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Khasab, Oman - Dhow cruise though the Omani fjords HD (2013)
Khasab, Oman
The Reel Deal Fishing Team in Khasab
Oman's Khasab and UAE's Desert Trip رحلة خصب عمان وصحراء الإمارات
Khasab ride 15/11/2013 (part1 - Road to Khasab)
Dolphins in Khasab, Musandam, Oman Tour
December 20, 2013 Khasab trip, Ocean road, Dhow Cruise, Dolphin viewing
Trip to Khasab, Oman - Mili
Spectacular Approach to Khasab - Cockpit ATR
Dubai to Oman Road Trip August 2014: Khasab Mussanah Salalah Khareef Season
Khasab, Oman - Dhow cruise though the Omani fjords and Telegraph Island.
Khasab, Oman 21/12/2012.
GT Fishing in Khasab Oman
هذا الفيديو يغطي رحلة طريق رووس الجبال من خصب إلى دبا البيعة وأيضاً رحلة في صحراء الإمارات. سيغطي الفيديو بعض الأحداث الشيقة وتقديم المعلومات القيمة The vide...
Ride to Khasab (Musandam, Oman) from UAE/Oman border Track: Pink Floyd - Take It Back.
Dolphin sightings on the Khasab, Musandam, Oman Tour by Khasab Travel & Tours.
If you are in UAE, this is an absolute must see/do....Omani Dhow Cruise in Khasab, Oman, and see the Dolphins.......Drive from Dubai to Khasab port is about 215 km. Visa on arrival at Oman border. The ocean road is exquisitely picturesque, comparable to the Great Ocean Road of Australia (we know, since we did both). Believe me, you will not regret it.
fishing and diving.
Trip to Khasab, Oman November 28th, 2014
Please visit our website at For this DVD
4328 km road trip from Dubai to Khasab, back to Dubai. Dubai to Mussanah, Jebel Shams, back to Mussanah, then to Salalah and from Salalah back to Dubai! From cooking 45° in Dubai all the way to 24° in foggy Salalah during Khareef Season.
Khasab Castle - Musandam Oman
Diving in Khasab - Musandam, Oman with Extradivers.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Beautiful twisties along Khasab coastal road, GoPro mounted on our support car Jeep Wrangler
Strait of Hormuz , Driving to Khasab Oman.
Mein Schiff 2Ausflug Khasab Oman Traditionelle Bootsfahrt durch die Fjordwelt Delfine sehen Hubert Fella -Videos Filme Reisebüro Fella in Hammelburg @ Tel. 09732-2600 Email ab 18.30 Uhr und am Wochenende unter 0171-2731400 Hubert Fella Hier noch die Bilder: Im Februar 2014 habe ich eine Woche lang eine Dubai-Kreuzfahrt auf der Mein Schiff 2 gemacht. Es war eine Inforeise Dubai Oman Mein Schiff 2 TUI Cruises Reiebüro Fella Hammelburg Onlinebuchung @ Mein Schiff 2 Kommen Sie an Bord der Mein Schiff 2 - dem zweiten Wohlfühlschiff von TUI Cruises. Gehen Sie mit uns auf Wohlfühlkurs und genießen Sie die grenzenlose Gastfreundschaft auf dem Meer an Bord der Mein Schiff 2. Schiffsdaten Allgemeines Bauwerft:Meyer Werft GmbHIndienststellung:1997Umbau:2011Umbauwerft:Lloyd Werft BremerhavenSchiffslänge:262,5 mSchiffsbreite:32,2 mVermessung:77.302 BRZTiefgang:8,5 mAnzahl Decks:13Besatzungsstärke:780Flagge:Malta Technische Daten Antrieb:dieselmechanischAntriebsleistung:31.500 kWGeschwindigkeit:21,5 kn Kabinen/Öffentliche Bereiche Passagiere:1.912 (auf 2-Bett-Basis)Passagierkabinen: 956304 Innenkabinen 225 Außenkabinen (davon 7 barrierefreie) 376 Balkonkabinen 39 Junior Suiten 12 SuitenRestaurants & Bistros:8Restaurantfläche:ca. 4.600 m²Bars & Lounges:10Fläche Außendeck:11.991 m²SPA & Sport:1.500 m²Shops:"Neuer Wall" mit Mode/ Textilien, Accessoires, Schmuck, Uhren, Parfümerie und Floristik, zudem Foto Shop und „Wein & Wahrheit Vinothek"
a dead shark in khasab musandam oman.
The gang exploring the mountains of Khasab, Oman. Weather was awesome. Clouds covering the mountains. As usual, great adventures with great friends.
Khasab o Al-Khasab, in arabo خصب, è una città del Sultanato dell'Oman, situata nel nord del paese, nella penisola del Musandam.Khasab si trova sullo stretto di Ormuz, che separa il mare Arabico dal Golfo dell'Oman, di fronte all'Iran. È la capitale del governatorato di Musandam, un'enclave del sultanato posta nel territorio degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, ed è la capitale capitale del distretto omonimo (Wilayat Khasab).È una meta frequentata soprattutto da un turismo locale che, trascorsa la settimana nella frenetica città di Dubai, trova in Khasab una luogo tranquillo e incontaminato dove trascorrere piacevoli fine settimana.Khasab e' conosciuta per i suoi fiordi e per questo e' chiamata la Norvegia dell'Oman.Per la particolare posizione geografica di questa località - è la città più a nord della penisola del Musandam e di tutti gli Emirati- Khasab è conosciuta anche come "Top of the Emirates". In questo appellativo si manifesta, inoltre, il desiderio del sultanato dell'Oman ad aprirsi sempre più ad un turismo internazionale, sulla scia di quanto già avvenuto negli Emirati Arabi Uniti. Dalla località di Khasab, non è difficile scorgere in mare i delfini che sono soliti attraversare lo stretto di Ormuz. Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (
•❁OPEN FOR MORE INFO – DEROULE POUR PLUS D’INFO❁• Nouvelle tenue longue jupe hijab à Oman dans un cadre magnifique puisque nous sommes dans la péninsule de Musandam. Pour ne rater aucune de mes vidéos, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à ma chaîne, c'est GRATUIT et RAPIDE : Pour regarder la vidéo en HD, Cliquer sur 1080 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code promo : ❤ Site I herb : DTR706 pour bénéficier de 10,00 $ (commande sup à 40$ ) ou 5 $ (commande inférieur à 40$) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrouvez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux: ❤ Youtube : ❤ Facebook : ❤ Instagram : ❤ Blog : ❤ Google + : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business inquiries ONLY / Contact professionnel UNIQUEMENT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤Je filme avec un Canon EOS 650D 18-135 mm ❤Pour le montage, j’utilise Vegas Pro 12 et / ou Windows Live Movie Maker ❤Music : "Tafi Maradi" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Hasna ❤ Hijab outfit, Hijab outfit ideas, Hijab Lookbook,Hijab for school, Hijab et travail, Hijab et tenue du jour,Outfit of the day, Oman, Péninsule Mousandam, Khasab,
part of the way to Oman-UAE border crossing with incredible views of the barren and rocky Al Hajar Mountain Range.
Are there any cheap hotels in and around tardeo, mumbai? Any hotel? in musandam, other than golden tulip and khasab hotel? I want to a hotel? in nearest taj ...
Preview of Heatheravan's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This ...
Ausflug Khasab Oman- Traditionelle Bootsfahrt durch die Fjordwelt Hubert Fella -Videos Filme Reisebüro Fella in Hammelburg @ Tel. 09732-2600 Email ab 18.30 Uhr und am Wochenende unter 0171-2731400 Hubert Fella Hier noch die Bilder: Reisebericht: Rundreise Arabische Emirate und Sultanat Oman Khasab, die Hauptstadt Musandams Etwa 18 000 der 35 000 Einwohner Musandams leben in Khasab, dem größten Ort auf der Halbinsel. Seit 2009 verkehrt eine Schnellbootfähre zwischen Khasab und Muscat. Die Fahrzeit beträgt lediglich 6 Stunden. Das Khasab von heute präsentiert sich als moderne omanische Oasenstadt und Handelszentrum der Region. Die Mein Schiff 2 (bis 2008 Mercury, danach bis April 2011 Celebrity Mercury) ist ein Kreuzfahrtschiff der Reederei TUI Cruises. Nach dem Umbau durch die Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven wurde das Schiff mit 77.302 BRZ vermessen. Mit einer Länge von 262,5 m und einer Breite von 32,2 m entspricht die Mein Schiff 2 dem Panamax-Formfaktor.[4]
Trip to Musandam- khasab and the fort رحلة من مسقط إلى خصب (مسندم) بين الجبال و البحر -- زيارة حصن خصب( أنشودة : تزهو بك الأعوام) تتميز محافظة مسندم بموقعها ...
background music from Dolphins at 2:20 This is what you should witness, when you head up to Musandam Khasab in Oman. Charter a local Dhow to...
Ferry boat from Khasab to Muscat Ras Musandam in Oman.
Flood at Kumzar on 19 january 2014
For the best experience, view this video (and others like it) on or and create ...
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Khasab Castle Museum History Video, Ras Musandam Oman - PART 2.
Fujairah Travel guide - City Guide, Fujairah Places to visit, travel website, what to do in fujairah, sights to see in fujairah
Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, Muscat, Oman HD - Oman Tours Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide ...
Travel to the Sultanate of Oman especially to the city of Muscat for amazing Oman Adventure. Through our Oman travel guide you can visit Oman. Oman is an evo...
Nizwa, Oman attractions - Nizwa, Oman Tours - Nizwa, Oman HD Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Nizwa is the largest city in the Ad Dakhiliyah Region in Oman and was the capital of Oman proper. Nizwa is about 140 km (1.5 hours) from Muscat. The population is estimated at around 700,000 people including the two areas of Burkat Al Mooz and Al Jabel Al Akhdar. Nizwa is one of the oldest cities in Oman and it was once a center of trade, religion, education and art. Its Jama (grand mosque) was formerly a center for Islamic learning. Nizwa acquired its importance because it has been an important meeting point at the base of the Western Hajar Mountains. Set amid a verdant spread of date palms, it is strategically located at the crossroads of routes linking the interior with Muscat and the lower reaches of Dhofar thus serving as the link for a large part of the country. Today, Nizwa is a diverse prosperous place with numerous agricultural, historical and recreational aspects. Nizwa is a center for date growing and is the market place for the area. Attractions Nizwa, Oman ============== The main tourist attractions in the city are Nizwa Fort, the traditional Souq and Falaj Daris. In the 1990s, the Jama, the fort and the souq which sit next to each other in the centre were renovated using the same traditional materials. In 1993 Nizwa won the award of 'Organisation of Arab Cities'. Nizwa Fort ====== Nizwa fort was built in the 1668 AD by Imam Sultan Bin Saif Al Ya'rubi. It is Oman's most visited national monument. The fort was the administrative seat of authority for the presiding Imams and Walis in times of peace and conflict. The main bulk of the fort took about 12 years to complete and was built above an underground stream. The fort is a reminder of the town's significance through turbulent periods in Oman's long history. It was a formidable stronghold against raiding forces that desired Nizwa's abundant natural wealth and its strategic location at the crossroads of vital routes. Nizwa Souq ============ The city, famous for its handicrafts and agricultural products, has an expansive souq with an array of products. It is one of the most important in the country besides Muttrah. The souq bustles with vendors selling everything from meat, fish, fruits and vegetables to spices, dates, gold and silverware. Nizwa is renowned for its silver jewelry which is considered to be the best in the country. Its people are masters in Khanjar making (curved dagger), recognised for its distinctive style and patterns. They also make copper ware, coffee pots, swords, leather goods and pottery. Falaj Daris =========== Falaj Daris (a World Heritage Site) is the largest falaj in Oman and is the life maintainer of Nizwa. It provides the surrounding countryside with much needed water for the plantations. Al Ghantuq and Dhoot are two other important falajs in Nizwa. Farming is widely practiced and the town's immense palm farms stretches for eight kilometers along the course of two wadis (Kalbouh and Al Abiadh). Also in practice are red sugar processing and hide tanning. ========== Nizwa attractions, Oman attractions, Things to Do in Nizwa, Things to Do in Oman, Nizwa City, Travel to Oman, Nizwa Souk, Cattle Market, Nizwa Oman, Nizwa HD, Nizwa Travel, Nizwa Vacation, Nizwa Hotels, Nizwa Tours, Nizwa Tourism, Nizwa Holidays, Visit Nizwa, Nizwa Travel Guide, Oman Travel, Oman Vacation, Oman Hotels, Oman Tours, Oman Tourism, Oman Holidays, Visit Oman, Oman Travel Guide
Move over Europe and America, the Middle East has become the hotspot for any discerning traveller. And whilst many may flock to the commercial haven of Dubai...
Mishaal Alsudairy Solo Ride from Dubai to Khasab and Sall Ala in Masandam Region in Oman and returning to Dubai Friday 4TH of April 2014 total ride distance 518km
Among the flights which were cancelled from Muscat International Airport include flights to Khasab, ...
Topix 2015-04-02Most of the vessels are on Middle East tours, which include Dubai, Bahrain, Muscat, Khorfakkan and Khasab ... ae.
TheNational 2015-03-02There are fishing villages, the traditional townships of Khasab and Dibba and forts and wadis to ...
CNN 2015-02-09Khasab is a town with a population of 18,000, and this is the smartest of the three hotels here.
TheNational 2015-01-29The mammoth ship cost Dh2.5 ... There are also plans to revamp Salalah and Musandam’s Khasab ports for cruise tourists.
TheNational 2015-01-29Khasab hides between immense cliffs that plunge directly into the sea, forming narrow, high-sided fjords.
BBC News 2014-10-25... of the Omani Women's Association in Seeb, Mussanah, Sohar, Khasab, Buraimi, Ibri and Ad Dakhiliyah.
noodls 2014-08-03... by Mussanah and Sohar before driving to Khasab in the northern-most enclave of the Sultanate.
noodls 2014-07-23... to Africa and the Middle East, calling in to Muscat, Abu Dhabi and Khasab before returning to Dubai.
Canberra Times 2014-07-23... of the Omani Women's Association in Seeb, Mussanah, Sohar, Khasab, Buraimi, Ibri and Ad Dakhiliyah.
noodls 2014-07-22... of the Omani Women's Association in Seeb, Mussanah, Sohar, Khasab, Buraimi, Ibri and Ad Dakhiliyah.
noodls 2014-07-14... by Mussanah and Sohar before driving to Khasab in the northern-most enclave of the Sultanate.
noodls 2014-07-10The next stop will be Khasab in the northern-most Governorate of the Sultanate, before returning to ...
noodls 2014-07-10Khasab (Arabic: خصب) is a city in an exclave of Oman. It is the local capital of the Musandam peninsula. Khasab is located 500 kilometers (310 mi) from Muscat and is dubbed the "Norway of Arabia". The Portuguese built Khasab at the beginning of the 17th century at the height of their naval presence in the region. The natural harbor gave shelter from tough seas. Unlike many forts, which were built on high ground for defensive purposes, Khasab was designed as a supply point for dates and water for Portuguese ships sailing through the strait. Today, Khasab is protected from floods by three large dams.
Access to the area by land was virtually impossible until a modern coast road was built, which allows fast access from the United Arab Emirates, making Khasab a popular weekend destination for people living in the Emirates. The new road also allows access to the village of Tawi, where prehistoric drawings of boats, animals and warriors can be seen in the rock face. Khasab also has a number of modern shopping areas with imported Irani goods and locally created pottery, and a few hotels, including the Khasab Hotel and Golden Tulip Hotel, which sits on a cliff overlooking the gulf.
I lived my life on a razor blade
Never found escape in my empty shade
Till came one day when the c.i.a
Said we need you bad down in leningrad
I took my life of a legal alien
A "bolivian dancer" that's what i was
And I knew I found my aim
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
I met freulein in a french caf?
Just a cigarette and "les jeux sont faits"
Till came one night when she was in sight
Through the bathroom door saw her seek for more
I took my colt and I pointed at her eyes
A sentimental cancer that's what it was
And I knew I lost my prize
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
She looked at me god she was so sweet
She knelt to my feet said she had to cheat
Cause she lived her life on the sharpest knife
And the k.g.b never let her breathe
I took her hand we decided to go far
The naivest "dancer" that's what I was
And two men approached the car
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
(He) Well, I was ramblin’ down through the streets with
my Rolls-Royce
When I came in that bar in 5th Avenue
Well, this beautiful lady came up to me and she said :
(She) Hey man ! Do you wanna drink something ?
I said :
(He) Yeah ! Well... what do you have ?
She said :
(She) We have some beautiful cocktails which can really
freak you out !
She said :
God I wish you could just let me know
‘Cause your eyes don’t wanna show
God I wish you could just let me know
I don’t think I’ll let you go ..
(He) Well ... It’s just a Midnight Cocktail
Well ... It’s just a Midnight Cocktail
And I feel I like you
A Vodka-Lemon ? Or do you want a Bloody Mary ?
She said :
(She) Hey Man, I want a Manhattan... (Touch me know)
(He) Noo !! I’ll have a Tequila Sunrise or a
Screwdriver, a Jack Daniels
Hey ! dou you have any Sham pain ?
(She) Champagne ! you mean !
(He) Shampayne !
She said :
(She) I like you when you move
God I like the way you make your Groove
Though your eyes they show some Blues
God I like the sweetness in your moods
And I think you always knew ..
(He) Well ... It’s just a Midnight Cocktail
Well ... It’s just a Midnight Cocktail
And I’m in love with you !
Well, this thing ended up in an L.A hotel room
We took room N°6129 which is on the right wing of the
She was there on the bed and she said :
(She) Hey, is that what you really want ?
Or do you just want a Gin&Tonic;
I said :
(He) I want an Alexander, actually I want you !
Yeah... well .. you know !
I want you
It might seem strange, really strange
I said :
Eight p.m. I´m lookin´ forward
to going across the English Channel
lookin´ forward to leaving all my doubts behind
and I feel so fine
I don´t know why but I feel alright
I see life growing in my heart
London Paris London Paris (2x)
Ten p.m. on the boat deck
talking with a girl about life
(He) Do you like that Toulouse Lautrec graffitti?
(She) Yes I do indeed, I don´t know why
but I like the scene
with all its echoes... revoluchansons
(He) With all its restaurants
We're walking like in a Dolce Vita
This time we've got it right
We're living like in a Dolce Vita
Mmm we gonna dream tonight
We're dancing like in a Dolce Vita
With lights and music on
Our love is made in the Dolce Vita
Nobody else than you
It's our last night
Together with our love again
Another light
Before we're thrown in darkness
Say you'll never leave me now
Say you're gonna love me now
We've made it down in the Dolce Vita
Wipe all your fears away
We live it like in the Dolce Vita
A game of yesterday
I'm so alone in the Dolce Vita
Oh baby telephone
This magic's gone in the Dolce Vita
Nobody else than you
It's our last night
Together with our love again
Another light
Before we're thrown in darkness
Say you'll never leave me now
Say you're gonna love me
It's our last night
Together with our love again
Another light
Before we're thrown in darkness
Say you'll never leave me now
what a wonderful day
everything is ok
not a problem in mind
leaving worries behind
except for that little doubt you have
concerning your dress tonight
so you take a bottle of french wine
and then you say you don't live twice
you cast the dice
masterpiece you should have seen it
that rainbow in the moonglow
masterpiece you got to live it
that new dawn tomorrow
what an elegant place
you walk with elephant grace
all Sunset Boulevard
has been waiting the star
they all gather to celebrate
happy birthday my honey dear
what a joy to see your old mates
in this Hollywood atmosphere
with us at last
masterpiece you never act it
but life is a movie
masterpiece you got to try it
we know you'd be moving
you had the tango too much
you say you''l keep in touch
back home in your rolls royce
you smile and think of the boys
all of sudden your sight obscures
and your memories drift the air
and you finally feel secure
you're another star up there
a star up there
A masquerade you walk in the moonlight
Don't like the shade you live with the sea tide
You look like Nostradamus, although you're not as famous
Your pass is fast and nervous
You can't stop
Lunatic and aristocratic
There you go
Lunatic and your eyes are magic
Lunatic and aristocratic
There you go
Lunatic and the strange is logic
You take a chance two fiche on red nine
Lets have a dance, yes darling, next time
Youre no Casanova
Youre just a lonely number
Youre I'll with sexomania
You can't stop
Lunatic and aristocratic
There you go
Lunatic and your eyes are magic
Lunatic and aristocratic
There you go
Remember that piano
So delightful unusual
That classic sensation
Sentimental confusion
Used to say
I like Chopin
Love me now and again
Chorus :
Rainy days never say goodbye
To desire when we are together
Rainy days growing in your eyes
Tell me where's my way
Imagine your face
In a sunshine reflection
A vision of blue skies
Forever distractions
Used to say
I like Chopin
Love me now and again
I love you Jean
but I can't go out tonight
in the machine
all my thoughts are bound so tight
living in recording studios
makes me feel awake
life is just a brand new echo
digital delay
Love in your eyes
oh, baby don't you realize
it's only love in your eyes
oh, baby got to compromise
it's only love
I love you too
but you make me feel so sad
a Mini Moog is just all you need so bad
you were just a damn sequencer
moving to the beat
living with a synthesizer
cold as a repeat
Love in your eyes
oh, baby don't you realize
it's only love in your eyes
oh, baby got to compromise
it's only love
I love you Jean
but I can't stand you no more
why do you scream?
I can't hear the monitor
your voice needs an equalizer
try to sing the song
filtered in the harmonizer
we can get along
Love in your eyes
oh, baby don't you realize
it's only love in your eyes
oh, baby got to compromise
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Just a little virtual love affair
Lonely hearts broken in despair
Just another virtual love
Millions of romances
One more glance to his profile
Smiling face and glitter eyes
The rights words in the right place
But he is not on time again
Green light! As he shows up!
And her heart's in her throat
Another moon in the web tide
And they still haven't downed it just yet
Just a little virtual love affair
Lonely hearts broken in despair
Just another virtual love
A million of romantic nodes
Now she runs to her bedroom
Bated breath and shaking hands
She goes straight to her laptop
But he is not online... again
She stands up looking nervous
And she chats with her friends
Another joke on the website
And he still hasn't showed up just yet!
Just a little virtual love affair
Lonely hearts broken in despair
Just another virtual love
Millions of romances
Just a little virtual love affair
And millions of romantic souls
But who can he be now?
A Prince Charming?
Prince or Toad?
Please logout to exit
Avatar is on "default"
Remember me next time
Just a little virtual love affair
Lonely hearts broken in despair
Just another virtual love
Millions of romances
Just a little virtual love affair
And millions of romantic souls
I lived my life on a razor blade
Never found escape in my empty shade
Till came one day when the c.i.a
Said we need you bad down in leningrad
I took my life of a legal alien
A "bolivian dancer" that's what i was
And I knew I found my aim
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
I met freulein in a french caf?
Just a cigarette and "les jeux sont faits"
Till came one night when she was in sight
Through the bathroom door saw her seek for more
I took my colt and I pointed at her eyes
A sentimental cancer that's what it was
And I knew I lost my prize
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
She looked at me god she was so sweet
She knelt to my feet said she had to cheat
Cause she lived her life on the sharpest knife
And the k.g.b never let her breathe
I took her hand we decided to go far
The naivest "dancer" that's what I was
And two men approached the car
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
And I shed my soul, feel it kneeling down...
I'm clutching my faith, pull it tightly round...
You're moving your mouth but you don't make a sound...
But I feel the walls slowly tearing down...
Heel to toe takes you from my side...
In and out, every breath divides...
My eyes to your head,
I can't go the distance...
But when you go you take me in an instant...
In this life, I'll give it time...
Cause its always pushing up from behind...
It'll be alright, it will be fine...
Its nothing more than ordinary life...
And I show you my sins, show me all your scars...
As we settle in, its written in the stars...
Your watery eyes got me send me floating...
And my weak heart is swimming with devotion...
But in this life...
I'll give it time...
Cause its always sneaking up from behind...
It'll be alright, it will be fine...
Chain Gang
What is that you gain,
With soul, body both in chains
While your stuck with,
Conventional minds
You're no better than slaves
What is that you gain,
With soul, body both in chains
Peform your duty,
Nine to five
You get lost in the crowd,
And hide yourself
Day by day the same shit
Don't you think it's bullshit
Submit to missions,
Authority leans
What's the purpose for that
Day by day the same shit
Don't you think it's bullshit
Seems no passion,
No ambition
Just like a broken blade
Kick those fence down
Run off to live
Kick those fence down
As you run off through the night
Deriding faces come in sight
Bear up tight, defy with might
Till the string untle
Chain-Chain gang
Chain-Chain gang
Chain-Chain gang
Chain-Chain gang
Chain-Chain gang
Chain-Chain gang
Chain gang, let it hang
Let it gang, chain gang
Chain gang, make it spang
No More Slaughter
Step out from your door,
Even in daylight
They threaten the security
A lack of reason,
And a stony heart
The homicidal insanity
Innocent victims,
Slaughtered by hate
Bloodshed will pursue
Ain't no business,
And then it's too late
The death call arises to you
Wrath spoils peace
So silly
Fear will increase
So chilly
No more killing needs,
To take by force our dreams
No more killing needs,
To stop the world to breath
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
No more, no more
Low Intensity Warfare
Cheated by pose
All left are bones
Reveal it's mask before resorse
(Repeat-2 times)
Small confusion bringing,
Impact in sight
Another stuff and nosense
Use your head,
Never lean on your night
It won't break out
Without a weapon,
It's still a fight
Dare not treat it lightly
You do, you'll suffer,
Lapse of right
You will
Low intensity warfare,
Will trespass on you
You, you, you,
Low intensity warfare,
Will trespass on you
You, you, you,
Low intensity warfare,
Will trespass on you
Infinite Pain
Death, death. A phrase of doom
Entry to liberation
Death, death. Release of gloom
End of long agony.
Place of no authority
Nothing is in chain
Chances to infinity
Beigns never been slain
Make you no insanity
Ideas never in vain
Life through all eternity
No suffering pain
Ride out, ride out, ride out
The Pain
Ride out, ride out, ride out
The Pain
Ride out, ride out, ride out
The Pain
Ride out, ride out, ride out
The Pain
Infinite pain ride out
Infinite pain ride out
Infinite pain ride out
Infinite pain
Infinite pain ride out
Infinite pain ride out
Infinite pain ride out
What do I gotta do to make it work out
Do I gotta do
Yeah, messing around with the fire sign
You make it feel like the world is after you
But what can you do?
Mmm, what you gonna do?
Now, Mary what are you thinking?
Mary, when will you learn
Now, Mary she ain't helpless
But Mary she don't feel smart
But Mary you can't help it
'Cos growing up is the hardest part
But it ain't your fault
Mmm, don't you ever stop
Now Mary you keep on thinkin'
And Mary one day you'll learn
What do I gotta do to make it work out
Do I gotta do
Messing around with the fire sign
You make it feel like the world is after you
Mary what are you thinkin'?
Find yourself in a situation
Can't talk your way out of
Stimulate the conversation
How do you rise above?
You try to tell some one
But you can't describe it
We'll start a demonstration
Or we'll create a scene
Make noise from our frustration
Newspapers, magazines
We'll turn them on their heads
You can't deny it
For once we'll do what comes naturally
We'll approach it casually with no apology, woah
For once we will have the final say
Goodbye to yesterday 'cause we know we're hear to stay, woah
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New sensation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New creation
Give every generation
A different set of rules
We'll start with TV stations
The radios and schools
Just try to have some fun
And don't get caught
We'll capture their attention
We'll make them quite aware
Of all of our intentions
We'll make them stop and stare
They'll take a second look
On second thought
For once we'll do what comes naturally
We'll approach it casually with no apology, woah
For once we will have the final say
Goodbye to yesterday 'cause we know we're hear to stay, woah
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New salvation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New translation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
New elation
Pop, pop, pop goes the world
If this thing should come around
I'm gonna take it down
No more treading through my space
I need to separate
It's inside
It's looking to break free
And constantly taking everything
As I bring it all way
Now bring it on to me
Bring it on!
Face down
Broken all around
But I'll still be standing here
All you make yourself out to be,
Doesnâ? t equal half of me
It's inside
It's looking to break free
And constantly taking everything
As I bring it all way
Now bring it on to me
Bring it on Son
All the way; All the way
Bring it!
All the way. All the way, All the way
Bring it!
All the way. All the way, All the way
Bring it!
All the way. All the way, All the way
Bring it!
All the way
It's inside
It's looking to break free
And constantly taking everything
As I bring it all way, All Day
Now bring it on to me
Calling yourself a romantic, let me explain
Been across the whole Atlantic and back again
I had it with your antics, your childish games
Baby, I call your number twice but it rang and rang
Against my best friends advice, I should be ashamed
You did it to me once, you'll do it again, so she says
Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
I heard it through the bass line
Not much longer would you be my baby
You work yourself into a panic, bent outta shape
And then take me for granted like nothing's changed
All my friends are asking, why you're that way but I can't explain
Why I call your number twice but it rang and rang
Against my best friends advice, I should be ashamed
You did it to me once, you'll do it again, she promises
Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
You're making me crazy but way that you've been acting lately
I need more of your assistance now
Breaking up or breaking down, when I need you, you can't be found
I want someone who's around for me
Does it have to be so complicated? Either way I'm devastated
I could use a little comforting
Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience
I need more of your assistance now
Love, love, love, love, I need some assistance now
And I will thank you for your cooperation
And I will thank you for your cooperation
I got the beat
I got the beat
You know I do
Set the right kind of feeling
For the Vertical Rhythm night proof
Wake up after dark
I ain't no weather man
But I know it's gonna rain
You're predictable and typical
Always say the same thing
And you know you do
Out of reach
Out of time
You always seem to be
Outta sight
Outta mind
You always seem to be
Two steps behind
Eye for an eye
Nail for a nail
Tooth for a tooth
What goes around comes back around
You better make the right move
Or you won't wake up at all
I ain't no better man
But I know not to complain
You're so conventional it's comical
How you always do the same thing
And you know you do
Out of reach
Out of time
You always seem to be
Two steps
Outta sight
Outta mind
You always seem to be
Two Steps behind
Two steps behind
Just when you need it
Just when you fear it
Just when ya think it's over
It begins again
Just when ya think it's over
It begins again
Out of reach
Out of time
You always seem to be
Outta sight
Outta mind
You always seem to be
Just when you think you've got yourself together
Just when you think you've got it made
Just when you think you've got yourself together
Just when you think you've got it made
Two arms
Meant to hold you
Meant to love you
Do the right thing
Two arms
Meant to hold you
Meant to love you
Do the right thing
Do the right thing
I wanna hear my name
Won't you say my name?
Say it clear
Mama's home, mama's here
Say it loud, say it clear
I beg your pardon
Were you talking to me?
How many more times are you gonna tell your sorry
Before you take me up in my misery
I need more than apology
Well, I guess I did
Well, I guess I won't
Well, I guess that I could now
But I guess I won't
Oh, What's goin' on?
Is that the way you wanna be
What's goin' on?
So tell me
I beg your pardon
Were you talking to me?
How many more times are you gonna tell your sorry
Before you take me up in my misery
I need more than an apology
Well, I guess I did
Well, I guess I won't now
Well, I guess that I should
Well, I guess that I won't
Oh, What's goin' on?
Is that the way you wanna be
What's goin' on?
I went to her cryin'
Oh what a pity, she told me
I see you chokin' on the tears you're holdin'
My hands in the air, honey
So what the hell honey?
That's why I do what I do, yeah: to survive
I walk these streets for miles
I'm holding back these tears in style
I feel you burn inside me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
We're fallen angels baby
I make you feel so pretty
You're such a beauty when you're
On your knees baby
I feel you walkin'
I feel you talkin'
You feel everything
But there's nothing to me
I walk these streets for miles
I'm holding back these tears in style
I feel you burn inside me
It's like I got a hole in my pocket
tryin' to keep you satisfied
It's like I gotta burn a million bridges
just to keep you by my side
Don't Make Waves in the water
if you mess around you'll drdown
it's not like I couldn't stop her
'cause a girl can't be tied down
and I'll say it again
It's like I got a hole in my pocket
tryin' to keep you satisfied
It's like I gotta burn a million bridges
just to keep you by my side
Don't Make Waves in the water
if you mess around you'll drdown
it's not like I couldn't stop her
'cause a girl can't be tied down
and I'll say it again
Don't Make Waves in the water
if you mess around you'll drdown
it's not like I couldn't stop her
'cause a girl can't be tied down
Don't Make Waves in the water
if you mess around you'll drdown
it's not like I couldn't stop her
'cause a girl can't be tied down
Don't Make Waves, no
Don't Make Waves, no
Don't Make Waves in the water
Don't Make Waves in the water
if you mess around you'll drdown
it's not like I couldn't stop her
It's just emotion
I've never had
Is makin' me sad
Tying me down
It's just emotion
Keeps me hangin' around
It's the he, e, eeeat
Calling Me, e, eee
It's the Ne, e, e, eed
To be Freeeeeeee
Yeah, yeah
I don't wanna play for keeps anymore
This time I'm for real
I've heard it once
I've heard it all before
And now are lips are sealed
Told you I'd never lie to you
You want something different
Something new, oooooh
I don't wanna play for keeps anymore
And there is nothing you can dooooooooooooo
Is the final word
Is back breaking work
Are irrational
But to ignore them
Would be critical
It's the he, he, eeeat
Calling Me, e, eee
It's the Ne, e, eeed
To be Freeeeee
Yeah, yeah
I don't wanna play for keeps anymore
This time I'm for real
I've heard it once
I've heard it all before
And now are lips are sealed
Told you I'd never lie to you
You want something different
Something new, ooooooh
I don't wanna play for keeps anymore
And there is nothing you can dooooooooooooo
Give me something I, I, I, I, I
Can depend on I, I, I
Give me something I, I, I, I, I
Can rely on
I don't wanna play for keeps anymore
This time I'm for real
I've heard it once
I've heard it all before
And now are lips are sealed
I don't wanna play for keeps
I don't wanna play for keeps
I don't wanna play for keeps any more
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You think you are invincible
When in fact you're powerless
You're missing the principle
You'll fear the loneliness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
It's just like time has stopped
It's always someone's fault
Turn back the hands of the clock
I'll turn into a pillar of salt
A tragedy brings misery
Misery loves company
Company is misleading
I've made it this far without you
Without you, without you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
So quick to seal our fate
Give it a second chance
We'll hurry up and wait
Victims of circumstance
A tragedy brings misery
Misery loves company
Company is misleading
I've made it this far without you
Without you
My heart may never beat again, baby
Or have you got the best of me?
My heart may never beat again, baby
Or have you got the best of me?
My heart may never beat again, baby
Or have you got the best of me?
My heart may never beat again, baby
Or have you got the best of me? Baby, baby
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You think you are invincible
You're missing the principle
You think you are invincible
You're missing the principle
A tragedy brings misery
Misery loves company
Company is misleading
I've made it this far without you
Without you, without you
I think I feel a little hurt
My fists are turning coal to diamonds
Why no one told me so much work
Would all go into tryin'?
Oh, but those feelings ain't the same
How some things never change
Well, nobody's perfect
And I knew better
I thought about it 'til my head hurt
I thought about it but it only made things worse
I thought about it 'til my head hurt
I thought about it but it only made things worse
So I was wrong
What could I do?
I knew all along
I think I feel a little hurt
My fists are turning coal to diamonds
Why no one told me so much work
Would all go into tryin'?
Oh, but those feelings ain't this strange
How some things never change
Well, nobody's perfect
And I knew better
I thought about it 'til my head hurt
I thought about it but it only made things worse
I thought about it 'til my head hurt
I thought about it but it only made things worse
So I was wrong
What could I do?
I knew all along
Everybody knows the things she does to please
Low cut sweaters with her skirt above her knees
She's a dimestore diamond
Everybody knows just where she gets her clothes
A water coloured painting in a renoir pose
She's a dimestore diamond
Everybody knows but no one can tell
A homemade haircut but she wears it well
She's a dimestore diamond
You can call her broke, you can call her poor
But everybody knows that she ain't cold no more
She's a dimestore diamond
Shines like the real thing
Real thing
Real thing
Dimestore diamond
Dimestore diamond
Gotta catch you one
Gotta catch you one one
Gotta catch you one
Gonna get you one
Gonna get you one one
Gonna get you one
Everybody knows the things she does to please
Low cut sweaters with her skirt above her knees
She's a dimestore diamond
Dimestore diamond
Shines like the real thing
Real thing
Real thing
Shines like the real thing
Real thing
Real thing
Dimestore diamond
Dimestore diamond
People wishin'
Dream in
It's gonna happen
Dream on
Tuff love
Tuff love
Tuff love
Wait, it's comin' around
People wishin'
Dream on
It's gonna happen
Dream on
Tuff love
Tuff love
Tuff love
It's comin' around
It's comin' around
People wishin'
Dream on
It's gonna happen
Dream on
Tuff love
Tuff love
Tuff love
You want me to be honest
Tell you all the words you want to hear
So I went and made a promise
And I quickly became your worst fear out here
In the wild to the wild
We self-destruct together
I'm part of you now
In the wild to the wild
We self-destruct together
It's all over now
You fail to break the silence
Most ... before the storm
You choose cities over islands
I'm returning to the place where I was born at home
In the wild to the wild
we self-destruct together
I'm part of you now
In the wild to the wild
We self-destruct together
it's all over now
No one listening
Taking it too much
I'll state this for you
In the wild
To the wild
We self-destruct together
I'm part of you now
In the wild to the wild
We self-destruct together
I'm beginning to wonder what you look like
these tears go by, I hardly recognize
too tired to leave, too tired to fight
but sometimes it's alright
I'm fooling myself but seeing this so
you're fool of yourself assuming in cold
but sooner or later that story gets old
too old it's been told
I'm not in love
who did you think I was?
I'm not above the rest of us
And just because I tremble when we touch
I'm not in love with you
I'm just involved
I'm just involved with you
I like it so much I turn the blind out
you are on my mind 90 % of the time
the loss of attraction can be unkind
or too kind a fight line
I was spending my days forgetting the nights
you were in my head and out of sight
a bad mistake and that's putting it nice
it's true right
I'm not in love
who did you think I was?
I'm not above the rest of us
And just because I tremble when we touch
I'm not in love with you
I'm just involved
I'm just involved with you
All of my life I was for what was mine
all of the nights
I set at home and cry
could I've been mine
but you took more than you gave
Take my advice
and hear me when I say
I heard it from a little bird
Who gave me permission
The naughtiest words I ever heard
That will be posed on
Some girls, we need proof
Of real root awakening
To chase the dogs away
And notify another day
Cause the beat goes on
When our fire's gone
Oh anything can sound absurd
Depends on how you say it
As long as you have the first word
The rest is what you make it
Some boys don't mean to
The real root awakening
They know now what they say
So chase the dogs away
Because the beat goes on, yes it does, yes it does
And the fire's gone, then the fire's gone away
And the lights go down, when the lights go down, go down
When the ... lights out,
Who gave me permission
The smartest words I've ever heard
That the beats go on
Some boys don't mean to
The real root awakening
They know now what they say
So chase the dogs away
Because the beat goes on, yes it does, yes it does
And the fire's gone, then the fire's gone away
And the lights go down, when the lights go down, go down
You get the worn idea from someone else
How you live with her, instead of live with yourself
What your secret, what your secret, what your secret
It's a mystery how you sleep at night
And it seems to me you're digging deeper,
and deeper, and deeper!
And the blame is the name, is a name of a game
Then I won't play, if it means losing to you
I'm on a first main basis with your victims of love
I give you so many chances but you stood me all up
I hope it's a.
Oh, oh, oh, all your jokes are on me,
but who's laughing now?
You're ancient history, another face in the crowd
How you're doing, you're doing, you're doing
Common decency, imagine the...
.the sympathy just wasn't deserved
And she won't either, don't either, won't either
Chorus: (x2)
And the blame is the name, is a name of a game
Then I won't play, if it means losing to you
I'm on a first main basis with your victims of love
I give you so many chances but you stood me all up
I put my make up on and
Head for the other side of town
With my dress from the night before
Fading the countdown
Outside a sea of people forming
Walking after work this morning
They look right through me as I'm passing by
Not even so much as an evil eye
The city speaks to you
So much to live for, so much to lose
The end is coming, beginning is here
Anything you look for, you'll find it here
I found love in a foreign place
I could stay forever
It's my time, it's now or never
I've been so many places
Nowhere could ever turn me down
All I ever wanted was so much more
Than life in a small town
I find it hard to hide my feelings
Looking down to ancient buildings
Looking down on me, towering above
Time was standing still as we fell in love
The city speaks to you
So much to live for, so much to lose
The end is coming, beginning is here
Anything you look for, you'll find it here
I found love in a foreign place
I could stay forever
It's my time, it's now or never
I've had love as the world was ending
Not getting any younger
I feel life taking over
So much to live for, so much to lose
So much to live for, so much to lose
I've been so many places
Nowhere could ever turn me down
All I ever wanted was so much more
Than life in a small town
I found love in a foreign place
I could stay forever
It's my time, it's now or never
I've had love as the world was ending
Not getting any younger
And all the people there
Are sheltering from the cold winds
On the crest of the big bleak hill
And Mary's got an argument
The argument's quite loud
And the shouting's entertainment
To the other folk around
And the gossips been getting out of hand
It's a ruthless old sound
And no ones out there working
'Cos there's none to be found
And when the steam builds up inside you
And there's no place to fall
Well, there is nothing quite as harmful
As the slow moving day
It's a town that they make films about
Because the bleak's quite beautiful
When the light and the delicate features
Are captured very still
And so much far all the history
The martyrs and the kings
When the fight that was the good fight
Was the fight that you didn't win
And all the people there
Are sheltering from the cold winds
Say no, no, no, no, no
Say no, no, no, no, no
Say no, no, no, no, no
I say no, no, no, no, no
Before you leave, yeah, close the door
before you leave, yeah, close the door
Because time is wastin' ya' know
and before you know it it's gone
and things are movin' in
but it's lookin' better all the time
And things are movin' in
but it's lookin' better all the time
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
Before you leave, yeah close the door
before you leave, yeah close the door
'cause time is wastin' ya' know
and before you know it I'm gone
and things are movin' in
but it's lookin' better all the time
and things are movin' in
but it's lookin' better all the time
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
It was a show stopping moment
The minute that you caught my attention
Really something to see, yeah
With every movement, every motion, every word
In the conversation
It meant so much to me, yeah
I decided to move on, move on
To find me something I could lean on
Something I could look forward too
Don't get caught up in the past
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
The past won't do it now, whoah
Whoah, oh
You came along and just for time to call in for desperate measures
Is this desperate enough? yeah
You was tumbling for words to impress
You were charming and glamour
When I was down on my love, yeah, yeah, yeah
I decided to move on, move on
To find me something I could lean on
Something I could look forward too
Don't get caught up in the past
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, oho
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum, whoah
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
Get lost, you're dancing to the beat of a different drum, whoah
Because you could never feel that I was coming from
The past won't do it now, whoah
Whoah, oh, whoah
Well I guess todays's the day
It's been a year ago a day
That is since you went away
And sometimes it still gets to me
Oh yesterday's news is
All the day it's tragedy
But I won't let it get to me
Not like I used to
Oh yesterday's news is
All the day it's tragedy
But I won't let it get to me
Like I used to
So I took all your pictures down
And all that's left is an empty wall
And I guess if you see me around
I'm glad you did not see me at all
Oh yesterday's news is
All the day it's tragedy
But I won't let it get to me
Not ike I used to
Oh you and me
Yeah we're yesterdays news
But I can't keep from wondering
If it gets to you too
So I took all your pictures down
And all that's left is an empty wall
And I if you see me around
I'm glad you did not see me at all
So tell me your worse I'll tell you mine
And if she asks, I'm doing fine
Exept that I can't keep from crying
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh I love you Oh oh oh, oh oh oh I love you I do, I do
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh I love you Oh oh oh, oh oh oh I love you I do, I do
But I told you why we just can't make it I want you still but just can't take it
The time has come we oughta break it someone has to pay the price
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh it's over Oh oh oh, oh oh oh it's over it's true, it's true
And I think of times we were together as time went on it seemed forever
But times have changed now things are better someone had to pay the price
And I think of times we were together as time went on it seemed forever
I've got trouble
Down deep
I've got trouble
Down deep
We've got trouble
You're losing sleep
We've got trouble
Down deep
If you don't do nothing else
Than take care of your self
If you don't do nothing else
Cause we don't break easy
Yeah all this trouble
Yeah deep
Yeah this trouble
Down deep
I've got trouble
Yeah I'm losing sleep
Yeah this trouble
Down deep
If you don't do nothing else
Than take care of your self
If you don't do nothing else
Cause we don't break easy
He's gotta be
He's gotta be
He's gotta know
He's gotta be
He's gotta know
Gotta know
He's gotta be
He's gotta be
He's gotta be
He's gotta be
He's gotta be
Gotta be
He's gotta know
He's gotta know
Gotta know
Ohh gotta know
Gotta know
Gotta be
Gotta know
When I open my eyes, what do I see
Falling from the skies in front of me
Not quite the... as though I've seen a ghost!
Is it too much to feel the touch
Of someone that you couldn't love
For someone that comes and goes, oh,
So how are you?
I'm doing well
I'm fighting tears, you couldn't tell
I'm not as strong as you thought I was.
When you fall down to your heels
I'm a broken, it ain't the ...
Baby, please, we're casualties of war!
You lost a fight, I heard it was a good fight
The kind that no one wins, and no one is right
I could have walked away, I should have walked away
You always had a habit of keeping scores
You might have won the battle, but not the war
What goes around, comes around...
So how are you?
I'm doing well
I'm fighting tears, you couldn't tell
I'm not as strong as you thought I was.
When you fall down to your heels
I'm a broken, it ain't the ...
Baby, please, we're casualties of war!
I was caught right in the...
..and it rises
So how are you?
I'm doing well
I'm fighting tears, you couldn't tell
I'm not as strong as you thought I was.
When you fall down to your heels
I'm a broken, it ain't the ...
Baby, please, we're casualties of war!
When you fall down to your heels
I'm a broken, it ain't the ...
Dirty South, can y'all really feel me East coast feel me West Coast feel me x2
Boy, I been watchin you like a hawk in the sky at night Cause you are my prey (my prey) Boy, I promise you if we keep bumpin heads I know that one of these days (days) We gon hook it up while we talk on the phone But see, I don't know if that's good I been holdin back this secret from you I probably shouldn't tell it but
If I, If I let you know you can't tell nobody I'm talkin bout nobody Are you responsible Boy I gotta watch my back cause I'm not just anybody Is it my go, is it your go Sometimes I'm goody-goody Right now I'm naughty-naughty Say yes or say no Cause I really need somebody Tell me your that somebody
Boy, won't you pick me up at the park right now Up the block while everyone sleeps (sleeps sleeps) I'll be waitin there with my tucks, my loads, my hat Just so I'm low key If you tell the world (don't sleep, you know that we'll be weak) Oh boy, see I'm trusting you with my heart, my soul I probably shouldn't let ya but if I
Baby girl I'm the man from the big VA won't you come play round my way And listen to what I gotta say Timbaland don't you know I'm the man Rock shows here to Japan Have people shaking-shaking my hand
Baby girl, better known as Aaliyah Give me hives, corns, and high fevers Make the playa haters believe Don't cha know gotta tell somebody cause Cause I really need somebody Tell me your that somebody
Better make it good
Better make it now
Well, baby we'll shake it hard
Nobody has to know
Sweet Baby
Mama's Baby
There's only one thing that could make you my lady
Swing low
Down low
Sweet Cherry-o
If you know what I mean
Like you never seen
Sweet Baby
Mama's Baby
There's only one thing that could make you my lady
Swing low
Down low
Sweet Cherry-o
Make it uh uh good
Make Make it Make it now
Make it uh oh yeah
We'll keep our secret hon'
Way down low
Between you and me girl
Nobody has to know
Sweet Baby
Mama's Baby
There's only one thing that could make you my lady
Swing low
Down low
I knew this woman named Francy
She was a two-timing son of a gun
Well she got her kicks
And she ate enough bricks
But you know it
She would've never won
Go Francy, get it while you can
Go Francy, far far away from here
Go Francy, run Francy
Francy, put away your gun
Francy, give mama your gun
I warned you, you didn't believe me
I warned you, you didn't believe me
I warned you, you didn't believe me
I warned you and now you're caught
There's some people that you just can't trust
Some people talk way too much
Take my advice and listen up
Don't be a fool like the rest of us, now listen up!
Ooh, on the playground
Ooh, on the playground we learn so much
Now listen up, now gather 'round
Listen up, gather 'round now
1, 2, 3, take it from me
3, 4, so much trouble in store
4, 5, get it right the first time, oh
Count it with me now!
1, 2, 3, listen to me
3, 4, lots of trouble in store
4, 5, get it right the first time, oh
Count it with me now!
Ooh, ooh
Everybody knows someone like that
Who borrows money and won't pay you back
They'll talk about you at the drop of a hat
Lie about it to your face when they're caught
There's some people that you just can't trust
Some people just talk too much
Take my advice and listen up
Don't be a fool like the rest of us, now listen up!
Ooh, on the playground
Ooh, on the playground we learn so much
Now listen up, now gather 'round
Now listen up, gather 'round now
1, 2, 3, take it from me
3, 4, so much trouble in store
4, 5, let's get it right the first time, oh
Count it with me now!
1, 2, 3, take it from me
3, 4, so much trouble in store
4, 5, get it right the first time, oh
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
Yeah, you know you got it
I would do anything to have it
Who cares what your friends say
You gotta try
I would do anything to have it
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
And you know, you know it's gonna feel good
Yeah, you know you got it
I would do anything to have it
Who cares what your friends say
You gotta try
Baby, baby, baby, baby,
I could be so good to you, baby
But honey, honey, honey, honey,
All you gotta do is let me, but you gotta tell me if something's wrong
And daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy,
I could spent my whole life waiting
But honey, honey, honey, honey,
How long till you both get me?
'Cause it ain't right to keep me hanging on
You weren't ready,
So I waited till you were ready
And you couldn't steady,
So I waited till you could steady
And you weren't here, babe
So I waited here, babe
And now that you've got me, what are you gonna do to keep me?
But baby, baby, baby, baby,
I could be so good to you, baby
But honey, honey, honey, honey,
All you've gotta do is let me, but you gotta tell me if something's wrong
And daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy,
I could spent my whole life waiting
But honey, honey, honey, honey,
How long till you both get me?
'Cause it ain't right to keep me hanging on
You weren't ready
So I waited till you were ready
And you couldn't steady
So I waited till you could steady
And you weren't here, babe
So I waited here, babe
You said your peace
It's killing me
I can't believe
It's over
Your not the enemy
But underneath
You don't agree
Take comfort that
It's over
You're hands tight
You feel shy
Believe I'm on your side
Now and forever
Won't get you anything that you've lost
It will never be what it was
Well I'm afraid of what I've become
It feels like everything has come undone
Your not the enemy
But underneath
You don't agree
Take comfort that
It's over
There's an emergency
A dire need
For thr remedy
Take comfort that
It's over
Won't get you anything that you've lost
Well it will never be what it was
Well I'm afraid of what I've become
It feels like everything has come undone
No matter what the price
Last night
Last night
You came to my house around three or four times
It seems like lonely is a friend of mine
Last night
Last night
Last night
Last night
You came to my house around three or four times
It seems like lonely is a friend of mine
Last night
Last night
Say no, no, no, no, no
Say no, no, no, no, no
Say no, no, no, no, no
I say no, no, no, no, no
Before you leave, yeah, close the door
Before you leave, yeah close the door
Because time is wastin' ya' know
And before you know it it's gone
And things are movin' in
But it's lookin' better all the time
And things are movin' in
But it's lookin' better all the time
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
Before you leave
Before you leave, yeah close the door
'Cause time is wastin' ya' know
And before you know it I'm gone
And things are movin' in
But it's lookin' better all the time
And things are movin' in
But it's lookin' better all the time
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I say no, no, no
I say no, no, no
Well I Get By With The People I Know
Get By With The People I Know
And It Seems Like Everywhere I Go
Yeah Everywhere I Go
Some Do It
Some May Don't And Some I Guess Just Won't
So I Get By with The People I know
Get By With The People I know
Wont You Hang Up And Dance With Meeee