Sarah Louise Palin i/ˈpeɪlɨn/ (née Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator and author. As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 presidential election, she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major party and first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency. Her book Going Rogue has sold more than two million copies. Since January 2010, she has provided political commentary for Fox News, and hosted a television show, Sarah Palin's Alaska. Five million viewers tuned in for the first episode, a record for The Learning Channel.
She was elected to Wasilla City Council in 1992 and became mayor of Wasilla in 1996. In 2003, after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor, she was appointed Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, responsible for overseeing the state's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency. The youngest person and first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska, Palin held the office from December 2006 until her resignation in July 2009. She has since endorsed and campaigned for the Tea Party movement, as well as several candidates in the 2010 midterm elections. From the time of her Vice Presidential nomination in 2008, Palin was considered a potential candidate for the 2012 presidential election until she announced in October 2011 that she would not run.
Sarah Palin Out-Palins Herself In Weird, Wild, ’Tragic' Speech
Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits
• Gov. Sarah Palin • Iowa Freedom Summit • 1/24/15 •
Sarah Palin Teleprompts Herself Into A Reality War With Fox News
Real Time with Bill Maher: Disowning Sarah Palin (HBO)
Sarah Palin Embarrasses Herself
Howard Stern On Sarah Palin Being An Idiot - 01/28/2015
Jon Stewart Wipes The Floor With Fox's Chris Wallace on Sarah Palin
Hilarious: Sarah Palin Not Quite Sure Where the White House Is
Sarah Palin How Dumb
Sarah Palin Proves She's The Dumbest Woman On Earth... AGAIN!
Watch Sarah Palin’s Most Embarrassing Interview Yet
Sarah Palin -- Get a Job, You Stupid Hecklers!
Conservative Matt Lewis finally admits that Sarah Palin is an idiot
Summer, 2008: John McCain secures the nomination, but polls behind Barack Obama. Strategist Steve Schmidt suggests a game changer: picking a conservative female with media savvy, unknown Alaska governor Sarah Palin, as vice president. She's an immediate hit and a quick study - the gap closes. Then, Tina Fey's impersonation, a raft of criticism, and missing her family send Palin into a near-catatonic state: she doesn't prepare for her Katie Couric interview and bombs. Schmidt searches for an answer: don't expect her to learn the issues, but give her a script. Palin does well in the debate with Biden; she finds her voice, goes off script, and goes rogue. A mistake?
Keywords: 2008-presidential-election, acceptance-speech, alaska, american-soldier, argument, arizona, breaking-telephone, bus, campaign, campaign-manager
Politics would never be the same.
Steve Schmidt: You seem totally unfazed by all this.::Sarah Palin: It's God's plan.
John McCain: You're one of the leaders of the party now Sarah. Don't get co-opted by Limbaugh and the other extremists. They'll destroy the party if you let them.
Steve Schmidt: Still think she's fit for office?::Rick Davis: Aw, who cares. In forty-eight hours no one will even remember who she is.
Anderson Cooper: If you had to do it over again, would you have her on the ticket?::Steve Schmidt: You don't get to go back in time, Anderson and have do-overs in life.
John McCain: And they said we were dead. Next stop the White House!
Rick Davis: Listen, I too wish that the American people would choose the future Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson, but unfortunately, that's not the way it works anymore. Now it takes movie-star charisma to get elected President, and Obama and Palin, that's what they are - they're stars.::Steve Schmidt: Primary difference being Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court decision, whereas Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor.::Rick Davis: Fuck you.
Woman: I can't trust Obama. I've read about him and he's not a... he's a... he's a arab. He's not an Americ...::John McCain: No, ma'am. No, ma'am. He's a decent family man citizen who I just happen to have some disagreements with on certain fundamental issues. And that's what this campaign is all about.
Sarah Palin: Why'd you make me do Katie Couric? Did you see the coverage? Did you? [silence] ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?::Nicolle Wallace: Yes, Governor, I'm here. Katie was a logical choice; she's been very fair to us this entire campaign.::Sarah Palin: You call that interview fair?::Nicolle Wallace: Yes, Governor, I do.::Sarah Palin: I certainly don't, she was out to get me from the get-go!::Nicolle Wallace: No, she wasn't! The interview sucked because you didn't try!::Sarah Palin: What, what do you mean I didn't try?::Nicolle Wallace: You didn't fight back, like you did in the Charlie Gibson interview - when you didn't know the answers, you clawed your way back and it went fine! You just gave up!::Sarah Palin: [through gritted teeth] Nicole, it wasn't my fault; I wasn't... properly... prepped!::Nicolle Wallace: [angrily] You weren't properly prepped because you wouldn't LISTEN to us! You never LISTEN to your advisers!::Sarah Palin: [heatedly] Because you're overwhelming me with TOO MUCH INFORMATION! You know, I-I don't, I don't wanna do these interviews! I want to do what I want to do!::Nicolle Wallace: [sighs] We're just trying to help you get through this, Governor. All we want is for you to succeed.::Sarah Palin: [scoffs] Yeah, you're NOT helping! You're just screwing me up! You're telling me what to say, what to wear, how to talk... I AM NOT YOUR PUPPET! NOW I understand what Hillary meant when she said she had to find her own voice!::Nicolle Wallace: [incredulously] Yeah... cause you're just like Hillary.::Sarah Palin: You have ruined me! You have ruined my reputation! I AM RUINED IN ALASKA! [throws phone against the wall]::Nicolle Wallace: [shakes head, calls Steve Schmidt] Steve, it's Nicole. I will gladly resign if you want to blame me for Couric, but if you want me to stay, I'm back on McCain's bus tomorrow, as I never want to deal with that woman ever again!
Jack Cafferty: [news clips analyzing Sarah Palin] If John McCain wins, this woman will be one 72 year-old's heartbeat away from being President of the United States... and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should.::Campbell Brown: In fairness, probably most people can't name a Supreme Court case. But most people are not campaigning to be Vice-President.::Fareed Zakaria: It's not that she doesn't know the right answer, it's that she clearly does not understand the question. This is way beyond anything we have ever seen from a national candidate.
Steve Schmidt: Name one fucking paper!
"B-Rock" puts a politically satirical spin on the Obama Presidency. When Barack joneses for his Cool cigarettes, he soon transforms into B-Rock, a butt-kicking, trash-talking, pundit-popping gangsta. No terrorist, super pack, or pollster is safe from his brass-knuckled wrath.
Keywords: reference-to-barack-obama
Who's your President, baby?!
From Elvis to Obama, Celebrity Impersonators or Tribute Artists as they are commonly known have been entertaining the masses for decades. Gathering under one roof, these men and women, professionals and beginners alike, come together annually at the Sunburst Convention. De Niro, Bush, and Oprah are names that have inspired thousands if not millions of people to dream of greater possibilities in their own lives, but some have chosen to become these very names or at least to impersonate them. When fans cannot get close to the real thing, these professionals step in and fill the void. "Just About Famous: Celebrity Impersonation" will go behind the persona and delve into the minds and hearts of the people who make a living impersonating others. How did they get started? How has this path changed their lives? Why they do what they do? From Kenny Rogers being accosted at K-Mart for an autograph to Elvis being announced every time he enters the Home Depot leaving him to ask the ultimate question, 'Can't I just buy some lumber?' Each impersonator has a story to tell. As the old adage goes, 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.' Take a trip into the intriguing, enlightening, and often times surreal life of the celebrity impersonator...
A film about famous people....well, almost.
Impersonation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Are you Just About Famous?
When David Letterman brings together President Barack Obama, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin on his show, the sexual tension soon proves too much for all of them. Also includes three bonus scenes starring Lisa Ann, including one from 'Who's Nailin' Paylin'.
Keywords: hardcore, sex
David Letterman: [asking 'Mark Sanford'] Does your wife know, you're here?
Will Sarah fuck you? You betcha!!
Saturday Night Live celebrates the 2008 Presidential Election with a best of clip show featuring some of the best sketches about the election. Sketches include Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton talking about the presidential nomination Katie Couric interviewing Sarah Palin, Hillary Clintong talking about the nomination process, Bill Clinton giving a non-endorsement of Obama on Weekend Update, George W. Bush giving an endorsement to McCain and Palin, the 2008 vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin, the CNN Univision Democratic Debate 2008, the town hall debate between Obama and McCain, and a montage of best moments. The special also features political comedy from SNL's history including Carter giving drug advise, Ronal Reagan mastermind, Perot and Stockdale in a car, a Michael Dukakis advertisement with puppets, a debate between Bush and Dukakis, and a debate with Gerald Ford. John McCain and Sarah Palin also appear.
Keywords: sketch-comedy, u.s.-president
Sarah Palin Out-Palins Herself In Weird, Wild, ’Tragic' Speech
Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits
• Gov. Sarah Palin • Iowa Freedom Summit • 1/24/15 •
Sarah Palin Teleprompts Herself Into A Reality War With Fox News
Real Time with Bill Maher: Disowning Sarah Palin (HBO)
Sarah Palin Embarrasses Herself
Howard Stern On Sarah Palin Being An Idiot - 01/28/2015
Jon Stewart Wipes The Floor With Fox's Chris Wallace on Sarah Palin
Hilarious: Sarah Palin Not Quite Sure Where the White House Is
Sarah Palin How Dumb
Sarah Palin Proves She's The Dumbest Woman On Earth... AGAIN!
Watch Sarah Palin’s Most Embarrassing Interview Yet
Sarah Palin -- Get a Job, You Stupid Hecklers!
Conservative Matt Lewis finally admits that Sarah Palin is an idiot
Sarah Palin CPAC 2015 Full Speech. Palin Talks PTSD and Veterans
Sarah Palin Network - Saturday Night Live
SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters
Nicolle Wallace on Sarah Palin - David Letterman
Putin & Sarah Palin Phone Call on "Tonight Show"
Collection SNL Tina Fey Sarah Palin Joe Biden Queen Latifah Bush Nancy Pelosi
The Dark Side of Sarah Palin: Money, Politics, Family, College (2011)
Sarah Palin in Iowa: "The man" (?) is doing some dirty things to...the middle class? The GOP?
C-SPAN: Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) Full Speech at the RNC
CBS Exclusive: Gov. Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin ABC Interview With Charlie Gibson Part 1
Palin Katie Couric Interview
Matt Lauer interviews Sarah Palin
Sean Hannity Interviews Sarah Palin - Fox News - 1-27-15
Sarah Palin Interview with Jake Tapper (November 12, 2013)
Sarah Palin CBS interview with Katie Couric (WORST INTERVIEW YET)
Sarah Palin Speaks Out (CBS News)
CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview
• Gov. Sarah Palin Details Conservative Agenda for 2016 • Hannity • 1/27/15 •
Couric / Palin Open - Saturday Night Live
Sarah Palin First Interview after Election Part 1
Sarah Palin: The Barbara Walters Interview
Brutally honest interview with Steve Schmidt - Palin "is filled with anger, has a divisive message"
Palin: I Read All the News
John Cleese on Sarah Palin
Waco's Spoof of Sarah Palin Interview Bush Doctrine Part 1 katie couric
Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan
TEA PARTY CONVENTION - Sarah Palin, Orly Taitz, Interviews with Participants
The 'Australian Sarah Palin' Embarrasses Herself (Video)
Bristol Palin 'GMA' Interview: My Virginity Was 'Stolen': Exclusive (06.27.11)
Full Speech: Sarah Palin at CPAC 2012
Full Speech - Sarah Palin at CPAC 2015
Full Speech - Sarah Palin at the Iowa Freedom Summit 1/24/2015
C-SPAN: Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden
CPAC 2013 - Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK)
CPAC 2014 - Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK)
Iowa Freedom Summit 2015 Sarah Palin Speech
Podcast #15 - Sarah Palin & Billy Ray Discuss Sex & Jesus
Governor Sarah Palin CPAC2015
Vets Ordinary Americans Doing the Extraordinary - Sarah Palin, CPAC
Remarks by Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin - Liberty University Convocation
Sarah Palin pregnancy hoax: Prof. Bradford Scharlott interview by KSLG, April 15, 2011
Ron Paul vs Sarah Palin Tea Party summit , Freedom Watch 12 June 2010
Sarah Palin - Western Conservative Summit - Denver, CO (FULL SPEECH)
• Sarah Palin • CPAC • 2014 •
Sarah Palin Iowa Freedom Summit. Hints At 2016 Run. Sarah Palin Ready For Hillary
Opie & Anthony - Sarah Palin, Politics & Paul R. Nelson (03-10-2014)
The Dark Side of Sarah Palin: Money, Politics, Family, College (2011)
Game Change Full Movie
Game Change Full Movie 2012 🌕
Vote Yes on Proposition 34
Sarah Palin is The Real Deal
Sarah Palin Hairstyles
Barack Obama - Ready for Impeachment?
What Happens Next in Snowden Manhunt?
A Sarah Palin Tribute - The World's Greatest
Synopsis | Sarah Palin, The Real Deal By Jr Charles H Doersam
Synopsis | Palinisms: The Accidental Wit And Wisdom Of Sarah Palin
Is Pope Francis too liberal?
Anti-muslim Rally at Ground Zero
'Conservative' View Host Nicolle Wallace Defends Gyrocopter Man As 'Activist' Who Did 'Good'
Movies 2015 - Iron Sky- The Coming Race Teaser TRAILER (2015) Movie HD
The Rudy Schwartz Project - Sarah Palin Pussy Juice
Howard Stern Hall & Oates Interview 2015
Howard Stern High Pitch Eric Calls From The Hospital 2014
Governor Sarah Palin's Speech At The Iowa Freedom Summit
SCI 2015 Lake Superior Chapter Highlights, by Cavitt Productions
American Gov't Has Really Gone Stupid Race War Against Whites! Sarah Palin On The Record
New National Mall Outrage Sarah Palin Fires Up Crowd At WWII Memorial On The Record
Big Names Turn Out For Million Veteran March Sarah Palin, Mike Lee & Ted Cruz
Let me dance with Sarah Palin
She's more fun than Joseph Stalin
And I think that I am falling
In love with her now
She's sexy and witty
Vivacious and pretty
And when she's on TV
The nation says wow
I want her so badly
I yearn for her sadly
I'm in love with her madly
I cannot sit still
Let me dance with Sarah Palin
My vice-presidential darling
I think she's so charming
Her presence is calming
I want to dance with Sarah Palin
But the chances are
Red suit,with the thong underneath.I got the taste of McCain's old
dick in my teeth.I was the governer but I decided to quit,Alaska's
cold as fuck and its boring as shit.G-g-g gays always call me a
bitch,because I say they should burn in hell and never get
hitched.People hate me,especially Perez,But I will be the president
so I don't fucking give a shit.(Chorus) You wanna kill me
(woah),You'll never touch me (woah),I'm never leavin (woah-wo-oh
oh) Dont trust me,never trust me ,don't trust me,cause I'm never
leavin! (x3) Shush girl,shake your thighs,do the Barack Obama and
tell us some lies.I said shush girl shake your thighs,do the Barack
Obama and tell us some lies.(oh..oh..oh..oh) "They think I'm goin
some where?,Hahaha, the only place I'm goin is the white house
mother fucker!" (Chorus).I'm getting tired,I'm gonna go take a
break.See you in 2012 bitch.