Casus belli is a Latin expression meaning the justification for acts of war. Casus means "incident", "rupture" or indeed "case", while belli means bellic ("of war"). It is usually distinguished from casus foederis, where casus belli refers to offenses or threats directly against a nation, and casus foederis refers to offenses or threats to another, allied, nation with which the justifying nation is engaged in a mutual defense treaty, such as NATO.
The term came into wide usage in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with the writings of Hugo Grotius (1653), Cornelius van Bynkershoek (1707), and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui (1732), among others, and the rise of the political doctrine of jus ad bellum or "just war theory". Informal usage varies beyond its technical definition to refer to any "just cause" a nation may claim for entering into a conflict. As such, it has been used both retroactively to describe situations in history before the term came into wide usage and in the present day when describing situations when war has not been formally declared.
The Belli, also designated ‘Beli’ or ‘Belaiscos’ were an ancient pre-Roman CelticCeltiberian people that lived in the modern Spanish province of Zaragoza from the 3rd Century BC.
The Belli were of Celtic origin and part of the Celtiberians. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the ancestors of the Celtiberian groups were installed in the Meseta area of the Iberian peninsula from at least 1000 BC and probably much earlier. The most complete Celtiberian text we have on the bronze 'hospitality tokens' that acted as a sort of identity card is from the Belli and reads lubos alisokum aualoske kontebias belaiskas meaning 'Lubos of the Aliso family, son of Aualos, from Contrebia Belaisca' showing the self-description of this man, by paternity, extended family and territory which is characteristically Celtic.
The Crisis is the official magazine of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and was founded in 1910 by W. E. B. Du Bois (editor), Oswald Garrison Villard, J. Max Barber, Charles Edward Russell, Kelly Miller, W.S. Braithwaite, M. D. Maclean.
The original title of the journal was The Crisis: A Record of The Darker Races. From 1997 to 2003, it appeared as The New Crisis: The Magazine of Opportunities and Ideas, but the title has since reverted to The Crisis. The title derives from the poem "The Present Crisis" by James Russell Lowell. Published monthly, by 1920 its circulation had reached 100,000 copies. Du Bois proclaimed his intentions in his first editorial:
Predominantly a current-affairs journal, The Crisis also included poems, reviews, and essays on culture and history. Du Bois' initial position as editor was in line with the NAACP's liberal programme of social reform and racial equality, but by the 1930s Du Bois was advocating a form of black separatism. This led to disputes between Du Bois and the NAACP resulting in his resignation as editor in 1934. He was replaced by Roy Wilkins.
Fabri Fibra (born Fabrizio Tarducci on 17 October 1976) is an Italian rapper.
Tarducci was born in Senigallia, Marche. He became interested in music from a young age; he wrote and performed his first piece when he was 17 years old.
In 1995 he recorded his first demo. He created the tandem Uomini di Mare with DJ Lato, beatmaker and deejay, and in 1996 they produced the underground CD Dei del mare quest'el gruv. In 1999 Fabri and Lato produced and distributed the LP Sindrome di fine millennio ("End of the Millennium Syndrome"), with collaborations from El Presidente (also known as Esa), Inoki, Joe Cassano and his brother Nesli.
Following his underground success, Fabri Fibra began performing around Italy. In 2000 he established his label and group Teste Mobili Records (Bobbing Head Records), and collaborated with various Italian rap groups, lending vocals as well as lyrics to the mixtape circuit.
In 2002 Fabri released his first solo album, titled Turbe giovanili (Juvenile Troubles), for which he wrote and recorded his lyrics under the production and arrangement of Neffa. A year later Fabri distributed Lato e Fabri Fibra which brought a close to the partnership with Lato and the Uomini di mare project with aky il grande.
Glorious land of plentitude
Its people of multitude
Fields and the mighty rivers
Were the cornerstone of the Nation
Impossible woods watched the ends
Sheltered people and their secrets
Unending history goes on
People had formed a Nation
Now only trees are humming
About the glory of the Founding Fathers
Waves of the northern sea
Carried by salty wind
Wash the face of this land
Stones of history lie there
Amber - silent witness of events
Amber born in the sea
Where great trees shed their tears
Those that were humming here
Before the child of man set his foot in this woods
A state was created, wide and invincible
Amber retains the sleeping spirits
And might of the Founding Fathers
Who shall find the power to awake the Heroes?
The one who solves the mystery
Through prism of honey stone
He will find the way to those who passed
He will find the power to future struggle
In the youth of this state
Amber became the key
To the great hall of history
Spreading its honey glare
To route across the River
Multitude of aspects of every being
Of carnal or of transcendental
Multiplicity of prisms is attributed to everything
But the Universe is a Unity
Ages ago the Noble men
Lived in harmony with Nature
Which is far from false divisions
For the Universe is a Unity
False prophets from the East
Have torn the Day away from the Night
They have created good and evil
When the Universe is a Unity
Body and soul make the Man
Man and Woman create new life
The balance of Elements
Lets the Universe be a Unity
Ruins are the new foundations
Death purifies the Earth for the next generations
The Universe is far from the moral judgements
Not a dogma, but knowledge and feeling
Mark the road to Perfection
So, go and tread this path to glory
Two ideas - and yet one
Two names - yet of one thing
This is the way to Unity
This is the way of Warriors
Reject dualism - accept creativity
Reject superstition - accept both sides of the coin
You will thus serve the idea of the One
The One who is the Almighty Nature
And its light and darkness
The Divine Nature, the Elements
Ancient, yet still living Gods
These make the idea of Unity - the idea of power
The idea of the One of many faces
Many archetypes melting into One
If you are strong, you will prevail
Carrying the idea of the One
Who is the Gods of our Ancestors
Emblem of the Sun and emblems of the Night
Will merge into One
Enferm? dans un cycle o? tout devient de plus en plus dingo,
C'est pas toi qui d?cide c'est juste le p?ze ou bien les lingots,
Fais pas la folle t'excites pas va pas finir comme un barjot,
Tu sais si t'h?sites pas y a pas de raisons que t'es pas le magot,
Juste prend pas racine fais gaffes autour y a peu de gars r?glos,
Dans les alentours ?a s'assassine m?me pour des m?gots ,
Je balance un rap ? signe gratuit sans cach garde donc ton ch?quo,
Me sort pas ton insigne je balance rabache des th?mes de tr?s haut,
Niveau je signe alors d?gage ma rage est ghetto,
Depuis le pr?au j'insiste alors pour me clash faudra ?tre costaud,
Par rapport au beat l? je suis trop speed je suis parti trop t?t,
Je d?conne je suis un rappeur rapide pour poser je suis pas coto,
Bref quoi qu'on dise ? la fin mec on fera les totaux,
Reste je t'annonce la suite pars pas en traitre ?a va ?tre trop beau,
Peste on participe avec ma voix l? je deviens loco,
qu'est ce que tu veux que je te dise c'est la routine,
bah suis mon propos,
Phras? m?lancolique mais quand je d?bite,
?a part "un poco",
Ecoute au moins je t'invite ? suivre mes rimes,
tant qu'il y a du coco.
Je balance mes tripes accroche l'instru me prend pas de rateaux quand j'rap,
Ca tu fais gaffes t'es trop tendu tu t'es perdu dans mon flow,
De parano gar?on on repart depuis le d?but je te parle mais je te paris,
Que depuis le d?part tu sais m?me plus combien de rimes j'ai fais, sois le bienvenue,
Dans l'univers du CBStyle mother fucker quand je balance mais je fais pas de d?tails donc ?a fait que,
Je d?cris ta vie donc fais du bruit et bouge ta t?te,
C'est pas fini j'ai trop envie de rapper t'inqui?tes,
A l'infini je d?bite impossible qu'on m'arr?te,
STOP le contenu que je t'adresse
Un son synonyme de mon talent,
L? je continue je t'agresse pour les Mc's session d'enterrement,
Si t'as pas pris ta veste reste,
L? je vais la refaire autrement ?coute ?a je baise je blesse le beat,
You come to this world
With the mission to fulfill
Causative Power of Cosmos
Manifest itself in You
You are Human God, Divine Human
Your genes are the ground
Progress and will are the corn
Work of life is the spike
The harvest - Culture and Civilisation,
You are Human God, Divine Human
The stronger, the wiser, the more beautiful-
the more splendid
A maze of mediocre around You
Shape reality with Your will
Űbermensch - so You'll be named by flincher
Man, God, Hero
Warlike spirit dwells in You
Mind leads the brutal force
Kalos Kai Agathos
Don't be afraid to use Your power
Give way to instinct and emotions
Wisdom will free them by the gate of New Eon
Ouai ouai ?a commence au d?part pour prendre le micro juste comme sa
Perso le rap j'm'en tapais et c'?tait juste comme ?a
Autour de nous les autres c'?tait vraiment pas leur plane
On connaissait que Bron, le foot et quelques p?los de Villeurbanne
Le rap pour nous c'?tait juste histoire de...
Vadrouiller, pas rouiller quand on est merdeux
Y'avait pas toutes ces histoires d'enquilles ou de perc?es
La seule chose qu'on voulaient c'?tait kicker nos versets
Quand t'as 15 piges tu penses pas ? mal normal.
Puis quand tu grandis donc t'as plus la dalle normal.
J'voulais prouver au monde entier qui j'?tais
Crois moi personne peut m'arr?ter quand il s'agit de d?biter
Les autres Mc perso j'm'en tape y'a moi et personne qui apporte la gamelle sur ma table
Le rap maintenant pour moi c'est rien, ? part un passe temps j'fais ma vie
A cot? ouai j'ai plus le temps
De planer ou d'me dire que j'vais gagner
Ce biz m'a fait perdre trop de temps toutes ces derni?res ann?es
C'est juste un fait c'est comme ?a on parle pas de bizness
Tant qu'on m'?coute ?a m'suffit, le reste j'vous le laisse...
Refrain x4
Jeunes gamins on devient vite des jeunes malins
Parlant de biz et de choses mal
On va trop bien vu que demain pour nous c'est trop loin
Mais en tant de crises quoi qu'on dise tout ira mieux
Les ann?es passent et on m'dit que ce que j'fais c'est bon
J'veux ?tre le premier de la classe donc oblig? j'donne le ton
J'balance sur Lyon et puis ses environs
J'm?ne la danse en parlant de Bron le tout sans gagner un rond
A c?t? je m?ne de front bac et ?tudes staps
Dans mes textes, j'parle de la BAC et de mes fr?res qui se tapent
J'parle de tout, de rien avant tout pour les miens
En doutant de rien, j'voulais enquille jusque l? c'est bien
J'reste ? la maiz' soir?es week end j'?cris des textes
J'me dis que ?a en vaut la peine pt?tre donc j'me prend la t?te
Y'a rien qui m'vient pas de signal auquel m'accrocher
Donc ptit ? ptit c'est par la rue que j'fais un crochet
D??u par le rap j'?cris encore mais j'm'en bats la ratte
J'deviens hardcore, veut des tunes comme ceux tomb?s ? la ratte
Vu que j'ai la mort quand j'?cris ?a devient violent
Pourtant j'suis peace dans la vie, c'est affolant
Refrain x2
[Wech Casus! bien ou bien?
Et l'album ?a va ou quoi?
Au fait psartek le maxi mon pote ?a d?fonce...]
Ouai j'repars en arri?re pour un flash back sur mon parcours
Qui sait ce que j'ai vraiment v?cu toutes ces ann?es.
Donc arr?tez de pisser sur mon compte ou dans mon dos
Certains veulent me voir tomber voire m?me me plomber
T'inqui?tes j'ai un plan B
Demande ? mes gones si leur prof d'?cole d?conne
Si tu crois que le rap me rapporte ? gamelle t'es conne
Tous les soirs pourtant j'taf, gratte ?crit mes phrases
Et Flash back depuis 10 ans j'rap pour tout ?craser
Sur de rien depuis peu la vie m'a trop mis de peines autour de moi y'a trop de peines, et trop de haine mais qu'est-ce que j'y peux ?
J'me revois tout ptit, peu s?r de moi mais je kick
Dans les soir?es rap ambiance ?lectrique j'mets la trique
C'?tait l'?poque ou tout ?tait encore peace mec y'avait pas encore de biz entre nous pas de convoitises
Mais ptit ? ptit tout ?a a bien chang?
Et de jeunes gamins on est pass?s ? jeunes malins en danger...
A realm there is, inaccessible to the Nobles
Outside the feelings of the blind Atlantians
Inaccessible, yet real
Imperceptibly find its way to the Land of- Conquerors
The hidden realm is a fusty land
Zog is its hideous master
He rests at the riches once stolen
From the Noble Warriors and their People
Zog is one but composed of vermin
Only vermin dwells in his estate
But he rules also those creatures
To which his name is unknown
Many heads of saurian drip venom of blindness
And opium of masses
He wields the drug of illusions and colourful- pictures
Thus the world denied his existence
But lo! Not every Atlantians stays sleeping
Some still serving the hidden betrayer
Eagerly they prepare the drug
'Cause they strive for saurian's good graces
But lo! The Nobles stay up
There are Hammers at their necks
They fight the betrayer's priests
They struggle to awake their brothers from slumber
For their fight against the rule of the saurian -
J'me retrouve assis l?, apr?s c't'album, ?ternelle feuille blanche
Toujours la m?me sur laquelle j'planche, sur laquelle mes vers dansent
Solitaire quand tout le monde dort
J'arrive pas ? me taire, faut que j'?crive, c'est ma drogue (ouais)
J'ai c'besoin de me confier ou de m'lacher
J'crois que ?a me lib?re et qu'au final j'me sens moins attach?
L'album est dur, comme Slim me l'a dit il est trop pur
Pour gu?rir ma maladie, j'ai que l'?criture
J'pensais qu'apr?s l'avoir fini je serai ? m?me
De m'consacrer ? ma famille mais merde c'est la m?me
J'suis toujours mal, mal dans ma peau, mal dans ma t?te
Plus j'avance et plus j'suis seul, c'est un fait
Mec, j'aimerais t'dire qu'j'ai trouv? la paix
Mais c'est pas vrai, donc perso j'continuerai ? rapper
J'continuerai ? rapper, ? balancer mes textes
Sur sc?ne ou dans ma chambre, j'reste un auteur interpr?te
Avec c't'album, des pages de ma vie j'viens arracher
Donc c'est normal si une partie de mon public est f?ch?
J'ai pas voulu faire le dingue ou le psychopathe...
Au final, j'suis qu'un mec qui flingue et qui ?pate
Et qui parle de c'qui s'passe dans son entourage
Parce que c'est la rage qui domine et nous habite et ce depuis le d?part
Que les mecs qui ont suivi quelque chose l?vent la main
J'parle pour ceux qui agissent et, se soucient du lendemain
Chaque soir ma vie j'la remets en sc?ne
S'en suivent des textes qui s'empilent et qui s'encha?nent
Qui m'entra?nent loin d'ce monde et d'ses peines
Loin d'ce mal qui nous gangr?ne, j'use de mes mots pour apaiser ma haine
Ecoute si ma vie d'artiste se concr?tise pas
Qu'il en soit ainsi, avoir fait ce disque est d?j? une victoire
L'album est noir car noire est ma carri?re
J'aurais du sortir d'puis des lustres mais ?paisses sont les barri?res.
Alors j'encaisse et fais un biz de ma tristesse
Si j'avais pu sortir avant, j'l'aurais fait en vitesse
C'est juste la vie un jour ?a passe, un jour ?a casse
D?dicace ? ceux qui m'suivent depuis l'd?but
Qui ratent pas une occaz' de m'?couter
Les vrais savent que j'suis d?go?t?
Quand on vient me voir :"Wech Cas pourquoi t'as pas tout niqu??"
Pourquoi j'ai pas tout niqu?? Va savoir j'ai t?tre rat? le coche
Apr?s "Lyon" et les street tapes, le public ?tait pourtant dans ma poche.
Ecoute mes morceaux tu m'verras grandir
D?s "j'ai la mort" ? aujourd'hui, mon parcours aurait pu ?tre pire
Quand on est jeunes normal on a la rage
Begotten in rape
Blood of the giants runs in his veins
Mother gave way to him on this world
The outset of new splendid legend
The fairest hair around his face
Beautiful, healthy, strong body
Surrounded with dwarfs, brought up by the- dwarfs
He had no equal to him
The seven summers passed fast
Child in Black Forest, alone
Fear, darkness, Nature and strength
Wolves and the forest demons around him
Slavic God of Fire protected him
Then fear he defeated,
His place in the house was restored
Yet that wasn't his own people
But Destiny came to him
Giantess of untold beauty
Became his lover and mother
She shaped and guided his fate
Yearning to act - this lethal sickness
Drove him to the adventure
The only cure for despair
Are the praiseworthy deeds
Is he a dwarf ? or is he a giant?
Your value is proven by you
The life-goal is to be in power
For power is sweeter than honey
More pleasant than her bosom
Shall you known its secrets
Seeing the growth of the frightening suffering
Pain puts on claws, we're streaming westward in disarray
Dragging a dead man's greatcoat over onto my soul
Falling into a deep sleep waiting for silent times
Recommendations in a dying world
See the terror and hatred unfurl
Stern display of the horror show
The sight is the same wherever you go
Frame of mind is taking lives
It cannot be altered
The misdeed of strangers
Inflaming the giants
Groaning bodies are dressing wounds
We're the sideshow to the main event
Giving injections to infinity
Casus belli; they will not repent... their sins
Leaving the dead in the rear of my tangled dreams
Oncoming fever fills my body with twisted thoughts
Standing on top of hell, watching the men who fell
Forces of pain take on a new and alarming face
Gloomy foundations are all that remains
Fortifications brought to disarray
Representations of a failing race
Disintegration and permanent wounds
Frame of mind is taking lives
It cannot be altered
The misdeed of strangers
Inflaming the giants
Groaning bodies are dressing wounds
We're the sideshow to the main event
Giving injections to infinity
Casus belli; they will not repent... their sins
Overlord, vanguard of secrets
The answers out of reach now
Vainglory right before my eyes... keep drivelling on
Semi-zombies bound to throttle
Opinion makers' nightmare
Activity deep in the night... political sham fight
Tell me how and we shall conquer
The bloc will rule no longer
They are supremely a world of wreckage
Safeguard, rampart, shattered backbone
Revenge in gesture of kindness