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Rapa Nui Trailer
Rapa Nui Trailer 1994
Rapa Nui e,,,aka. Easter Island ..(dance) ., feat..Fenua
O Rapa Nui E
101 East - The Fight for Rapanui
Mito y Fusión - Rapanui
Rapa Nui dancing with Audience - 2012 Va'a World Sprint Championships
" Rapa Nui " - Mito Y Fusion
BBC. Easter Island Mysteries of a Lost World 720p
Ogú y Mampato en Rapanui Peli Completa
Tapati - Rapa Nui
Rapa Nui welcomes Maori Waka from New Zealand
KORI TUPUNA documental Isla de Pascua deportes ancestrales rapanui
trailer Rapa Nui cultura viva
En Rapa Nui, la isla que en 1722 sería rebautizada por un descubridor occidental como Pascua, la sociedad nativa se basa en un sistema jerárquico dominado po...
Rapa Nui Trailer 1994 Director: Kevin Reynolds Starring: Esai Morales, Jason Scott Lee, Sandrine Holt, Eru Potaka-Dewes, George Henare, Official Content From Warner Home Video In a paradise called Rapa Nui, two lifelong friends fight for the love of a beautiful woman and the honor of their gods. Produced by Kevin Costner on stunning Easter Island. Movie, Rapa Nui Movie,Rapa Nui Trailer,Rapa Nui 1994, Kevin Reynolds,Esai Morales, Jason Scott Lee, Sandrine Holt, Eru Potaka-Dewes, George Henare,
The Highest Quality video of this song-dance.
Reflections Of Polynesia performing "O Rapa Nui E."
Can the Easter Island's indigenous Rapanui win the battle for independence from Chile to protect their land and culture?
Artista: Mito y Fusión Título: Rapa Nui @FENUA_STYLE FACEBOOK.COM/FENUASTYLE.
Here is Rapa Nui Dancing with the Audience at the 2012 Va'a World Sprint Championships. For some reason I've had a lot of requests from the ladies that I pos...
Mystérieuse RAPA NUI avec son Histoire , son Peuple & ses MOAI ...
The contrast between the majestic statues of Easter Island and the desolation of their surroundings is stark. For decades Easter Island, or Rapa Nui as the islanders call it, has been seen as a warning from history for the planet as a whole - wilfully expend natural resources and the collapse of civilisation is inevitable. But archaeologist Dr Jago Cooper believes this is a disastrous misreading of what happened on Easter Island. He believes that its culture was a success story not a failure, and the real reasons for its ultimate demise were far more shocking. Cooper argues that there is an important lesson that the experience of Easter Island can teach the rest of the world, but it doesn't begin by blaming its inhabitants for their own downfall. This film examines the latest scientific and archaeological evidence to reveal a compelling new narrative, one that sees the famous statues as only part of a complex culture that thrived in isolation. Cooper finds a path between competing theories about what happened to Easter Island to make us see this unique place in a fresh light.
cine chileno, animación.
Proyecto Documental sobre la cultura Rapa Nui llamado "Tapati".
Can you believe the indigenous people on the island of Rapa Nui are still fighting for autonomy and independence? With the arrival of a Maori Waka from New Z...
Durante los meses de febrero, vuelve a renacer parte de la cultura ancestral de los habitantes del lugar más lejano en el océano; Isla de Pascua. El orgullo ...
Synopsis: Anchored in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a family, three generations, grandfathers, parents and grandchildren, with very defined roles inside a...
Isla de Pascua - Chile La isla de Pascua llamada asi porque fue descubierta el domingo de la Pascua de Resurrección de 1722 por Jacob Roggenvee o Rapanui que...
Serie documental Fondo de difusión de la Música nacional 2012. Proyecto Sonidos Ancestrales es un proyecto audiovisual que busca mantener viva las raíces mus...
Conoce cómo junto a Toki Rapa Nui y Desafío Levantemos Chile, construimos la primera Escuela de Música Sustentable de Latinoamérica en Rapa Nui.
Este Domingo 3 de Octubre a las 5 pm. por TVN. no se la pierdan. Conduido por Mauricio Purto, con las cámaras de Tito Alcaino y Luis Portocarrero, producción...
Video creado por mi de la cancion "O rapa nui e"
Haka Pei durante la Tapati 2008 en Rapa Nui, Isla de Pascua. Chile insular, en el medio del Océano Pacífico.
Easter Island music Group: Manu Rere Song: Rapa Nui Mi Amour.
Easter Island is one of the remotest populated islands on earth. It is most famous for the 900 or more huge stone heads called Moai which are only found here... presents Art & Music from Rapa Nui~Easter Island Artitisan & Musician Javier Ika interview & translation by Kiovanna. 1 in a series with this ...
Archaeologist and former Easter Island governor Sergio Rapu describes aspects of the moai statues.
Brien Foerster Interview with Brien Foerster From Giza, Peru, Easter Island and the Freemasons secret knowledge! Brien was born in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. but grew up on the west coast...
Francine Cousteau, President of the Cousteau Society and the Minister of Agriculture of Chile signed on April 16 a historic agreement with the Rapa Nui peopl...
This interview was recorded via Skype on Thursday August 3rd 2011. Brien Foerster is a tour guide, author and the new assistant director of a small museum ju...
Get DVD or download with full lecture and interview here: - Watch exclusive interview h...
L’île de Pâques est colonisée par le Chili en 1888. Le Chili a loué les terres de l’île à une entreprise d’élevage extensif de moutons et confié la surveillance des Rapanui aux militaires qui enferment les habitants dans un village, devenu camp de détention. Prisonniers dans leur île, les Rapanui résistent contre l’oppression, allant jusqu’à s’enfuir sur des barques vers Tahiti. Easter Island was colonised by Chile in 1888. Chile rented the land on the island to a company for extensive sheep rearing and entrusted monitoring the Rapanui to the military who imprison the inhabitants in a village, turned detention camp. Prisoners on their own island, the Rapanui resist oppression, going as far as to escape on boats to Tahiti. 52 MN - FRANCE - 2014 VERSION FRANÇAISE sous-titrée en anglais RÉALISATION : Emmauel Mauro et Stéphane Delorme PRODUCTION : Drôle de Trame Outre-mer 1ère
Learn to draw one of the magnificent and mysterious Easter Island Statues that stand as proud symbols of a long lost culture. with award winning illustrator,...
(Dec 2012) Moai Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian Triangle. The Rapa Nui are the native Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapa Nui people. I have explained my real sense of feelings through travelling on my own around this amazing out of the way island of Easter Island. My words are not from a script or from a book or from a guide book they are words of inner peace and heeling expressed during my connection to the island.
UFO Alien Civilizations on Earth, Great Pyramid of Giza, Mayans, Tiwanaku, Secrets, Puma Punka, Aliens, UFO Disclosure - YouTube Video Journeys From Beyond Earth Playlist △
Woman in Easter Island speaking in rapa nui.
It's been almost exactly a year since we had Brien Foerster on the show, and we welcome him back to talk about his research in Egypt, attempts to date Puma P...
Veja mais sobre a Ilha de Páscoa no blog da Gaía em Siga os gatos em http://www.twit...
Easter Island people may have worshipped the sun: "'A hint of the existence of a solar cult on Easter Island...
Toda la entrega de Javier Carranza Targarona para contarnos un poco más sobre su vida y la mágica Isla de Pascua.
During one of his later Rapa Nui expeditions, Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl investigates how the Easter Island moai statues were transported. From the 19...
Robert M. Schoch is an associate professor of Natural Science at the College of General Studies, a two-year non-degree granting unit of Boston University. He is a proponent of the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis. He received his Ph.D. in geology and geophysics from Yale in 1983.[citation needed] He is best known for his argument that the Great Sphinx of Giza is much older than conventionally thought and that possibly some kind of catastrophe was responsible for wiping out evidence of a significantly older civilization. In 1991, Schoch redated the famous monument to 7000–5000 BC, based on his argument that its erosion was due mainly to the effects of water, rather than wind and sand, and also based on findings from seismic studies around the base of the Sphinx and elsewhere on the plateau.[citation needed]. These arguments formed the basis of the 1993 documentary Mystery of the Sphinx, which was aired by NBC and presented by Charlton Heston. Schoch stars in the film alongside author John Anthony West. Schoch's other theories include the belief that possibly all pyramids — in Egypt, Mesoamerica and elsewhere — represent, with other cultural commonalities, a much older global culture, either through common inheritance or ancient cultural contact around the world. He is also known for his research on the Yonaguni underwater monuments, where he has dived on several occasions, beginning in 1997; his analysis of the formations is that it is a natural site modified by man to suit their needs. Robert M. Schoch: "We should also consider the possibility that the Yonaguni Monument is fundamentally a natural structure that was utilized, enhanced, and modified by humans in ancient times." In 1993, Schoch lent his name to a genus of extinct mammals, Schochia, of which Schochia sullivani is the genoholotype.
Hasta el día de hoy se arrastra la lucha del pueblo Rapa Nui por llegar a acuerdos que les devuelvan sus terrenos...
Preview of Orlan's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blo...
Lemuria, as a lost Pacific Ocean continent, was popularised by James Churchward (1851–1936) in a series of books, beginning with Lost Continent of Mu, the Motherland of Man (1926), re-edited later as The Lost Continent Mu (1931).[8] Other popular books in the series are The Children of Mu (1931), and The Sacred Symbols of Mu (1933). Churchward claimed that "more than fifty years ago," while he was a soldier in India, he befriended a high-ranking temple priest who showed him a set of ancient "sunburnt" clay tablets, supposedly in a long lost "Naga-Maya language" which only two other people in India could read. Having mastered the language himself, Churchward found out that they originated from "the place where [man] first appeared—Mu or Lemuria." The 1931 edition states that “all matter of science in this work are based on translations of two sets of ancient tablets:” the clay tables he read in India, and a collection of 2,500 stone tablets that had been uncovered by William Niven in Mexico. Churchward gave a vivid description of Lemuria Mu as the home of an advanced civilization, the Naacal, which flourished between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago, was dominated by a “white race," and was "superior in many respects to our own" At the time of its demise, about 12,000 years ago, Lemuria Mu had 64,000,000 inhabitants and many large cities, and colonies in the other continents. Churchward claimed that the landmass of Lemuria Mu was located in the Pacific Ocean, and stretched east–west from the Marianas to Easter Island, and north–south from Hawaii to Mangaia. He claimed that according to the creation myth he read in the Indian tablets, Mu had been lifted above sea level by the expansion of underground volcanic gases. Eventually Mu “was completely obliterated in almost a single night” after a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, "the broken land fell into that great abyss of fire" and was covered by "fifty millions of square miles of water." Churchward claimed that Mu was the common origin of the great civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Central America, India, Burma and others, including Easter Island, and was in particular the source of ancient megalithic architecture. Listen as James Swagger interviews Jack Churchwards great grandson James Churchward.
Sites and sounds from Easter Island.We had a great time. With 90% of the Island protected as a National Site.It is very beautiful, mysterious and enchanting....
Chris Everard is an award winning British Film Director Who Also Writes Books About the Secret Space Programme, The Global Network of Secret Societies known ...
A simple memorial seat along the Rapanui to Taylors Mistake track above Sumner is virtually all that remains of Shawn Lucas.
Stuff 2015-03-21... including Christopher Raeburn, ADA + NIK, Rapanui, Juniper Lai, Auria London and Rose Fulbright.
Seattle Post 2015-03-20billion in benefits over a 40-year period ... READ MORE: ... kilometres to 4.4 ... Rapanui Shag Rock Cycleway $19 million ($6.7
Stuff 2015-03-04... areas on the island that were vital for growing crops to feed the locals, known as the Rapanui.
ABC News 2015-02-01... linking Halswell to the central city; Rapanui – Shag Rock, linking Sumner and the central city.
Stuff 2015-01-29One that will take people from the Ferrymead bridge to central city cycleway (Rapanui-Shag Rock) ... Ad Feedback. - The Press.
Stuff 2014-12-28One that will take people from the Ferrymead bridge to central city cycleway (Rapanui-Shag Rock) ... Ad Feedback. - The Press.
Stuff 2014-12-28This suggested that either South American Natives had sailed west to Rapanui or that the Rapanui has ...
The Independent 2014-10-23Challenges and Opportunities-Empowering Indigenous Women and Their Communities," will feature guests ...
noodls 2014-09-25Challenges and Opportunities-Empowering Indigenous Women and Their Communities," will feature guests ...
noodls 2014-09-25Eco-clothing brand Rapanui's new purpose-built site in Cowes is paying dividends with a ... of Rapanui."
noodls 2014-08-28Beyond Skin, for example, specialises in vegan and vegetarian shoes, while surfing brand Rapanui is ...
The Guardian 2014-08-27Rapanui (Easter Island), Hawaii, Arahurahu Island in Tahiti, Moorea Island and a reef in the ...
Stuff 2014-08-07The Rapa Nui or Rapanui are the native Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, in the Pacific Ocean. The easternmost Polynesian culture, the Rapa Nui people make up 60% of Easter Island's population, with some living also in mainland Chile. They speak Spanish (which is the most widely spoken language on Easter Island as well as being the primary language of education and administration) and Rapa Nui language.[citation needed] At the 2002 census there were 3,304 island inhabitants—almost all living in the village of Hanga Roa on the sheltered west coast.
As of 2011, Rapa Nui's main source of income derived from tourism, which focuses on the giant sculptures called Moai. Some fruits are grown for local use.
Rapa Nui activists have been fighting for their right of self-determination and possession of the island. Recent protests by the indigenous Rapa Nui on Easter Island against Chilean rule has led to violence against the Rapa Nui by the Chilean army.
If you're looking for love, get a heart made of steel
Cuz you know that love kills
Don't go messing with love, it'll hurt you for real
Don't you know that love kills?
If you're looking for love, get a heart made of steel
Cuz you know that love kills
Don't go messing with love, it'll hurt you for real
Don't you know that love kills?
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
In this cold hard world, so check yourself
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
'Til that one kind soul reveals itself
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
In this cold hard world, so check yourself
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
'Til that one kind soul reveals itself
If you're looking for love, get a heart made of steel
Cuz you know that love kills
Don't go messing with love, it'll hurt you for real
Don't you know that love kills?
If you're looking for love, get a heart made of steel
Cuz you know that love kills
Don't go messing with love, it'll hurt you for real
Don't you know that love kills?
Mmmh and I know when you're into deep
Use to think of me sometimes
Stockholm syndrome in misery
There's a penalty for love crimes
(Oh yeah)
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
In this cold hard world, so check yourself
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
'Til that one kind soul reveals itself
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
In this cold hard world, so check yourself
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
'Til that one kind soul reveals itself
Protect yourself
(Protect yourself, protect yourself, ...)
So check yourself
(Check yourself, check yourself, ...)
Mmmh and I know when you're into deep
Use to think of me sometimes
Stockholm syndrome in misery
There's a penalty for love crimes
(Oh yeah)
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
(If you're looking for love)
In this cold hard world, cuz you know that love kills
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
(Don't go messing with love)
In this cold hard world, don't you know that love kills?
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
(If you're looking for love)
In this cold hard world, cuz you know that love kills
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
(Don't go messing with love)
In this cold hard world, don't you know that love kills?
Protect yourself cuz you'll wrack yourself
(If you're looking for love)
In this cold hard world, cuz you know that love kills
You can see your dreams and you shield yourself
(Don't go messing with love)
Konichiwa Records
It's gonna be OK
Hey little star, don't be afraid
We all fall apart and make mistakes
Don't you know nothing ever seem to make sense
You put your dancing shoes on and do it again
You know I believe it if you say you can
So when you feel like it's all pretend
Then you look into my eyes
Just say one true thing like you mean it
And, baby, just look into my eyes
The sun's gonna shine on all of us
We're all the same - stardust and stuff
You're just a little boy and I'm just a little girl
Programmed rebels in a cruel, cruel world
We never get what we deserve
So when you feel like it's all pretend
Then you look into my eyes
Just say one true thing like you mean it
And, baby, just look into my eyes
And though I bet you think it's better on the inside, there with them
We're better off outside looking back in
I know you think you're lost but you think again
When you look into my eyes
Hey little star, come take my hand
You'll feel better tomorrow
Tomorrow I'm still your friend
So when you feel like it's all pretend
Then you look into my eyes
Just say one true thing like you mean it
And, baby, just look into my eyes
I bet you think it's better on the inside, there with them
We're better off outside looking back in
I know you think you're lost but you think again
When you look into my eyes
Little star
I got you
I got you
You'll be OK
I can still see your face but I still can?t explain
You were there so suddenly and as you walked away from me
I knew that we were meant to be holding on to my hope
But I just gotta know, will you do what it takes?
From the mountains to the seas, cross the miles of memories
Through the endless dark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
Pass the walls of frame and pride to a place where love can?t hide
Searching for a spark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
In the times we lose track and have to fight our way back
But even more than before, we know what we?re reaching for
You?re my date with destiny and whatever goes wrong
Gotta keep holding on, gotta do what it takes
From the mountains to the seas, cross the miles of memories
Through the endless dark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
Pass the walls of frame and pride to a place where love can?t hide
Searching for a spark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
Say you?ll walk the distance, say you?ll walk the distance
Say you?ll walk the distance, say you?ll walk the distance
Say you?ll walk the distance, you will, say you?ll walk the distance
I can still see your face like an angel in time and place
Gotta turn every stone, take every road
Gotta keep holding on, gotta do what it takes
From the mountains to the seas, cross the miles of memories
Through the endless dark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
Pass the walls of frame and pride to a place where love can?t hide
Searching for a spark, say you?ll walk the distance to my heart
Good girls are pretty like all the time
I'm just pretty some of the time
Good girls are happy and satisfied
I won't stop asking until I die
I just can't deal with the rules
I can't take the pressure
Who's that girl that you dream of?
Who's that girl that you think you love?
Who's that girl, well I'm nothing like her
I know there's no such girl
I swear I can't take the pressure
Who's that girl?
Good girls don't say no or ask you why
I won't let you love me until you really try
Good girls are sexy like everyday
I'm only sexy when I say it's okay
I just can't deal with the rules
I can't take the pressure
Let's play a game that you've never tried
You be the girl and I'll be the guy
Let's pretend everything has changed, and then
Even when you don't know
i'll be by your side
even when you think you're all alone
i'll be by your side
I'll be right behind you keep on going
In which ever way the wind is blowing
i will be there till the world stops turning
baby i will keep this fire
when nobody else is
i am on your side
baby when you're not even yourself
i am on your side
i'll be right behind you keep on going
In which ever way the wind is blowing
i will be there till the world stops turning
baby i will keep this fire
yeah even when you've lost you faith in love
even when there is no light above
even when you have to run and hide
i'll be on your side
i'll be on your side
i don't even think ya know
how far from my block to go
if u put your trust in me
i'll keep it comming
aint nobody stopping me
when it comes to you and me
when nothing's like it used to be
i'll keep this fire burning
i'll be right behind you keep on going
in which ever way the wind is blowing
i will be there till the world stops turning
baby i will keep this fire
i don't even thinking know
how far from my block to go
if u put your trust in me
i'll keep it comming
aint nobody stopping me
when it comes to you and me
when nothing's like it used to be
i'll keep this fire burning
i'll be right behind you keep on going
In which ever way the wind is blowing
i will be there till the world stops turning
baby i will keep this fire
i'm your sister
i'll be your brother
keep it comming
i'll be your friend, i'll be your everything
i'll be your lover
just you and me
keep it comming
It is really very simple
Just a single pulse, repeated at a regular interval
Mmm, hmm
Don't include me out, no
Don't include me out
One time for the records and the hits
Two for your money-maker, shake, boom
Three times for the lucky and the dead
One time for the sorry and safe
Two for the beggar and his company
Three times for the sinner and the saint
Yeah, bow down all you wicked and the vain
Bow to the miracle, the em, na, na
Three times and the devil will be gone
One time for the fire, bring it on
Two for the boogie, gotta bang the beat
Three times for the ladies, show me some love
Talking 'bout everyone, every day, all day
And if your world should fall apart
There's plenty room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Don't include me out
And if your world should fall apart
I still got room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Don't include me out, d-d-don't include me out
All hail to the mamas who hold it down
Hail to the pillar of the family
This one's for the granny, take a bow
One time for the crazy and the bent
Come on, all you trannies click your heels for me
All praise the fugeses and the gems
Talking 'bout everyone, every day, all day, oh yeah
And if your world should fall apart
There's plenty room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Just don't include me out
And if your world should fall apart
I still got room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Don't include me out, d-d-don't include me out
Can I get a beat, beat for all of my watchamacallits
Doing whatever and with whoever they like?
Can I get a beat, beat for all of my watchamacallits
Doing whatever and with whoever they like?
Can I get a bam, bam for all of my watchamacallits
Doing whatever and with whoever they like?
Can I get a bam, bam for all of my watchamacallits
Doing whatever and with whoever they like?
I'm talking about everyone, every day, all day, hey
And if your world should fall apart
There's plenty room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Don't include me out
And if your world should fall apart
I still got room inside my heart
Just don't include me out
Don't include me out
And if your world should fall apart
There's plenty room inside my heart
Just don't include me out, hey, hey
And if your world should fall apart
I still got room inside my heart, yeah
baby we can make it all right
We could make it better sometime
Maybe we could make it happen baby
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
Just a little, little bit better
Good enough to waste some time
Tell me would it make you happy baby
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
We could keep trying
but things will never change
So I don't look back
Still I'm dying with every step I take
But I don't look back
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
Ever since I was a little girl even younger than I am now
I always felt good about you in a special way, I don't know how
And we always seem to find our way back to the love that we are sharing
And every time we say it's over I can't forget your sweet loving
After every time we break up, thing always turn out the same
I tell myself that I have shaped up, but I am still a part of this game
You always seem to come back into my life
When I thought I've forgotten you, you always show up
It's drivin' me crazy, it's got me going wild
And I don't know if this is ever gonna stop
You always seem to come back into my world
And this time I hope we're staying on track
'Cause I don't wanna be anybodyelses girl
I hope this is the last time you'll ever come back
I want you back 'cause you're a good man,
The kinda' man who loves you all through the night
And though it never turns like I planned
Somehow it feels so right
So this time, boy don't turn away
'Cause you'll always have a place in my heart
And I swear I'm goona love 'til the day,
'til the day that death do us part
I don't have the strength to be proud anymore
I want it all to be just like before
I guess what I'm really tryin' to say
Is that I want you to come back,
Come back to stay 'cause I love you
('cause I really love you)
want to (I just want to)
get closer (get much closer)
than ever (more than ever)
'Cause I love you
Yes I do, yes I do I do love you baby and I'm telling you know
When I'm down you bring me up and when I'm up you bring me down
Oooh baby
you makin' that mistake again, oh why
ooh, don't you understand
that everytime you do you make me cry
I see those tears and it hurts so much
each time you say you're sorry
cause no more words or regretful touch
could change the way I'm feeling
you're doing me wrong
again and again
you say that you will
but you won't
Oooh baby
you're making that mistake again, oh why
ooh, don't you understand
that everytime you do you make me cry
I stayed up late every lonely night
waiting for you to call me
I used to think if I gave you time
oh baby, you find a way to make it right
you're doin' me wrong
again and again
you say that you will
but you won't
Oooh baby
you're makin' that mistake again, oh why
ooh, don't you understand
that everytime you do you make me cry
Oh why..
don't explain and don't ask me why
oh baby, please stop crying
we've been through this one too many times
so baby, don't you put me there again
cause no matter how hard
I try to believe
this time I know that I won't
no I won't
you're makin' a mistake again, oh why
ooh, don't you understand
that everytime you do you make me cry
Oooh baby
you're makin' a mistake again, oh why
ooh, I don't understand
that everytime you do you make me cry
Oh why...
don't wonder why
baby, don't cry
let's say goodbye
don't wonder why
baby don't cry
We've got a thing,
We've got a thing,
I know right now it seems like I don't care
I know you think I never did
and it's so hard for me to prove that I'm still here
Because my actions contradict it, but if
Just you let me show you you're wrong
I know you need time but you will see that if
If you let me show you you're wrong
Nothing can change what you mean to me, 'cause
We've got a thing, you're my main thing
You always were and you'll always be
We've got a thing, you're my main thing
And even when I'm gone you're still close to me
I'm always told that I forget too easily
That I`m too fast on moving on
And because of that this situation really scared me
But I feel my love for you is still strong
Just let me show you you're wrong
Nothing can destroy what you and I built
I'll keep on holding on
You do your thing and I'll do mine, but still
[Chorus (x2)]
(Yeah. Babe. Alright. Alright)
Even though I did you wrong
(Let's work it out)
No one knows me like you do
(Let's work it out)
An everyday cliche I know
(Let's work it out)
Even though I'm not, my heart is true,
(Let's work it out)
(Let's work it out) [x2]
Let's work it out
(Let's work it out)
Oh yeah
(Let's work it out)
You know I want to
(Let's work it out)
I wanna work it out
(Let's work it out)
We've got a...
(Let's work it out)
We've got a...
(Let's work it out)
I dont know what can I expect you're just a man, just a man
But even But even a man should understand his woman so
I don't want you back, I don't want you back here with me
I don't wanna get back, get back to what we used to be
I just wanna be free, free to be what I wanna be
I just wanna be me, I just wanna be me and only me
This girl I said this girl had so many things she couldn't say to you, couldn't tell you
This girl had so many things she had to hide from you couldn't show you so
So it's time for me to show It's time to let you know
This is for real And this is what I feel
I don't wanna see your face again
And I don't need to hear your lies
I don't even wanna hear your name
Look at me here I am
I'm givin all of my lovin' every day of my life to you
All you see can be yours
If you show me you love me just one little hint will do
And I know,
I give too much and there is much I sacrifice
But I've got all the reasons
when I look into your eyes
I know I love you even though I shouldn't and you should know
I've tried to stop
You've got that somethin'
Gives me that feelin'
Gives me that freaky vibe
You've got that something that makes me feel so fine
Makes it worth waiting until the day that you will be mine, all mine
You decide take your time
I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you
My friends keep tellin' me:
you've gotta let go!
They say I'm too good for you and maybe that is true
But I just keep on lovin' you the way I did before
You say that I am all a gilr like me could be
And you say that all that you need you find in me
And that feels good, 'cause that is all a gilr wnats to hear
But are you telling me this baby just to keep me near
My soul and all of my heart I'll give to you
But my trust is something that I put in few
So baby if you want it all you've got to show me
That what you say you're gonna do is something that will become reality
So will you love me, let's say one year from now
And if you will baby can you tell me how
'Cause I wanna know, I'm not gonna play the fool again
I wanna be more than just another girlfriend
Just another girlfriend, just another girlfriend
So this is it, this is where your choice has to be made
'Cause I ain't goin' no further if I don't know what's ahead
But don't get me wrong, all I want is you to stay with me baby
Won't you stay with me baby
But not here, not where we are today
I'm going backwards through time at the speed of light I'm yours, you're mine
Two satellites
Not alone
No, we're not alone
A freeze-frame of your eye in the strobelight
Sweat dripping down from your brow
Hold tight
Don't let go
Don't you let me go
And I never was smart with love
I let the bad ones in and the good ones go
But I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before
I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible
Your love is ultra-magnetic
And it's taking over
This is hardcore
And I'm indestructible
Hands up in the air like we don't care
We're shooting deep into space
And the lasers split the dark
Cut right through the dark
It's just us we ignore the crowd dancing
Fall to the floor
Beats in my heart
Put your hands on my heart
And I never was smart with love
I let the bad ones in and the good ones go
But I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before
I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible
Your love is ultra-magnetic
And it's taking over
This is hardcore
Ooh and I'm gonna love you like
Like I've never been hurt before
I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible
Your love is ultra-magnetic
And it's taking over
This is hardcore
And I'm indestructible
And I never was smart with love
I let the bad ones in and the good ones go
But I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before
I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible
Your love is ultra-magnetic
And it's taking over
This is hardcore
Ooh and I'm gonna love you like
Like I've never been hurt before
I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible
Your love is ultra-magnetic
And it's taking over
This is hardcore
Straight up from my heart you're my number one
And hey here's the part I'm still having fun
It's like you're the cloud underneath my feat
And you're the reason that breathe
Because you blow my mind
Because you blow my mind
And the way you're talking baby your so cool
I'll do anything for you...
Hey baby ravish me, love me till it hurts
Don´t you dare to leave , button down my skirt
Kiss me quick I´m about to burst , patience ain´t my thing
And you´re the reason that I sing
Because you blow my mind
Because you blow my mind
And the way you're talking baby your so cool
I'll do anything for you...
Unbelievable, ooo it´s such a rush
So incredible, boy you make me blush
Just keep doing it , throw me into space
And I´ll be floating there for days
Because you blow my mind
Because you blow my mind
And the way you're talking baby your so cool
There's an eclipse in your eye where I used to shine
Every secret untold is a planet aligned
Don't need prophets or preachers to make sense of the signs
when the buried and hidden can be seen by the blind
You're right
Some words are best unspoken
So right
Then it all just falls apart-
the day I break your heart
I caught my reflection
in the corner of your eye
You said don't even ask the question
and I won't tell the lie
When there's no accusations
there's no need for denial
If you hadn't heard that whisper
there'd be no need to wipe tears from your eye
You're right
Some words are best unspoken
So right
Then it all just falls apart-
the day I break your heart
I never took no advice
not the foolish not the wise
all the truth that I needed was right there in your smile
Every prophecy written of what's going to be
All beginnings and endings
they're about you and me
You're right
Some words are best unspoken
So right
Until it all just falls apart-
Featuring: Snoop Dogg
I've gone around the world and the seven seas
I'm cashin' six-figure checks in all currencies
It's like when I be tearin' it up in Paris
Motherfuckers parler on the m-i-c
It's all ooh la la and ahh oui oui
Sippin' vin blanc in our lingerie
Choppin' heads off with madame guillotine
Even the French know better than to fuck with me
Comment allez-vous Robyn, what it do
I'm in the UK (why?) got a show to do
It's big Snoopy Dogg, check the catalog
I'm overseas gettin' cheese with this dialogue
I missed my plane to Spain so I'm stuck in Colonna
I'm sippin Saronno with this chick named Ramona
She wants me to take a flick on her phone-ah
Then take her to my hotel room and then bone her
You know when in Rome I sat down with the Romans
Said "We need a black pope and she better be a woman"
There'll be no more celibacy
Even the Vatican knows not to fuck with me
You should know better
Y-You should know better
You should know better than to fuck with me
If you knew better you would do better
We big-ballin' in Holland, Amsterdam my man
I got a table at the coffee shop
Where we like to spark a lot
Hangin' in the parking lot blowin' a bleezy
Easy fo sheezy deezy
I crashed a party with the Czar
Threw a Molotov cocktail in the bar
And you know my style's revolutionary
Even the Russians know better than to fuck with me
You try to ban me, you can't stand me
Cuz I'm an outlaw
Black president livin' in the White House
Mr. B he wrote a letter to me
The FBI know better than to fuck with me
Yo I was there at Watergate
You know I rigged my gear got the fuckers on tape
They put the mic in the hand of the wrong MC
Even the CIA knows not to fuck with me
Tell 'em Snoop, tell 'em like it is
I been there, in there, out there like that
Right back to the hood, a hundred Euro stacks
Shoot motherfuckers just on GP
LAPD know better than to fuck with me
I danced with the devil in Kathmandu
I came hummin' and blastin' with the boogaloo too
Now I declare most solemnly
The prince of darkness know better than to fuck with me
You know not what you know
Tell 'em what I'm in it for
Then I run up in it slow
Really though, silly ho
Yea spend a minute though
I blow an ounce and make you bounce
Just like a sixty-four
Now you know me I'm a woman of peace
I don't never take nothin' don't belong to me
I throw down and say "Whatever's gonna be, gonna be"
The whole industry knows not to fuck with me
Hey, what did I do?
Can't believe the fit I just threw
Wanted the reaction
I remember the words
How I said them, so they would hurt
But then, I regret my actions
If I could press rewind
Rewind the take
Redefine the line
We make mistakes
Take it back in time,
Just one day ... hey
So all I need is a time machine
A one way track cause
I'm taking it back, taking it back
All I want is a DeLorean
If I could go just like that
I'll be taking it back, taking it back
Yeah who's laughing now?
Didn't think you'd actually go
Me and all my bitching
Second thoughts and regrets
gonna alter leading your sets but then
This ain't science fiction
If I could press rewind
Rewind the take
Redefine the line
We make mistakes
Take it back in time,
Just one day ... hey
So all I need is a time machine
A one way track cause
I'm taking it back, taking it back
All I want is a DeLorean
If I could go just like that
I'll be taking it back, taking it back
So all I need is a time machine
A one way track cause
I'm taking it back, taking it back
All I want is a DeLorean
If I could go just like that
Look at me here I am Im givin all of my lovin
everyday of my life to you
All you see can be yours
If you show me you love me just one little hint will do
And I know I give too much and there is much I sacrifice
But Ive got all the reasons when I look into your eyes
I know I love you even though I shouldnt and you should know
Ive tried to stop
Youve got that somethin
Somethin I cant describe
Gives me that feelin
Gives me that freaky vibe
You`ve got that something that makes me feel so fine
Makes it worth waiting until the day that
you will be mine, all mine
You decide take your time I just want you to know that
Ill always be here for you
My friends keep tellin me: youve gotta let go!
They say that Im too good for you and maybe that is true
But I just keep on lovin you the way I did before
And you should know Ive tried to stop
Hey now boy, where you been?
Smashed up toy, are you lost again?
Your circuit's blown
Will you find your coordinates home
Your battery's low, did you crash again?
Robot boy, do you need a friend?
Hey little droid
Is your head on wrong?
Hey little prince you've lost control
Calendar boy are you growing old?
Your radar's jammed
Shut your lasers down while you can
Hush now boy please give in
Robot boy you've reached the end
Hey little droid
None of these boys can dance
Not a single one of them stand a chance
All of them girls a mess
I've seen it all before I'm not impressed
None of them get my sex
None of them move my intellect
None of them work for me
None of them make me feel anything
I'm so bored in this town
Take me away from here
Play me some kind of new sound
Something true and sincere
I've got a little girl singing on repeat in my head (oh-ho)
Take me far away from here
None of them get my stands
None of them do it like I can
None of these chicks got style
None of these drugs get me high
None of these beats are raw
None of these beats ever break the law
None of them kicks go boom
None of them bass lines fill the room
I'm so bored in this town
Take me away from here
Play me some kind of new sound
Something true and sincere
I've got a little girl singing on repeat in my head (oh-ho)
Take me far away from here
I'm so bored in this town
Take me away from here
Play me some kind of new sound
Something true and sincere
I've got a little girl singing on repeat in my head (oh-ho)
Oh baby no, don't you go, let them wait
Oh baby no, don't you go, baby stay
Oh baby no, don't you go, let them wait
Oh baby no, don't you go, baby stay
Don't know the time but I feel you're getting out of bed, yeah
The way you felt last night I wanna feel it again, yeah
Baby don't, don't you go, let them wait
Baby don't leave me alone, please stay
Through the moonlight, sunshine
We can go on and on
I'll be holding you close
Through the moonlight, sunshine
Here in a world of our own
Baby don't go
Oh baby no, don't you go, let them wait
Oh baby no, don't you go, baby stay
You say, you've got things to do gotta get on with your day
I say, but think of the things we could do if you stayed
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
No, I don't wanna be on my own
No, no, no, no
Baby don't leave your baby alone
No, no, no, no
Through the moonlight, sunshine
We can go on and on
I'll be holding you close
Through the moonlight, sunshine
Here in a world of our own
Baby don't go
Oh baby no, don't you go, let them wait
Oh baby no, don't you go, baby stay
No, no, no, no
Moonlight, sunshine
Baby please stay through the
Moonlight, sunshine
We can go on and on
I'll be holding you close
Through the moonlight, sunshine
Here in a world of our own
Baby, please stay
Through the moonlight, sunshine
We can go on and on
Through the moonlight, sunshine
Here in a world of our own
You're always up to no good
Your finger's in my cookie jar
You can have my checkbook visa and my mastercard too
Ain't no price too high for what you do
You could be my dog
I could post your bailbonds when cash was tight
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Let's do it right now
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
Your car's a dump and you're broke
but that's all right
I never liked them fancy guys
You don't even look good, god it ain't right
but you're starry eyed and out of sight
You could fall apart
I would post your bailbonds when cash was tight
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Let's do it right now
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on you
You're always up to no good
you catch on like a bonfire
Every single worn out line is shiny and new
I never met a sweeter liar
You could be my king
I would knit you mittens and make you pie
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Take the vcr
Take the keys to my house
the keys to my car
I don't need it no more
You wanna rumble in my jungle
I'll take you on
Stampede your rumpa
And send you home
You wanna rumble in space
I put my laser on stun
And on tha north pole I'll ice you son
You wanna thrilla in my nilla
You'll be killer bee stung
Wanna taste of vanilla
Better watch your tongue
'Cause I'll hammer your toe
Like a pediatrician
Saw you in half
Like I'm a magician
Tear you down
Like I'm in demolition
Count you out
Like a mathematician
I'm so very hot that when
I rob your mansion
You ain't call the cops, you
call the firestation
'Cause my flava is so sweet
You'll be zoom, zoom, zoom
Don't even get me started
on my bada-boom-booms
One left, one right thats
how I organize 'em
You know I fill my cups no
need to supersize em'
Right now you probably
thinking how she get in
them jeans
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Well I'm gifted all natural
and burstin the seams
Konichiwa bitches
Konichiwa bitches
Don't I look tasty like
a french bon-bon
Even more sweeter than a cherry bomb
Coming with the postman
like I'm a mailbomb
Comin in your mouth
Makes you say yum-yum
Hit the gong-gong
Bring the sumos on
I'm 'a kick ass all the way to hongkong
Make their balls bounce like
a game of ping-pong
Konichiwa bitches from
Beijing to Siagon
Got nothing on me
'Cause you know you're so bum
Check the scenario
I'm 'a bust your ear drum
And leave you heads ringing
With the Ring-a-ding-dong
Busy on the mic
Since the day I was what?
Check out my style it's
the rock of what?
Shine is on me like a dog on what?
Fight the power
Put myself on the throne
You know when shit is getting heavy
Like it's weights a ton
I will run you down like a marathon
Tape you up good
Put you in the trunk
See you next Tuesday
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of the continents shifting under our feet
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of a new, better, faster breed
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of radioactivity blocking the exits
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of false math and unrecognised genius
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of distorted knowledge passed on
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of a distant rumble
We dance to the beat
We dancing
And it's loud and proud
And it's loud and proud
And it's loud and proud
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of silent mutation
We dance to the beat of your brain not evolving fast enough
We dance to the beat of raw talent wasted
We dance to the beat of bad kissers clicking teeth
We dance to the beat of opportunity knocking
We dance to the beat of an eviction next door
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
Of another recycled rebellion
Of consolidating assets
Of another crowd losing it
Of your voice breaking up in static
Of suburbia burning
Of communication gone mad
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
And we don't stop
And we don't stop
And we don't stop
And we don't stop
And we don't stop
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
And we don't stop
And we don't stop
We dance to the beat of a billion charges of endorphin
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of a love lost and then won back
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of source code and conjuring
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat of gravity giving us a break
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
We dance to the beat
Do you know what I think about all these nights when
I cant sleep sleep at all
Slowly I close my eyes
My thoughts they fly away to you no matter what I do
I wish I could turn back time
Back to the time when you were mine
I wish
I wish the day the day you went away never had happened baby
I wish the stars the stars in heaven would come down to me
So I could give them to you
Tell me then would you be lovin me like I wish
Its so hard when you love someone this much
But you just dont know how, how to love him the right way
If you could see, what youve done to me
What youve done to my heart,
what youve done to my soul my baby
All of my mind and all of my body then you should know
Why I cant let go and baby I
I wish the day, the day you went away never had happened baby
I wish the stars, the stars in heaven would come down to me
So i could give them to you
Tell me then would you be lovin me like I wish
I dont know what you want me to do
To prove my love is real for you
I dont know what you want me to say baby
There is no ifs or maybes
All I want is you cause baby you are my only wish
*Performed live at Radio Nova 28-06-95
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
You and me on the hood
On my car
Saturday night
Watching the stars [2x]
You and I
Shinning lights to what we are
Look at the sky
And I am never far
I can be right there next to you
No matter where in the world you are
I got you right here next to me
Forever connected through the stars
It's what we are...
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
The last train's gone
We walk through the night
The moon shines down
Like a spotlight [2x]
You and I
Shinning lights to what we are
Look at the sky
And I am never far
I can be right there next to you
No matter where in the world you are
I got you right here next to me
Forever connected through the stars
It's what we are...
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
(It's what we are)
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
I can be right there next to you
I can be right there next to you
Forever connected through the stars
It's what we are
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
We're superstars
You and me together -
Stars forever [4x]
Hope things will get better 'cause that's what I need
I think about the good times that we had and now I see that you are
living in two different places and I don't think it's gonna be a change
But I'm never gonna leave it I'm always gonna keep it In my heart
In my heart
I'll keep it all together
In my heart
I know it's gonna be better
In my heart
You said that it should never be like this and
when I was a little child I never had this on my mind
But now it is like it is and I don't think it's gonna be a change
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Always been told that I've got too much pride
Too independent to have you by my side
But my heart said all of you will see
Just won't live for someone until he'll live for me
Never thought I would find love so sweet
Never thought I would meet someone like you
Well now I've found you and I'll tell you no lie
This love I've got for you could take me 'round the world
Now show me love
Show me love, show me life
Baby show me what it's all about
You're the one that I ever needed
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
Don't waste this love, I wanna give it to you
Tell me what you got, show me what you can do
Show me love, show me everything
I know you've got potential
So baby let me in and show me love
Show me love, show me life
Baby show me what it's all about
You're the only one that I ever needed
(Show me love)
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
Show me love
(Love show me)
Show me life
(Show me life)
Baby show me what it's all about
(And what it's all about)
You're the one that I ever needed
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
Show me love baby
Show me everything you've got and show me life
Show me love baby
Show me everything and what it's all about
You're the one, the only one I ever needed
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
I'll love you, I'll miss you
I'll make sure everything will be alright
I'll give you my heart if you just give me love
Every day and every night
Show me love
(Yeah, yeah)
Show me life
(Show me life)
Baby show me what it's all about
(And what it's all about)
You're the one that I ever needed
(Show me love)
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
Show me love
Show me life
Baby show me what it's all about
You're the one that I ever needed
Show me love and what it's all about, alright
Jag vet en dejlig rosa
och vit som liljeblad
När jag på henne tänker
så görs mitt hjärta glad
dess stämma gen en hjärtans tröst
likt näktergalens blida röst
så fager och så djup
som solen fagert skiner
är hon som purpur klar
gud låt dig aldrig sörja
men alltid vara glad
må dem få komma samman
med hjärtans fröjd och gamman
som längtar till varann
var dag gÃ¥r solen neder och dager likt upp gÃÃ
när kommer dagen blider att jag dig skåda
i hågen är du jämt mig när
farväl farväl min hjärtligt kÃÂÂ
I should have seen it coming, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play me, I don't
even know
I should have seen it coming, I should have
fucking known .
How could I let you play with me, I
don't even know.
I'm such a fool, I can't believe I let you in my
You broke the rules, but I should have known
you do it all the time.
Thought we were cool but
then again who am I kidding It's every players
favourite crime, to make you feel, like it's all
real, when it's a lie,and I should have known
I should have seen it coming, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play me, I don´t
even know.
I should have seen it coming down, I should have
fucking known .
How could I let you play with me, I don´t
even know.
I should have known, my family they never did
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
My mama felt, she never liked you neither
did my friends.
And when you blamed it all on me I
should have known that's what liers always try to
It wasn't me, It was you, you're the fool, and
I should have known.
I should have seen it coming down, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play with me, I don´t
even know.
I should have seen it coming down, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play with me, I
don´t even know.
I should have seen it coming down, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play with me, I
don´t even know.
I should have seen it coming down, I should have
fucking known.
How could I let you play with me, I
don´t even know.
If your heart was simple just like mine is, then
you would know just how it feels, When someone
takes advantage of your kindness, you think you're
never gonna heal If your soul was deep just like
mine is, then you would know not to give up, Keep
my faith ,even through the darkness, yeah I still
believe in love.
I still believe, I still believe, I still believe.
How could I let you play with me, I don´t even
This song is so bumbin like me in da club numphin im havin some fun n u betta keep the fire burnin, im out with my girls seein the world my hairs in some pretty curls and we keep the fire burnin
Thought I'd take u to a movie show
Sittin' in the back and I'll jack u off
I can't give you everything u want
But I can take u to a restaurant
And if you're not hungry
I'll jack u off
If your man ain't no good
Come on over to my neighborhood
We can jump in the sack and I'll jack u off
If you're tired of the masturbator
Little girl, we can go on a date
And if you like, I'll jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
I only do it for a worthy cause
Virginity or menopause
You'll have an instant heart attack if I jack u off
If u really want to be a star
We gotta do it in your momma's car
Naked in a Cadillac, I'll jack u off
And if we can't find no place to go
Girl, I'll take u to a movie show, we can sit in the
And I'll jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
If you're chicken baby, come on here
If you're good I'll even let u steer
As a matter of fact, u can jack me off
Yeah, that's right
I'll jack u off, jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
I'll jack u off, jack u off
Chorus: O baby you're making that mistake again oh why
O don't you understand, everytime you do you make me cry
I see those tears and it hurts so much each time you say you're sorry
cause no more words or regretful touch could change the way I'm feeling
You're doing me wrong again and again you say that you will but you won't
I stayed up late every lonely night waiting for you to call me
I used to think if I gave you time ooo baby you'd find a way to make it right
You're doing me wrong again and again you say that you will but you won't
Don't explain and don't ask me why oh baby please stop crying
We've been through this one too many times so baby don't you put me there again
Cause no matter how hard I try to believe this tiem I know that I won't
Don't wonder why, baby don't cry, let's say goodbye
I couldn't wait another minute when I had you here again
'Cause baby it's been more than minutes since we were more than friends
All of this time I thought,
I thought that nothing had changed
But it's all the same
Here we go
Once again you and I are more than friends
Here we go
Makin' love again
Here we go
Even though we both know this is not right
Here we go
Makin' love another night
Makin' lopve to you is easy
It's something that I missed so long
Baby the way that you please me it feels so right It can't be wring
All of this time I thougt,
I thought that nothing had changed
Good evening ladies
This is your captain speaking
Were about to atempt a crashlanding
Yeah, I heard about some guy
That you beat pretty bad and got in the papers
Sure, you own a cool bar
And I hear you get far with every waitress
Yeah, I saw you on the poster
Your song is the bomb and you're outrageous
Sure, I see you're livin' large
With your crib and your cars and that's just great but
Let me tell you how it be
You won't get with this you see
'Cause you can't handle me
Yeah, you make your big move
And I see you're not used to being rejected
Sure, you making' that call to your guy
And I'm sure you're well connected
Yeah, judging from that line
You just passed you are well known and respected
Sure, would me and my girls
Come participate in something you directed
Let me tell you how it be
You won't get with this you see
'Cause you can't handle me
It's a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
No matter how you act with them
You can't handle me, you can't handle me
You gotta make me feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho freaking
Boot licking Nazi creep and you can't handle me
Yeah, I think you're kinda cute
When you try and act like you ain't looking
Sure, I think you're kinda fly
And your ride sure is off the hooking
Yeah, bet you could take my mind off
Things for some time and take me shopping
Sure, you writing those rhymes
And the acts you produce are really kicking but
Let me tell you how it be
You won't get with this you see
'Cause you can't handle me
It's a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
No matter how you act with them
You can't handle me, you can't handle me
You gotta make me feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho freaking
Boot licking Nazi creep and you can't handle me
Yeah, I heard about some guy
That you beat pretty bad and got in the papers
Sure, you own a cool bar
And I hear you get far with every waitress
Yeah, I saw you on the poster
Your song is the bomb and you're outrageous
Sure, I see you're living' large
With your crib and your cars and that's just great but
Let me tell you how it be
You won't get with this you see
'Cause you can't handle me
It's a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
No matter how you act with them
You can't handle me, you can't handle me
You gotta make me feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho freaking
Hmmm, no I don't like that one
I don't like that
Give me someting like:
Ahh, ahh, ah, ahh, ahh, ah, you know
Yes, and the smear
Hmm, give me something that listen
Like it's gets your in trouble or something
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My drinking is killing me
My smoking is killing me
My diet's killing me
My heels are killing me
My shopping's killing me
My ego is killing me
Can't sleep, it's killing me
My label's killing me
Kick drum...
My phone is killing me
My email is killing me
These hours are killing me
My tour is killing me
This flight is killing me
My manager's killing me
My mother's killing me
My landlord's killing me
My boss is killing me
The TV is killing me
Your nagging is killing me
My boyfriend is killing me
My talking's killing me
Killing me
Killing me
K-k-killing me
Can't sleep, it's killing me
My dreams are killing me
The TV is killing me
My talking's killing me
Let go, you're killing me
Ease up, you're killing me
Calm down, you're killing me
My god, you're killing me
K-k-killing me
My drinking is killing me
My smoking is killing me
My head is killing me
My mind is killing me
My back is killing me
My neck is killing me
Your nagging is killing me
My gut is killing me
My PMS is killing me
My email is killing me
These hours are killing me
My tour is killing me
This flight is killing me
My manager's killing me
My mother's killing me
My landlord's killing me
My smoking is killing me
The TV is killing me
Your nagging is killing me
Ease up, you're killing me
Let go, you're killing me
Calm down, you're killing me
My god, you're killing me
Don't fucking tell me what to do, do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do, do, do, do, do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do, do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do, do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do!
Lately shit's been drivin' me crazy
Won't you take me outta this city?
Streets too busy
Men too old and the girls too pretty
I see that you want me
I'm needin' somebody
Don't ask me no questions
There's really no reason
You look like your ready
To run from the city
I'm feelin' the same way
Just wanna get away
Met you on the corner of my favorite shop
I don't really care if I know you or not
All I really need, someone to hold me tonight
Doesn't make a difference if it's wrong or it's right
Maybe in a day of two I'm falling for you
And you'll be gone and I'll be painting pictures of you
But for now all that matters is the thing that we've got
See I don't really care if we make it or not
Lately shit's been driving me crazy
Won't you take me outta this city?
Streets too busy
Men too old and the girls too pretty
Baby, won't you come and save me?
Won't you make my world less chilly?
Don't need pity
Just your arms around my body
Won't you come and take me?
Away from the city
Let's do it today
Just want to get away
Met you on the corner of my favorite shop
I don't really care if I know you or not
All I really need, someone to hold me tonight
Doesn't make a difference if it's wrong or it's right
Maybe in a day of two I'm falling for you
And you'll be gone and I'll be painting pictures of you
But for now all that matters is the thing that we've got
See I don't really care if we make it or not
Lately shit's been driving me crazy
Won't you take me outta this city?
Streets too busy
Men too old and the girls too pretty
Baby, won't you come and save me?
Won't you make my world less chilly?
Don't need pity
Just your arms around my body
Let's just do something else
Met you on the corner of my favorite shop
I don't really care if I know you or not
All I really need, someone to hold me tonight
Doesn't make a difference if it's wrong or it's right
Maybe in a day of two I'm falling for you
And you'll be gone and I'll be painting pictures of you
But for now all that matters is the thing that we've got
See I don't really care if we make it or not
Lately shit's been driving me crazy
Won't you take me outta this city?
Streets too busy
Men too old and the girls too pretty
Baby, won't you come and save me?
Won't you make my world less chilly?
Don't need pity
Just your arms around my body
Mi press trigger mi nuh press people button
Nuh bodda chat come face mi wid something
Like how mi have twenty two inna mi somethin
Ten haffi use so mi get di next dozen, fool
Press trigger mi nuh press people button
Nuh bodda chat come face mi wid somethin
Like how mi have twenty two inna mi somethin
Ten haffi use so mi get di next dozen (fool)
Anytime they ready punahussy start war
See who now fi spread it out more pon di tar
My style is di bom digi bom di deng di deng digigi uu uuu ?
carubuano peer with di bom digi bom di deng di deng digigi uu uuu??x2
Punahussy siddung and a watch how man a live
Watch yah man a own a own roll big
Siddung and a plan fi come put man pon fridge
Memba when yuh dig hole a two yuh fi dig
Certain likkle bwoy we a stop deal wid
Claim seh dem a friend and dem badmind deh friend
My style is di bom digi bom di deng di deng digigi uu uuu ?
carubuano peer with di bom digi bom di deng di deng digigi uu uuu??x2
Mi press trigger mi nuh press people button
Nuh bodda chat come face mi wid somethin
Like how mi have twenty two inna mi somethin
Robyn is here
Robyn is here
Robyn is here gotta let you know
Lend me your ears can you hear my flow
Wake up people there's something new in the air
Can you hear it, smell it, feel it, Robynis here
Provin' I'm alive when I'm comin' with the spring
Makin' my debut summer '95, startin' to sing
Better wake up 'cause I will make you feel alright
Will get you in that freaky mood, will make you make love tonight
I am here to sing, joy is what I bring
Comin' with a positive feelin' Cause this is a Robynthing
Robyn is here
Robyn is here
Robyn is here gotta let you know
Lend me your ears can you hear my flow
Goin' downtown sittin' in the frontseat
My head is spinnin' around and around because of the heat
The sun is shinin' it makes everybody horny
I'm just about to face it that everybody I konw is goin' crazy
My girls are dressed up from their heads to their feet
But there ain't much them clothes will hide
Guys are mackin' making the scene complete
I'm tellin' it's contagious it's the summervibe and I'm here
A dedication to this special time of the year
And a celebration 'cause finally I am here
Spreadin' love to all of my family and my friends
To that special one I'm thinkin' of and to my audience
I'm lettin' everything else go, have only one thing on my mind tonight
It's like you're waiting
for me to start
There's no right moment
to break my heart
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
We could talk any
day of the week
I cry myself to
sleep in my pink
silk sheets
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
Under pressure
Under pressure
You and I
Under pressure
I was uptight
Under pressure, yeah
I keep quiet and
hope you forget
You know that kitchen
table, let's buy it
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
If I was brave I
wouldn't keep my
mouth shut
I'm selfish, I don't
wanna give you up
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
Boy, you can tell me
anytime you like
Under pressure
Under pressure
You and I
Under pressure
Love is uptight
Under pressure
Under pressure, yeah
Under pressure
Under pressure
You and I
Under pressure
This love is uptight
Under pressure
Hey baby
How'you doing?
How was you day?
What'you do?
I said I love you
What'you thinking about?
What'you thinking about?
Tell me what's on your mind
Won't you tell me
what's on your mind?
I love you so much
Boy, you can tell me
Boy, you can tell me
You're always up to no good
Your finger's in my cookie jar
You can have my checkbook visa and my mastercard too
Ain't no price too high for what you do
You could be my dog
I could post your bailbonds when cash was tight
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Let's do it right now
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
Your car's a dump and you're broke
but that's all right
I never liked them fancy guys
You don't even look good, god it ain't right
but you're starry eyed and out of sight
You could fall apart
I would post your bailbonds when cash was tight
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Let's do it right now
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on a bum like you
My new favorite thing to do
Is wastin' my time on you
You're always up to no good
you catch on like a bonfire
Every single worn out line is shiny and new
I never met a sweeter liar
You could be my king
I would knit you mittens and make you pie
We could fall in love
I could be the apple of your eye
Take the vcr
Take the keys to my house
the keys to my car
I don't need it no more
Cause you gave me the keys to your heart
Thoughts about you and me Thinkin' about what we used to be
Love was strong so were we Until one day it all went wrong
A new body a new face
But no one good enough to fill your empty space
Baby where did our love go
I'm thinkin' about you and me now
Baby both you and I should know
We should know by now
Warming heat coolin' shade Whatever I needed I found in the love we made
Maybe this was meant to be Miss and reminisce of something close to
But I still hope that you feel our love inside the way I do
Thugs and badmen
punks and lifers
locked up interns
pigs and snitches
Rest your weary heads, all is well
You won't be strip-searched, torn up tonight
you won't be cut up, bleeding tonight
you won't be strung out, cold, shaking to your bones
wishing you were anywhere else but right here
So dream on
Thieves and muggers
tricks and hustlers
cheats and traitors
scum and low-lives
Rest your weary heads, all is well
You won't be sad or broken tonight
you won't be squealed on, ripped off tonight
you won't be back-stabbed, double cross, face down
teeth knocked out, lying in a gutter somewhere
So dream on
So dream on
Freaks and junkies
fakes and phonies
drunks and cowards
manic preachers
Rest your weary heads, all is well
You won't be pushed or messed with tonight
you won't be lied to, ruffed up tonight
You won't be insane, paranoid, obsessed
aimlessly wandering through the dark night
So dream on
So dream on
You won't be insane, paranoid, obsessed
aimlessly wandering through the dark night
Sometimes life can be a bumpy ride
Sometimes it feels like you're drivin with covered eyes
And you listen to your friend who's in the car by your side
They say they've got your map, what if your friends are tellin' lies
So listen to your heart 'cause you can't see no roadsigns
You don't know where to stop or to turn
Everyone goes through it I'm in the middle of mine
And I try to remember it's the only way to learn
Hold on [you've gotta hold on]
Hold on [you've gotta hold on]
You gotta stay real true to yourself in the game
Of becomin' a woman where the rules never stay the same
Remember who you are, who made you and who's keepin' you here
Who's makin' you not duck for problems in fear?
People in your way, dogs and bitches
Who's lickin' your ass? liers and snitches
Even though it's a bumpy ride
Keep your head above the waterline
Keep focused and you'll make it through
Keep on rollin' is what you've got to do
Even though it's a bumpy ride don't you slip and don't you slide
Love will be there in the end when you come around that bend
You've gotta keep your flow smooth, never hesitate
Never stop believin' always keepin' the faith
But always be critical never naive
'Cause if you can be that there's so much more you can achieve
Maybe then when you're grown up satisfied and strong
Mmmm... no I don't like that one
No I don't like that
Gimme somethin' like uh uh uh uh uh uh
You know?
Yeah, are you scared?
Erm... gimme some listed
like get you into trouble or sumin
Yeah, you know pick it up!
Often things in life don't make sense
It's when the timing is right thins can happen
And I feel that my clock is tickin'
So if you wanna get with me, you better start thinkin'
How I want to be loved by you baby
How I want to feel your sweet love for real
Cause I'm the bomb and soon I'll explode
Do you know which buttons to push, do you know my code
Cause if you do I'm gonna take our destiny
And turn it into freaky reality
[That's how]
How I know, well it's my female intuition
And something tells me that it's time for some action
Cause I've been waiting for so long for the right moment
to let you know That my desire is too string to let you go
You know it's all about timing That rules everything
And tonight the time is right it is our night tonight
Take your time don't let me stop you Do what you wanna do
As long as, as long as you will affect me with the things you do
Do you know what I think all these nights when I can't sleep, sleep at all
Slowly I close my eyes
My thoughts they fly away to you no matter what I do
I wish I could turn back time
Back to the time when you were mine I wish
I wish the day, the day you went away never had happened baby
I wish the stars, the stars in heaven would come down to me
So I could give them to you
Tell me then would you be lovin' me like I wish
It's so hard when you love someone this much
But you just don't how, how to love him the right way
If you could see, what you've done to me
What you've done to my heart, what you've done to my sould baby
All of my mind and all of my body then you sould know
Why I can't let go and baby I
I wish the day, the day you went away never had happened baby
I wish the stars. the stars in heaven would come down to me
So I could give them to you
Tell me then would you be lovin' me like I wish
I don't know what you want me to do
To prove my love is real for you
I don't know what you want me do say baby
There is no if's or maybe's