
Who are the Vlachs? (Vlahi Wallahiens Wolosi)
Vlachs or is a blanket term covering several modern Latin peoples descending from the Lati...
published: 09 Apr 2009
author: VyckTube
Who are the Vlachs? (Vlahi Wallahiens Wolosi)
Who are the Vlachs? (Vlahi Wallahiens Wolosi)
Vlachs or is a blanket term covering several modern Latin peoples descending from the Latinised population in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Engli...- published: 09 Apr 2009
- views: 17076
- author: VyckTube

Vlach bagpipe ballads (Timoc and Epir regions)
1. Gaida la Rumânii din NW Serbia/NE Bulgaria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs_of_Serbi...
published: 21 Aug 2009
author: ADiamandi
Vlach bagpipe ballads (Timoc and Epir regions)
Vlach bagpipe ballads (Timoc and Epir regions)
1. Gaida la Rumânii din NW Serbia/NE Bulgaria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs_of_Serbia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs_of_Bulgaria 2. Gaida la Rămăn...- published: 21 Aug 2009
- views: 27251
- author: ADiamandi

Romanians, Albanians and Vlachs
Who are Albanians, Romanians and Vlachs? They are descendants of ancient inhabitants of th...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: bordincus
Romanians, Albanians and Vlachs
Romanians, Albanians and Vlachs
Who are Albanians, Romanians and Vlachs? They are descendants of ancient inhabitants of the Balkans.- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 110
- author: bordincus

Documentary about the Aromanians (Vlachs) part 1
Documentary about the Aromanians (Vlachs) in balkan peninsula Serbian language....
published: 15 Nov 2009
author: Farsarot
Documentary about the Aromanians (Vlachs) part 1
Documentary about the Aromanians (Vlachs) part 1
Documentary about the Aromanians (Vlachs) in balkan peninsula Serbian language.- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 12167
- author: Farsarot

The true story ot the romanians (vlach-mongols)
100% justice against nationalist-communist lies....
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: DNAeurope
The true story ot the romanians (vlach-mongols)
The true story ot the romanians (vlach-mongols)
100% justice against nationalist-communist lies.- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 7732
- author: DNAeurope

Vlachs of Serbia - The cultural heritage - The Supreme form of the national identity
http://www.zajednicavlahasrbije.com/ http://www.romania-serbia.net Identity, common cultur...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: zajednicavlahasrbije
Vlachs of Serbia - The cultural heritage - The Supreme form of the national identity
Vlachs of Serbia - The cultural heritage - The Supreme form of the national identity
http://www.zajednicavlahasrbije.com/ http://www.romania-serbia.net Identity, common culture and tradition in the Romanian - Serbian cross-border. This projec...- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 814
- author: zajednicavlahasrbije

Tenda - Cumãts dit bana Armãnjlor nomadz (Fragments from the nomad life of Vlachs)
"Tenda" Cumãts dit bana Armãnjlor nomadz (Fragments from the nomad life of Vlachs)...
published: 14 May 2012
Tenda - Cumãts dit bana Armãnjlor nomadz (Fragments from the nomad life of Vlachs)
Tenda - Cumãts dit bana Armãnjlor nomadz (Fragments from the nomad life of Vlachs)
"Tenda" Cumãts dit bana Armãnjlor nomadz (Fragments from the nomad life of Vlachs)- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 2053

la storia dei fratelli vlachs
Il cortometraggio animato, realizzato in collaborazione con gli alunni della scuola elemen...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: Centro Zaffiria
la storia dei fratelli vlachs
la storia dei fratelli vlachs
Il cortometraggio animato, realizzato in collaborazione con gli alunni della scuola elementare Bagnacavallo di Ravenna narra la storia dei 3 fratelli vlachs,...- published: 06 Sep 2010
- views: 192
- author: Centro Zaffiria

Dhiava: Autumn Journey (the life of the vlachs of pindus)
Purchase: http://der.org/films/dhiava.html Set in the Pindos Mountains in Greece, we meet ...
published: 23 Jan 2009
author: armanu2008
Dhiava: Autumn Journey (the life of the vlachs of pindus)
Dhiava: Autumn Journey (the life of the vlachs of pindus)
Purchase: http://der.org/films/dhiava.html Set in the Pindos Mountains in Greece, we meet brothers, Tsiogas, Steryios, and Vassilis Anthoulis with their floc...- published: 23 Jan 2009
- views: 1939
- author: armanu2008

Krusevo Meleniko Monastiri Kruševo Крушево Crushuva vlachs
Macedonian culture facts history travel videos Македонски Makedonija Kruševo Крушево Crush...
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: Florinamak
Krusevo Meleniko Monastiri Kruševo Крушево Crushuva vlachs
Krusevo Meleniko Monastiri Kruševo Крушево Crushuva vlachs
Macedonian culture facts history travel videos Македонски Makedonija Kruševo Крушево Crushuva vlachs Ilinden Aromanians Pazaretzis macedonia news macedonian ...- published: 22 Aug 2009
- views: 1101
- author: Florinamak

The vlachs village of Milovista (Maloviste) in North Macedonia
http://www.scribd.com/doc/49954792/39/d-%E2%80%9CKarteria%E2%80%9D Αυύγουστος 2012....
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: Florinamak
The vlachs village of Milovista (Maloviste) in North Macedonia
The vlachs village of Milovista (Maloviste) in North Macedonia
http://www.scribd.com/doc/49954792/39/d-%E2%80%9CKarteria%E2%80%9D Αυύγουστος 2012.- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 521
- author: Florinamak

KUD Melnica - Ansamblul folcloric din satul Melniţa - Vlachs folk dance
http://www.zajednicavlahasrbije.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs_of_Serbia KUD Mel...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: gheoc
KUD Melnica - Ansamblul folcloric din satul Melniţa - Vlachs folk dance
KUD Melnica - Ansamblul folcloric din satul Melniţa - Vlachs folk dance
http://www.zajednicavlahasrbije.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs_of_Serbia KUD Melnica - Ansamblul folcloric din satul Melniţa Dansuri folclorice rom...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 306
- author: gheoc
Youtube results:

Berati dance of Vlachs - 1953 (Berati Vlahiko) - Vasilis Tromaras
Folk Songs and Dances of Thessaly / Greek Phonograph / Recordings 1928 - 1953 Δημοτικά τρα...
published: 01 Jun 2013
author: HellenicRecord
Berati dance of Vlachs - 1953 (Berati Vlahiko) - Vasilis Tromaras
Berati dance of Vlachs - 1953 (Berati Vlahiko) - Vasilis Tromaras
Folk Songs and Dances of Thessaly / Greek Phonograph / Recordings 1928 - 1953 Δημοτικά τραγούδια και χοροί της Θεσσαλίας / Ελληνικός Φωνόγραφος / Ηχογραφήσει...- published: 01 Jun 2013
- views: 34
- author: HellenicRecord

The Vlachs cult of dead dance - _Ora de pomana
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: Selena Rakocevic
The Vlachs cult of dead dance - _Ora de pomana
The Vlachs cult of dead dance - _Ora de pomana
- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 23
- author: Selena Rakocevic

Traditionelle Musik des serbischen Walachen - Traditional music of Serbian Vlachs - Svirci...
Muzica traditionala din Serbia vlahilor...Традиционная музыка сербских валахов...La musiqu...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: mimamiti
Traditionelle Musik des serbischen Walachen - Traditional music of Serbian Vlachs - Svirci...
Traditionelle Musik des serbischen Walachen - Traditional music of Serbian Vlachs - Svirci...
Muzica traditionala din Serbia vlahilor...Традиционная музыка сербских валахов...La musique traditionnelle serbe Valaques...Παραδοσιακή μουσική της Σερβίας Β...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 224
- author: mimamiti

Freedom for Greeks and Vlachs in Monastiri
MONASTIRI 100% Greek!!!...
published: 27 Aug 2009
author: GreekWarior1821
Freedom for Greeks and Vlachs in Monastiri
Freedom for Greeks and Vlachs in Monastiri
MONASTIRI 100% Greek!!!- published: 27 Aug 2009
- views: 3114
- author: GreekWarior1821