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The Fatimids-An Empire of Faith
Fatimid Empire
Ismaili History Crash Course: Fatimid Period
Fatimid Caliphate
Fatimid Art & Architecture
The Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt & the return of Europe
Fatimid Cairo
القاهرة الفاطمية / جامع الأقمر Fatimid Cairo
القاهرة الفاطمية / سور القاهرة الشمالى Fatimid Cairo
مشروع فاطمة / Fatimid Cairo
Crusader Kings 2 SOA - Fatimid Rising Part 1
Crusader Kings 2 SOA - Fatimid Rising Part 4
Fatimid-era treasure found off Israel coast
The Fatimid Caliphate (Arabic: الفاطميون, al-Fāṭimiyyūn) was the fourth Islamic caliphate. Its sovereignty spanned a large area of North Africa, from the Red...
The Fatimids were reputed to exercise a degree of religious tolerance towards non-Ismaili sects of Islam as well as towards Jews, Maltese Christians and Copt...
This third video, in a multi-part crash course series on Ismaili History, discusses the Fatimid Period, considered to the golden age of Ismailism. The Ismaii...
The Fatimid Caliphate (Arabic: الفاطميون, al-Fāṭimiyyūn) was a Shia Islamic caliphate, which spanned a large area of North Africa, from the Red Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The dynasty ruled across the Mediterranean coast of Africa and ultimately made Egypt the centre of the caliphate. At its height, the caliphate included in addition to Egypt varying areas of the Maghreb, Sudan, Sicily, the Levant, and Hijaz. The Fatimids were descended from Fatima bint Muhammad (Arabic: فاطمة بنت محمد), the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, according to Fatimid claims. The Fatimids conquered North Africa and their Fatimid state took shape among the Kutama, in the Western North of Africa, particularly Algeria. In 909 Fatimid established the Tunisian city of Mahdia as their capital. In 948 they shifted their capital to Al-Mansuriya. In 969 they conquered Egypt and established Cairo as the capital of their caliphate, and Egypt became the political, cultural, and religious centre of the whole state. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
FATIMID CALIPHATE has taken shape. FATIMID CALIPHATE has been formed. MODERN ARYAN SHIA SUNNI CHRISTIAN JEWISH BUDDHA HINDU SIKH SCIENCE ATHEIST ETC NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER (KHAWLA CAPITAL) MODERN SHIA COMMANDOS NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER GLORY TO FATHERLAND FATIMID CALIPHATE Serving Motherland Shia Fatimid Caliphate We stand against any Terrorism, Extremism, Fascism. We are the Future of the World. We Condemn All Terrorist Acts against Any All Colors Religions Innocents Human-Beings Around the World. The Flame of Freedom Fraternity, Justice, Freedom MODERN SHIA IRAN PERSIA ICBM NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER We Pledge Allegiance to Saint Khomeini Future Large VTOL Shia Air-Crafts to be Constructed for our Troops, Ammunitions, Wounded, Etc Support °SHIA TIGERS° *SHIA MASSIV* °Shias are the Ahlul-Bait° Imam=Saint Holy=Sayed Fascist Terrorist Christian USA bow down to your New Master the Shia Empire. Your President is a 1st Sign. Thanks for the Help. You know us, if we wanted to, We Will Nuke every Fascist US State. So Now, Act the Way we want the Flow to Be. Take out the Salafis. Transfer all the Gulf Money Banks to the Shias. Etc. Or We Will Nuke you Fascist USA. Terrorist Jewish Israel become Good Jews & Now bow down to your New Master the Shia Empire. Work as an Interest of the Shia Empire or We Will Nuke You. You Know us, No gods on Planet Earth Can Stop us. We Shias are the Chosen People of God. Hezbollah are the Heroes of Free Lebanon & the Free Islamic World. Fascist Israel is a Fascist Terrorist Jewish Extremist Israeli State. 'Defenders of the Fatherland Shia' Politics=Doctors operating against each other on World Maps SLAVA SHIA ! Shia Divine Symbols INTER-CONTINENTAL-PLANETARY BALLISTIC MISSILES (Plutonium Fusion) Unveiling Our Modern Shia SuperPower to the World - 2013 Bahaism, Druze, Modernized Communism, Etc have taken & are all from & are Shia-ism SAF - SHIA AIR FORCE SSF - SHIA SPECIAL FORCES SIF - SHIA ICBM FORCES RISE MOTHERLAND SHIA - Anthem We Pledge Allegiance to Motherland Shia SHIA BROTHERS-SHIA SISTERS Modern Shia Warfare X-7 We will Build All over the Fatimid Caliphate Villas beside each other & differing All with Different Religions All Beside each other from All Sects Druzes, Jews, Shias, Sunnis, Christians, All Sects, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists, Etc, All in the Same neighbourhoods, with Lakes Butterfly Water-Fountains Colors Parks Attractions All the Land will be Green with Apple Trees & Fruit Trees so no one can be Hungry, Sheeps, Cows, Horses, Jungles Rivers, We will deal fully with the Nuclear Fall-Out, Bring Water to drink through systems from the Sea to the Lakes to the Farms to the Housing using Nuclear Power to do that for Drinking Water Forever, Nuclear Power Plants Safe Steel no leakage underground, then we will make Natural Solar Energy above every Villas with Swimming Pools, Mountains like China with Temples of Meditation, Scientific Achievements, Etc, The Whole World will have Food, Eat, organized Payments for Poor in Bank Accounts, Etc We will also Build a Big Buddha Shia Meditation Statue WOW KNOWLEDGE+INFORMATION=KEY TO SUCCESS Attack on Iran/or Lebanon/or Syria = End of Israel & USA Thank You SIA's Most Wanted Black List: - x - y - z - - - - - - Did you ever Count how many Shias died because of your American UK Israeli Salafi Support for the past 80+ Years ? You bloody effin bastards, We have the Right to Nuke Every effin State in the US with all your Holy Sites you Fascists Internally or Externally The ones who have Created & Gave Birth to Terrorism is the Fascist USA & Fascist Israel, The Creators of Sly Terrorism are USA & Israel BAE Systems were FIRST Invented by Shias, later stolen by the west elements, BAE Systems will be put on our Shia Space-Ships, Cars, Tanks, Etc for Invisibility & Stealth Technology ______________________ USA=The Country of Traitors. The Fascist Israel must stop acting Innocent & by deceiving world naive idiots public opinion to use Goys We Shias are the dirtiest filthiest guys in the Universe. Shia Duke Nukem. Our people need to Acknowledge from your Brain that your enemies want you Destroyed. Modern Shia Atheists. Nobody will come to help you, you have to save yourself & ur people The Fascists Zionists must stop acting innocent & oppressed. The Fascist Zionists Israelis Terrorist Jews are the Best Sly Terrorists oppressing millions of innocents. They will pay. °SHIA SHADOWS° Never Touch Shias Anymore Or We will Sodomize any State that Threatens us. You know We can Nuke any State in the World that Threatens us Shias. So Dont Try us. Boycott=Sanctions=War 1 for all, & all for 1. We told you a Million Times never Fack around with us Shias. YA HUSSAIN
Fatimid architecture In architecture, the Fatimids followed Tulunid techniques and used similar materials, but also developed those of their own. In Cairo, t...
منير-اتكلمي مع صور القاهرة الفاطمية.
القاهرة الفاطمية / جامع الأقمر / شارع المعز لدين الله سنة 2009 / على الشربينى Fatimid Cairo / Congregational Mosque / Street Muizz year 2009 / on-Sherbini
القاهرة الفاطمية / سور القاهرة الشمالى وباب الفتوح 2009 / على الشربينى Fatimid Cairo / Cairo Northern Wall 2009 / on-Sherbini.
"مشروع فاطمة" مشروع فريق "الدراويش" فى القاهرة الفاطمية
Welcome to part One of my Duchy of Damascus Campaign, where I will try to form the Fatimid Caliphate! Watch in HD and enjoy! Follow me on Twitter - https://t...
Welcome to part Four of my Duchy of Damascus Campaign, where I will try to form the Fatimid Caliphate! Watch in HD and enjoy! Follow me on Twitter - https://...
Reuters Video A deposit of 1,000-year-old gold coins found on the sea bed in Israel is set to shed new light on a particular period in the region's history. Tara Cleary reports. Credit: Reuters. Not for republication.
FATIMID CALIPHATE has taken shape. FATIMID CALIPHATE has been formed. MODERN ARYAN SHIA SUNNI CHRISTIAN JEWISH BUDDHA HINDU SIKH SCIENCE ATHEIST ETC NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER (KHAWLA CAPITAL) SHIA COMMANDOS SUPERPOWER GLORY TO FATHERLAND FATIMID CALIPHATE Serving Motherland Shia Fatimid Caliphate We dont do Terrorism, We Just Nuke Our Enemies. We Only Kill All the Soldiers who Attack us Militarily. We are not allowed to kill innocent civilians, this is our Doctrine. We have our own Values & Principles. The Flame of Freedom Fraternity, Justice, Freedom MODERN SHIA IRAN PERSIA ICBM NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER We Pledge Allegiance to Saint Khomeini More than 80 Million Fascist Terrorist Christians Zionists in Fascist USA Are Ready to Get Nuked in 2013 °SHIA TIGERS° *SHIA MASSIV* We Persians were in all of the Region before Everyone & Before All Abnormal Religions We Take Revenge if Any gods mess with our Empire. All Revenges, at any Height. We know Everything. Our Intel is the Most Powerful in the World. Fascist Terrorist Christian USA bow down to your New Master the Shia Empire. Your President is a 1st Sign. Thanks for the Help. You know us, if we wanted to, We Will Nuke every Fascist US State. So Now, Act the Way we want the Flow to Be. Take out the Salafis. Transfer all the Gulf Money Banks to the Shias. Etc. Or We Will Nuke you Fascist USA. Terrorist Jewish Israel become Good Jews & Now bow down to your New Master the Shia Empire. Work as an Interest of the Shia Empire or We Will Nuke You. You Know us, No gods on Planet Earth Can Stop us. We Shias are the Chosen People of God. Hezbollah are the Heroes of Free Lebanon & the Free Islamic World. Fascist Israel is a Fascist Terrorist Jewish Extremist Israeli State. 'Defenders of the Fatherland Shia' Politics=Doctors operating against each other on World Maps SLAVA SHIA ! Shia Divine Symbols INTER-CONTINENTAL-PLANETARY BALLISTIC MISSILES (Plutonium Fusion) Unveiling Our Modern Shia SuperPower to the World - 2013 SAF - SHIA AIR FORCE SSF - SHIA SPECIAL FORCES SIF - SHIA ICBM FORCES RISE MOTHERLAND SHIA - Anthem We Pledge Allegiance to Motherland Shia SHIA BROTHERS-SHIA SISTERS Show Them Who is the Boss when the Signals Are Given. Let Their Brains Understand who theyre dealing with. A Colossal Empire bigger than theirs Strategically. Modern Shia Warfare X-7 We will Build All over the Fatimid Caliphate Villas beside each other & differing All with Different Religions All Beside each other from All Sects Druzes, Jews, Shias, Sunnis, Christians, All Sects, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists, Etc, All in the Same neighbourhoods, with Lakes Butterfly Water-Fountains Colors Parks Attractions All the Land will be Green with Apple Trees & Fruit Trees so no one can be Hungry, Sheeps, Cows, Horses, Jungles Rivers, We will deal fully with the Nuclear Fall-Out, Bring Water to drink through systems from the Sea to the Lakes to the Farms to the Housing using Nuclear Power to do that for Drinking Water Forever, Nuclear Power Plants Safe Steel no leakage underground, then we will make Natural Solar Energy above every Villas with Swimming Pools, Mountains like China with Temples of Meditation, Scientific Achievements, Etc, The Whole World will have Food, Eat, organized Payments for Poor in Bank Accounts, Etc We will also Build a Big Buddha Shia Meditation Statue WOW KNOWLEDGE+INFORMATION=KEY TO SUCCESS Attack on Iran/or Lebanon/or Syria = End of Israel & USA Thank You SIA's Most Wanted Black List: - x - y - z - - - - - - Did you ever Count how many Shias died because of your American UK Israeli Salafi Support for the past 80+ Years ? You bloody effin bastards, We have the Right to Nuke Every effin State in the US with all your Holy Sites you Fascists Just to show how much stupid people are BAE Systems were FIRST Invented by Shias, later stolen by the west elements, BAE Systems will be put on our Shia Space-Ships, Cars, Tanks, Etc for Invisibility & Stealth Technology ______________________ USA=The Country of Traitors. The Fascist Israel must stop acting Innocent & by deceiving world naive idiots public opinion to use Goys We Shias are the dirtiest filthiest guys in the Universe. Shia Duke Nukem. Our people need to Acknowledge from your Brain that your enemies want you Destroyed. Modern Shia Atheists. Nobody will come to help you, you have to save yourself & ur people The Fascists Zionists must stop acting innocent & oppressed. The Fascist Zionists Israelis Terrorist Jews are the Best Sly Terrorists oppressing millions of innocents. They will pay. °SHIA SHADOWS° Never Touch Shias Anymore Or We will Sodomize any State that Threatens us. You know We can Nuke any State in the World that Threatens us Shias. So Dont Try us. Boycott=Sanctions=War 1 for all, & all for 1. We told you a Million Times never Fack around with us Shias. YA HUSSAIN
One of the oldest streets in Cairo, approximately one kilometer long. A United Nations study found it to have the greatest concentration of medieval architec...
Part 2:;
(Cihad-ı Ekber) 40 tonnage-700 dead Dünya islam devletinin yenilmeyeceğini anlamamakta ısrar ediyor olabilirmi.( can not understand whether the defeat of the Islamic state )
See the rise and fall of a major North African dynasty.
HELP THE CAUSE PLEASE DONATE!;_button_id=F9JSGBFQPVBJL Fatimid leader, Shaik Makrami of the Sulayma...
M2TW:K Stainless Steel 6.4 + Historical Units Buildings Regions 0.3.1 submod + Soulson CAI 1.6 + Germanicu5 BAI 5.04 Early Campaign VH/H I'm playing Abassid has been long at war with Fatimid... I've captured Tarabulus some time ago and now it's the 2nd time they tried to take it back :D as you can see these islamic units already using Broken Crescent units and skins (from HURB submod), then adjusted with Real Combat 2.0 (unofficial), I think there's some bug with HURB submod but it's not really gamebreaking, a fair trade with the features it offers :) AI still suck at besieging, hopefully I can record more awesome field battles.... I love this game, one of the very few games that I can still enjoy after many years due to gameplay, setting and mods :)
Fatimid Foundation is a major blood bank and haematological services provider in pakistan. 100000 pints of blood and platelets are given every year. these b...
largest ever hoard of gold coins ever uncovered in Israel.
After the decline of the Fatimid caliphate in 1171, Salahuddin Ayubi became the Sultan of Egypt and ...
Dawn 2015-03-29That was the year when Fatimid invaders began to build a grand enclosure to house their new mosques ...
All Africa 2015-03-23Throughout the history of Islam, except for the Fatimid rule over Egypt (909-1171), and until the ...
Real Clear Politics 2015-03-20... looks for clients on el-Moez Street in historic Fatimid Cairo in Egypt, Thursday, March 12, 2015.
Denver Post 2015-03-18That was the year when Fatimid invaders began to build a grand enclosure to house their new mosques ...
The Guardian 2015-03-16This find comes only a month after another significant discovery off the coast of the ancient Roman ...
The Inquisitr 2015-03-10... Bohra who trace their belief system back to Yemen, where it evolved from the Fatimid Caliphate.
Deccan Herald 2015-03-04Most of the coins, though, appear to have belonged to the Fatimid caliphs Al-? ... The Fatimid kingdom ...
Business Insider 2015-02-19... by the Fatimid Caliphate, which ruled much of the Middle East and North Africa from 909 to 1171.
The Times of India 2015-02-19Others think they were used to pay military personnel stationed in Caesarea during the Fatimid period.
Huffington Post 2015-02-19Some 2,000 coins dated to the 11th century, a period when the Fatimid dynasty dominated the Middle ...
Dawn 2015-02-19... "fascinating and rare historical evidence" from the Fatimid era in the 10th and 11th centuries.
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-02-19They have been identified as "multiple denominations" used in the Fatimid Caliphate, the Islamic ...
The Independent 2015-02-19The Fatimid Islamic Caliphate or al-Fāṭimiyyūn (Arabic الفاطميون) was a Shi'a Ismaili Muslim caliphate that spanned a vast area of the Arab World, from the Red Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Originally based in Tunisia, the Fatimid dynasty extended their rule across the Mediterranean coast of Africa, and ultimately made Egypt the centre of their caliphate. At its height, in addition to Egypt, the caliphate included varying areas of the Maghreb, Sudan, Sicily, the Levant, and Hijaz.
The Fatimids established the Tunisian city of Mahdia and made it their capital city, before conquering Egypt, and building the city of Cairo in 969. Thereafter, Cairo became the capital of the caliphate, with Egypt becoming the political, cultural, and religious centre of the state. The 4th century AH /10th century CE has been called by Louis Massignon ‘the Ismaili century in the history of Islam’.
The term Fatimite is sometimes used to refer to the citizens of this caliphate. The ruling elite of the state belonged to the Ismaili branch of Shi'ism. The leaders of the dynasty were also Shia Ismaili Imams, hence, they had a religious significance to Ismaili Muslims. They are also part of the chain of holders of the office of Caliph, as recognized by some Muslims. Therefore, this constitutes a rare period in history in which the descendants of Ali (hence the name Fatimid, referring to Ali's wife Fatima) and the Caliphate were united to any degree, excepting the final period of the Rashidun Caliphate under Ali himself.