Gerard Meijssen


wikis, languages and dictionaries but also science and bringing it to you

Uniuse en xuño de 2009


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  1. hai 16 horas

    Hey I found you are a member of the Young Academy of Europe :) (good for you) :) So I added that titbit of info to

  2. rechouchiou
    hai 19 horas

    The Guardian updates its style guide to the reality of c̶l̶i̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ climate breakdown, setting an excellent example for media around the world.

  3. hai 19 horas

    Let me know your identifier and I will get you a :) Thanks

    Amosar este fío
  4. hai 19 horas

    Hey ladies you are scientists and, we at want to know you, your science. Get yourself a public account so that we may import your publications in so that it is easier to argue your notability in

    Amosar este fío
  5. rechouchiou
    16 de maio

    The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity...When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices. --Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  6. 16 de maio
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  7. 16 de maio

    Hey I am updating the profile of Ilze Bot, one of the researchers you support .. Her is being updated..

    Amosar este fío
  8. rechouchiou
    15 de maio

    John Becker (OH) thinks ectopic pregnancies can be "reimplanted" in a uterus. Vito Barbieri (ID) said women can have gyn exams by swallowing a camera. Dan Flynn (TX) believes abortion requires cutting into a uterus. Meet the men legislating your body.

  9. rechouchiou
    16 de maio
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  10. 16 de maio

    Hey , why not include the when there is an identifier in the {{Authority control}} like we do for when there is a identifier?

    Amosar este fío
  11. 16 de maio

    There is an article for in it includes a few of her publications.. Her , , includes them all as does her Reasonator page..

    Amosar este fío
  12. rechouchiou
    15 de maio

    I think my workplace, and lots of other UK institutions can be pleased with these stats. Shows the UK is leading the world in OA.

  13. rechouchiou
    15 de maio

    As an example. I have once heard the statistic that there are 50000 registered Christian beliefs. The 0.002% difference between an atheist and a christian is that a christian rejects 49999 of these, and an atheist 50000.

  14. 15 de maio

    I love it :) is down but you deserve a revisit to update your

  15. 15 de maio

    It is funny, I celebrated my 60th birthday and now I get adverts for stairlifts ... Ah well, I will live another day in my flat on a third floor with an elevator..

  16. rechouchiou
    14 de maio

    First editions of have arrived and will soon hit the shelves. I've waited my whole life to see this book finished. If you'd like your own early signed copy, along with a signed copy of , please retweet. When it gets to fifty, I'll pick a winner at random.

    Amosar este fío
  17. 14 de maio
  18. 14 de maio

    well worth reading, well worth realising that is a primary source for making scholarly work known in the world (think , )

  19. rechouchiou
    14 de maio
    En resposta a

    💥 thread. should be the front-runner. She’s done the most work to explain her positions and risk the most by providing details.

  20. 14 de maio

    Hoi, one thing to consider is the prominence of the Netherlands as an agro business in relation to its size.. What needs to change is the way we grow food .. PS forget about our way to grow cattle, think vegetables


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