Z Video Productions


 ZVideos Online 

See also: ZStore Videos

ZVideo Productions is a components of Z Communications. It encompasses videos we have taken at events and at talks or that we have generated with guests at our premises.

The videos span all kinds of topics, address places, present analyses, and offer vision and strategy. We are not a major producer of Hollywood movies but we strive not only for relevant and insightful content - rather unlike Hollywood - but also for quality production, not quite on Hollywood scale, but very suitable for the materials offered. 

We hope you enjoy the offerings. You can buy any you like in the ZStore, Video Section - where you can also search them by topic, author, etc.

We have roughly 100 individual videos available. Here are a few of them, to indicate the breadth of focus, and to provide an inducement to visit the store where you can see all of them, with covers and descriptions, grouped by topic, or by author - for example, all the ones by Chomsky, or all the ones about Race, and so on:

$22.00 (USD)

A lively lecture about economic globalization and its impact on people in the U.S. and around the world. Chomsky ranges far and wide in this cogent and cutting edge talk.

Recorded [...]

$22.00 (USD)

An interview with Michael Albert about his visit to Venezuela where he talked with various people involved in worker-run factories, participatory planning, and other innovative institutional attempts to make their [...]

$22.00 (USD)

If the Left could participate in the presidential electoral debates in the U.S. how would they:

explain the purpose of elections and why so few vote expose U.S. foreign policy and present [...]
$22.00 (USD)

On the 19th and 20th of December 2001, resistance to the neoliberal policies imposed by the IMF and World Bank exploded into rebellion. Thousands of people took to the streets [...]

$22.00 (USD)

Noam Chomsky talks to a packed house in Boston following the historic 2008 U.S. election results. He compares the democratic systems of Latin America (where left movements have been putting [...]

$22.00 (USD)

The panel is chaired by Kate Griffin (New School SDS) and features talks by Pat Korte (New School SDS), Rachel Haut (Queens College SDS), and Dave Shukla (UCLA SDS).

Student [...]

$22.00 (USD)

Heather Rogers chairs a Left Forum plenary featuring Naomi Klein, Mahamood Mamdani, Tariq Ali, and Adam Hochschild.

Panelists discuss various, “cracks” in support for U.S. Empire-building, resulting from years [...]

$22.00 (USD)

Noam Chomsky looks at government and corporate elite policies over the years which violate international and domestic laws, and involve imperialist designs that depend on targeted assassinations and the killing [...]

$22.00 (USD)

This Left Forum panel is chaired by Leo Panitch (York University) and features Doug Henwood (Left Business Observer), Jane D’Arista (Financial Markets Centre), Chris Rude (writer), and David Harvey (Graduate [...]

$22.00 (USD)

This Left Forum panel chaired by William Tabb (Queens College, CUNY) and features David McNally (York University), Jane D’Arista (Financial Markets Centre), Michael Kratke (University of Amsterdam), and Robin Blackburn [...]

$22.00 (USD)

This 2008 Left Forum panel is chaired by Meaghan Linnick-Loughley and features talks by Michael Albert, Greg Wilpert, Richard Franke, Jessica Azulay & Brian Dominick.

Panelists engage visions for what a [...]

$22.00 (USD)

In this Left Forum discussion, radical left economists who have been left out of mainstream discussions on the financial crisis dissect the structural underpinnings of the corrupt captialist system. Richard [...]

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