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Superbikes Ride in Nepal -- Full
Nepal sport bike cbr 600rr 231 speed
Sports unites Nepal ! (hear our energy at the stadium today)
Top 5 Most Expensive bikes in Nepal(नेपालमा पहिने ५ महँगा बाईक )
Adventure Sports in Nepal
Nepal sports carnival (skateboarding)
All Nepal E-sports Championship 2014 Coverage on Image Channel
Uttardaitwo with Nepal Sports Minister Purushottam Poudel
World's most extreme zipline - ZipFlyer Nepal
Sports heads tennis | Gameplay SK | Rafail Nepal !
Nepal Sports & Cultural International (Convention's Preparation Meeting)
Nepal Sports & Cultural International ( Musical Programme-Part 2 )
Actors Shingo Yamashiro (actor), Bolo Yeung (actor), Lung Chan (actor), Shin'ichi Chiba (actor), Etsuko Shihomi (actress), Yasuyoshi Shikamura (actor), Jun'ichi Haruta (actor), Ya Ying Liu (actress), Yuen Fang (actor), Tadashi Yamashita (actor), Yukio Noda (director), Naowarat Yuktanan (actress), Masafumi Suzuki (actor), Yoko Horikoshi (actress), Bin Kurihara (actor),
As every Saturday comes, we get the roads roaring and head turning. This was our first ride with the GoPro HD. Also, there was a small ride towards Chovar for Channel Nepal's program LifeStyle. Me riding as sweeper on Bombay Orange CB600F F5. For low resolution video, click on this link Please do visit us at
sports day 2070 , Event Org:by Mr. Suman Timalsina
Does anyone here in Dasharath Stadium care about who is rich, who is poor. Who is experienced, who is not. Which tribe anyone is from, or which caste. Which ...
Motor Bikes have a significant role in the transportation of Nepal. Since motor bikes are easy to use,affordable many Nepalese are buying bikes in Nepal. Many of them are interested at premium specs bikes with the high price. In this video I have included top 5 bikes with highest price available in the market of Nepal. This list is prepared on the basis of mine personal research and if there is any correction needed I highly seek for that. In the list we have: #SUZUKI hayabusa 1300: #Hyosung Aquilla GV650: #Kawasaki Ninja 650 R: #Hyosung GT-650R: #Hyosung GT650N: Subscribe:
Nepal, the land of himalayas has a lot to offer when it comes to Adventure sports. Travel to Nepal to experience Bungy in Nepal, Canyon Swing, High Ropes, Canyoning, Rafting, Kayaking, Mountain biking, Hiking and more. Nepali Host Family is a Non Profit, volunteer organization established in the year 2006. We are a Small Nepali Organization which is based in the Capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, run by Nepalese Social workers. With a vision to help the community and the people in need, we carry out our activities by the help of our volunteers. Nepali Host Family provides Free Volunteer Projects in Schools, Orphanages, Rehabilitation Centers and Hospitals in Nepal. Nepali Homestay, Nepali Language Course, Nepali Cooking Course for the Foreigners is provided at a very affordable cost. We also arrange Yoga, Trekking in Nepal and Travel in Nepal for our volunteers and guests. Volunteer Abroad, Internships Abroad, Gap Year Programs, Volunteering Programs We organize different tours and trips for our volunteers. The trip to The Last Resort in Nepal is arranged so that interested volunteers can enjoy Bungy Nepal, Rafting, Canyoning and other activities. Find us on facebook Check our website to get information's about volunteering in Nepal.
Nepal skateboarding scene is slowly taking its shape, building its pace and is ready to explode. bunch of steezy kids, out to play, creating history in this country of mountains and the exciting part about it, they don't even realize. i, am, glad, to be a part of this journey, can't wait to see all that glimmers of light that will eventually shine upon these talented gladiators as they start flying above their own shadows of improvement. "support the future." (future of the new generation of Nepal that's coming at our way) ***NOTICE*** both of the flat bar slide tricks are backside boarslides except the first ones with the fakie out
Details of All Nepal E-sports Championship 2014 on Image Channel on July 20.
Visit our website at : or visit us on facebook at: ZipFlyer Nepal is the world's most extreme zipline. With a vertical drop of 600 meters over a total distance of 1.8km makes this the world's steepest, tallest and one of the longest ziplines. Its also one of the fastest with top speeds of upto 140 kmph. This zipline is located on Sarangkot, about 10 km from the beautiful town of Pokhara. Music : Wishbone by Hey Sholay / Available on iTunes :
Zdravím pri novom videjku zo série sports heads.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Laugh with the clients of INF as they enjoy their annual sports day (Paralympics). Director, producer, editor, filming, text, audio mix, grading: Matt Watson Director of photography: Matt Watson Voice-over recording: Promise Media Pvt Ltd Music: The Sun Will Rise [The Brilliance] Narrator: Alana Puskarich Special thanks: Alana Puskarich, David Gungor [The Brilliance] © 2012 INF. All rights reserved. No part of this film may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without prior permission of INF Communications Department All music used in this film was provided gratis to INF Communications Department, and is owned by the original artist/label and cannot be reproduced or reused. All rights reserved.
Join Ben Brown on a month long expedition to the Democratic Republic of Nepal to explore the high volume whitewater rivers of the Himalayas. Shot 100% on the GoPro Hero3+. Thanks to Ultimate Rivers Nepal: Music Track: Kåm∆nd¡ - Wolf.Lord(Ookami)
This is the very basic skill I'v tried to teach through television so that viewers around the country can learn it and I'v tried to act as much as possible s...
This is the very basic skill I'v tried to teach through television so that viewers around the country can learn it and I'v tried to act as much as possible so please bear with my nervous look in front of the camera. Learning the basic skills can help a bike rider enjoy the trails more. I know that the sport here in Nepal is slowly picking up so I'v tried to keep the skills to the basics so that riders with any type of bikes regardless of the makes and quality can learn. In this episode I will be focusing on the climbing, downhill.
RJ Sports Nepal is one of the leading company on sports wear . It lies on the heart of town at China Town Shopping Complex , Sundhara Kathmandu .
Sports Carnival Nepal Present MUAY THAI,
ayo gorkhalii!!!! nepali football song.
World Expeditions and Thai Airways International took Nick Saxon, singer/songwriter and National Geographic Adventure World Traveller to Nepal to trek to Thyangboche monastery. Follow his journey including an impromptu concert at a local school. YOU - can see it for your self too. World Expeditions has been operating the best treks in Nepal, small group adventure trekking tours and vacations since 1975. Our unrivalled Nepal trekking & touring itineraries reflect our long experience in Nepal, offering guided treks ranging from introductory to challenging as well as a respected mountaineering program. It is the environmentally friendly and sustainable practices used on all our Nepal itineraries that underpin the success of our Nepal adventure holidays. Since we began in the early 1970s we have always strived to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible and to give back to the many villages we pass through on our trekking itineraries. A stand-out example of our responsible tourism practices is the establishment of eco-campsites in Nepal in 2011 which offer an excellent alternative to the region's deforestation challenges.
The kids in our village got together for a sports day event at their school. They played various games, including music chairs!
Visit us @ --------------------------------- कालीगण्डकीमा बिमान खस्यो, ठूलो मानवीय क्षती हुन पाएन कास्की, जेष्ठ २ । कास्कीको पोखराबाट जोमसोमका लागि उडेको नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको नाइन एन ए वि ओ ट्वीनअटर विमान दुर्घटना भएको छ । बिमान दुर्घटना हुँदा चालकसहित ८ जना घाइते भएका छन् । आज बिहान ८ः ३० बजे जोमसोम बिमानस्थलमा अवतरण भएर फर्कने क्रममा तीव्र हावाका कारण विमान कालीगण्डकीमा खस्दा दुर्घटना भएको हो । विमान खसेलगत्तै उद्धार भएको र आगलागी पनि नभएकाले मानवीय क्षति हुन नपाएको विमानस्थलले जनाएको छ । अहिले सेना प्रहरी र स्थानिय बासिन्दाले उद्धार गरिरहेका जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय मुस्ताङले जानकारी दिएको छ । अवतरण गर्ने क्रममै दुर्घटना भएकाले मानवीय क्षति नभएको तर विमान चालक केही यात्रु घाइते भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।एकजना पाइलट सहित ५ जनाको अवस्था गम्भीर रहेको र सबैलाई स्थानीय अस्पताल पुर्याइएको बताए । 'अस्पतालले ५ जनालाई रेफर गरेको छ । अन्य यात्रुहरु सामान्य घाइते छन्, बोलचाल र हिड्डुल गरिरहेका छन्,' सिग्देलले ईकान्तिपुरसंगको टेलिफोन सम्पर्कमा भने । ल्यान्ड गर्ने बेलामा बढी हावा चलेका कारण उक्त विमान दुर्घट्ना भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ ।पोखराबाट बिहान ८ बजेर १० मिनेटमा उडेको उडेको उक्त विमानमा चालक दलका ३ जना, ४/५ वर्षको एक बच्चा सहित ११ नेपाली र ८ जना जापनीज नागरिक थिए । दुर्घट्ना ८ बजेर ३३ मिनेटमा भएको हो । विमानमा १० जना नेपाली र ८ जापानी गरी १८ जना यात्रु थिए । थप उद्धारका लागि पोखराबाट अर्को विमान अहिले जोमसोम पुगिसकेको छ । Nepal News Place Subscribe for Latest Daily Nepal Updates ---------------------------- 'नक्कली एटिएम बनाएर अर्काको खाताको पैसा यसरी झिकियो !! महेन्द्रनगर नगरपालिकास्थित सिद्धार्थ बैंक र नविल बैंकबाट भारतीय एटिएम कार्ड प्रयोग गरी अनधिकृत रुपमा पैसा झिक्नेगरेको एक भारतीय समुह नेपाल प्रहरीको फन्दामा परेको हो । भारत उत्तरखण्ड राज्य घर भएका मोहन सिंह विष्ट, सुरेन्द्र विष्ट र चन्द्र सिंह विष्टलाई प्रहरीले नक्कली २७ वटा एटिएम कार्ड सहित पक्रेको छ । भारतीय विभिन्न एटिएम कार्डहरु, नगद ६२ हजार ४ सय नेपाली रुपैयाँ, नगद १३ हजार ४ सय ४० भारतीय रुपैयाँ र निजहरुले प्रयोग गरेको युके ०४ एलओ ३५१ नम्वरको कार सहित पक्राउ गरेको कंचनपु प्रहरीले जानकारी दिएको छ । पक्राउ गरिएकालाई गंभिर अनुसन्धानका लागी केन्द्रीय अनुसन्धान ब्युरोले भारतीय गिरोहलाई काठमाडौं लगेको छ । Latest World News 24h Plz Subscrib for Latest World News A man who turned noodles into a multi-million dollar busin...
Watch full l PM Narendra Modi addresses Parliament of Nepal For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: &
For more latest and breaking news headlines... SUBSCRIBE: - MASSIVE LANDSLIDE hits RIVER NEAR NEPAL capital BREAKING NEWS 2014 TAGS Massive landslide hits river near Nepal capital A massive landslide has buried dozens of homes in Nepal, with eight people confirmed dead and many missing. The landslide has blocked the Sunkoshi river, east of the capital Kathmandu, forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes and move to higher ground. Officials said army technicians were trying to unblock the river and allow the water to run off. There are fears that the death toll will rise, as rescue work continues in the district of Sindhupalchowk. Sindhupalchowk is 120 km (75 miles) east of Kathmandu. "Police and army officials are trying to find the missing people and evacuate the villages on the riverside" a police official told AFP. Officials said dozens of people were still missing. The Arniko highway to Tibet has been closed and the area declared a "flood crisis zone" by the government. Landslides are common during the June-September monsoon season in Nepal. Dozens of people die every year from flooding and landslides. abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines . JOIN QUIZGROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: .
के के भएत आज नेपालमा ? दिनभरिको रिपोर्ट भिडियो समाचार एकै थलोमा हेर्नुहोस !!! Watch More Video At: Subscribe & Stay Informed: http://goo...
Current News "RaPraPa Nepal Feri Fut " Subscribe Us:
At least 28 people have died on a key Nepali hiking route, officials say, after blizzards struck at the height of the Himalayan climbing season. There are fears the final toll will be higher. Nine bodies were found on Thursday and about 220 people have been rescued, but many are still missing. Nepalese, Israeli, Canadian, Indian, Slovak and Polish trekkers are among those killed. Severe rain and snow in Nepal appear linked to a recent cyclone in India. Tuesday's exceptional weather was said to be part of the remnants of Cyclone Hudhud. Most of the deaths happened when a blizzard hit a point on the Annapurna Circuit, a well-known trekking route in central Nepal. The bad weather hit a resting place 4,500m (14,800ft) above sea level, not far below the circuit's highest point, the Thorung La pass. October is a popular trekking season and there were likely to have been many climbers on the passes. Home Ministry officials said more people could have been saved and rescued if there had been an early warning against th Two military helicopters were sent from the capital Kathmandu to assist the rescue operation on Wednesday and nine people were rescued overnight. Many more were rescued in Thursday's search, with both private and military helicopters deployed. Rescue operations were called off for the day when darkness fell on Thursday evening, but will resume again on Friday. One survivor told BBC Nepali of the horror of seeing corpses on the journey back after the blizzard struck. He said he saw people falling into deep crevasses, unable to get out. Another survivor, Linor Kajan, described her fear as she was caught in an avalanche.
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 1st, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 2nd, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 5th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 5th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 6th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, June 6th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 28th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
Watch Online news- Current News Current News Of Nepal, May 22, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal Watch Online news of nepal at-
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 25, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal Watch Online news of nepal at-
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 30th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal.
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 27th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal Watch Online news of nepal at-
Watch Online news- Current News Of Nepal, May 22, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal Watch Online news of nepal at-
World Wide News-Nepali News Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 31st, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal
Watch Online news- Current News-Afternoon News Current News Of Nepal, May 26th, 2012. Wathc Online evening news of Nepal Watch Online news of nepal at-
Arpita Nepal is cofounder and director of research at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Robin Sitoula is also cofounder of the foundation and executive director of the same. Both, from Nepal, talk about free market and democracy. Robin starts explaining the political system of Nepal and makes emphasis on the idea that to understand it is important to know the political history of the place. He says that in Nepal they have a democratic system with a good political freedom. Is a federal republic and a secular state. Arpita tells about how was Samriddhi born and makes emphasis on the idea that democracy only happens if both political and economic freedom exist. With the foundation she says they want to show Nepal that they can be rich with the right institutions functioning. They also speak about the challenges of having an open economy and what policies should be implemented in order to achieve their goals, and what has been the role of their foundation to impact positively in society and help economy grow. To conclude they express their opinion on the free market and liberty. Credits: A New Media Production| UFM 2015
Sujeev Shakya dabbles between his various avatars. His book Unleashing Nepal -- Past, Present and Future of the Economy (Penguin India, 2009) has become a re...
New Nepal With New Hopes And Dreams To Live In. SONG : REWIND from JINDABAAD Video Edited By : Nepal, The Greater Nepal Develop Inn New Nepal Develop Develop...
The Neftalk: Nepali Economy -- Challenges and Potential was held on May 16, 2012, with the US Ambassador H.E Scott DeLisi describing the future of Nepal's ec...
Life insurance report more on: ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is continuously rel...
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9...
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at T...
more on: ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan...
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at This program is presentation of Capital Market Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (CMRD).Our Program is based on Bank,Finance,Commodity derivative market and all economic sector. There are three segment in this program,i.e. 1.HOT NEWS EXPRESS, 2.BUSINESS EXPRESS, 3.COMMODITY EXPRESS
The Poverty Environment Initiative is supporting the Government of Nepal to provide trainings to local planning professionals in areas such as sustainable infrastructure development, biogas, bioengineering to increase soil fertility and reduce land slides, organic farming, labor intensive road construction, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation and disasters risk reduction. Local planners take decisions, such as how to develop infrastructure or how to generate energy based on Annual Planning Guidelines and on data collected on the ground. The Poverty-Environment Initiative ensures that these guidelines and data collected promote Sustainable Development. During trainings, Planners are asked to revise activities from an environmental perspective. Trainers demonstrate them that poverty reduction requires environmental conservation. And that a healthy environment is the basis of human wellbeing. Trainings have already led local governments to allocate more budget to environmental sustainability. This has promoted the conservation of watersheds, biogas development, energy efficient cooking stove or the ban of heavy equipment such as bulldozers to construct roads. As well as an increase use of EIAs and IEEs before developing economic activities. Training people that plan development assign budget and that take crucial decisions has proven in Nepal to be one of the most effective ways of achieving Sustainable Development.
Economic Express Chaitra 25 2069 part 1 more on: ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program ...
Nepal Is The Input To South Asian, Regional And Global Economy – Krishna Prasad - ► Watch More Business Videos at Indias Leading online business channel ► Like us on Facebook: ► Watch More Videos on ► Subscribe to HYBIZTV Channel:
The project 'Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change in Key Sectors in Nepal' was undertaken at the request of the Government of Nepal. It originated to address the target included...
In 1960, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world for over a decade. In 1960, its gross domestic product per capital was $82 -- lower than m...
more on: ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan ...
Nepal is recovering from a ten year civil war and is in a historic political and social transition to a democratic federal system. USAID recognized that an e...
To Create Better Home" One Generation Needs To Sacrifice & Within That Generation Educated People Needs To Sacrifice More"- Nepal Nepal, Nepali, Nepalese, Ka...
Scott DeLisi, American Ambassador to Nepal, delivering a speech on January 27, 2012 at a meeting of "Entrepreneurs for Nepal" in Kathmandu
more on: ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news form Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan ...
Solid waste management is a major issue in Nepal. Lack of recycling units was a reality until recent years. Nowadays recycling business is booming business. ...
GRG Rankings & Reviews Website: Please LIKE us at: NEPAL'S 15 TOP CITIES / NEPAL'S ...
ECONOMIC EXPRESS, a leading economic and business news from Nepal. This program is countinuously realesed form Himalayan television every Sunday evening at 9...
Nepal, a country full of abounding cultures and traditions has infinite and boundless food heritage, which is culturally inspired and nature-infused. However, the promotion of Nepalese food and taste has been not been performed satisfactorily. Two Tables &, focusing on the promotion of Nepalese food culture to the world through media, chose to create a documentary. In brief, nepalesetaste which works with dedication, commitment and innovation to enlighten the world with the art of Nepalese food has arrived at the conclusion that food could be promoted through new innovative approach of visual marketing, this documentary is a result of the same. In this way, approximation and idea of travel food documentary in Nepal was enrooted and designed. There is a world of food beyond just daal-bhaat- and tarkari. Let’s together explore our food heritage, natural beauty and stories. Tasting Nepal In search of foodie stories CAMERA : Lok Chandra Thapa and Sunil Kapali EDITOR : Arpan Regmi (Yuva Arts and Studio) EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Raj Man Thakali SCRIPT & NARRATION : Bulson Lamgade CONCEPT, PRODUCED & DIRECTION: Suraj Pradhan
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the world over last few decades as city of deities, temples, art & culture. Smiling & hard working Newari people are native people of this city & also of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The city is full of wooden to metal to stone sculpture arts, and you will certainly find one temple in ever nook and corner, I can bet with you, in every 50 meter of distance, you will find 2-3 temples. The people of Patan or I will say Kathmandu valley are Buddhist -Hindu in religion. They pray both Hindu gods & goddesses as well as Lord Gautam Buddha. In recent October I got an opportunity to travel this incredibly crafted old city of goddesses, full of beautiful pagoda styled wooden temples. This video had not been possible without the help of following people and bands. Specially thanks to them. Go check out their channel. 1. The Magic of Kathmandu - Binod Katuwal Channel link - Used Video Link - Buy the song - 2. Lekali Ho Ho Choya Ko Guitar tune - Nepali E-chords Channel Link - Video Link - 3. Festival Footage - Krishna Shilpakar Video link - 4. Resham Firi - Ramesh Rai & Hill Boys/U n Us Band/Gurkha Band Video Link - 5. Traditional Nepali Folk Song of a Child & Man with Sarangi - BP Khanal & Street talented players who plays for food Video Link - 6. Aafnai Chhaya le Pani - Nepali Folk Song Video Link - 7. Playing Harmony - Delli Llama Orchestra Missouri Thanks for watching, ❤ Find me on Facebook - ❤Find me on Twitter - ❤Fine me on Google Plus - ❤Visit my Website for more - ❤Subscribe to Anil Mahato YouTube Videos - WATCH MY OTHER NEPAL TRAVELLING VIDEOS HERE - WACH MY INDIA TRAVELLING VIDEOS PLAYLIST - WATCH MY NEPALI FOOD TRY VIDEOS PLAYLIST HERE - WATCH MY INDIAN FOOD VIDEOS HERE - WATCH MY INDIAN CULTURE VIDEOS HERE - A Brief History of Patan City Based on the information so far we have gathered, this town was developed around 299 AD by Kirat Dynasty King - King Veer Deva, but many historians do not agree with this and they say, the town was developed much before Kirat came to Kathmandu valley. After Kirat Dynasty, Lichhavis Dynasty came into power then Malla dynasty then Shah Dynasty. The Gurkha took over this town in 1768 and added in Gorakha Kingdom. Nepal lost a lot of land in several poor treaty Sugauli Treaty is one major, at the time of Anglo-Nepal war all in the favor of British East India company, and all the treaty lands were given to present India, not returned to Nepal by British government. Historical monuments The city was initially designed in the shape of the Buddhist Dharma-Chakra (Wheel of Righteousness). The four thurs or mounds on the perimeter of Patan are ascribed around, one at each corner of its cardinal points, which are popularly known as Asoka Stupas. Legend has it that Emperor Asoka (the legendary King of India) visited with his daughter Charumati to Kathmandu in 250 BC and erected five Asoka Stupas, four in the surrounding and one at the middle of the Patan. The size and shape of these stupas seem to breathe their antiquity in a real sense. There are more than 1,200 Buddhist monuments of various shapes and sizes scattered in and around the city. The most important monument of the city is Patan Durbar Square, which has been listed by UNESCO as one of seven Monument Zones that make up the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site. The seven monument zones were included in the World Heritage List in 1979 as one integrated site. The monument zones are declared as protected and preserved according to the Monuments Preservation Act of 1956.
Sorry for some shaky video. It's a college project. Educational Purpose.
For the most recent upload please visit to Nepal day was organize by motherland Nepal ( 2012 SJSU's Campus...
Introduction - Artist Sarita Dongol Artist Sarita Dongol is a freelance visual artist from Nepal. She also runs a gallery and coordinate art events in order ...
Saturday 8th of Sept 2012, the Non-Resident Nepali Association New Zealand and Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Inc. (NNZFS) jointed organi...
visit All Photos by Vicky Dir/pro By Suraz -GM7- From the southern plains of Terai where Lord Buddha was born to the highest peak of world ( Mt.Everest) in the north, Nepal is a home to a wide variety of nature , culture and ethnic groups. Here are some photos of Nepal, its nature, people & culture.
Rights for this video is with Music Nepal.
More Photos: amazing photo The Ancient Traditional Honey Hunters Of Nepal, honey hunters of nepal, gurung honey hunters of nepal, Honey hunting, Gurung...
More information or tour / trip/ trekking & Expedition booking, please contact us: Ganesh Neupane Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour/ Mount Kailash Operator Phone: + 97714700348 Fax: + 977 1 4700556 Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674 E-mail: Skype ID: nepal_2011 Yahoo Messenger: Kathmandu has often been by some as a flawless jewel in a unique setting. Nepal other place in the world has the concentration of culture, art and tradition that exists in the Kathmandu valley (1300m.). Kathmandu is the crossroads for the many ethnic groups of Nepal and for visitors from all over the world every year. Nestled in the central hills of Nepal, Kathmandu is at once medieval and modern. The Kathmandu valley sprawls at the junction of two sacred rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Just cross the Bagmati River to the south is Patan, on ancient city of temples, while Bhadgoon with its thousands of homes and temples shrines lies six miles to the east. More then two hundred years ago these three cities housed the Royal places of three different kingdoms that divided the valley palaces surviving today in Nepal. They say there are more temples than houses in Kathmandu valley in past. Great temples with heavily carved exteriors, massive white-domed Buddhist stupas and hundreds of smaller Buddhist chaityas small temples with low, ornate archways-and tiny temples containing once lone idol all are an integral pieces of the unique mosaic that is Kathmandu city of Nepal. To really discover the Kathmandu valley you need to begin exploring from well beyond the city limits, and travel in from the outside of Nepal in order to touch its roots. Fortunately there are many very beautiful walks within the Kathmandu valley that combine cultural experience and natural heritage. Nepal, Kathmandu city is the capital city of Kingdom of Nepal. In Kathmandu you can visit Machendra Nath Temple, Pasupati Nath temple Akash Bhairabv temple, Katmandu Durbar Square, Kumari Temple, Kasthmandap, Ashok Vinayak, Jaishi Dewal, Tundikhel, Martyr's memorial. Bhadrakali temple, Singh Durbar, Narayanhiti Durbar, Kaiser Library, Budhanil kanth. Balaju Water Garden, Sowyambhunath temple, The National Museum, Natural History Museum, Guheswary Temple, Chabhil, Chandra vinayak and Buddha nath temple.
On the occasion of Nepali New Year , Second annual Global Nepal Fest, an outdoor event will be held in Washington DC. The purpose of Global Nepal Fest is to ...
Identification. Nepal is named for the Kathmandu Valley, where the nation's founder established a capital in the late eighteenth century. Nepali culture .Culture Welcome NepalThe culture of Nepal is rich and unique. The cultural heritage of Nepal has evolved over the centuries. This multi-dimensional heritage encompasses the . Inajar Nepal - Countries and Their CulturesKathmandu Valley has served as the country's cultural metropolis since the unification of Nepal in the 18th Century.A prominent factor in a Nepali's everyday life is religion. Adding color to the lives of Nepalis are festivals the year round which they celebrate with much pomp and joy.Culture of Nepal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Culture and etiquette About Nepal Rough GuidesInformation on Nepal — geography, history, politics, government, economy, population statistics, culture, religion, languages, largest cities, as well as a map and .Many different ethnic groups coexist in Nepal, each with their own complex customs. In the Kathmandu Valley, where they mix the most, there's a high degree of.Nepal: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture. Nepal Culture, Culture of Nepal, Nepal Art and CultureCulture is embedded in the high peaks of Nepal, tradition flows with its rivers, art traverses through its valleys and religion lies in the heart of its people.Culture & Religion in Nepal - NepalLinkNepal Tourism provides you information about the Culture of Nepal. Nepal's culture is greatly influenced by its music, architecture, religion and literature.Nepal Culture & Religion, Lifestyle in Nepal, Nepal TraditionsCulture & Religion in Nepal. Since Nepal was declared federal democratic republic nation, the people of Nepal living in various society got right to establish . My Visit to Lahan Bazaar(Nepal) , a small town connecti...
Asian Himalaya Music School was established in 1994 by a team of renowned Nepali cultural artists, with a view to explore, study and preserve traditional Nep...
Gurung dance of Nepal being performed by young talents of Sikkim at Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Gurung have a rich tradition of music and culture. The Gurung have established the system of Rodhi which is a little similar to modern discothèques, where young people meet and share their views in music and dancing. They have their own music and dancing history. Some musical dances such as Ghatu and Chudka are still in existence. In many Gurung villages, they are still performing these types of musical dances, which are performed either solo or in a groups. Gurung films have been produced which promote these musical dances. Sikkim gears up for its biggest event, Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014. The Sikkim Winter Carnival 2014 was jointly organised by Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation and Government of Sikkim and was started on Dec 14 till Dec 19. The annual tourism festival is one of the most popular events in the north east circuit. Main highlights are the various cultural events, music shows, arts and crafts exhibitions, unlimited adventure activities like paragliding, mountain biking, rock climbing and much more. This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at , India's first video-based social networking experience! Reach us at rupindang @ gmail . com and
The Village cafe, initiated by Sabah Nepal, aims at catering the ethnic Nepalese cuisine to food enthusiasts as well as preserve and promote the Nepalese tra...
Patan Dubar Square is a UNESCO world heritage site situated in Lalitpur, Kathmandu valley, Nepal. The Patan city is famous among travelers from around the wo... Patan also known as Lalitpur is located just across the Bagmati river from Kathmandu. It is best known for its rich cultural heritage and tradition of arts a... Patan is like an open air museum - full of things to discover - try the traditional Newari food. Get a blessing from the living Hindi goddess Kumari. Music b... Lalitpur or Patan is one of the Sub-metropolitan cities in Nepal, situated in south-western part of Kathmandu valley. It is best known for its rich cultural ... - Total 5000 sq feet area available for a bank, finance company or any corporate office, instituti Patan (Lalitpur), Kathmandu Valley, Nepal in HD Patan (Lalitpur), Kathmandu Valley, Nepal in HD
Nepali Americans in the Madison area -- led by the Nepali American Friendship Association (NAFA) --celebrated Dashain 2009 at Eagle Heights Community Center ...
Nepal Promotion Evening in Paris To commemorate the 64th Anniversary of the Establishment to the Diplomatic Relations between Nepal and France, the Embassy o...
Nepal Festival 2010 on 24th and 25th July 2010.This is jointly organized by almost all Nepali organizations in the Northern California in coordination of Nep...
International Food Party in Esbjerg PinseKirken.
Cultural dances and music. • Traditional arts and paintings. Global Nepal Media organized the first ever annual GLOBAL NEPAL FEST (GNF) 2012 on April 14, 201...
More information or Nepal tour / Kailash Tour / Holy Tour Nepal / trekking & climbing Expedition and more information or trip booking please contact us: Ganesh Neupane (Owner & General Manager – Operator) Nepal – Tibet – Bhutan Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Mount Kailash tour Phone: + 97714700348 Fax: + 977 1 4700556 Mobile Phone: +9779851031674 / +9779801031674 E-mail: Skype ID: nepal_2011 Yahoo Messenger: Nepal Tour: Kathmandu has often been by some as a flawless jewel in a unique setting. No other place in the world has the concentration of culture, art and tradition that exists in the Kathmandu valley (1300m.). Kathmandu is the crossroads for the many ethnic groups of Nepal and for visitors from all over the world every year. Nestled in the central hills of Nepal, Kathmandu is at once medieval and modern. The Kathmandu valley sprawls at the junction of two sacred rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Just cross the Bagmati River to the south is Patan, on ancient city of temples, while Bhadgoon with its thousands of homes and temples shrines lies six miles to the east. More then two hundred years ago these three cities housed the Royal places of three different kingdoms that divided the valley palaces surviving today. Chitwan National Park Is one of the most exciting wildlife reserves in the World, lies 75 miles Southwest (165Km) of Kathmandu. Chitwan is now one of the finest protected forests & dense grassland regions in Asia and the home of magnificent and rare wildlife. Among the 14 national parks and wildlife reserves in the Kingdom of Nepal, The Chitwan National Park (932 sq. km) is the most popular Nepal Jungle safari destination. More than 43 species of animals are still found in Chitwan. The endangered one-horned rhino, Royal Bengal tiger, Gharia crocodiles, four-horned antelope, striped hyena, and the genetic dolphin are the main attractions here. The park is much closed to Kathmandu, which is easily accessible (only 165km) by bus and air. Bharatpur airport adjoins the park is a 25 minutes away (there are daily flights from Kathmandu). Many adventures also intent to go down by raft. However you go, a jungle safari is an experience you will remember for a long time. Chitwan National Park tour that will be 2 nights 3 days or 3 nights 4 days offers you high quality hotel/lodge/ tented camp accommodation, food and other services. Kathmandu has often been by some as a flawless jewel in a unique setting. No other place in the world has the concentration of culture, art and tradition that exists in the Kathmandu valley (1300m.). Kathmandu is the crossroads for the many ethnic groups of Nepal and for visitors from all over the world every year. Nestled in the central hills of Nepal, Kathmandu is at once medieval and modern. The Kathmandu valley sprawls at the junction of two sacred rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Just cross the Bagmati River to the south is Patan, on ancient city of temples, while Bhadgoon with its thousands of homes and temples shrines lies six miles to the east. More then two hundred years ago these three cities housed the Royal places of three different kingdoms that divided the valley palaces surviving today. Lumbini, the peaceful city located in Rupandehi district of Nepal, is the birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism and thus is the most important pilgrimage destination for all schools of Buddhism all around the world. Lord Buddha, the enlightened one, was born here as Prince Siddhartha Gautam in 623 B.C., the son of King Suddhodhan of the kingdom of Kapilvastu and his queen Maya Devi. According to the Buddhist literary sources, on the day of Baisakh Purnima, Maya Devi, while on her way to her maternal home took bath in Puskarini (a pond in the garden of the palace) and immediately felt the onset of her labor pain. She grabbed the branch of a big shady tree nearby for support and gave birth to a beautiful baby prince. It is said that as soon as he was born, the new born prince took seven steps in the holy soil under each of which a lotus flower bloomed immediately. Lumbini garden, where Maya Devi gave birth to Gautam Buddha, remained neglected for a long time but now it has been beautifully maintained, and the region isnow listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Damodar Adhikari, a technical advisor for RTI's Asia region, discusses the work RTI International has been doing in health care in Nepal.
Kolja did his internship in Nepal, and in this short video-diary he tells us about his challenging experience. Internships are an integrated and very importa...
To read the full case study on maternal health in Nepal visit: To...
Rick Peltier and Kabindra Shayka of UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences filmed this report in Kathmandu, where they are leading a multinational study identifying air pollutants and tracking their effects on local police.
It is the moments of personal connection we shared with the patients arriving daily through our door that fills us with both gratitude for being able to make a difference in their lives and a bittersweet realization of the immense need for accessible healthcare in these places. A big thank you to our donor's, supporters, healthcare providers, and volunteers that helped make the 2014 Himalayan Quests Health Camp a reality -- none of this would have been possible without you! We are already excited to continue our adventure in 2015.
The Government of Nepal started the Female Community Health Volunteer Program in 1988 with support from USAID, UNICEF and UNFPA. In its 25 years, the country now proudly boasts a cadre of 52,000 women who work in every district in Nepal and hail from diverse ethnic backgrounds. These ordinary women perform the extraordinary task of bringing health education and outreach services to Nepali families throughout the country, despite the country's poor infrastructure and geographical challenges. Today, Nepal is among the few countries on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, related to maternal health and child mortality -- an achievement that would not be possible without the special, dedicated Female Community Health Volunteers of Nepal.
Collection of health care home health care health care insurance health care center health care services health care products family health care national hea...
This documentary "Search for light" depicts the situation of Mental Health In Nepal . The prevailing problems and the activities are shown in this documentary.
A multimedia by Kelly Mcllvenny, exploring, documenting and communicating challenging maternal health health issues for women in Nepal.
In January 2014, University of Colorado Denver students traveled to Nepal to interview women who have received free uterine prolapse surgeries from Centura H...
In Nepali bhasha. Mr. Ramesh Subba is a faculty member of CMC B Sc program. He got his nursing education in India. He is a mental health specialist. I asked ...
Sita Gurung created this video for the public information. First ever health clinic in this area, now it has been established and running since 2010, Ric And...
This video is about Nepal
After a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years.
Coming to Nepal Well the beauty of Nepal will enthrall you, the adventure will excite you and the hospitality will entice you to come back again and again. But before you embark on this adventurous journey there are a few things you need to be careful about in order to address the potential health issues that might arise. A few vaccines are highly recommended like Vaccines against hepatitis A and Typhoid. If visiting during late July to early October Japanese encephalitis vaccine is also recommended. Rabies vaccine for long stay and repeat travelers. There does not seem to be any risk of malaria in Kathmandu, Pokhara or the trekking routes so malaria vaccinne is not recommended. Malaria prophylactic medication is also not recommended for short visits to Chitwan National Park or other national parks in terai region. Try to Avoid mosquito bites, tick bites and other insect bites by using mosquito and other insect repellants. If you are interested to go for trekking and camping in mountains then there are a few things you should keep in mind. • Before trekking you should exercise regularly so that you are in a fit condition. • Also, Drink plenty of fluids – around 3 liters /day. • Carry a first aid and medical kit. Customize the kit to suit your needs. • Make sure you have travel and evacuation insurance and most importantly Understand the limitations of coverage. • Be aware of altitude sickness. Now, don’t worry. Altitude sickness can easily be prevented. • You should Trek at your own pace do not hurry to complete the trek. • Once you reach an altitude of 3000m or 10,000ft, ascend only 300-500 meters in one day from there. If symptoms of acute mountain sickness e.g. headache, nausea, dizziness , fatigue and insomnia develop, then stay at the same altitude. • If symptoms get worse or do not go away, then it is advisable to descend. Symptoms of severe illness include Shortness of breath at rest, cough with frothy sputum, mental confusion and unsteady gait. • You can also take Acetazolamide or Diamox at 125mg twice daily for prevention of altitude illness. It is well tolerated but almost always will cause tingling around mouth, fingers and toes. It also alters the taste of carbonated drinks. It is a sulfa based drug and should not be used by persons with known severe sulfa allergy. • Be informed about the medical facilities around or near the trek area in case of emergency. • For personal safety, trek with a friend or guide, do not trek alone. • Use sunscreen of SPF15 or more for sun protection. At high altitude Sun tends to be a more strong. • If you are trekking in rainy season, Leech bites can occur. a little salt helps remove leeches. Traveler’s Diarrhea or TD is very common in Nepal. If diarrhea occurs, stay hydrated with oral rehydration solution. For moderate to severe diarrhea symptoms, an antibiotic on physician prescription either ciprofloxacin or azithromycin is recommended for 3 days. Eat and drink safe food and water. Drink bottled means 1 liter bottlesor boiled water. Carry iodine or chlorine for emergency use if trekking in remote areas. Eat foods that are cooked fresh and served hot. Fruits that can be peeled and eaten are safe to eat. Animal bites have the potential to transmit rabies in Nepal. Avoid getting bitten by animals - do not pet or pick up puppies, do not carry food while visiting temples. If bitten by an animal, wash wounds thoroughly with soap and water, apply an antiseptic and seek medical help. Safety on the roads is important. Avoid overcrowded buses or driving on rough roads at night. And most importantly Use helmet for bike riding. Well these are general tips for your safety and wellbeing in Nepal. We wish for your safe and sound stay But just incase you in need any medical assistance or expert medical advise during your stay in Nepal you can contact Health Concern through phone or email. Our ph number is 01-4485880. Email address : Or you can visit our website and fill in the form in the Foreigner’s healthcare section. Our expert team will reach you immediately for assistance and guidance. Have a pleasant journey. Thank you
President Obama's Global Health Initiative (GHI) is the next chapter in the way the U.S. Government conducts global health activities. Nepal is one of eight ...
In early 2014, 12 youth participants in the My Rights, My Voice programme in Nepal took part in a two-week Participatory Video project in Surkhet District. The group learned new video skills and planned three advocacy films to improve access to health services in the three districts where the programme operates. The team of four from Banke District made this film, 'Health for Life', about the need for testing laboratories in health posts.
As part of the My Rights, My Voice (MRMV) programme, 12 youth campaigners from the Nepal project took part in a Participatory Video workshop in January 2014.... If you live and work in Nepal it could be very exciting. To make sure you make the correct informed decision, ou...
Image News | Kantipur News | News 31 News | Himalaya Tv News | Ntv News | Nepal 1 News | Mountain Tv News | Nepal Television News | Ntv 2 News | Avenues Tv News | Abc Tv News | Image News | Image Channel News | Ttv News | Terai Tv News | Tv Filmy News नेपाली दैनिक समाचार | नेपाली समाचार | Nepal Samachar | Nepali Samachar News 31 News | Himalaya Tv News | Ntv News | Nepal 1 News | Mountain Tv News | Nepal Television News | Ntv 2 News | Avenues Tv News | Abc Tv News | Image News | Image Channel News | Ttv News | Terai Tv News | Tv Filmy News नेपाली दैनिक समाचार | नेपाली समाचार | Nepal Samachar | Nepali Samachar Nepali Channels: Nepal Television (Ntv),Nepal Television 2 (Ntv 2),Kantipur Tv,Image Channel,Avenues Tv,Tv Filmy,Mountain Tv,Abc Tv,Terai Tv (Ttv) News,NepalNews,Nepal,Daily Nepali News,Daily News Nepal,Nepal Samachar,News of Nepal,News Nepal,NewsNepal,Online News Nepal,News Online Nepal,News Of Nepal,Daily Nepal news Nepal Tv News 17 Feb 2015. Nepal Tv News 17 Feb 2015 Nepal Morning News 17 Feb 2015 Nepal Night News 17 Feb 2015 Nepal Late Night News 17 Feb 2015. Nepal Talkshow 17 Feb 2015.------ Nepal Talkshow 17 Feb 2015 Nepal Khabor 17 Feb 2015 Nepaldesher News 17 Feb 2015 Nepalr News 17 Feb 2015 Nepal Talkshow 17-02-2015 Nepal News - 17 Feb 2015. Nepal 17 Feb 2015. Nepal Tv News 17 Feb 2015 News,NepalNews,Nepal,Daily Nepali News,Daily News Nepal,Nepal Samachar,News of Nepal,News Nepal,NewsNepal,Online News Nepal,News Online Nepal,News Of Nepal,Daily Nepal news, We Cover The Whole News Of Nepal :
A documentary on right to health in Morang district of Nepal is produced by Ministry of Health and Population, District Public Health Office Morang and BNMT ...
In partnership with University of Wisconsin-Madison's Institute of Global Health, Sarvodaya USA runs field courses in Nepal and Sri Lanka. Through the course...
Ala Ong, mother of four, tells her story. After losing one child to pneumonia she is grateful for Fida Internationals health education lessons in her village. No she knows how to keep her family safe and healthy. Join the fight for better future for families in Cambodia and Nepal:
We interviewed around 25-30 tourist around few touristy places in kathmandu. A random idea of asking few interesting question to foreigners took a shape of a almost 7 and half minute video. One of the hardest part was to shorten the huge content we had collected over the course of interviewing. It was quite an interesting experience for us to get to know about our country from people who come to travel here. A lot of funny moments, interesting and few surprising too. Not that we didn't knew about our country but this experience has certainly made us realize more on how luck and beautiful we people are. We hope this video will certainly make you feel more positive and proud at the same time. Jai desh Jai Nepal Special thanks to :- Susana Rana and Saugat Adhikari
Like page & Support : My Country, My Pride , Long live Nepal. Video itself Explains how beautiful is ...
Nepal Promotional Video by an Leading travel company Liberty Holidays Inc.
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is one of the world's oldest cities. The old part of the city, with narrow medieval streets and lovely little shrines, ...
IMPORTANT NOTICE: © Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved. Nepal Tourism Board. This video is a production of Nepal Tourism Board {}. The full video or any portion may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission. If you want to embed or share this video, you must give a source credit to Nepal Tourism Board, with a properly visible link to this youtube video page : . --------------------------------------------- A Project of : Nepal Tourism Board {} Developed by: Moksha Design Studio { } Developed in: 2010
one of Nepal's most dangerous roads driving in Nepal . Please comment & Share Your Friend. ( Promote - Travel and Tourism in Nepal) More Videos;=UUG4qooRvIYCCNWtu9_Z3O2Q
Kathmandu, Nepal Travel Guide, Kathmandu, Nepal Tourism Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Kathmandu is the largest city and capital of Nepal and the namesake of the Kathmandu Valley. Once thought to be the fabled and inaccessible Shangri-La, Kathmandu is now a hub for independent travellers as well as a growing vacation spot catering to all budgets. As a result of considerable urban growth in recent decades, it is now part of one continuous urban area together with Patan to the south. See in Kathmandu, Nepal =================== 1 - Swayambhu aka Monkey Temple - A site on a hill overlooking the city with a large stupa and other Buddhist and Hindu iconography. One of the most sacred Buddhist sites in the country. There are 350 steps to the top - the back route is less steep but the views on the way up are not as nice. 2 - Boudha Stupa in Boudha . One of the most sacred sites for Tibetan Buddhism. This huge stupa is one of the largest in the world. It is located to the north-east of Dwarikas' Hotel and just to the north of the airport area. This is another World Heritage Site. 3 - Narayanhiti Palace Museum - This is the former Royal palace which was turned partly into a Museum and partly into the Foreign Ministry after the abolition of the monarchy in 2009. Now you can visit the splendid Halls of the main building of the palace. Giant fruit bats hanging from the tall trees and 20 foot-tall bamboo around the otherwise modern (and still well secured) former palace are a sight, especially around sunset when the bats depart en masse. Foreigners: NPR500 4- Thamel Chowk - a tourist neighborhood with many restaurants and shops. 5- Freak Street - Historic street where western hippies seeking enlightenment would stay. Now just a few restaurants and hotels. 6- Pashupatinath - An important Hindu temple to Shiva in the form of Lord of Animals. See monkeys, cremation, sadhus and meditation caves. Morning or sunset are great times to go. 1000 Rupess for foreigners, though you can sneak in through the park at the North side of the temple, as many locals do (beware of police though, who try to catch people doing exactly this). No entry inside the main temple for foreigners, though you can peer inside from the doorway. Also, there are stairs on the East side of the river leading to the Boudha Stupa (a short walk away). 7 - Garden of Dreams / Kaiser Mahal - Relax in this beautiful and peaceful walled garden close to Thamel and the former Royal Palace. Beautifully renovated in partnership with Austrian government. Currently has two pavilions depicting two of the six annual seasons in the Hindu calendar. It has several expensive cafes and a bar. Nice toilets. NPR200. 8- Budda Neelkanth Temple (Narangdham), (6km from Main Bus Park, Kathmandu). An Idol of Bhagwan Vishnu in a sleeping position surrounded by water is an extraordinary cool and calm experience. edit 9 - Kathmandu Durbar Square This ancient square is crowded with palaces and temples, including the current incarnation of the Kasthamandap or "Wooden house" that gives the city its name. The square has been occupied since the construction of a palace around 1000AD. This site is the most popular UNESCO World Heritage Site in Nepal. The Square is particularly fascinating in the very early morning as all the various merchants set up their wares and when many devotees make their offerings at the various shrines and temples. There will be a number of young men who will offer to be "guides." Be firm with saying "no" if you are not interested. The entrance fee for foreigners is NPR750. If you plan to be in the area for more than one day, it's worth being directed to the Site Office where you can exchange your single-entry ticket with a multiple-entry pass allowing you to wander in and out as you wish. You will need your passport and one passport photo. The whole process takes only a few minutes. Your entry pass gives you access to all open parts of Durbar Square as well as the Hanuman Dhoka. In Nepali, Durbar means "palace" and this is where the monarch was crowned and from where he ruled.
Travel video about destination Nepal. At the foot of the huge peaks of the Himalayas is Pokhara and it is from here that we begin our journey through Nepal. In the past, Pokhara was an important trading link between India and Tibet but the trading of salt and wool came to an end after Tibet closed its doors to the outside world.Kathmandu is a melting pot of both race and religion, a metropolis in the heart of the Kingdom of Nepal, a country of snow-covered mountains inhabited by the gods. Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Kumari, who is duly selected from childhood. She is not allowed to leave until puberty as her task is it affirm the king his power. Traditional ceremonies are celebrated throughout the year such as the Festival Of The Children that is a symbol of fertility and sexual purity. Patan is Nepal’s second largest city and has retained much of its original character due to its three hundred monasteries and temples. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Kathmandu Valley and during the 15th century was the capital of one of three kingdoms. Bhaktapur is the third ancient regal city of the thirty kilometre long Kathmandu Valley that has always been a prosperous trading route between China, Tibet and India. Through the golden gate of Sundhoka is the old royal palace complex. The Torana above the gate is richly gilded and features the ten-armed goddess, Taleju, and her loyal guards. Located on a 1,400 metre high hill, Swayanbunath is a Buddhist monastery complex and one of the most interesting sights in Nepal. The country’s oldest stupa dates back to the 5th century and is entered from an easterly direction up a staircase that contains three hundred and sixty-five steps. Endless rows of prayer mills and religious images are the instruments of the people’s deep faith. Hidden in a canyon and located on top of a mountain creek, Dakshinkali stands guard over the valley. This wonderful place is dedicated to the bloody goddess, Kali. The customs of the people in the ‘Kingdom On The Roof Of The World’ may seem somewhat strange. But this land of jungle and eternal snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs. Like magic!
This video is produced and shared with you to say Responsible Tourism is Good for business, Good for the environment and good for the poor. I have filmed and edited the video but it's the presentation of SNV Nepal
बर्सेनी ३० हजारभन्दा बढी पर्यटकहरू लुक्ला विमानस्थल अवतरण गरी पदयात्रा र सगरमाथा आरोहणका लागि सोलुखुम्वु जिल्लाको खुम्वु क्षेत्र जाने गर्छन् । योसहित देशका अन्य विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा घुम्न जाने पर्यटकहरू कस्ता छन् त? यिनीहरूबाट देशले के फाइदा लिन सकेको छ? त्यसो त, तेन्जिङ शेर्पा र एडमण्ड हिलारीले सगरमाथाको सफल आरोहण गरेको पनि यसै साता ६० बर्ष हुँदैछ भने नेपालमा पर्यटन व्यवसाय शुरू भएको पनि लगभग त्यति नै भएको छ । पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा देशको लगानी र त्यसले दिने प्रतिफलका बारेमा सोलुखुम्वुमा तयार गरिएको यो साझा सवालमा संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययन मन्त्रालयका सहसचिव बालकृष्ण घिमिरे, ट्रेकिङ एजेन्ट्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल (टान) का अध्यक्ष महेन्द्रसिंह थापा र पर्यटन व्यवसायी बच्चुनारायण श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्छ ।
The official Video of Visit Nepal 2011 The ultimate place to link Nepal to the world.
Video by Robin Wallace. Documentary i made a few years ago covering the entire trek from Lukla to Everest Base camp, staying in Tea Houses. Also included in this HD documentary is a tour of Bhaktapur city, Kathmandu city and Chitwan National Safari park. Enjoy :-)
Nepal Tour: Day-1 KLIA-Kathmandu (Patan Durbar Square) Day-2 Kathmandu-Chitwan (Chitwan National Park)
Sustainable Tourism in Nepal The Explore Nepal P. Ltd.
short presentation about travel n tourism in nepal which was held in jiu jiang medical university china . some data might not be accurate , proud to be nepali
A local mountain guide strike could directly impact Nepal's tourism industry. Last Friday's avalanche at Mount Everest killed 13 Sherpas and now the guides a...
In this video produced for the Yale Himalaya Initiative, Forestry & Environmental Studies doctoral candidate Alark Saxena discusses his research on the impac...
Client: BBC New Delhi, India Film Director: Vipin Dhyani Production House: Skylark Music: Vipin Mishra.
this is video I madeis the project for my multimedia project. I wanna show the people how beautiful nepal is. they really should visit nepal. and as we say "...
Namaste ! Dear Travellers & Explorers from all parts of the world, you are invited to participate and join trips at Good Karma trekking (P) Ltd ,to see and e...
In this video, you can see different activities going on in Nepal to promote the Nepal Tourism Year 2011. Nepal Tourism Board is the official organisation wh...
Around the famous Annapurna circuit in Nepal. From Besisahar to Chame, Dharapani, Manang and over the Thorung Phedi Pass in 5600m back to the Valley of Pokha...
Walking around Kathmandu in the Himalayas of Nepal. Feel like something fun, adventurous and inspiring to read? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 travel stories from around the world: Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: Gabriel's travel page on Facebook: Lots more adventure travel at: Follow Gabriel on twitter: Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below. Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more. Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys! Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal in the Himalayas
Nepal Travel Guide 2015 - Travel Around The World 2015, nepal pokhara paragliding, nepal travel, nepal devinsupertramp, nepal tourism, nepal cricket,nepal police, nepal documentary national geographic, nepal bus accident, nepal travel guide... Like and Share the video to the world Subscribe : Click to play the playlist: HomePage: Fanpage: Plus: Twitter : +1 the post and share it if you are interesting in !!! tag: nepal vs canada,nepal parliament fight,nepali news,nepal news,nepali song,nepali,nepali full movie,nepali movies 2014 full movie,nepali,movie,nepali songs 2014 latest,nepal airport,nepal army special force,nepal animal attack,nepal airport kathmandu,nepal airport dangerous,nepal army training video,nepali anthem,a nepali movies,nepal bus,nepal bus accident,nepal bungee jump,side by nepali band,nepal cricket,nepal city,nepal cricket match 2014,nepal china,nepal country,dcnepal,nepal documentary,nepal documentary national geographic,nepal dance,nepal documentary 2014,nepal dangerous road,nepal documentary bbc,nepal development,nepal dangerous airport,kolaveri di nepali,nepal earthquake,nepal engineering college,nepal economy,nepal earthquake 2014,nepal embassy abu dhabi,nepali e chords,e nepali chords,nepal festival,nepal festival 2014,nepal food,nepal got talent 2014,nepal gang fight,nepal gopro,nepal history,nepal hot,nepal history documentary,nepal india,nepal india border,nepal international airport,i nepali full movie,nepal janakpur,nepal jhapa,nepal jail,nepal ki chhori hu ma,nepal kathmandu,nepal ko choro,nepal landing,nepal latest news,nepal lifestyle,nepal music festival,nepali movies 2014 full movie,nepali movie,nepal news,nepal news today.... =========== Travel Around The World :
Nepal, Mystical Himalayas Travel, Vacation, Tours HD World Travel Nepal, Mystical Himalayas
Hi Guys! This is the second part of our Nepal adventure, and part three of our travel log 2012. We visit the royal cities Patan (Latipur), Pokhara and Bakthapur, following several religious hinduistic festivals, e.g. the three days lasting "cow festival" and show you the beautiful nature, e.g. a wonderful view of the Himalaya, and more... We hope you like it ;) Realiteens xx Facebook: Twitter:!/Realiteens Website:
One week at Nepal in 4 cities: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Pokhara, Bhaktapur. Sights: Nyatapola Temple, Durbar Square, Elephant Safari, Paragliding Lake Pehwa, Patan, Nagarkot, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Stupa. Taken mostly with a Canon S120. Music: Eddie Caldwell - Edge Of The Night (Instrumental) Website:;=437467
Travel video about destination Kathmandu in Nepal. Kathmandu is a metropolis in the heart of the kingdom of Nepal, a land of snow-white mountains and home of the gods. For many centuries, this was the centre of Buddhist power and culture and it is here that the largest number of temples is found, dedicated to numerous deities. In the heart of the city is Durbar Square, in which the country's royalty resided until 1908 and where the most important festivals take place. Jagannath is one of the oldest temples on the square and the original building dates back to 1560, as does the adjacent Taleju Temple. The Shiva Parvati Temple was built in the early years of the Shah Dynasty. Its five-sectioned portal-like frame features text that is believed to be ancient Nepalese writing. Kumari Chowk is the residence of the living goddess, Raj Kumari. For this role, a young girl is duly selected and is disallowed from leaving the palace until puberty. Her task is to affirm the king his power. Over the years, the city has grown so much that Kathmandu is only separated from Patan by the sacred Bagmati River. The majority of the population is Hindu but Buddhists frequently use the Hindu sanctuaries. Here, religious coexistence is a reality. The customs of the people in this 'Kingdom on the Roof of the World' may seem strange to those from beyond its borders. But this land of both jungle and everlasting snow has developed according to its own rich traditions and beliefs.
Bhaktapur Nepal Travel Guide - You must try King Yogurt Juju Dhau जुजु धौ) when you will travel Kathmandu Valley Nepal. Bhaktapur is one oldest town of Nepal with majority of Newari community.For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal And Newari community are so skillful in preparing several types of dishes that is why Newari dishes are famous all around Nepal and also in abroad. Here, one famous thing of Bhaktapur is JUJU DHAU which means King Yogurt in local language. I am going to show you the taste and locality of Bhaktapur Nepal. For your information, Bhaktapur is UNESCO world heritage site, one of the 7 world heritage site from small city of Kathmandu valley, Nepal Juju Dhau is made purely with water buffalo milk. They make it tastier with sugar and few dry fruits , but its optional. You will eat this in earthen pot made with again Kumhale, (people who makes earthen pot in Nepali language are called Kumhale) Subscribe to My Travel & Learning Channel Get my updates on Facebook - Get my updates on Twitter - Visit and Explore my Website -
We visit the capital of Nepal and see the sights. We wander the streets of Thamel, take in the temples of Durbar Square, visit the Monkey Temple and see Patan. We also go on a mission to buy some false teeth!
Kathmandu Nepal Travel Guide - Dharahara (Bhimsen Tower) is one of the historical place of Nepal. It is elder than Eiffel tower of France & Statue of Liberty, exceptionally incredible as no iron or metal has been used to make this tower. The purpose of making this tower is to gather all people at Tudikhel ( a huge ground in norther face of Dharahara) for announcements. It is made by first prime minister of Nepal, Bhimsen Thapa, that is why it is often called Bhimsen tower, but it is 2nd tallest tower made by Bhimsen Thapa.The original Bhimsen Tower was built in 1824 and was 11 stories high, two stories taller than the present day Dharahara. Dharahara was built for Queen Lalit Tripura Sundari, who was the niece of Bhimsen Thapa. She wanted a tower of her own next to Bhimsen's original tower. There are 213 steps in the tower and at the top of the Dharahara there is a shiva temple. The tower is made in Mughal style while walls of surroundings are made in European style while having Hindu temple at top, bringing all religion together. For more information - Watch another video of Kathmandu Travel Guide for Food - Bhaktapur Juju Dhau - Subscribe My Videos -
Check Our Website : Extra Tags: Bhaktapur travel guide travel to Bhaktapur Bhaktapur t...
Tihar is the second biggest festival of Nepalese.It is celebrated for five days in late autumn, which comes soon after Dashain. Two days from this festival are very popular. One day is celebrated for goddess Laxmi and the other one is celebrated to worship brothers for their long life by sisters. This festival is also known as the festival of lights. Candles and lamps are lit inside and outside the house and businesses. Tihar shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crow, cow and dog, who maintain an intense relationship with the humans. [Credit] Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide Manufactured by: SAC Music International
Lumbini, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is famous as the birthplace of the Buddha. Every year thousands of tourists visit this site to explore t... We see the World Peace Pagoda, take a boat out onto the lake, do some shopping, climb a small mountain to watch a Himalayan sunrise. Read...
When you have no money, this is what you do. Check out Alex Alexander's travels at a http://www.foot...
Soyambhunath Stupa is one of the world's most glorious Buddhist Stupas. It is among the oldest religious sites in Nepal. The stupa consists of a dome at the ...
Global Basecamps travel specialist, Meagan, gives expert tips on traveling and trekking in Nepal.
Dashain is the biggest festival of Nepalese celebrated as a symbol of victory of good over evil. Family members from every corner of the world and different parts of the country join together to receive blessings from elders. It is celebrated for 15 days. Government of Nepal provides five days of public holiday during Dashain. [Credit] Collection: Travels in Nepal - A detailed Visual Guide Manufactured by: SAC Music International
More information or tour / trip booking, please contact us: Ganesh Neupane Tour, trekking, climbing expedition, Holy Tour Operator Phone: + 97714700348 Fax: ...
Kathmandu valley is one of the very unique destinations for travelers around the globe. It's geographical & cultural diversity is something that interests ma...
A short movie about my amazing trek through Langtang National Park in the Himalayas of Nepal. Feel like something fun, adventurous and inspiring to read? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 travel stories from around the world: Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: Gabriel's travel page on Facebook: Lots more adventure travel at: Follow Gabriel on twitter: Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below. Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more. Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys! Incredible Himalaya Trekking Adventure, Nepal
China and India are each spending billions of dollars on infrastructure, especially hydroelectric dams, in Nepal.
Big News Network 2015-04-18KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) -- Former five-time Nepalese Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa was cremated ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18... who served as Nepal's prime minister five times, at Dashrath Stadium in Kathmandu, Nepal, Friday, .
Big News Network 2015-04-18At least 3 persons including a 2-year old child succumbed to swine flu on Friday in Nepal, taking ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18Hope is fading by the hour at this point, but rescue teams in Nepal say a hiker who has been missing ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18Indian poet-diplomat Abhay K's collection of poems on Nepal titled 'Jatra' will be released by ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18Hundreds of people have gathered in Nepal's capital to mark the anniversary of the deadliest avalanche to hit Mount Everest.
The Miami Herald 2015-04-18Article extract not available. Link to source for the full article.
Star Tribune 2015-04-18An exhibition of poetry-paintings on Nepal by Abhay K and Italian artist Tarshito will also be inaugurated on the occasion.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-18President Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday condoled the passing away of former Nepal Prime Minister ...
Zeenews 2015-04-17Indian authorities on Thursday gifted 35 vehicles to Nepal's anti-graft body, the Commission for the ...
Big News Network 2015-04-17The Nepal government said the five-time PM will be accorded state .
Big News Network 2015-04-17This aerial view shows a mountain range in Nepal ... .
Big News Network 2015-04-17Nepal (नेपाल) (i/nɛˈpɔːl/ ne-PAWLNepali: नेपाल [neˈpal] (
listen)), officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked sovereign state located in South Asia. It is located in the Himalayas and bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India. Specifically, the Indian states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Sikkim border Nepal, while across the Himalayas lies the Tibetan Autonomous Region. With an area of 147,181 square kilometres (56,827 sq mi) and a population of approximately 27 million (and 2 million absentee workers living abroad), Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by land mass and the 41st most populous country. Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the country's largest metropolis. Kathmandu Valley itself has estimated population of 5 million.
Nepal has a rich geography. The mountainous north has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, called Sagarmatha in Nepali. It contains more than 240 peaks over 20,000 ft (6,096 m) above sea level. The fertile and humid south is heavily urbanized.
If you're gonna break his heart could you break it gently please
Cos he is all you've got and you are all he needs and
If you're going to throw it all, then throw it to the water
Tell me, tell me if you feel it all
You never felt that much, you never felt that love so
When you turned around saw him lying on the ground
You picked him up just a little bit so you could spit
In the face of what he gave you, oh what he made you and
If you're going to throw it all, then throw it to the water
Tell me, tell me if you feel it all
And just throw it to the water
If you're gonna break his heart could you break it gently please
‘Cos he is all you've got and you are all he needs and
If you're going to throw it all, then throw it to the water
Tell me, tell me if you feel it all
Feel it all
I don't know but i've been told
That you are the only soul
Don't you know it hurts me so
Hurts me so to see you go
All the time I was wrong