with you tonight
As I approach your door
Got a feeling you ain't alone
Suspicious that this has got me
Concerned, yeah
I hear voices
I'm peeking through the window
Hoping that you're just watching a movie with surround on
I hear your neighbor call out
Don't like this feeling at all
What is going on?
My pulse has raced as we're running down my face
And I'm trying to collect myself
Hope you ain't tryna play me
Don't like what I'm hearing
I think you're messing with somebody else, baby
I think I hear you through the wall fool around
I think I hear you through the wall making love
I think I hear you through the wall
I hear you through the wall
I hear you through the wall
Cause I'm on the other side
I think I hear you through the wall fool around
I think I hear you through the wall making love
I think I hear you through the wall
I hear you through the wall
I hear you through the wall
I-I-I hear you through the wall
I hope my ears are playing tricks on me
Like I hope this is just a dream
Cause I never thought that this could happen in my reality, no
How could you not hear the doorbell ring?
Pushed it two times, is it not working?
Let me calm down cause maybe I'm imagining things
But I think I hear you
I hear voices
I'm peeking through the window
Hoping that you're just watching a movie with surround on
I hear your neighbor call out
Don't like this feeling at all
What is going on?
My pulse has raced as we're running down my face
And I'm trying to collect myself
Hope you ain't tryna play me
Don't like what I'm hearing
I think you're messing with somebody, baby
Oh why?
Why? Yeah
Oh why?
Oh, I'm thinking
We never met face to face
But I feel like I know you well
You have the place next to my place
I could see you by ringing the bell
But I hear you through the wall
I hear you in the morning shower
How can you play that song at that hour
Press my ear to the wall to hear coffee perk
And watch from the window when you leave for work
And I hide behind the wall
Your boyfriend is really a jerk (jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk)
Will he ever learn to play the saxophone
He plays that same song over and over
Your boyfriend is really a jerk (jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk)
Watches daytime shows the sound is loud
Watches daytime shows watches daytime shows
I can't wait till you're home from work
I like Saturdays best of all
When your exercise records play
The pictures shake on my wall
Send a dozen leg lifts my way
Cause I feel you through the wall
I heard how you balked when they raised the rent
It was the closest I've come to losing you
Just fifty a month and it's money well spent
To keep you beside me it's the least I can do
Cause I need you through the wall
Your boyfriend is really a jerk (jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk)
Will he ever learn to play the saxophone
He plays that same song over and over
Your boyfriend is really a jerk (jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk,jerk)
Watches daytime shows the sound is loud
Watches daytime shows watches daytime shows
I can't wait till you're home from work
And I hear you through the wall
And I feel you through the wall
Seems she's living in a dream,
got her mind on other things.
And time has cooled her smiles when she looks at me.
She doesn't seem hear me speak,
feel her kisses on her cheek.
I shouldn't let it get to me but since my plan is
getting out of hand
and I'm too proud to find out where I stand.
Is she with another man who gives her everything he
Because the root of my thrill deceives my eyes I would
die to do her will.
Tell me girl, tell me please, this is no dream and you
are still my high school queen.
I've been living in a daze,
spent my mind in other ways.
I should have held her everyday
because time can't heal those things when they slip
Its too easy to relate all the times I ran away.
The hopes that I unravelled and unwound.
Always in and out of town.
She said soon enough you'll see you're just a clown
always running all around.
I see you speak but I hear no sound.
Because the root of my thrill deceives my eyes I would
die to do her will.
Tell me girl, tell me please, this is no dream and you
are still my high school queen.
I've been living in a dream,
trying to stay clean
but summertime has gone away.
And now, what can I do if I cannot stay true to you?
Because the root of my thrill deceives my eyes and I
would die to do her will.
Tell me girl, tell me please, this is no dream and you
are still my high school queen.
Because the root of my thrill deceives my eyes and I
would die to do her will.
Tell me girl, tell me please, this is no dream and you
Here I am
I can't stand
To Fight
This feeling of dispair
I hide
I wonder are You there?
Sometimes, sometimes (we all wonder)
This is You, this is me
This is who we're meant to be
We are the real, the truth is unchanging
This is the call to hearts that are feeling
So it is
That I feel
This life
Is far beyond repair
But I
I know that You are there
Tonight, tonight (I won't give up)
Keep on
Don't you let this take you down
Don't stop
I react to the rage that drives me
Freedom We share in this small scene
Few express without much thought
On why they came or why they belong
Always the one filled with disdain
Feeling is all the same
The things that went down today
Will set you free some way
Freedom Belongs
React as one
All come together, act as one
Freedom belongs
You came as a few
And leave now as one
Take a look around and see
Are we alone?
Is there more than we believe in?
Haunting these walls
Shadows crawling out, revealing
Fear in me, Stays in me
The nightmares inside here
My dark fears
All in my head again
The nightmares I might hear
All my tears pull me through hell again
I wake in the night
And I pray that I've been dreaming
There's nowhere to hide
From this nightmare calling to me
Fear in me, Stays in me
The nightmares inside here
My dark fears
All in my head again
The nightmares I might hear
All my tears pull me through hell again
The nightmares inside here
My dark fears
All in my head again
The nightmares I might hear
All my tears pull me through hell again
The nightmares inside here
My dark fears
All in my head again
The nightmares I might hear
Lady, wishing you're the man that I hold hands with
When she in the mall or the...
It only take a couple grands if you wanna see some sand
Baby girl I understand and I got you
Just to keep it real simple baby girl kiss your temples,
not the cheeks or your face, but the attitude
Baby girl I ain't the type of girl who's missing all night
Now my niggas thinking I might love you
But, you got me, out of my element
Hey, and I think, I think what it is!
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
Show me what she got, show me what she got
And she, she works that instrument so crazy
It's like she's a musicians, I have a CD on every rotation
She got her head tide up and her sweat pants on
What she do that walk so stupid
When she bite on her finger, when she looking at me
Shawty, you gonna mess around and make me prove it
You got me, out of my element
Hey, and I think, I think what it is!
Chorus: (x2)
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
She got that thrilla, she got that thrilla
Show me what she got, show me what she got
Show me what she got, show me what she got
Would you move, move in this life
My heart is numb and cold from the night
Ignite the fire and the passion again
Lord would you reveal remind me how to feel
Would you thrill would you fill
Get under my skin
Make me to be what you want me to be
Would you thrill would fill, get into my head
Move in my soul would you make me whole
Would you move, move in this heart
Open the doors that kept us apart
I’ve been running and chasing the wind
I’ve been breathing in the fumes and choking on my sin