VBW CEKK Cegled cause surprise with Gdynia Super Team 2016 title (FIBA - International Basketball Federation)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Sep 2016
(Source. FIBA - International Basketball Federation) ... Led by MVP Maja Skoric, Cegled managed to emerge victorious at the tournament which was held to commemorate the memory of former Gdynia President Franciszka Cegielska and the legendary women's star Margo Dydek. Cegled caused a major stir after they shot down EuroLeague Women opponents in the form of Wisla Can-Pack with a 70-65 victory ... FIBA ... (noodl. 35439493) ....

Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Polonia in occasione della XXXI Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (27-31 luglio 2016) – Visita alla Chiesa di San Francesco a Cracovia (The Holy See)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jul 2016
(Source. The Holy See). Preghiera. Traduzione in lingua polacca. Traduzione in lingua inglese. Traduzione in lingua spagnola ... Oltre ai frati francescani erano presenti alcuni familiari dei martiri. Il Papa ha recitato una 'Preghiera per la pace e la difesa dalla violenza e dal terrorismo' di cui riportiamo il testo qui di seguito.. Preghiera ... Per Cristo nostro Signore ... Modlitwa Ojca Świętego Franciszka ... Franciszka w Krakowie, dnia 30.07.2016....

Resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Capital Park S.A. on June 20th 2016 (Capital Park SA)

Edit Public Technologies 23 Jun 2016
Franciszka Klimczaka 1 in Warsaw, Poland (the "Company"), publishes − attached as an appendix to this report − the resolutions passed by the Company's Annual General Meeting on June 20th 2016, including, with respect to each resolution, the number of shares on which valid votes were cast, the percentage of the share capital represented by ......

This week’s exhibitions

Edit The Guardian 25 Mar 2016
Franciszka & Stefan Themerson ... OB Franciszka & Stefan Themerson, London. In Warsaw in the 1930s, Franciszka and Stefan Themerson had been film-makers, creating five short films together ... In 1948 they set up a publishing company together, Gaberbocchus Press, whose aim was to produce “best-lookers” rather than bestsellers, while Franciszka ......

Notice on convening an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Sygnity S.A. The agenda and draft resolutions (Sygnity SA)

Edit Public Technologies 23 Mar 2016
(Source ... 19/2016. Warsaw, 26 February 2016 ... The Meeting will be held in the Company's registered seat in Warsaw (02-797), at 1 Franciszka Klimczaka Street ... Franciszka Klimczaka 1, with a note "Biuro Zarządu i Nadzoru Właścicielskiego", or sent by email to the following email address ... and ... Franciszka Klimczaka 1, with a note "Biuro Zarządu i Nadzoru Właścicielskiego", or sent by email to the following email address ... and....

Change in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting convened for 24 March 2016 (Sygnity SA)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Mar 2016
(Source. Sygnity SA) 51cf4827-592b-4130-a524-e295b2ad66fc.pdf. 21/2016. Warsaw, 3 March 2016. Change in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting convened for 24 March 2016. In reference to Current Report No ... z ... in Warsaw (02-797) at 1 Franciszka Klimczaka Street - with the following items. ... Therefore, the Management Board announces the revised agenda.. Opening of the Annual General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders ... 19/2016 (Appendix 1)....

Tech Grad Wins Research Award For Thesis Project (New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology) ...

Edit Public Technologies 27 Oct 2015
(Source. New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology). HOUSTON, Texas, October 27, 2015 - Arash Memarzadeh, a recent Tech graduate, placed first in the SPE International Student Paper Contest during the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in Houston. His advisor Dr. Hamid Rahnema said, 'This was truly a worldwide competition ... We are all very proud of him.' ... At right is Tech student Franciszka Stopa ... Dr ... Rahnema said ... - NMT -....

AL Rees: Writer and teacher who made a formidable advocate for the study of the ...

Edit The Independent 26 Feb 2015
Reprinted seven times, it is now in its revised second edition and shows no sign of aging ... Similarly, his deep understanding of historical context shines through essays such as his introduction to the first English translation of Hans Richter's The Struggle for Film (1986) and his brilliant chapter on the Polish pioneering artists Stefan and Francisca Themerson for O'Pray and Kuk's recent book The Struggle for Form (Wallflower 2014) ... ....