Welcome to Z Communications. Enjoy the offerings. And, if you like what you find, and feel it has value for you and others too, please consider helping us meet our bills! And try ZSchool!



Welcome to ZCommunications. The site has ZNet and ZMag content, ZSchool, topic and place pages under the Focuses link in the top menu - reading lists and whole books, debates, interviews, multimedia, Blogs, Forums, comments, a Store, Sustainer program, and more.

ZSchool Now Open

We now have an online school. Sign up for courses has begun. The first 8 week session will be April and May.  Courses will be diverse even in this first opening session. Faculty for ZSchool so far includes: Michael Albert, Bridget Anderson, Patrick Bond, Avi Chomsky, Rosa Clemente, Bill Fletcher, Eva Gollinger, Andrej Grubacic, Arun Gupta, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Bruno Jantti, Kathy Kelly, Harpreet Paul, Justin Podur, Jack Rasmus, Jerome Roos, Danny Schechter, Chris Spannos, Paul Street, and Tom Vouloumanos.

Relating to Z

To participate more deeply and generally in ZCommunications, please become a Sustainer. Sustainers who log in will see "+ New" in the black band at the top. Use that to add a blog post. Sustainers can comment on all content! Sustainers, please also upload a photo, using options in the left menu for "Your Account." There you can also change your settings, etc.

You can Help Z in many ways, one time donations, becoming a Sustainer, using our Store, enrolling in our School, etc. Just click Help Z to see the donor options.

If you have ideas or problems please send them to sysop@zmag.org




Recent ZNet
Recent Audio/Videos
March ZMag
Being Left

Spanish activist David Marty extensively interviewed Michael Albert on radicalization, media, vision, debates, Venezuela, Occupy, IOPS, and Chomsky: Being Left

Paulo Rodriquez extensively interviewed Albert on Revolution, Parecon, Winning, Venezuela: Thoughts and Deeds

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Note: A few articles from ZMag are immediately free to all but the rest require Sustainer status. Sustainers can also blog, comment, and receive nightly essays by email.



Z Books

ZBooks are a great way to learn, share information, and help ZCommunications!

Most Recent: Global Weirding 37.7 Seconds: Feminist Reader We Own The World: Intl Reader Fanfare for the Future Occupy Theory / Vision / Strategy

Recent Blogs
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