MEGJASHI There must be responsibility for the death of Tamara
- Duration: 0:31
- Updated: 12 Feb 2015
Megjashi: Responsibility to be determined for all the dead children because of institutional negligence
Reaction on the occasion of the condition of children in Macedonia
The Tamara case and previous tragic cases which resulted with the death of children confirm the non-functioning and inertia of the system, for it to react soon and on time when children's lives are to be saved. It is not enough to be shocked, disgusted, nor is it enough to judge and merely state yet another lost child's life!
It is sad to state that children in Macedonia today suffer or die from: floods; poverty; hunger; diseases; emotional pain; maltreatment; pedophilia; negligence of the adults; parents; traffic accidents; bad marriages; emotional, physical and psychological abuse; breach of privacy in the media space; violence; discrimination; lack of love and care; lack of institutional care...
...the list is long.
During the past years we are witnesses of the infringement of children's rights: of health care; breach of the right to education; breach of the rights of children with difficulties in development; children with different diseases, rare and common, serious diseases; children whose privacy is violated through media; the right of children for quality education...
...the list is long.
The Children's Embassy Megjashi continuously sends the message about the importance of prevention in the sphere of protection of children for whatever risk their lives may face. The past month due to lack of care and negligence of the state institutions some children's lives were ended. Despite this there is no adequate reaction by the state institutions of the Republic of Macedonia, as if they are scared to open up a discussion and to call the ones responsible upon responsibility.
Children are more fragile by nature, more powerless. It is a problem to secure their protection.
We ask for strengthened measures of prevention, we ask for a proper, adequate protection of every child and we ask for responsibility. Only in that manner the more frequent cases in which children are victims of lack of institutional care will not be repeated.
We need to face the reality which is ongoing the last years in the sphere of children's protection. One of the measures is that the institutions show accountability for all the cases in which children have been victims of lack of care. Responsibility needs to be upheld both from an ethical and penal aspect. Therefore we call the Public Prosecutor and the Ombudsman to investigate not only the case of Tamara but other cases in which there is a basis for action, to make a scale of responsibility and to submit penal charges to the people responsible because of which, due to negligence and lack of care children's lives end. Without a resolution of these cases there is no just system that takes into account the best interest of the child, their health, security and proper growth and development.
With the determination and scaling of responsibility for the case of Tamara and all previous cases in which the responsibility of the system is determined, the state will show that it respects all international standards, norms, laws and conventions for the protection of the child, it's rights and the right for a healthy and dignified life.
We invite in a common meeting all associations that take care for the protection of children, the associations as well as individuals that have difficulties in fulfilling their children's right to healthcare, as well as other difficulties in fulfilling other rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Convention for the Rights of the Child to join us. In this meeting we will discuss the problems, the non functioning of the system in solving the problems that the children are facing.
In the end we would like to remind that in the waiting list for help for treatment there are still children: Shkelqim, Ivan, Stefanija, Jovana, Maksim...
...the list is long.
Megjashi: Responsibility to be determined for all the dead children because of institutional negligence
Reaction on the occasion of the condition of children in Macedonia
The Tamara case and previous tragic cases which resulted with the death of children confirm the non-functioning and inertia of the system, for it to react soon and on time when children's lives are to be saved. It is not enough to be shocked, disgusted, nor is it enough to judge and merely state yet another lost child's life!
It is sad to state that children in Macedonia today suffer or die from: floods; poverty; hunger; diseases; emotional pain; maltreatment; pedophilia; negligence of the adults; parents; traffic accidents; bad marriages; emotional, physical and psychological abuse; breach of privacy in the media space; violence; discrimination; lack of love and care; lack of institutional care...
...the list is long.
During the past years we are witnesses of the infringement of children's rights: of health care; breach of the right to education; breach of the rights of children with difficulties in development; children with different diseases, rare and common, serious diseases; children whose privacy is violated through media; the right of children for quality education...
...the list is long.
The Children's Embassy Megjashi continuously sends the message about the importance of prevention in the sphere of protection of children for whatever risk their lives may face. The past month due to lack of care and negligence of the state institutions some children's lives were ended. Despite this there is no adequate reaction by the state institutions of the Republic of Macedonia, as if they are scared to open up a discussion and to call the ones responsible upon responsibility.
Children are more fragile by nature, more powerless. It is a problem to secure their protection.
We ask for strengthened measures of prevention, we ask for a proper, adequate protection of every child and we ask for responsibility. Only in that manner the more frequent cases in which children are victims of lack of institutional care will not be repeated.
We need to face the reality which is ongoing the last years in the sphere of children's protection. One of the measures is that the institutions show accountability for all the cases in which children have been victims of lack of care. Responsibility needs to be upheld both from an ethical and penal aspect. Therefore we call the Public Prosecutor and the Ombudsman to investigate not only the case of Tamara but other cases in which there is a basis for action, to make a scale of responsibility and to submit penal charges to the people responsible because of which, due to negligence and lack of care children's lives end. Without a resolution of these cases there is no just system that takes into account the best interest of the child, their health, security and proper growth and development.
With the determination and scaling of responsibility for the case of Tamara and all previous cases in which the responsibility of the system is determined, the state will show that it respects all international standards, norms, laws and conventions for the protection of the child, it's rights and the right for a healthy and dignified life.
We invite in a common meeting all associations that take care for the protection of children, the associations as well as individuals that have difficulties in fulfilling their children's right to healthcare, as well as other difficulties in fulfilling other rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Convention for the Rights of the Child to join us. In this meeting we will discuss the problems, the non functioning of the system in solving the problems that the children are facing.
In the end we would like to remind that in the waiting list for help for treatment there are still children: Shkelqim, Ivan, Stefanija, Jovana, Maksim...
...the list is long.
- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 6