Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 16

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources
  • 01:37 Hezbollah denies one of its commanders killed before ceasefire
  • 00:35 Israeli official: we killed Hezbollah special forces commander before ceasefire
  • 00:20 Reuters: Israeli forces kill high-ranking military commander in Hezbollah before ceasefire
  • 00:05 Israeli deputy prime minister Shimon Perez announces in Washington that 600 of Hezbollah’s 2,500 fighters killed, with similar number injured since start of Israeli war on Lebanon 5 weeks ago

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 15

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources
  • 23:55 UN high-ranking official announces that international body hopes for speedy deployment in southern Lebanon of 3,000 – 3,500 soldiers sent by international community to form basis of fortified UNIFIL force as per UN resolution 1701
  • 23:05 US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice held telephone call with French counterpart Phillip Douste-Blazy on promoting interim forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL)
  • 22:28 MP Walid Jumblatt to hold press conference next Thursday entitled “We will not surrender to Bashar Assad and will not accept Hassan Nasrallah’s conditions”
  • 21:58 German defense minister Franz Josef Jung announces that his country would present on Thursday practical solutions on military support that Germany can offer within international forces in southern Lebanon
  • 21:57 High-ranking military source in Beirut says that Israeli forces have begun retrieving over 50 tanks and armored cars from southern Lebanon hit during clashes with Hezbollah; retrieval necessary step before Lebanese army can be deployed in area
  • 21:12 Israeli Military Chief of Staff accused of selling all his shares in Tel Aviv stock market before July 12, day kidnapping of 2 Israeli soldiers announced
  • 21:09 Seven bodies retrieved from under rubble in al-Hassan complex in Ruwais, 4 men, 1 woman and 2 children, all unidentified, who were transferred to Rafik Hariri governmental hospital. Search continues for other missing persons
  • 21:08 In press conference held at EU offices in Beirut, EU representative for humanitarian aid, Louis Michel, confirmed that EU will “do what it can to strengthen Lebanese government”. On Hezbollah’s arms, Michel said “We must remember that it is difficult for organized government and democracy to exist in presence of political party that is simultaneously an armed organisation”
  • 21:05 World Food Program issues new appeal today (Tuesday) for urgent aid in food items for half million people displaced by war in Lebanon, stating that $21 million are needed immediately to address situation
  • 21:00 US assistant secretary of state for Middle East Affairs, David Welch, emphasizes Lebanon’s responsibility in disarming Hezbollah, adding that US is “ready to help”. Welch also said in press conference in Washington DC “we believe best protection for Lebanon and its people is government in full control of all that happens in country”
  • 18:22 Israeli commander of northern front Udi Adam: Hezbollah may infiltrate Lebanese army units to be deployed south of Litani River
  • 18:09 Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Iran wants dialogue and peace; will announce its standpoint on European conditions at right time
  • 17:52 Haifa and Roshbina airports reopen
  • 17:47 Israeli defense minister Amir Peretz: this war could open door to negotiations with Damascus
  • 17:39 Reuters: Lebanese army to begin deployment south of Litani River on Thursday
  • 17:27 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon continues
  • 16:43 German foreign minister cancels trip to Damascus after speech by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
  • 16:23 Reuters: Israeli troops fire on three Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon today
  • 16:15 Yedioth Ahronot: Israeli war on Lebanon cost $7.5 billion
  • 15:49 Lebanese Engineering Syndicate estimates cost of rebuilding destroyed homes at $2 billion
  • 15:35 al-Jazeera: most bodies pulled out from under rubble in Ainata not identified yet
  • 15:34 Red Cross: 11 bodies pulled out from under rubble in Ainata
  • 15:15 Israeli pamphlets dropped over southern Lebanon warn residents not to return until Lebanese army and international force deployed
  • 14:32 Convoys of displaced civilians try to cross Litani River to return to Sour (Tyre)
  • 14:24 French foreign minister Douste-Blazy to visit Beirut today
  • 14:18 Bodies of 5 victims of Israeli shelling of Ainata shelter pulled out from under rubble
  • 14:16 al-Jazeera: Israelis pull out their destroyed heavy combat vehicles from southern Lebanon
  • 14:15 Displaced Lebanese civilians return to Kfar Kila in Marjeyoun despite difficulty in navigating roads
  • 14:08 al-Jazeera: 6 bodies pulled out from under rubble in al-Teebeh
  • 14:06 Israeli army withdraws from al-Qleia’a
  • 14:05 Further withdrawal of Israeli army from Lebanon
  • 13:41 Lebanese cabinet meeting scheduled for today postponed, with new date to be announced at later period
  • 12:00 Beirut International Airport status: if political negotiations succeed in lifting Israeli air blockade on Lebanon, Beirut International Airport will require at least one week to begin receiving planes on regular routes. According to General Civil Aviation Department, airport requires 3-4 days to fix damage to runways resulting from Israeli shelling, except western runway, that lies over tunnel, which will require 2 months to fix and rebuild
  • 09:05 al-Jazeera: Lebanese military official announces Lebanese army to deploy in southern Lebanon within days
  • 07:50 al-Jazeera correspondent in Shqeif Arnoun says that Israel withdrew this morning from al-Qleia’a and Burj al-Mouluk; virtually no civilian movement in those areas, unlike Nabatiyeh and Zahrani which witnessed influx of thousands of displaced civilians
  • 05:30 Sweden announces readiness to host international aid conference for Lebanon
  • 04:15 Haaretz: Hezbollah fires 10 Katyousha rockets on targets in southern Lebanon
  • 00:20 Lebanese security forces say that 2 Lebanese civilians, including 1 child, killed and 5 wounded in southern Lebanon in cluster bomb explosions following implementation of ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israeli
  • 00:01 French foreign minister Philippe Douste-Blazy says Hezbollah’s withdrawal to north of Litani and dismantling of its weapons necessary to deploy Lebanese army in southern Lebanon and fortify UN international force

Monday, August 14, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 14

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources

  • 23:30 Israeli helicopters circle over towns of al-Saksakiyeh and al-Loubiyeh on Monday night, 15 km south of Saida; drop flare bombs
  • 23:00 Lebanese defense minister announces 15,000 Lebanese soldiers will be deployed north of Litani River by end of week
  • 20:38 Hassan Nasrallah in televised speech on Manar TV
  • 19:00 Olmert takes responsibility for war; Tunisia calls for Arab summit
  • 18:50 Israeli army says it has begun pulling out some of its troops from southern Lebanon, but ban on travel south of Litani still in place
  • 17:47 International forces: Hezbollah and Israeli army relying on us to evacuate isolated soldiers
  • 16:55 AP: Israeli army: 6 Hezbollah fighters killed since start of ceasefire
  • 16:36 Olmert: Israeli will pursue Hezbollah everywhere and at all times
  • 16:35 Arab Israeli Knesset member Ahmed Tibi and another member were ejected from Knesset after heckling Olmert’s speech to Knesset
  • 16:20 Italian foreign minister speaks from Grand Serail: Italy and Europe will contribute to lifting Lebanon out of crisis, enforcing ceasefire and establishing firm basis for future peace.
  • 16:15 Olmert speaks to Knesset on cessation of military operations
  • 15:17 Israeli troops destroy Lebanese army barracks in Marjeyoun before retreating from town
  • 15:15 Civil organizations and municipalities ask residents not to rush back to their villages
  • 15:15 Israeli airplanes circle over southern Lebanon
  • 15:05 Israeli army asks residents of southern Lebanon not to return to villages
  • 14:45 Israeli defense minister Amir Peretz says he will open investigation into war on Lebanon
  • 14:40 Israeli troops retreat from Marjeyoun to northern Israel
  • 14:06 Israeli army says it killed 2 Hezbollah fighters after ceasefire in southern Lebanon
  • 14:05 Residents of southern Lebanon warned not to touch strange objects, as mines and cluster bombs found in villages
  • 14:00 Tunisia calls for emergency Arab Summit to discuss rebuilding of Lebanon
  • 13:37 Israel breaches ceasefire less than five hours after its implementation
  • 13:32 Residents of Southern Suburb of Beirut flock back to neighborhood
  • 13:30 Israel admits 116 soldiers killed in battles and over 750 wounded
  • 11:42 One person killed in cluster bomb explosion in Ansar
  • 10:15 Residents of villages in southern Lebanon warned not to touch any strange objects
  • 09:57 Time bomb explodes in Yohmor, injuring one person
  • 09:53 Choking traffic near Zahrani as result of thousands of Lebanese returning to southern Lebanon
  • 09:42 Reuters: thousands of Lebanese return to southern Lebanon after implementation of ceasefire
  • 09:30 Israeli army announces it will continue air and sea blockade of Lebanon despite implementation of UN resolution for ceasefire
  • 09:25 Israel announces it is pulling out of some locations it had entered in southern Lebanon
  • 08:00 Ceasefire begins officially
  • 07:51 Israeli air strikes target eastern Sour (Tyre)
  • 07:45 Fierce Israeli artillery shelling on Kfar Shouba
  • 07:43 Israeli air strike on Kayfoun hills in Mount Lebanon
  • 07:30 Fierce Israeli artillery shelling on southern Sour (Tyre)
  • 07:25 Warning sirens in several settlements in northern Israel
  • 07:24 Israeli air strikes on Jouwaya, al-Ramadiyeh and Shahrour – Arzoun triangle
  • 07:23 Israeli air strike on Sidiqeen and shelling on Ras al-Ain
  • 07:10 Israeli air strike on Ain Bourdai in Baalbek
  • 07:00 Javier Solana wants UN troops to be sent to Lebanon quickly
  • 06:45 Israel attacks eastern Lebanon before start of ceasefire
  • 04:15 Newspaper: Olmert orders Israeli army to implement ceasefire in Lebanon
  • 03:27 Israeli army estimates 530 Hezbollah fighters killed
  • 01:40 Israel and Hezbollah clash in fiercest battles hours before ceasefire
  • 01:02 UN secretary general’s personal representative in Lebanon, Geir Pederson confirms, after meeting with Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora, that Lebanon will respect ceasefire as of 8:00 local time (5:00 GMT) on Monday morning
  • 00:50 Forty people killed and injured tonight in Israeli air strike on Brital in Beqaa
  • 00:42 Israeli landing attempt on Ayaat plains west of Baalbek
  • 00:25 al-Jazeera correspondent: 25 people killed and injured in Israeli air strikes on Brital in Beqaa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

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Minute by Minute:: August 13

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources
  • 23:47 Israeli air strikes on Brital result in 4 killed and 20 injured, on first count
  • 23:45 Warning sirens in Kiryat Shmona
  • 23:07 Israeli airplanes circle repeatedly over northern Lebanon
  • 23:05 Israeli army combs neighborhoods of Qlaya’a in southern Lebanon
  • 22:45 Israeli army downs Hezbollah reconnaissance plane filled with explosives
  • 22:33 After agreeing on UN resolution, Israel now ready to negotiate concerning 2 captured soldiers
  • 22:23 Al-Jazeera: Israeli helicopters shell Sour (Tyre)
  • 22:14 Siniora: international forces could include Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Indonesia and Malaysia
  • 22:11 Clashes intensify in Lebanon on eve of UN truce
  • 21:59 Israeli airplanes drop leaflets over Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 21:49 Israeli air strike targets Ghandour factory in Choueifat with 3 missiles, car burns in front of factory
  • 21:43 Shaul Mofaz: we must admit that we were defeated in this war
  • 21:42 Israel says it has right to hit Hezbollah weapons despite truce
  • 21:36 Israeli army announces 5 soldiers killed including 3 officers; 25 others injured in southern Lebanon
  • 21:12 AFP: 24 Israeli soldiers killed and more than 85 injured on Saturday in southern Lebanon
  • 21:00 al-Jazeera: renewed Israeli strikes on Beirut’s Southern Suburb
  • 20:52 Haaretz: author David Grossman’s son has been killed in Lebanon
  • 20:45 AFP: Livni: Hezbollah must be dismantled
  • 20:39 al-Jazeera: Israeli ground troops commander: ceasefire does not mean that army will cease its operations in southern Lebanon
  • 20:34 Reuters: Solana: EU to help in strengthening Lebanese army
  • 20:23 Security sources: Israeli shelling of Southern Suburb of Beirut kills 20 civilians, 9 bodies have been retrieved, 5 of which are children
  • 20:15 al-Jazeera: Lebanese parliament denies that today’s meeting has been postponed due to any disagreements
  • 20:10 Israeli ground troop command: Israeli army will stop only if Hezbollah halts its shelling
  • 15:55 Israeli air strike on Joun destroys tire factory
  • 15:52 Israeli air strikes on al-Naameh destroy paper manufacturing factory
  • 15:47 Rockets fall on Haifa and Upper Golan
  • 15:38 Israeli air strike on village of Sidiqeen
  • 15:37 Warning sirens in Haifa
  • 15:36 Apache helicopters circle over Sour (Tyre)
  • 15:33 One Palestinian killed in Israel air strikes on Burj al-Shamali refugee camp
  • 15:31 Hezbollah denies any of its fighters or leaders in Southern Suburb of Beirut during Israeli air strikes
  • 15:25 Tens of casualties as result of Israeli shelling on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 15:10 al-Arabiya correspondent: several buildings destroyed in fiercest shelling of Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 15:05 Israeli Government approves UN Security Council resolution
  • 15:01 Hezbollah fighters attack Israeli troops in well-planned ambush in Aita al-Shaab, killing and injuring 25 Israeli soldiers; Hezbollah fighters also attack another Israeli force in Jabal al-Bat on border with Israel
  • 14:53 Around 20 fierce Israeli air strikes in one minute on al-Ruwias area in Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 14:42 Fierce Israeli shelling on Nabatiyeh and its surroundings since morning
  • 14:33 Israeli agriculture minister calls on Olmert to withdraw army from Lebanon as soon as ceasefire is declared
  • 14:25 Israeli air strike on Jaafar petrol station in Sidiqeen
  • 14:15 Israeli shelling on Nabatiyeh and its surroundings, and air strikes on Mleeta
  • 14:10 Israeli media reports over 150 rockets fell on northern Israel today
  • 14:00 Hezbollah says it destroyed Israeli military vehicle on Tal Abou al-Taweel near Aita al-Shaab, 5 Israeli soldiers injured
  • 13:52 Seven Israeli soldiers killed in clashes in southern Lebanon today
  • 13:40 Israeli soldiers flee from battle in al-Ghandouriyeh
  • 13:36 Warning sirens in Nahariya
  • 13:34 Israeli air strike on Kfar Tibneet hill and Iqlim al-Tuffah heights
  • 13:30 Two Israeli air strikes on Sharnay road east of al-Bazouriyeh injures 3 Lebanese army soldiers
  • 13:26 Three Israeli air strikes near Benoit Barakat army barracks in Sour (Tyre)
  • 13:20 Heavy Israeli shelling on outskirts of Arnoun and Yohmor, as well as Litani River
  • 13:15 Renewed Israeli shelling on Sour (Tyre) and two Israeli air strikes on Baalbek
  • 13:05 Israeli air strikes on al-Bazouriyeh and Burj al-Shamali
  • 13:00 Two Israeli tanks destroyed in al-Khiam while trying to retrieve five previously destroyed tanks
  • 12:50 Hezbollah says it shelled cluster of Israeli tanks between al-Teebeh and al-Qantara
  • 12:45 Funeral of Red Cross paramedic Mikhail Jbaily in Zahle
  • 12:39 Israeli air strike on al-Burj al-Shamali refugee camp targets Fateh position, resulting in one injury
  • 12:30 Livni: no army in world can dismantle Hezbollah’s weapons
  • 12:20 Heavy Israeli air strikes on al-Housh in Sour (Tyre)
  • 12:15 Number of Hezbollah rockets that targeted Israel today rises to 77
  • 12:00 One Israeli killed in Hezbollah shelling on northern Israel
  • 11:35 Israeli media states that 20 armored vehicles hit in Hezbollah shelling on military base in Etzba ha-Galil
  • 11:25 Fierce Israeli shelling on eastern and western Sour (Tyre)
  • 11:20 Ha’aretz: Israel is willing to discuss release of Hezbollah prisoners in exchange for two Israeli soldiers kidnapped last month
  • 11:15 Israeli air strike on al-Housh in Sour (Tyre)
  • 11:10 Hezbollah rockets cause large fires in northern Israel
  • 11:05 Israeli media sources state that deputy commander of Israeli armored tank battalion wounded in battle in Ouadi al-Jeer
  • 11:00 Hezbollah rockets land on Safad and Kiryat Shmona
  • 10:15 Israeli cabinet meets to discuss UN Security Council resolution
  • 10:14 Israeli air strikes continue on Baalbek and surroundings, latest of which targeted Shaath and Drous crossing
  • 10:13 High-ranking Israeli army officers believe that there is very weak possibility of military success
  • 09:46 Israeli air strikes on Arzoun and fields of Deir Dibba east of Sour (Tyre)
  • 09:45 Two Israeli air strikes on al-Jamaliyeh north of Baalbek
  • 09:15 Israeli air strikes on Sour (Tyre)
  • 08:55 Hezbollah clashes with Israeli unit trying to advance to Yatar, where Israeli helicopter fell to retrieve bodies
  • 08:20 Renewed Israeli shelling on Sour (Tyre) and Beqaa, number of civilians killed
  • 07:52 al-Jazeera: heavy Israeli air strikes on region of Halba in northern Lebanon targets Lebanese army base and residential homes
  • 07:15 Israeli radio: around 30,000 Israeli soldiers in Lebanon
  • 06:40 Israeli army: 19 soldiers killed and 5 missing following first day of expanded offensive against Lebanon; over 100 soldiers killed since beginning of war
  • 06:15 Reuters: Israeli says 19 soldiers killed in Lebanon on Saturday
  • 02:36 UN secretary general Kofi Annan announces that presidents of Lebanon and Israel agreed to ceasefire on Monday at 5:00 GMT
  • 02:26 Brazilian government to send airplane to Lebanon carrying food and other aid supplies for over 145,000 people
  • 01:52 Haaretz: Israeli air strike on Palestinian refugee camp near Saida (Sidon)
  • 01:47 Thousands of protestors demonstrate in front of White House to denounce US and Israeli policies in Middle East
  • 01:30 UNEP begins investigation into polluting of Lebanese coast
  • 00:50 Source from office of Israeli prime minister states that Israeli troop withdrawal from Lebanon could start in one or two weeks
  • 00:35 Israeli army: another 4 Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon
  • 00:17 Death toll among Israeli soldiers rises to 16 killed, with over 100 wounded

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 12

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources

  • 23:50 Five people arrested during protest against war on Lebanon in front of Israeli military chief of staff Dan Halutz’s home in Tel Aviv
  • 23:36 AFP notes that resolution 1701 gives numerous compromises from US towards Lebanon’s demands without granting its one main demand for immediate cessation of Israeli military operations
  • 23:35 In interview with ‘Le Journal de Dimanche’, French prime minister Dominic de Villepin welcomed UN resolution on Lebanon considering it “decisive step” towards political solution
  • 23:35 Israeli air strike on northern Baalbek
  • 23:25 US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, in statement to Israeli radio, stated that after agreement of both Lebanese and Israeli governments to UN resolution 1701 “we will not need more than one day” to reach “cessation of military activities on ground” in Lebanon
  • 23:19 Israeli army confirms that helicopter downed in southern Lebanon hit by rocket
  • 22:45 Fighting escalates in southern Lebanon ahead of expected cease-fire
  • 22:40 Israeli army confirms helicopter downed in southern Lebanon with 4 soldiers on board, their fate remains unknown
  • 22:32 Hezbollah hits Israeli helicopter in Mraymayn carrying soldiers; other helicopters trying to retrieve team of downed helicopter, some media sources saying 18 soldiers killed
  • 22:25 Reuters: Italy prepared to send up to 3,000 soldiers to Lebanon
  • 22:08 Contrary to earlier reports, Lebanese government unanimously approves resolution 1701, will hold session tomorrow to discuss details
  • 22:02 AFP: Nasrallah announces that Hezbollah will cooperate once Lebanese army and UNIFIL are deployed
  • 21:50 Lebanese cabinet does not reach decision today on resolution 1701, will hold meeting on Sunday to continue discussions and take decision
  • 21:45 International Francophonie Organisation welcomes UN resolution on Lebanon, calling for “cease-fire at earliest possible” and for Francophone nations to provide aid to Lebanese people
  • 21:42 AFP: Halutz: Israel has increased troops in Lebanon to 30,000
  • 21:40 al-Jazeera: number of Israeli soldiers killed in clashes with Hezbollah today rises to 11
  • 21:13 AFP: International relief after passing UN resolution 1701
  • 21:10 AFP: China welcomes adoption of UN resolution 1701 on Lebanon
  • 20:55 al-Jazeera: Israeli foreign minister: attack on Lebanon will probably end on Monday
  • 20:39 Hezbollah destroys 4 Israeli military Merkava tanks at edges of Kounine, crew members killed and injured
  • 20:32 al-Jazeera: Israeli army confirms 7 soldiers killed and 84 others injured in latest clashes with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon
  • 20:05 Nasrallah: We accept government’s decision concerning resolution and we shall put our reservations on record
  • 18:55 Rockets fall on Western Galilee, Kiryat Shmona, Akka (Acre), and Carmiel
  • 18:50 al-Jazeera: Toll of Israeli soldiers injured today rises to 70
  • 18:10 High level Israeli official: ceasefire will start Monday at 7 a.m.
  • 18:00 Yedioth Ahronot: 74 soldiers injured in fierce battles in southern Lebanon
  • 17:50 Sayed Nasrallah gives televised speech
  • 17:37 Yedioth Ahronot: Israeli army carries out largest landing in its history in Lebanon
  • 17:22 Hezbollah secretary general, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, to give televised speech
  • 17:05 Yedioth Ahronot: Israeli army says it has landed hundreds of soldiers in southern Lebanon
  • 16:50 Turkish foreign minister: We might send forces to Lebanon after complete ceasefire
  • 16:36 Jerusalem Post: Israeli army advances towards Litani River
  • 16:33 US president George Bush praises international resolution and places responsibility for war on Syria and Iran
  • 16:25 AP quoting Lebanese prime minister Siniora: Resolution 1701 includes Lebanon’s interest
  • 16:20 Yedioth Ahronot: Israeli defense minister Amir Peretz, and Israeli chief of staff, Dan Halutz visit war front today
  • 16:15 Yedioth Ahronot: 3,650 rockets fell on northern Israel since start of war
  • 16:10 Number of Israeli tanks destroyed by Hezbollah today rises to 21
  • 16:07 Yedioth Ahronot: rockets targeting Ma’alot and Shlomi result in casualties
  • 15:35 Israeli shelling on town of Rmeish;1 person injured
  • 15:06 One Red Cross paramedic killed in Israeli air strike on Marjeyoun convoy
  • 15:05 Israeli air strike on Zafta and Zahrani; number of casualties reported
  • 14:40 Casualties in Upper Galilee due to Hezbollah rockets
  • 14:10 Haaretz: two rockets fall on Kiryat Shmona, and one rocket falls on Safad
  • 14:00 Series of Isreali air strikes on outskirts of Homeen al-Fawqa
  • 13:52 Israeli airplanes drop pamphlets over Beirut
  • 13:50 Israeli air strikes on area between al-Raki and Izza in Zahrani
  • 13:42 British Jews demonstrate in support of Lebanon
  • 13:26 al-Arabiya: Israel informs Chirac that military operations will stop within 36 hours
  • 13:15 al-Arabiya: Hezbollah says it destroyed 16 Israeli tanks since this morning
  • 13:10 Israeli chief of staff: our troops may continue offensive in Lebanon for another week
  • 12:45 Israeli air strikes on Mletha, Homeen and Kafrouwa in Iqlim al-Tuffah, and another air strike on area between Aaqtanit and al-Ma’amariyeh in Zahrani
  • 12:08 European Union foreign policy chief in press conference
  • 12:00 Residents of Ain Ibl appeal for help in evacuating those left in town
  • 11:49 Hezbollah destroys Israeli tank in al-Hujair valley in southern Lebanon
  • 11:45 Israeli air strike on Kafrouwa crossing in Nabatiyeh
  • 11:42 Old and new Zahrani bridges destroyed completely, and road severed
  • 11:35 Two Israeli air strikes on valley between Qanareet and Zeita in Zahrani
  • 11:22 Israeli air strike on Zahrani
  • 11:16 Israeli air strikes on al-Ghaziyeh heights and on Nabih Berri Cultural Center in Nabatiyeh
  • 11:05 Israeli airplanes circle repeatedly over Baalbek
  • 11:04 Heavy Israeli shelling on al-Ghandouriyeh and Kroum
  • 10:41 Israeli air strikes on plain between Burj al-Moulouk, al-Qleia’a and on al-Khiam
  • 10:32 Lebanese sources: 15 Lebanese killed is Israeli shelling on Rashaf
  • 10:29 Morning Israeli air strike on Southern Suburb of Beirut targets al-Imamain al-Hassanain mosque
  • 10:14 Three Lebanese killed and 2 injured when their car is targeted in al-Zrariyeh in southern Lebanon
  • 09:54 Hezbollah destroys 2 tanks trying to advance towards Saf al-Hawa area
  • 09:51 Israeli northern command chief: ground operations could last for weeks and extend beyond Litani
  • 09:40 Israeli airplanes circle repeatedly over western Beqaa
  • 09:28 Fierce Israeli shelling on towns surrounding Nabatiyeh
  • 09:26 Hezbollah announces it has destroyed Israeli Merkava tank and bulldozer advancing towards Bayt Yahoun
  • 09:25 Israeli air strikes on Zahrani bridge completely sever road towards Saida/Sour and Saida/Nabatiyeh
  • 09:18 Israeli air strikes on Ansar and western Zotor
  • 09:08 Israeli spokesperson: Israeli ground operation wide in scope, with no limited time frame
  • 09:02 Hezbollah says it attacked Israeli force that advanced towards al-Ghandouriyeh near Sour (Tyre), resulting in several killed and wounded among Israeli troops
  • 09:00 Start of second month of war on Lebanon
  • 08:45 Fierce Israeli artillery shelling on Tibneen
  • 08:51 Fierce Israeli air strikes on Harees, Koneen and Baraasheet; several homes destroyed
  • 08:48 Fierce Israeli artillery shelling on Froun, Sreefa, al-Ghandouriyeh and Qalawiyeh
  • 08:47 Israeli attempt to advance towards al-Ghandouriyeh and Bayt Yahoun; Hezbollah says it destroyed Israeli tank and bulldozer
  • 08:42 Hezbollah launches 20 rockets on area of Galilee
  • 08:30 Four people killed in Israeli air strike on al-Kharayeb
  • 07:40 Israeli army announces it will expand offensive on Lebanon in direction of Litani River
  • 07:10 Renewed Israeli shelling on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 03:00 UN Security Council, comprising 15 member states, votes unanimously on resolution to stop war in Lebanon; new resolution given number 1701
  • 02:31 Death toll of Israeli air strike on Marjeyoun convoy rises to 7 people
  • 02:20 Kofi Annan hopes to reach agreement on resolution for permanent ceasefire, leading to permanent peaceful solution in Middle East
  • 02:10 AP: Israeli army continues incursion into Lebanon until replaced by Lebanese army
  • 02:08 UN Security Council begins session to discuss French-US resolution for ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel
  • 02:05 Israeli air strike on Friday night/Saturday on al-Masnaa border crossing; rocket falls near Lebanese customs building
  • 02:03 US Department of State official says countries expected to join in international forces to be deployed in southern Lebanon to meet today in UN; official added that US and France raised possibility of France leading international force, but no international decision on matter yet
  • 01:40 Israeli attacks convoy of people fleeing southern Lebanon, kills 7
  • 01:31 al-Jazeera correspondent: 7 Israeli air strikes on al-Khiam in southern Lebanon
  • 01:15 Former Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick demands end to war, denouncing war that “killed more children than soldiers”; McCarrick, who has been in Beirut since Wednesday, spoke to CNN saying “please stop the war, bring peace”
  • 01:10 Lebanese government source to AFP: Lebanese government to meet today to discuss French-US resolution
  • 01:05 Olmert supports UN resolution but offense to continue
  • 00:52 Death toll of Israeli air strike on evacuee convoy out of Marjeyoun rises to 6 people, and among wounded, 5 are joint security force soldiers, including 3 officers, with minor injuries
  • 00:50 Lebanese government announces approval of draft French-US resolution on Lebanon
  • 00:25 AP: Olmert informs US of his approval of resolution for ceasefire in Lebanon

Friday, August 11, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 11

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources
  • 23:55 Olmert prepares Israeli government to accept UN resolution
  • 23:10 Haaretz: Israeli army: Regardless of talks at Security Council, we will continue our military operations full force
  • 22:56 al-Arabiya: 8 Israeli air strikes on joint security forces convoy withdrawing from Marjeyoun
  • 22:30 al-Jazeera: 18 people killed or injured in strike on joint security forces convoy leaving Marjeyoun
  • 22:15 Israeli spokesperson: ground offensive to start within hours
  • 22:10 Joint security forces convoy under Israeli shelling near Kefraya crossing in western Beqaa
  • 22:05 UN Security Council will vote on proposed resolution within hours
  • 21:55 Proposed UN resolution:
    - Does not mention article 7 but specifies role of international forces in article 6
    - Does not call for ceasefire, but for cessation of all aggressive acts
    - Calls on Lebanon to enforce its borders and control all crossings
    - Calls on Lebanon to deploy its forces south of Litani River
  • 21:50 UN Human Rights Council condemns Israel for its attacks on Lebanon
  • 21:45 Israel confirms it is going ahead with expanded offensive on Lebanon
  • 21:22 Rice shares latest draft of proposed resolution with Olmert by phone
  • 21:10 Israeli TV: Olmert receives proposed UN resolution positively
  • 21:05 Israeli sources: Good chance of Israel accepting proposed cease-fire
  • 20:55 Israeli officials consider proposed resolution about Lebanon good
  • 20:32 British foreign minister announces that agreement on resolution will be reached today
  • 20:15 Israeli government spokesperson: proposed UN resolution unacceptable
  • 19:41 Meeting between Berri and Hariri ends with no statements made
  • 19:40 Rice: we hope to vote on draft resolution concerning Lebanon today
  • 19:39 Livni: decision to expand ground offensive doesn’t rule out diplomatic solution
  • 19:26 Red Cross ambulance targeted in Tibneen and 2 paramedics injured
  • 19:24 Fierce Israeli airs strikes on Iqlim al-Tuffah
  • 19:22 One Lebanese killed in Israeli shelling on Harbta in northern Beqaa
  • 19:10 Israeli television: armoured vehicles on border prepare for wide scale offensive on Lebanon
  • 19:01 Renewed Israeli air strikes on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 18:47 Heavy Israeli shelling on Safad al-Bateekh, Baraasheet, Khirbet Silim, Shaqra, and Tibneen
  • 18:45 Israeli representative in Security Council says that ceasefire discussions still ongoing
  • 18:37 Reuters: food in Southern Lebanon starting to run out, and roads cut preventing delivery of aid
  • 18:36 Welch leaves Government Serail without making any statement
  • 18:25 AP: Olmert unsatisfied with proposed ceasefire, and calls defence minister to prepare expansion of ground offensive
  • 18:22 Arrival of security convoy that evacuated security elements and civilians from Marjeyoun barrack to Hasbaya
  • 18:16 Meeting ends between Welch and Siniora
  • 18:15 Proposed draft resolution does not mention exchange of prisoners, and does not grant UNIFIL any fighting responsibilities
  • 18:13 Lebanon receives new international draft resolution that is not based on 7th article of UN Charter; however, it also does not include any reference to Shebaa Farms
  • 18:10 Reuters: Lebanon sees great progress made in talks with US
  • 18:02 Two Apache helicopters circle at low altitude over Sour (Tyre)
  • 18:01 Haaretz: 2 soldiers killed and 7 injured when their tank was hit by anti-tank rockets in southern Lebanon today
  • 17:47 Israeli air strike on area of Ain Baal in Sour (Tyre)
  • 17:42 al-Arabiya: Israel informed Washington that it will not automatically accept international resolution demanding ceasefire
  • 17:30 al-Jazeera: Israel denies that Hezbollah targeted Israeli military boat
  • 17:26 al-Jazeera: international resolution stipulates deployment of Lebanese army in southern Lebanon within 10 days
  • 17:25 US, France and UK foreign ministers in Security Council ahead of vote
  • 17:22 al-Jazeera: Welch discusses with Lebanese officials international resolution to strengthen UNIFIL forces
  • 17:21 al-Jazeera: agreement close on resolution not calling for immediate disarming of Hezbollah
  • 17:20 UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, joins deliberations preceding voting in Security Council
  • 17:19 Lebanese defence minister Elias al-Murr: force made up of 10 nations will deploy in southern Lebanon
  • 17:18 Haaretz: One Israeli seriously injured in rockets fire on Kiryat Shmona
  • 17:17 Prime minister Siniora meets with parliament member Saad Hariri in Grand Serail
  • 17:16 Israeli security source to Reuters: we intend to return 2 Lebanese taken as prisoners during confrontations with Hezbollah
  • 17:15 Haaretz: Israel calls on Washington to speed up process of delivering anti-personnel rockets to Israeli
  • 17:05 Israeli military boat targeted by Hezbollah on shores of Sour (Tyre) sank immediately after it was hit
  • 17:03 Reuters: Israeli Army: we might re-enter Lebanon if United Nations force fails
  • 16:58 Reuters: US ambassador toUnited Nations, John Bolton: we are very close to agreement on final draft resolution, and we expect voting to take place at Security Council today
  • 16:50 Welch at Grand Serail again, promises solution that will satisfy all
  • 16:45 Hezbollah rockets fired on Safad and Kiryat Shmona result in injuries
  • 16:40 Reuters: Olmert faces criticism concerning war on Lebanon
  • 16:20 al-Jazeera: Hezbollah targets Israeli military boat near Sour (Tyre) with 12 Israeli marines on board
  • 16:15 Israeli air strikes on south of Western Beqaa, and artillery shelling on al-Khiam and outskirts of Ebil Al Saqi and Dibeen
  • 16:05 al-Arabiya: trapped civilians and military personnel in Marjeyoun leave town
  • 16:01 Hezbollah launches rockets on settlements of Hazeef and Kabri
  • 15:45 Two Israeli air strikes on Tayr Diba – Burj al-Shamali- Kafra and Jbal al-Butom
  • 15:25 Two Israeli air strikes on outskirts of western Ebil al-Saqi
  • 15:05 Hezbollah announces launching rockets on Nahariya, Avivim and Kiryat Shmona
  • 15:05 Hezbollah rockets fall on Kiryat Shmona
  • 14:45 Warning sirens in Afula and al-Nasrah (Nazareth)
  • 14:35 Fires break out in Upper Galilee
  • 13:33 Renewed Israeli shelling on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 13:26 EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana arrives in Beirut Airport
  • 13:24 Israeli surveillance plane targets motorcycle rider on Zrariyeh – al-Kharayeb main road
  • 13:15 Four storey building demolished by Israeli shelling on Markaba – Hay al-Husseini
  • 13:00 Israeli air strike on Bareesh, eastern Sour (Tyre)
  • 12:46 Israeli air strike on al-Ruwais area in Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 12:40 Israeli air strike on Bir al-Abed in Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 12:28 Israeli airplanes circle repeatedly over Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 12:16 French foreign minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, heads to New York to join discussions on Lebanon
  • 12:08 Renewed Israeli shelling on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 11:57 Fouad Siniora meets with US sssistant secretary of state David Welch in Grand Serail
  • 11:38 Israeli air strikes on al-Kfour in southern Lebanon destroys municipality building completely
  • 11:36 Hezbollah says it killed and injured 15 Israeli soldiers in clashes in Aita al-Shaab
  • 11:25 Israeli air strikes on areas between al-Numairiyeh, al-Sharqiyeh and Jabal al-Rafi’
  • 11:24 Israeli air strikes on Qana, Sidiqeen and Hanawiyeh
  • 11:23 Israeli air strikes on edges of al-Zrariyeh, Aaba, Ansar and al-Breiqe’
  • 11:13 Fierce clashes on edges of Rashaya
  • 11:12 Israeli artillery shelling on Kfar Hamam, Rashaya al-Fukhar and Kfar Shouba
  • 11:02 Two people killed and several injured in Israeli air strike on Maqna in Baalbek
  • 10:40 New round of Hezbollah rockets fall on Haifa, two people injured
  • 10:27 Haaretz: Israeli forces capture 350 Lebanese in Marjeyoun
  • 10:25 Marjeyoun Hospital evacuated of staff and patients
  • 10:22 Israeli pamphlets dropped over Sour (Tyre)
  • 10:21 Israeli pamphlets dropped over Beirut incite against Hezbollah
  • 10:20 Explosions heard in Haifa
  • 10:16 Israeli airplanes drop pamphlets over Ain Mreisseh in Beirut
  • 10:15 Lebanese army soldier killed when Israeli air strike targets civilian car in Baalbek
  • 10:08 Rockets fall on Nahariya, warning sirens in Haifa and western Galilee
  • 09:55 Israeli air strike on mobile bridge between Drous and Brital 09:53 Israeli air strike on main road between Maqna and Younin
  • 09:37 Israeli air strike on Maqna road in Baalbek
  • 09:35 Fierce Israeli shelling on Bayt Yahoun and outskirts, and Israeli air strikes on Tibneen
  • 09:31 Security sources: personnel from police stations in Mais al-Jabal, al-Aadayseh and Houla will be moved to Nabatiyeh
  • 09:24 Two Israeli air strikes on truck in middle of Baalbek
  • 09:22 Israeli forces agree to evacuation of joint security forces officers and soldiers from Marjeyoun barracks
  • 09:18 Israeli air strike on Ain Bourdai, south of Baalbek, targets petrol station
  • 08:56 UN forces begin to evacuate security forces from Marjeyoun barracks
  • 08:05 UN forces enter Marjeyoun barracks
  • 07:20 Reuters: Israeli ambassador to UN rejects Russian request for 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire
  • 07:10 Two Israeli air strikes on Ras al-Ain in Sour (Tyre)
  • 06:50 Death toll of Israeli air strike on al-Hissa bridge in Akkar rises to 12 killed
  • 06:40 Israeli air strike on Iqlim al-Tuffah
  • 06:32 Four Israeli air strikes on Zahrani bridge
  • 06:25 Israeli air strike on al-Mansouri valley and al-Ma’aliyeh south of Sour (Tyre)
  • 06:18 Nine killed and 11 wounded in Israeli air strikes on al-Hissa bridge in Akkar
  • 06:14 Israeli air strikes on al-Masnaa road on border crossing with Syria
  • 06:10 Israeli air strikes on city center of Sour (Tyre)
  • 06:09 Israeli shelling on Baalbek – Homs road
  • 06:08 Israeli air strike targets bridge in al-Hissa Akkar, resulting in number of people killed and wounded
  • 05:45 Continued fierce Israeli shelling on Southern Suburb of Beirut and edges of al-Shiyah
  • 04:55 Israeli air strikes on Southern Suburb of Beirut
  • 02:58 John Bolton: no agreement yet on resolution and hope to reach agreement on Friday
  • 02:25 Lebanon rejects US-French resolution as it fails to include demand for immediate ceasefire
  • 02:01 Russia demands 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire from UN Security Council
  • 01:45 Russian ambassador to UN: failure in discussions to reach UN resolution on Lebanon
  • 01:25 US ambassador to UN, John Bolton, announced that diplomatic debate ongoing to arrive at final UN resolution on Lebanon, noting that some issues were still unresolved
  • 00:25 Brazilian foreign ministry announces foreign minister Celso Amorim will travel to Lebanon on August 15 to meet with officials and present them with 5.2 tons of medicine
  • 00:20 Italian correspondents in Middle East called for immediate ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel, to put end to what they called “uncontrolled madness” and “indescribable human suffering”
  • 00:10 International Federation of Human Rights Organizations, NGOs from Mediterranean countries, and Central European Human Rights Network announced sending of emergency mission to Lebanon
  • 00:07 Haaretz: Israeli forces arrest 350 Lebanese in Marjeyoun

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Minute by Minute:: August 10

Source: Tayyar, New TV and other news sources
  • 19:58 Hezbollah hits Israeli tanks advancing in southern Lebanon
  • 19:06 Diesel truck targeted in Beqaa
  • 19:05 Four new Israeli air strikes on Sreefa; 4 houses destroyed
  • 19:01 Yedioth Ahronot: operations intensify on Eastern District in southern Lebanon and Israeli troops 10 km from Litani River
  • 19:00 14 Israeli air strikes on Froun in southern Lebanon
  • 18:31 Hezbollah announces shelling of Akka (Acre), and settlements of Goren, al-Bassah and Hanita
  • 18:30 Hezbollah sets ambush for Israeli unit near Markaba, resulting in killing or injuring of unit personnel
  • 18:15 Israeli army denies Hezbollah claim that 18 Israeli soldiers killed
  • 18:10 Haaretz: Syrian made 122mm rocket explodes in Hiafa
  • 17:55 Yedioth Ahronot: 3 rockets fall on Akka (Acre)
  • 17:20 al-Jazeera from Hezbollah source: 4 Israeli soldiers killed in Teebeh Project
  • 17:15 al-Jazeera: renewal of Israeli shelling on Sour (Tyre) and its vicinity
  • 17:07 Warning sirens in northern Israel
  • 17:00 Hezbollah says it killed 10 Israeli soldiers in town of Markaba and destroyed Merkava tank
  • 16:55 Iranian embassy denies there are Iranian fighters among Hezbollah fighters
  • 16:45 Israeli air strike on Kawthariyet al-Ruz and town of Adloun
  • 16:43 Rockets on Haifa suburbs result in casualties
  • 16:30 Warning sirens in Haifa
  • 16:22 al-Jazeera: Hezbollah launches 110 rockets on number of areas in northern Israel
  • 16:17 Hezbollah rockets fall on Nahariya and Ma’alot
  • 16:13 Confrontations between Hezbollah and Israeli forces near Marjeyoun barrack
  • 16:12 Israeli air strike between al-Babiliyeh and Ansar
  • 16:10 Israeli air strike between Kafr Houna and Mleekh near Lebanese Army post
  • 15:58 Israeli air strikes on outskirts of Yatar, Sirbeen, and Harees
  • 15:30 Israeli air strike on outskirts of al-Ansariyeh in Zahrani area
  • 15:21 Israeli air strike on Sharbiha results in number of casualties
  • 15:18 Israeli artillery shelling on outskirts of Adloun
  • 14:45 Warning sirens in Carmiel, Tabarayya and number of areas in northern Isreal
  • 14:23 Leaflets thrown over Beirut and Southern Suburb warn inhabitants of al-Shiyah, Burj al-Barjaneh and Hay al-Silom to evacuate
  • 14:01 Israeli forces carry out interrogations inside Marjeyoun barrack concerning types of weapons possessed by joint security force
  • 13:55 Israeli air strike in front of Zayan Hospital in Baalbek results in 3 casualties
  • 13:52 Israeli air strikes on Jnata and on outskirts of Ma’araka
  • 13:50 Israeli forces enter Marjeyoun Barracks for short period of time then retreat
  • 13:46 Israeli warships shell villages from al-Housh to Naqoura
  • 13:45 Hezbollah stops Israeli advance from Deir Siryan towards Alman – al-Qassir area
  • 13:40 Israeli shelling on Kfarmam injures 6 people
  • 13:21 Clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli army in Aita al-Shaab and Dibl
  • 13:20 Hezbollah rockets land on Kiryat Shmona and Galilee
  • 13:19 Israeli air strikes on outskirts of Kfar Hamam in southern Lebanon
  • 13:18 Warning sirens in Haifa
  • 13:17 Israeli air strikes on Derdeghiya, Sh’hour, Sreefa, Deir Qanoun al-Nahr and Ma’aroub
  • 13:15 Haaretz: 8 Israeli soldieries injured in clashes on border
  • 13:00 Israeli helicopters shell Lebanese Broadcasting antenna on old lighthouse in Qreitem in Beirut
  • 12:35 UN secretary general’s personal representative in Lebanon, Geir Pederson, arrives in Grand Serail
  • 12:25 Two Arabs killed in Deir al-Assad in Israel as result of Hezbollah rockets
  • 12:20 Israeli shelling targets old Lebanese Broadcasting Station building near Lebanese army barracks in Amsheet
  • 12:02 Marjeyoun municipality chief: Israeli forces stationed in eastern section of town, and have not retreated yet
  • 11:51 al-Manar TV: Hezbollah destroys 14 tanks since this morning
  • 11:43 US ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman and French ambassador Bernard Emie meet in Grand Serail
  • 11:42 Hezbollah rockets land in Ma’a lot, Carmiel, Kiryat Shmona, Safad and Golan Heights
  • 11:27 Fierce Israeli shelling and air strikes on eastern and southern Sour (Tyre) and large fire between al-Ramadiyeh, Deir Qanoun and Ras al-Ain
  • 10:46 Intense Israeli shelling on Deir Antar, several houses destroyed
  • 10:43 Israeli helicopters circle repeatedly over Zahrani coast
  • 10:38 Hezbollah rockets fall on Nahariya and Kiryat Shmona settlements
  • 10:36 Pamphlets dropped over northern Lebanon threaten to shell any heavy vehicle that travels along coastal road after 8 pm
  • 10:32 Heavy clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces on western edges of al-Qlei’a
  • 10:18 Yedioth Ahronot: Safad hospital receives 41 wounded, including 34 soldiers
  • 10:16 Israeli airplanes drop pamphlets over al-Bedawi; anti-aircraft artillery fired at planes from inside camp
  • 10:13 al-Jazeera: Israelis withdraw from Marjeyoun
  • 10:10 Israeli airplanes circle over Tripoli in northern Lebanon
  • 09:53 Israeli air strike on Riyaq results in 12 injured
  • 09:35 Fierce battles on Dibeen hills
  • 09:13 Israeli air strike on Riyaq in Beqaa
  • 09:08 al-Jazeera correspondent says fierce clashes in Marjeyoun
  • 09:05 Hezbollah announces destruction of 7 Israeli tanks in al-Khiam valley, crew between killed or injured
  • 08:39 Israeli air strike on motorcycle in Sour (Tyre); driver killed
  • 08:35 Israeli air strikes on Zahrani bridge
  • 08:15 Reuters: Israeli forces control Marjeyoun, Burj al-Mouluk and al-Qalaya; Israeli troops moving on foot around Marjeyoun
  • 07:39 Israeli air strikes on Zibqeen, Toura and Janata in district of Sour (Tyre)
  • 07:36 Four Israeli air strikes on northern Baalbek
  • 07:34 Twelve Israeli air strikes this morning on Deir Antar; one home destroyed
  • 07:32 Israeli official: Olmert stops military operations for 2 days
  • 07:18 Israeli airplanes circle repeatedly over Baalbek
  • 06:58 Hezbollah confirms its fighters blocking Israeli attempt to advance towards Marjeyoun
  • 05:55 Newspaper: Israel stops expanded attack on Lebanon in order to negotiate
  • 02:25 Washington calls on Israel to control itself in new attack
  • 02:15 Washington rejects escalation of war, disagreement continues over Lebanese resolution
  • 02:05 Heavy movement among Israeli forces in southern Lebanon after decision to expand war
  • 01:40 Reuters: witnesses say Israeli forces advanced 10 km into southern Lebanon early Thursday morning, the farthest it has advanced in past 4 weeks of battles; witnesses add that Israeli forces, backed by heavy artillery fire, are on outskirts of Dibeen
  • 01:13 Hezbollah denies Israeli claim that 40 of its fighters killed, describing claim as psychological warfare
  • 00:35 Israeli television: Iranians among Hezbollah dead
  • 00:15 Israel admits 15 of its soldiers killed by Hezbollah fire