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Space Race 1 of 4 Race For Rockets
Space Race 2 of 4 Race For Satellites
Space Race 3 of 4 Race For Survival
Minecraft Mianite: SPACE RACE (S2 Ep. 56)
BBC Space Race (2005): Episode four: Race For The Moon (1964--1969)
Space Documentary - Space Race The Untold Story ''Secret Weapons"
Public Service Announcment - The Race For Space (2015) Full Album
25 Fascinating Facts About The Space Race You Probably Didn’t Know
Who won the space race? - Jeff Steers
Space Race -The Battle for Mars (Full Documentary)
"Space Race" Deutsch [Doku Quer durch die Geschichte der Raumfahrt] uploaded by: SFTV Dokukanal
Space Race (Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" parody) - @MrBettsClass
Back To The Moon For Good – The New Space Race
Knocking on Heaven's Door: Space Race (Russian Cosmism Documentary - BBC 2011)
Richard Dillane, Max Bollinger, Steve Nicolson, Mark Dexter, Rupert Wickham, Ingo Gottwald, Tim Woodward, John Warnaby, Ravil Isyanov, Eric Loren, Vitalie Ursu, Chris Robson, Oleg Shtefanko, Mariya Mironova, Jeffry Wickham, Robert Jezek, Robert Lindsay, Cristian Motiu, Stephen Greif, Boris Isarov, David Barrass, Radu Banzaru, Emil Mandanac,
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravi...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillane, Джон Warnaby и Равиль Isyanov Space Race рассказывает о борьбе между США и самой мощной ракеты Советского Союза, дизайн и, таким образом, чтобы управлять миром во времена холодной войны. Центральное место в конкуренции между двумя ведущими, но и безрассудно ученых: харизматический экс-нацист Вернер фон Браун на американской стороне, и таинственный лидер Советов, что они только знали, как «главный конструктор». ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vereinigtes Königreich Dokumentarfilm / Drama 240 Minuten (Mini-Serie, 4-teilig) unter der Regie von Christopher Spencer und Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby und Ravil Isyanov Space Race erzählt die Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen den USA und der Sowjetunion die stärkste Rakete Design und damit die Welt während des Kalten Krieges zu steuern. Im Mittelpunkt des Wettbewerbs zwischen den beiden angetriebenen, aber auch rücksichtslose Wissenschaftler: der charismatische Ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun auf der amerikanischen Seite, und der geheimnisvolle Anführer der Sowjets, dass sie nur wüssten, wie 'Der Chef-Designer ". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verenigd Koninkrijk Documentaire / Drama 240 minuten (miniserie, 4 delen) geregisseerd door Mark Everest en Christopher Spencer met Richard Dillane, John Warnaby en Ravil Isyanov Space Race vertelt het verhaal van de strijd tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie om de krachtigste raket te ontwerpen en zo de wereld te beheersen tijdens de Koude Oorlog. Centraal staat de concurrentie tussen twee gedreven, maar ook roekeloze wetenschappers: de charismatische ex-nazi Werner von Braun aan Amerikaanse zijde, en de geheimzinnige projectleider van de Sovjets die men alleen kende als 'De Hoofd-ontwerper'.
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravi...
Mianite is streamed live daily at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm GMT at Previous Episode ►;=144&list;=PLSUHnOQiYNg0D2eT4nVpzax4eANCzgGIS Mianite Playlist ►;=PLSUHnOQiYNg0D2eT4nVpzax4eANCzgGIS&index;=1 00:00 Intro and checking quarry 3:55 Start of space race 12:06 Strawpoll over reactor 16:28 Continued maintenance and conversation 25:01 Compressor 28:13 Conversation with Guard Tom 36:55 Going to meet with Tom 50:38 Getting a book for Tom and more conversation 59:38 Evidence 1:01:15 FROGS 1:02:10 Conversation and farming 1:10:28 Checking trap and Tucker's house 1:18:11 Putting fluid in Tucker's house 1:21:33 Shepherd's pie and observation bot 1:24:57 Continued crafting 1:34:51 NASA Workbench and talking to Dianite and Ianite 1:45:05 Crafting until end of stream ● Live Stream: ● Twitter: ● Instagram: ● Facebook: Tucker: Sonja: Tom: Wag: Thumbnail art: Outro Song: Stephen Walking - Top of the World 2 Video Link: Buy Link: Label Channel: Mianite is a live streamed Minecraft series that takes place on a multiplayer server with friends. Live streams are then chopped up and posted here on YouTube. There are two main teams, Mianite and Dianite, which stand for good and evil, respectively, as well as a third, neutral team I've created called Ianite. Our goal is to survive, please our respective gods, and mess with the opposing teams. If you want to catch the live streams when they are, well, live, be sure to follow on me Twitch, Twitter, and/or Facebook for notifications. Thanks for watching, dudes! Ratings, favorites, and general feedback is always appreciated :)
Both sides now plan to put a man on the Moon - the Americans pull ahead in the space race with Project Gemini, but then suffer a disaster with the Apollo 1 fire. Meanwhile, despite a few notable successes such as the first space walk by Alexei Leonov, the Soviet space programme struggles to keep up amid internal strife. Glushko and Korolev permanently fall out in an argument about fuel; Korolev turns to Nikolai Kuznetsov to develop engines instead. Kuznetsov delivers the NK-33, very efficient but much less powerful than the Americans' F-1. The Soviet program suffers further blows when Korolev dies during surgery, Gagarin dies in a jet crash, Soyuz 1 crashes and kills Vladimir Komarov, and the prototype booster for the moon shot, the N-1 rocket, fails to successfully launch. In America, von Braun has continuing difficulties with the Saturn V, especially combustion instability in the large F-1 engine, but these are ultimately overcome almost by brute force at great expense, and the rocket successfully launches the first manned lunar mission, Apollo 8, and the first manned lunar landing, Apollo 11. The final episode finishes with brief textual summaries of the remaining careers of the various people involved.
The Cold War superpowers' race for space unfolds in the story of two men: charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American team and the enigmatic Sergei Korolev, the Soviet project leader. Source: National Geographic
Released 23 February, 2015 Track List: "The Race For Space" "Sputnik" "Gagarin" "Fire in the Cockpit" "E.V.A." "The Other Side" "Valentina, featuring Smoke Fairies" "Go!" "Tomorrow"
The space race was one of the most historic events of the twentieth century and played a significant role in the outcome of the Cold War. However, few people are aware of the facts surrounding this unique event in humankind’s history and their knowledge mostly revolves around the first man on the moon and the subsequent moon landing conspiracy theories. Here are 25 facts about the space race that will enlighten and intrigue you at the same time. So buckle your seat belts and get ready to take a trip to the stars. Follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Check out the physical list at - Preview: On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union became the country that officially started the so-called space race by launching the Sputnik 1, the first Earth satellite in history. A month after the USSR sent Sputnik 1 into space, they sent Sputnik 2, which was the first spacecraft to carry an animal (a dog named Laika) and so the country made history again by becoming the first to successfully send a living organism into orbit. On January 31, 1958, the USA officially entered the space race by launching Explorer 1, the first American satellite to reach orbit. It carried scientific equipment that led to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. On October 1, 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed and replaced the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA). In 1960 and while the Soviets were leading the space race, in an attempt to become more competitive NASA launched Tiros 1, the first successful weather satellite. On April 12, 1961, the USSR took a clear lead and gained the admiration of the whole world by sending the first man into space; he was also the first to orbit the Earth. His name was Yuri Gagarin and he is considered the world's most famous astronaut to this day. and more...
View full lesson: On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sput...
The number ➀ channel for all your Space & Universe, Science & Technology, Nature, New Invention documentaries in HD! Newly uploaded documentaries each week, ...
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Why was the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. engaged in a space race? How did we make it to the moon? Was it worth the $26 billion dollars it cost? Of course it was! Man walked on the moon! New videos every Tuesday (sometimes Monday!) Follow on Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: http:// Like on FaceBook: "En la Brisa" Music by Dan-O at Back in 1945, The Allies had just won WW2, The United States arrived as a superpower, Oh my god, the communists, Have Eastern Europe in their midst, An Iron Curtain's been affixed, (So what?) We had the technology, Others nations could only dream, Until 1949, the Ruskies go nuclear, '57, Dread on our face, They launch Sputnik into space, We are now in second place, Silver medals ain't enough for U.S. It ain't only about science, There's a problem this feat creates, Now the Russians could launch missiles, All the way into outer space, They could hit any target, in the United States, With Sputnik, this has started... the Cold War's Space Race Well we also got a rocket, called the Vanguard TV3, But when we tried to launch it, it blew up on live TV, It's time we founded NASA, in 1958, We're in Space Race, baby. Go USA! I'll say this for Germany, Their scientists really knew their thing, After Allied victory, A bunch were working for us but Also for the Russians and in 61', Yuri Gagarin, Became the world's first spaceman, (Oh no!) JFK knew catching up, To the Soviets wouldn't do, America had had enough, We needed to take the lead, So in an awesome speech he made, He pledged during that decade, America would take first place, We will land a man on the moon before you can! Now it's time to step our game, with Mercury and Gemini, $26 Billion later, it's July 1969, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, are strapped in to place, There goes Apollo 11, into outer space, Three days later Armstrong, took a small step for a man, But a giant leap for mankind, he was followed by Buzz Aldrin, Don't forget Michael Collins, who flew them to the moon, We're winning the Space Race, baby, 'Cause that's what we do. Twelve men have made it to the lunar surface, Only America has gone and done this, Conrad, Bean, Shepard, Mitchell, Cernan, and Schmitt, Irwin, Young, Scott and Duke, have also done it. The race could've went forever, but in 1975, The U.S. and Russia, had a much more friendly vibe, Apollo and Soyuz craft linked up in outer space, This signifies the end of the Cold War Space Race, You may ask was it worth but you can thank the Space Race for, Satellite navigation, and the joystick on your PS4, Thousands of daily products were made for outer space, So the winner was really the whole human race.
Watch our cool movie about going back to the Moon. In case you haven’t heard, the Moon is trending again… and in a big way. Narrated by Tim Allen (voice of Buzz Lightyear), this is a complete behind-the-scenes feature on the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE, the largest incentivized prize in history. Adapted from the award-winning digital planetarium show, the 24-minute movie chronicles 18 teams from around the world looking to make history by landing a privately funded robotic spacecraft on the Moon. This global competition is designed to spark imagination and inspire a renewed commitment to space exploration, not by governments or countries – but by the citizens of the world. Learn more -
April 12th 2011 was the fiftieth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, hailed by the Soviet Union as a triumph for socialist science over capitali...
So...I have decided to finish off the space race series by going to the moon and finding some amazing treasure! :) ►Subscribe - ►Twitter - ►Instagram - ►Facebook - Thanks so much for watching! :)
Documentary - Space Race + National Geographic documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel documentary national geographic documentary bbc documentary discovery channel documentary documentary films lil wayne documentary documentary history channel lion documentary documentary history channel, documentary national geographic, documentary bbc, documentary discovery channel, documentary films, Documentary, Natural Disaste... Boeing 747 (Aircraft Model), Boeing (Spacecraft Manufacturer), Aircraft (Type Of Fictional Setting), History, Boeing 747, Documentary, National Geographic Do... Source:
"There's your new spacecraft, America". Those were the words NASA's mission control commentator used as the Orion capsule came safely back to earth. It was a declaration that spoke of politics and prestige. The United States, demonstrating its superpower status to the world. But what of the reality? At the height of the Cold War, the US devoted over four percent of its total federal budget to space exploration. Today, NASA gets less than a tenth of that. The US space agency is a shadow of its former self. The Orion won't fly again until 2018 at the earliest. But the new space race is not with the Soviet Union, it's with private enterprise. One crowdfunded private consortium, Mars One, is aiming to put humans on the red planet a decade earlier than NASA. Another company, Planetary Resources, is planning to mine asteroids for rare metals. And for the super-rich, there's the promise of space tourism from Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic. So what is the future of space travel?
Also, no points for the first golf drive on another body (Apollo 14) but good effort! ExtraElysium: Reactions video on b...
Today me and David take our first steps to being the Space Tourism capital of the world, we have to fight off the British and the Russians to create the best...
Welcome to Civilization V! As Gustavus Adolphus, the Lion of the North, I'm going to try to lead the people of Sweden to the stars with a Science Victory. It...
In this video, learns more about important firsts and events in the history of space exploration. Help us caption & translate this v...
Trap Music Mix 2014 - November Trap Mix ft. Space Race [EP.44] ✗ For today I got this trap mix with the homies Space Race! I also wanted to let you guys know that i'm not doing any 'This Week In Trap Music' mixes for december, since i'm planning to drop 2 mixes feat R3Z and one with Aero Chord, stay trappy. ✗ Download Trap Mix [EP.43]: *uploading to mediafire, will be available asap* ✗ Support Th4WK & Space Race: ✗ Listen to the full Space Race guest mix: ✗ Tracklist: Diplo - Revolition (SEAN&BOBO; Trap Remix) Ian Munro - #STFU (Ray Volpe Remix) W&W; - Rocket (Onderkoffer Trap Remix) Krewella - Come And Get It (DMNDZ Remix) Gent & Jawns - Kings Yellow Claw & Yung Felix - No Flex Zone Mendus & Hugekilla - Sahara Vestige - Work That Yung Felix - Never Fuckin' With The System Trap Lords - LOUDPVCK ft. A$AP FERG All the Time/Threat (Koyote Edit) - LAXX/Tove Lo Flip/ Keys N Krates Maxxed Out - Riot Ten ft. BLG Boomshakatak Ft. MC Spyder (Kionne Remix) - Wiwek & Alvaro On Your Mark (Ookay Trap Reflip) - Gregor Salto & Wiwek Finger Trvp - Bare King Shit (NSTY Remix) - Yo Gotti ft. TI RIOT- Space Race ✗ Thanks for listening to Trap Mix Episode 43. Make sure to leave a like for more episodes in the future! ✗ WHAT IS TRAP MUSIC? Trap music has undoubtedly taken over electronic music in the last few months. It's rise in popularity has been compared to the explosions of dubstep and moombahton when they first arrived on the scene. So what is trap music? Well, if you mixed hip hop, house, and dub in a blender, and accented it with snappy snares and hi-hats, loud kicks, and booming bass, you'd end up with something really close to trap music in it's basic form (read more at Stoney Roads). ✗ COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I have followed the copyright law correctly, its non-profit and the songs are credited." or "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Trap Music Mix 2014 - November Trap Mix ft. Space Race [EP.44]
The Space Race was a competition of space exploration between the Soviet Union and the United States, which lasted roughly from 1957 to 1975. It involved the...
United Kingdom Documentary / Drama 240 minutes (mini-series, 4 parts) directed by Christopher Spencer and Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby and Ravil Isyanov Space Race tells the story of the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union's most powerful rocket design and thus to control the world during the Cold War. Central to the competition between two driven, but also reckless scientists: the charismatic ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side, and the mysterious leader of the Soviets that they only knew as 'The Chief Designer'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Великобритания Документальный / Драма 240 минут (мини-сериал, 4 части) Режиссер Кристофер Спенсер, Марк Эверест Ричард Dillane, Джон Warnaby и Равиль Isyanov Space Race рассказывает о борьбе между США и самой мощной ракеты Советского Союза, дизайн и, таким образом, чтобы управлять миром во времена холодной войны. Центральное место в конкуренции между двумя ведущими, но и безрассудно ученых: харизматический экс-нацист Вернер фон Браун на американской стороне, и таинственный лидер Советов, что они только знали, как «главный конструктор». ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vereinigtes Königreich Dokumentarfilm / Drama 240 Minuten (Mini-Serie, 4-teilig) unter der Regie von Christopher Spencer und Mark Everest Richard Dillane, John Warnaby und Ravil Isyanov Space Race erzählt die Geschichte des Kampfes zwischen den USA und der Sowjetunion die stärkste Rakete Design und damit die Welt während des Kalten Krieges zu steuern. Im Mittelpunkt des Wettbewerbs zwischen den beiden angetriebenen, aber auch rücksichtslose Wissenschaftler: der charismatische Ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun auf der amerikanischen Seite, und der geheimnisvolle Anführer der Sowjets, dass sie nur wüssten, wie 'Der Chef-Designer ". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verenigd Koninkrijk Documentaire / Drama 240 minuten (miniserie, 4 delen) geregisseerd door Mark Everest en Christopher Spencer met Richard Dillane, John Warnaby en Ravil Isyanov Space Race vertelt het verhaal van de strijd tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie om de krachtigste raket te ontwerpen en zo de wereld te beheersen tijdens de Koude Oorlog. Centraal staat de concurrentie tussen twee gedreven, maar ook roekeloze wetenschappers: de charismatische ex-nazi Werner von Braun aan Amerikaanse zijde, en de geheimzinnige projectleider van de Sovjets die men alleen kende als 'De Hoofd-ontwerper'.
Two men, thousands of miles apart, battle for the same goal: a shot at putting a man on the moon. Find out how propaganda, miscalculations and raw fear drove...
... done it! We’ve won the space race!" or making it sound like something you’d heard a million times.
The Guardian 2015-04-17K. citizen to board the International Space Station later this year, says the space race is alive and well.
CNBC 2015-04-17We introduced the Methodist Hospital Space Race, featuring Apollo (White), Squeeze (Orange) and Doc Rocket (Blue).
noodls 2015-04-16Indeed, whether skin colour or race, the ... It reads, in big, bold letters: "Space, not race".
The Independent 2015-04-16Indeed, whether skin colour or race, the ... It reads, in big, bold letters: "Space, not race".
The Independent 2015-04-16Sci-Tech: ... 1:43 ... The Next Great Space Race: ... The Next Great Space Race: ... A trip inside NASA's historic Space Launch.
CNET 2015-04-15This was a golden age of modern exploration in the world as the pre-space race era was about ...
Business Insider 2015-04-15The space race of the 1960s proved that competition drives innovation. The new space race of the ...
The Examiner 2015-04-14The private sector space ... 11 cars help astronaut's daughter deliver a message to him in space.
Mashable 2015-04-14... Lulworth castle, covering everything from pregnancy to the space race, via Turner Prize winning art.
Skiddle 2015-04-14The first space race was spawned by a rivalry ... Not yet, and we may be witnessing a new space race.
Medium 2015-04-14Elon Musk is aiming for his Space Exploration Technologies Corp ... at the Space Symposium trade show.
Bloomberg 2015-04-13... says, echoing the language of 1980s space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Dawn 2015-04-13The Space Race was a mid-to-late 20th century competition between the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US) for supremacy in space exploration. Between 1957 and 1975, the Cold War rivalry between the two nations focused on attaining firsts in space exploration, which were seen as necessary for national security and symbolic of technological and ideological superiority. The Space Race involved pioneering efforts to launch artificial satellites, sub-orbital and orbital human spaceflight around the Earth, and piloted voyages to the Moon. It effectively began with the Soviet launch of the Sputnik 1 artificial satellite on 4 October 1957, and concluded with the co-operative Apollo-Soyuz Test Project human spaceflight mission in July 1975. The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project came to symbolize détente, a partial easing of strained relations between the USSR and the US.
The Space Race had its origins in the missile-based arms race that occurred just after the end of the World War II, when both the Soviet Union and the United States captured advanced German rocket technology and personnel.
Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee at the age of fourteen to pursue a career in country music. She signed to the independent label Big Machine Records and became the youngest songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV Music publishing house. The release of Swift's self-titled debut album in 2006 established her as a country music star. "Our Song", her third single, made her the youngest sole writer and singer of a number one song on the country chart. She received a Best New Artist nomination at the 50th Grammy Awards.
Swift's second album, Fearless, was released in late 2008. Buoyed by the chart success of the singles "Love Story" and "You Belong with Me", Fearless attracted a crossover audience and became the top-selling album of 2009. The record won four Grammy Awards, with Swift becoming the youngest ever Album of the Year winner. Fearless also received Album of the Year plaudits at the American Music Awards, Academy of Country Music Awards and Country Music Association Awards, making it the most awarded album in country music history. In 2010, Swift released her third album, Speak Now, which sold over one million copies in its first week. She then embarked on the 111-date Speak Now World Tour, which was attended by over 1.6 million fans and has become one of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time. The album's third single, "Mean", won two Grammy Awards for Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance. Swift is currently recording her fourth studio album, due for release in the fall of 2012.
Well I wonder why it is
that we have rascals rogues and losers
We've got roustabouts rapscallions and a bucket load of boozers
We've got balladeers and blowhards of all sorts
We've got poets priests and pirates
but we have no astronauts
They say there was a space race
if there was I think I missed it
From the earth up to the moon and back,
doesn't that take the biscuit
Well I wouldn't mind a little ride in zero gravity
as long as they could promise I'd be home in time for tea
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground
I've got both feet on the ground
There's a great big giant vacuum
up there in the sky
Ah but where's the place to plug it in
I think it's all a lie
I've heard of Halley's Comet
And I'll tell you what I think
It's just a kind of chemical for cleaning out the sink
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
both feet on the ground
I've got both feet on the ground
We've got no use for Sputnik
We've got sponge to go around
And you'll never see the shuttle land
on the streets of Newlyn Town
Well in the fields of "Vatimbly"
there's not a launching pad in sight
We've got no "Mersa voyageurs"
and we turned out all right
I've got me two good legs if I wanna take a trip,
I've got no use for a rocket ship
I walk if you don't mind
It's how I always get around
I might be staring at the stars
but I keep both feet on the ground
I keep my both feet on the ground
Yes, yes, I'd launch into the rising sun
My living breath is measured, every step is done
Fare ye well my friends, see you down the line,
Yeah, yeah
I don't belong to nation state or dying race
I leave my prejudice with you
My religion's in space
Have a little respect...
Why are we running in this space race?
Why are we acting like we own the place?
Just want to feel the starlight on my face
Reach out my hand and touch beyond
Yes, yes, I'd float around till gravity's end
Unity is coming singular again
See you then my friends, at the end of time
Yeah, yeah
Secret knowledge, science, logic, all are gone
Nothing left but burning up into the sun
On a cosmic beach I'll see ya there
Why are we running in this space race?
Why are we acting like we own the place?
Just want to feel the starlight on my face
Reach out my hand and touch beyond...
Why are we running in this space race?
Why are we acting like we own the place?
Just want to feel the starlight on my face
Reach out my hand and touch beyond
Why are we running in this space race?
Why are we acting like we own the place?
Just want to feel the starlight on my face
The championship of flying in space
Is about to take place again
Competitors from any distant sun
Will join in the dangerous game called...
Space race, space race
Without any rules, space race
Space race, space race
It's only for fools, space race
It's a hundred laps around a star
And the first price is very, very high
You can do exactly what you like
And many of us will die in...
It's the third time I am doing this
But I still haven't won
But I think I have a chance this time
To become number one in...
We're on our space race to the sky
I follow you
On our space race up so high
It feels so true
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
We're on our space race to the sky
I follow you
On our space race up so high
It feels so true
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
When we touch the sky
We start our silver spaceships
We hear the countdown call
It feels like we can make it
There's no need to tumble and fall
The universe is waiting
I feel it in my heart
My ship is still vibrating
And we count til zero to start
We're on our space race to the sky
I follow you
On our space race up so high
It feels so true
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
When we touch the sky
It's time to make a u-turn
It's such a spacy ride
I'm feeling my machine burn
When we're racing up through the night
I'm watching our planet
Oh, it's so far away
From here it seems like magic
Blue and beautiful anyway
We're on our space race to the sky
I follow you
On our space race up so high
It feels so true
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
When we touch the sky
We're on our space race to the sky
I follow you
On our space race up so high
It feels so true
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
When we touch the sky
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da
It's just you and I
Dab Dadab Dab Dab Da