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Indymedia Events:

Usually held on 3rd Saturday of every month at 5pm - (email PIMC to verify)
General Meeting
@ Red & Black Cafe
400 SE 12th ave & oak
Wednesday's Events (4/15/2015)
actions & protests | animal rights 12-Apr-2015 15:12

March on University of Washington

From the open publishing newswire: No New Animal Lab: March on the University of Washington!

When: Saturday, April 25, 2pm
Where: Meet in Red Square, University of Washington - Seattle campus

No New Animal Lab: March on the University of Washington!

The University of Washington and construction company Skanska are planning to build a new underground Animal Research and Care Facility. As they attempt to move forward with plans to bury the torture of thousands of animals underground, the No New Animal Lab campaign is organizing international opposition and calling on our movement to make sure this lab is never built. We have the power to stop this lab and save more animals from suffering and death at the UW.

On April 25th, join hundreds of people for a March on the University of Washington. Be a part of making history and showing the University of Washington that people from all over the country will converge on its campus to show opposition to animal research and dedication to stopping the new animal lab from being built.

The clock is ticking. The University of Washington and Skanska will continue to move forward with lab construction unless we stop them. The future of thousands of animals depends on us. The time is now to take to the streets and stop the lab.

For more information about the No New Animal Lab campaign, visit: NoNewAnimalLab.com


education | prisons & prisoners 12-Apr-2015 15:03


From the open publishing newswire: The Red and Black cafe that has been so generous to donate us a space is closed :-( and Books to Prisoners is in need of a new space. We would need about 200 or so square feet, in a dry basement, garage, or extra room in the house---also open to office space or space in a church, community room etc. Because we are a non-profit, the space could be considered an "in kind" donation for a tax write off.
We would need about 200 or so square feet, in a dry basement, garage, or extra room in the house---also open to office space or space in a church, community room etc. Because we are a non-profit, the space could be considered an "in kind" donation for a tax write-off. Please CALL (503) 249-6343 if you might know of an available space. We would need the space twice a month for our mailing nights (first and third Weds of every month) and occasional access to drop books off. Close-in east side would be ideal but we are open to (most!)anything. Thanks!!


technology | youth 11-Apr-2015 07:11

Cascadia Cypherpunk Convergence - April 11th

From the open publishing newswire: Through this conference [today] we hope to increase how networked our movement is and raise public awareness about issues of privacy, technology and social change in the digital age.


takes place on April 11th, 10am-7pm
Portland State University
Smith Memorial Student Union

Time Schedule:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2015/03/429357.shtml#442360


actions & protests | economic justice 08-Apr-2015 09:10

Rally protest TPP outside Wyden and Blumenauer's office Wed.

From the open publishing newswire: WHAT: Portland Rallies Against Fast-Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (worse than WTO and NAFTA)
WHEN: Wednesday, April 8 at 12:15 p.m.
WHERE: Courtyard outside the offices of Sen. Wyden and Rep. Blumenauer
911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland (map)

RSVP:  http://sc.org/ORStandsAgainstFastTrack

Questions: Contact Morgan Gratz-Weiser at  morgan.gratzweiser@sierraclub.org.

Together, we'll call on Senator Wyden and Congressman Blumenauer to stand with Oregonians to ensure trade agreements protect the environment. We must keep the pressure on our representatives to reject fast track legislation that seeks to rush the TPP and similar trade deals through Congress.

We'll have great speakers and some fun chants, and will deliver letters to the members. Please feel free to write a personal letter to the representatives telling them specifically why you are opposed to fast track. If you'd like, ride your bike (or bring it!) to show our representatives we're committed to a clean, green future!

4/9 Salem Rally Information:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2015/04/429566.shtml#442335


update 4/10 05-Apr-2015 10:49

The Shortwave Report 04/03/15 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire:

Updated Post: 4.10.15
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

The latest Shortwave Report (April 3) is up at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom [...]


actions & protests | government 05-Apr-2015 10:36

Ukrainians \?

I just like this From the open publishing newswire: Wednesday 4/1/2015

Today was a kind of fun day one rarely enjoys; most of the time others seem to have all the fun. It started by meeting with Jose, Lightning, and Steve to go over some things and plan out strategy for the future. Yes, believe it not Mr. fish, we do have a strategy to rid ourselves of this city council. Off to the council chambers and there seemed to be more suits than normal, the Ukrainians were waiting to go into the hall of sulfur. It was like being in a foreign country there were so many, maybe 20 people who came to listen and thank our mayor, (or yours, I don't want him) for supporting their cause, but what cause\? They even had a magazine with a smiling hale on its cover [...]

We can't get the mayor to sit down with citizens who have major problems with police accountability and yet there he is taking sides on an issue that is guaranteed to blow up in our faces. I do not understand why he does the things that he does and I continue to be amazed by the lack of shame of this council. We need to throw all of them out as they come up for re-election. And this my friends was just Communications, it gets worse. Moving to item *333, this looked innocent but then we read the supporting documentation and found out that the city was going to go after a grant of $200,000.00 for the cops to expand the capacity of the Portland Police Bureau Behavioral Health Unit. [...]

Bottom line we do not want the Portland Police anywhere near a person who is experiencing a mental breakdown, we want the County to respond to a call for help, not the cops. This grant will keep the PPD responding to people who need help and they will send some aggressive ass that will kill you if you don't shape up and act normal. If you call 911 you will get a cop, if you call the County Emergency number you will get a professional medical person to respond. Here is that number 503-988-4888. [...]


education | prisons & prisoners | social services 17-Mar-2015 21:02

Volunteer with Portland Books to Prisoners!

From the open publishing newswire: Books to Prisoners is needing a few more volunteers! Help inspire and educate our brothers and sisters behind bars!
Portland Books to Prisoners is an all volunteer group meeting twice a month for "mailing nights". We could use some volunteers to help with answering letters, filling orders, wrapping packages and sending them out (U.S. postal service). Any kind of fund-raising ideas are also appreciated, as are tax-deductible donations, and book donations--mostly paperbacks as hardback are expensive to mail out. Paperback dictionaries are always a big request. We are also open to being in a new space if anyone knows of a space we could use that is close-in east side (dry basement or garage, church basement, etc.)

The next mailing night is this Wednesday, March 18th from 5:30-8:00!

WHAT: B2P mailing nights
WHERE: in the basement of the Red and Black Cafe (400 S.E. 12th, and Oak) come through the gate around back--look for the sign...
WHEN: First and third Wednesdays of every month
Contact: (503) 249-6343 for more info.


actions & protests | homelessness 15-Mar-2015 13:41

Out & About

From the open publishing newswire: Out & About With The Troublemakers! 3/13/2015
Going backwards is always my way. We attended the County Meeting on 3/12/2015 and offered the position of Individuals For Justice, (IFJ) on the problem of cell phones for the homeless. When your phone goes dead or you need a jump for it to continue working you plug it into your computer or outlet and you are good to go. What do you do if you live on the streets\? Street Roots did a wonderful job reminding us that José Serrica, a member in good standing, spoke of these a few months ago. So we used our 3 minutes of communication time to tell the Commissioners that it costs less than a penny to charge a cell phone from dead to let's make some calls. They seem to know what we were talking about, maybe because we sent them the article and gave them a heads up that we would be pressing them on this. We also sent copies to the 5 sh-ts at city hall and did receive a note back from our favorite of the 5, Comm. Amanda Fritz, who says they are working or talking about working or thinking of doing something to help. She is one of the few who try and in most cases answers her messages, we like that. "Trust what a politician says and you will get screwed, praise them only when they actually do something." (Joe Walsh 1971) Here is the video of our testimony/communication with the good county commissioners:

This day only two of us spoke and I am about 4 minutes in, the woman who talked before me is worth listening to because she also is talking about the homeless/houseless. We will keep the pressure on but you can call the chair of the commissioners here and just ask how they are doing with offering a safe place to allow citizens to charge their cell phone. Thank you Street Roots again for reminding us of this important issue. Chair of County Commissioners Kafoury's number: 503- 988-3308 City Commissioner Fritz's number: 503-823-3008

We went to the City Council Gathering of the 5 sh-ts on 3/11/2015 and had a time; they are so weird! The morning session was kind of boring, except for the wonderful kids who came from Harrison Park Elementary school to talk about leadership and the arts, we enjoyed their presence. We also did speak on item 258 concerning the Park Ranger Program. We like the rangers in general and ask that they act as ambassadors and not as cops, we objected to them excluding people from the parks for 30-60-90 days, somebody else should make that decision and not them. There are only 7 permanent rangers for over 200+ parks, we thought that was shameful, we need more rangers, less cops. On to the afternoon session which surprised me with the large number of people coming out to express their views on item 266 commonly called "Remove the Box" [...]


actions & protests | human & civil rights | police / legal 11-Mar-2015 18:27

two snatched by Portland police at rally Tuesday 3/10 for Africa, recent victim of LAPD

From the open publishing newswire: Two people were arrested by police at the end of tuesday evenings solidarity rally and march downtown in honor of Africa, shot and killed by the LAPD.
In the longer ustream video the two people targeted were standing calmly nearby, without provocation the police arrest both, they say for disorderly conduct. Earlier an officer attempts to coerce someone's identity by threatening to give a citation for being in the street. Seems to me they were targeted for concealing their identity. What do you think\\\?

Clip of arrest:  http://youtu.be/2zNQYQN\\\_UeI
Better context:  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/59762313

Relate pimc video post:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2015/03/429362.shtml#441796
Here's a better quality shot of the arrests yesterday  https://youtu.be/pgWdHLL5hD0 , thanks for being there videographers.


actions & protests | energy & nuclear 11-Mar-2015 10:10

Anything for 3/11\?

From the open publishing newswire: Know of anything planned to celebrate 4 full years of Fukushima\?

NO NUKES - meet @ Pioneer Square @ Noon

Earth Lover:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2015/03/429330.shtml#441769

3.11.15 @ 12-noon

"Meet at Pioneer Square at Noon to remember all who have died from Fukushima's ongoing radiation releases, from the people of Japan to the ocean animals and plant life, to the people across the world to those of us here on the West Coast who are being sickened and killed by radiation from Fukushima.

People should bring poster size photos and puppetry of ocean and river friends. Please bring the kids. Drummers welcome! To those who have gas masks, bring those. [...]

Related Video Post from the event: Video: Remembering Fukushima


alternative media | economic justice 11-Mar-2015 09:58

(A-Radio) Interview with Radical Theory and Practice about its Emma Goldman project

From the open publishing newswire: The Anarchist Radio Berlin made an interview with the Russian-speaking anarchist publishing cooperative Radical Theory and Practice (RTP) about the cooperative, its recent project of translating Emma Goldman's memoires into Russian and a lot more.
You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:  link to aradio.blogsport.de

Length: 29:35 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here.
[  http://aradio.blogsport.de/englishcastellano/ ]


technology | youth 11-Mar-2015 09:50

Cascadia Cypherpunk Convergence - April 11th

From the open publishing newswire: A cypherpunk is someone who uses cryptography and similar methods to achieve societal and political change.


Over the last two decades we have seen the Internet transformed from a tool of emancipation to the most insidious threat to human liberty the world has ever seen.
But amidst the seemingly intractable rise of a transnational surveillance society, there is a small spark of hope endowed on us through the power of mathematics.
It is possible to formulate a math problem (an algorithm) so difficult that even the mightiest superpower cannot decipher it. It is this fundamental property of our physical universe that provides some measure of hope in what otherwise seems to be very dark times.

Through this conference we hope to increase how networked our movement is and raise public awareness about issues of privacy, technology and social change in the digital age.


takes place on April 11th, 10am-7pm
Portland State University
Smith Memorial Student Union


actions & protests | government 09-Mar-2015 11:17

out and about

and so it goes From the open publishing newswire: My new t-shirt says:
Front---Individuals For Justice
Endorses Back---Anyone but Hales, novick.
I will be wearing it a lot for the next two years.

I am reminded of the saying,* "Beware of the Ides of March" as I look back to last week, which for me started by watching a foreign leader tell our congress of these United States that we are fools, and he did it to standing ovations, a lot of standing ovations by our representatives and senators; it was shameful. My sincere hope is that bibi natanyahu goes home to Israel, gets defeated, and goes the way of g.w. bush. The 15th of March is only a few days away, maybe a week depending on when you read this and I fully expect Caesar, AKA char-lie the hales, will announce he will become emperor of Rome. I know he is raising lots of money to screw over us for four more years, yes "Beware of the Ides of March" my friends. [...]

The second event was the city council meeting on the 5th seemed like a boring meeting unless you were hoping that the plan for the West Quadrant would be to your liking, on Thursday one of my friends asked me to join him and then did not show up, but I did learn some stuff. I learned that four of the five sh-ts were in the pockets of the big developers; deep in those pockets. The only person standing with the people, who testified, about 30 of them, was once again Commissioner Amanda Fritz. It was fascinating to watch, [...]

Next Thursday we will be going after the lack of opportunities for the homeless to charge their cell phones. There was a good article in Street Roots about this last week and we will be yelling about it to the commissioners who have a hand in this nonsense. Here is the street Roots article.  http://news.streetroots.org/2015/03/06/homeless-phone-charging-thief-wanted-security



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