- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 2729852
Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits by overhydration.
Under normal circumstances, accidentally consuming too much water is exceptionally rare. Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water drinking contests in which individuals attempt to consume large amounts of water, or from long bouts of exercise during which excessive amounts of fluid were consumed. In addition, water cure, a method of torture in which the victim is forced to consume excessive amounts of water, can cause water intoxication.
Water, just like any other substance, can be considered a poison when over-consumed in a specific period of time. Water intoxication mostly occurs when water is being consumed in a high quantity without giving the body the proper nutrients it needs to be healthy, but even healthy people can get water intoxication.
A football player, footballer, or soccer player is a sportsperson who plays one of the different types of football. The main types of football are association football, American football, Canadian football, Australian rules football, Gaelic football, rugby league, and rugby union.
It has been estimated that there are 250 million association football players in the world, and many play the other forms of football.
Jean-Pierre Papin has described football as a "universal language". Footballers across the world and at almost any level may regularly attract large crowds of spectators, and players are the focal points of widespread social phenomena such as association football culture.
Footballers generally begin as amateurs and the best players progress to become professional players. Normally they start at a youth team (any local team) and from there, based on skill and talent, scouts offer contracts. Once signed, some learn to play better football and some advance to the senior or professional teams.
Can You Drink Too Much Water?
Teen Football Player Dies From Water Intoxication
My Dehydration & Water Intoxication (Hyponatremia) Experience
Pathology Lectures: Overhydration (Water Intoxication) - Clinical Symptoms
Dangers of Water Intoxication - Ask a Vet with Dr. Jyl
Water Intoxication
Our Kidneys and Water Intoxication
Water intoxication during sports and exercise
Maximum Daily Water Intake + Water Intoxication
(17yrs old) Almost Died From Water Intoxication(Vlog#15)
Is 'water intoxication' a real thing? Watch the rest of the series: http://bit.ly/1n5llRo SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/10kWnZ7 Use the hashtag #ScienceSays to share your burning Olympic questions! Special thanks to the CBC for supporting this series. SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/10kWnZ7 FOLLOW US: Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1fjWszw Twitter: http://bit.ly/1d84R71 Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1amIPjF Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine! Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).
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dangers of water intoxication - 7/25/16
A warning to college students.
Produced, Illustrated, and Voiced by Diana Rodriguez, Brenda Huerta, and Kenna Broomfield Made with Explain Everything
Water intoxication is a rare but potentially serious complication that can affect healthy athletes or anyone who engages in intense training. We will cover the basic information about water intoxication, including how to prevent it.
SFS Facebook fan Aarav asks whether there is any daily maximum limit for drinking water and whether or not one can die due to excess water. Check out my response... Check out my website: http://www.SebastianFitnessSolutions.com Join the Sebastian Fitness Solutions Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SebastianFitnessSolutions