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January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception
January 2015 Current Events Jerusalem Bible Prophecy Israel and the coming Antichrist 666
Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel AntiChrist Armageddon Jews return to Israel
Jerusalem Date Line Current news in Israel and throughout the Middle East
ISRAEL set for -- 7 YR. Agreement, Dome of Rock Removed, 3rd TEMPLE
January 2014 Breaking News Mounting evidence suggests Israeli strike on Iran approaching
Jerusalem ISLAM Jewish Chaos Israel Current Events Bible Prophecy final Hour
Six Hezbollah fighters killed Israeli air strike Syrian Golan Heights Breaking News 2015 January
Bible Prophecy Current Events Syria Middle East February 2015 Breaking news
2014 Breaking News CNN bible prophecy current events last days news
2014 Final Hour Perilous Times & Israel Current events bible prophecy wake up last days en
Feature film
Actors Moshe Edery (producer), Paul Saadoun (producer), Leon Edery (producer), Isaac Sehayek (editor), Vladimir Friedman (actor), Inbal Shuki (costume designer), Michael Sharfstein (producer), Yotam Ishay (actor), Keren Sternfeld (miscellaneous crew), Ilan Sagiv (producer), Abdallah El Akal (actor), Yariv Horowitz (writer), Yariv Horowitz (director), Henry David (actor), Assaf Amdursky (composer),
Actors Bogdan Ionut Toma (producer), Bogdan Ionut Toma (editor), Bogdan Ionut Toma (director), Bogdan Ionut Toma (writer), Iván Gozalo (actor), Joaquín Abad (actor), Cristian Toma (producer), Alejandro Bescos (producer), Alejandra Requeijo (actor), Aida Pané (actor), Dani Gallardo (actor),
Selling your body doesn't mean selling your soul
Actors Anton Z. Risan (producer), Anton Z. Risan (producer), Anton Z. Risan (actor), Thomas Thoroe (actor), Alexander Bracq (actor), Ian Powell (producer), Andrew Shire (actor), Ian Powell (editor), Ian Powell (director), Ian Powell (writer), Chris Grezo (actor), Anthony Styles (actor), Pedro Rilhó (miscellaneous crew), Nic Gilder (actor), Lee Chapman (actor),
Actors Andrew Gingerich (actor), Andrew Gingerich (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (editor), Vincent Gagnepain (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (actor), Vincent Gagnepain (writer), Vincent Gagnepain (director), Ethan Holbrook (actor), Ethan Holbrook (actor), Ethan Holbrook (actor), David Armstrong (actor), David Armstrong (actor),
Actors Antonio de la Torre (actor), José Luis López Vázquez (actor), José Sacristán (actor), Alex O'Dogherty (actor), Ana Wagener (actress), Pascal Gaigne (composer), Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (writer), Raúl Arévalo (actor), Nacho Ruiz Capillas (editor), Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (director), Manuel Morón (actor), Marta Etura (actress), Julián Villagrán (actor), Héctor Colomé (actor), José Antonio Félez (producer),
Actors María Álvarez (actress), Ana Wagener (actress), Julia Martínez (actress), Blanca Apilánez (actress), Miguel del Arco (director), Miguel del Arco (writer), Javier Bermejo (miscellaneous crew), Aitor Tejada (writer), Israel Elejalde (actor), Cristina Torrecilla (actress), Cruz Sánchez (actress), Francis Hernández (editor),
Actors Enrique Villén (actor), Julieta Serrano (actress), Manuel de Blas (actor), Carmen Frías (editor), Francisco Vidal (actor), Luis Méndez (producer), Clara Bilbao (costume designer), Celia Bermejo (actress), Eva Gancedo (composer), Miguel Ángel Sánchez (director), María José García (miscellaneous crew), Miguel Ángel Sánchez (writer), José Antonio Barón (actor), Gabriel Garbisu (actor), Luis Méndez Zori (producer),
Actors Dencio Padilla (actor), Emilio Garcia (actor), Jose Balagtas (writer), Rita Magdalena (actress), Tsing Tong Tsai (actor), Josie Galvez (miscellaneous crew), Richard Bonnin (actor), Bobby Oreo (actor), Sonny Valencia (actor), Gem Castillo (actress), Rey Erestain (miscellaneous crew), Paul Roa (actor), Robert Padilla (actor), Leonardo Jose (director), Mario Cruz (actor),
Actors Jackie Torres (actress), Jackie Torres (miscellaneous crew), Jackie Torres (producer), Efraín López Neris (director), Yamaris Latorre (actress), Raúl Carbonell (actor), Hector Marcano (producer), Raquel Montero (actress), Jose Vallenilla (producer), Miguel Morales (writer), Juan Cotto (editor), Wilfred Morales (actor), Melwin Cedeño (actor), Pucho Fernández (actor), Miguel Morales (actor),
Now an explosive motion picture!
Nicky Cruz: You come near me and I'll kill you!::David Wilkerson: Yeah, you could do that. You could cut me up into a thousand pieces and lay them in the street, and every piece will still love you.
David Wilkerson: You wouldn't be afraid to shake hands with a skinny preacher, would you?
Big Cat: [First time seeing the Bishops] Tell the man we have arrived. We are the chosen people. We are the Bishops.
Big Cat: Tell me, Preach. This God of yours, does he rumble?::David Wilkerson: Yeah... Yeah, he rumbles. He's fighting for you right now.
Nicky Cruz: What's the matter with me? Why does he have to pick on me?::Israel: Because you're the worst. Craziest bastard there is. If he can reach you, he can reach anybody.
Big Cat: Big Cat's the name and jitter-buggin's my game. Now let's get this thing together, ace. Time and place.
Little Bo: Hey, he wants to meet the gang. Why don't you take him inside?::Angela: I can't. Mau-Maus are waiting for a war council with the Bishops. My brother's inside.::David Wilkerson: It's all right, Bo. We'll go in.::Little Bo: Now wait a minute, I don't know. Like I said, I'm a loner. I swing from one gang to another, they might not like it.::Angela: You're just afraid they might cut you.::Little Bo: Oh go on, take him in!::Angela: Anh-anh. I ain't gonna get bawled out... unless you give me five dollars.::Little Bo: C'mon, you can turn him loose once he's inside the door.::Angela: Five dollars is my price.::Little Bo: [pulls David away to talk in privacy] Five dollars is this chick's top dollar. For that you get two joints of marijuana, her body AND two bits change.::David Wilkerson: Should I give her some money?::Little Bo: Two bucks top. [David reaches for his wallet] You better make it three, you don't wanna insult her pride... [they walk back to Angela] Cat could only swing two.::Little Bo: [hands Angela two dollars while she keeps one for herself]
David Wilkerson: Some of you are so blind that you're heading for a ditch and you don't even know it.
Israel: Hey! My name's in the Bible! Israel! Israel! Israel! Israel! I'm pratically on every page!
Rosa: Hey Preach, this god of yours... What's he gonna do for me? I'm a mainliner. You know, the hot stuff. Heroin! A whole mountain of snow white. That's heaven. What have you got? huh?::David Wilkerson: I-I don't have any magic cure.::Rosa: Then what did you come here for?
Actors Erik Estrada (actor), Pat Boone (actor), Don Murray (director), Jacqueline Giroux (actress), Harry Reems (actor), Don Murray (writer), Dick Ross (producer), Jonelle Allen (actress), Don Blakely (actor), Renata Stoia (miscellaneous crew), Ralph Carmichael (composer), Alex Colon (actor), Angelo Ross (editor), Héctor Mercado (actor), Don Lamond (actor),
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today 2014 BREAKING NEWS The False Promise of the Prosperity Gospel Joel Osteen false teacher 2014 Jack Van Impe exposes Rick Warren false teaching purpose driven life Emerging church last days news 2014 Rick Warren CHRISLAM is false teaching unbiblical ISLAM rejects truth Jesus is God and savior 2014 Breaking News Chrislam Emerging False Teaching Rick Warren False teaching Rick Warren purpose driven life Member of United Nations NWO Global Religion Council on Foreign Relations CFR The United Nations Charter is comprised of nineteen sections and lays down the foundation for the first international organization designed to maintain international peace and security 2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist one world religion Armageddon November 2014 Breaking News Nicolas Cage Left Behind trailer in theaters now 2014 Breaking News UFO's ET Extraterrestrial Alien Nephilim Fallen Angels New World Order 2014 Breaking News UFO's Fallen Angels New World Order - last days end times news Part 3 2014 Breaking News UFO's ET Extraterrestrial Alien Nephilim Fallen Angels NWO 2014 Breaking News UFO's Fallen Angels New World Order - last days end times news Part 2 October 2014 Breaking News 666 The Mark Unleashed - Stephen Baldwin Christian author John Hagee said of the film PART2 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy 666 The Mark of the beast - RFID Chips 666 last days end times news prophecy update The Final Hour Pretribulation escape the wrath of God the great tribulation Armageddon Chuck Missler & Founder Chuck Smith Calvary chapel worldwide nondenominational part 1 Revelation Chapter 13 verses 15-18 King James Version 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six 666 2014 Breaking News World War III Triggers - NATO stating Russia Invasion of Ukraine Looms 2014 Breaking News World War three not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update 2014 August Breaking News Associated Press Obama authorizes renewed airstrikes in Iraq 2014 August Breaking News Qatar provides financial support to terrorist group Hamas 2014 August Breaking News ISIS ISIL Islamic State Iraq/Syria & the Levant Calip-HATE Global Threat 2014 August Breaking News Michelle Obama calls illigal immigrant children USA kids 2014 August Breaking News UFO.s Nephilim Aliens Fallen Angels Channeling Spirits Demons Deceit 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events leading to New World Order 2014 Breaking News Weather weapons existed over 15 years testified USA Secretary Defense 2014 Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA 2 of 5 Last days news 2014 Breaking News Final hour Obama more concerned prospect nuclear weapon exploding NYC 2014 Breaking News Council Foreign Affair The Truth About Geo Engineering weather control
Russia's new military doctrine names NATO as top military threat January 2015 Breaking News January 2015 Breaking News Russia signs Nuclear Deal with India advanced joint Military projects WORLD NEWS BREAKING NEWS LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE Thank You! GOD BLESS Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fa... January 2015 Breaking News Ukraine joining NATO could trigger all out war become Russia enemy January 2015 Breaking News World in Chaos Brink of Nuclear Global warfare CFR Council Foreign Relations Three Nuclear Threats Put USA in Peril Bible Prophecy Current Events Syria Middle East February 2015 Breaking news Joel Rosenberg ISLAM caliphate Russia Iran China Egypt Israel 2014 Bible Pr January 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events Russia World Chaos January 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events Russia World Chaos
stay tuned for new videos January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today h
January 2015 Breaking News Russia signs Nuclear Deal with India advanced joint Military projects ... Russia's new military doctrine names NATO as top military threat January 2015 Breaking News January 2015 Breaking News World War Three 3 imminent? Vladimir Putin planning major war for a decade says former Russian high ranking advisor ... WORLD NEWS BREAKING NEWS LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE Thank You! GOD BLESS Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes. January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today 2014. Bible Prophecy Final events leading to Armageddon Breaking N January 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events Russia World Chaos January 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events Russia World Chaos
January 2015 current events Jerusalem Bible Prophecy Israel and the coming antichrist 666 - Mike Macintosh shares Chuck Smiths concerns of false teaching coming into the Calvary Chapel Jesus People movement these are the End times wolves in sheep clothing in the pulpit Pre tribulation the coming antichrist Warning to ALL even the elect are being deceived in these last days the final Hour is upon us 2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Last Deception - David Hocking 2014 Sr Pastor Brian Brodersen Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa California allows false teachings Rick Warren & Mark Driscoll involved ties with emergent church leaders founder of resurgence conference with Greg Laurie and false teaching Rick Warren November 2013 gave tribute to chuck Smith seen at Anaheim Pond webcasts at churches and homes worldwide October 2014 Breaking News LA Times Daughter & Widow file Lawsuit against Calvary Chapel involving Sr Pastor Brian Brodersen stating Wrongful Takeover of the 250 million dollar ministry September 30 2014 Breaking News Founder Chuck Smith's family sues Calvary Chapel involving Sr Pastor Brian Brodersen Daily Pilot reports,0,2730689.story September 27 2014 Breaking News Family after the passing away of Chuck Smith Founder Calvary Chapel sues Calvary Chapel involving Sr Pastor Brian Brodersen Orange County California Newspaper reports November 17 2014 Breaking News Paul Smith brother of Chuck Smith founder of Calvary Chapel video on My brother's succession plan for Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa 2014 Breaking News Update Sr Pastor Brian Brodersen oversees Main Calvary Chapel Store allows false teaching Rick Warren's Daniel Plan After Numerous Complaints Calvary Chapel distribution taken off the shelves & website what is going on with Calvary Chapel leaders (NOT ALL) that are embracing the emergent church and the false teaching of Rick Warren. What is Next for Calvary Chapel Movement worldwide? false teachings of Mark Driscoll Founder of 2013 Resurgence Conference R13 includes Familiar Names Greg Laurie Harvest Crusade's and false teachings Purpose Driven Life founder Rick Warren also embraces the Emergent Church, Rick Warren Saddleback Prayer to Islam ISA Obama Inauguration last days news update Resurgence Conf. 2013 R13 Greg Laurie with the false teachings Rick Warren Calvary Chapel Riptide featuring Rick Warren (Bob Coy forced to resign) - Last Days News prophecy Update Rick Warren with Greg Laurie at resurgence conference November 2013 April 5 2013 Commentary by (Long Standing relationship with Chuck Smith Sr and the Calvary Chapel movement speaking engagements) Roger Oakland On May 21, 2006, Pastor Chuck Smith, concerned that the Emerging Church was invading Calvary Chapel, sent out a "Parson to Parsons" letter to all pastors in the Calvary Chapel Movement stating that Calvary Chapel would not be embracing the Emerging Church. Not only that, he invited any pastor who embraced the movement to leave the fellowship and some did. Documented link: There is now evidence that Chuck Smith's edict sent out in 2006 fell on deaf ears. I am Roger Oakland. This has been a biblical perspective to help understand the times. False teachings of the Emergent Church and the false teachings of Rick Warren The Emerging Church and Homosexuality - Brian McLaren says: In December 2006, McLaren spoke at the Open Door Community Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. The church's web site says: The leadership at Open Door Community Churches are excited to see gay and non-gay Christians worshiping together as one. We believe that gay and non-gay. We are part of a growing revival of grace-filled Christians transcending either the terms 'conservative' or 'liberal.' We are a family embracing the full spectrum of race, age, gender, family status, sexual orientation, economic status and denominational background. In September 2012, Emergent Church leader Brian McLaren married Gay son.
Current Events Bible Prophecy Israel Anti Christ Armageddon Jews return to Israel last days End Times ISIS ISIL DAESH VIDEO in Lybia beheads 21 Egyptian christians message signed with blood will conquer Egypt & ROME breaking news February 2015 Kayla Mueller Arizona American ISIS Hostage dead was forcibly married off to ISIS Commander Breaking News February 2015 February 2015 City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 Chief of Police Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA Home Owners Association (602-957-9191 Cynthia Quillen Mgr. & Board of directors President Ryan Atwood) refuse to help by contacting reaching out to the cobblestone community/homeowners/renters to find out if anyone saw the fatal police shooting on 1/18/2015. Breaking News January 2015. Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 USA Iraq Afghan Combat Veteran with PTSD Johnathan Guillory 32 diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him ( says need PTSD help call 911) CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 City of Maricopa Arizona Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) CALL Mayor Christian Price & Vice Mayor stating why police officers killed a Iraq veteran who sought help for PTSD and the VA turned him away when for years had been asking for help Contact Mayor Christian Price (520) 316-6828;=2 Vice mayor Marvin L. Brown (520) 316-6829 City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him ( says need PTSD help call 911) Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit 2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News
From Revelation TV, see link here Jerusalem Date Line. The Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell and special guests as they discuss the current news in Israel and throughout the Middle East. Part 2: The Worst Christian Persecutions in Centuries. By Jerusalem Date Line. WWW.REALDISCOVERIES. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video, page article, or web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of Salvation, and Spiritual significance. And our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The information, articles and videos are distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
[*Exclusive] : Imminent End Time Events & chronology ID'd / matches Knesset & J. Post News ~ _______ *TOPICS framed in VIDEO w/ chronology: --nearing 7 Year Agreement, 1-State Solution ready, Israel's Military super-power status, 1-Day War of Ezek 38 & 39, Dome of Rock to be demolished, 3rd TEMPLE built, Antichrist & Israel current historic negotiations, Antichrist in plain view today, Knesset & J. Post News match & confirm :: [*PM Netanyahu & all 120 members of KNESSET receive this VID & ALL prophetic VIDS/Newsletters from's global Ministry since NOV 2010] ~ -- Dec 16, 2014 / J. Post : "U.N. Envoy says: 1-STATE reality is on the parties' doorstep" :: *VIDEO narrations by founder Rob Conrad : [Author 6 books, 4 on Bible Prophecies; former Church Pastor & 6 year Assoc Chaplain @ Los Angeles prison Ministry] : *TUNE IN 10AM (et) Sun,Wed,Fri --- 'LIVE' Broadcasts / End Time Prophecies in NEWS : _______ *VIDEOS at's PRIME YTube Channel, PatmosIsle : - 100% PROOF Pope Francis is ANTICHRIST :: [White Horse] -POPE Francis Warns "personal relationship w/ Jesus is dangerous" : [*News] - SEPT 2015 : -----SIGNS of Tribulation "start" - POPE & 138 nations Agree SATANIC BOOK is ISRAEL'S Solution -*DIRE Forewarnings: --2nd, 3rd BLOOD MOONS : [Oct '14 / Apr '15] -ISRAEL- Gaza conflict "WILL NOT ERUPT" into All-Out Mideast War :: [*July 14, 2014 / prophetic word] -World Events 100% MATCH to Imminent Final Prophecies : [News] - POPE Francis New Controversy --- BILLIONS to die. -DOME of ROCK to be "REMOVED" for 3rd TEMPLE & Jesus' Return -VATICAN 'Mideast Peace' Meeting: ----*2014 DIVINE FOREWARNING -ANTICHRIST & ISRAEL Talks (June 2014) -- Ignite FUSE for Daniel's 70th week -1st BLOOD Moon (April 2014) --- ANTICHRIST (May) -Nearing TRIBULATION & 2nd BLOOD MOON (Oct 2014) PROVE Jesus' Soon Return -ANTICHRIST ON WORLD STAGE :: [to Israel MAY 2014, Israel at Vatican JUNE / *News] -Israel KNESSET admits "Hidden Deal" ALREADY MADE w/ Vatican [*News] -The terms... 'Antichrist & False Prophet' ...profile 1-and-SAME-MAN -Exact MEANING of 1st BLOOD Moon / 3rd Temple Ready [News] -RUSSIA Military & Warships poised to attack Israel : [News] - INT'L Plan for VATICAN-controlled Temple Mount : [News] - The Day the Lord showed me ANTICHRIST ---- - ISRAEL to give POPE "Custody" of Temple Mount : [News] - 3rd Jerusalem TEMPLE ready to be BUILT :: [News/Nov 2013] - Israel's KNESSET shown ANTICHRIST's ID ---- - Prophetic word to PM Netanyahu & Knesset - End Time America : ---2013, 2014 FOREWARNINGS - Radical USA UPRISING 2014 ---- - coming Global Awakening - ISRAEL's Major Discoveries PROVE JESUS' NEAR RETURN - ISRAEL Divinely enabled for Purchase of 3rd TEMPLE Gold :: [News] - ISRAEL at an APEX --- READY for Antichrist Mideast Mediation - Bible PROOF 1.5 BIL MUSLIMS To Die :: [Red Horse] - FALSE PROPHET of Revelation -- 1 & SAME as ANTICHRIST - 100% CONFIDENCE of Christ's Nearness -- [in Jesus' own words] - NASA's 2015 "SIGN" ----- ID's WW3 & Final 7 Years - "Abomination of Desolation" -- Rehearsals in Synagogues [News/photos] - ANTICHRIST Photo ID'd -- in Jewish Temple, seated [News/photos] - ISRAEL "Dissolving" Muslim DOME of Rock --- [News/photos] - ISRAEL Rolls Out Red Carpet for ANTICHRIST -- [News/photos] - False Prophet & Mark of Beast --- In Plain View [News/photos] - Sir Isaac Newton ID'd ANTICHRIST - 100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness_______ _______ "When you see all these things, KNOW He is near, even right at the door." :: [Jesus/Matt 24:33] "Be on guard.... lest that day (of the Lord) come upon you suddenly like a trap..." :: [Jesus/Luke 21:34] ::::..
January 2014 Breaking News Mounting evidence suggests Israeli strike on Iran approaching - Last Days End Times News Prophecy Update Sunday August 5th 2013 Ch...
ISLAM (Ishmael in history/bible mother Hagar) Jewish (Isaac in history/bible Mother Sarah) Chaos Israel Palestinians peace talks Jerusalem new housing in Jerusalem will distance Israel from even its closest allies the USA White House said. Iran supported terrorists Hamas Hezbollah & DAASH ISIS ISIL seek Annihilation of the Jewish Jionists of Israel plans to wipe israel off the map bible prophecy current events seven 7 year peace plan will take place not if but when soon coming Antichrist Nearly 50 police commandos killed in battle with Islamic Muslim Sharia Law rebels Philippines Breaking news ISIS ISIL DAESH video 1 Haruna Yukawa, a 42-year-old Japanese citizen of 2 Japanese hostages beheaded Breaking News January 2015 PTSD Veterans Police Shootings Nationwide CRISIS Maricopa Arizona HOA Breaking News January 2015 Chief Police Steve Stahl Mayor Christian Price Obama USA Government officials VA veterans administration failing returning combat vets January 2015 Breaking News USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran Johnathan Guillory 32 diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him ( says need PTSD help call 911) - Did you SEE or HEAR anything on this Fatal police Shooting??? If so you are URGED to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit at Department Public safety City of Maricopa Arizona - any and all information will help in the investigative ongoing process - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to reach out to community on fatal police shooting City of Maricopa Arizona (Population, 2013 estimate 45,508 people) Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a now silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) PLEASE call the telephone numbers provided the point is to get the phones ringing to prove Chief of Police Steve Stahl there is more than one person concerned and to let the elected officials and the city of Maricopa that mankind seeks answers on WHY Military Combat Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder NOT Being Managed properly by elected officials and Police departments lack training to handle our combat veterans - CALL Mayor Christian Price & Vice Mayor stating why police officers killed a Iraq veteran who sought help for PTSD and the VA turned him away when for years had been asking for help Contact Mayor Christian Price (520) 316-6828;=2 Vice mayor Marvin L. Brown (520) 316-6829 City Maricopa Arizona Conflicting Stories Emerge After Veteran with PTSD is Shot and Killed by Police Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl City of Maricopa Police Officers involved in deadly shooting of a Iraq Afghanistan combat war veteran with PTSD identified Breaking News January 2015 City of maricopa police kill Iraq Afghanistan veteran w/PTSD Breaking News January 2015 City of Maricopa police kill Iraq Afghanistan veteran w/PTSD - YouTube - City of Maricopa Police kill Arizona Iraq Veteran - Turned Away from VA - Arizona veteran suffering from PTSD killed in confrontation with police Breaking News January 2015 Breaking News January 2015 Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit Healing Power of Pets: Veteran with PTSD finds new life with dog - Youtube channel the pet collective CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 Breaking News ISIS Video Japanese Citizens Being Held Hostage 72 Hour demands January 2015
Breaking News 2014 December Israel Air Strikes Syrian Trucks Heading for Lebanon Six Hezbollah fighters killed Israeli air strike Syrian side of the Golan Heights Breaking News 2015 January Breaking News 2014 December Israeli fighter Jets airstrikes hit targets near Damascus Airport Breaking News 2014 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, which patrols the Israel-occupied Golan Heights, has reported Israeli contact with Syrian rebels over 18 months 2014 Breaking News Israel Yisrael Beytenu revives bill to limit bill that would consider the Muslim call to prayer played loudly in public to be noise pollution 2014 Breaking News Israel Benjamin Netanyahu United Nations failed Iran Nuclear talks Global Terrorism Hamas Hezbullah ISIS ISIL 2014 Breaking News ISIS ISIL USA UK foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria 2014 Breaking News FOXNEWS ISIS ISIL Islamic State Iraq/Syria & the Levant Calip-HATE Global Threat - Levant countries include Jordan Turkey Egypt Cyprus Palestinian territories Jordan Israel Lebanon.Iraq and Syria Part 1 2014 Breaking News President Barack Obama ordered More USA troops to Iraq 2014 Breaking News Obama to decide on Iraq strikes in the days ahead 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Less than three years after pulling American forces out of Iraq, President Barack Obama is weighing a range of short-term military options, including airstrikes, to quell an al-Qaida inspired insurgency that has captured two Iraqi cities and threatened to press toward Baghdad Part 1
Bible Prophecy Current Events Syria Middle East February 2015 Breaking news Joel Rosenberg ISLAM caliphate Russia Iran China Egypt Israel Breaking News December 2014 Iran massive war games warns forces USA navy destroyer to leave zone Breaking News December 2014 Iran massive war games code-named Mohammad Rasoulallah (Mohammad, the Messenger of God warns forces USA navy destroyer to leave drill zone - A USA warship has left the area where Iran is performing major military exercises following a warning issued by an Iranian naval patrol aircraft. December 2014 Breaking News World in Chaos Brink of Nuclear Global warfare 2014 December Breaking News Russia China Iran Alliance worldwide Global order threat 2014 Breaking News Understanding Nuclear Threats 2014 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon 2014 Breaking News Brink of World War Three Gorbachev says brink of Cold War 2014 Breaking News Putin Speech Russia Globalization New World Order NWO history repeating itself threats of World War III (3) three 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy Current Events leading to New World Order 2014 Breaking News Final hour Obama more concerned prospect nuclear weapon exploding NYC 2014 Breaking News World War III Triggers - NATO stating Russia Invasion of Ukraine Looms 2014 Breaking News World War three not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update 2014 Breaking News UFO.s Nephilim Aliens Fallen Angels Channeling Spirits Demons Deceit October 2014 Breaking News Nicolas Cage Left Behind trailer in theaters now October 2014 Breaking News 666 The Mark Unleashed - Stephen Baldwin Christian author John Hagee said of the film: "The power of the gospel to transform the lives of the characters is shown with deeply moving reality. So real is the presentation of the plan of salvation in this movie, the viewer will be left without excuse." Evangelist Jack Van Impe was quoted as saying: Both Rexella and I believe this to be the greatest religious release we have ever watched. I know you will be tremendously moved as never before when viewing this Holy Spirit led production part 2 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy 666 The Mark of the beast - RFID Chips 666 last days end times news prophecy update The Final Hour Pretribulation escape the wrath of God the great tribulation Armageddon Chuck Missler & Founder Chuck Smith Calvary chapel worldwide nondenominational part 1 2014 Breaking News Council Foreign Affair The Truth About Geo Engineering weather control November 28 2014 Breaking News F35 $1 Trillion costliest weapons program in Pentagon history 2014 Breaking News Qatar provides financial support to terrorist group Hamas 2014 Breaking News ISIS ISIL Islamic State Iraq/Syria & the Levant Calip-HATE Global Threat 2014 August Breaking News Chrislam Emerging False Teaching Rick Warren 2014 Breaking News Weather weapons existed over 15 years testified USA Secretary Defense 2014 Breaking News UFO's ET Extraterrestrial Alien Nephilim Fallen Angels New World Order 2014 Breaking News UFO's Fallen Angels New World Order - last days end times news Part 3 2014 Breaking News UFO's ET Extraterrestrial Alien Nephilim Fallen Angels NWO 2014 Breaking News UFO's Fallen Angels New World Order - last days end times news Part 2 2014 Breaking News Obama to Congress back boost $1billion USA military presence in Europe
2014 Breaking News CNN bible prophecy current events last days news Psalm 83 New King James Version (NKJV) Prayer to Frustrate Conspiracy Against Israel A Song. A Psalm of Asaph. Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! 2 For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. 3 They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. 4 They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." 5 For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You: 6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites; 7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; 8 Assyria also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah 9 Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera, As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon, 10 Who perished at En Dor, Who became as refuse on the earth. 11 Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, 12 Who said, "Let us take for ourselves The pastures of God for a possession." 13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind! 14 As the fire burns the woods, And as the flame sets the mountains on fire, 15 So pursue them with Your tempest, And frighten them with Your storm. 16 Fill their faces with shame, That they may seek Your name, O Lord. 17 Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish, 18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth.;=NKJV
2014 Final Hour Perilous Times and Israel - Current events bible prophecy wake up last days end times Last Days Perilous Times and Israel's Prophetic Role - . 2014 Breaking news Dave Hunt - Last Days Bible Prophecy All Nations Against Israel - Last days final hour news prophecy update Today's news in the bible writ. David Hocking - Perilous Times - What We Face In The Last Days Perilous Times - What We Face In The Last Days - David Hocking Biblical Prophecy Bible Prophec. 2014 I Cry out ABBA father - current events bible prophecy Last days wake up final hour read for yourself in the truth the christian bible - .
The Current News in Israel from Barry Segal at RESTORE 2014 4:25 Ready or Not Here I Come 8:29 Land of Israel 10:46 Arabs in Israel 14:24 Ezekiel 33 Be a watchman for Israel 16:25 USA and Israel 17:25 Matthew 12 18:00 A House Divided 18:58 What's happening right now in Israel 19:20 Operation Protective Edge 20:20 Hamas 22:52 Hamas Attacks 27:05 Psalm 120 27:27 Killing Their Own People 33:29 Terror Tunnels 35:32 Hamas is Leading it's People to Death 36:40 Deuteronomy 30 36:59 Cost To Make Tunnels 41:32 God's Judgement on the Earth 41:57 Isaiah 24 End Times 43:04 Terrorism in Europe 44:36 Jeremiah 16 45:25 Stand With Israel - Populations of Jews around the World 46:38 Ezekiel 36 50:30 Conclusion Subscribe to YouTube Channel: Key of David International Website: Facebook: Google+: Donate:;_button_id=NATW5F57T2NDS "In that day I will restore David's fallen tabernacle. I will replace it's broken places, restore it's ruins , and build it as it used to be." Amos 9 : 11
Rabbi Mizrachi is a world renowned speaker proving that the Torah given to us by Moshe is divine without any doubt. Visit f...
Here is the latest Bible prophecy news for November 8, 2014. I have now created a paperback version of my free tribulation period survival guide ebook. To pu. 2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . Pastor J.D. explains why the US President's letters to Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei, which would have been inconceivable only 10-years ago, brings us so much cl. Https:// Pray this prayer sincerely to know.
2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . 2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . December 2014 current events. December 2014 current events Jerusalem Bible Prophecy Israel and the coming antichrist 666 - Mike Macintosh shares Chuck Smiths concerns of false teaching co.
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today h. 2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . 2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today 2.
2014 December Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today . December 2014 current events Jerusalem Bible Prophecy Israel and the coming antichrist 666 - Mike Macintosh shares Chuck Smiths concerns of false teaching co. 2014 December Breaking News Israeli Canadian woman fighting ISIS safe and secure??? 2014 December Breaking news Pope Francis Catholicism Summit at Vatican with Rick Warren Joel Osteen - False teachings Rick Warren Joel Osteen attend internat.
February 2014 Dave Hunt - Last Days Perilous Times and Israel - last days end times news prophecy update Last Days Perilous Times and Israel's Prophetic Role...
God told us all about the Psalm 83 war against Israel in the end times. Whatr we are seeing in the news today could be the events leading up to this war. Wat...
January 2015 Breaking News Current Events Bible Prophecy Last Deception world peace Israel Pre Tribulation coming Armageddon - David Hocking Hope for today 2014. WORLD NEWS BREAKING NEWS LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE Thank You! GOD BLESS Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes. January 2015 current events Jerusalem Bible Prophecy Israel and the coming antichrist 666 - Mike Macintosh shares Chuck Smiths concerns of false teaching com. January 2015 current events..
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest...
Dan Senor, co-author of 'Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle,' discusses with CNBC how Israel has managed to become a leader in business innovation. Israel economy, Israeli economy, israel finances, israeli entrepreneurs, israel startups, israel hi tech business, intel israel, israel money, israel recession
Calev Myers gives a few tips for doing business in Israel at the OurCrowd Investors Breakfast, on 20 April 2014, at the newly opened Waldorf Astoria Hotel in...
Quick video about how foreign companies, particularly U.S. companies, can do business in Israel...opportunities, challenges, next steps. (I said it would be 5 minutes, but it was just over 6...what can I's an exciting topic!)
Unrest in Israel may be intensifying but what are the economic ramifications? Andrew Saks-McLeod, LeapRate. You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy.TV page:
More info at links:
Production - Promo Productions Ltd. Director - Shlomi Albo Camera - Avi Mizrachi Sound - Dan Ben Hakoun Editing - Peleg Netanel.
Subscribe to France 24 now: MIDDLE EAST MATTERS : This week, Jerusalem's gun ranges see a spike in business after a spate of deadly attacks in the city. Meanwhile, the Minister of Public Security has offered one possible solution: easing restrictions on gun ownership. Visit our website: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
US Israel Business council connects investors, senior executives, and entrepreneurs to Israeli innovation. Special thanks to David Tisch (BoxGroup), Jeremy Levine (Bessemer Venture Partners) Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss (Winklevoss Capital), Kelli Turner (RSL Venture Partners), Yaron Galai (Founder and CEO of Outbrain), Kathleen Utecht (Comcast Ventures), David Kleinhandler (ArxSocial) Presenting Israeli startups: Apptopia,, Proleafic, Flayvr, Superfly, 45Sec
A special conversation between President Shimon Peres and CNN International anchor and reporter, Richard Quest.
Recomendaciones como buzcar trabajo en Israel, por el miembro y colaborador de Israel Business Connection Arie Syvan C.E.O Agens - Israel See our entire webinar series here: Our w...
Tramites de Exportacion e Importacion en Israel por el miembro y colaborador de Israel Business Connection: Joseph Glazman, Para más información sobre negocios en Israel y contactos de negocios o Profesionales en Israel escríbannos a
What clients say about us - Grant Thornton Israel
Como desarrollar un emprendimiento tecnologico en Israel por el Contador MBA: Eyal Para más información y contactos info@israelbusin...
Following a deadly attacks in Jerusalem, many Israelis are now asking whether these could have been prevented with tighter security. In particular that attack on a synagogue which claimed the lives of 5 people. The minister of Public Security has offered a possible solution, namely easing the restrictions on gun ownership. Ever since then, Jerusalem's gun ranges have seen a sparking business. Our FRANCE24 team went to find out why. Israel is the original silicon valley from 5 thousand years ago, glass making. Today Israeli businesses a...
This year, students from the McGill school for International Business are launching the Israel Business Connection ("IBC"), an innovative initiative to conne...
A number of big investment companies in Israel decided to collaborate on a one-day conference to decipher together how to understand the business climate in Europe towards the Jewish state.
Eating Israeli Street Food and Arabic Street Food touring around Jaffa - Tel Aviv, Israel Hummus תל אביב, ישראל - ישראלי הופעות אוכל רחוב ערבית אוכל רחוב יפו...
When you think of traveling to Israel visiting religious sites in Jerusalem or basing yourself in Tel Aviv may initially come to mind. However, when exploring Israel it is paramount to set aside enough time to get off the beaten path and explore more of the country. Fortunately, for us, we were able to make two separate trips to Israel experiencing as much food, culture, historical and modern attractions as we possibly could. The following is a list of things to do in Israel with a focus on the top attractions in this travel guide: 1) Regardless of whether you can swim (or not swim) well you will most certainly float when visiting the Dead Sea. Covering yourself in gooey mud and joining others floating is one of the top attractions in Israel. 2) No trip to Israel would be complete without sampling the local cuisine and especially the street food. With this in mind we walked all the way from our hotel room in Tel Aviv to Jaffa - an ancient city renowned for its amazing hummus and other street food. Aside from just hummus we were able to try Shaksouka, cheese stuffed pastries, malabi and kanafeh. 3) Having the opportunity to take a tour of the West Bank (or Palestine) is an eye opening experience. Media coverage, from the perspective of the west, often depicts this area as being quite unruly and poor; however, a tour there really dispels a lot of myths. We had the opportunity to eat falafel, walking around the streets and get a real sense of what life is like in this region. Some highlights included visiting Sheppard's Field, the Jordan River and oldest city in the world - Jericho. To end our trip we drank beer at the West Bank Palestinian brewery. 4) Getting off the beaten track a little we visited Rosh Hanikra. Known as the window to the Mediterranean we were treated to breathtaking views and an amazing sunset. 5) Aside from just eating our way around Jaffa, we took the time to properly explore it on foot. One of the top highlights was visiting a traditional flea market, 6) Taking the cable car up to visit Masada was a welcome relief considering how hot it was on the day we visited. As we wandered about we visited an old water cistern and Byzantine church. From our vantage point we had amazingly unobstructed views of the Dead Sea. 7) Caesarea! The ruins of the ancient city once given from Agus Caesar to Harrod the Great was an experience we'll never forget. Walking around in the Hippodrome allowed me to visualize what the old chariot races must have been like. 8) One of my favorite meals in Israel was prepared by a Druze family. This amazing feast, in the form of a buffet, featured kebabs, olives, chicken and stuffed cabbage just to name a few. 9) Wondering wear to rest your sleepy head while traveling in Israel? Look no further than the Fauzi Azar Inn in Nazareth. This converted Arab Mansion offers a charming stay. Best of all is that free cake and coffee is available throughout the day and the buffet breakfast is amazing. 10) One of the more frontier attractions was visiting Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee. We toured around the Banias Reserve and Mount Bental. 11) Considering how tasty the food is in Israel it would be a shame to leave without knowing how to recreate these delectable delights back home in your own kitchen. Fortunately, for us, we were able to take a cooking class at Dan Gourmet in Tel Aviv. We learned how to make Lahmacun and charred eggplant amongst other dishes. 12) Have you ever wondered how olive oil is made? Visiting an olive press answered our all of our questions and made us appreciate the craft of making this high quality cooking oil. For the best vantage point of Nazareth we headed to Mount Precipice for panoramic 360 degree views. Finally, we visited Haifa to check out the famous Bahá'í gardens. כאשר אתה חושב על הנסיעה לישראל לבקר באתרים דתיים בירושלים או מבססת את עצמך בתל אביב עשוי בתחילה מגיע אל המוח. עם זאת, כאשר בוחנים ישראל אותו הוא בעל חשיבות עליונה להפריש מספיק זמן כדי לקבל את השביל הכבושולחקור יותר של המדינה. למרבה המזל, עבורנו, שהיינו מסוגל לעשות את שתי נסיעות נפרדות לישראל נתקל בכמה שיותר אוכל, תרבות, היסטורי ואטרקציות מודרניות כפי שאנו יכולים להיות. This is part of our Travel in Israel series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Israeli culture, Israeli arts, Israeli foods, Israeli religion and Israeli people. Proudly presented by: & This video features music -various artists and various songs - available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
An evening celebrating the fusion of Israeli and Indian music culture feat. Shye Ben Tzur and the Rajasthan Express. A young professional networking event fe...
Cooking Israeli Food at night with travel & food bloggers along with students from Haifa University. So this evening we're doing a pretty exciting project. W...
Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel,...
The Embassy of India in Israel in partnership with Teamwork productions organised a month-long cultural extravaganza "Celebrating India in Israel". The Festi...
Israeli Cooking Class at Dan Gourmet with Taste of Israel Food Tour in Tel Aviv In the kitchen we learned how to make Lahmabiajin (Lahmacun), Tahini and char...
Size Doesn't Matter, The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration, The Indian Summer Festival, Axis, Hillel Vancouve...
Raviv has served as the Director of Marketing and Business Development for Kinetic Art and has been teaching as an Adjunct Professor at NYU's Nutrition and F...
Cuisine Culture, a new 13-part series from Henri Sera Productions and Muses Productions, is a culinary journey into the world of the best chefs and their restaurants. Hosted by international chef Ashley Charles James, the series showcases the world's best chefs in their natural environment - an environment for discovery and an appreciation of ethnic influence in today's gastronomy. Presented by Digital Food Network Hosted by Ashley Charles James Producer Director: Henri Sera Website:
Druze Israeli Food and Arabic Cuisine at a restaurant in Haifa, Israel (מטבח ערבי ישראלי דרוזי) One of the most fascinating aspects of the meal was having a ...
Tour around Jaffa in Tel Aviv, Israel visiting the beach promenade and flea market יָפוֹ يَافَا Know as Yafo in Hebrew and Yaffa in Arabic, Jaffa is histo...
"Israel Fashion Art" album-book "שיכרון עיצובים - אמנות האופנה בישראל" is featured in a joint interview of its author Nurit Bat-Yaar, designer & singer Yuval Caspin & vintage store owner Tali Kushnir about ATA, Israel's first and largest textile comp. Host Yoav Ginay, renowned cultural TV star display's the book saying it's a "marvelous book" while Yuval Caspin adds that "it's a must-have book and not for fashionistas only". Co-host Lucy Aharish refers to the elegant coffee table book as "a great historical documentation".
Touring around Masada, Israel overlooking the Dead Sea travel video ( מצדה ). So today we're visiting Masada and we just finished taking the cable car up to the very top of the fort and now we're going to go check it out. It sure is a scorcher outside today. So right now we're going to go visit an old water cistern. So we're going to take some steps and go underground. It's going to be kind of dark and tight. Let's go check it out. Singing! One, two, three FOOD!!! Wow, huh! So it actually answers back, no? This is an original Byzantine church. Oooh! So it's kind of symbolic to bring a Roman siege weapon to a place that was seized by Romans and I don't know if we can see it shoot off. Okay, here goes nothing. Hahaha! This is part of our Travel in Israel series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Israeli culture, Israeli arts, Israeli foods, Israeli cuisine, Jewish religion and Israeli people. Proudly presented by: , , & All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
The Embassy of India in Israel and Teamwork Productions India are proud to present "Celebrating India in Israel", a festival of visual and performing arts. T...
Panoramic views of the Bahá'í gardens in Haifa, Israel Travel Video (Hanging Gardens of Haifa). This is part of our Travel in Israel series. We're making a s...
The Embassy of India in Israel and Teamwork Productions India are proud to present Celebrating India in Israel, a festival of visual and performing arts. The... Islamic cultural heritage has its home in Israel at the L.A. Mayer Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem, which features ancient collecti...
Rosh HaNikra Grottoes - Mediterranean Sea, in the Western Galilee, Israel (ראש הנקרה - رأس الناقورة) Hyrax Lastly, we continue to Rosh Hanikra. A unique geol...
With the Cultural shift towards cooking at home and cooking from scratch, there also come the desire for experimentation with different cuisines and new flav...
The Embassy of India in Israel and Teamwork Productions India are proud to present the second edition of "Celebrating India in Israel", a festival of visual ...
The Embassy of India in Israel and Teamwork Productions India are proud to present the second edition of "Celebrating India in Israel", a festival of visual ...
Swimming and floating at the Dead Sea in Israel ( יָם הַמֶּלַח יָם הַמָּוֶת البحر الميت ) I've seen photos and videos from friends who have visited th...
How to eat a Krembo in Israel (קרמבו) with expert advice from the Taste of Israel Team (Israeli chocolate marshmallow treat): My name is Elad. I'm a Krembo e...
The people behind Israel health care system -- a system built on world class technology and the spirit of boundless humanity.
Israel is a world leader in both innovation and medicine. Combine the two and you get great inventions that prevent, heal and monitor many health conditions....
Inventing Health: Israeli Innovations in Life Sciences - Part 2 Israel is a world leader in both innovation and medicine. Combine the two and you get great i...
Israel, the best destination offering superior medical treatment as well as an exceptional travel experience.
Livnot U'Lehibanot's six-week Onward Israel program. Volunteering, hiking and community service in Tzfat and the Galilee. Israel medical insurance's privacy promise We will not sell, give away, or else share your info...
Visit our website at LGBT Health Services at Mount Sinai Beth Israel is committed to meeting the special health care needs of the ...
Lawmakers in the Health committee of Parliament want the health insurance scheme to be compulsory, for every uganda person to be accessing health facilities since they shall be insured. This shall be done with a bill that shall be introduced in Parliament soon to handle this and work out a solution. However some legislators think this is not possible looking at the fact that the Uganda health facility is still in apathetic stage with Poor Human resource. The Lawmakers are currently in Tel Aviv Israel to learn how Isreal has managed to evolve there health care system with everyone in Israel insured. Our Reporter Maurice Ochol has that report from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Developed with principles of the Chinese Traditional Medicine and theory of main and collateral channels, TIENS Health Mattress includes 108 and 156 energy stars for the single and double versions respectively, which effectively and simultaneously release the magnetic energy, infra-red energy and anions, so the body cells properly function and become properlyoxygenized. In addition, this product also contains anion fibre and natural bamboo carbon fibre. Adopting the body engineering design concept, TIENS Health Mattress can balance the biological magnetic field of human body, relieve fatigue, improve sleep, boost the immunity and complement other healthful functions.
Pope Francis trip to Israel May be affected as serious health concerns are being revealed also
I would like to perform a 60 minute facial (with a masque instead of massage), in this video I've included all the little tips/tricks & added value touches t...
Frequently Asked Questions! ♥ (Personal, Health & Beauty!) Косметика мёртвого море от Health & Beauty How to Make Doll Health and Beauty Items family friendly, kids, How-to, positive, educational, good, mom approved, doll, dollhouse, homemade, handmade, subscribe: This video gives two basics movements for health and injury prevention by allowing the body to move according to it's current map...
Statistical Serie Of Israel Health Vs Argentina Health - JAYWAii Videos & Photos Services This is the 2nd video of a serie of infographics. It is all about health figures related to both Israel and Argentina, figures that are put together for comparison purposes. A funky cartoony fun style is perfect to lift up the usually boring aspect of figures and statistics. The music is legit. Animation completely made with a premium paid software. Data sources is Thanks to World Health Organization for these data. Hire me on ODesk And Hopwork I am a French visual artist dedicated to videography and photography. I have been producing videos & motion graphic for companies since 2010. I specialize in promotional videos, events, explainers, whiteboards. I fit to small and medium size customers who are in need of a flexible, multi language, freelancer able to : - create quality footage, and videos on his own - as well as effects and motion graphic - and edit all of it Me being a one man orchestra makes the budget weight a lot lighter for customers, while still giving same level results of some established agencies. I am settled in Israel Haifa, however I am opened to outbound assignments. On the other hand, editing and digital works can be done remotely. I speak native French, fluent English, and basic Chinese. I also sell professional photographs on My photo style ranges from food, animal, background, product shot to abstract illustrations. My shutterstock Portfolio here My personal website here shows all my work and comments to it My facebook page I run 2 other French YouTube channels on top of this one. CONTACT ME via Jean-Yves TRAN EXPLORE - CREATE - SHARE creative "video production" video maker" "film maker" film-maker "video editor" freelance "visual artist" videographer videography photographer YouTube channel "Youtube Creator" "YouTube Channel Producer" "kinetic typography" "animated typography" french créatif "réalisateur de vidéos" "monteur de vidéos" "producteur de vidéos" photographe photographie "producteur de chaînes YouTube" "typographie animée" israël israel haifa
In this drill, we learn how to increase the health and ability of our feet using simple movements and relaxation. We also learn to start moving from different positions which will be explored further on.
Hebrew Subtitles תרגום עברית.
This panel will focus on Israel's growing initiative to make the country an innovation platform for the biotech industry through the commercialization of new...
During this town hall meeting, Susan Somerville, RN, President of Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Kenneth Davis, MD, CEO and President of the Mount Sinai Health Sys...
Afshin Rattansi goes underground on Cuba response to Ebola and the continued US blockade. Aleida Guevara, daughter of revolutionary Che Guevara, says that health is a human right, and if Cameron wanted to, he has the power to break the blockade of Cuba, and should take less note of what the United States wants the UK to do. Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade talks about UK weapons, such as drone components, being shipped to Israel, 'almost certainly,' as one MP said, being used in Gaza. We look at the wave of protest over the grand jury’s decision not to charge police officer Darren Wilson over the killing of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson. And we give our take on PMQs, with Lewis Hamilton, Israel’s human rights issues, and UKIP challenging the Conservative record on the NHS all making the House very noisy. LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram
During this town hall meeting, Lin H. Mo, President of Mount Sinai Beth Israel Brooklyn, Kenneth Davis, MD, CEO and President of the Mount Sinai Health Syste...
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Shas, a religious political party in Israel, has been hospitalized for over a week now. And while Israelis are fo... Israelis love an adrenalin rush, so this is the perfect spot to try bouldering, a daring form of rock climbing without ropes. "You don'...
July is Israel Sports Month. Check it out on the Israel Calendar: "Fast" is usually not a word associated with the ancient city of Jerusalem. But on June 13th and 14th, that changed in an instant as sl...
Our first ever sports competition day.
Tamir Linhart commentary.
All Star Israel family night slideshow video, summer 2014.
The Israel Sports Center for the Disabled combines rehabilitation with the challenge and motivation of sport. Patients include victims of terrorism. Jeff Bro...
At All Star Israel Sports Camp, we "shake it up, baby!" all July & August long!!! Rose has the host hits in baseball history. Pete Rose was very blunt and candid in this interview regarding the steroid controversy and if the hall of fame should induct such players. He talked about the irony of not having the all-time hits leader (himself), the all-time home run leader (Barry Bonds) and the all-time y Young award winner (Roger Clemens) not in the hall of fame. Pete Rose also cringed when discussing facing Sandy Koufax and said he was a tougher pitcher to face than Nolan Ryan. Pete Rose also answered the question is hit all-time hits record, of over 4,200 hits would every be broken. Pete Rose got very sentimental in discussing looking up toward the sky and remembering his father when he broke Ty Cobb's record (who previously had the all-time hits record). Rose also talked about what players he watches in this current era which remind him of him. Currently Pete signs baseballs in Las Vegas and mentions where people can meet him and get his autograph.;
In this interview Robin talks about a variety of subjects including how to manifest abundance and learning how to read energy.
Israel's Sports Channel interview and article about Master David haliva Thanks to all students and instructors. Security personnel and police who continue to...
Vía: Fox Sports
Surf, Windsurf, Mountain Bike, Scuba Diving, and much more, only in Israel.
Vote here for KSCS Sports Personality 2014!
Matt Israel TCU Sports Report
Palestinians says occupying force should face sports and cultural boycott. Sohail Rahman speaks to Uriel Sturm is sports editor of the Jerusalem Post and Hea...
Gran entrevista al DT Ruben Israel tras el partido en el que BARCELONA SC eliminó a Alianza Lima de Perú
Israel's best hopes for Olympic glory lay in the diversity and versatility of its athletes competing in London 2012, as presented to you in a fascinating ser...
Orde Wingate Institute, Israel's premier sports facility. All of the 1972 Israeli Olympic athletes passed through here. It is open to the public in Netanya, Israel. Stop by and enjoy!
Buy "One Man Gang Live" on iTunes! This is the first video of my poem, "The Miracle of Chanuk...
The crew of Israel Channel 1 IBA News stops by at Kraft Family Stadium, and gets the scoop on Slip-n-Slide and other cool All Star Israel activities.
Miami Heat Owner Raanan Katz on Louis Live on Israel Sports Radio Hosted by Ari Louis and Guest Co-Host Andy Gershman. Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is so many different things: It is a bridge between Africa, Asia & Europe, It has pulsat...
This hour-long special weaves together both the Israeli and the Palestinian narratives. In Israel, we go from the venerable ramparts of Jerusalem to the vibrant modern skyline of Tel Aviv. In Palestine, we harvest olives near Hebron, visit a home in Bethlehem, and pop into a university in Ramallah. We also learn about security walls, disputed settlements, and the persistent challenges facing the region. At, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010. Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel, within Gush Dan, Israel's largest metropolitan area. Tel Aviv is an economic hub, home to corporate offices and research and development centers. It is the country's financial capital and a major performing arts and business center. Tel Aviv has the second-largest economy in the Middle East. With 2.5 million international visitors annually, Tel Aviv is the fifth-most-visited city in the Middle East. It is known as 'the city that never sleeps' and a 'party capital' due to its lively nightlife, dynamic atmosphere and famous 24-hour culture. Travel to Tel Aviv today and experience all that she has to offer. Enjoy your stay! Camera equipment: - Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera (Night) - Sony Nex VG10 HD video camera (Day) Camera Accessories: - Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization (Nex VG10) - Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000) - Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000) - Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
ISRAEL21c takes a look at some of the country's most popular tourist sites, from Masada and Ein Gedi, to Caesarea and the Eilat observatory.
100% real commercial for Israeli tourism.
You'll Never be the Same Israel Ministry of Tourism - North & South America February 2011.
Visit Jerusalem Israel and Jerusalem Old City in this Jerusalem travel guide. Enjoy top Jerusalem attractions, things to do in Jerusalem, places to see and places to visit in this Jerusalem tourism travel guide. Discover some of Israel's best top 10 (top ten) attractions. Travel Israel and visit Jerusalem. You'll never forget Jerusalem and other top attractions in this vacation tour video. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. For more travel stories and photographs, visit me at Willow and the Light Kevin MacLeod ( Finding the Balance Kevin MacLeod ( Private Reflections Kevin MacLeod ( Past the Edge Kevin MacLeod (
A walk around the old city of Jerusalem during December 2010. Please ONLY post comments relevant to travel and refrain from ANY political comments, positive or negative. They will be deleted. There are plenty of other Youtube videos which would welcome political commentary. Jerusalem is located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE. In 1538, walls were built around Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent. Today those walls define the Old City, which has been traditionally divided into four quarters - known since the early 19th century as the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters. The Old City became a World Heritage site in 1981. Modern Jerusalem has grown far beyond the Old City's boundaries. Simply wandering the streets of the Old City while capturing the ambiance, historical sites, smells and different people will leave you with unforgettable experiences and a lifetime of amazing memories. Every person should visit Jerusalem at least once. I shall never forget my visits there. Neither will you! Camera equipment: --------------------------- - Sony HDR-AX2000 HD video camera. Camera Accessories ----------------------------- - Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. - Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization. - Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
You'll Never Be The Same music video featuring Amick Byram.
Israel presents a rare opportunity to enjoy rural tourism. This short clip highlights the sites and sounds of rural Israel. Download this clip at: http://bit...
Israel Government Tourist Office Consul Omer Eshel speaks about the importance of experiencing the Holy Land for oneself. He is interviewed here by Richard Peritz for Shalom Show 954
IsraMedica serves as a facilitator for health care & medical vacations in the Holy Land -Israel .We provide access to some of the best internationally traine... Jerusalén es la ciudad santa para las tres religiones monoteístas: cristianismo, islamismo y judaísmo. En el vídeo podemos ver los...
http://WWW.GAMEZ-GEAR.COM Please Like and comment on our video's Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to THE TRAVEL CHANNEL YouTube channel and that will help support us. GAMEZGEAR ebay shop All the copyrights belong to their rightful owners Israel - Sexy Beach Girls - TV Tourism Commercial - TV Advert - TV Spot - The Travel Channel Israel, is a parliamentary democracy in the Middle East, on the south-eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the southwest, and the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea to the south, and it contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. In its Basic Laws Israel defines itself as a Jewish and Democratic State; it is the world's only Jewish-majority state. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended the adoption and implementation of the partition plan of Mandatory Palestine. On 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel," a state independent upon the termination of the British Mandate for Palestine, 15 May 1948. Neighboring Arab armies invaded Palestine on the next day and fought the Israeli forces. Israel has since fought several wars with neighboring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula (between 1967 and 1982), part of South Lebanon (between 1982 and 2000), Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. It annexed portions of these territories, including East Jerusalem, but the border with the West Bank is disputed. Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts to resolve the Israeli--Palestinian conflict have so far not resulted in peace. Israel's financial center is Tel Aviv, while Jerusalem is the country's most populous city (if East Jerusalem is included) and its designated capital. The population of Israel, as defined by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, was estimated in 2013 to be 8,051,200 people, of whom 6,045,900 are Jewish. Arabs form the country's second-largest group with 1,663,400 people (including the Druze). The great majority of Israeli Arabs are settled-Muslims, with smaller but significant numbers of semi-settled Negev Bedouins; the rest are Christians and Druze. Other minorities include various ethnic and ethno-religious denominations such as Russians, Maronites, Samaritans, Black Hebrew Israelites, Armenians, Circassians and others. Israel is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system, proportional representation and universal suffrage. The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's unicameral legislative body. Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. It is a developed country, an OECD member, and its economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product, was the 43rd-largest in the world in 2012. Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East and the third highest in Asia. El Mar Muerto es uno de los atractivos turísticos de Israel. No obstante, este lago de agua salada, que tiene el honor de ser el p...
(Source: Israel Ministry of Tourism)
ZHANG: Israel and China signed a tourism agreement last year that makes it easier for Chinese to visit the Middle Eastern nation. The agreement took affect j...
Explore the rural tourism all over Israel.One of the best kept secrets of the world is how to visit Israel,the Holy land while staying in places out of the b...
Family travels throughout Israel. visit:
why israel didnt make it to the world cup cool clip...
Shalom! Welcome to Israel. In this video, Siya explores Tel Aviv, Galilee, Masada and an Ancient Roman City. Press play and join the adventure! Where you can find us: FACEBOOK- INSTAGRAM KRISTEN - INSTAGRAM SIYA - TWITTER - SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah TUMBLR - BLOG - ACTING WEBSITE - If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! Music provided by: Audio Jungle:
Travel video about destination Tel Aviv Beach in Israel. Where do people act as if insecurity were an unknown word ? Or as if the dangers of war were unimportant ? On the beach at Tel Aviv… Here, whatever happens, even just 48 hours after fighting breaks out with Lebanon, (in September 2006, when we filmed there), Tel Aviv proudly presents itself and its thirties architecture as a modern city, refusing to bear the weight of the past, where Jews and Muslims prefer to cohabit in an intelligent manner. And so the Tel Aviv beach is a place for partying, relaxing and flirting, every minute of the day, as if defying the permanent threats that hang over the country. -------------- Watch more travel videos ► Join us. Subscribe now! ► Be our fan on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► -------------- Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! Please: respect each other in the comments. Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world... It is yours to discover!
Israel Travel Video Guide, While the current State of Israel is a relatively new country founded in 1948, the Land of Israel has a long and often very complex history stretching back thousands of years to the very beginnings of human civilization. It has been invaded by virtually every Old World empire including the Persians, Romans, Ottomans and British. (Even the Mongols once raided cities on what is now Israeli soil.) It is also the birthplace of both Judaism and Christianity. Jerusalem is a sacred city for Muslims. Israel has been inhabited for tens of thousands of years, with Neanderthal remains from the region dating back 50,000 years. Its strategic location serving as the gateway from Asia to Egypt and Africa had made Israel an ideal target for conquerors through the ages. The first nation to have influence was the great Egyptian civilization. Approximately 1000 B.C, an independent Judean Kingdom was set up under King Saul. The land lay to the south of Phoenicia. After intermittent civil war, the land was conquered by the Assyrians and Persians and in c. 330 BC by Alexander the Great. A newly independent Jewish state, ruled by the Maccabees, was conquered in 63 BC by the Romans. Around 30 CE, Jesus of Nazareth began his ministry in the Galilee. Following a Jewish revolt against the Romans in 70 CE, the Israelites were expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans, creating a substantial Jewish diaspora throughout the world. However, many Israelites did remain in the Land of Israel outside Jerusalem for a few centuries, although persecution gradually eroded at whatever Israelites population was left in their homeland. The area was captured by Muslims in the 7th Century. In the middle ages, European Christians invaded in a period known as the Crusades and established a small kingdom, but after a few centuries were expelled. The land was then ruled for many years by different Muslim empires, culminating in the Ottoman Empire. Enjoy your Israel Travel Video Guide!
This trip was a total disaster and you can tell because I'm not too optimistic about this trip. But seriously unless you have some religious need to go to Israel I think you can skip it. But that's just my opinion Tel Aviv Area: 20 sq mi Population: 405,000 Things to do Gay: Bars, Clubs, Gay Beach etc... Things to do: Shopping, Beach, Museum, etc. Need Cash: No Walk: XXX Bike: XXXX Public Transit: XX Car: X Jerusalem Area: 48 sq mi Population: 801,000 Things to do Gay: Bar(s) Things to do: Old Jerusalem, Dom of the Rock, Western Wall, and much much more Need Cash: Yes Walk: XX Bike: XXXX Public Transit: XXX Car: X Bethlehem Area: Population: 25,266 Things to do Gay: Cruising only (if you willing to live on the edge) Things to do: Church of the Nativity, Milk Grotto etc Need Cash: Yes Walk: XX Bike: XXX Public Transit: X Car: XXXX (Taxi) Nazareth Area: sq mi Population: 81,410 Things to do Gay: Things to do: Church of the Annunciation etc Need Cash: Yes Walk: XXX Bike: XXXX Public Transit: X Car: XX - Visit for more information on Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv have a few nicknames namely "The White City", "The City That Never Sleeps" and "The Big Orange". The city is a top tourist city in Israel and is also the second largest city in Israel. Tel Aviv's real name is Tel Aviv-Yavo due to the fact that the city absorbed the port of Yavo due to Tel Aviv's growth. Ranked as the ninth best beach city by National Geographic it is no wonder why so many tourists visit Tel Aviv to enjoy its many beautiful beaches. Tel Aviv has also been ranked as the third best city in the Middle East and Africa (behind Cape Town and Jerusalem) and the "hottest city for 2011". In many surveys the city has been ranked as one of the best LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) destinations in the world. What to see • Tel Aviv Museum of Art • Hayarkon Park • Tel Aviv Cinematheque • Charles Clore Park • Meir Park • Dubnow Park • Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theatre • Great Synagogue • Elco Tower • Gan Yaakov (Jacob's Garden) • Rabin Square • Immanuel Church • Pagoda House • Herta and Paul Amir Building • Bloomfield Stadium • Old Jaffa • Azriely Lookout • Dizengoff Centre • Rothschild Boulevard • Neve Tzedek • Joshua Gardens • Tel Aviv Museum of Art • Bialik Square • Gutman Art Museum What to do • Eilat Bird Festival • Festival of Chamber Music in Eilat • Opeth • Zorba the Buddha Festival • Jazz, Wine and Sea Food Festival for Passover • Ako Festival • Aviv Israeli Festival • International Tiberias Marathon • Khutzot Hayotzer Arts and Crafts Fair • Jaffa Nights • IsraWinExpo
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As professionals, it is our duty to advice others about the "dos & don'ts" in Israel Here are some tips for tourists visiting Israel If you want to be part o...
Create your own video on ! View of Haifa's port. The view across Haifa Bay from Mount Carmel. The main attraction of the terraced gardens at the Bahá'í World Centre is the Shrine of the Bab. A panoramic view of the city. The Bahai Gardens. Top view of the Bahai Gardens. Haifa as seen from the south. The Bahai Gardens and German Colony. Haifa at sunrise. The industrial area at sunrise. Stair-alleys go up and down the Carmel mountain through the city.
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE Shalom! Welcome to Israel Travel Guide Part 2. In this video, Siya swims in the Dead Sea, experiences the markets and Western Wall in Jerusalem and goes on a jeep ride in Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. Press play and join the adventure! Be sure to watch Travel Guide to Israel Part 1 - Where you can find us: FACEBOOK- INSTAGRAM KRISTEN - INSTAGRAM SIYA - TWITTER - SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah TUMBLR - BLOG - ACTING WEBSITE - If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! Music provided by: YouTube Audio Library
שריף مع تحيات عياد من راس العمود שריף
Travel to Israel - Jerusalem Old City - Jerusalem Travel Guide - Things to do in Jerusalem - Israel Tourism (HD) - Travel and tourism - Israel Travel Guide - Things to do in Israel - Jerusalem Tourism - Holy Land Tours - Tour tourism top attractions travel Israel video guide commercial - Travel to Jerusalem, Israel (HD) and visit Jerusalem with me as your guide in this travel video. For more photos, visit Willow and the Light Kevin MacLeod ( Finding the Balance Kevin MacLeod ( Private Reflections Kevin MacLeod ( Past the Edge Kevin MacLeod (
Create your own video on ! The holy Menorah sacked from Jerusalem, as seen on the Arch of Titus. Traditionally, Jews are forbidden from walking under the arch as it is taken to express the sovereignty of Titus over the Jews. Monument in Ramat Gan commemorating the rebels hanged by the British. Ben-Gurion pronounces the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel on May 14 1948 in Tel Aviv. Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in a bulletproof glass booth during the open trial in 1961. Western Wall. Ilan Ramon participated in Operation Opera and later became the first Israeli astronaut. Yitzhak Rabin is buried in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Relief map of Israel. A Tel Aviv beach at sundown. The Knesset building, Israel's parliament. Frontal view of The Supreme Court building. Emblem of the IDF. A main business district in Gush Dan where the diamond stock exchange is located. Weizmann Institute of Science. Sand Mountains in the Negev. Landscape in the Golan Heights. Israeli soldiers chat with Arab civilians in Galilee, 1978. Leo Roth, Flute Players, oil on canvas, 1967. Gal Fridman won Israel's first Olympic gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics. Infected Mushroom. Itzhak Perlman. - Visit for more information on Jerusalem, Israel Jerusalem or "City of Gold" as it called in Hebrew is the largest city in Israel as well as being the capital city, although many nationalities don't recognise the city as the capital city. The city has a religious value as it hosts many religious sites pertaining to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The city hosts the "Old City", which is home to the many religious sites. This tiny ancient city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thousands of Christians and Jews living all over the world make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem each year. What to see • The Western Wall • Temple Mount • Temple of Jerusalem • Dome of the Rock • Mount of Olives • Tomb of Absalom • Church of the Holy Sepulchre • Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum • Ein Karem -- traditional birthplace of John the Baptist • Mt Zion -- traditional resting place of King David • al-Aqsa Mosque -- sacred Muslim site • Shrine of the Book • Israel Museum • Jerusalem Botanical Garden • Jerusalem Biblical Zoo • Jerusalem Cinematheque • Heichal Shlomo -- houses the Jewish Heritage Museum What to do • Jerusalem Film Festival • Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival • Israeli Festival • Feast of Tabernacles • Tisha B'Av • International Jerusalem Marathon • Christian Holy Week • International Writer's Week • Light Festival
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10 minutes of impressions from Haifa - the city of the big israeli harbour, the half jewish half arab city, the city of the baha'i world center and of the ge...
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Travel to Israel - Travel to Jordan - Things to do in Jordan - Things to do in Israel - Israel Tourism (HD) - Jordan Tourism (HD) - Travel and tourism - Israel Travel Guide - Jordan Travel Guide - Jerusalem Tourism - Amman Tourism - Tour tourism top attractions travel Israel video guide commercial - Travel to Jordan, Israel (HD) and visit Jordan, Israel with me as your guide in this travel video. For more photos, visit Dama-May Kevin MacLeod ( Eastern Thought Kevin MacLeod ( The Lonely Planet travel guide ranks Tel Aviv as the third-best city in the world. Locals and tourists agree, though some would say it's really No. 1. Lonely Planet calls it "a modern sin city by the sea." With its 300 sunny days a year, there's no "weather-permitting" about an outing in Tel Aviv. And the possibilities are endless. From art to music, beach culture to nightlife, you can find an activity to suit every whim, mood or state of mind in the city that never stops. Some say the people are the warmest and friendliest in the world, while others say the same about the climate. In the truly diverse, 21st-century Mediterranean hub you can go to the opera or numerous museums; see shows ranging from low comedy to high Shakespeare; take in a concert or dance performance; cycle, jog or walk through ports and parks, down shady boulevards lined with cafes, and through quaint restored alleyways lined with designer boutiques. Or you can rummage through flea markets and vintage shops; explore outdoor fairs; lounge on the beach; check out restored period structures; visit galleries and exhibitions; enjoy the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Bauhaus architecture; sample myriad cuisines, local bars and clubs and quality Israeli wines -- it's the New York, London and Paris of the Middle East. Tel Aviv beckons! Visit the MFA's Social Media Channels: Facebook - Twitter - Please credit the MFA for any use of this video.
Travel video about destination Jordan. Amman is the capital in which poverty and wealth live side by side and with a history of Nabateans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottomans
Subscribe to VICE News here: In August, al Nusra Front jihadists took control of Syria’s side of the border crossing with Israel and kidnapped over 40 United Nations peacekeepers — who have since been released. But al Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-affiliate, isn’t Israel’s only threat from Syria. President Bashar al-Assad’s military, in a possible effort to bait Israel into its civil war to shore up Arab sympathies, has been lobbing mortars across the border. Just a few weeks ago, the Israeli military shot down a Syrian plane flying over the Golan Heights — the first time it has done so since the 1980s. VICE News travels to Israel’s “quiet border” in the Golan Heights, where members of al Nusra Front are now a visible threat. Read "The Explosive End of Israel's 'Quietest Border'" - Read "Islamic State Fighters Capture Jordanian Pilot After Downing Coalition Warplane in Syria" - Read "The Syrian Regime Will Now Allow Desperately Needed Aid Into Rebel-Held Regions" - Read "New Evidence Suggests Israel Is Helping Syrian Rebels in the Golan Heights" - Watch "A Fugitive and his Family: Escape to the Islamic State" - Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
BBC documentary about how Israelis invaded Palestine, Egypt, Syria and attacked Lebanon. Israel started the 6 day war and therefore caused the 78' war. Egypt...
MELHOR DOCUMENTÁRIO SOBRE A HISTÓRIA DA NAÇÃO JUDAICA O fiel e incrível cumprimento das profecias sobre este povo, a Grande Tribulação, O Antricristo, Armage...
Website Facebook Twitter Google+ Subscribe Leading s...
Six Day War - Israeli victory - Documentary The shooting lasted on six tense days in June 1967, but the Six Day War has never really ended. Every crisis that has ripped through this region in the ensuing decades stems from those six fateful days. On its 40th anniversary, the region remains trapped in conflict and is every bit as explosive as it was in 1967. "Six Day War" chronicles the events of forty years ago with a fresh historical perspective. Beginning with the buildup for the war, and the political and military maneuvering of Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and Egyptian President Jame Adel Nasser, the film takes us through the six days of fighting, the war with Jordan, the occupation of the West Bank and the annexation of Jerusalem. Featuring stunning archival footage and first-hand accounts of the war from both the Israeli and Arab soldiers who fought it, "Six Day War" explores how these events became the flash point in history that reshaped the regional political landscape, destroyed old systems and brought new forces to the fore.
Documental Las ULTIMAS Profecías de Israel | Mejores Documentales History Channel 2015 ¡¡ESCENARIO LISTO PARA INVASION RUSA EN ISRAEL!! ¡La profetizada invasión de Israel por los ejércitos del norte y del sur dirigidos por Rusia es una de las profecías más alarmantes y edificantes de la Biblia! Hoy, todos los adversarios están en posición, el Anticristo esta por surgir, y la lucha interna entre las 10 Súper Naciones está por comenzar. El resultado: Rusia invade a Israel, tal y como Dios lo profetizó en Ezequiel 38-39 ¡Viene el Nuevo Orden Mundial! ¿Está usted listo? Una vez usted entienda lo que es realmente este Nuevo Orden Mundial, y cómo se está implementando gradualmente, ¡¡usted podrá ver como progresa en las noticias diarias!! ¡Aprenda cómo protegerse usted, y a sus seres queridos! Manténgase con nosotros para que obtenga revelaciones tan asombrosas que usted nunca volverá a ver las noticias de la misma forma. USTED ESTA AHORA EN LA ESPADA DEL ESPÍRITU --------------------- profecias biblicas cumplidas sobre israel profecias de israel cumplidas profecias de israel por cumplirse profecias de israel 2015 profecias de israel y palestina profecias de israel para israel profecias acerca de israel profecias sobre el estado de israel ultima profecía 2015, profecías bíblicas 2015, profecías fin del mundo, el fin del mundo, video profecías 2015, año 2015 profecías, video profetico 2015 ..........
Author and activist Norman Finkelstein discusses whether the two-state solution can solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
Aired on May 6 2008. Documentary examining the events leading up to the Israeli war of Independence in 1949, its continuing impact on Arab/Israeli relations ...
Uma linda noite de louvor e adoração ao Senhor com Israel houghton & New Breed no DVD Jesus At The Center.
Is Israel An Apartheid Racist State? Should Palestine be "Freed", and from what? Several experts discuss and debate these issues in the BBC's "The Big Questions". What do YOU think about these issues? I would love to get a discussion going, so please leave a comment. Please remember to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! Subscribe To Atheism VS Religion for more debates, interviews and discussions on RELIGION, SCIENCE, ATHEISM, GEO-POLITICS and much more: Want an example? Watch "Top 10 Neil Degrasse Tyson Moments - Neil Degrasse Tyson on Life, The Universe and Everything" - For the rest of our Atheism and Science-related videos, please visit our channel: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us Google+: Israel An Apartheid Racist State? "Free Palestine"? - Debates From The BBC'S "The Big Questions" Atheism VS Religion Watch more videos here: The Big Questions is a faith and ethics television programme usually presented by Nicky Campbell. It is broadcast live on aBBC One between 10:00am and 11:00am on Sunday, replacing The Heaven and Earth Show as the BBC's religious discussion programme. Each week, panel and audience debate three ethical, moral or religious topics which featured in the week's news. Panellists have included notable atheist Richard Dawkins, convert to Roman Catholicism Ann Widdecombe, Imam Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim commentator Mohammed Ansar, Scottish philosopher John Joseph Haldane, Bible scholar Francesca Stavrakopoulou, Lord Carey, Jonathan Bartley, Peter Hitchens, Alexander Goldberg, Ian McMillan, Andrew Pinsent, Stephen Lowe, Tommy Robinson, Michael Nazir-Ali, Samuel Westrop and Decca Aitkenhead.
See Israel's dynamic history march across the screen in dramatic film footage. Witness the miraculous fulfillment of Bible prophecy that marks us in End-Time...
Lisa Goldman, a Contributing Editor at 972 Magazine, explains why Benjamin Netanyahu was always likely to win reelection as Israeli Prime Minister. Why the elections are a big win for the Right in Israel. The importance of the Joint List and Israeli Arab politics. The failure of Yair Lapid’s centrist politics. will Israel’s next coalition government will be even more far right? Israel is a right wing society. Netanyahu and the permanence of the oppression of the Palestinians. Why the Occupation isn’t hurting Israelis but inequality is. Will Israel finally faces pressure from its European and American partners? Also will the Jewish community in America get fed up with Israel? This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM Download our FREE app: SUPPORT the show by becoming a member: and BUY all of your Amazon purchase thru our Amazon affiliate link: LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Twitter: SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube: WATCH our LIVE show video stream:
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esta es la segunda parte de La Nación de Israel y su sufrimiento venidero dada el dia sabado 15/11/2014 IGLESIA CRISTIANA ROCA DE SALVACIÓN. (PROCLAMANDO Y MANIFESTANDO EL REINO DE DIOS). (medellin-colombia) pastores: David y Jenny obando.
The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza. The fragile humanitarian ceasefires end within minutes of creation pushing the region into further bloodshed. GAZA LIVE UPDATES: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Desde hace años la guerra contra Irán ya estaba escrita. En el año 2007 se realiza una de las reuniones que se lleva cada año para determinar cuales serán la...
Credit to the owner.. I just only put the subtitles to the video only.. ^^Canción: Take Me Home Country Road Autor: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole Álbum: Facing Future (1993) Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is so many different things: It is a bridge between Africa, Asia & Europe, It has pulsating urban life, breathtaking nature, an abundance of plant & animal species, Thousands of years of fascinating history, a rainbow of cultures and traditions. Israel offers an energizing experience with a vibrant cultural scene, and is proud to be an innovative leader in science & High-Tech. Sounds too much? you'll believe it when you see it. Visit the MFA's Social Media Channels: Facebook - Twitter - Please credit the MFA and the creators of this clip for any use of this video. Photographer and Editor: Eyal Bartov Additional Photographs: Samuel Magal After Effects: Gili Ittah Original Music: Israel KasifThis is what Global Firepower says about Top 10 stongest countries in the world Link: 1.US 2.Russia 3.China 4.India 5.UK 6.Turkey 7.South Korea 8.France 9.Japan 10.Israel.On May 22nd Vonvo hosted its first live streaming special event. We hosted a discussion regarding finding a solution to the Israeli / Palestinian Conflict. The Universal Peace Federation was kind enough to invite Vonvo to the event to stream it live while participants from Israel and California also participated in the event.Live in Israel, Barbie, Tel-Aviv 21.06.2012. This is a tribute to a7x in israel, since we want them here so badly israeli artists came together to give us a show that will hopefully bring avenged sevenfold to israel.A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010. Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel, within Gush Dan, Israel's largest metropolitan area. Tel Aviv is an economic hub, home to corporate offices and research and development centers. It is the country's financial capital and a major performing arts and business center. Tel Aviv has the second-largest economy in the Middle East. With 2.5 million international visitors annually, Tel Aviv is the fifth-most-visited city in the Middle East. It is known as 'the city that never sleeps' and a 'party capital' due to its lively nightlife, dynamic atmosphere and famous 24-hour culture. Travel to Tel Aviv today and experience all that she has to offer. Enjoy your stay! Camera equipment: - Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera (Night) - Sony Nex VG10 HD video camera (Day) Camera Accessories: - Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization (Nex VG10) - Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000) - Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000) - Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule. Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is so many different things: It is a bridge between Africa, Asia & Europe, It has pulsating urban life, breathtaking nature, an abundance of plant & animal species, Thousands of years of fascinating history, a rainbow of cultures and traditions. Israel offers an energizing experience with a vibrant cultural scene, and is proud to be an innovative leader in science & High-Tech. Sounds too much? you'll believe it when you see it. Visit the MFA's Social Media Channels: Facebook - Twitter - Please credit the MFA and the creators of this clip for any use of this video. Photographer and Editor: Eyal Bartov Additional Photographs: Samuel Magal After Effects: Gili Ittah Original Music: Israel KasifThe renewed growth of anti-Israe
Yiye Avila En Su Primer Viaje A Israel.
The proposal calls for the full withdrawal of Israel to the pre-1967 lines by November 2016 UN may vote on ... "Israeli aircraft, tanks and naval gunboats pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Thursday and rocket salvoes thudded into southern Israel, as terrified residents on both sides of the frontier... CLICK TO TWEET: FPSRussia Shirts: Twitter: FaceBook: More than a hundred Israeli rockets pounded Gaza early Thursday morning as Israel backed out of a promised ceasefire. Israel also today recalled thirty thousand reservists in a buildup to... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Please visit: for the latest news commentary by Global Government News. Please donate to GGN: ... Cracks appear to widen in US/Israeli relations over opposing views on how U.S. might scale back support for Israel at the U.N. U.S. might scale back support for Israel at the U.N.
A U.S. official told CNN that Netanyahu's nixing of Palestinian statehood "could change things" for the U.S.-Israel relationship. CNN's Jim Acosta reports.
Make Sure to Subscribe to the New J.KNIGHT Channel: The U.S. government might impose sanctions on Israel or allow its greatest ally in the Middle East to be tried in the International Criminal Court, according to Politico. Michael Crowley reports: Obama officials must now decide whether more international pressure on Israel can help bring a conservative Netanyahu-led government back to the negotiating table with the Palestinians — or whether such pressure would simply provoke a defiant reaction, as some fear. Obama has other diplomatic options. He could expend less political capital to oppose growing momentum within the European Union to impose sanctions on Israel for its settlement activity. More provocative to Israel would be any softening of Obama’s opposition to Palestinian efforts to join the International Criminal Court, which the Palestinian Authority will formally join on April 1. Under a law passed by Congress, any Palestinian bid to bring war crimes charges against Israel at the court will automatically sever America’s $400 million in annual aid to the Palestinian Authority, although some experts suggested Obama could find indirect ways to continue some funding — even if only to prevent a dangerous collapse of the Palestinian governing body. Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempts to backtrack from hard-line statements against the establishment of a Palestinian state, the White House on Thursday pointedly raised the prospect of withdrawing crucial diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations.,7340,L-4638988,00.html
Brother Elvi Zapata started with talking about Israel on this day's the Lord's Hour which was on March 17th, 2015. Brother Elvi thinks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the right choice for the glory of God. He is talking about Adam. He also emphasize praying and fasting. He shares one of brother's vision that the door of heaven is closing. Jesus is coming soon for the rapture of the church! So be ready everyday! Repent your sins more than daily basis. Surrender all to Jesus. Pray without ceasing! God bless you! Visit Elvi Zapata's Blogtalkradio, To see more videos of Elvi Zapata, To see more testimonies of heaven and hell, To learn more about end times and rapture,
Marco Rubio Delivers Blistering Speech on Obama's Assault on Israel (March 19, 2015)
Alfa Romeo Racing Cars in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Alfa Romeo Racing Cars in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Alfa Romeo Racing Cars in Israel taken from flickr. Alfa Romeo Racing Cars in Israel.
All Cars of Alfa Romeo Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled All Cars of Alfa Romeo Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about All Cars of Alfa Romeo Israel taken from flickr. All Cars of Alfa Romeo Israel.
Alfa Romeo Auto Show Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Alfa Romeo Auto Show Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Alfa Romeo Auto Show Israel taken from flickr. Alfa Romeo Auto Show Israel. Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Mike Huckabee "explains" why Obama "resents" Israel.
Thom Hartmann says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has turned Israel into an Apartheid state. If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! Follow Us on Twitter: Subscribe to The Thom Hartmann Program for more:
BUILD UP TO WW3 - Israel Could Start World War 3 U.S. GOVERNMENT wants a WORLD WAR 3 PLEASE click here to SUBSCRIBE to my channel. BUILD UP TO WW3 - Israel Could Start World War 3 U.S. GOVERNMENT wants a WORLD WAR 3 PLEASE click here to SUBSCRIBE to my channel. BUILD UP TO WW3 - Israel Could Start World War 3 U.S. GOVERNMENT wants a WORLD WAR 3 PLEASE click here to SUBSCRI. BUILD UP TO WW3 - Israel, U.S. Triple Cross Coming - Joel Skousen .
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel used one of the most prominent platforms in the world on Tuesday to warn against what he called a “bad deal” being negotiated with Iran to freeze its nuclear program, bringing to a culmination a drama that has roiled Israeli-American relations for weeks. Read the story here: 18K0u6z 18K0u6z 18K0u6z ---------------------------------------- wbr ----------------------- Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel spoke after his ruling Likud Party scored a sound victory in the country’s election. Produced by: AP Read the story here: 1MNriPC 1MNriPC 1MNriPC Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: timesvideonewsletter timesvideonewsletter yt-uix- 'Cenk Uygur ( twitter cenkuygur twitter cenkuygur twitter cenkuygur ) host of The Young Turks discusses the election win of Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing pals and what this means for the rest of the world. Benjamin Netanyahu beat out rival Isaac Herzog for the position of Prime Minister of Israel in a close race. Netanyahus Likud party has also won a large number of seats in the Knesset, defeating the Zionist Union opposition. But what does this election in a little backw Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to form a new governing coalition quickly after an upset election victory that was built on a shift to the right. Mana Rabiee reports. Subscribe: reuterssubscribe reuterssubscribe reuterssubscribe More updates and breaking news: BreakingNews BreakingNews BreakingNews br Israels ruling Likud party and the opposition Zionist Union both claim to have preformed well in the countrys general election but neither has emerged as clear winner. Two television exit polls have given both sides 27 seats each in the 120-seat parliament (Knesset). It means difficult coalition talks lie ahead If earlier Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had thought his career was over due to poor opinion poll showings in the run-up to the election, just hours afters after voting had fini… READ MORE : euronews 2015 03 18 israel-no-clear-winner-but-netanyahu-claim Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus ruling Likud Party has scored a resounding victory in the countrys election. Mark Kelly reports. Image: AFP Getty Netanyahu has likely secured a coveted fourth term in office after his party emerged as the winner in the general election. Proclaiming it as great, this victory has been one of toughest in Bibis political career - after a neck-and-neck race with his leftist rival Isaac Herzog. RTs Paula Slier reports from Tel Aviv. RT LIVE rt on-air rt on-air rt on-air Subscribe to RT! youtube subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday titlThe New York Times,Benjamin Netanyahu (Politician),United States Congress (Governmental Body),netanyahu,bibi netanyahu,netanyahu congress,netanyahu congress speech,netanyahu speech,israel,netanyahu israel,netanyahu obama,netanyahu congress address,netanyahu iran,iran,nuclear,iran nuclear bomb,nuclear bomb,barack obama,israel iran
Shalon Souza Israel - Sou Da Favela ▶ Página : ▶ Download :
Mike Huckabee, Author of “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” joins Steve to discuss the Bibi win, his take on the lack of WH response and the report that the United States is edging closer to supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement Mike Huckabee is the Fmr. Governor of Arkansas and Fmr. GOP Presidential Candidate.
Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The video explains that the reason there is no successful... Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon in a video titled "Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank" told lies and FALSE historical facts relating to the... The Israeli Arab conflict is the result of interactions of superpowers in the early 20th century. British and French strategic interests in the Middle East were related to the Mediterranean... This is an important video explaining the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Must watch. This video is not mine but I didn't find it titled in English. Israeli air stri Palestine vs Israel Conflict - Conflict In The West Bank Palestine vs Israel Conflict - Conflict In The West Bank
Julie Pace and Ron Fournier discuss the state of Israel's relationship to the U.S. in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reelection.
Basil Smikle Jr. and Lee Carter on the future of US-Israeli relations
Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars in Israel taken from flickr. Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars in Israel.
Bentley Auto Show Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Bentley Auto Show Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Bentley Auto Show Israel taken from flickr. Bentley Auto Show Israel.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tonight charged President Barack Obama with having more respect for Iran than America’s ally, Israel. Rubio said that while he has great admiration for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, America’s commitment is to the state of Israel. “We have had historically in this country a very strong bipartisan commitment to Israel’s security and its future,” Rubio said. “This president has threatened that through his personal animus towards the prime minister, and I think that’s deeply unfortunate and troubling, and I have no idea why he is more willing to speak to the Iranians and show more respect for Iran than he is willing to show respect for our strong ally in Israel.” Sean Hannity also asked Rubio about Obama’s remark today that “it would be transformative if everybody voted.” Hannity asked: Is Obama going to try to mandate voting in America? Rubio said he wouldn’t be surprised if Obama tried to move forward on such an agenda. “I wish more people would participate in politics, too, but that is their choice, that is the choice of living in a free society,” Rubio said. Rubio also sounded off on Loretta Lynch’s attorney general nomination. He said Obama took a “blatantly unconstitutional step by nullifying the immigration laws in this country,” and that Lynch is arguing that what Obama has done is constitutional. “That alone should disqualify her from being the next attorney general,” Rubio said.
Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars Show in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars Show in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars Show in Israel taken from flickr. Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Cars Show in Israel.
Buick Lesabre Cars Show in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Buick Lesabre Cars Show in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Buick Lesabre Cars Show in Israel taken from flickr. Buick Lesabre Cars Show in Israel.
Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars in Israel taken from flickr. Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars in Israel.
Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars Show in Israel Thank you for watching this video entitled Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars Show in Israel. Hopefully this video useful to you. Do not forget to subscriber this channel! Video material about Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars Show in Israel taken from flickr. Classic Buick Style 1950-1957 Cars Show in Israel.
I believe Iran will walk away from the deal, and Obama will say it is the fault of Israel and Netanyahu.
Sun Sentinel 2015-04-16A Catholic Church official in Israel says a Christian cemetery has been desecrated, with graves damaged and crosses smashed.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-16For the first time since the signing of the Oslo Accords more than 20 years ago, Israel allowed ...
Topix 2015-04-16Israel welcomed on Wednesday the approval of its application to become a founding member of the ...
noodls 2015-04-16... that calls for an economic boycott of Israel's settlements in the West Bank or of Israel itself.
Big News Network 2015-04-16JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israel and the United States have enjoyed a very close relationship going back ...
Big News Network 2015-04-16Earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu compared Israel's arch-foe, Iran, to the Nazis.
Deutsche Welle 2015-04-16Israel has ... Earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu compared Israel's arch-foe, Iran, to the Nazis.
Deutsche Welle 2015-04-16Israel is pleased at a compromise deal achieved between the United States Congress and the ...
Topix 2015-04-16Some African asylum seekers being held in detention in Israel have said they are being threatened ...
Al Jazeera 2015-04-16"We will not allow the state of Israel to be a passing phase in the history of our people," Netanyahu said.
Xinhua 2015-04-16, today welcomed the administration's decision to renew a historic energy security agreement with Israel.
noodls 2015-04-16Israel's High Court of Justice has upheld a law which allows for penalizing anyone who calls for a ...
Press TV 2015-04-16Coordinates: 31°N 35°E / 31°N 35°E / 31; 35
Israel, officially the State of Israel ( /ˈɪzriːəl/ or
/ˈɪzreɪəl/; Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, Medīnat Yisrā'el, IPA: [me̞diˈnät jisʁäˈʔe̞l] (
listen); Arabic: دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل, Dawlat Isrāʼīl, IPA: [dawlat ʔisraːˈʔiːl]), is a parliamentary republic in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the southwest, and the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea to the south, and it contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Israel is defined as a Jewish and Democratic State in its Basic Laws and is the world's only Jewish-majority state.
Following the adoption of a resolution by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 29 November 1947 recommending the adoption and implementation of the United Nations plan to partition Palestine, on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, a state independent from the British Mandate for Palestine. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs. Israel has since fought several wars with neighboring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. Portions of these territories, including east Jerusalem, have been annexed by Israel, but the border with the neighboring West Bank has not yet been permanently defined.[neutrality is disputed] Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict have so far not resulted in peace.
Lord of the breakthrough
Lord of the breakthrough
You are the Lord of the breakthrough
We worship You
I hear the sound of a new breed
Marching toward the gates of the enemy
We're armed and dangerous
Strong and serious
Clothed in righteousness
It's a new breed a new breed
It ain't a black thing
It ain't a white thing
It ain't a colored thing
It's a kingdom thing
It's so easy to love you
It's so easy to love you
It's so easy to love you
Because you're wonderful
(Because you're Marvelous)
(Because you're Glorious)
Last time- Your my Friend...
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
Rise within us Holy Spirit
Rise within us with healing in Your wings
Holy Spirit
We're ready, ready, ready for You
Rise within us Holy Spirit
We're ready
We're ready
We're ready for You
Rise with power Holy Spirit
We're calling
We're calling
We're calling for You
Rise with healing Holy Spirit
We're desperate
We're desperate
We're desperate for You
Show Your glory Holy Spirit
We're longing
We're longing
We're longing for You
We're ready
We're ready
We're ready...
For a breakthrough
You put a song in my heart rythm in my step
Praise as my garment for the spirit of heaviness
Beauty for ashes joy for my pain
Love overwhelming causes me to say
You've made me glad
You've made me glad
You've made me glad
Lord I will rejoice because You have
You've made me glad
You've made me glad
You've made me glad
Lord I will rejoice because You have made me glad
So I will lift my hands and lift my voice
The way I feel I have no choice
You made me glad
I'm gonna dannce and sing and shout for joy
And praise Your name I will rejoice
You made me glad
Lord we declare
Who can compare
Who would even dare
Cause there is no one like You
We overcome by Your Word
Your Word will always prevail
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the promise we have in You
We lift our voice with a shout
You always cause us to trumph
We lift our hands like it's already done
For it's already won by You
We win because of You
We overcome and conquer in Your name
We win because of You
All things are possible
We win
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We got the victory
We got the victory
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We got the victory
It's all because of You
We win
Holy Ground
We are standing on holy ground and I know that there are angels all around let us praise Jesus now we are standing in your presence on holy ground
Oh (repeat 21x's)
Holy Holy Holy
Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty early in the morning our song shall rise to thee holy holy holy merciful and mighty God in three persons blessed Trinity
Oh (repeat 21x's)
Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy
Worthy, worthy
Worthy, worthy
Mighty, mighty
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let mesee
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
O so highly exalted
Glorious in Heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon the cross
...Worship You
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I worship You for who You are
I worship You
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Rise up and shine, oh nation of Israel
Don't you know you are the apple of His eye
Rise up in power, you chosen people
It's time for you to take your wings and fly
Rise up and shine
Your hour has come
End times are coming
I know you'll go the distance
End times are here
I know you will not fall
All nations will surround you in these final days
They come from everywhere just to see you fall
Keep your eyes fixed upon the mighty Saviour
Don't let your heart despair at all
Rise up and shine
Your hour has come
You've had your troubles Israel
I've seen them all
But you put the writing on the wall
Israel Israel yeah
You know I've seen you fall so many times
I've cried for you and that's a crime
Israel Israel Israel
Where there's sand
Where there's beautiful sand yeah
You know you got a kind of feeling
That's just grand
Take me into your arms
Let me be with you
Israel Israel IsraelI like the smiles up on your people's faces
They make you feel warm embraces
And I want that kind of smile
that kind of smile
Israel you make the whole world think about you
And if they don't they'll find a reason
to shout about Israel Israel
You're the only one Israel Israel
Tell me all about it!
Tell me all about it
Tell me all about it
Oh take me into your arms
And make me feel your goodness
Be with me Israel
Hey hey hey hey
Oh oh oh
Take me into your arms
Let me hold hold you to myself
Oh I want to Israel
Israel Oh take me back into into your arms
Israel Israel Israel Israel
Chorus: Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place surely the presence of the Lord is in this place surely you won't forsake the ones who seek your face surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
Verse: In his presence is fullness of joy and laughter he rejoices over us with singing we are changed as we welcome the heart of the Master and the heavenlies are ringing out with praise in one accord praise praise to the Lord oh oh oh
Verse One: You gave me courage to believe that all your goodness I will see and if it had not been for you standing on my side where would I be
Chorus: If not for your goodness if not for your grace I don't know where I would be today if not for your kindness I never could say I'm still standing if not for your mercy if not for your love I most likely would have given up if not for your favor I never could say I'm still standing but by the grace of God
Verse Two: To you I lift my offering and set my heart on higher things for if it had not been for you standing on my side where would I be
Verse One:
What does it mean to be saved?
Isn't it more than just a prayer to pray?
More than just a way to heaven?
What does it mean to be His?
To be formed in his likeness?
Know that we have a purpose.
To be salt and light in the world,
in the world.
To be salt and light in the world.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, say so, say so! (repeat)
Verse 2:
Oh that the church would arise.
So that we would see with Jesus' eyes.
We could show the world heaven.
Show what it means to be His.
To be formed in his likeness.
Show them they have a purpose.
To be salt and light in the world, in the world.
To be salt and light in the world.
To be salt and light in the world, in the world,
To be salt and light in the world.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, say so, say so! (repeat)
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
To be salt and light in the world in the world.
To be salt and light in the world.
To be salt and light in the world, in the world.
To be salt and light in the world.
To be salt and light in the world, in the world,in the world, in the world, in the world!
Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up!
Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up!
Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up, rise up, rise up!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, say so, say so!
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
I am redeemed, I am redeemed
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Chorus: I am not forgotten I am not forgotten I am not forgotten God knows my name he knows my name
Verse: Light over darkness strength over weakness joy over sadness he knows my name father to the fatherless friend to the friendless hope for the hopeless he knows my name
Bridge: I will praise you I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Vamp: I am not forgotten never forsaken
Reprise of Not Forgotten
Do you realize that you're alive at the greatest time in history
Verse One: It's raining it's pouring the spirit is flowing I feel the anointing for healing and miracles it's raining and pouring over me
Chorus: Let it rain let it rain let it rain let it rain
Chorus: I will praise your name and I will bless you always I will praise your name today I will sing and shout it I will tell the world about it I will praise your name today
Verse: I made my decision no turning back for me oh all glory I'm giving you're Lord of everything your mercy you grace has guarded me oh my master my Savior you're Lord of everything
I have a Maker
He Formed My Heart
before even time began
my life was in hands
He knnows my name
he knows my every thought
he sees each tear that falls
and hears me when I call
I have a father
he calls me his own
he'll never leave me
no matter where I go
He knows my name
he knows my every thought
he sees each tear that falls
and hears me when I call
He hears me when I call....
He hears me when I call....
He hears me when I call....(you are my father and I love you)
He hears me when I call....(you are my father and I love you)
He hears me when I call....(you are my father and I love you)
He hears me when I call....(you are my father and I love you)
He knows my name
he knows my every thought
he sees each tear that falls
Verse One: It's my season for the favor of the Lord soul is thirsty for an outpour I am standing on the promises of God everything he has for me I receive I am blessed to be a blessing
Chorus: I have a promise a promise from Heaven it's my season it's my time for the favor of the Lord
Vamp: Pressed down shaken it together running over in the favor of God pressed down shaken together running over running over
Reprise of Favor Of The Lord
Nothing can stop the favor of the Lord nothing can stop the favor of the Lord nothing can stop the favor of the Lord it's unstoppable unstoppable
Nothing can stop the favor of the Lord nothing can stop the favor of the Lord nothing can stop the favor of the Lord it's unstoppable unstoppable unshakeable unbreakable
Come Holy Spirit, O how we need you
Come Holy Spirit we need you
Come with Grace and fire
Mighty Rushing wind
Comforter and Breath of heaven
Fill my heart again
Come holy Spirit O How we need you
Come Holy Spirit we need you
Come with Heavens power
Let the rains descend
Times of sweet refreshing
Jesus fill my heart heal my heart
Fill my heart, Heal my heart
Fill my heart again
Come Holy Spirit, Oh How I need you
Come Holy Spirit I need you
I need you
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Bless me now my savior
I come to thee
I praise you , I praise you
Praise the name of Jesus
He's my rock, He's my fortress
He's my deliverer in him will I trust
Praise the name of Jesus
I worship you, I worship you
I worship you, I worship you
I give you praise
For you are my righteousness
I worship you almighty God
Come and let us sing
Come and let us sing
Come and let us sing
to the King of kings
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
Enter his courts with praise
He's worthy to be praised
Exalt his holy name
Glory and honor
Majesty and power
Come and let us shout
Come and let us shout
Come and let us shout
To the Lord our God
Come and let us dance
Come and let us dance
Come and let us dance
Lift up holy hands
Who's to stand when the rocks are rolling?
who's to dance around the golden calf?
will the slaves now rule the masters?
in the bloodstained holy land
shalom; look at yourself
the kingdom won't rise again
a phantom's eyes; a new thrown dice
la'olam; who's king of the kings?
Israel, Israel
Israel; time will always foretell
a palestine looks for resurrection
the pearl gates closing down
don't steal from your brother
on my cross I see a world that is turning
arise; chains ever crack
outcast in desert land
you can not escape the execrate
Messiah; they'll never forgive
Israel, Israel
Israel, time will always fortell
my soul is burning
it's burning
my world is turning
behold Israel
you know we cry for you
and then we look into
a phantom's eyes; a new thrown dice
shalom; the kingdom won't rise again
David's star and what we are
arise; who's the king of the kings?
Israel, Israel
Israel; the dark side of heaven
Israel, Israel
Israel; time will always foretell
Come in from the outside
Don't be ashamed
Come in from the outside
And bless His name
It's all on the inside
Where His glory reigns
Enter in
Come in from the outside
Just as you are
Come in from the outside
You're not too far
It's all on the inside
Simply open your heart
Enter in
Everybody everybody
Everybody everybody
Everybody everybody
Let everything that hath breath
Praise the Lord
Everybody everybody
We're the generation
That will give You praise and adoration
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
Establish now Your throne, oh my Lord
O my Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord
Praise You Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord
We love You Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord
O my Lord
Only You take my breath away
Only You take my breath away
Only You take my breath away
And then You breathe new life into me
So breathe into me
So breathe into me
So breathe into me
Maravillado estoy de ti
Maravillado estoy de ti
Santa Dios
De quien la glorias es
Maravillado estoy
Maravillado estoy
I stand I stand in awe of You
I stand I stand in awe of You
Holy God to Whom praise is due
I stand in awe of You
I stand in awe of You
You are awesome in this place mighty God
You are awesome in this place Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our lives we raise
Another level, another harvest
Another day for You to manifest Your promises
Another moment, another season for a
Breakthrough, breakthrough
A greater level, a greater harvest
A greater day for You to manifest Your promises
A greater moment, a greater season for a
Breakthrough, breakthrough
This is the level, this is a harvest
This is the day that You will manifest Your promises
This is the moment, this is the season for a
Breakthrough, breakthrough
Breakthrough, breakthrough
I'm going to another level
I'm going to another level
Don't stop reaching
Keep believing
Come on we're going to another level
Don't stop pressing
For Your blessing
Come on we're going to another level
Gotta keep pressing on
Who am I that You are mindful of me
That You hear me when I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me
How You love me it's amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
God Almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend
(Repeat Chorus)
He calls me friend
There will never be a friend as dear to me
There will never be a friend as dear to me
There will never be a friend as dear to me as You
I worship You in spirit and in truth
I worship You in Spirit and in truth
There will never be a friend as dear to me
There will never be a friend as dear to me
There will never be a friend as dear to me as...
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No, no, no, no, no not one
No, no, not one
There's not an hour that He is, He is not near us
No, no, not one
O no, no not one
Jesus knows
He knows all about our trouble
And He will guide till the day
The day is done
There's not a friend
There's not a friend
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one
No not one
No not one
No not one
No not one
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
All we gotta do is carry
Everything to God in prayer
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Everything to God in prayer
Everything to God in prayer
Everytime You call me I receive Your healing
Everytime You call me friend
Friend there will never be a friend
As dear to me as You
There will never be another
Closer than a brother
Friend always worth the wait
Faithful as the day
You say we are friends
You know all about me
The good and the bad
You know when I rise and fall
You see my beginning
You satnd at the end
And yet You remain
Faithful to say I'm Your friend
(Repeat Chorus)
Everytime You call me
I receive Your healing
Everytime You call me friend
(Repeat Chorus)
All around, all around
Everywhere I look Your love is all around
All around, all around
Everywhere I look Your love is all around
Let the nations sing, let the people shout
Let Your kingdom come, pour Your Spirit out
Manifest, manifest Your love
Manifest, manifest Your love
(Repeat Chorus)
Your love is too deep to navigate
And it's too high to climb
But still it's available
Time after time, after time, after time, after time
Your love lifted me
It's too deep to navigate
It's too high to climb
But still it's available
Time after time, after time, after time, after time
Everywhere I look Your love is all around
Everywhere I look Your love is all around
O that men would praise Him
O that men would praise Him
Let the nations praise Him
Let the nations praise Him
O that men would praise His name
Praise His name to the ends of the earth
And again I say...
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing, singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing, singing
Waiting for a sig
To turn blood into wine
The sweet taste in your mouth
Turned bitter in its glass
Israel, in Israel
Israel, in Israel
Shattered fragments of the past
Meet in veins on the stained glass
Like the lifeline in your palm
Red and green reflects the scene
Of a long forgotten dream
There were princesses and there were kings
Now hidden in disguise
Cheap wrappings of lies
Keep your heart alive
With a song from inside
Israel, in Israel
Israel, in Israel
There's a man who's looking in
And he smiles a toothless grin
Because he's singing, singing
See some people shine with glee
But their song is jealousy
Their hate is clanging, maddening
In Israel
Will they sing Happy Noel
In Israel, in Israel
In Israel, in Israel
In Israel
Will they sing Happy Noel
You've had your troubles Israel
I've seen them all
But you put the writing on the wall
Israel Israel yeah
You know I've seen you fall so many times
I've cried for you and that's a crime
Israel Israel Israel
Where there's sand
Where there's beautiful sand yeah
You know you got a kind of feeling
That's just grand
Take me into your arms
Let me be with you
Israel Israel Israel
I like the smiles up on your people's faces
They make you feel warm embraces
And I want that kind of smile
that kind of smile
Israel you make the whole world think about you
And if they don't they'll find a reason
to shout about Israel Israel
You're the only one Israel Israel
Tell me all about it!
Tell me all about it
Tell me all about it
Oh take me into your arms
And make me feel your goodness
Be with me Israel
Hey hey hey hey
Oh oh oh
Take me into your arms
Let me hold hold you to myself
Oh I want to Israel
Israel Oh take me back into into your arms
Israel Israel Israel Israel
It is where it all began, Abram's promised land
Sweet, sweet Israel
A manger in Bethlehem
There born the Great I am
Jesus born in Israel
He will bless those who bless her
He will curse those who curse her
She's in danger from all sides, She's no place to hide
Sweet, sweet Israel
Gog Magog, with might they'll come
Too late they'll try to run, because
God will defend Israel
He will bless those who bless her
He will curse those who curse her
It is where it all will end, Just to begin again
Sweet, sweet Is-ra-el
Christ will come to sacred ground, He'll slam His foot down
An army of saints in Israel
The final battle in Israel
Christ will win in Israel
Oh praise the King of Kings, He is victorious!
Oh praise the Lord of Lords, He is victorious!
Oh praise the King of Kings, He is victorious!
Oh praise the King of Kings, He is victorious!
Oh Mother Israel
we`ll let you call the shots.
Shame on your tanks
but gotta love your land
Israel Land of the gods
Exalted and hallowed be God's greatness
In this world of your creation, may your will be fulfilled and your soveriegnty revealed.
In the days of our lifetime and the life of the whole house of Israel, speakly and soon and say "amen".
May peace be abundant, descend from heaven, with life for us and for all Israel and say "amen".
May God who makes peace on high and brings peace to all - and to all Israel, and say "amen".
May you be blessed forever, even to all eternity, may you, most holy one, be blessed - praised and honored, extoled and glorified, adored and exhaulted, among all else.
Bless-ed are you, beyond all blessings and hym, praises and concilations that may be uttered in this world and and with us we'll say, "amen".
Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing...
Waiting for a sign to turn blood into wine
The sweet taste in your mouth--turned bitter in its glass Israel Israel
Shattered fragments of the past
Meet in veins on the stained glass
Like the lifeline in your palm
Red and green reflects the scene
Of a long forgotten dream
There were princes and there were kings
Now hidden in disguise--cheap wrappings of lies
Keep your heart alive with a song from inside
Even though we're all alone
We are never on our own when we're singing
There's a man who's looking in
And he smiles a toothless grin
Because he's singing...
See some people shine with glee
But their song is jealousy
Their hate is clanging--maddening
In Israel...will they sing Happy Noel Israel Israel
Verse One: From one generation to another we declare the famous name Jesus Jesus celebrate his resurrection power gave his life so we can live in freedom freedom in every nation he is alive in every language it's the same hallelujah
Chorus: Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is alive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is alive alive alive all over the world alive alive alive all over the world alive alive alive all over the world alive alive alive
oh oh oh
You are Alpha and Omega
We worship you our Lord
you are worthy to be praised
We give you all the glory
we worship you our Lord
Verse: Away away from the noise
alone with you
away away to hear your voice
and meet with you
nothing else matters my one desire is
Chorus: To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
VERSE 2: Away away, away away from the noise alone with you
Away away to hear your voice and meet with you
It's been a while but heart my heart cry again
Chorus: To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
To worship you I live
to worship you I live I live to worship you
Verse One: All things are possible for you all things are possible nothing's too difficult for you nothing's to difficult I'm ready for change ready for rain ready for favor I know you able to
Chorus: Turn it around open the windows of Heaven pour out a blessing overflow turn it around open the windows of Heaven pour out a blessing we cannot contain let it rain let it rain
Holy Ground
We are standing on holy ground and I know that there are angels all around let us praise Jesus now we are standing in your presence on holy ground
Oh (repeat 21x's)
Holy Holy Holy
Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty early in the morning our song shall rise to thee holy holy holy merciful and mighty God in three persons blessed Trinity
Oh (repeat 21x's)
Verse One: Thank you for all you've done through your Son thank you for all you do you've brought me through when I look around and see where I've been you've been a friend
Chorus: Glory honor exaltation power blessing worship love without end you've been a friend wo wo wo wo wo wo wo there's not a friend like you wo wo wo wo wo wo
Verse Two: For protecting me when I could not see thank you for hiding me under the shadow of your wings when I look around and see you again you've been a friend
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Come bless the Lord, come bless the Lord
Draw near to worship Christ the Lord
And bless His name, His Holy name
Declaring He is good
O that men would praise Him
O that men would praise Him
(Repeat Chorus)
O that men would praise His name
Praise His name to the ends of the earth
And again I say...
(Repeat Chorus)
(Siouxsie & The Banshees. Lyrics by Siouxsie & The Banshees)
Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing, singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing, singing
Waiting for a sign to turn blood into wine
The sweet taste in your mouth - turned bitter in its glass
Israel... in Israel
Israel... in Israel
Shattered fragments of the past
Meet in veins on the stained glass
Like the lifeline in your palm
Red and green reflects the scene
Of a long forgotten dream
There were princes and there were kings
Now hidden in disguise cheap wrappings of lies
Keep your hearts alive with a song from inside
Even though we're all alone
We are never on our own when we're singing, singing
There's a man who's looking in
And he smiles a toothless grin
Because he's singing, singing
See some people shine with glee
But their song is jealousy
Their hate is clanging, maddening
In Israel... will they sing Happy Noel?
In Israel... will they sing Happy Noel?
In Israel... will they sing Happy Noel?
Kol od balevav penima
Nefesh yehudi homia
Ulfatemisrach kadima
Ayin lezion zofia
Od lo avda tikvateynu
Hatikwa bat shnot al payim
Lihiot am chofshi bearzeynu
Eretz Zion weJerushalayim
Lihiot am chofshi bearzeynu
Eretz Zion weJerushalayim
Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel
Di la' dai monti di la' dal mare
ho perso i fiori della mia pianta
ho preso i semi li ho stretti in pugno
un po' di sabbia mi puo' bastare
per farli vivere
per farli crescere
e poi
le piante nasceranno
i fiori fioriranno
e allora ti amera'
anche chi non ti ha amato mai
Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel
Ho chiesto fuoco per riscaldarmi
hanno bruciato queste mie carni
ho chiesto pane per la mia fame
han dato ferro per il mio corpo
ma non un pianto non un lamento
ho chiuso gli occhi e poi
pregato tanto e poi
e poi le piante nasceranno
i fiori fioriranno
e allora ti amera'
anche chi non ti ha amato mai