05 Yani Najman
- Duration: 33:56
- Updated: 16 Oct 2014
10th Topo-Europe workshop
Interplay between surface, lithospheric,
and mantle processes
Barcelona, September 17-19, 2014
+info here: http://www.iplusdinnova.com/en/conference/topo-europe-2014-earth-top-down-bottom
Wednesday 17th
09:10 E. Banda (La Caixa Foundation), S. Cloetingh (Academia Europaea).
09:30 Karin Sigloch (Oxford, UK)
Continent-arc collisions: an overlooked factor in explaining North American topography during Jura-Cretaceous times.
10:00 Hitoshi Kawakatsu (ERI, Tokyo U.)
Seismic imaging of the Pacific slab beneath Japan and northeast China: deep water transportation and enigma of the off-arc volcanism.
11:30 Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni (UCL, London)
Details matter: Lithospheric structure, slab morphology, thermodynamics and dynamic topography.
12:00 Thorsten Becker (U. Southern Cal., USA)
Apennines and Atlas: Making mountains in a mobile belt.
12:30 Cesar Ranero (CMIMA, Barcelona)
The Miocene formation and the Pliocene deformation of the Gibraltar Arc System.
14.30 Sergei Lebedev (Dublin)
Seismic Structure, Anisotropy and Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere.
15.00 Laurent Jolivet (UPMC, Paris)
Strain localization in the continental lithosphere, different scales and different approaches.
15.30 Manel Fernandez (ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona)
Small-scale subduction in odd margins.
17:00 Lars Kaislaniemi
Dynamics of lithospheric thinning and mantle melting by edge-driven convection: Application to Moroccan Atlas mountains.
17:10 Hongliang Wang
Mechanical erosion of subcontinental lithosphere by plume induced flow.
17:20 Gianluca Frasca
Coeval thrusting and strike-slip faulting during Early Miocene collision in the Western Betics (Southern Spain).
17:30 Konstantinos Kydonakis
Mesozoic Tectonics of the Aegean.
17:40 Siddique A. Ehsan
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structural Constraints on the Topography of the southern Central Iberian Zone.
17:50 Jan Globig
African lithosphere geometry: Geoid and elevation constraints on Moho and LAB topography.
18:00 Tasca Santimano
Accretionary wedge evolution seen as a competition between minimum work and critical taper.
18:10 Elisa Calignano
Strain localization in continental compressional settings: insights from analogue models.
Thursday 18th
09.00 Susanne Buiter (Oslo)
How surface processes affect the syn-rift evolution of passive continental margins.
09.30 Taras Gerya (ETH, Zurich)
Two enigmas in lithospheric dynamics: initiation of subduction zones and ridge-transform spreading patterns.
10:00 Jorg Ebbing (Kiel U.)
Structure of the lithosphere from analysis of satellite data.
11.30 Peter Van der Beek (UJF, Grenoble)
Tectonic control on topographic and exhumational segmentation of the Himalaya.
12.00 Yani Najman (Lancaster U.)
Investigating tectonic-erosion interactions: a Himalayan case study.
12:30 Barbara Carrapa (U. Arizona)
Exhumation of the High Himalaya in the Mt. Everest region and India-Asia collision zone: implications for Himalayan tectonics.
14:30 Hugh Sinclair (U. Edinburgh)
Deformation of Himalayan catchments with analysis of the upper Indus River, Ladakh.
15:00 Rob Govers (Utrecht U.)
A single cause for uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateau?
15:30 Peter DeCelles (U. Arizona)
Hinterland “Bobber” Basins as Recorders of Lithospheric Removal in the Central Andes.
17:00 Martin Stange (Utrecht U.)
Numerical modelling of terrace staircase formation in the Quaternary drainage system of the southern Pyrenees, Ebro basin, NE Iberia.
17:10 Sanjai Mandal
Low denudation recorded by 10Be in Southern Peninsular India.
17:20 Gabriele Calzolari
Structural and stratigraphic 4D evolution of the Kuh-e-Faghan fault system: the intraplate response to Arabia-Eurasia collision in Central Iran.
17:30 Marine Collignon
Effect of surface processes on fold development: a numerical approach.
17:40 Odin Marc
Earthquake-induced landslides: Processes, rates and implications.
Friday 19th
09:00 Marina Rabineau (U. Brest, France)
Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: the Mediterranean DREAM-GOLD project.
09:30 Francisco Sierro (U. Salamanca, Spain)
Deep-Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events (DREAM) multi-phase drilling project. A new challenge for deep sea exploration.
10.00 Iuliana Vasiliev (Utrecht U.)
Recurrent phases of drought in the Miocene of the Black Sea region.
11:30 François Roure (IFP)
Impact of early inversions and recent lithospheric deformations on erosional surfaces and unroofing in circum-Mediterranean thrust belts and margins.
12:00 Charlotte Fillon (CSIC-Barcelona)
Tectonic controls on the Mesopotamian foreland basin evolution: coupled tectonic/surface processes modeling.
12:30 François Guillocheau (Geosc. Rennes)
Cretaceous to Miocene long wavelength landforms of Africa and NW Europe: climate, mantle dynamics and lithosphere deformations controls.
10th Topo-Europe workshop
Interplay between surface, lithospheric,
and mantle processes
Barcelona, September 17-19, 2014
+info here: http://www.iplusdinnova.com/en/conference/topo-europe-2014-earth-top-down-bottom
Wednesday 17th
09:10 E. Banda (La Caixa Foundation), S. Cloetingh (Academia Europaea).
09:30 Karin Sigloch (Oxford, UK)
Continent-arc collisions: an overlooked factor in explaining North American topography during Jura-Cretaceous times.
10:00 Hitoshi Kawakatsu (ERI, Tokyo U.)
Seismic imaging of the Pacific slab beneath Japan and northeast China: deep water transportation and enigma of the off-arc volcanism.
11:30 Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni (UCL, London)
Details matter: Lithospheric structure, slab morphology, thermodynamics and dynamic topography.
12:00 Thorsten Becker (U. Southern Cal., USA)
Apennines and Atlas: Making mountains in a mobile belt.
12:30 Cesar Ranero (CMIMA, Barcelona)
The Miocene formation and the Pliocene deformation of the Gibraltar Arc System.
14.30 Sergei Lebedev (Dublin)
Seismic Structure, Anisotropy and Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere.
15.00 Laurent Jolivet (UPMC, Paris)
Strain localization in the continental lithosphere, different scales and different approaches.
15.30 Manel Fernandez (ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona)
Small-scale subduction in odd margins.
17:00 Lars Kaislaniemi
Dynamics of lithospheric thinning and mantle melting by edge-driven convection: Application to Moroccan Atlas mountains.
17:10 Hongliang Wang
Mechanical erosion of subcontinental lithosphere by plume induced flow.
17:20 Gianluca Frasca
Coeval thrusting and strike-slip faulting during Early Miocene collision in the Western Betics (Southern Spain).
17:30 Konstantinos Kydonakis
Mesozoic Tectonics of the Aegean.
17:40 Siddique A. Ehsan
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structural Constraints on the Topography of the southern Central Iberian Zone.
17:50 Jan Globig
African lithosphere geometry: Geoid and elevation constraints on Moho and LAB topography.
18:00 Tasca Santimano
Accretionary wedge evolution seen as a competition between minimum work and critical taper.
18:10 Elisa Calignano
Strain localization in continental compressional settings: insights from analogue models.
Thursday 18th
09.00 Susanne Buiter (Oslo)
How surface processes affect the syn-rift evolution of passive continental margins.
09.30 Taras Gerya (ETH, Zurich)
Two enigmas in lithospheric dynamics: initiation of subduction zones and ridge-transform spreading patterns.
10:00 Jorg Ebbing (Kiel U.)
Structure of the lithosphere from analysis of satellite data.
11.30 Peter Van der Beek (UJF, Grenoble)
Tectonic control on topographic and exhumational segmentation of the Himalaya.
12.00 Yani Najman (Lancaster U.)
Investigating tectonic-erosion interactions: a Himalayan case study.
12:30 Barbara Carrapa (U. Arizona)
Exhumation of the High Himalaya in the Mt. Everest region and India-Asia collision zone: implications for Himalayan tectonics.
14:30 Hugh Sinclair (U. Edinburgh)
Deformation of Himalayan catchments with analysis of the upper Indus River, Ladakh.
15:00 Rob Govers (Utrecht U.)
A single cause for uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateau?
15:30 Peter DeCelles (U. Arizona)
Hinterland “Bobber” Basins as Recorders of Lithospheric Removal in the Central Andes.
17:00 Martin Stange (Utrecht U.)
Numerical modelling of terrace staircase formation in the Quaternary drainage system of the southern Pyrenees, Ebro basin, NE Iberia.
17:10 Sanjai Mandal
Low denudation recorded by 10Be in Southern Peninsular India.
17:20 Gabriele Calzolari
Structural and stratigraphic 4D evolution of the Kuh-e-Faghan fault system: the intraplate response to Arabia-Eurasia collision in Central Iran.
17:30 Marine Collignon
Effect of surface processes on fold development: a numerical approach.
17:40 Odin Marc
Earthquake-induced landslides: Processes, rates and implications.
Friday 19th
09:00 Marina Rabineau (U. Brest, France)
Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: the Mediterranean DREAM-GOLD project.
09:30 Francisco Sierro (U. Salamanca, Spain)
Deep-Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events (DREAM) multi-phase drilling project. A new challenge for deep sea exploration.
10.00 Iuliana Vasiliev (Utrecht U.)
Recurrent phases of drought in the Miocene of the Black Sea region.
11:30 François Roure (IFP)
Impact of early inversions and recent lithospheric deformations on erosional surfaces and unroofing in circum-Mediterranean thrust belts and margins.
12:00 Charlotte Fillon (CSIC-Barcelona)
Tectonic controls on the Mesopotamian foreland basin evolution: coupled tectonic/surface processes modeling.
12:30 François Guillocheau (Geosc. Rennes)
Cretaceous to Miocene long wavelength landforms of Africa and NW Europe: climate, mantle dynamics and lithosphere deformations controls.
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 5