Sturgeon vows to ‘give people their NHS back’

Nicola Sturgeon is hugged by a supporter in Stirling. Picture: PA

Nicola Sturgeon is hugged by a supporter in Stirling. Picture: PA

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NICOLA Sturgeon has vowed that Nationalist MPs at Westminster will vote to “give people their NHS back” south of the Border.

Despite English anger about Scottish MPs voting on “English only” issues – such as health – at Westminster, Ms Sturgeon insisted her team would oppose any measures which could see Scotland’s devolved budget fall.

The First Minister insisted the SNP’s plans to end austerity will see an extra £2 billion invested in the NHS in Scotland over the next five years – and £24bn UK wide.

The SNP leader hit the campaign trail in Stirling yesterday and challenged Labour to back her proposals on NHS investment.

“Tory NHS privatisation is putting the health service south of the Border at risk, threatening to harm Scotland’s budget in the process,” Ms Sturgeon said.

The First Minister also insisted Labour is backing £30bn in further austerity cuts, while also signing up to “wasting” £100bn in renewing the Clyde-based Trident nuclear weapons system.

She called on Mr Miliband to back “progressive” policies” set out by the SNP.

“A strong team of SNP MPs at Westminster will always stand up for Scotland’s NHS – and we will oppose anything that could have an adverse knock on impact on our budget,” she said.

“That is exactly why we will vote to restore England’s NHS and give people south of the Border their health service back.”

She added: “This is a clear example of the progressive politics a strong team of SNP MPs will stand for at Westminster.”


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