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Current Situation Of Iraq | Morning News Bulletin|Sahar TV|Urdu NEWS|خبریں
U.N.: ISIS committing war crimes in Iraq
ABP News special: Iraq situation's guilty - ISI leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Iraq: On the frontline with Islamic State - BBC News
Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War
USA Airstrikes Raptor F22 in Iraq & Syria Cost $1 Billion January 2015 Breaking News
Iraqi Helicopter On-Board Cam - During Attack Operation Against ISIS
November 2014 Breaking News Rise of ISIS ISIL current events bible prophecy
IRAQ conflict: Militants 'seize' city of Tal Afar | BREAKING NEWS.
Iraq crisis: Video appears to show Iraqi prisoners ridiculed before being shot
BREAKING NEWS: Chilling photos seem to show ISIS carrying out executions in IRAQ.
True News 23: Current Events - Protecting Iraqis, Investors and Bernie Madoff?
**Breaking News** Sunni Insurgents Take Over Nuclear Materials In Northern Iraq 7/9/14
Broadcast Date-:-June 19 2014 -Website: -Dailymotion: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Youtube: -Google+
ISIS fighters are using new equipment abandoned by the fleeing Iraq army as the militants captured another city in northern Iraq. The terror group claims to have executed more than 1,700 men in last week's fighting. The U.N. says photos of militants brutalizing Iraqi soldiers are evidence of war crimes. Clarissa Ward reports.
ABP News special: Iraq situation's guilty - ISI leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: & ht...
The Iraqi Army says it is now pushing back Islamic State fighters from around Baghdad, and the city will not fall. With no foreign troops in combat on the ground in Iraq, the army has the job of following up on coalition airstrikes to halt IS advances. A series of setbacks in the summer had raised questions about the army's ability and morale to do this and take the fight to IS. Our World Affairs John Simpson, has been with the Iraqi Army to the frontline with Islamic State about twenty miles south west of Baghdad: Subscribe to BBC News HERE Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
The current crisis in Iraq explained in under 5 minutes. There is war in Iraq? Again? And the US and Iran are talking about working together? And who is this ISIS Terrorist group that is all over the news? And Religion? Oh dear... When exactly has the world gone mad again? It is not possible to explain a complicated topic like this without simplification. We are very aware that this video is not painting a full picture of the situation. But we hope that it may lay the foundation on which you can try to do your own research and understand how horribly Fu**ed up the whole situation is. We did have to produce the video super fast -- thanks a lot to our friends Martin Wackerbauer and Magnus Schlüter for helping us out -- we would not have been able to make this video in time without you guys! Kurzgesagt loves all people as long as they don't hurt others and don't hinder mankind on its quest to the stars. So it was very sad to read so much terrible stuff about the situation in Iraq. Hopefully it will get better. You can get the music of the video here: Videos, explaining things. Like evolution, time, space, global energy or our existence in this strange universe. We are a team of designers, journalists and musicians who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful. Visit us on our Website, Twitter, Facebook, Patreon or Behance to say hi! Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War. Help us caption & translate this video!
USA Airstrikes F22 in Iraq & Syria Have Cost $1 Billion January 2015 Breaking News Breaking News 2014...
--- Subscribe for more --- An Iraqi attack helicopter strikes ISIS vehicles around the area of Tikrit, Iraq. The helicopters uses a mixture of rocket and machine gun fire against the enemy. (Video strictly for news/educational purposes). ___ What is GlobalLeaks? Founded before 2012, the GlobalLeaks News Channel has grown into a popular current events and informational platform on YouTube and across the internet. We strive to show people the events left out of the mainstream media. The events, that in many cases are shaping our world. If you'd like to keep up to date be sure to join us and subscribe. ___ About the video / Community guidelines: This footage is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. GlobalLeaks is a news channel where we strive to show people the news that has been left out of the main-stream media. This footage is also part of an ongoing documentary on 'events that shape our perspective'. ___ --- Join us on twitter! --- If you have any questions or would like to send us footage, contact us directly at or visit our website
November 2014 Breaking News Rise of ISIS ISIL current events bible prophecy PART 1 2014 September 15 Breaking News ISIS video surfaced Beheaded British aid worker David Haines 2014 September Breaking News ISIS ISIL USA UK foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria 2014 August Breaking News FOXNEWS ISIS ISIL Islamic State Iraq/Syria & the Levant Calip-HATE Global Threat - Levant countries include Jordan Turkey Egypt Cyprus Palestinian territories Jordan Israel Lebanon.Iraq and Syria Part 1 2014 July Breaking News President Barack Obama ordered More USA troops to Iraq 2014 July Breaking News Associated Press President Barack Obama ordered More USA troops to Iraq plus special forces considered June 17 2014 Breaking News Will Iraq fall to jihadists? Did USA forces die in vain and the thousands injured for nothing and lose billions of dollars in military equipment being taken to Syria? Will ISIS terrorist group create an Islamic caliphate? Then what? Will Obama protect USA civilians & Government & military personnel Here are the latest developments June 13 2014 Iran & Russia supported Syria Iraqi militants taking over Iraq - USA interests and ground covered threatened from USA war in Iraq loss of life and injuries in Region next step Obama states considering all options part 3 June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama to decide on Iraq strikes in the days ahead June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama to decide on Iraq strikes in the days ahead - A Shock and Awe airstrike campaign has and will show the strength and effectiveness the USA is against thugs and anyone who undermines the capabilities the USA brings to the table when all options are considered and followed through with pinpoint precision - USA already has boots on the ground for training Iraqi soldiers and critical moments like now to take action on providing Air strike coordinances to wipe out threat immediately June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama after pulling USA forces out of Iraq Obama Considering Airstrikes Part 2;_ylt=A0SO8xZ60JpTfioAKSNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dDVkc2U3BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NXSU1DMF8x June 13 2014 Breaking News Associated Press Less than three years after pulling American forces out of Iraq, President Barack Obama is weighing a range of short-term military options, including airstrikes, to quell an al-Qaida inspired insurgency that has captured two Iraqi cities and threatened to press toward Baghdad Part 1 June 13 2014 Breaking News New York Times Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki secretly asked the Obama administration to consider carrying out airstrikes against extremist staging areas, according to Iraqi and American officials June 12 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls USA troops out of Iraq Islamic militants move in - Associated Press Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad June 12 2014 Breaking News Washington Post Insurgents seize Iraqi city of Mosul as security forces flee June 12 2014 Breaking News Iraq crisis Islamic terrorists al-Qaeda forces seize Mosul and Tikrit - USA and UK speak of deep concern as al-Qaeda take swathes of northern Iraq, sparking a mass exodus of civilians June 12 2014 Breaking News 500 thousand civilians men, women and children have fled their homes since fighting escalated since January 2014;_ylt=A0SO8z0tgplTCwoA3p5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEza29jM205BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ0M18x
Iraq conflict: Militants 'seize' city of Tal Afar For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Sunni militants have seized the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar, officials and residents say. Militants led by ISIS - the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - captured key cities including Mosul and Tikrit last week, but some towns were retaken. UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos said there were reports of "major human rights violations", including summary executions of civilians. The US says it may use drone strikes to halt the militants' advance. "They're not the whole answer, but they may well be one of the options that are important," said US Secretary of State John Kerry. The Pentagon said US officials were also open to holding direct talks with Iran over Iraq, but there was "no plan to co-ordinate military activity" between the two countries. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earlier said he would consider co-operation if the US took action. The USS George HW Bush aircraft carrier has already been deployed to the Gulf, accompanied by two more warships. But Washington says no US troops will be deployed on the ground. Britain reiterated on Monday that it had no plans for military intervention in Iraq.Diplomatic contacts on regional security between the US and Iran are unusual, but not unprecedented. There were significant contacts between them in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Iran was strongly opposed to the Taliban and their jihadist allies in al-Qaeda. So what might the two countries talk about now? Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is a close ally of Iran. Objectively, however much it is frustrated with Mr Maliki's Shia sectarianism, keeping him in power may be seen in Washington as the best of a bad set of options. One hope may be that Tehran might be persuaded to bring some leverage to bear to encourage Mr Maliki to be more inclusive in his politics. But the balance now between Washington and Tehran has changed dramatically since Saddam Hussein's overthrow when the US was in the ascendant. Now it is probably Tehran that holds more of the cards. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines
A Third Iraq War For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to The United States now faces the possibility of its third intervention in Iraq. On paper, the two earlier wars quickly achieved their military goals. In 1991, a muscular alliance of thirty-four nations, led by the United States, forced Iraq to withdraw from the tiny city-state of Kuwait in a mere six weeks. In 2003, President Saddam Hussein, after twenty-four years in power, fled Baghdad just three weeks after a token "coalition of the willing" invaded. Yet both wars were ultimately political failures, and the new challenge in Iraq may prove to be even deadlier, with sweeping regional repercussions. Given its deepening sectarian and ethnic divisions—and the absence of a cohesive or effective military—the modern Iraqi state may not hold. Neighboring Syria is already shattered, and the Middle East map—defined by European powers a century ago—may be redrawn, either de facto or formally. Globally, the jihadist threat has never been greater. The Obama Administration is debating options to salvage Iraq. In the first Iraq war—the Gulf War—the George H. W. Bush Administration deployed more than half a million troops; allies provided another two hundred thousand. Together, they easily overwhelmed the Iraqi military. Oil-rich Gulf states, along with Japan and Germany, picked up much of the tab—roughly sixty billion dollars. At the height of the second Iraq war, the George W. Bush Administration sent more than a hundred and seventy thousand troops; a few other nations provided an additional eleven thousand. Washington paid its own bills—estimated at $1.7 trillion, plus almost five hundred billion dollars in benefits due to war veterans. Neither approach would be feasible for a third Iraq war. Washington doesn't have the same enthusiasm, or the will. The military may be capable, but it is fatigued. As the United States emerges from the Great Recession, its resources are limited; abundant foreign funding is unlikely. Public opinion is wary. The scope of the mission could expand out of control. Iraq might not be rescuable without the U.S. dealing with Syria, since the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has already erased part of the border between the two countries. If ISIS zealots were defeated in Iraq, they could simply retreat to their Syrian bases and come back another day. In addition, Iraq's regional conflict has become deeply sectarian. The threat to the United States is barbaric jihadism, as both an ideology and a tactic, but for many in Iraq, and in neighboring countries, the dispute is quickly TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines
Subscribe to ITN News: A video posted online purports to show a group of Iraqi prisoners being ridiculed by their captors. The footage,...
Chilling photos seem to show ISIS carrying out executions in Iraq For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to The militant group that has been ruthlessly fighting to take control of Iraq has apparently posted chilling photos on jihadi Internet forums seeming to show the executions of Iraqi security forces. CNN cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the images purportedly posted by ISIS, or the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. CNN is examining the terrain in the images, some of the signage on buildings in several of the pictures and the uniforms of the apparent victims. Those details suggest the photos are real and were taken in Iraq. A caption on some of the images: "apostates heading to their hole of doom." ISIS, an al Qaeda splinter group, wants to establish a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the region that would stretch from Iraq into northern Syria. The group has had substantial success in Syria battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's security forces. ISIS's quick advance in Iraq has been helped by many Sunnis who feel that the Shiite-dominated government has marginalized them. On Sunday, the militant group continued its assault. Iraqi security forces and gunmen believed to be ISIS clashed near al-Khalis, which is about 18 miles from Baquba, police officials in that Iraqi city told CNN. Baquba is about 37 miles northeast of Baghdad, the capital. ISIS seized Iraq's second-largest city, Mosul, last week and have threatened to march on Baghdad. Also Sunday, two villages in the Adhaim area, about 62 miles north of Baquba, were taken over by gunmen believed to be ISIS, officials said. Separately, three mortar rounds landed in al-Khalis, near a recruitment center opened recently for volunteers to join the Iraqi army in their fight against ISIS. Officials could not provide more details. Violence perpetrated by ISIS shook a small town near Mosul again Sunday, security officials in Baghdad and the town of Tal Afar told CNN. Several mortar rounds landed on a busy area in the town west of Mosul and killed at least seven and wounded 33 people. Ethnic Shiite Turkmen live in Tal Afar. Iraqi security forces still maintain a presence there. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines
Three big state lies - Iraq, Banks and Bernie Madoff. Liberty Forum Speech:
Published time: July 10, 2014 00:37 Iraq says "terrorist groups" have seized nuclear materials used for scientific research at a university in the country's ...
(Video strictly for news/educational purposes). The Iraqi military is currently fighting ISIS for control of Tikrit, a vital Iraqi city. Tikrit is located just a few hundred miles north of Baghdad, and has been in ISIS control for the past few months. So far the Iraqi military has made significant progress in the region. The video footage shows various rebelled ambushes from ISIS, and a failed ISIS bombing attack on an Iraqi convoy. --- Subscribe for more --- ___ What is GlobalLeaks? Founded before 2012, the GlobalLeaks News Channel has grown into a popular current events and informational platform on YouTube and across the internet. We strive to show people the events left out of the mainstream media. The events, that in many cases are shaping our world. If you'd like to keep up to date be sure to join us and subscribe. ___ About the video / Community guidelines: This footage is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. GlobalLeaks is a news channel where we strive to show people the news that has been left out of the main-stream media. This footage is also part of an ongoing documentary on 'events that shape our perspective'. ___ --- Join us on twitter! --- If you have any questions or would like to send us footage, contact us directly at or visit our website
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2014 July Breaking News Associated Press Iraq Crisis Obama ordered another 300 troops to Iraq to beef up security at the U.S. Embassy and elsewhere in the Ba...
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest...
Subscribe to VICE News here: Last week, the extremist militant Sunni group — Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), along with other Sunni militias and former Baathist party members, seized control of large parts of Iraq, including Mosul, the nation's second largest city. In many places, the Iraqi army barely put up a flight. Soldiers dropped their weapons and fled, whether because of fear, incompetence, or internal sabotage. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have become internally displaced after fleeing the fighting or the potential for potential Iraqi air strikes. As ISIS and the other groups continued to fight their way to Baghdad, gruesome videos of brutal executions began to surface. Iraqi army units stationed near Baghdad, as well as Shiite militias, have pledged to not give up so easily. Many say the conflict was brewing for a while, and that ISIS, along with some of the other groups, has had some semblance of control in Sunni areas for quite some time. They point to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's increasingly sectarian polices and crackdowns on Sunnis as having provoked the events of the last week, and fear this could be the start of a devastating civil war. In the north, Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga have used the opportunity to seize disputed areas, territories that the Kurds long felt belonged to them but the government was hesitant relinquish. An informal border now exists between ISIS dominated areas and Kurdish territory. There has only been sporadic clashing, as neither group seems determined to break the strange detente. Here's Who Is Fighting in Iraq and Why: Crisis in Iraq: Kurdish Peshmerga Clash With Advancing ISIS: Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr:
News In Two Minutes - Iraq Nears Civil War - Mad Cow Disease - Earths Plate Movement - Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria - CDC Warning - Chinese Tensions. Please...
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sport, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs. For more latest hot and happening news follow us @,,
A man who fled from Mosul, Iraq, shows Arwa Damon video that provides a glimpse into how ISIS is winning over people. More from CNN at To... - Overview of website, Iraqi Dinar Analysis, current news updates on global currency reset. Discussed in the video: Global Cur... The Kurds: No friends but the mountains. Certainly no friends in the Pentagon or Capitol Hill. A right-wing party in Turkey's parliament is calling for armed intervention by Ankara in Syria to prevent the formation of an autonomous Kurdish region there. The call comes after the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a Syrian Kurdish group affilliated to the Kurdish rebel organisation operating in Turkish territory, captured the Syrian town of Ras Al Ayn on the 900 kilometre-long border with Turkey last week. Turkey is concerned by the Kurdish gains because the PYD has links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which began peace talks with the Ankara government late last year to end a decades-long conflict that has left 40,000 dead in the south-east of the country. Turkey worries that the emergence of an autonomous Kurdish zone in northern Syria could stir up Turkey's Kurdish minority of 12 million people. A Turkish teenager was killed by stray bullets from Syria last week as PYD members fought Islamist rebels in the Ras Al Ayn area. The Turkish military said on its website yesterday that it was prepared to take action "against possible threats coming from across the border" and would respond to shots fired into Turkey from Syria. Turkey and the United States regard the PYD, the strongest armed Kurdish group in Syria, as a PKK offshoot. Both groups deny the claim, but PKK flags raised over public buildings after the PYD took control of several small Syrian towns last year triggered outrage in Turkey. PYD has taken control of several parts of northern Syria since the uprising against the government of Bashar Al Assad began in March 2011. The recent fighting in Syria's northern border area, where the rule of the Damascus government has long collapsed, prompted Kurds to try to establish a "governing council" to administer Kurdish-held areas there, according to a Syrian Kurdish activist. The plans to formally establish a Kurd-administered zone was not an effort to create a separate Kurdish state in northern Syria, the activist said. But speaking to reporters yesterday, Turkey's deputy prime minister, Bulent Arinc, said his country would not tolerate the creation of a "de facto" Syrian Kurdish entity on its frontiers. Last week, the foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, also warned the PYD that any step "to create a fait accompli" would increase Syria's fragility and "lead to results that are much worse" than the current situation, he said, according to the foreign ministry. Devlet Bahceli, leader of the right-wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), said the latest fighting in northern Syria was a "great risk for Turkey" and a sign that the PKK, through the PYD, was pushing for Kurdish autonomy in the region to fill the power vacuum there. "Turkey should declare that it will intervene militarily against the formation of an autonomous administration in northern Syria," Mr Bahceli said on Sunday. "To this end, concrete preparations should start in our border regions in accordance with military deterrence." He said Kurds had succeeded in creating a region of self-rule in northern Iraq and were trying to do the same in Syria. "If it goes on like this, Turkey is next." The Syrian Kurdish opposition activist, who makes regular trips into areas where the clashes between Kurd and Islamist forces are taking place, said fighting in northern Syria had been intense in recent days. "Security has been getting worse, that is part of the reason why the Kurdish groups are seeking to establish this new governing council to administer their areas and provide some kind of protection for themselves," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The proposed council would come with a constitution and the establishment of a Kurdish army, the activist said. The Kurdish area would be independent of regime control and outside the influence of the opposition Syrian National Coalition (SNC). Although recognised as the official representative of the Syrian people by western powers and some Arab states, the SNC has struggled to establish any firm presence inside rebel-held areas of the country. Opposition factions remain deeply divided, with powerful Kurdish groups refusing to join the SNC, while insisting they are opposed to the Assad regime. The Syrian Kurdish activist acknowledged that the proposed council would represent a drive for Kurdish autonomy - something he said was likely to anger rebels trying to topple Mr Al Assad more than it would anger the embattled president.
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Dignitaries, officials and members of the business communities in Iraq and United States attended a two-day conference promoting investment and increased eco...
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In country's like Iraq the rule of even the most basic civil law is shaky. But as the country struggles to rebuild a civil society and fight off an insurgenc...
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The head of the German Liaison Office for industry and Commerce in Iraq, Volker Wildner, talks about everyday conditions in the war zone and the situation fo...
The Middle East Institute is proud to host Thomas W. Donovan, an expert in Iraqi business law, specializing in international investment. Drawing upon his bac...
قناة عراقية تهتم بتعليم الشباب العراقي و العربي مختلف طرق الربح من الانترنت من الصفر الى الاحتراف . صفحتنا على الفيس بوك :
Islamic State extremists at Iraq's ancient city of Hatra destroyed the archaeological site by smashing sledgehammers into its walls and shooting assault rifles at priceless statues, a new militant video purportedly from the group shows. (April 4) Subscribe for more Breaking News: Get updates and more Breaking News here: The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe:
Understanding Iraq Business Customs update by National Critics Choice.
Feb. 27 -- Paul Floyd discusses the Islamic state in Iraq. He speaks with Trish Reagan on "Street Smart." (Source: Bloomberg) Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importance. It is available in more than 310 million households worldwide and reaches the most affluent and influential viewers in terms of household income, asset value and education levels. With production hubs in London, New York and Hong Kong, the network provides 24-hour continuous coverage of the people, companies and ideas that move the markets.
Lesley Stahl goes to Iraq to report on the many possible sources of conflict that could erupt once the U.S. completely withdraws from the country by the end ...
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Qubad Talabani, representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government to the United States, visited the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to discuss commercial opportun...
Al-Hurra coverage (in Arabic) of the U.S.-Iraq Business Initiative meeting at the National Press Club, where participants discussed untapped business potenti... - women in iraq, show how business is made possible even in the current market conditions.
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Texas Armoring Corporation builds bulletproof vehicles for contractors and executives in Iraq. For more information on armored vehicles, visit www.texasarmor...
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Huda is the mother of three children. The death of her husband left her destitute, but now she has opened a hairdressing salon with the help of the ICRC. Her...
Oil prices rise to their highest level this year as violence in Iraq intensifies and some experts say oil prices could easily go higher.
Iraq - Hope for Humanity Taking the call for peace to the middle of the conflict zone, renowned spiritual leader and founder of The Art of Living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addressed a peace conference in Erbil in Kurdistan, the violence hit province of Iraq on thursday. Pitching for co-existence, compassion and commitment to peace, Sri Sri said, “Peace conferences are held where there is peace. I wanted to do this conference in middle of conflict.” He also visited relief camps near Erbil to give solace to hundreds of displaced Christians, Kurds, Arabs. The International Association for Human Values, a sister concern of The Art of living along with few NGO’s have been working in Iraq bringing in relief in terms of material aid. The organization along with other NGO’s has collected more than 110 tonnes of food supplies to be delivered to Yazidi refugees on Sinjar mountains. The visit which was Sri Sri’s third to Iraq saw him deliberate with various leaders bringing them on a common platform to discuss peace. He also addressed the Kurdish parliament and met The Speaker of Iraqi Kurdistan, Dr. Yusif Muhammad Sadiq and senior Yazidi leader and advisor to government of Erbil, Dr Mirza Dinaayi. Mr. Abdul Hussein Abtan, Minister of Sports & Youth, Iraq flew in from Baghdad to meet the spiritual leader and appreciated the hard work of the organization’s volunteers. Addressing the peace conference titled “Protecting Women and Bringing Stability and Peace”, organised by The International Association For Human Values (IAHV) he honored Kurdish Kobani woman fighter, Jeyan Haldan. Sri Sri said, “Dark forces are creating conflict and havoc in the world. In 21st century, people want to drag us back to the dark ages.” He further hoped that the conference would bring clarity, communication, commitment of participants to achieve action for peace. “Kurdistan is a bouquet of culture and we must preserve it. Yazidis and Shabad who are facing persecution need to be preserved. Co-existence is the Divine design for the planet!”, he added. “We want to send a clear message to those who think violence is the way that they are wrong,” he said while highlighting the need for educating the Youth who have not yet joined extreme ideologies about the futility of such radicalisation. Earlier Sri Sri interacted with the inmates at a relief camp in Sinjar mountains and listened to their plight. “We could not speak the language at the camps, but we could communicate. We felt their pain,” he said. Bringing solace to the inmates who have been languishing in inhuman conditions for months, Sri sri said, “Your life will get on track soon. Please know you are not alone, there are lots of good people on the planet with you.” The Art of Living Founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had earlier called on Governments of Europe, America and India to save the thousands of Yazidis trapped in the Sinjar Mountains in Iraq. Since the early stages of the ISIS insurgence in Iraq, over 1.5 million Iraqis have been internally displaced or forced to flee across borders for their safety. The Art of Living and International Association For Human Values of The Art of Living has been working to bring relief to refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). From its base in Erbil, the team has brought relief in the form of food, water and hygiene products and reached out to more than 2,000 families.
This documentary follows an Australian tourist who travels to Tehran for the first time; it depicts different aspects of life in Iran's capital, from art and culture to science and research.
The Iraqi Community Centre in Montreal celebrates Iraqi culture by having this festival of Iraqi art, music and food to the Canadian public. This clip was fi...
Iraq's Heritage Festival is a two-day showcase of Iraq's vibrant multicultural heritage. Enjoy delicious cultural food, wonderful creative performances, lots of crafts, artwork, clothing, and plenty of opportunities to chat with people eager to talk about their cultural roots and their communities in Canada. Event page: November 15th-16th, 2014 Michael Power/St. Joseph High School 105 Eringate Drive Toronto, Ontario M9C
from Iraq with love In a world focusing on Iraq as place of death , forgetting about its arts, culture and history so we are coming together Iraqi artists li...
'Session on supporting the rebuilding of medical ethics and clinical research'' The Iraqi Cultural Centre in London is pleased to invite you on the 14th of S...
On 30th May 2014, the Arab Human Rights Academy (AHRA) hosted the first event since its birth: a panel discussion concerning the issue of child marriage in I...
Rulez Aviation at Iraqi Cultural Centre in London.
Bernardo de Azevedo Brito, the Brazilian ambassador to Iraq from 2006 to 2011, launched the book “Iraq: from its origins and in search of a destiny,” which t...
documentary documentary films documentary history channel documentary bbc documentary 2013 documentary national geographic documentary on serial killers docu...
the history of the turkish and ottoman empire (full documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel universe culture ancient civilization civilisation greek roman egypt egyptian archaeology medieval middle ages turkey turkish monarchy discoveries art museum
Why Orwell Matters, released in the UK as Orwell's Victory, is a book-length biographical essay by Christopher Hitchens. In it, the author relates George Orwell's thoughts on and actions in relation to: the British Empire; the left; the right; the United States; English conventions; feminism and women; and his controversial list for the British Foreign Office. At the end of the book, Hitchens critiques Orwell's novels and legacy. An essayistic sequel to the book, "Why Orwell Still Matters," appears in John Rodden's 2007 compilation The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell (ISBN 987-0-521-85842-7). The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK; Chosŏn'gŭl: 조선민주주의인민공화국; Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk), commonly called North Korea, is a country in East Asia, in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital is Pyongyang, the country's largest city by both land area and population. The Amnok River and the Tumen River form the international border between North Korea and China. A small section of the Tumen River also lies along the border between North Korea and Russia, technically following the river's thalweg. The Korean Demilitarized Zone forms the boundary between North Korea and South Korea. The legitimacy of this border is not accepted by either side, as both states claim to be the legitimate government of the entire peninsula. The Korean peninsula was governed by the Korean Empire from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, until it was annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. After the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II, Japanese rule ceased. The Korean peninsula was divided into two occupied zones in 1945, with the northern half of the peninsula occupied by the Soviet Union and the southern half by the United States. A United Nations--supervised election held in 1948 led to the creation of separate Korean governments for the two occupation zones: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south. The conflicting claims of sovereignty led to the Korean War in 1950. An armistice in 1953 committed both to a cease-fire, but the two countries remain officially at war because a formal peace treaty was never signed.[8] Both states were accepted into the United Nations in 1991.[9] North Korea's political parties include the Workers' Party of Korea, the Korean Social Democratic Party and the Chondoist Chongu Party; there are also some independent deputies. The three political parties participate in the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland led by the Workers' Party of Korea.[10] The government follows the Juche ideology of self-reliance, initiated by the country's first President, Kim Il-sung. After his death, Kim Il-sung was declared the country's Eternal President. Juche became the official state ideology, replacing Marxism--Leninism, when the country adopted a new constitution in 1972.[11][12] In 2009, references to Communism (Chosŏn'gŭl: 공산주의) were removed from the country's constitution.[13] Education in North Korea is universal and state funded, with a national literacy rate of 99%.[14] The country has a national medical service and claims to offer free healthcare. Conflicting accounts report that patients must pay.[14] Many hospitals lack basic medicine, equipment, running water, and electricity due to economic problems and minimal budget allocation; at approximately 1 dollar per person per year, lower than that of most African countries.[15] Housing and food rations traditionally have been heavily subsidized.[14] The means of production are owned by the state through state-run enterprises and collectivized farms.[14] Food output is one of the lowest worldwide, with the UN estimating 16 million people requiring food aid.[16][17] North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il adopted Songun, or "military-first" policy in order to strengthen the country and its government.[18] North Korea is the world's most militarized country, with a total of 9,495,000 active, reserve, and paramilitary personnel. Its active duty army of 1.21 million is the 4th largest in the world, after China, the U.S., and India. It is a nuclear-weapons state and has an active space program.
One Love , One Iraq ,, Famus , Famous Holy, Holly Speacially , Especially sorry for the mistakes ,I was kinda hurry.
Baghdad best clothing and cultures. Iraq.
Michael Rakowitz, Professor, Art Theory and Practice, Northwestern University Artist Michael Rakowitz discusses his work, in the context of hope and antagonism, and at the intersection of problem solving and trouble-making. Rakowitz’s symbolic interventions in problematic urban situations extend from paraSITE (1998 - ongoing), in which the artist custom builds inflatable shelters for homeless people that attach to the exterior outtake vents of a building’s HVAC system, to Minaret (2001-Ongoing), in which access is gained to an architecturally-appropriate rooftop in a Western city and the Islamic call to prayer is sounded five times a day with the help of a megaphone for amplification. In Spoils (2011) Rakowitz made a culinary intervention at New York City’s Park Avenue restaurant by inviting diners to eat traditional Iraqi dishes on plates looted from Saddam Hussein’s personal collection. The project culminated in the repatriation of the former Iraqi President’s flatware to the Republic of Iraq at the behest of current Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki on December 15, 2011, the date Coalition Forces left Iraq. In a related culinary-art project in Chicago, titled Enemy Kitchen (2012), Rakowitz devised a food truck that was manned by Iraqi War veterans working under Iraqi refugee chefs and served Iraqi cuisine to the public. Bio: Michael Rakowitz is Professor of Art Theory and Practice at Northwestern University. Born in New York in 1973, Rakowitz is an Iraqi-American conceptual artist who works in a range of media to provoke discourse on contemporary politics. His solo exhibition, The worst condition is to pass under a sword which is not one’s own (2010), was exhibited at the Tate Modern, London. Another project, The Breakup, first presented at Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem in 2010, was exhibited at Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago in 2014. Rakowitz’s work is featured in major private and public collections including the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Neue Galerie, Kassel, Germany; Smart Museum of Art, Chicago; Van Abbemuseum, Endhoven, Netherlands; British Museum; Kabul National Museum, Afghanistan; and UNESCO, Paris. Rakowitz is the recipient of a six prestigious awards from international foundations, most recently, a 2012 Louis Tiffany Foundation Award. Sponsored by the Dresher Center for the Humanities; the Visual Arts Department; the Center for Innovation, Research, and Creativity in the Arts; the Center for Arts, Design and Visual Culture; the American Studies Department; and the Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communications Department.
Traditional Iraqi outfits, national costumes worn by the people of Iraq.
Sri Sri emphasizes the need to preserve the cultural and religious identity of the Yazidis. In a special session entitled “Peace in Middle East”, people from around the world sought the guidance of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder, Art of Living & International Association for Human Values (IAHV). Sri Sri has made a commitment to spread the message of peace and non-violence in Iraq. Since September 2003 when Art of Living and IAHV began trauma relief initiatives, around 10,000 people from Iraq have found relief and a new lease of life. The Art of Living, along with the International Association of Human Values (IAHV) has carried out some remarkably inspiring work in countries like Jordan, Israel, Iran, Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. From providing support to relief camps and displaced families to trauma relief workshops to providing relief from the crisis created by the ISIS. The current ISIS onslaught has aggravated the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the International Association For Human Values & The Art of Living, has taken it upon him to rescue the distressed Iraqis. Many Yazidi activists have met with Sri Sri, soliciting his support and guidance. Thousands of traumatized Yazidis, Christians and Kurdish Shias are languishing in camps in Erbil, Duhok and Khazir without basic items for survival such as food, water, clothing, shelter and hygiene. Our volunteers have been working tirelessly to bring relief to the displaced people. Several tonnes of relief material have been air lifted and distributed. They’ve been rescuing abducted girls, providing food, water, medicines, shelter, clothing, education... and we are not stopping at that. Sri Sri will be visiting Erbil, Iraq as a keynote speaker for the IAHV Peace Conference and is also due to visiting relief camps at Mt. Sinjar on the 19-20th November 2014. Many people from around the world have written to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to ask for solutions in Kurdistan. Others have shared heart-felt prayers for the thousands of citizens trapped in the Sinjar Mountains. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shared his views on the ISIS, the role of individuals to help the trapped people and the future of the Yazidis in a special webcast dedicated to saving the thousands of Iraqis trapped in the cycle of violence.
SALAM Group Goal is to revive and represent the Arabian Culture as means of uniting all Arabs through highlighting our shared qualities of language, culture ...
Culture Shock, Ebyiraany's new series, talking to strangers unveiling the differences between two different cultures Iranian and English. This Episode is about Parties of two cultures from Javad Esport to Sausage Fests. New episodes of Culture Shock coming often on different topics, suggest an idea for Culture Shock or a new video and it could be the made with your name on it!. Thanks for watching make sure to RATE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE to friends on Facebook and Twitter Merci. The Iranian interviews were filmed at a charity event organised by the Ahmadi family in Leeds. Thank you very much for giving us permission to film on the day. شوك فرهنگى: نظر ایرانیها و انگليسىها درباره جشن یا پارتی سريال جديد فيلم ابى ايرانى "شوك فرهنگى" يا "تضاد فرهنگى". در اين سريال با افراد ناشناخته از مليت ايرانى و انگليسى مصاحبه كردم شما ميتونيد اختلاف فاحش و بنيادين را در ميان دو فرهنگ از ديده خانوادها ملاحظه فرماييد بسيار سپاسگزارم كه رای، نظر فراموش نشود,سابسكرايب ,همچنین ویدو را لینک کنید برای دوستان ********* FIND ME ONLINE & STAY UP TO DATE: ********* WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS HERE: ********* Tags: Guide how to spotting identifying Farsi film England Leeds kind of persian Bradford find edit entertainment comedy best amazing good fashion Damavand Tehran shomaal saari Aroosi khastegari hanabandoon wedding knife dance mehrieh damad music video rap sassy mankan tataloo rap 2AFM TM bax javad bahaal jaaleb ghashang shisha ghelyoon shiraz Persepolis ancient kingdom history dokhtar persian dj megamix mini mix mix club iranian iran tataloo sasy mankan sasy mankan rezaya fars jamshid jamshed party iranian party persian party persian dance dance raghs bezan beterekoon hal giri saeed panter mohsen mehdi moghadam tsunami 2afm ninashnash bodo bodo hossein mokhteh zed bazi mokhte farid sassy chejouri chejori chejuri best iranian dj dj set club iranian iranian set mr fash mr fash farshad music eyval eid norooz ordu kamraan hooman ebi shahram shabpareh charshanbe soori wedding aroosi baba karam Aryan arian band eshgh sonati ali daei niki karimi mohammad reza golzar rezaya hichkas miss dee googoosh dariush kabaab kobide aab goosht noon barbari food funny man ladyActivism saari babol damavand advertising alcohol alternative-news ancient-history animals animation anime architecture arts astronomy atheist bizarre blogs books buddhism business cars cartoons cats celebrities christianity classic-rock clothing comedy-movies comics cooking crafts crime cyberculture dogs drawing drugs ecommerce environment, fashion fine-arts firefox geography graphic-design guitar guns im persian kind of persian, interior-design internet internet-tools iraq liberal-politics liberties linguistics linux literature mac-os mathematics movies multimedia music nature satire science science-fiction pasdaran self-improvement shopping software space-exploration stumblers stumbleupon tattoos travel tv video video-games web-design windows writing actors america apple art aviation blog blogging bush california car cartoon cat celebrity charity ciy dog economy election elections energy entertainment exercise facebook film finance flash flowers food football funny gadgets game games gaming global-warming god google graffiti green home humour illustration images internet-marketing life living love mac marriage math media medicine microsoft money music-video obama oil online paintings pakistan peace photo photos photoshop pictures, pirates president quote recipe recipes republican rock sculpture security social-media social-networking society space star-wars tech technology television tips tools tutorials ubuntu vegan video videos vintage war water web web-development weird wordpress youtube sex sexy hot love porn president 2008 2009 winter secret omg no way art art bank barackobama blues broadway business canvass children management marketing media meeting music musicals mybo national networking new nfl nyc of office organizing party pop pride prideevent pridefest registration rock service show shows social sport sports startup technology theater tour voter voterregistrationdrive w web western women workshop free money you know your iranian when mohsen yeganeh benyamin tohi ramin bibak ebyiraany leeds persepolis empire love eshgh saari shomal you know your iranian when hayedeh shohreh benyamin shakira kamran hooman mahasti bahaal tehroon khoshkel khoshtip aab gooshkoob ringtone kebab kabaab
Anadolu Kültürleri ve Yemek Festivali 2014'te New York'ta... Anatolian Cultures & Food Festival will be held in New York in 2014..
A trip by the Iraqi cultural club at AUS with 47 students to Al Ain city on 23/11/2012.
Ellen Oxfeld, professor of anthropology at Middlebury College (Mar 7, 2008 at Middlebury College, Rohatyn Center for International Affairs)
Nov 2005 Nearly three years of violence have left Iraq on the verge of a collective breakdown. With l...
Abby Martin calls attention to the gross underestimation of Iraq War casualties, and calls out the WHO over a report that blatantly covers up the connectio...
Your Health First Project By : Ahmed AloBaiDi LPO SCOPH IFMSA-Iraq Thanx for : Caeser Alwardii Photography
Five years after the invasion, Iraq's health care system remains in crisis. Hospitals have to deal with the aftermath of bombs and shootings on a daily basis... The Pope led an intense five day visit in South Korea. On his flight back to Rome, he held an improvised press conference for about an hour, where the violence in Iraq and the persecution of minorities, took center stage. . --------------------- Suscríbete al canal: Visita nuestra web: ROME REPORTS,, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries. --------------------- Follow us... Our WEB FACEBOOK TWITTER PINTEREST INSTAGRAM
The President speaks to the press about House passage of health insurance reform and new progress towards autonomy in Iraq. November 8, 2009. (Public Domain)
Two Guys, TWU members Joe and Jim, talk about the high cost of health care and the war in Iraq.
June 29, 2007 presentation by Keith Humphreys for the Stanford School of Medicine Medcast lecture series. Keith Humphreys, professor of psychiatry and behavi...
Marine veteran and ObamaCare victim, Christopher Schiff, goes on Fox News' The Kelly File and is interviewed by Megyn Kelly about how ObamaCare affected him. Please visit to learn more.
Dr. F.A. Al-Alusi, Chair of Internal Medicine at Baghdad University, and Dr. Eric Stover, Director of the Human Rights Center at the UC Berkeley School of Pu...
Years of violence in Iraq has left a severe shortage of doctors, nurses and the most basic medicine. Areas outside Baghdad particularly suffer from the frail...
Numerous reports indicate that a large percentage of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder. The Oversight Committee holds a hearing with afflicted soldiers and their families, and examine the ability of the DOD and the VA to screen, treat, and track returning soldiers who are at risk, and assess the impact that these illnesses are having on military readiness and military families. Army Specialist Thomas Smith and Army Specialist Michael Bloodworth give opening remarks.
USAID/Primary Health Care Project in Iraq (PHCPI) Behavior Change Communication Campaign – Vaccination USAID/PHCP lunched a National Mass Media Campaign on July 13, 2014 through August 31st. The Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Campaign’s main objective is to support the MoH in achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs 4and5) and ultimately improve quality of primary health care in Iraq through 1) raising the level of awareness of the importance of promoting antenatal care, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, treatment of diarrhea, and good nutrition and hygiene to promote the health of mothers and children. And 2)Raising the level of awareness about best practices to increase the use of Primary Health Care (PHC) services in Iraq that empower communities to demand improved quality of services. The campaign consists of three TV spots, animated song, and seven-episode Information Series. The three spots were being broadcasted in Iraqia, Sumaria, Sharqiya, Al Rasheed, Al Afaq, Gali Kurdistan, Rudaw, Kurdsat TV Channels and the Radio spots in Dijla FM, Nawa, Al Rasheed, Iraqia, Demozi, Rudaw, Radio Al-Mirbad. The Information Series was broadcasted in the most designated Arabic and Kurdish channels. A special emphasis is given to target populations served by rural sub-clinics that cater to clients with lower-levels of education, including illiterate women and Internally Displace Persons (IDPs). These vulnerable populations will greatly benefit from the services provided by Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCCs) that target vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio and measles, as well as hygiene-related illnesses, such as cholera and diarrhea. In addition to this mass media campaign, PHCPI printed and distributed educational materials to reinforce the health messages of the BCC Campaign. Some of these materials dedicated to address high priority topics such as polio, cholera and measles.
Iraqi Health Now, an all volunteer-run organization that is dedicated to helping the people in Iraq and the refugees that had to leave. Two Iraq Veterans Against War, Josh Stieber and Ethan McCord, speak out about their involvement in the now infamous Wikileaks "Collateral Murder" video released last year, and advocate their and your support for Iraqi Health Now.
Political Comments Will Be Deleted. Just relax and watch some old TV. Dedicated to all friends and former co-workers who were assigned to AFTH Balad whethe... If you live and work in Iraq, then it is very important to have a good health medical insurance plan. The reason is that actually in the event of a serious medical issue it is most likely you are gone to want to be evacuated out of Iraq to probably Dubai or may be back to Europe for your health care treatment. Most health insurance plan today come in a modular form so, there is inpatient, outpatient, maternity, dental, optical, wellbeing and evacuation modules so each of those are a different modules, and it is important you take the right cover for you. And as I said if you are living or working in Iraq then the evacuation and repatriation module is gone to be critical. Beyond this modules they are things like deductible, chronic condition coverage, pre-existing coverage, geographical zones etc etc. There is a huge list of other things that we will normally look at when helping client to choose the right medical insurance plan. Finally there is the question of which insurance company. They are 20-30-40 international insurance plans that can cover you when you are living or working in Iraq. Choosing the right plan, would it be Bupa, Allianz, Cigna, Aetna... The list is very long it is not always easy and understanding the terminology and the specific differences between the plan and getting the right decision is not always the right forward. And our job as an intermediary is to help you to do that. In fact pacific prime is the world largest distributor of international private medical insurance to individual anywhere in the world. In 2012-2013, we where Bupa international and IHI Denmark top producer, so we have a tremendous experience in doing this. So if you are looking for help and advice on health insurance and you are living and working in Iraq, why not come and talk to us ?
USAID/Primary Health Care Project in Iraq (PHCPI) Behavior Change Communication Campaign – Diarrhea USAID/PHCP lunched a National Mass Media Campaign on July 13, 2014 through August 31st. The Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Campaign’s main objective is to support the MoH in achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs 4and5) and ultimately improve quality of primary health care in Iraq through 1) raising the level of awareness of the importance of promoting antenatal care, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, treatment of diarrhea, and good nutrition and hygiene to promote the health of mothers and children. And 2)Raising the level of awareness about best practices to increase the use of Primary Health Care (PHC) services in Iraq that empower communities to demand improved quality of services. The campaign consists of three TV spots, animated song, and seven-episode Information Series. The three spots were being broadcasted in Iraqia, Sumaria, Sharqiya, Al Rasheed, Al Afaq, Gali Kurdistan, Rudaw, Kurdsat TV Channels and the Radio spots in Dijla FM, Nawa, Al Rasheed, Iraqia, Demozi, Rudaw, Radio Al-Mirbad. The Information Series was broadcasted in the most designated Arabic and Kurdish channels. A special emphasis is given to target populations served by rural sub-clinics that cater to clients with lower-levels of education, including illiterate women and Internally Displace Persons (IDPs). These vulnerable populations will greatly benefit from the services provided by Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCCs) that target vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio and measles, as well as hygiene-related illnesses, such as cholera and diarrhea. In addition to this mass media campaign, PHCPI printed and distributed educational materials to reinforce the health messages of the BCC Campaign. Some of these materials dedicated to address high priority topics such as polio, cholera and measles.
USAID/Primary Health Care Project in Iraq (PHCPI) Behavior Change Communication Campaign – Breastfeeding USAID/PHCP lunched a National Mass Media Campaign on July 13, 2014 through August 31st. The Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Campaign’s main objective is to support the MoH in achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs 4and5) and ultimately improve quality of primary health care in Iraq through 1) raising the level of awareness of the importance of promoting antenatal care, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, treatment of diarrhea, and good nutrition and hygiene to promote the health of mothers and children. And 2)Raising the level of awareness about best practices to increase the use of Primary Health Care (PHC) services in Iraq that empower communities to demand improved quality of services. The campaign consists of three TV spots, animated song, and seven-episode Information Series. The three spots were being broadcasted in Iraqia, Sumaria, Sharqiya, Al Rasheed, Al Afaq, Gali Kurdistan, Rudaw, Kurdsat TV Channels and the Radio spots in Dijla FM, Nawa, Al Rasheed, Iraqia, Demozi, Rudaw, Radio Al-Mirbad. The Information Series was broadcasted in the most designated Arabic and Kurdish channels. A special emphasis is given to target populations served by rural sub-clinics that cater to clients with lower-levels of education, including illiterate women and Internally Displace Persons (IDPs). These vulnerable populations will greatly benefit from the services provided by Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCCs) that target vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio and measles, as well as hygiene-related illnesses, such as cholera and diarrhea. In addition to this mass media campaign, PHCPI printed and distributed educational materials to reinforce the health messages of the BCC Campaign. Some of these materials dedicated to address high priority topics such as polio, cholera and measles.
A first-person tour through the Virtual Iraq therapy program.
Dr. Daniel Lowenstein, Professor of Neurology at UCSF, discusses the health effects of the Iraq war in an effort to gain a general sense of the scope of injuries experienced by combatants in the Iraq War and to understand some of the societal implication in the United Stated related to these effects. [2/2008] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 13437]
Dr Hassan Kazaz, Director General of Public Health Directorate at Ministry of Health Iraq, told us what is necessary for improvement of healthcare sector in ...
USAID/Primary Health Care Project in Iraq (PHCPI) Behavior Change Communication Campaign – Pregnant Care USAID/PHCP lunched a National Mass Media Campaign on July 13, 2014 through August 31st. The Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Campaign’s main objective is to support the MoH in achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs 4and5) and ultimately improve quality of primary health care in Iraq through 1) raising the level of awareness of the importance of promoting antenatal care, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, treatment of diarrhea, and good nutrition and hygiene to promote the health of mothers and children. And 2)Raising the level of awareness about best practices to increase the use of Primary Health Care (PHC) services in Iraq that empower communities to demand improved quality of services. The campaign consists of three TV spots, animated song, and seven-episode Information Series. The three spots were being broadcasted in Iraqia, Sumaria, Sharqiya, Al Rasheed, Al Afaq, Gali Kurdistan, Rudaw, Kurdsat TV Channels and the Radio spots in Dijla FM, Nawa, Al Rasheed, Iraqia, Demozi, Rudaw, Radio Al-Mirbad. The Information Series was broadcasted in the most designated Arabic and Kurdish channels. A special emphasis is given to target populations served by rural sub-clinics that cater to clients with lower-levels of education, including illiterate women and Internally Displace Persons (IDPs). These vulnerable populations will greatly benefit from the services provided by Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCCs) that target vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio and measles, as well as hygiene-related illnesses, such as cholera and diarrhea. In addition to this mass media campaign, PHCPI printed and distributed educational materials to reinforce the health messages of the BCC Campaign. Some of these materials dedicated to address high priority topics such as polio, cholera and measles.
March 2004 For Iraqis, the breakdown of their health service is just as concerning as the decline in security. At Baghdad Central Children's hospital, used n...
ISIL Attack Military base and take Tanks | ISIL iraq war | VIDEO Iraq crisis and War in Iraq. ISIL attack Mosul. Tanks abandoned by Iraqi government troops as ISIL militants advanced on Kirkuk province army tanks appeared to have been abandoned in a field in Iraq's Kirkuk province after government troops abandoned their posts and what appeared to be Sunni ISIL rebels initially took over the area, a video posted on the internet showed. ISIS Iraq Crisis | Militants Attack | Tikrit After Taking Over Mosul Thanks for comment, subscribe to updates Follow us Twitter @newsdailyplanet .
Iraq War 2015 - Iraqi Army In Heavy Firefight During Tikrit Offensive. The battle for Tikrit is still ongoing after the Iraqi Army launched a major offensive to capture the city from daesh. Actually Iraqi Army Soldiers and Iraqi Special Forces engaging daesh militants in heavy fighting. Subscribe to WarLeaks for more Combat Footage.
Some crazy firefight scenes filmed in Iraq and Afghanistan. *WARNING* this video shows soldiers in firefight, it is for informative use only to show what is really going on in these wars. it shall NOT glorify violence!
Iraq crisis and War in Iraq. ISIL attack Mosul. Tanks abandoned by Iraqi government troops as ISIL militants advanced on Kirkuk province army tanks appeared ...
ISIS ISIL DAESH Control Tikrit Iraq battle Iran Military led takeover Breaking News March 2015 USA giving Iraq to IRAN? Battle for Tikrit controlled by Iran Military Breaking News March 2015 Obama anger against Netanyahu speech to USA Congress RAW full Obama&Netanyahu; Speech Breaking News March 2015 Arab Leaders snub Obama agree with Netanyahu telling obama to listen to netanyahu Breaking News March 2015 Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Chistians arrested no free speech Honor Killings USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 Raw Israel Netanyahu's Speech Full Video at AIPAC 2015 Breaking News March 2015 City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City of Maricopa police & combat veterans with PTSD demonstration Mayor Christian Price Chief of Police Steve Stahl in Maricopa City Arizona February 2015 City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans with PTSD awareness As troops return to our communities, they will need support services. This is something that the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking February 2015 Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 Chief of Police Phoenix Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 March 2015 Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 City of Maricopa Arizona Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) CALL Mayor Christian Price & Vice Mayor stating why police officers killed a Iraq veteran who sought help for PTSD and the VA turned him away when for years had been asking for help Contact Mayor Christian Price (520) 316-6828;=2 City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him ( says need PTSD help call 911) Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit
Video of U.S. Marines and Iraqi Soldiers engaging insurgents. Scenes include U.S. and Iraqi forces taking cover, talking on radios, and firing on insurgents....
Battlefield Iraq Heavy Clashes And Fighting Between Insurgents And Iraqi Army In The Anbar Province. Heavy Fighting Firefights And Clashes In Iraqs Anbar Province. Since 2014 the Anbar Province is place of fierce fighting between Sunni Iraqi Militias and the Iraqi Army. The main area of the clashes are the citys Ramadi and Falluja where a strong sunni population is located. According to Officials and witnesses, the Iraq government mainly has lost control over the strategic citys, west of Baghdad. The renewed violence in the Sunni province has raised concern about the stability of the government amid dueling claims by the terror group and security forces over who was in control of Falluja and Ramadi. Al-Qaeda black flags have been seen on government and police vehicles captured by the fighters. The army has besieged Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, and has launched air strikes on the city. Security forces backed by tanks on battled militants in Iraq's Anbar province, where fighting has displaced thousands and sparked warnings of rights abuses and a worsening humanitarian crisis. Some of the most significant fighting appeared to be in Falluja, where the U.S. military fought one of the bloodiest battles of the Iraq war, with militants planting al Qaeda flags on buildings. Gunmen calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq, took to a stage before thousands of Sunnis following Friday prayers in Falluja. The takeover of Fallujah and parts of Ramadi is the first time that tribal fighters have exercised such open control in major Iraqi cities since the height of the bloody insurgency that followed the US-led invasion of 2003. The fighting has left more than a hundred people dead and forced thousands of Falluja's residents to flee the city, to Baghdad, northern Iraq and the southern city of Karbala, where Shiite leaders are hosting the displaced families in housing built for religious pilgrims. The United States said it would speed up its deliveries of missiles and surveillance drones to Iraq as the Baghdad government battles a resurgence of Al-Qaeda linked militants. Iraq's prime minister has urged residents and tribes in Anbar province to "expel" al-Qaeda-linked fighters to avoid an all-out battle - remarks that may signal an imminent military move to retake the former insurgent stronghold. The Insurgents mainly ambushing Iraqi Army convoys in urban areas and attacking small check points and police stations with small arms, rpgs and ieds. The Iraqi Army repels with Air Strikes and armored infantry units. The ISIL rebels were trying to bring the battle to the cities of Anbar and Fallujah because there's no security there and they know they will be thoroughly defeated in the desert. The Iraqi civil war never really ended it just went off the boil for a while. Last year, the heat was turned back to high, with the number of civilian deaths from political violence doubling to roughly 8,000 people over the previous year, the highest civilian death toll since at least 2008. Officials have blamed the upsurge in violence to a resurgent Al-Qaeda emboldened by the civil war in neighbouring Syria, but the government has itself faced criticism for not doing enough to address the concerns of Iraq's disaffected Sunni Arab minority ahead of April elections. Map of Falluja: Map of Ramadi: Want to see more HD combat videos? Well, make sure to leave a rate, comment/s, and subscribe for more! Subscribe for more: aDRI12345 On Facebook: *DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archvie of the conflict in Iraq and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Iraq. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. This footage is NOT meant to be violent in any way. I am ONLY sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating. I also want to share this footage for: news reporting, sharing important information with the public, and the transformative nature of the footage.
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Always Faithful, the documentary of military dogs in war, is shared with footage, the trailer and explanation from director Harris Done. The bond between soldiers with their dogs, the selection process of K-9 division, and the experience of both animals and handlers in war zones is looked at in the full length and uncensored BYOD interview hosted by Ondi Timoner. GUEST BIO: Harris Done is a graduate of the USC School of Cinema-Television where he earned a degree in Film Production. While there, he photographed the award-winning film, Hotel November, and directed a documentary about competitive fencing, Throwing Steel. Harris has worked extensively behind the camera and made his feature doc directing debut with War Dogs Of The Pacific. ADD'L LINKS: BYOD Full Episodes Playlist:;=share&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGdZbrANmO6kYPy8IQC0GiN_ BYOD Short Clips Playlist:;=share&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGfH8WTTVnr_8vzWUQ6CfSS_ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 Welcome to BYOD. 01:30 Introducing Harris Done. 03:00 Done's connection with the relationships marines have with their dogs. 05:50 Always Faithful: The process of selecting canines and handlers. 09:00 Done on communicating the bond between handler and dog. 11:30 Always Faithful: The preliminary training of military dogs. 20:20 Always Faithful: Training military dogs for field combat with marines. 24:30 The process of marines taking care of their canines in order to ensure proficiency. 26:00 Always Faithful: The co-dependence between a marine and their canine. 31:10 Always Faithful: Why dogs are not seen as equipment in the eyes of soldiers. 35:10 Thanks and goodbye.
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: Last summer, the group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept from Syria into northern Iraq, routing Iraqi security forces and seizing the city of Mosul. Soon afterward, the group declared the establishment of a dubious "caliphate" in the area it controls and rebranded itself the Islamic State. With Iraq's army weakened and radical militants advancing on Baghdad, the country's Iran-backed Shia militias — which have their own history of sectarian abuses — fought back, halting the Islamic State's progress. The militias have successfully combated Islamic State fighters on the ground with the assistance of air strikes from a US-led military coalition. But their growing influence within Iraq's government amid accusations that they have harmed Sunnis in areas that they control has led many to fear that the militias threaten the country's fragile sectarian and political balance. VICE News traveled to Iraq in December to witness firsthand how Shia militias are taking the fight to the Islamic State, and to document the fallout of their controversial rise to power. Watch "The Islamic State (Full Length)" - Watch "The Battle for Iraq" - Watch "Syria: Wolves in the Valley" - Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, hundreds of US veterans of the war say the American military has been covering up widespread ci... - Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will join thousands of protesters this Sunday at the NATO summit in Chicago. We speak to Iraq...
Take a look at our data visualization and find out how the American military adapted it's tactics in the face of changing threats from their enemies in Iraq....
Iraq War: How the US military adapted to changing threats. As US forces sped across the desert during the invasion of Iraq 10 years ago this month, many troops were carried in vehicles that lacked armour. Just a few years later, driving without added protection became unthinkable amid the bloodshed that roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices wrought on US troops and Iraqi civilians. Throughout the war in Iraq the American military faced an enemy whose ability to adapt tactics and weapons proved increasingly deadly. The Americans reacted each time by enhancing and upgrading their equipment. But the military forces were often criticised for the slow pace at which they adopted these measures. Produced by the BBC's David Botti Additional photos/video: Getty Images, ThinkStock, and the US Army Sources: Congressional Research Service, Marine Corps Systems Command, US Government Accountability Office, US Marine Infantry Combat Uniforms and Equipment by Kenneth Ewald, Joint Forces Quarterly, US Department of Defense, and period news reports
Iraq War 2015 | Iraq Army Controlled Tikrit After Fighting 10 Days | Battle Of Tikrit Iraq War 2015 | Iraq Army Controlled Tikrit After Fighting 10 Days | Battle Of Tikrit Iraq War 2015 | Iraq Army Controlled Tikrit After Fighting 10 Days | Battle Of Tikrit iraq war,iraq war 2015,iraq war firefight,iraqi war iraqi special forces,iraq war combat footage,combat footage iraq,battlefield iraq,warleaks iraq,iraq,war,clashes,heavy firefight in iraq,firefight in iraq,iraqi special forces firefight,battle for tikrit,battle of tikrit,tikrit offensive,iraq battle 2015,iraq 2015,iraq 2015 firefight,heavy fighting in iraq,heavy clashes in iraq,fighting and clashes in iraq,Tikrit (City/Town/Village),combat footage,Iraq War (Military Conflict),Iraqi Army (Armed Force),Iraq (Country),tikrit offensive 2015,iraq combat footage,iraqi army offensive,fighting,firefight,battle,heavy firefight,heavy fighting,clashes in iraq,tikrit,offesnive,iraq heavy fighting,iraq helmet cam firefight,helmet cam combat footage,iraq helmet cam,helmet cam firefight in iraq,iraq clashes,heavy fighting in tikrit,tikrit offensive clashes,iraq clashes 2015,iraq fighting 2015,iraqi army,warleaks,First Battle Of Tikrit,iaf,iraqi airforce,hits,direct hit,missile,airstrike,is airstrike,target,destroys,destroyed,fighting in iraq,helicopter iraq,attack helicopter iraq,aviation,Air Force (Organization Type),Military,Army,iraq battle,retreat,retreating convoy,fwcf,ff530,war in iraq,heavy clashes and fighting in iraq,battle for samarra,helmet cam iraq,heavy clashes,iraq airstrikes,combat footage from iraq,airstrike cockpit view,combat helicopter cockpit view,airstrikes iraq,iraqi combat helicopters,iraqi army in action,attack helicopter strike in iraq,Iraqi Air Force (Armed Force),iraq crisis,iraq military,war in iraq 2015,iraqi army battle,Attack Helicopter (Aircraft Type),Helicopter (Invention),tikrit battle,battle for mosul,milan launch iraq,heavy fighting and clashes in iraq,kurdish peshmergas fighting in iraq,iraq war clashes,warclashes,war and clashes in iraq,fight against isis,isis vehicle destroyed,intense firefight,peshmerga,iraq (country),islamic state,syria (country),attack,pkk,ypg,isis defeat,kirkuk fighting,kurdish special forces in iraq,kurdish special forces firefight,special forces,battle for kirkuk,Kirkuk (City/Town/Village),Kurds (Ethnicity),Peshmerga (Organization),Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),Mosul (City/Town/Village),Syria (Country),tikrit firefight,tikrit clashes,tikrit fighting,ied iraq,svbied iraq,close call iraq,ied attack iraq,Battle Of Tikrit,iraq war war 2015,iraqi special forces,special forces combat footage,iraqi special forces in firefight,special forces in firefight,iraq shootout,iraq warclashes,isof,special force raid,Al Anbar Governorate (Administrative Division),iraq war 2014,iraq war isis,iraq isis video,iraq war footage ambush,iraq war documentary,iraq war casualties,iraq war movies,iraq war cost,iraq war footage,Special Forces (Literature Subject),War (Quotation Subject),Militant,iraq special forces,iraqi army offensive 2015,warclashes iraq,iraq firefight,battlefield,Offensive,heavy clashes in tikrit,firefight in tikrit,kurdish fighters fight in iraq,us airstrikes in iraq,a-10 gun run iraq,airstirke iraq,heavy fighting in mosul,Iraq War 2015,Iraq War,Iraq War (Military Conflict),Iraqi Army (Armed Force),Iraq (Country),Tikrit (City/Town/Village),iraq war,iraq war 2015,battlefield iraq,tikrit offensive,tikrit offensive 2015,battle for tikrit,iraq combat footage,iraqi army offensive,combat footage,iraq,battle of tikrit,heavy fighting in iraq,heavy clashes in iraq,iraq helmet cam firefight,helmet cam combat footage,iraq helmet cam,helmet cam firefight in iraq,iraq clashes,heavy fighting in tikrit,tikrit offensive clashes,iraq clashes 2015,iraq fighting 2015,iraqi army,warleaks,First Battle Of Tikrit,France,24,News,F24,news,Latest,Politics (TV Genre),Television (Invention),Iraqi Armed Forces (Organization),Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (Organization),City (Type Of Fictional Setting),Syria (Country),video,cbs,CNN,CNN TV,CNN Newsroom,International Desk,isis,battle iraq,Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,default,isil,daesh,iran,usa,kirkuk,control,military,obama,worldnews,Armed Forces (Employer),Iran assisting,Iraqi,forces,Iraqi forces,Tikrit,battle for Tikrit,coalition,coalition hold,together,coalition hold together,tikrit battle,tikrit firefight,tikrit clashes,tikrit fighting,ied iraq,svbied iraq,close call iraq,ied attack iraq,iraq battle,state,controls,criticizes,killed,shooting,News Broadcasting (TV Genre),making,progress,Iraqi forces making progress,recaptured,towns,recaptured towns,towns close to Tikrit,ISIS,Tikrit from ISIS,EARLY EDITION 18:00,NEWS,VOD,Video,arirang,TV,Korea,Korean,Culture,Kpop,airstrikes,militants,Iraq War 2015,America,Car Bomb,Suddam Hussein,Troops,TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,Gun Fight,Battle,tikrit iraq,tikrit iraq 2015,
Wojna w Iraqu.
Saddam Hussein - Defying the World (documentary segment). Thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel universe weapon kill killing shooting military army war warfare world WWII WW2 II 2 fight fighting soldier tank weapons axis allies nuclear atomic bomb tanks jet fighter battle stations aircraft bomber tanks stealth gun guns iraq iraqui afghanistan middle east iran dictator leader
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The Iraqi Army backed by air support continues its offensive in the battle for Tikrit, Iraq. Heavy clashes took place in the area around Salah al-Din and after hevay fighting the Iraqi Army announced to have been in control of the town for around 70 per cent now. This footage released by the Iraqi Ministry Of Defence shows the recent battles in the area. Subscribe to WarLeaks for more combat footage.
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power is a 2012 book by Rachel Maddow. Her first book, Drift explores the premise that the manner in which the Unit...
The rationale for the Iraq War (i.e. the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent hostilities) has been a contentious issue since the Bush administration began a...
Various Machine Guns in action during Combat and Training. Iraq War footage set to Metallica Enter Sandman.
Ian Welch was on his first combat tour in Iraq, waiting to storm across the Diyala Bridge and seize Baghdad, when an artillery round exploded behind him--changing his life forever. Now he and his girlfriend Katie are hoping love can change it back. Photos, Audio and Video by Brandon Thibodeaux - Additional photography by: Gary Knight - Gilles Bassignac Robert Nickelsberg
Iraq's Defence Ministry released a video on Monday (August 25) showing military helicopter evacuating group of children, women and elderly from the northern ...
Iraq National Football team Compliation - Road to the Finals - By LeoMessiHD العراق في كأس الخليج 21 - 2013 عراق أهداف العراق في خليجي 21 - بطولات و أحزان أسود الرافدين Iraq u20 world cup 2013 turkey FIFA u 20Ignore Tags : Bahrain vs Oman . Qatar Vs United Arab Emirates , Kuwait vs Yemen , Iraq vs Saudi Arabia , Qatar vs Oman , Bahrain vs United Arab Emirates , Iraq Vs Kuwait , Yemen vs Saudi Arabia , Bahrain VS Qatar , United arab emirates vs Oman , Iraq Vs yemen , Kuwait vs Saudi Arabia , UAE vs Kuwait , IRaq vs Bahrain , Kuwait vs Bahrain , Iraq Vs UAE ( United Arab Emirates Ahmed Yasin , Younis Mahmoud بحرين و عمان ، قطر و الامارات ، الكويت × اليمن ، السعودية x العراق ، عمان x قطر ، الامارات x البحرين ، العراق والكويت ، السعودية x اليمن ، البحرين x قطر ، الامارات x عمان ، العراق x اليمن . الكويت x السعودية ، الامارات x الكويت ، البحرين x العراق ، الكويت 6-1 البحرين ، هدف العراق x الإمارات ، يونس محمود ، خليجي 21 البحرين ٢١ ، أهداف أحمد ياسين Dinamo de Kiev 29/09/2009 - C. Ronaldo vs Leo Messi 2010 *Champions League - Uefa 7ª Jornada Liga BBVA - Barça Vs Inter Milan- Ibrahimovic vs Eto'o 16/09/09 - Arsenal vs Chelsea Liverpool Final Conferedations cup copa confederaciones 2009 USA 2-3 BRAZIL Goals and Highlights UEFA Champions League Messi(2) Park Van Persie Real Madrid 2-6 FC Barcelona 02/05/2009 - 2th May - The Classic - Goals and Highlights Leo Messi - Kuyt Alonso Geovanni 2-2 española Real Madrid - FC Barcelona santiago bernabeu 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 -10 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 8-0 9-0 10-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 1-2 2-2 3-2 4-2 5-2 6-2 7-2 8-2 9-2 10-2 1-3 2-3 3-3 4-3 5-3 6-3 7-3 8-3 9-3 10-3 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-4 10-4 1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5 5-5 6-5 7-5 8-5 9-5 10-5 1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 6-6 7-6 8-6 9-6 10-6 1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 7-7 8-7 9-7 10-7 Messi(Barcelona)Gianluigi Buffon(Juventus),Iker Casillas(Real Madrid),Petr Cech(Chelsea),Edwin van der Sar(Manchester United),Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid), Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United), Paolo Maldini (AC Milan), Alessandro Nesta (AC Milan), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), John Terry (Chelsea), Thierry Henry (Barcelona), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Barcelona), Wayne Rooney (Machester United), Carlos Tevez (Manchester City), Fernando Torres (Liverpool), David Villa (Valencia). The players featured in this video play for countries: Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Togo, Wales.Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Birmingham City, Bolton, Chelsea, Derby County, Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Newcastle United, Portsmouth, Reading, Sunderland, Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham United, Wigan Athletic. manchester united, sporting lisbon, portugal, english premier league, skills, goals, rabona hocus pocus, sent off rooney, world cup amazing goal, joga bonito, champions league, carling cup league cup, fa cup, skillz, freekick, penalty, bbc motd, skysports, setanta sports, itv sport, nike vapor, rooney, Cristiano ronaldo, tevez, giggs, scholes, alex ferguson, pfa player of the year, pfa young player of the year leo messi Ronaldinho, messi, nani, henry, bojan, adebayor, fabregas, torres, flamini, clichy, evra, vidic, ferdinand, brown, neville, carrick, anderson, scholes, giggs,Arsenal, chelsea Liga BBVA 2008-2009 FC Barcelona Real Madrid Numancia Sevilla Valencia Getafe Almeria Espanyol Athelic de Bilbao Atletico de Madrid Betis Racing Sporting de Gijon Mallorca Recreativo de Huelva Villarreal Osasuna Deportivo de la Coruña Valladolid bojan, adebayor, fabregas, torres, flamini, clichy, evra, vidic, ferdinand, brown, neville, carrick, Barcelona Vs Bayern Munchen.The summary of match which took place at New Camp (The stadium of Barcelona).UEFA Champions vi ott Fabregas Senna Gerrard Drogba Torres Kuyt Lampard Fabio Aurelio Cech Ivanovic Alex FC Barcelona 0-0 Chelsea 28-04-2009 Manchester - Arsenal 29-04-2009 25/04/2009 Valencia CF - FC Barcelona Liga BBVA 2-2 vs Chivas vs manchester united espanyol barça manchester vs city Leo Messi 2009 2010 skills goals season new 100% nuevo برشلونة ميسي الهدف يونس محمود اسيا ٢٠٠٧ أحمد ياسين نور صبري ضرغام asian cup 2007 2011 younis mahmoud hawar nashat akram dhrurgam nour sabri basra sports city نشأت أكرم حكيم شاكر أب ابطال أسود الرافدين أحمد ياسين ahmed yasin حسين سعيد علي كاظم كأس ال-٣ ٣ علم ٢٠١٤ 2014 iraq football song
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an iraq sport song by
funny dive!!
ماذا قال راضي شنيشل لحسام حسن في أخبار الحرة عراق بعد مباراة العراق واوزبكستان
نشرة اخبار الرياضة -- الحرة عراق ليوم الخميس 1 ايلول زيكو متفائل ومحافظ اربيل يتحدث عن استعدادات واسعة لإنجاح استضافة لقاء العراق والاردن
IRAQ FIRST SHOP OPENED ERKE Iraq first store opened in North city Erbil on Aug 23, following the pace of Iran 2nd open last month. New store takes an area of...
"In the massive Oso mudslide debris field there is an odd silence. The silence is broken by the bark of search dogs or the din of hovercraft in the distance....
رياضة يمارسها شباب مغتربين في النجف الاشرف - ويبثون عن داعم لهم - وهم يتعرضون للسجن بين فترة واخرى بسبب ممارستهم لهذه الرياضة في الاماكن العامة ويستغلون توقف السيارات في اشارات المرور لاستعراض مهاراتهم
Iraq Crisis, Elections, Turkey's President Erdogan and Ebola Crisis and Sport: LIGUE 1, Community Shield, tennis and US PGA Tour (France 24 IN THE PRESS). Nicholas Rushworth covers the Iraq Crisis and the plight of the YezidiPeople, Iraq elections, Turkey's President Erdogan, and Ebola! France24 journalist, Nicholas Rushworth looks at the newspaper coverage of the ongoing crisis in Iraq and the plight of the Yisidi people. Live from the newsroom, FRANCE24 journalist provides an exhaustive overview of world's newspaper headlines. All shows: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
Perfect Jump and great land! I give him 10!
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MOHON DI LIKE DAN SUBCRIBE/LANGGANAN BERITA POLITIK,SELEBRITI DANKEHIDUPAN SOSIAL Iraq is not currently the obvious choice for a ski holiday but the Korek Mountain Resort in Kurdistan is hoping to change that. The $95m resort in northern Iraq threw a pre-launch party as part of the government's plan to make the region a major tourist destination
Ashraf Nagy on Iraq Sports Seige
.. للمزيد من الحلقات تابعوا موقع سومر اونلاين ... تابعونا دائما قنواتنا NiceTupe رابط الصفحة على فيس بوك التالي وايضا قناتنا
Might have a really special video tomorrow ;)
نحن اول معهد لتدريب فن الجيت كون دو في الشرق الاوسط.
This is the reason we were in Kurdistan. Students and teachers from ten districts of greater Iraq and Kurdistan came together for a historic programme of leadership development. Our team - from the first and only school in the UK to take students to this part of the middle east - were outstanding. They demonstrated exemplary leadership throughout. This video shows the project - the sports festival - which demonstrated that young people - irrespective of race and culture - could unite around a common understanding of leadership, sport and teamwork. Thew project was made possible by the British Council, Youth Sport Trust and EU. On this occasion we also had lots of donated kit and equipment from Ipswich Town FC. This was presented to those students who, in our opinion, had shown the most impressive leadership across the four days. You'll see it towards the end of the video. We are very proud as a school to be involved in this ground-breaking project. Our thanks to the British Council, Youth Sport Trust, EU ... and Ipswich Town FC.
Getting There: Iraqi Kurdistan has two international airports, Erbil and Sulaimany. Currently there are direct international flights from Kurdistan to Dubai, Amman, Beirut and Frankfort. There is the option to reach to Kurdistan by flying to Turkey: - Purchase a ticket to Diyarbakir (the nearest large city to the Turkish / Iraqi Kurdistan border). Upon arrival to the Diyarbakir airport, you will need to take a taxi to the border (Ibrahim Khalil / Habur). Once you have crossed the Turkish border into Iraqi Kurdistan (Ibrahim Khalil/Habur), you will be greeted by the Kurdish customs officials who will issue you a visa and further information on your destination. Getting Around Iraqi Kurdistan: Taxi, Bus, and Private Car Hire. If you are mainly interested in staying in a city, taxi is reliable and good value for money. An average charge within a city drive is 2 dollers, as for the Bus it is definitely cheaper. To hire a car with or without driver could be the option for you. You can have your own chauffeur at your disposal throughout your stay. This will offer you the choice to travel short or long distances. A local driver has the knowledge and will advise you throughout your visit. Where to Visit Erbil city is the capital of Kurdistan Region Government, the oldest city with continuous residentially. This city is regarded as one of the most deep-rooted Governorate in the area, its history begins before A.D. The city was established 6000 prior to A.D. The name of Erbil city has been found in the Somarian transcripts. The city was the main station for The God Ashtar which was the main goddess which was worshiped at that era. The city is a key element for eastern part and Kurdistan Region defining. Geographical Data: Erbil city is located east to Sulaymanyah Governorate and it is only 350 km from Baghdad. The city is surrounded by Nineveh from west and Kirkuk city from east and Iran and Turkey from North. There are two Museum, Erbil citadel museum, which is located in the citadel. It contains about 40 antique parts and anc-ient heritages. The second one is Erbil museum which includes about 5000 ancient parts, which deep-rooted in the history. Sulaimani City, One of the major cities in both Kurdistan region and Iraq, situated 385 Km north Baghdad and 198 Km north east Erbil the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The city sits between two chains of mountains (Goyzha & Glazarda), The city was founded by Ibrahim Pasha in the year 1784. Today Sulaimani has developed in most modern life aspects, hotels, motels, supermarkets & Malls, theatres, restaurants & Parks. From the cultural perspective, Sulaimani is considered to be the capital of Kurdish culture, the famous old Saray situates at the center of the city, while many museums are distributed. Sulaimani Embrace several universities & Educational Institutions both Public & Private, in addition to the American University. Duhok City is the center of Duhok prefecture (governorate) one of main cities in Kurdistan Region. It situates north Iraq, close to both Syrian & Turkish borders. Duhok city is on plane ground between 2 mountain chains, Shandukha from the south and Spi from the north, while mountain Seen stands on the east. On the west side a plane area could be seen with a tourism environment. The majority of citizens are Kurds; they live peacefully with Chaldean, Assyrian, Armenian and Yazidi minorities. Duhok city is famous with historical sites in which sculptures could be seen on the rocks. Yazidic cultural museum, playground for kids, small zoo. The city embraces Duhok University and many cultural centers. Some most important tourist sites inside the city include Masjed Haj Ahmad considered to be the the biggest Masjed of Duhok and Mart Alaha Church the oldest church in Duhok Kalar, is the administrative center of Garmyan district. It lies 140 Km southeast of Sulaimani prefecture and 30 Km from the Iranian border. Kalar consists of 27 quarters of a population of about 250,000 residents. Kalar is located on a large plain area embracing many historical sites related to different periods; BC, AD, and Islamic periods. Shirwana Citadel, Pasha Citadel and Christian Canal are examples of AD historical sites. In winter, temperatures may reach 2˚C. Further information on Kurdistan Tourism Live broadcast Unravel Travel TV Unravel Travel TV Twitter Unravel Travel TV on You Tube Unravel Travel TV Iraq has some amazing opportunities for tourism.
I fly into Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq. But this is nothing like Baghdad; it's peaceful and full of culture. I wander around a bazaar, see a bit of the citadel, and then do a rip around the city in a taxi.
Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information Baghdad Travel - Iraq Tourist Information 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle. 7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles. 6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid. 5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system. 4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period. 3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib. 2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency. 1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015. A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy. The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city. Tourist invitation to Iraq....... Cradle of civilization. ENJOY THE VIDEO CLIP
The ancient city of Baghdad and the largest city and capital of Iraq... This movie showcases the beauty of this magnificent, vibrant, awesome and stunning metropolis inhabited by more than 9 million Iraqis... The slide images featured in this movie will show you a glimpse of life in this world center and beacon of mankind's history, heritage and culture throughout the ages and its many contributions to Arabic, Islamic and other world cultural advancements since the time and rise of the early Mesopotamian civilizations established in Iraq more than 6000 years ago ... Baghdad is also known by its other name, Dar-Us-Salam or the city of peace and it is the first round city in the world... Magnificent places you won't believe your eyes and you wouldn't think 10,000+ ancient and wonderful places still exist in the cradle of civilization once known as Mesopotamia and best known today as Iraq
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Iraq in pictures from a tourist guide published in Iraq 1982
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph. The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state. Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged. VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings. Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Beautiful Iraq Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide Iraq hotels Iraq accommodation Iraq Landscapes Iraq guest houses Iraq lodging Iraq hotelsflights Iraq flight Iraq cruises Iraq locations Iraq motels Iraq vacations Iraq bed and breakfast Iraq hostel Iraq travel Iraq, tourism, hotels, accommodation, Landscape, guest houses, lodging, hotelsflights, cheap, flight, cruises, locations, motels, vacations, bed and breakfast, yacht, charter, guide, travel
Travel to Iraqi Kurdistan. Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel's Head of Operations, Marc Leaderman, travelled to Iraqi Kurdistan for the first time earlier this year. He discovered a safe and fascinating destination with a rich history, extraordinary landscapes and warm, welcoming people. Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel will run its first group trip into this northern region of Iraq in 2013. For more information visit
A week spent traveling around Iraqi Kurdistan, Southern Turkey, and along the Syrian border. Stops include Erbil, Rowanduz, Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk, and Diyarbakir Turkey. Go Pro.
Short video of my trip to Erbil, Kurdistan region - Iraq during May 2013
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera 9726905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522 My name is Zahi Shaked In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide. My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land. Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity. In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters) Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
'U dnt need much, u get wages here, u get food provided and place to stay': The rough travel guide British ISIS fighters are using to lure fellow Britons in to waging Jihad in Iraq
The 2013 mass surveillance disclosures refer to media reports which revealed operational details of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its international partners' mass surveillance of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens. Aside from its partnership with federal agencies, the NSA-led surveillance involves extensive cooperation with foreign governments and intelligence agencies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Germany, the latter classified in NSA documents as being both a partner and a target. Data collected in foreign countries by XKeyscore, for example, have landed directly on "President Obama's desk". Although disclosures of the general scope of the program were made in 2006,[2] a series of articles attracted significant public attention on 6 June 2013, when documents made public by Edward Snowden were first published simultaneously by The Washington Post and The Guardian. These documents included operational details of the "scale of domestic surveillance", according to journalist Glenn Greenwald.[3] Several days later, President Obama reassured the American public that stringent controls placed by the United States Congress and the FISA Court have ensured that "nobody" is listening to the phone calls of U.S. citizens.[4] On 14 June 2013, the main source of these disclosures, Edward Snowden, was formally charged by U.S. federal prosecutors for violating the Espionage Act of 1917 due to his unauthorized communication and theft of government property. Several weeks later, Snowden, who subsequently fled to Russia via Hong Kong, was granted temporary asylum by the Russian government. This contributed to a deterioration of Russia--United States relations. On 6 August, President Obama made a public appearance on national television where he reiterated that "We don't have a domestic spying program" and "There is no spying on Americans".[5] Despite Obama's reassurances, however, social movements such as Restore the Fourth have arisen as a form of protest against mass surveillance. Domestic spying programmes in other countries such as France, the UK, and India have also been brought to light. On the legal front, the EFF joined a coalition of diverse groups filing lawsuits against the NSA. Several human rights organizations have urged the Obama administration not to persecute, but to protect "whistleblower Snowden". These groups include Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Transparency International, and the Index on Censorship. This is the summary of Baghdad Sketches: Journeys through Iraq (Freya Stark Collection) by Freya Stark.
There are hopes that Iraq may have started on the path to stability. After all, civilisation as we know it once emerged from this region. Slowly, over the last several years, regional and national elections have been held, foreign troops have started to depart and the healing process looks to be underway. More optimistic Iraqi refugees have returned as security improves and foreign companies have begun to bid for the first post-war oil contracts. ********** This description is from WORLDTRAVELGUIDE. World Travel Guide own all copyright to this description. Visit here - **********
Iraq-Iran war remembered on Nowruz, holidays. Iranians from across the country are visiting places which used to be the scenes of one of the fiercest war of the 20th century; the imposed Iraq-Iran war. "Rahyan Noor" (travelers on the path of light) is a government entity that facilitates travelling to the former front lines of Iraq-Iran. They want the stories and the lessons the war taught, to be heard from one generation to the next. Hoveize Martyr Camp in Southern Iran is one of around thirty battlefields of yesterday, turned into the tourist attractions of today. Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on:
When you think of tourism, Iraq does not probably jump to mind. Despite that there is a large Iraq booth at the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 at Excel in London with a reasonable number of delegates in attendance. Because of this ASIA Travel sat down with Fadhil Al-Saaegh , Managing Director of Al-Rafidain Co. Ltd., to ask why Iraq has spent so much to promote the country when from an outsiders perspective there seems to be so much trouble. We ask whether it is safe, the status of tourism there at the moment, if there are any areas other than Baghdad that are attracting tourism and what the state of national monuments, treasures and other tourist sites are. Numerous airlines have also started to resume flights to different destinations in Iraq such as Baghdad, Basra and others. ASIA Travel asks what the country is doing to attract more airlines etc.
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Travel in time and space on a virtual flying carpet to the Kingdom of Iraq in the beginning of the 20th century. A revised and improved edition with added pictures of people and places.
I've put this video together to show you what a beautiful country Iraq is....enjoy! Music: Chi Mali Wali by Anwar Abu Dragh
Iraq War - Iraqi Special Forces In Heavy Combat Action Against ISIS. Heavy Clashes Fighting And Fireifghts Between Iraqi Special Forces And ISIS. Iraqi Special Forces on the battlefield in Iraq. Iraqi Army In Combat Against Al Qaeda In Anbar Iraq. Iraqi Army In Heavy Fighting Firefights And Combat During Clashes In Anbar Iraq. SUBSCRIBE to WarLeaks for more combat footage and like our facebook page WWW.FB.COM/WARLEAKER for more footage.
Iraq's former National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie debates ISIL strategy, sectarianism, and the nation's crisis. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
If you enjoyed watching please comment or leave a like thank you. BBC documentary about the Iraq war. Part 2 of another great BBC documentary on the Iraq war. documentary movies documentary long documentary history documentary on serial killers documentary national geographic documentary 2013 documentary bbc docume. If you enjoyed watching please comment or leave a like thank you. BBC documentary about the Iraq war. Part 2 of another great BBC documentary on the Iraq war. Is Hitler Still Alive History Channel 2014 BBC Documentary War Documentary Films documentary films documentary 2014 documentary national geographic documenta.
Saddam's Hussein: Filmed just before the First Gulf War this is the story of a society dominated by one man... Subscribe to Journeyman for more: For downloads and more information visit: What was life really like in Saddam’s Iraq? This week’s offering is the definitive documentary on the cult of Saddam Hussein. Filmed just before the first Gulf war, it depicts a prosperous and sophisticated society in which every aspect of life is coloured by ‘love’ for the ‘Great Leader’. Darkly ironic, this film captures the surreal and Orwellian nature of life under Saddam Hussein. In a country which today has lost even its most basic services, the testimony of this vanquished middle-class and the prosperity of their society resonates on many levels. Jeff B. Harmon - Ref 1181 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Mission Accomplished: Langan in Iraq (2004) - The definitive grassroots view of the Iraqi invasion. Subscribe to Journeyman for more: For downloads and more information visit: Seven months after war was declared over, journalist Sean Langan arrived in Iraq. He spent three months living in the notorious Sunni triangle, deftly moving between resistance fighters and the American troops. Travelling where few journalists dare to go and filming alone, the producer has captured a rare grassroots view of the war still raging across Iraq. Sean Langan - Ref. 2409 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Iraq War, also called Second Persian Gulf War, battle in Iraq that consisted of two phases. The very first of these was a brief, conventionally fought war in April 2003, in which Iraq was invaded by a combined force of troops from America and Great Britain.In this Iraq war documentary you can watch the Inside story's told by the men and women who lived it. Follow us on: Facebook - Twitter - Tumblr -
As the US strikes ISIL targets in Iraq, we report from Irbil on the consequences of the latest foreign intervention. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
A rare Israeli account inside Syria and Iraq about the fight against ISIS. Itai Anghel and Eddie Gerald spent two weeks on the front line to bring that account:- ISIS prisoners tell their philosophy that led them to beheading, burning, raping and killing everybody who is different from them. - A journey with the Kurdish guerrilla in Iraq (PKK) and in Syria (YPG and YPJ) who are the only people who dare to confront ISIS on the ground. - The Kurdish women fighters who became the nightmare of ISIS. Apparently, if a woman kills an ISIS fighter he would not get to heaven and wont win the 72 virgins who, according to his belief, are awaiting him the moment he dies as a martyr. - The dismantling of Iraq and Syria as states as we knew them. A documentary by Itai Anghel
Human Rights Watch says Iraqi civilians are being caught between the "horrors of ISIL and the brutality of Shia militias". The rights group accuses government forces, volunteers and Shia fighters of burning and looting dozens of Sunni villages in northeastern Iraq. Its latest report focuses on the town of Amerli, in the aftermath of an offensive to drive out fighters belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group. Based on satellite images, video and witness statements, Human Rights Watch says the evidence points to revenge attacks against civilians suspected of collaborating with ISIL, and collective punishment against Sunnis and other minorities based on their sect. Iraq's Ministry of Defence has blamed ISIL for the destruction. In a statement it said: "No human rights violations or property damages had been committed ... by either the MOD troops, Shia militias or the peshmerga whether before the liberation of Amerli or after." So are Iraqi civilians paying the price for sectarian reprisals? And what is being done to protect them? Presenter: Adrian Finighan Guests: Mowaffak al-Rubaie - Member of the Iraqi parliament representing the Shia National Alliance Coalition. Ali Khedery - Former special assistant to five US ambassadors to Iraq, who now runs an international strategic advisory firm, Dragoman Partners. Mike Lyons - Military analyst and Senior Fellow at the Truman National Security Project. More on our website: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our channel: Find us on Facebook:
A compelling account of a life inside Iraq that is rarely seen on news bulletins: stories of ordinary women whose struggle to survive has only worsened since the war. Iraqi women and child The invasion of Iraq heralded promises of freedom from tyranny and equal rights for the women of Iraq. But three years on, the reality of everyday life for women inside Iraq is a different story. To make this film, two Iraqi women risk their lives to spend three months travelling all over the country with a camera to record the lives and experiences of women they meet. Visit for more videos like this! C4
This is a documentary that show us the USA in Iraq Paypal Donation link * :;_button_id=CUVRZZLLYMSFS Note : Half of the donation you guys make will go to charity :)
The Iraq War[nb 1] was an armed conflict in Iraq that consisted of two phases. The first was an invasion of Iraq starting on March 20, 2003 by an invasion force led by the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland which resulted in the end of Ba'athist Iraq and the establishment of a democratic constitution.[43][44][45][46] It was followed by a longer phase of fighting, in which an insurgency emerged opposing the occupying forces and the newly elected Federal government of Iraq.[47] Roughly 96.5 percent of the casualties suffered by coalition forces were suffered during the second phase, rather than the initial invasion.[48] The U.S. completed its withdrawal of military personnel in December 2011, during the ninth year of the war.[49][50] However, the insurgency is ongoing and continues to cause thousands of fatalities. Prior to the war, the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom claimed that Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) posed a threat to their security and that of their allies.[51][52][53] In 2002, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1441 which called for Iraq to completely cooperate with UN weapon inspectors to verify that Iraq was not in possession of WMD and cruise missiles. Prior to the attack, the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) found no evidence of WMD, but could not yet verify the accuracy of Iraq's declarations regarding what weapons it possessed, as their work was still unfinished. The leader of the inspectors, Hans Blix, estimated the time remaining for disarmament being verified through inspections to be "months".[nb 2][54][55][56][57] After investigation following the invasion, the U.S.‑led Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical and biological programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion, but that they intended to resume production if the Iraq sanctions were lifted.[58] Although no active chemical weapons program was found, at least 17 U.S. troops, with 600 other U.S. troops reporting symptoms of exposure, and 7 Iraqi police officers were burned or wounded while in close proximity with the remains of degraded chemical artillery rounds left over from Iraq's pre-1991 chemical weapons program.[59][60][61] Paul R. Pillar, the CIA official who coordinated U.S. intelligence on the Middle East from 2000 to 2005, said "If prewar intelligence assessments had said the same things as the Duelfer report, the administration would have had to change a few lines in its rhetoric and maybe would have lost a few member's votes in Congress, but otherwise the sales campaign—which was much more about Saddam's intentions and what he "could" do than about extant weapons systems—would have been unchanged. The administration still would have gotten its war. Even Dick Cheney later cited the actual Duelfer report as support for the administration's pro-war case
Iraq War Stories You've NEVER heard. Dave Malkoff [ ] spends 30 days in Iraq. This Documentary is an official 2011 EMMY® Award Winner
Radical Sunni militants of Al-Qaeda offshoot, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) are advancing and capturing cities in the north of Iraq. The jihadists have declared the capture of the capital Baghdad as their top priority objective. IRAQ LIVE UPDATES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
After thousands of years as a hunter/gatherer, man built the first cities 5,000 years ago on the banks of the Euphrates in Southern Iraq. Civilization began. City life transformed the human race with the glorious cultures of Mesopotamia such as Ur, and Babylon.
Roadtrip Iraq is crossing the country from north to south, taking the pulse of a nation that is no longer at war but neither at peace. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website:
»» PLEASE Read Description «« "this is NOT a video to promote hatred towards Muslims!" "Not all Muslims are like this!" †_Christians, Sh'ia, Sunnis, Iraqi soldiers, ALL who oppose the_"New Face of Evil"_rounded up, taken away, executed...Decapitated heads impaled on a fence for all eyes to see. *Please share this video & Demand Help for these people!* †_Christ said this would happen_† *Matthew 10:22_"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." *John 15:18_"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." *Matthew 10:19_"But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak." ‡_**Please follow the links below** _ISIS = Modern Day "Einsatzgruppen": (Special Nazi Task Forces) were mobile "death squads-killing units" {what we call today 'ethnic cleansing'} that operated in German-occupied Eastern Europe during the Soviet invasion by the Nazis in World War 2. The 'Einsatzgruppen' were subsequently *ordered* to specifically round up 'Jews' & "eliminate" them. Members came from the SS (Schutzstaffel), SD (Sicherheitsdienst / Security Service of the SS), Sipo (Sicherheitspolizei / Security Police) and the Orpo (Ordnungspolizei / Order Police). _This "Ethnic Cleansing" has also occurred in: _Yugoslavia [1991 to 1999] _Rwanda [1994] _Sierra Leone [2001 - Present Day] _Cambodia [1975] _Syria [2011 - Present Day] †_! PLEASE bow your head & say a prayer for ALL these souls !_† ISIS Intelligence Technology Training http://www.washingtontimes....... ISIS Illuminati Ploy The Bride of 9/11 -- Scripted and Ready for Production http://www.thedailysheeple....... Cult of ISIS http://hollywoodsubliminals...... *REPENT* _As Always, You Decide. _GB U ALL! *Special Thanks & Blessings to seventhvial213 for sharing this video! * 2 Corinthians 4:8-9_ We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. _FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq, Aug 8 ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targets. Spliced together from the U.S. Navy Channel ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck. ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targets
Iraq developments.July 4 2014 Iraq developments.July 4 2014 Iraq developments.July 4 2014 Iraq developments.July 4 2014. Iraq developments, July 4 2014 Iraq developments, July 4 2014 Iraq developments, July 4 2014. Syria & Iraq developments, December 11 2014 An assortment of videos about Syria & Iraq, December 11 2014. Segments: 1. Rebels fighters in fierce clashes with SAA in Darayya [Shuhada Al-Islam. Syria & Iraq developments, October 26 2014 An assortment of videos about Syria & Iraq, October 26 2014. Segments: 1. Turkey in no rush to aid Kurds in raging Kobani battle with ISIS [Russia.
The current battle for Tikrit has stalled, as the Iraqi military and affiliated Iraqi Shia and Sunni militias have failed to expel ensconced ISIL fighters. Conflicting reports have emerged over the role US airpower should play in this battle, with the US, the Iraqi military, and militias debating amongst themselves. This debate occurs during a battle replete with both tactical and symbolic significance. The fate of this battle will determine Iraq's future. It is also a battle for Iraq's past. Tikrit has been etched in both the Iraqi and international imagination as Saddam Hussein's hometown. However, the city and its inhabitants deserve a place within the greater history of Iraq, beyond enjoying notoriety for being Saddam's birthplace. The story of Tikrit explains the rise of Saddam Hussein. Technically, Saddam Hussein was actually born in a village outside of Tikrit, al-Awja. Tikrit's association with state under Saddam can be traced to a socio-economic shift around the 1930s, affecting both the city and its environs. Iraqi offensive against ISIL in Tikrit on hold Tikriti townsmen Situated on the Tigris River, Tikritis had been traditionally connected to the manufacture of the kalak, a small boat used to traverse the river. They found their way of life obsolete with the introduction of steam boats and had to find a new livelihood. Tikriti men had to find work by migrating to the capital, Baghdad, the fate of most of Iraq's dislocated rural population.
- Iraq's Break Up is the Real Mission Accomplished - #NewWorldNextWeek Welcome to — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This. Saya membuat video ini dengan Editor Video YouTube ( Welcome to — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This. Press TV has conducted an interview with Middle East expert Dr. Kevin Barrett to talk about ISIL militants operating in Iraq. -- Like us on Facebook | Follow us.
Crisis in Iraq: What Role Should the U.S. Play? Crisis in Iraq: What Role Should the U.S. Play? Two-and-a-half years after the United States withdrew from Iraq, the Middle Eastern country is in a state of crisis. Jihadist extremists affiliated. - Former U.S. congressmember and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich speaks to Democracy Now! while in Sweden to observe the political festival Almedalen Week,. Britain will play a role in an international mission to rescue stranded Yazidi refugees in Iraq, Prime Minister David Cameron has said. Speaking after chairing a meeting of the Cobra emergency.
Iraq Lobster 10 minutes Iraq Lobster can you survive ten minutes? Family Guy Peter Griffin Zagbona Productions WarSYndicate. Iraq lobster From Family guy Probably banned in Iraq. Original video: iraq lobster 10 hours family guy funny song. Family Guy is an American animated series for adults created by Seth MacFarlane for Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter and Lois;. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
News Today Iraq conflict Sunni militant push on Baghdad halted News World Iraqi government forces, backed by Shia Muslim and Kurdish militias, are reportedly holding back an advance by Sunni militants north of Baghdad. A number of towns have been retaken from the. News Today Iraq conflict Sunni militant push on Baghdad halted News World News Today Iraq conflict Sunni militant push on Baghdad halted News World News Today Iraq conflict Sunni militant push. Iraq conflict: Sunni militant push on Baghdad 'halted' For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Iraqi government forces, .
Families react to possibility of sending troops to Iraq SOUTHWEST FLORIDA - Just hours after President Obama on Friday ruled out sending U.S troops back into Iraq, veterans in southwest Florida said they question whether prior efforts in Iraq were. Nearly three years after President Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq, some families in Amarillo are afraid boots will be sent back, and soon. For more news from the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. FAIRBORN-- President Obama spoke to the American people in a televised address Wednesday evening, about his plans to target the terrorist group ISIL (ISIS, Islamic State). The Commander.
Tesla Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Tesla Howitzer Unveiled Video of a Javelin Missile for comparison. Note: NO BLUE BEAM. Video of AT4 Missile launch for comparison. Note: NO BLUE BEAM. Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa Howitzer Unveiled Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa Howitzer Unveiled Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa. NIKOLA TESLA EXPERIMENT TUNGUSKA 1908 On June 30, 1908, over 100 years ago, a huge explosion destroyed over 1000 miles of a very remote and sparsely inhabited region of central Siberia.
U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq, Aug 8 ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targets. Spliced together from the U.S. Navy Channel ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck. ARABIAN GULF (Aug. 8, 2014) Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets assigned to Carrier Air Wing 8 embarked on USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) struck Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targets.
U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq,Aug 8 Iraq. Volunteers are going to strike gangs DSSAH 15/06/2014 Iraq. Volunteers are going to strike gangs DSSAH 15/06/2014 Iraq. Volunteers are going to strike gangs DSSAH 15/06/2014. U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq,Aug 8 U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq,Aug 8 U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet strikes in Iraq,Aug 8. Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa Howitzer Unveiled Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa Howitzer Unveiled Telsa Howitzer used Against Mosque in Iraq - Telsa.
Kerry dictates a new policy for Iraq IRBIL, Iraq (AP) - The president of Iraq's ethnic Kurdish region declared Tuesday that we are facing a new reality and a new Iraq as the country considers new leadership for its Shiite-led. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry discusses Iraq's government. More from CNN at To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit or e-mail cnn.image. US Secretary of State John Kerry says there is not a Cold War era split between Russia and the west over the political turmoil in the Ukraine, at a panel d.Daily All News Plz Subscrib for Latest.
Iraq resistance Al-Salam brigade combat robots ربات های رزمی سرایا السلام عراق
Iraq War 2015 During Intense Firefight and Clashes in Battle for Samarra
Obama Authorizes Airstrikes In Iraq Against ISIS A US Corporation 2014 08 Obama Authorizes Airstrikes In Iraq Against ISIS A US Corporation Really Obama Authorizes Airstrikes In Iraq Against ISIS A US Corporation Really Obama Authorizes Airstrikes In Iraq Against. Obama Authorizes Airstrikes In Iraq Against ISIS A US Corporation Really. President Barack Obama on Wednesday outlined his plan to authorize broader US military involvement in hunting down the fighters of the notorious Islamic State jihadist group in Iraq, Syria. March 11, 2015 C-SPAN Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Martin Dempsey testified at a Senate Foreign.
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Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War ISIS terrorists videoin iraq conflict ISIS terrorists videoin iraq conflict ISIS terrorists videoin iraq conflict. The current crisis in Iraq explained in under 5 minutes. There is war in Iraq? Again? And the US and Iran are talking about working together? And who is this ISIS Terrorist group that is all. EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and.
Bible Prophecy ISIS, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Significance in End Time Prophecy ISIL, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Insurgency, Significance in Bible prophecy, end times, sunni and shia division . By the Christadelphians Duncan Heaster talks at Riga Christadelphian. ISIL, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Insurgency, Significance in Bible prophecy, end times, sunni and shia division . By the Christadelphians Duncan Heaste. By the Christadelphians Bible. ISIL, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Insurgency, Significance in Bible prophecy, end times, sunni and shia division . Duncan Heaster talks at Riga Bible Ce. Ezekiel 38 Invasion of Israel.
Militants Post Images of Mass Killing in Iraq The Islamic militant group that captured two major cities in Iraq last week, has posted graphic photos that appeared to show its fighters killing dozens of captured Iraqi soldiers in a massacre.. For more Upcoming Tecnology and Breaking News: SUBSCRIBE: The Islamic militant group that swept across northern Iraq and captured two major cities last week has posted. Islamic Militants Post Photos Of Mass Killing In Iraq - Militants Claim Mass Execution Of Iraqi SoldiersThe Sunni extremist group that has taken territory across Iraq has posted photos online.
Originally published on 24 February, 2015 Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For story suggestions please contact The West is strengthening support to Iraq in the battle against extremist group Islamic State, with New Zealand sending troops to train Iraqi soldiers and France deploying the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to assist with the air campaign. New Zealand has announced plans to send more than 100 soldiers to Iraq, most of them to the Taji military base near Baghdad. Prime Minister John Key said the troops would be based ‘behind the wire’ and be responsible for training local forces. Analysts say New Zealand, a United Nations Security Council member, has come under pressure to make a contribution to the international campaign to fight the jihadist group. The decision to send troops to Iraq has not been voted on in the country’s parliament. Opposition said the motion should be voted in the parliament and argued that it would be unrealistic to assume that the troops would not involve in combat. The decision to send New Zealand troops may also put Kiwi travellers at risk. Meanwhile, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has arrived in the Persian Gulf. Four Rafale and four Super Etendard fighter jets took off from the carrier about 200 kilometres north of Bahrain. A total of 12 Rafale and nine Super Etendard fighters are on board the carrier, which will be stationed in the Gulf for up to eight weeks. The carrier is instrumental to the air campaign targeting infrastructure such as oil facilities controlled by the Islamic State. RUNDOWN SHOWS: 1 & 2. Deployment of New Zealand troops to Taji Military Base, Iraq 3. Deployment of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf 4. Number of fighter jets on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier 5 & 6. Air raid carried out by French aircraft VOICEOVER (in English): “New Zealand has announced plans to send more than 100 soldiers to Iraq, most of them to the Taji military base near Baghdad. Prime Minister John Key said the troops would be based ‘behind the wire’ and be responsible for training local forces.” “Meanwhile, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has arrived in the Persian Gulf. Four Rafale and four Super Etendard fighter jets took off from the carrier about 200 kilometres north of Bahrain.” “A total of 12 Rafale and nine Super Etendard fighters are on board the carrier, which will be stationed in the Gulf for up to eight weeks.” “The carrier is instrumental to the air campaign targeting infrastructure such as oil facilities controlled by the Islamic State.” SOURCES: Wall Street Journal, AFP *** For story suggestions please contact For technical and editorial support, please contact: Asia: +61 2 93 73 1841 Europe: +44 20 7542 7599 Americas and Latam: +1 800 738 8377 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next Media Animation’s News Direct service provides daily, high-quality, informative 3D animated news graphics that fill in for missing footage and help viewers understand breaking news stories or in-depth features on science, technology, and health. To subscribe to News Direct or for more info, please visit:
ISIL clashes in Iraq | ISIL terrorist under huge firelight by Kurdish Peshmerga Hard clashes in Iraq | ISIL terrorist under huge firelight by Kurdish Peshmerga Huge firefight in Iraq | Mosul under fire and ISIL attack in Irak. Islamic State Of Iraq. ISIS/ISIL/DAASH Fighting Kurdish forces in N.Iraq. 15 June 2014. Hundreds of Kurdish fighters have entered the predominantly Syrian Kurdish region known as Rojava in recent days to battle jihadists besieging the Kurdish city of Kobane, Syrian Observatory. Iraqi security forces continue their fight against al-Qaeda-linked militants in western Anbar Province, killing dozens and injuring several others. According to Iraqi local media reports,.
In Iraq, coalition aircraft have joined the effort to regain control of Tikrit from Islamic State (IS) forces. The BBC understands that reconnaissance flights were requested by the Iraqi government last week. Iraqi forces, backed by Iran, are preparing a large-scale operation to retake Tikrit - but so far they have been unable to advance on the city centre because of fierce resistance from IS fighters.
Advertisement Jihad Top Hits In Iraq Part 2 EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and. The insurgent, jihadist group has made headlines all around the world for their grip on parts of Iraq and northern Syria, but the western world knows very little about the Islamic State of. Love Jihad is one of the most controversial topics in many European countries including England. Even in Uttar Pradesh, it's not a new topic. Watch this report which tells the actual truth.
NATO Secretary General announces completion of the NATO Training Mission in Iraq (NTM-I) NATO Secretary General announces completion of the NATO Training Mission in Iraq (NTM-I) NATO Homepage: . U.S. Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry Regiment, conduct many levels of training with their Iraqi counterparts everyday. Staff Sgt. Kelly Longbine reports from Check Point 11, Iraq. The German cabinet on Wednesday agreed to send around 100 German troops to northern Iraq to train Kurdish peshmerga forces fighting Islamic State (IS) militants. Western powers see the Kurds.
... declared a "caliphate" in northern Iraq last summer, US Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday.
DNA India 2015-04-09KIRKUK, Iraq, April 8 (Xinhua) -- The Islamic State (IS) militant group released about 216 Yazidis ...
Xinhua 2015-04-09Iraq forces attacked Islamic State ... Militants freed about 216 Yazidi prisoners in northern Iraq.
Antiwar 2015-04-09Biden says the United States and international partners will continue to stand with Iraq in its fight.
Newsday 2015-04-09Iraq Invasion 12 Years Later: ... ISIS Has Lost 25 Percent of Territory It Once Held in Iraq, US Says.
ABC News 2015-04-09Islamic State (IS) has reportedly beheaded a man accused of sorcery and witchcraft in Iraq.
DNA India 2015-04-09The dangerous fantasy that Iraq was on the brink of a new democratic era in 2010 - if only the Obama ...
Big News Network 2015-04-09The Belarusian leader suggested that Minsk was eager to enhance trade, economic, military cooperation with Iraq.
Press TV 2015-04-09Takfiri terrorists of the ISIL have lost control over "at least three large oilfields" in Iraq where ...
Press TV 2015-04-09... Affairs of the Republic of Iraq Ibrahim al-Jaafari who is paying an official visit to Belarus.
noodls 2015-04-09Takfiri terrorists of the ISIL have lost control over "at least three large oilfields" in Iraq where ...
Press TV 2015-04-09"ISIL's momentum in Iraq has halted and in many places flat out reversed," Biden said, using an acronym for the group.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-09Due to the increase in crimes by the IS militants in Iraq and Syria, the United Nations Security ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-09Iraq (/ɪˈræk/ or i/ɪˈrɑːk/; Arabic: العراق al-‘Irāq); officially the Republic of Iraq (Arabic:
جمهورية العراق (help·info) Jumhūriyyat al-‘Irāq), is a country in Western Asia spanning most of the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range, the eastern part of the Syrian Desert and the northern part of the Arabian Desert.
Iraq borders Syria to the northwest, Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, Jordan to the southwest and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to the south. Iraq has a narrow section of coastline measuring 58 km (36 mi) on the northern Persian Gulf. The capital city, Baghdad is in the center-east of the country.
Two major rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, run through the center of Iraq, flowing from northwest to southeast. These provide Iraq with agriculturally capable land and contrast with the steppe and desert landscape that covers most of Western Asia.
Historically, Iraq was the center of the Abbasid Arabic Islamic Empire. Iraq has been known to the west by the Greek toponym 'Mesopotamia' (Land between the rivers) and has been home to continuous successive civilizations since the 6th millennium BC. The region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is often referred to as the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of writing, law and the wheel. At different periods in its history, Iraq was the center of the indigenous Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Abbasid empires. It was also part of the Achaemenid, Hellenistic, Parthian, Sassanid, Roman, Rashidun, Umayyad, Mongol, Safavid, Afsharid, and Ottoman empires, and under British control as a League of Nations mandate.
Analyze quotations
I’d rally all quarters
Increase resistance
Question intelligence rarely actionable
Quiz international relatives
Applicable quips interrupt radio accounts
Initiate rounds
All qualified innocents report
Activate quickly increase rewards
Astonishing quantities, immediate resources (Affordable quality insurance)
Rapid assurances
Queries into relevance
Audiences quelled into red-bloodedness
Antiwar quibblings irk rowdy Americans quintessential ignorance
Rinsed airwaves
Que incredible
Right-wing allegiance
it’s really a quagmire
It rages
Innocents ricocheted
Accordingly queasiness infiltrates
Reforming attitudes
Quite interesting
Reactors absent
Quarantineidiotic reckless authorities
Quorum is reached
And quest isn’t really accomplished
Quadrennial intentions? Run, abscond quick
In response a quixotic insistence
Resolving all quandaries in ridiculousness
And quid pro quo influx reservists
Assignment: quash insurgents
Activists, Quakers instigate rallies
Advocating quitting instantly
Representatives apprehensive
quiescence ineffectual
Refugee accrual
Quicksand invites removal
Amputees quadruple