The Book of Numbers (from Greek Αριθμοί, Arithmoi; Hebrew: במדבר, Bəmidbar, "In the desert [of]") is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the fourth of five books of the Jewish Torah/Pentateuch.
Numbers begins at Mount Sinai, where the Israelites have received their laws and covenant from God and God has taken up residence among them in the sanctuary. The task before them is to take possession of the Promised Land. The people are numbered and preparations are made for resuming their march. The Israelites begin the journey, but immediately they "murmur" (complain or kvetch) at the hardships along the way. They arrive at the borders of Canaan and send spies into the land, but on hearing the spies' report the Israelites refuse to take possession of Canaan and God condemns them to death in the wilderness until a new generation can grow up and carry out the task. The book ends with the new generation of Israelites in the plain of Moab ready for the crossing of the Jordan River.
Numbers is the culmination of the story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers. As such it draws to a conclusion the themes introduced in Genesis and played out in Exodus and Leviticus: God has promised the Israelites that they shall become a great (i.e. numerous) nation, that they will have a special relationship with Yahweh their god, and that they shall take possession of the land of Canaan. Against this, Numbers also demonstrates the importance of holiness, faithfulness and trust: despite God's presence and his priests, Israel lacks faith and the possession of the land is left to a new generation.
The Holy Bible - Book 04 - Numbers - KJV Dramatized Audio
Book of Numbers - Amazing Narration HQ - Holy Bible
The Book of Numbers (KJV)
Book of Numbers | Audio Bible English Full - Non Stop
God's Purpose for You in the Book of Numbers
The Holy Bible: Book Of Numbers (NIV)
The Book of Numbers, an Animated Short
Book of Numbers Audio Bible
The Book of Numbers In a Minute
10 Things I Learned from the Book of Numbers
Audio bible book of Numbers chapter 1-20
Book Of Numbers (1973) trailer
The Book of Numbers
1288 Verses! Book of NUMBERS: Never Fear the Truth!
The Holy Bible - Book 04 - Numbers - KJV Dramatized Audio
Book of Numbers - Amazing Narration HQ - Holy Bible
The Book of Numbers (KJV)
Book of Numbers | Audio Bible English Full - Non Stop
God's Purpose for You in the Book of Numbers
The Holy Bible: Book Of Numbers (NIV)
The Book of Numbers, an Animated Short
Book of Numbers Audio Bible
The Book of Numbers In a Minute
10 Things I Learned from the Book of Numbers
Audio bible book of Numbers chapter 1-20
Book Of Numbers (1973) trailer
The Book of Numbers
1288 Verses! Book of NUMBERS: Never Fear the Truth!
Book of Numbers - KJV Bible - Book 4
The Book of Numbers (NIV Audio Bible Non Dramatized)
Numbers - King James Bible Audio Books
My first number book - learning numbers for toddlers
Book of Numbers- Lecture 29
MARK13RECORDS The Book of Numbers Chapter 1
MARK13RECORDS The Book of Numbers Chapter 22
The Book of Numbers KJV Audio Scriptures Using Yahweh instead of "the LORD"
Overview The Book Of Numbers
Fall apart, fall apart, he is waiting for it to happen
Fall apart, fall apart, it's just a matter of time
Forecasts death and destruction
Forecasts bodies lying the streets
Ever since it started, he's been waiting for it to happen
Ever since it started, he's been waiting for it to end
Fall apart, fall apart, he is waiting for it to happen
Fall apart, fall apart, it's just a matter of time
Forecasts death and destructions
Forecasts bodies lying the streets
Forecasts death and destruction