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Draculaura [Дракулаура] Haunted Getting Ghostly Monster high Призрачные /Конкурс MGM
MGM Logo History (or collection)
КОНКУРС "Мы Команда MGM". Прием работ до 31 августа 2014
Как создать свой канал на YouTube и Подписаться на Канал MGM + Конкурс ★MGM★
2nd Annual Logo Histories : MGM History (1916-2012)
Репортаж на Россия 1 'Эволюция кукол' мысли Марины с канала MGM
Гимн MGM / Кричалка Монстер Хай Лаверов / MGM Monster High Школа Монстров
Встреча Команды MGM в Турции! Монстер Хай Лаверы в Анталии | Monster High
[#2.Шоколадные Яйца] Распаковываем шоколадные яйца с сюрпризами Monster High! + Конкурс ★MGM★
[#4.Шоколадные Яйца] Monster High Распаковываем шоколадные яйца с сюрпризами! + Конкурс ★MGM★
[ЖУРНАЛ МХ] ДЕКАБРЬ 2014. Обзор Журнала Monster High + Конкурс ★MGM★
Дракулокер Drakulocker set Draculaura | Шкаф Дракулауры Monster High + Конкурс ★MGM★
MGM channel promo
MGM Logo 3 Roar 2008 Restoration
Draculaura Haunted Getting Ghostly Населённый призраками Призрачные Школа призраков + Конкурс MGM
This is the MGM Logo history. Thanks to laughingduck1000, iTzNQQB (rafal1926 on deviantART), hakc97again (Or Hakim, He's awesome) and others for the videos. ...
Подробные условия конкурса на сайте: Заполненные анкеты присылайте на электронную почту (e-mail): Моя Г...
В этом видео обучающая подробная видео-инструкция как создать свой канал на ютьюбе YouTube и как подписаться на канал, а также как загрузить видео на свой канал и как поставить лайк понравившемуся видео! Добро пожаловать в число авторов YouTube! Теперь мы коллеги)) Удачи вам в ведении собственных каналов на ютьюбе! Желаю вам море вдохновения и интересных идей!
Гимн MGM. Кричалка MGM. Надеюсь вам понравится. Ставьте лайки и зовите друзей вступать в нашу дружную команду - MGM! Моя группа ВКонтакте:
[СЮРПРИЗ] Распаковываем шоколадные яйца с сюрпризом Monster High! + Конкурс "Найди Няшу Скелетона" ★MGM★ Шоколадное яйцо Monster High chupa chups monster high
Обзор Журнала Monster High ДЕКАБРЬ 2014
MGM channel promo.
The MGM Logo went through a complete restoration last year, every element including the sound was refreshened. This is also the original :14 version that was...
ПРИЕМ РАБОТ ДО 9 МАРТА 2015г. ГОЛОСОВАНИЕ до 16 марта 2015г. Что нужно сделать в Конкурсе: 1) ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ на канал MGM (перейти по ссылке и нажать КНОПОЧКУ ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ) Видео как создать свой канал на ютьюбе и как подписаться по этой ссылке: 2) Сделать свой домик для Конкурса 3) Снять видео-экскурсию по вашему домику 4) Выложить видео про ваш домик на ВАШЕМ канале на YouTube. Название вашего ролика должно быть "Видео на Конкурс для Канала MGM" 5) Заполненную анкету присылать на электронную почту АНКЕТА Ваш ник на Ваше имя (как к вам обращаться): Ваш контактный номер телефона: Ваш контактный e-mail: Из какого вы города: Ссылка на ваше видео для Конкурса: ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО СКАЗАТЬ В НАЧАЛЕ ВИДЕО, что оно на Конкурс "Домик Книжка" для Канала MGM! Вы не возражаю против коммерческого использования вашего видео и разрешаете выложить его на канале Marina GM для общего доступа ! ! ! ВСЕ ПУНКТЫ АНКЕТЫ ОБЯЗЯТЕЛЬНЫ ДЛЯ ЗАПОЛНЕНИЯ ! ! ! Группа ВКонтакте - Instagram - Страница Марины ВКонтакте - Продажа кукол по Москве и России КРУГЛОСУТОЧНО:
With George Murphy, Ava Gardner, Clark Gable, Ann Miller, Agnes Moorehead, Jules Munshin, Claude Jarmin Jr., Lena Horne, Katharine Hepburn, Mario Lanza, Vivi...
roller coaster ride in MGM dizee world, theme park , east coast road , chennai.
Музыка взята из фонотеки You Tube Я не возражаю против коммерческого использования моего видео и разрешаю выложить его на канале Marina GM для общего доступа.
Дух Хэллоуина в Клубе MGM рассказывает как делать светильник из Тыквы (светильник Джека) на праздник Helloween. Мы вместе отправимся в Школу Монстров и полетаем по загадочному и жуткому городу Хэллоуину! Halloween
Благотворительный Фонд "Подари Жизнь": Страница с реквизитами для пожертвований: https://donate.poda...
ОПРЕДЕЛЯТЬ ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕЙ БУДУ 15 ОКТЯБРЯ 2014 САМЫЙ ЛЕГКИЙ КОНКУРС в YouTube: 1) Подписаться на Канал MGM 2) Поставить Лайк этому видео 3) Написать любой комментарий под этим видео САМЫЙ ЛЕГКИЙ КОНКУРС в Группе ВКОНТАКТЕ: 1) Вступить в Группу 2) Нажать Лайк под записью про Конкурс 3) Сделать Репост записи про Конкурс (НАЖАТЬ кнопочку ПОДЕЛИТЬСЯ под записью про Конкурс) САМЫЙ ЛЕГКИЙ КОНКУРС в INSTAGRAM: 1) ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ на мою страничку @mgmlife в Instagram 2) СКОПИРОВАТЬ и ВЫЛОЖИТЬ фотографию про Конкурс на свою страничку с хэштегом #mgmkonkurs в описании ПОБЕДИТЕЛИ будут определены случайным образом 15 ОКТЯБРЯ 2014. ПРИЗЫ отправляются по ВСЕМУ МИРУ! - участвовать могут ВСЕ!
You're welcome
Intro MGM Lion I do not own the rights to this video. All credits go to MGM Studios.
I created this video at
Отвечаю на ваши вопросы в прямом эфире :) Беседа за чашкой чая)) смотреть примерно с 5-й минуты :))) Группа ВКонтакте - Instagram - Страница Марины ВКонтакте - Продажа кукол по Москве и России КРУГЛОСУТОЧНО: Адрес для отправки писем для меня (Марины MGM): 105568, г. Москва, а/я 60. Для Паукова Игоря Сергеевича
Cartel MGM & Lex Luger - Down South Mex [FULL MIXTAPE]
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Okay, everyone. Time for the 2015 edition of my MGM VHS collection. Since I don't have many MGM tapes, I was able to show them all in one video. Also, stay tuned till the end of the video for an important announcement. Enjoy!
John Ritter is our emcee as we discover what the Disney-MGM Studios offered up on opening day. This special is full of stars from every decade who have come ...
Всем привет! Это видео снимала давно, потом оно потерялось и я его только сейчас нашла. Так что много устаревшей информации :)
Happy Harmonies is the name of a series of animated cartoons distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and produced by Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising between 1934 and 1938. Produced in Technicolor, these cartoons were very similar to Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies. They would occasionally feature Bosko, a character who starred in the first Looney Tunes shorts that the duo produced for Leon Schlesinger. After the first few releases, the design of Bosko changed from an ink blot to a realistic African American boy. Thirty-six cartoons were made in this series. The only official home release containing a significant number of the Happy Harmonies film shorts is the Happy Harmonies Cartoon Classics laserdisc box set. The laserdisc set was released in 1994 by MGM/UA Home Video, which predated the merger of Turner Broadcasting System with Time Warner in 1996. The four-disc set contains 17 of the 36 Happy Harmonies shorts while the remaining 25 shorts include one side of six Barney Bear cartoons, the 1939 animated short Peace on Earth and the 1940 animated short The Milky Way. Harman and Ising first worked in animation in the early 1920s at Walt Disney's studio in Kansas City. When Disney moved operations to California, Harman, Ising, and fellow animator Carmen Maxwell stayed behind to try to start their own studio. Their plans went nowhere, however, and the men soon rejoined Disney to work on his Alice Comedies and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit films. It was during this time, that Harman and Ising developed a style of cartoon drawing that would later be closely associated with, and credited to, Disney. When producer Charles Mintz ended his association with Disney, Harman and Ising went to work for Mintz, whose brother-in-law, George Winkler, set up a new animation studio to make the Oswald cartoons. The Oswald cartoons which Harman and Ising produced in 1928 and 1929 already show their distinctive style, which would later characterize their work on the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoon series for Warner Bros. For example, in Sick Cylinders (1929) there are sequences which were later remade very closely in such Harman and Ising Warner Bros. efforts as Sinkin' in the Bathtub (1930) and Bosko's Holiday (1931). The Oswald cartoons that Harman and Ising worked on are completely different from the Oswald cartoons made before and after Disney and can easily be distinguished by anyone familiar with their work. Late in 1929, Universal Pictures who owned the rights to Oswald, started its own animation studio headed by Walter Lantz, replacing Mintz and forcing Harman and Ising out of work. Classic cartoons from the early 20th century until about 1950, and classical music, early jazz and blues, some mountain music and children's tunes. Everything here is child safe and child approved. We have just about every animated movie short there is available on the internet. They come from DePatie-Freleng and all their friends including Pink Panther, Ant and the Aardvark, Looney tunes, the Inspector and Merrie Melodies. There's Fable Studios, Harvey Entertainment, Henson Studios, Hugh Harmon Productions, Ub Iwerks Studios, Chuck Jones, Van Beuren, United Artists, Columbia, Walt Disney Studios, Famous Studios, Filmation Studios, Fleischer Studios, Fox Studios, Hanna-Barbera, MGM Studios, Paramount Studios, Universal Studios and Warner Bros. Studios. Characters?? There are all to many to list here and do them any justice. If you can think of a character that has its origins in American Animation History, we either have it or we can find it. Some cartoon videos are gone forever, however, many that have that same character in a staring role are available. All you have to do is drop us a line, and we will do our best to locate it. So, Like, subscribe and follow us and we will keep you up with things that are better than TV. Andythebeagle.
Which Vegas Hotel: How to get a 'Comp' Room:
Set 2: The Haunted House[1], The Very Long Fuse[1], The Dogs[1], Timber[1], Your Pet Cat[1], Shipwreck[1], The Unsafe Bridge[1], The Chinese Water Torture[1], The Birds[1], Martian Monster[1] [1] Debut. The musical costume was a set of original, mostly instrumental music played with the sound effects and narration of the 1964 Disneyland album Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House. Prior to the start of Set II, the stage was cleared of all band equipment, and a graveyard set was brought out. At the start of the set, smoke filled the stage, and zombies appeared behind the gate. When the gate opened, a large haunted house with the band inside was brought to the front of the stage. The sound effects and narration were played on the PA, while an undead narrator would emerge from a crypt inscribed with "ESTHER" prior to each song for the introduction. At the end of The Fuse, the sides of the house came down while sounds of an explosion were heard, and the band was revealed inside, dressed in white tuxedoes and with zombie face paint. Several zombies came to the front of the stage and danced during Martian Monster. At the conclusion of the set, the band members came down from the Haunted House riser, slowly walked to the front of the stage, and took bows, along with the entire cast of zombies. All songs during the second set were debuts, with the titles taken from the first ten tracks of Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House.
14th Overall Scoped Tactical umm...pardon the language at times please LoL
The history, including concept & construction, no Sunset Blvd, The original Hollywood Ampitheatre, the original Backstage tour with Residential Street (with ...
színes, magyarul beszélő, ausztrál-új-zélandi kalandfilm, 92 perc, 1981 rendező: David Hemmings író: Everett De Roche zeneszerző: Dave Fraser, Brian May operatőr: Vincent Monton vágó: John Laing szereplő(k): Ken Wahl (Barney) George Peppard (Theo Brown) Lesley Ann Warren (Sally) Donald Pleasence (Gilbert Carson) Bruno Lawrence (Baker) Tartalom: Az amerikai hadsereg DC-3-as repülőgépe, mely háborús kitüntetéseket és a csendes óceáni amerikai hadsereg fizetését, mintegy ötvenmillió dollárnyi értéket szállított, 1944 decemberében valahol Új-Guinea és Új-Zéland között lezuhant. A gép roncsait éveken keresztül kereste az amerikai hadsereg, és miután ők föladták, további hosszú évekig kincsvadászok kutattak utána - mindhiába. Azután fokozatosan elfeledkeztek róla az emberek és a Jenki Zafír története legendává vált. Egészen addig, amíg Gibbie Gibson meg nem találja a partra vetett roncsot. Ekkor újult erővel lángol fel a kincs utáni hajsza. Gibson azonban úgy dönt, ha már ő találta meg a repülőgép maradványát, akkor őt illeti meg annak tartalma is...
The voters have spoken and casino gaming is legal here in Massachusetts, which means MGM Springfield will move forward with their plans.
This short film, narrated by Lional Barrymore showcases the best in MGM entertainment for it's 25th anniversary, from 1924 to 1949, Black and White and Color...
Long promotional reel for Metro Goldwyn Mayer's 1967/68 roster, with an overarching theme that MGM is so powerful that it can hold FIVE seasons of entertainm...
Barney Bear was a series of animated cartoon short subjects produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio. He was created for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer by directo...
Here it is - the grand opening special for the Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park. As a note, I had to edit out three brief movie clips (from where Reagan, Fonda,...
Patreon: 2 of my previous videos on circumcision: Bonobo3D https://w...
Mandala Giri Musik
This is everything I filmed put to the complete audio recording I made from this excellent show. I put in the photos I took from the show to fill in the gaps...
2014.10.31 - MGM Grand Garden Arena Setlist Info: Source:Schoeps mk41v (dina| kcy | aki | M222 | NT222 |Sonosax SX-M2 | 744t 24/96 Location:FOB DFC 12 ft Transfer:SDHC | Audacity 16/44 | Amadeus Pro | xACT Taped By:Chris King ***Under Law of Fair Use. For educational purposes only. No copyrights infringements intended***
Trailer de película “Max”, producción asociada de Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Sunswept Entertainment, Warner Bros. Es dirigida por Boaz Yakin y protagonizada por Robbie Amell y Lauren Graham.Subido por
I7NfMGM카지노싸이트ゼ【 WAS89。C0M 】ゼ서민금융기관 MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관MGM카지노싸이트서민금융기관
MGM카지노싸이트サ【 WAS89。C0M 】サ클라스타주식 MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식MGM카지노싸이트클라스타주식
X3BMMGM카지노싸이트を【 WAS89。C0M 】を놀이터안전사고 MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고MGM카지노싸이트놀이터안전사고
p4AmMGM호텔し【 WAS89。C0M 】し바둑이주소 MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소MGM호텔바둑이주소
g3kQMGM카지노싸이트ハ【 WAS89。C0M 】ハ토토추천 MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트토토추천MGM카지노싸이트
k6qeMGM호텔に【 WAS89。C0M 】に제이튠엔터주식 MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식MGM호텔제이튠엔터주식
MGM Logo history 1916-2012 all lions Slats,Jackie,Telly,Coffee,Tanner,George,Leo,Thanks for all the logos!
From May 13, 1997, here is a story about the rebuidling of the MGM lion in front of the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Taped from KVBC, Ch. 3, Las Vegas.
- nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych R.Kozanecki / P.Rogal Polonez Caro KJS Rajd Bircza 2010-10-17. KJS Rzeszów 2010 II Eliminacja Mistrzostw Okręgu PZM. Załoga MGM Team R. Kozanecki i P. Rogal w Polonezie Caro 1.4. - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych J. Bobusia/ J. Mahunik FSO Polonez 2000 KJS Rajd Bircza 2010-10-17. - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych Marcin Kańka Ford Sierra KJS Rajd Bircza 2010-10-17.
Mystery MGM-1700. Подробный обзор можно посмотреть здесь
Mystery MGM-3000. Подробный обзор можно посмотреть здесь
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780786420278 Book Synopsis of The Fixers: Eddie Mannix, Howard Strickling and the MGM Publicity Machine by E.J. Fleming If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By ID: BM9780786420278-437656
Подробный обзор и ссылка на купон здесь:; M.G.M Ремень Стильный ремень с изящной металлической пряжкой. Модель эффектной расцветки. Незаменимый аксессуар на каждый день.
Take a look back at Mary G. Montgomery High School Class of 2000 in this new 15 part series. The fun begins March 30, 2015 and runs all spring. Featuring never before seen footage from Seth Martin's video vault, interviews, and more.
Это видео надо обязательно назвать как мое и отправить на электронку Марины подписывайтесь на мой канал и ставьте лайки 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Ensuring Black Contractors on $1.2 Billion MGM Casino in PG County
via YouTube Capture
Watch the final game of the season of the 2014-2015 Red Deer Minor Hockey Atom B Championship game.
[For Immediate Release] MGM China's Local Macau Management Recognized with Four Awards ... About MGM China Holdings Limited.
noodls 2015-03-30He was talking at the inauguration of the three-day conference on 'Infertility to Maternity' at MGM ...
The Times of India 2015-03-30... that the rapper and model will host the show May 17 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
The Associated Press 2015-03-30The Bible Continues is a production of LightWorkers Media and is distributed by MGM.
Canada Newswire 2015-03-30... and feature world class premium movies from Dreamworks, FOX, Paramount, MGM and Warner Bros.
noodls 2015-03-30Still taking centre Craig ... PA ... BST ... Sony and MGM released the debut trailer for the 24th official Bond film late on Friday ... ).
The Guardian 2015-03-30The controversy over Moore’s alleged comments comes after studios Sony and MGM released the debut ...
The Guardian 2015-03-30More from ESPN ... "It was the players' weekend," Jay Rood, MGM vice president of race and sport, said. "We gave some back." ... .
ESPN 2015-03-30Companies such as Las Vegas Sands Corp and MGM Resorts International have been hoping Japan will ...
Reuters 2015-03-30Mc Lean, VA ... Videos ... Moore on its list of HQ prospects (Video) MGM National Harbor touts its progress, what's to come.
Business Journal 2015-03-30Those seemingly endless negotiations finally ended a month ago with an agreement to face each other ...
Boston Herald 2015-03-30Those seemingly endless negotiations finally ended a month ago with an agreement to face each other ...
Boston Herald 2015-03-30Those seemingly endless negotiations finally ended a month ago with an agreement to face each other ...
Boston Herald 2015-03-30Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, also known as MGM & Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., is an American media company, involved primarily in the production and distribution of films and television programs. Once simply the largest and most glamorous of the film studios, MGM was founded in 1924 when the entertainment entrepreneur Marcus Loew gained control of Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures. Its headquarters are in Beverly Hills, California.
On November 3, 2010, MGM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. MGM emerged from bankruptcy on December 20, 2010, at which time the executives of Spyglass Entertainment, Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, became co-Chairs and co-CEOs of the holding company of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
The studio's official motto, "Ars Gratia Artis", is a Latin phrase meaning "Art for art's sake"; it was chosen by Howard Dietz, the studio's chief publicist. The studio's logo is a roaring lion surrounded by a ring of film inscribed with the studio's motto. The logo, which features Leo the Lion, was created by Dietz in 1916 for Goldwyn Pictures and updated in 1924 for MGM's use. Dietz based the logo on his alma mater's mascot—the Columbia University lion. Loew regarded its use for the consolidated studio as particularly appropriate, since "Löwe" is German for "lion". Originally silent, the sound of Leo the Lion's roar was added to films for the first time in August 1928. In the 1930s and 1940s the studio billed itself as having "more stars than there are in heaven", a reference to the large number of A-list movie stars under contract to the company. This second motto was also coined by Deitz, and was probably first used in 1932.
I see what ya doin
come here
so you think you're ready?
I just need you to...
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
you came here to sit or party
tell me what's the deal
gon' get up and shake your body
come and take me there
Ain't nobody else like you
only you got the moves you do
ain't nobody else move like you
only you got the moves to prove it baby
we're gonna have a good time
me and you gon get it tonight
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
I see you against the wall boy
what you waitin for
I want you to take control now
get up on the floor
Ain't nobody else like you
only you got the moves you do
ain't nobody else move like you
only you got the moves to prove it baby
we're gonna have a good time
me and you gon get it tonight
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
it's gettin hot in here
just how I like
we gon dance it up
until we see the light
if you feel like I feel
you can get it tonight
but first you gotta make me say
ooooooooooooo make me make me baby
make me say
ooooooooooooo make me make me baby
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
Baby can you move?
make me groove
show me what you do
make me move
baby make me...
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
(baby make me)
Don't stop it baby... don't stop till you get it up
Tell me why after all this time is the light hiding in your eyes
Do I see promises never made or is it just a sweet surprise
Make me high ~ make me low
Make it stop or come on let the damn thing go
I am hanging on your heart
Make me love or fall apart
Come on make me
Talk to me tell me now tell me true
Tell me what you wanna do
Are we gonna go on one by one or do we go two by two
I need a place to lay my head
And take your wine onto my tongue
Pick me up and shake me shake me down
I need your heart to hear my song
Hold me now ~ see by me
Or let me go ~ open up your hand and set me free
Like a dandelion ~ like a hitcher on the wind
Set me free again set me free again
Set me free free free again
Make me fly ~ make me fall
Make me everything or make me nothing at all
I am hanging on your heart
Make me love or fall apart
I did it all for the money Lord
It's what it seems
But in the world of night terrors-it's
Hard to dream
They hollering cash rules everything
Let's call it cream
Cause when it rises to the top you get...
The finer things
Ocean fronts, rolling blunts
With model chick and saying grace over lobster and steak
Like please forgive us for riding Benzes with camera plates
Too busy looking backwards for jackers to pump my brakes
For help sign to symbolize the live that hunger takes
Addicted to the green if I don't ball I get the shakes
I'd give it all for a peace of mind for heaven sakes
My heart so heavy that the ropes that hold my casket break
Cause everything that wasn't for me I had to chase
I had to take
They told me that the ends would justify the means
They told me at the end, it would justify the dreams
That I've had since a child, maybe I'll throw in the towel
And make my, make my, make my, make my
Departure from the world
Tryna control the fits of panic
Unwritten and unraveled
It's the dead man's pedantic
See it's really just a matter of semantics
When everybody's fresh out of collateral to damage and...
My splayin got me prayin like a mantis
I begin to vanish feel the pull of the blank canvas
I'm contemplating that special dedication
To whoever it concern... My letter of resignation
Fading back to black... my dark coronation
The heat of the day... the long robe of Muerte
That soul is in the atmosphere like airplay
If there's a heaven I can't find the stairway
Wake up, Maggie, I think I got something to say to you.
It's late September, and I really should be back at
I know I keep you amused, but I feel I'm being used.
Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more.
You led me away from home just to save you from being
You stole my heart, and that's what really hurts.
The morning sun when it's in your face really shows
your age,
But that don't worry me none. In my eyes you're
I laughed at all of your jokes; my love, you didn't
need to coax.
Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more.
You led me away from home, just to save you from being
You stole my soul, and that's a pain I can do without.
All I needed was a friend to lend a guiding hand.
But you turned into a lover, and
mother, what a lover! you wore me out!
All you did was wreck my bed
and in the morning kick me in the head.
Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried anymore.
You led me away from home 'cause you didn't want to be
You stole my heart. I couldn't leave you if I tried.
I suppose I could collect my books and get on back to
Or steal my daddy's cue and make a living out of
playing pool,
Or find myself a rock and roll band that needs a
helpin' hand.
Oh Maggie, I wish I'd never seen your face.
You made a first-class fool out of me,
But I'm as blind as a fool can be.
You stole my heart, but I love you anyway.
Maggie, I wish I'd never seen your face.
I aint goin nowhere, Ima be here til 2030 ya'll can bet that..
classic material my mojos back
im loco no sunoco the flow show dat
the hood kno do fo do lo ima solo cat
fly photos no polo i throw those back
??? my scuffed soldier boots that holds no gat
gotta crew of lil homies for that.. where the love at?
still standin i aint strung on crack
still handle it like Pun on tracks
so check me out ya'll
street of philly was born willy arms is chilly
neck froze, fresh clothes, the specs is silly
?? for really, war like the lord Achilles
Im too illy, worth more than half a billi
So please feel my im direct effect
and since a kid at fresh ? I've been fresh til death
You know what it is.. ayo Fresh come on man , it's how we do it.. let's resurrect the hood ya heard?
The coke game is a regular, the stacks uneven
Pimp game's still cellular, but rap I'm eatin'
Used to pitch packs in streets
Took it to the next level hard face watch made by Patti Philipe
Jars of dro the chalk just added to beef
Bars stay hot with raps thats grabbin the beats
Double nickle deep down in the bucket seats
Yatch match the Rolli, where my fuckin freaks?
Flow fast and gawdy with chinchilla minx
Hoes trash they ? and cant barely ?
Ma we can take it to another life level
Somethin like whole diamond round ya ice bezel
I heard a few niggas hatin on your nice fellow
But did they know your range cherry and ya ice yellow
I holla at you neccessary when it's nice hello
It's Fresh, 50 bricks nigga on my grind level
Ayo A talk to these niggas.. you know we poor but cop chilly wrists niggas.. stackin chips niggas.. and official hood figures
Been locked in since them wally moccassins and them drop top bm's
ya'll shoulda cock blocked me then
Now a dime later haters try n box me in
But like Iverson i skip hop to the rim back spin whip wop fake cock it again
It's understood I'm the hood Hitchcock with a grin
Came in the spot wit 6 bad brawds, lift Jag doors
Never too gawdy but my wrist wrapped raw
Flip packs of raw, slick black valor
Reacquainted with rap now we rip half of these tours
Pull up at the summer league games Ashton Mar's
Hopped out the whip prada shit straps and all
The crack game is back so its fresh to ball
330 hard top cherry red bar watch
I handle pop niggas CL split top
so listen up to whos runnin the game
You know its Fresh 50 bricks plus the shit on my chain
Polo mitts so sick they just stick in you're brain
And you could see Fresh livin good enjoyin my health
Now we runnin in the bars and we buyin the shelfs
M5 burn rubber we denyin the belts
Big bottles of that Don and we dyin for help
Niggas, shit back up when the Ashton dash up
So I see you' ve got a problem
Do you wanna take it outside
I' m not the fighting type
But go ahead make my day
You gonna fight me physically
I' m gonna fight you spiritually
I' m gonna fight you truthfully
If I tell the truth boy
You hate me for it
And if I tell you lies
You call me a good man
I' ve got news for you boy
Let me tell you this
Listen to me
This is my game
I' m gonna play it my way
You call yourself
The voice of the voiceless
But the only time you use your voice
Is when you criticise
What other people have done
We read in the Bible and
Understand what it says
They shall not judge yeah
But why do you do it Rasta
Call me a fake
Call me anything you wanna
Call me boy
But what I do is - Jah work
This is the people' s work boy
You want me to say
All the things that you believe in
I' m not your puppet
I' m not your puppet listen to me
I' ve got news for you
Music & Lyrics: John Popper
When you roll down your window
And ask for directions
Can you count on the answers
That you would receive
If you've ever been taken
By that passed along pay back
Why ask in the first place you might not believe
But I won't be confined to road maps
Or let assholes decide
And I'd rather be lost
Then afraid to take a ride
And if it's a sing
No place on earth will I ever fit in
And I don't mind
Someday I pray I just may
As I make my way
Well I might have been helpful
Or a mischievous bastard
But when I'm thinking about it
I do what I can
In the infinite halfway
Where everyone always meets me
And by the laws of pure error
Do we exchange and understand
I'm yelling as loudly
As my lungs will allow
I wish I could whisper
Can you hear me now
And if it's a sing
No place on earth will I ever fit in
And I don't mind
Someday I pray I just may
As I make my way
Could be no one has the meaning
Of what anybody says
But so we don't feel so lonely
We decide that we do
Well now we might be speaking English
But what does that mean
And can you honestly tell me
What color is blue
Well you could try an explanation
Or try to wonder why
But if I'm lost in your driveway
All I really can do is try
And if it's a sing
No place on earth will I ever fit in
And I don't mind
I've looked and searched her over countless times
And I'll do it again
Someday I may finally want to stay
Someday I pray I just may
As I make my way
As I make my way
As I make my way...
Here comes that boat floating down the river
The south bound channel on the west side
It looks like the captain's pulling over
And I'm bound to take a ride
Take a ride
Well down at the dock I paid my fare
I paid only one way not two
I don't know where but I'll get there
And on my way I'll sing this tune
And when the night falls down on the southern city
And there's nothing left to do but play
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
And I'll make my way back home some day
Don't you know my daddy was a real hard worker
For us he did all he could do
Worked all day for the white collar man
So he could send us off to school
But I feel just like cryin
Because I didn't play by all his rules
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
And I'll make my way back home some day
Here comes that boat floating down the river
The south bound channel on the west side
It looks like the captain's pulling over
And I'm bound to take a ride
Take a ride
And when the night falls down on the southern city
And there's nothing left to do but play
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
And I'll make my way back home some day
Wake up Maggie I think I've got something to say to you.
It's late September and I really should be back at school.
I know I keep you amused but I feel I'm being used.
Oh Maggie I couldn't have tried any more.
You led me away from home just to save you from being alone.
You stole my heart and that's what really hurts.
The morning sun when it's in your face really shows your age
But that don't worry me none in my eyes you're everything.
I laughed at all of your jokes - my love you didn't need to coax.
Oh, Maggie I couldn't have tried any more.
You led me away from home, just to save you from being alone
You stole my soul and that's a pain I can do without.
All I needed was a friend to lend a guiding hand
But you turned into a lover
And mother what a lover, you wore me out.
All you did was wreck my bed
And in the morning kick me in the head.
Oh Maggie I couldn't have tried any more.
You led me away from home cause you didn't wanna be alone
You stole my heart I couldn't leave you if I tried.
(Really long Guitar Improv Bit)
I suppose I could collect my books and get on back to school.
Or steal my daddy's cue - make a living out of playing pool.
Or find myself a rock and roll band that needs a helpin' hand.
Oh Maggie I wished I'd never seen your face.
You made a first class fool out of me
But I'm as blind as a fool can be
You stole my heart, but I love you anyway.
(guitar bit again, this time with mandolins too!)
Maggie I wished I'd never seen your face
I'll get on back home one of these days
The noise pumping through your insides
Makes you wanna scream in pain
Visions get incomprehensible
You loose the touch with your brain
As the blood runs thick and warm
You're melting down inside
The music's hammering never ends
Realization si denied
You can't run you can't hide
Not this time
You're trapped in my game
Filled with pain
I'm to blame
Now I've got you on your knees in front of me
You're so little you never were shit and you'll never be
You can't run you can't hide
Not this time
You're trapped in my game
Filled with pain
I'm to blame
You're mine until the music stops
Your temperature raises your body drops
And now you'll never forget me
Now I've got you on your knees in front of me
You got my strength
You send my self
You are the reason
When I prevail
You are my song
You are my seen
You are the You
Who isn't me
(Ohh You Make Me)2
You are my stage
I stand upon
You are my fortress
Where I belong
When all I am
Is not enough
I'm incomplete
Without your touch
Broken is come fold me down
I'm left standing
My eyes and ears are open wide
My cup of denial which I sip
Runneth over me
And I am nothing to no one
Love you can't have it
Roll another habit
Your life's gone static
Roll another habit
Such a fucking addict
Roll another habit you roll
Another habit
All your golden schemes
All your broken dreams
All those wasted words that
No one hears
I'm still waiting
For a light from above to come
Burning down on me
I am hungry for all information
Yet I'm nothing to no one to
Love you can't have it
Roll another habit
Your life's gone static
Roll another habit
Such a fucking addict
Roll another habit you roll
Another habit
All your golden schemes
All your broken dreams
All those wasted words that
No one hears
I'm here holding
This great bag of guilt and
My hands are tired
A confusion in my brain and
A hole in my soul
I have nothing in my pocket
Yet I'm bearing the toll
Love you can't have it
Roll another habit
Your life's gone static
Roll another habit
Such a fucking addict
Roll another habit you roll
Another habit
Oh your wasted soul
Oh your wasted soul
I wanted to remember my mica
You helped me again to think of the unthinkable things.
Made my arms hurt so bad I would happily forget.
You're surprised at what you go through.
As if no one ever told you.
(On your own feet, your own feet stand.
Not to wallow in heart ache).
I've done more than I would like to.
But it's not all that I can do.
(You gotta get out of bed, into it).
When even your bad luck runs out,
not to wallow in self-pitying pathetic dreams.
You know what I mean.
She worked hard to be his novice and then broke into his office.
(With her clothes off, her clothes off still.
Not to wallow in heart ache)
Amor, settle for a small dart if you can't find it in your heart.
But there's a big noise from her chest.
Let me do the talking, now that I'm here.
You'll steal all the attention anyway.
'cause something about you compels me to feel
that a glued together vase is still a vase.
I construct a mechanical smile
And face the solid wall, with pride
Loosing, falling, tears in our eyes
Swirling like diordered flies
Ceased and torn
Ravaged and forlorn
Ten times the horror
A thousand times the scorn
Pleaasures of the flesh
Are left behind the door
We rise in deadly lust
Maggie May Maggie May
I thought about you on Saturday
Had more life to live but you passed away
She was beautiful but she lost her way
Maggie May Maggie May
I thought about you on Saturday
Once was alive but she passed away
The pulsation of my blood
The pressure splits my skin
Magma floats
Burns feeble flesh into ashes
Sulphurous screams in my head
In a petrified soul
You look so confident the way you work the room
Like you're heaven sent, everybody checking you
Something about it, baby, keeping me amused
Hate to admit it but I kind of like your attitude
Things that you do and the things that you say
Gotta be for real if you want me to stay
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
I see the wheels are turning, you've always been the best
You think you're the first, you better second guess
Before we get to that you gotta go like this
Show me I'm on top of your most wanted list
Things that you do and the things that you say
Gotta be for real if you want me to stay
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
No easy come, no easy go
The way to my heart is through my soul
I'm giving you this simple fact
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me to a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can make me
Make me give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Rainbows, I can't find them
Past the raindrops where the light bends
Where the stories tell of people
Finding beauty where the dark's hold lets go
If you want to smile with me
Hold me close and lie with me
If you want to die with me
Handle my heart carefully
Make me believe you
I've been searching dreary weather
For a cloud that's line in silver
But the rain keeps on falling
And my love, I am calling for you
If you want to smile with me
Hold me close and lie with me
If you want to die with me
Handle my heart carefully
Make me believe you
You can't change the hurt you've done
Please don't let us come undone
Make me forget
Make me forgive
Make me believe you
If you want to smile with me
Hold me close and lie with me
If you want to die with me
Handle my heart carefully
Make me believe you
I always get so jumbled
When my humanness takes hold
It's so hard to remember
Just to let go
God, You gave me wisdom
But I've used it sparingly
And like a fool I fall
My pride keeps tripping me
Tomorrow seldom changes
The way my mind revolts
All the inspirations
Seem to sit unpeeled
Waiting for their moment
To shine beneath the sun
Waiting for a day
That hasn't yet begun
Make me holy
Make me pure
Make me clean
Make me Yours
Make me humble
Make me see
All that You've
Made me to be
Oh, Father, make me
My mind becomes entangled
Beneath a web of doubt
Questioning the question
Of what I am about
Slow to make decisions
Slower yet to change
Stuck under a blanket
You look so confident
The way you work the room
Like you're heaven sent
Everybody checking you
Something about it baby
Keepin' me amused
Hate to admit it but I
Kind of like your attitude
Things that you do and the things that you say
Gotta be for real if you want me to stay
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me
Give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me
To a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can
Make me
I see the wheels are turning
You've always been the best
You think you're the first
You better second guess
Before we get to that
You gotta go like this
Show me I'm on top of
Your most wanted list
Things that you do and the things that you say
Gotta be for real if you want me to stay
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me
Give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me
To a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can
Make me
No easy come
No easy go
The way to my heart is through my soul
I'm giving you
The simple fact
Think that I'll jump if you want me to play
Well, you gotta do better than that
Make me
Give you everything I've got
A reason to let you in my private thoughts
Take me
To a higher place where I've never been
The way that no one else can
Make me
Una solucion
una solucion,
una solucion
que cure, lo que me envenena
y es mi condena
es mi condena
Otro corazon
otro corazon
otro corazon
que a mi me quite las cadenas
de tus polleras
de tus polleras
Y me pierdo cada vez que me miras
me desespera
Me quema, me atrapa
me desarman tus ojos de gata
me quema, me atrapa
esos besos que ya te robe me matan
Alguna cancion
alguna cancion
alguna cancion
que cure todas las heridas
de tus caricias
de tus caricias
Otro corazon
otro corazon
otro corazon
que me quite las cadenas
de tus polleras
de tus polleras
Si me dejas cada vez que me abrazas,
me desespera...
I learned from the best
As did you
From his father too
No more tradition
Under this condition
Not while im in line
This trait wont be mine,
No more for sure
Im breakin this chain
Aint no shame in my game
Everything seems fine to me
Got no reason to complain
Aint no shame in my game
Fallin in love
That depends
First time i was there
I couldnt make ends meet
Its a two way street
Thought i found defeat
But victory came to me
Threw water on the fire
And sparked a new flame
Aint no shame in my game
Dissin on myself
What no that's unheard of
All i need now is nothing
But your love
Nothing but the best
The best without greed
Simplicity in numbers
Your all i need
Support from the fans
And my girls who's
Bringin me no pain
I don't wanna change
I wanna know
I wanna do
I don't wanna wait
I wanna know
I wanna see
'Cuz there's no way I'll stay
No way I'd pray on my knees
Ooh, Baby please
No way I'd be fading
And loosing my game
And loosing my game
I don't wanna change
It's a picture of me: I'm insane but I'm happy
I don't wanna wait
This is where I wanna be - Call me vain, call me crazy
I don't wanna change
I don't wanna wait (x2)
I don't wanna change
I wanna see (x2)
There's no way I'll stay
No way I'll stay
It's a picture of me: I'm insane but I'm happy
This is where I wanna be - Call me vain, call me crazy
Call me crazy
I don't wanna change
It's a picture of me: I'm insane but I'm happy
I don't wanna wait
This is where I wanna be - Call me vain, call me crazy
I don't wanna change
Call me crazy, crazy
I don't wanna wait
Call me crazy, crazy
Make me guess what your thinking
Make it hard for me to figure you out
The rush of love and you together
Are making me fall so quickly
So don't forget me.
Will you fall asleep in my arms tonight?
Who's gonna make me leave?
Who's gonna make me stay?
Who's gonna walk away?
And.. who's gonna make my day?
And how is gonna be?
And who's in the game to play?
If you want you will find me
But you don't wanna see...
How does it feel?
What do you know?
Is it the end?
I will tell you what it is..
How does it start?
Isn't it clear?
That I'll never be allright..
How do you know?
What does it mean?
That I'll never be alone..
That I'll never be alone.. wow oh oh oh..
You want to pressure me
You want to make me crazy!
You wanna rescue me
I thing that's pretty funny..
But you don't wanna see..
How does it feel?
What do you know?
Is it the end?
I will tell you what it is..
How does it start?
Isn't it clear?
That I'll never be allright..
How do you know?
What does it mean?
That I'll never be alone..
That I'll never be alone.. wow oh oh oh..
How does it feel?
What do you know?
Is it the end?
I will tell you what it is..
How does it start?
Isn't it clear?
That I'll never be allright..
How do you know?
What does it mean?
That I'll never be alone..
That I'll never be alone.. wow oh oh oh..
How does it feel..
How does it feel..
Makeema, Makeema, Makeema hey
Tell me girl, is it a lie when they say
Makeema, Makeema, Makeema hey
There is no reason to run away
Makeema, Makeema hey, little girl
What ever happend to your land
Makeema, Makeema, Makeema hey
I know you are on your way
CHORUS Part 2:
Oh - Makeema hey, little african queen
Makeema hey, tell me what you have seen
Makeema hey, all you need is
Some help from your friends
Makeema, Makeema, Makeema hey
I know you are on your way
RAP 1:
I've been there and I know whyThe people want to go
'Bet you really can't imagineThere's no hope in sight
It is hard, it is bad, everybody is so sad
Hey, I want you to understand
So you really, really, really, really make us see
What they never, never, never, never wanted to know
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
We all have heard it many times before
Don't you ignore it, come on and get it on
'Cause we can do it
We can give them a helping hand
A helping hand
RAP 2:
It is time to wake up, don't you never ever stop
Just listen to your heart and open up your mind
Don't look away, everybody needs a friend
Hey, I want you to understand
So you really, really, really, really make us see
What they never, never, never, never wanted to know
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
We all have heard it many times before
Don't you ignore it, come on and get it on
'Cause we can do it
We can give them a helping hand
A helping hand
Oh - Makeema hey!
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
Oh - Makeema hey!
Listen to my words and I'll let you know
Come on, come on!
This is my own game
and my will is to decay
this is my own life
and I end it my own way
what I see here
means nothing to me
you gotta see clear
that treadin' on me
means I'll tread on thee
means I'll tread on thee
on thee
deny myself
and my existence
compel my soul
there's no resistance
what I am told
means shit to me
a freak so bold
that's fuckin' with me
means I'll tread on thee
means I'll tread on thee
on thee
my heart my soul
in your hands
my life my game
as you demand
this is all I can give
you oughtta know
the new morality
O quê se espera de uma nação
que o herói é a televisão?
Que passa todos os seus meses mal,
Melhora tudo no Natal!
Até presente dá pra dar
Só não se sabe o que vai receber.
pano de prato ou dedal.
escolha o mais caro que eu quero ver!
Mucama... (Mucama!)
Na cama do patrão.
Me chama... (me chama!)
Me chama de negão.
Me paga... (me paga!)
Salário de bufão.
Mas come... (Mas come!)
O que a população não come!
Não come!
O quê se espera de uma nação
que o herói é a televisão?
Que passa todos os seus meses mal,
Melhora tudo, no carnaval!
Dá pra brincar, dá pra comemorar!
Só não se sabe muito bem por quê.
Entrou de cara na realidade,
Na quarta-feira que eu quero ver!
Gabriel, o Pensador):
Na quarta-feira volta pra realidade!
Que arde,
Acaba a comemoração, apaga a televisão pra não gastar eletricidade!
Como na Cinderela a carruagem volta a ser abóbora
Na favela o carro alegórico some!
E volta às sobras:
sobra de feira,
sobra de chão,
sobra de terra,
sobra de bala perdida
e sobra de comida
pra Mucama,
Mucama que nada exclama,
que não se inflama,
que não reclama!
Se acalma vendo novela, pois na tela todo mundo ama todo mundo
Mas na vida real todo mundose odeia!
E ódio gera ódio, um sobe no pódio enquanto o outro serve a ceia!
Ceia no Natal
Seu luxo no carnaval
Mucama deitando na cama
Beijim, beijim, pau, pau
Eu só vou te usar
Você não é nada pra mim
Já teamos outra pra botar no seu lugar
Abra-cadabra, mas não é Abre-te-Sésamo!
Porque aqui as portas só se fecham: BUM!
É menos uma oprtunidade, não é só a quarta-feira que é de cinzas
Na verdade é a semana inteira:
Quinta, sexta, sábado e domingo e segunda!
E o povo-Mucama continua sorrindo, levando nas coxas, levando na bunda!
Mas não faz mal!
Porque depois melhora tudo(hen!)
No carnaval...
Mucama... (Mucama!)
Na cama do patrão
Me chama... (me chama!)
Me chama de negão
Me paga... (me paga!)
Salário de bufão
Mas come... (Mas come!)
O que a população não come!
Não come!
Here comes that boat floating down the river
The south bound channel on the west side
It looks like the captain's pulling over
And I'm bound to take a ride
Take a ride
Well down at the dock I paid my fare
I paid only one way not two
I don't know where but I'll get there
And on my way I'll sing this tune
And when the night falls down on the southern city
And there's nothing left to do but play
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
And I'll make my way back home some day
Don't you know my daddy was a real hard worker
For us he did all he could do
Worked all day for the white collar man
So he could send us off to school
But I feel just like cryin
Because I didn't play by all his rules
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
And I'll make my way back home some day
Here comes that boat floating down the river
The south bound channel on the west side
It looks like the captain's pulling over
And I'm bound to take a ride
Take a ride
And when the night falls down on the southern city
And there's nothing left to do but play
Well opportunity is beckoning to me
I don't think you understand
I'm livin' in a dyin' land
in the basement hellfires fume
death's sittin' in my livin' room
I try, try, try to make my way
I try, try, try to make my way
Make my way!
Some contition I been in
vermin underneath my skin
gonna go meet my old friend
and shake a hand with grief again
I try, try, try to make my way
I try, try, try to make my way
Make my way!
I been walkin' all around this hollow town
I seen people sink on down into the ground
Some folks wonder what lies underneath
Well I seen cannibals that got rotten meat between the teeth
Hey! Hey! Hey!
When the friendship becomes some kind of past
Turns me weak and make me lose interest
Gotta stay and play the prize of the last
These are the rules of my game ooooh!
I don't have my friends to take or to blame
Turns me mad because it's hard to explain
Gotta understand the reasons of my game
Those that make me feel alive ooooh!
I divide my life in sections (oooh!)
Then I shoot some my directions (oooh!)
Matter of fact I feel always the same (oooh!)
These are the rules of my game ooooh!
Breaking rules is not a hard thing to do
I made this game to spend some time over you
Doesn't matter if you try something new
These are the rules of my game ooooh!
I don't have my friends to take or to blame
Turns me mad because it's hard to explain
Gotta understand the reasons of my game
Those that make me feel alive ooooh!
I divide my life in sections (oooh!)
Then I shoot some my directions (oooh!)
Matter of fact I feel always the same (oooh!)
These are the rules of my game ooooh!
I divide my life in sections (oooh!)
Then I shoot some my directions (oooh!)
Matter of fact I feel always the same (oooh!)
These are the rules of my game ooooh!
Chove lá fora e aqui faz tanto frio
Chove lá fora e aqui faz tanto frio
Me dá vontade de saber
Aonde está você me telefona, me chama, me chama, me chama
Nem sempre se vê, mágica no absurdo
Mágica no absurdo, mágica, cadê você?
Nem sempre se vê, lágrimas no escuro
Lágrimas no escuro, lágrimas, cadê você?
Tá tudo cinza sem você, tá tão vazio
Que a noite fica sem por que ...
There the shade
Above the land
Screaming lightning, roaring thunder
Black clouds befogs the sky
Breathing storms escorts your fly
Seeking, bleeding, raging eyes
Burning head, uproarious cries
fogging tail swallowes the tracks
running fast, I bite your neck
I’m watching
Your run down
There in the
Scanty land
You’re lost there
In my game
of hate
go down to die
Seeking, bleeding, raging eyes
Burning head, uproarious cries
fogging tail swallowes the tracks
running fast, I bite your neck
You will never come out
You will never sleep there
You’ll never get a hideout from my cruelest hate
You will never laugh again
You will never feel save
You know the only way out here of my game
I’m watching
Your run down
There in the
Scanty land
You’re lost there
In my game
of hate
go down to die
for me
In my game
Go down on your knees and pray
Give your live
To the new
Cruelest God
I'm your god
Now were together here my love
Your sorrow grows to my personal war
Not to decide about mankind