Australian Flying Corps

This is the old website. Unfortunately I lost that URL in 2007 after having it for nearly ten years. Which was a shame. The Australian Flying Corps information is spread across multiple locations now. The best place for AFC information is on the most recent Australian Flying Corps website. Additionally search the website via google;

The Australian Flying Corps website between 2004 and 2002. This has the most up to date information on the AFC. It is more complete than the older website as well. Some highlights include: Profiles of AFC aircraft; Aces of the AFC; Cobby's memories on fighting; Chapters from the Battle Below.

The Australian Flying Corps website between 2002 and 1999. This is older and does not have as much information as the 2004 website.

Also of interest maybe some older scale models and sprues. There is also a listing of scale models for AFC aircraft and a scale aircraft gallery. Additional information can also be found on the SSR or Cam Riley website.

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