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Following last year's incredible success, The Circuit will be hosting the 4th annual Portland Boulder Rally! The Rally has gained acclaim as one of the largest bouldering competitions and festivals in the nation. Enjoy competition for all ages and abilities with loads of competitor goodies, then come watch the pros battle it out for a cash purse of $10,000! All-day outdoor festivities include local food carts, an outdoor industry exhibition, HUGE raffle, cheap beer garden and more! If you're not around, enjoy HD streaming of professional athlete interviews, key qualifier highlights, and a live stream of the Open Finals with exclusive commentary! This year's competition is going to be bigger than ever - get ready to Rally! Tune in for an exclusive broadcast of professional athlete interviews, competition highlights, and behind the scenes footage produced by competition power house Louder Than 11. Plus enjoy a live HD stream of the Open Finals, where twelve of the strongest competitors in the nation will battle for their piece of the $10,000 cash purse. Enjoy web-only commentary by ClimbingNarc, Brian Runnells and other guest commentators.
Zum ersten Mal machte der Deutsche Bouldercup in Köln Station – und wie: Der Jubel von rund 1.000 Zuschauern ließ am vergangenen Wochenende die Wände des neuen Boulderzentrums „Stuntwerk“ erzittern. Nicht weniger als 115 Athletinnen und Athleten gingen beim zweiten Termin der Wettkampfserie an den Start. Juliane Wurm und Jan Hojer ließen wie gewohnt nichts anbrennen und holten sich verdient den Tagessieg. Nachdem sie auch beim ersten Termin der Wettkampfserie gewonnen hatten, führen Wurm und Hojer die Gesamtwertung weiterhin souverän an. NOCH MEHR TEILNEHMER ALS IN HANNOVER 2015 DBC Köln Mitte Februar freuten sich die Organisatoren über einen Teilnehmerrekord von 103 Startern beim ersten Deutschen Bouldercup des Jahres auf dem Messegelände in Hannover. Beim zweiten Stopp der nationalen Wettkampfserie wurde diese Zahl noch einmal überboten: 115 Athletinnen und Athleten gingen an den Start. Angefeuert wurden die Boulderer von rund 1.000 Zuschauern, die für eine Bombenstimmung im Kölner Stuntwerk sorgten. Zum allerersten Mal wurde ein Deutscher Bouldercup in Köln ausgetragen. Das neu eröffnete „Stuntwerk“ war für diese Premiere der ideale Austragungsort. SZENENAPPLAUS FÜR JAN HOJER Zusammen mit Tobias Reichert und Niklas Wiechmann zauberte Chef-Routenbauer Jonas Baumann in Köln Boulder an die Wände, die den Startern alles abverlangten. Im Halbfinale der Herren gab es an zwei der vier geforderten Boulder keinen einzigen Durchstieg, und auch im Finale blieb ein Boulder ohne Top. Umso leichter fielen Jan Hojer die restlichen drei Boulder, die er alle bis zum Ausstiegsgriff kletterte und sich damit vor Simon Unger mit zwei Tops an die Spitze setzte. Viel Applaus erntete Jan Hojer am dritten Boulder, als er an einer kleingriffigen Leiste mal eben lässig einen einarmigen Klimmzug einlegte, und schließlich vom Topgriff aus seine Freundin Juliane Wurm küsste, die am Boulder nebenan in diesem Moment ebenfalls oben angekommen war. KOPF-AN-KOPF-RENNEN BEI DEN DAMEN 2015 DBC Köln Bei den Damen war Juliane Wurm die einzige, die alle Halbfinalboulder klettern konnte. Im Finale lag sie bis zum dritten Boulder gleichauf mit Julia Winter, beiden gelangen die ersten drei Finalboulder im ersten Versuch. Erst am letzten Boulder zog Wurm an Winter vorbei, als sie auch diesen auf Anhieb kletterte, während Winter die kraftraubenden Züge im Überhang erst im dritten Anlauf gelangen. Dritte wurde Alma Bestvater, die mit drei Tops im Halbfinale und zwei Tops im Finale eine starke Leistung bot. „Ich hatte Glück, der erste und der letzte Boulder gingen gar nicht, aber der dritte Boulder hat gleich im ersten Versuch geklappt, das hat mir den dritten Platz gerettet”, freute sich die Weimarerin. NEUE UND NEUE ALTE GESICHTER IM FINALE Sowohl bei den Damen als auch bei den Herren gab es in den Finalrunden Neuzugänge: Levin Schilling und Helene Wolf schafften es zum ersten Mal in die Finalrunden. Beide starten für den DAV Hamburg und Niederelbe, und beide erreichten einen sensationellen fünften Platz. Gewiss kein Unbekannter in nationalen und internationalen Boulderkreisen ist Stefan Danker vom DAV Landshut. Der Deutsche Meister von 2013 war in Köln allerdings nach längerer Wettkampfabstinenz erstmals wieder bei einem Deutschen Bouldercup angetreten und kletterte prompt ins Finale. Auf Rang vier verpasste er am Ende nur knapp das Podium. DER BOULDERCUP GEHT WEITER Insgesamt ging im Kölner Stuntwerk ein rundum gelungenes Wettkampfwochenende über die Bühne. Starke Leistungen der Boulderer, volle Besucherränge und nicht zuletzt das tatkräftige Engagement von über 30 ehrenamtlichen Helfern der DAV Sektion Rheinland-Köln machten den 2. Deutschen Bouldercup zu einem vollen Erfolg. Die letzte Runde findet am 17. und 18. Juli im Rahmen der OutDoor Messe in Friedrichshafen statt. Dort werden die Sieger der Gesamtwertung des Deutschen Bouldercups entschieden, die sich damit zugleich den Titel des Deutschen Meisters im Bouldern sichern.
Supporting the amazing IFSC Bouldering World Cup Series! This compilation includes the hardest boulder moves of the second half of the season 2014. The video...
The 2014 IFSC Boulder World Championships were held August 21-23 in Munich. Host of the 1972 Summer Olympics, Munich welcomes the 2014 World Championships in its world-class Olympic Stadium! Watch as our finalists vie for a spots on the podium! More information:;=1499
Ruff n Tuff Boulder Cup 10.1.2015 Nordwandhalle!:) Finale!!!!
El escalador madrileño Alberto Rocasolano junto con la productora "Matulex" sacan el vídeo de su primer 8C añadiendo una entrada más baja al Soyuz en Zarzalejo. En el vídeo se muestra la dificultad de los agarres y la técnica que "Beto" es capaz de adquirir escalando uno de los bloques más difíciles del mundo! Vídeo grabado y editado por @matulex Imágenes aéreas Cromatica 45
Four years in the making. New 19,000 square foot gym + 410 competitors + 142 boulder problems + 21 pro athletes + $10,000 cash purse + 6,000 square foot outdoor festival. Witness the magic created at the 4th annual Portland Boulder Rally, hosted at The Circuit Bouldering Gym’s new location, with support from Co-Presenter Next Adventure and Title Sponsors, Adidas Outdoors and Subaru of America. Jimmy Webb makes the comp his playground, flashing all 4 finals routes to take 1st place. Alex Puccio, fresh off her V14 tour, dominates the women’s division, taking 1st place. Megan Mascarenas and Ashima Shiraishi both have a smashing debut at the PBR, taking 2nd and 3rd respectively. Returning PBR champions Peter Dixon and Carlo Traversi duke it out for 2nd and 3rd place. Meagan Martin shows off her Ninja Warrior skills. Returning PBR finalists, Matt Fultz, Angie Payne, and Shannon Russell battle for their share of the cash purse. Elan Jonas-Mcrae and Sean Bailey prove what the future of bouldering brings, beating the likes of Vasya Vorotnikov and Daniel Woods in qualifiers. Watch the full archived live stream – including athlete interviews and finals commentary by the Climbing Narc, Brian Runnells and Chalk Talk, John Blomquist – at Produced by Louder Than Eleven Broadcast Director: Jordan Shipman Director of Photography & Technical Director: Jon Glassberg Editors: Jon Glassberg Jordan Shipman Broadcast Graphics: Jon Glassberg Jordan Shipman Camera Operators: Ian Lunger Ashley Haight Connor Magee Andrew Elliot Tim Wildgoose Live Show Audio Engineer : Brad Pizzimenti Live Scoring Software Development: Brian Runnells Additional Production Room Operators: Melissa Champer Shane Collins Stephanie Keske Emily Morris Erica Thompson Production Assistants: Michael Hudson Peter Nguyen Matthew Hopkins Production equipment provided by: Picture This Portland Boulder Rally 2014 Staff: Andy Coleman and Bryan Knudsen (Presenters) Chloe Mandell (Event Director) Matt Slayton (Head Judge) Luke Carlstedt (Scoring) Kasia Pietras (Head Route Setter) Shaun Olcott (Planning and Operations Assistant) Joel Velasco (Food Vendor and Social Media Manager) Mindy Stutzman (Volunteer Coordinator) Michael Hudson (Equipment and Audio Manager) Alex Deahl (Lighting Manager)
I'm Shmacked is one of the world's fastest growing entertainment platforms for young adults and teens (98th percentile). This is the new official I'm Shmacked YouTube. Subscribe for new videos. Subscribe & thumbs up to show your support and help us create new videos! We're back. Adam Ondra has yet again shown his worth as one of the strongest sport and boulder climbers in the world, by climbing 2 of the hardest ...
The 2014 IFSC Boulder World Championships were held August 21-23 in Munich. Host of the 1972 Summer Olympics, Munich welcomes the 2014 World Championships in its world-class Olympic Stadium! Watch as our semi-finalists vie for one of 6 spots in the finals! More information:;=1499
The IFSC World Cup Haiyang 2014 is the only three-discipline World Cup, topped only by the World Championships in Gijón, Spain. Haiyang was the place to be this weekend for climbing fans of all stripes! Report, results, photos on;=1525 Watch the finalists compete for a top spot on the podium! As always, we are present on Twitter during competitions with the hashtag #IFSCwc, so reach out to us!
Rock Master 2013 - Video by
Subscribe for more --- A mudslide wrecks havoc on a road below, almost crushing a car. You can see the rocks breaking off at the 0:03...
Day 4 of the IFSC Climbing World Championships Paris 2012 Men's Boulder Final ParaClimbing Final 2.
After a well deserved two-week break for our athletes, Toronto (Hamilton) hosted the fifth stage of the IFSC World Cup series, a solo Bouldering competition ...
Boulder TV zu Gast im Stuntwerk! Freut Euch auf ein tolles Interview mit Udo Neumann von Udini. Niklas Wiechmann gibt uns Einblicke in sein Stuntwerk inkl. ein wenig „Parkour- Action“.
Boulder has been named the #1 city in the nation in Gallup's "Well Being Index". It is also the most educated city in the United States. Today, I'm going to ...
Home win for Anna Stöhr and Jakob Schubert in Kitzbühel! Last year's Overall Bouldering World Cup winner Anna Stöhr and reigning Lead world champion Jakob Sc...
An inside look at Alpha Phi's Bid Day at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Congratulations to all the new baby Alpha Phi's.
The IFSC Boulder World Cup tour rolls into Laval, France, for its final stop before the World Championships in Munich! Our athletes will be giving their all in the idyllic backdrop of the small...
Nestled in the impressive panorama of the Nordkette, the Marktplatz in Innsbruck has always been the vibrant center of the Tyrolean capital. Recently announced host for the 2018 IFSC World Championships, Innsbruck consistently puts on a great show, and its Boulder World Cup is one of the most memorable of the season. Watch as our 6 finalists battle for a spot on the podium!
After a succuessful hosting of a European Youth Cup in 2013, Grindelwald (SUI) is stepped up to host a Boulder World Cup! Settlements have existed in Grindel...
Psychedelic Journey Tour Tracklist below Feed Me! go buy it: and browse all other Feed M...
The 2014 IFSC Climbing Competition season kicked off April 26-27 in Chongqing with Speed and Boulder comps! Watch replay of the Boulder finals, as 6 finalist... เซิฟเวอร์ฟาร์มบริการให้เช่านะคับ ... fanpang: s web : group: -----------------Subcribe TankYOU------------------
Igatu Boulder 2015 Em janeiro aconteceu a 3ª edição do festival de boulder mais incrível do Brasil! Boulders e escaladores: 0:40 Denorex V5: Danilo 1:48 Rosa V7: Jordana, Tiago Rasta, Zé Antônio 4:30 Aurora Stand Up V5: Danilo 5:13 Deixa Arder V6: Zé Antônio 6:21 Angra I V4: Danilo 7:20 Freeman V10: Guilherme Negavá, Fernando Lucas 9:14 Bahia de Todos os Santos V3: Nina 11:09 Esquizito Man V5: Zé Antônio 12:10 Se Vira V10: Fernando Lucas, Guilherme Negavá 13:54 O Resgate do Soldado Groisman V3: Erick Magalhães 15:01 Homem Elástico V7: Tiago Tatu, Erik Chinês, Jordana 17:52 Diamante V9: Erik Chinês, Guilherme Negavá 20:53 Garimpeiro V11: Guilherme Negavá 22:09 Safira V12: Fernando Lucas 23:03 Campeões da Rua de Cima V9: Guilherme Negavá, Fernando Lucas 24:50 Verruga V11: Guilherme Negavá, Fernando Lucas É Bahia Negão!
Tierra and Klättercentret proudly present the Tierra Boulder Battle 2014.
Vail, Colorado (USA) and its Mountain Games Festival hosted the second North American 2014 IFSC Boulder World Cup, June 6-7, 2014. Watch our 6 finalists comp...
Boulder Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was const...
This Department of Interior film captures Boulder Dam — better known as Hoover Dam — in the midst of its construction. See how the Colorado River flowed befo... Giant Boulder Of Death на Андроид Новый человек паук Android ролик: поворот не туда 1 на Андроид - игра на Андроид Team Dragon - Повышение громкости происходит путём разблокирования ограничителя вывода звука И он сел на песок, потому что ему стало страшно Дополнительно можно отметить функцию поиска устройств самообслуживания, отделений и партнеров банка на карте Думаю с многими из вас случалась такая ситуация, что находясь в каком-нибудь крупном торговом центре или другом Городе, вам срочно нужен был интернет, но как назло вокруг не было ного Wi-fi, зато была куча запароленных точек доступа Мне такое больше нравится чем ферма самая лучшая игра для Андроида - это аэропорт-сити я на Sims 3, когда она только вышла, похудела на 5-7 кг, а вы говорите фермы! Беспплыне программы и приложения, эти вещи понадобятся каждому пользователю Андроид, ведь благодаря им, мы сможем сделать наш телефон более функциональным, изменить стандартное оформление, оптимизировать его работу и сделать еще много чего Hd-графика с Великолепной палитрой красок Конечно, Timelapse внедрен не только, да и не столько для воплощения творческих идей автомобилистов Она перекочевала к нам с телефонов на Java, став хитом еще несколько лет назад, но теперь, когда возможности мобильных устройств выросли, нам дали совершенно другую игру, с огромным количеством миссий, очень качественной графикой и потрясающим физическим движком
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Video; Baby Goat Shower at #mountainflowerdairy in #Boulder. By: Cliff Grassmick - Graduated from the University of Colorado with degrees in Journalism and Psychology. Worked at the Boulder Daily Camera since 1986. Also a freelance sports, wedding and travel photographer. Published on: April 18, 2015 Source:
Boulder Panther Christian Feiler sets BoCo meet record in 100 freestyle Saturday. #copreps By: Adam Dunivan - sports writer Published on: April 18, 2015 Source:
Harhaluati 6A boulder April 18th Visiting this peaceful place and recording one boulder problem betavideo, slightly against northern sunlight :-)
933 Mapleton Ave Boulder CO 80304 View Property Details and Additional Photos: To get more property information: Renowned as one of the most significant properties in Boulder, this quintessential Mapleton Hill estate was completely rebuilt in 2013 by Sugarloaf Builders & is a true testament to master craftsmanship & timeless design. Perfectly situated on the most established & coveted block in Boulder, this magnificent property features breathtaking views & an expansive flat lawn with gorgeous mature trees. The home's ambiance is elegant yet eminently livable & perfect for entertaining. A rare opportunity!
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BOULDER, Colo ... According to the Boulder Daily Camera (http: ... during a 2012 campaign stop in Boulder.
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-04-19The droid BB-8, powered by Boulder's Sphero robotics technology, is seen in the first trailer for "Star Wars:
Denver Post 2015-04-19"Star Wars" fans were treated to a bit of Boulder-bred robotic wizardry in a split-second shot ...
Denver Post 2015-04-19... into a warm and sunny day Saturday as hundreds of people lined up to enjoy a uniquely Boulder event.
Big News Network 2015-04-19The droid BB-8, powered by Boulder's Sphero robotics technology, is seen in the first trailer for "Star Wars:
Big News Network 2015-04-19HELENA - A House panel late Friday voted to kill the bill that would allow voters in three ...
Big News Network 2015-04-19Barnes & Noble, Lakewood. Denver West Village, 14347 W ... April 25: ... Boulder Book Store ... , Boulder, 303-447-2074, boulderbookstore.
Denver Post 2015-04-19... excursion to Joe’s Valley which just happens to be a large concentration of boulders in Utah.
The Examiner 2015-04-19They saw a story in the Advocate about a woman named Clela Rorex, a young feminist county clerk in Boulder.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-19On April 8, 2015, around 6:20 PM, Las Vegas Metropolitan ... Tatum in the 4800 block of Boulder Highway, in the City .
Big News Network 2015-04-19A German Space Agency delegation tours the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics in Boulder on Friday.
Big News Network 2015-04-19... from the Tattered Cover Book Stores, Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins and the Boulder Book Store.
Denver Post 2015-04-19LAFAYETTE, Colo ... When police reached him in the parking lot, Cmdr ... The Boulder Daily Camera reports (http: //tinyurl ... ——— ... //www.
Denver Post 2015-04-19In geology, a boulder is a rock with grain size of usually no less than 256 mm (10 inches) diameter.[citation needed] While a boulder may be small enough to move or roll manually, others are extremely massive. In common usage, a boulder is too large for a person to move. Smaller boulders are usually just called rocks or stones. The word boulder is short for boulder stone, from Middle English bulderston or Swedish bullersten.
In places covered by ice sheets during Ice Ages, such as Scandinavia, northern North America, and Russia, glacial erratics are common. Erratics are boulders picked up by the ice sheet during its advance, and deposited during its retreat. They are called "erratic" because they typically are of a different rock type than the bedrock on which they are deposited. One of them is used as the pedestal of the Bronze Horseman in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Some noted rock formations involve giant boulders exposed by erosion, such as the Devil's Marbles in Australia's Northern Territory, the Horeke basalts in New Zealand, where an entire valley contains only boulders, and The Baths on the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands.
Deep in the forest, the solid woods do tremble
The earth shakes by the sound of his chant
A vision of grandeur, a sight of strength and justice
Haunting the dead, warning the living
Pain is an illusion of the senses
Despair is an illusion of the weak mind
Now you're a warrior, raise the flag - united !
Never turn your back for cowardice equals crime
Now life is a prison, a cage that weighs upon him
There lies his duty, a work without redemption
"Now set them free, your sword's the key you're holding
Then you yourself shall once be released?"
Every single man is
a spark in the darkness
By Time he is noticed
and then gone forever
Enough of this talking
As I storm towards you
Suffer countless endings before one finally knows
The well of all creation lies hidden, never to show
Unable to distinguish the lines so vaguely drawn
A searing pain awaits me, towards Eternal Dawn
An undistorted sight for only a short while
A meaningless lapse between the initial cry at birth
And the final sigh called Death
Though none of the above truly matters now
Enduring mortification as I face my wounded soul,
ensanguined, in agony, elucidate my fading light,
terrified, I consign to Oblivion what's mine
Morbid murals flashing by
Every fibre feels alive
Though not the separated mind
With my body once entwined
"I feel Completeness, a mystical awakening balanced by a depressed and
bitter awareness of my inherent incompletion, a clash of two
perceptions...the state of illumination begins to break up, and leads me to
an overwhelming sense of darkness and deprivation...
In these times of reflection a spectre abides
Inside my cerebrum is where it must hide
My thoughts caused the anger to unbridle my deeds
Now bathe me in anguish, ignite my inner fears..
An undistorted sight for only a short while
A meaningless lapse between the initial cry at birth
And the final sigh called death
Though none of the above truly matters now
Enduring mortification as I face my wounded soul,
ensanguined, in agony, elucidate my fading light,
terrified, I consign to Oblivion what's mine
Morbid murals flashing by
Every fibre feels alive
Though not the separated mind
With my body once entwined
Far below the surface, beyond a sea of weed
A vast remaining structure, remnant of the past
Ancient and forgotten, senescent, through Time
Somewhere in our knowledge, a cipher in our mind.
"A murderous quiet impression
in deep chromatic blue
Embedded in lethargy
our anorganic roots
A shining fair transcendent
An awe-inspiring view
Conceiling all the answers
The Mystic Absolute"
Tormented by desolation, the black night of the soul
Exhausted and unconscious, existance on parole
An altered state of pleasure, better known as pain
Attending the foretold arrival, while growing insane
"The water's slowly swirling, the death-like silence dies
A noise is quickly swelling, the dark recesses sigh
A lightning-blinded vision, an entire race defied
Exultant declaration, carved in the blazing sky"
A supernal stroke from heaven enlightens our newborn fate
Freed from this chaos and rampage, freed from this inbred hate
Returning to the Dawn of Ages, the capricious wave of Time
Fulfill us with bright radiation, or grant us the price for our crimes.
Thousands of men together
Synchronized in blood and pain
The whips are cracking their bodies
His power engraved in their souls
Finally, the perpetuation
Damnation holds grip of the land
Shadows are cast upon the deserted
As the sun lowers the day?
Ordaining the ritual cleansing
Soft flesh leaves through his mouth
To preserve in an excavated silence
Accompanied by his resigned queen
"Slowly the night is changing,
as the portal will guide his spirit to the stars
Long was the wait in advance of the completion,
but the stage is now set for?ASCENSION"
Alone, naked and floating
Embosomed by senselessness
But not bereaved of his limbs
The struggle towards the surface
"His breath of life upon me
I leave my mortal remains
His fluid spilled all over
I'm raised, enriched with power"
No one would dare to question
his cry?
"So this is my liberation
Assigned to glow between stars
Preserved to live forever
In the Timeless Void I fly?
In Time and orbit?I die"
I stand beside your lowly grave
Silence is breathing around
Mourning while you are slumbering low
In this world's vernal dawn?
Ah dream too bright to last
Ah starry hope that did arise
But to be overcast
A voice from out of the future cries
On and on and over the past
Dim gulf, my spirit hovering lies
Mute, motionless, aghast
Mute, motionless, aghast?
For alas with me !
The light of life is over more?no more!
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree
Or the stricken eagle soar
Such language holds the solemn sea
To the sands upon the shore
To the sands..upon the shore!
(Free adaptation of "To One In Paradise" by E.A. Poe)
I can no longer fear (what can't be feared)
I can no longer hate (what can't be hated)
At last I made my peace with my fate
Alone I shall remain
As a lone wolf
The last of a dying race
Solitude shall be my mate
Reflection shall be our child
As I wonder through desolate plains
I can but vaguely remember
The times before the last war
Now I am the last one
The lone wolf
The last of a doomed race
Walking amongst the shadows
My mind is my only true friend
And even he is leaving
Insanity is calling
The lone wolf
The last of a foolish race
I can see no more use for my existence
Why must I witness the madness of a few
Time can't be turned back
And soon even I shall die
I'll wait patiently
As a lone wolf
The last of arrogant race
I lay down on the floor
I can't open my eyes
My hands are like ice
I think that I'm dying
Chorus: Sensus mortalis
A dying feeling
Blood is floating away
Blood which is really mine
Was it an accident
I still wonder why
Why did you shoot me down?
What wrong have I done to
You took my life away
Just to get my money
In my dark kingdom
I am the leader
The master of your soul
I take what comes to me
Chorus: I am the leader
The master of your soul
Don't you fall asleep
You'll surely meet your end
By the time that you meet me
You already became my slave
I'm demanding you
To take your soul
And bring it fast to me
So I can live forever
Birds exhale a toneless song
while growing goes reversed
The queasing sight of rotting leaves
In shriveling sunlight blurrs
Forever is the hunger
That drives us to the skies
Survival of the fittest
Will lead us to demise
Devastation takes control, returning to the Age of Holes
Mankind signing it's doom, for ressurection there's no room
The world will suffer, helpless, the Ultimate Decay
"Since the fruit of the Forbidden Tree
brought Death into this world
Banished from the Realm of Bliss
The Paradise on earth
Forever we'll be striving
To equal the Most High
But Eden is still guarded
All access is still denied.."
Oceans filled with poison, slowly turning black
Mountains are spitting fire and ash, giant streams of red
Regions are drowning in horrible rain, starvation feeds who cries in pain
A virus so deadly is spreading outside, no one is ever to arise
Envy Hell it's Paradise?
There's no god and we will never breed a divinity, we turn to dust
We're the last in the chain of command to fulfill the task, to erase this crust
The world's now turning without a soul, the Ultimate Decay.
Say you don't want me
I couldn't care less
This time around
This time around
You take what is yours
And I'll take mine
This time around
This time around
Left me here with nothing
Took away all my loving
Lying here with nothing
Kicked me to the kerb for nothing
Took away all that loving
I came here with nothing
This time around
It's oh so very different
It's all inside your head
This time around
Next time around
Things will be very different
Don't care what you say
This time around
Say that you need some space
To think things through
That's what I give to you
Give you the time you need
And I'll stay in my place
What will be, will be
Left me here with nothing
Took away all my loving
Lying here with nothing
Kicked me to the kerb for nothing
Took away all that loving
I came here with nothing
This time around
It's oh so very different
Its all inside your head
This time around
Next time around
Things will be oh so different
Don't care what you say
This time around
This time around
Things will be oh so different
Don't care what you said
This time around
This time around
Things will be oh so different
It's all inside your head
Va... Pilotos Kamikaze van pilotando con casco
Dirigidos por mi dedo que está metido en un frasco,
¿has comentado que lo que hago no es muy fresco?
Este disco es como un iceberg solamente por su peso
Eres un asco (fiasco), adefesio en la Vía Láctea,
Sólo mereces que Plater se masturbe con tu páncreas,
Trazo los renglones con sanguíneas líneas curvas
Si tu mano está en tu vulva es porque la mía está en la pluma,
No me presuman todas sus malditas grupies,
Que acuden con sus ubres insalubres a mi pubis,
Son unas fieras quinceañeras tutty putties,
Que si viajan en manada parecen Cubo de Rubik
Por eso es que odio cada actuación "reguetán"
Usarían hasta su hermana como señuelo sexual,
Y también de mi hocico, sale algo pegadizo,
Cada flema mañanera carraspeada sobre el piso,
Hay recetas médicas que apestan a tabaco,
Y el dueño de la mano que la escribe es un cardíaco,
Y también hay sujetos que trabajan de bombero,
Porque les encanta ver como todos se caen al fuego
(Mi intento de suicidio... ¿qué?), lamentable,
Tenía una soga al cuello y a un estanque iba a lanzarme,
Bañado en combustible disparé mi arma de fuego,
La bala cortó a la soga y el agua apagó a mi cuerpo,
Es mala suerte, la muerte es convenenciera,
Pero no más que tu novia regalándote carteras,
Siquiera tienes, no como este idiota escuálido,
Que cuenta a sus ex novias con dedos de un pterodáctilo...
Un misógino con trauma en el pretérito,
Las más putas del aula rechazaban al rarito
Y ahora son dejadas con problemas familiares,
Que lo escuchan mientras hacen el quehacer en sus hogares,
A mí no me hables de mansiones que ya tuve
El placer de conocer siendo empleado en la servidumbre,
Tenía la costumbre de encerar las escaleras,
Para ver si mi patrón resbalaba con su cartera,
Y no vendré diciendo: "Hey soy un delincuente"
Cuando en realidad dependo del salario de parientes,
Que también me han corrido y he dormido bajo puentes
Compartiendo el cigarrillo con migrantes e indigentes,
Tengo a mi infancia encerrada en el guardarropa...
Formando rimas en platos de sopa,
La cosa cambia, le dije a la muy idiota,
Que algún día las formará para seguir comiendo sopa...
Y no en remotas circunstancias posteriores,
Sólo cuando guarde cama y mis amistades me ignoren,
Próximamente mi hábito de estar inválido,
Sin ánimo siquiera de abrir el tarro de fármacos,
Soy un estúpido de muy jóvenes genes,
En estado decadente por los gérmenes que tienen,
Dama, quieres que te de una mano y nos conviene,
Sé que tomarás mi pie, pero también mi pierna y pene
Denle, tan duro y tan macizo en esta mierda,
El futuro es impreciso y el listo nunca lo espera,
Yo pienso que el Hip Hop es como el Canal de la Perla:
El recorrido es subterráneo y al final hay escaleras... ¿no?
Quiero samplear a mi vida en forma melódica,
Soy joven pa morir, no importa, la Muerte es "Pedrófila"
(Entonces dime dónde está tu Dios el carpintero...)
Fabricando tu ataúd, maldito intento de rapero (¡Amén! )
No tengo dinero pero mi ropa es de marca,
La marca de quemadas de tabacos en las mangas,
Han gastado ustedes en su imagen de sicario,
... comprada por su papi el funcionario,
Dejémoslo claro, en esto yo soy un imbécil,
Con más presión que un pene orinando en estado eréctil,
Dejémoslo en claro, hay un misterio en mi poesía,
Escúchala al rezar o al amamantar a tu cría...
[Coro x2]
Esto es Banquete Borgia, la orgía entre las musas,
Que danzan sobre lápidas burlándose desnudas,
Esto es Banquete Borgia, la logia de mi pluma,
Hechizada por la pócima espiritista de Judas,
Que llueva, que llueva la sangre de tu regla,
Con ella regarás mi tumba y brotarán gardenias,
Que llueva, que llueva, la sangre de tu secta,
I am part of Your great plan
And my life is in Your hands
My purpose found in You
All Your ways are true
I was made to bring You pleasure
Living day by day in favour
I receive by faith Your goodness
I was made to bring You joy
How great is the love of God?
How great is the love of God?
How great is Your love oh God?
Surely Your goodness and Your mercy
Help me live a life
Of love that pleases
My one desire
Is to see You lifted
To see You lifted
To see You lifted
Burn me up, Burn me up
Until all that's seen
All that's seen is You
Jesus You're all
I've ever needed
Your joy will be
The strength I live by
The strength I live by
The strength I live by
Lead me on to the place
Where I'll see You face to face
Where Your glory is revealed
Lead me on
We'll drown out life's noise
With the praises of His Name
God's noise is breaking through the airwaves
It's breaking through
It's breaking through
He wasn't in the fire
He wasn't in the quake
He wasn't in the wind
He's in a whisper
verse Sin is beaten Heaven came down And paid for it all We stand redeemed In the cross No guilt in life No shame or divide We're living free
chorus he's under my feet Under my feet Under my feet The devils under my feet The old way is gone The new day, here for us Saints rise and sing Rise up and sing Join with creation and every living thing Come celebrate the victory won for us
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ, my God
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to his blood
See, from his head, his hands, his feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
No greater love have You ever shown to me
Then send Your son, to be nailed to a tree
With lifted hands and a heart that longs to say
Thank You, Thank You
This is for You
Jesus for You
We will bow down
We will worship You Lord
There has never been
There will never be
There is no-one like You God
In freedom here
And with boldness we draw near
To worship You and declare that You are God
May you be seen as what you truly are
Verse You are the light of the world Whoever follows you Will not walk in the darkness But follow You in light Of the words that you speak And the promises You give Bringing peace, breathing hope Into existence, Lord For Your glory we sing
Chorus Your love lightens up the darkness Shining out with splendor Lifted up for now and ever Your name, high above all others Radiant with wonder Lifted up for now and ever more
Verse You are a lamp to my feet A light unto my path Therefore I shall not stumble But follow you in light Of the words that you speak And the promises You give Bringing peace, breathing hope Into existence, Lord For Your glory we sing
Who has held the waters in his hand?
Or weighed in scales each grain of sand?
Who has set the sun into its place?
Or flung the stars wide into space?
We see its only You
We see its only You
We has called the day to follow night?
Or gave birds the beauty of flight?
Who has made the leaves to turn to green?
Or painted flowers for all to be seen?
And you're always there for me
Your grace has lifted me
It's the beauty of Your majesty
I love You king of kings
There's a river of love that's here
There's a river of grace that's here
You're invited to come and swim within
Fresh winds are blowing
Fresh winds are coming here
The tide is rising
And The Spirit is moving
He's moving
Death to the past its gone
Here's to a new beginning
Our Gods not finished yet with us
Death to the past it's gone
Here's to a new beginning
Oh my God, Oh my God, I love you (x2)
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
What a wonderful name
What a glorious name
What a beautiful name
Each day, in the morning sun I see You
And my heart cries out with praise, for You
King of this heart
Each time, in the sun or rain I feel You
And my spirit cries with praise for You
Lord of this life
For You never leave me alone
Even when storms cloud my way
And I can't see breaking day
You never leave me alone
For You'll get the praise Your due
For even the rocks cry out to You
And when it's said and done
You never leave me alone
Each night, in the evening moon I see You
Your beauty shines for all to see
King of glory
Neither death nor life, the darkness
Or even the light can separate
Me from Your love
For You never leave me alone
Even when storms cloud my way
And I can't see breaking day
You never leave me alone
For You'll get the praise Your due
For even the rocks cry out to You
And when it's said and done
Let my life be a light shining out for all to see
standing for you standing for you
May our days be a storm raining life on dry ground
standing for you standing for you.
How amazing is your name in all the earth
and how majestic are your ways
how gracious that you let me stand for you
in all I do I'm standing out for you. (chorus)
May my life never fail to reflect the wonders of your name
standing for you standing for you
May life be a song raining life on dry ground
Your love, Your everlasting love
Transforms me
(Repeat 2x)
It brings me to my knees again (x2)
And worship on my knees again
Great is Your name (x3)
In all of the earth
Your grace, your unending grace
It lifts me
(Repeat 2x)
It brings me to my knees again (x2)
And worship on my knees again
Your blood, your unfeeling blood
It saves me
(Repeat 2x)
It brings me to my knees again (x2)
And worship on my knees again
Great is Your name (x3)
In all of the earth
Question/answer at start
I am healed, I'm restored, I'm forgiven.
By the life You gave to set me free
I'm a saint, I'm a brand new creation
Saved by grace through faith in Jesus name.
This is Your kingdom God
This is Your kingdom God
This is Your kingdom the power and the glory
Forever God you reign
And ever more will reign
Christ Jesus you will reign, GLORIOUS
Forever God you reign
Eternally the same
The name above all names, VICTORIOUS
I'm a child, of our God, I'm accepted
Made alive, your death, life rescued me
I'm an heir, free from all condemnation,
Reconciled and loved for ever more.
This is Your kingdom God
This is Your kingdom God
This is Your kingdom the power and the glory
Forever God you reign
And ever more will reign
Christ Jesus you will reign, GLORIOUS
Forever God you reign
Eternally the same
The name above all names, VICTORIOUS
Glorious, Glorious, Glorious
You are
Victorious, Victorious, Victorious
You are
Forever God you reign
And ever more will reign
Christ Jesus you will reign, GLORIOUS
Forever God you reign
Eternally the same
Verse 1 Christ in love came down Written on the cross Was His love for me Exalt Him
Verse 2 Christ has paid it all Now I stand redeemed Ransomed by the King Exalt Him
Pre-chorus This is where we see what love is This is how we know what love is
Chorus Exalt Him, hung on the tree My Saviour broken for me But death could not hold Him there Exalt Him, risen and conquering Saviour Nothing can stop Him Coming back again
Verse 3 When Christ shall return Tears and pain will cease And all the saints will sing Exalt Him
Bridge It is done It is done Death is defeated now It is now
On the cross
Blood and water flowed
The son of man was lifted high
His body broken
Broken for the world
This is love
This is love
Jesus Jesus Healer
Be lifted up
Be lifted up
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done
Be lifted up today
By Your stripes and wounds we are made whole
By your death we live
The cross defeated all our sickness and pain
Shine, Shine, Shine,
In the darkest place go shine
Love, love, love
In this broken world, go love
Our God is amazing
Our God is amazing with love.
Our God is amazing.
The more we see
The more we love Your name
The more we love
The more we grow Your fame
Hearts of faith rise, unite
Join as one bringing life
Light the world, show it Christ
Rest in His presence
Rest in the arms of his love
Stand in the victory
Stand on the power of the cross
Run without fainting
Run without fear of life's cost
Live in this freedom
Live in the hope that Christ bought
Pre chorus
Name above all names
Power above all powers
Lord above all Lords
You hold me now
Oh You never let me go
Oh You never let me go
Oh You never let me go
Holding on to what is known
Holding on to what I know
v1 Christ the Servant King, Man yet God in true humility. You came to serve this world in love You showed us how to live in love Christ the wondrous King Word made flesh yet still divinity The only way, the truth the life You showed us how to live this life
chorus It is finished, it is finished The cross has done it The work is over. My God is risen, For Christ he lives in me. It is finished, it is finished The cross has done it The work is over. My God is risen, For Christ is Lord indeed.
V2 Christ the Saviour King With arms held out for all this world to see You hold this world within Your hands You hold my life within Your hands. Christ the risen King Defeated sin and death, Now hell must flee Your resurrection brings me life Your resurrection bought us life
bridge If God is with us Who can stand against us If God is with us Who can stand
Above the storms of life Above the raging seas Above all earthly things You are good When trials come in time I stand on what is right That your unfailing word Still remains
What heights of Love What depths of peace
You are my Rock You're my guide You're my ever present shelter You are my hope You're my song I will trust in You alone Unfailing God
v1 Grace abounds so deeply within me Grace abounds so deeply within me Accepted in as Jesus is, his righteousness a gift so free
chorus We're destined to reign, and shine And live a life of love within new life Through the power of christ, our king We're more than conquerors in everything We're destined to reign
v2 Hope abounds by your spirit in me Hope abounds by your spirit in me Accepted in as Jesus his righteousness a gift so free
You were, You are, You always will be First, the last, You're so amazing Glorious God of everything Everything, everything, everything.
v1 Highest heavens, sunset sky Ocean deep, mountain high Sing your Praises and can't contain You Every nation, tribe and tongue Every creature, living thing Bow before You and cannot tame You
Pre chorus How mighty are Your ways How awesome is Your Name Your glory cannot be contained
chorus You were, You are, You always will be First, the last, You're so amazing Glorious God of everything You're far beyond all understanding Measureless in all Your glory God You were, You are, You'll always be
v2 For Your glory, for Your fame Every knee bowed at the name Of King Jesus, confessing you are Lord.
Pre chorus How mighty are Your ways How awesome is Your Name Your glory cannot be contained
chorus You were, You are, You always will be First, the last, You're so amazing Glorious God of everything You're far beyond all understanding Measureless in all Your glory God You were, You are, You'll always be
bridge Even rocks cry out Even rocks cry out Your praise. Even rocks cry out Even rocks cry out Your praise.
You're the God of this city,
You're the King of these people,
You're the Lord of this nation,
You Are.
You're the Light of this darkness,
You're the Hope to the hopeless,
You're the Peace to the restless,
You Are.
For there is no one like our God.
There is no one like you, God.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done, in this city.
Greater things are yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done here.
You're the Lord of Creation,
The Creator of all things,
You're the King above all Kings,
You Are.
You're the Strength in our weakness,
You're the Love to the broken,
You're the Joy in the sadness
You Are.
For there is no one like our God.
There is no one like you, God.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done, in this city.
Where glory shines from hearts alive,
With praise for you and love for you, in this city.
Greater things have yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done, in this city.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done here.
There is no one like our God.
There is no one like our God.
Yes, there is no one like you, God.
There is no one like you, God.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done, in this city.
Where glory shines from hearts alive,
With praise for you and love for you, in this city.
Greater things have yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done, in this city.
Greater things are yet to come,
And greater things are still to be done here.
Still to be done here.
Still to be done here.