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IT’S THE PRICES, STUPID. Beer and wine in supermarkets. When alcoholic beverages are discussed, I wish a lot more focus was devoted to the exorbitant prices we are forced to pay here in Ontario, and also in Canada as a whole ... I’ve heard the anti-C51 crowd suggest this bill opens the door to such things as secret police, internment camps and a totalitarian dictatorship ... (The bill needs work but it’s hardly totalitarian)....
Toronto Sun 2015-03-19This is in Wonder Woman #1, from 1942 ... Corina Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's "Dig for Fire" places Wonder Woman in an alternate totalitarian dimension fighting the evil Darkseid. When Marston wrote about totalitarian societies (like the Mole-Men or Seal-Men), he'd always have Wonder Woman free the enslaved women, who would then be installed as loving matriarchal rulers over their former oppressors; a bondage switch as utopian dream....
Mashable 2015-03-18Throughout all the vicissitudes of dealing with Iran, an obvious fact has been insufficiently addressed. The external behavior of Iran's regime is simply more dynamic and more effective than that of any other Muslim regime in the Middle East. Iran has constructed thousands of centrifuges ... Iran acts ... More than merely a state ... It took nothing less than the suffocating totalitarianism of Saddam Hussein to keep Iran out of Iraq ... S ... ....
Real Clear Politics 2015-03-18Sometimes procrastination is a good thing. I had meant to write a new post some days ago, but the absence of any exciting Cuba-related events persuaded me to wait ... Here's the backstory ... Perhaps both the totalitarian Castro regime and those who despise it most fervently are approaching the end of their shelf life, what my former colleague -- to the hardliners, "accused Castro spy" -- Lisandro P�rez would call their "expiration date." ... ....
Huffington Post 2015-03-18Strelkov claims to have convinced Russian President Putin to start the war in eastern Ukraine. The nationalist is seen as a hero by the Russia's extremist fringe. And he is continuing the fight to return his country to its past glory ... "I dream of a Russia in its natural borders," he says ... Strelkov wants to see the reemergence of a Russian empire under the leadership of a totalitarian leader and dreams of a czar in the mold of Stalin ... ....
Spiegel Online 2015-03-18Jeff Seldin. The spontaneous celebrations popping up in towns and neighborhoods as Iraqi forces and Shi'ite militias advanced on Islamic State fighters in and around the city of Tikrit have all but gone ... They are all signs, say analysts and even some U.S ... “Internal executions are always a hallmark of totalitarian regimes ... “It’s a sign of this is a totalitarian regime and that’s how they govern.”. Top U.S....
Voa News 2015-03-17(Source. S&D; - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats) ... He then sent an email with anti-Semitic messages to his friends, which spread through social media. Hungarian S&D; MEP István Ujhelyi said.. "This new attack adds to other anti-Semitic messages from this extreme-right group ... "It is absolutely unacceptable. The European Union was founded as the result of totalitarian brutality, to defend freedom and human dignity....
noodls 2015-03-17While speaking at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, former Vice President Al Gore said those who do not blindly adhere to the dogma of climate change need to be punished, EcoWatch reported Monday ... "We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends,” he said ... It's not the first time liberals have called for totalitarian measures against those who do not march in lock-step with global warming alarmists ... ....
The Examiner 2015-03-17(Source. ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe). The ALDE Group in the European Parliament started a campaign calling for #EUaction now on #venezUEla, to show our support for a much needed, unified and strong response from the EU in the face of increasing human rights abuses ... "It is important to send Maduro a clear message that we reject his totalitarian temptations ... It's time to move from words to concrete action" ... (noodl....
noodls 2015-03-17Why did Obama declare a ‘national emergency’, claim that Venezuela represents a threat to US national security and foreign policy, assume executive prerogatives and decree sanctions against top Venezuelan officials in charge of national security, at this time? ... First, the White House presents no evidence . ... Obama’s claims resemble a ploy that totalitarian and imperialist rulers frequently use ... They Shall Not Pass ... ....
The People's Voice 2015-03-17(Source. Regent University). By Brennan Smith . March 16, 2015. Regent University's Robertson School of Government (RSG) is gearing up for one of its largest annual events ... to 1 p.m ... The Free World was threatened by totalitarianism from then Soviet superpower, USSR ... In addition to the totalitarian Soviet Union regime, terrorism in the Middle East threatened global freedom in 1982 ... Jeffry Morrison, RSG professor ... distributed by ... (noodl....
noodls 2015-03-16We love design, and sometimes there's nothing - not even a totalitarian landlord - that will stand in the way of us swapping out all the contractor-grade light fixtures in. ....
The Tribune San Luis Obispo 2015-03-16Let me try to keep it simple. To compund climate change, classical bloody wars, accompanied by energy wars, spiritual-cum-religious wars and financial battels are vying for the title which can wreak most havoc to our beleaguered civilisation ... All these totalitarian regimes seem to act independently, while expressing to the world in no uncertain terms their common intentions and their collective abilities to achieve their aims ... ....
The Malta Independent 2015-03-16Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.
The concept of totalitarianism was first developed in a positive sense in the 1920s by the Italian fascists. The concept became prominent in Western anti-communist political discourse during the Cold War era in order to highlight perceived similarities between Nazi Germany and other fascist regimes on the one hand, and Soviet communism on the other.
The notion of "Totalitarianism" a "total" political power by state was formulated in 1923 by Giovanni Amendola who described Italian Fascism as a system fundamentally different from conventional dictatorships. The term was later assigned a positive meaning in the writings of Giovanni Gentile, Italy’s most prominent philosopher and leading theorist of fascism. He used the term “totalitario” to refer to the structure and goals of the new state. The new state was to provide the “total representation of the nation and total guidance of national goals.” He described totalitarianism as a society in which the ideology of the state had influence, if not power, over most of its citizens. According to Benito Mussolini, this system politicizes everything spiritual and human:
Christopher Eric Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was an English American author and journalist whose career spanned more than four decades. Hitchens, often referred to colloquially as "Hitch", was a columnist and literary critic for New Statesman, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Daily Mirror, The Times Literary Supplement and Vanity Fair. He was an author of twelve books and five collections of essays. As a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits, he was a prominent public intellectual, and his confrontational style of debate made him both a lauded and controversial figure.
Hitchens was known for his admiration of George Orwell, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, as well as for his excoriating critiques of various public figures including Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Diana, Princess of Wales. Although he supported the Falklands War, his key split from the established political left began in 1989 after what he called the "tepid reaction" of the Western left to the Rushdie Affair. The September 11 attacks strengthened his internationalist embrace of an interventionist foreign policy, and his vociferous criticism of what he called "fascism with an Islamic face." His numerous editorials in support of the Iraq War caused some to label him a neoconservative, although Hitchens insisted he was not "a conservative of any kind", and his friend Ian McEwan describes him as representing the anti-totalitarian left.
Avram Noam Chomsky (/ˈnoʊm ˈtʃɒmski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher,cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics" and a major figure of analytic philosophy. His work has influenced fields such as computer science, mathematics, and psychology.
Ideologically identifying with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian socialism, Chomsky is known for his critiques of U.S. foreign policy and contemporary capitalism, and he has been described as a prominent cultural figure. His media criticism has included Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (1988), co-written with Edward S. Herman, an analysis articulating the propaganda model theory for examining the media.
According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar from 1980 to 1992, and was the eighth most cited source overall. Chomsky is the author of over 100 books. He is credited as the creator or co-creator of the Chomsky hierarchy, the universal grammar theory, and the Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem.