The Real News Network's blog

Jesus Garcia Loses Chicago Mayoral Election to Obama's Mayor, Rahm Emanuel

by the Real News Network

Chicago mayoral candidate Jesus "Chuy" Garcia rode a wave of public outrage against Mayor Rahm Emanuel, but fell short in Tuesday's election. BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon explains that the black political class, Democrats all from the president down lined up with Emanuel for privatization, austerity and worse.

What Do Europe's Podemos and Syriza Movements Know That Many US Black Activists Don't?

By the Real News Network

Young activists in Greece and Spain are making great strides because they've been able to do something black activists in the US have not. The European left has abandoned their so-called socialist parties, the equivalent of US Democrats. But until black activists step firmly outside the Democratic party in the US, their movements will shrivel, be betrayed and die, because that's what the Democratic party is --- where movements go to die, BAR executive editor Glen Ford observes.

Blacks Launch Class Action Suit Against Ferguson & Jennings MO Alleging Discriminatory Over-Policing

by the Real News Network

Blacks have launched a class action suit against the towns of Ferguson and Jennings, Missouri, demanding compensation for disproportionate traffic tickets, fines and jailings. BAR executive editor Glen Ford discussed the case on the Real News Network.

Expanding on Selma and the Politics of Martin Luther King Jr.

by Danny Haiphong

“It should come as no surprise that Selma concluded by promoting King as a peaceful pacifist who led a movement that gave individual leaders like John Lewis a seat at the table of US imperialism.” At core, the screenplay must be viewed as Hollywood-scale historical revisionism. “Selma completely evades the existence of the Black liberation movement.”

Will the Department of Justice Meet the Demands of the Movement?

by the Real News Network

Demonstrations of outrage in more than 100 US cities at unpunished police misconduct may be the beginning of a movement against the prison state itself. Established misleaders and the state, Glen Ford observes, try to divide and discredit this movement by labeling parts of it "violent" and "illegal". But these are shallow, hypocritical conventions which mainly serve established power, not the cause of change.

Will the Department of Justice Meet the Demands of the Movement?

by the Real News Network

Ferguson Demands a New Black Politics

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

If Ferguson represents a new beginning for Black movement politics, then any electoral efforts must aim to “create governments whose promise to the people is to cease cooperating with the machinery that enforces the New Jim Crow.” It emphatically does not mean the Democratic Party, “which has encaged Black politics for roughly the same period as the Mass Black Incarceration State has encaged Black bodies in the world’s largest gulag.”

Why Couldn't Unions Stop RIght To Work Legislation in Michigan?

In a stealth maneuver last week, the Michigan legislature passed right to work legislation, intended to strip the nation's few remaining unions of their ability to hire staff and be politically active. The Real News Network interviews Jane McAlevey, a successful union organizer to explain how this happened & what it means.

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