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Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad interview with Portuguese State Television, RTP
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
President Bashar Al-Assad Visits The Troops on The Jobar Front. 12/31/14
THE ILLUMINATI TARGET - Bashar Al Assad (1080p ᴴᴰ)
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
Documentary series About Secret World of Bashar al-Assad( english translation) part 1(
SYRIA: Bashar al Assad Charlie Rose Interview (full)
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
Wajib Sokong Kerajaan Bashar al-Assad? - Ustaz Azhar Idrus
Sebab-sebab Kenapa Basyar Mesti Diperangi Habis2an
Barbara Walters Interview with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad: 'There Was No Command to Kill'
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011. In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations. The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes passed via third parties. Subscribe to BBC News HERE Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad interview with Portuguese State Television, RTP.
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad #freeSyria Twitter: Instagram: - mail:
Assad: We want to 'fully' cooperate with weapons agreement. Part 1 of exclusive interview with Syrian leader
On New Year's Eve, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad pays a visit to SAA & NDF troops on the Jobar frontline.
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President #Bashar al-#Assad #sworn in for a new term, addresses Syrians in milestone #speech at People's Palace in the Qassioun Mountain * Damascus, SANA --...
Documentary that talk about The beginning of the Syrian Revolution Demonstrations then how it Turned into a bloody sectarian conflict الثورة السورية من البدا...
Syrian President Bashar al Assad interview (full) with Charlie Rose on September 9, 2013. Assad Charlie Rose (full) Interview September 2013 Tags: Assad Char...
BELI VCD ONLINE *Sembang Santai Bersama Ustaz Azhar Idrus* 06 September 2013 FANPAGE USTAZ AZHAR IDRUS
Melakukan kerosakan di bumi Syria dan menyembunyikan dari dunia luar dengan menyekat media2 Utama. -Orang awam menyahut seruan jihad sepertimana di nyatakan...
Barbara Walters discusses brutal crackdown of protests with Syria's president. For more on this story go here:
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News.
In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies - FULL SCRIPT: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
Ibn Taymiyyah said about the Alawis also known as Al-Nusayriyyah: "All Praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds. These people named "Al-Nusayriyyah", and othe...
President Bashar Al-Assad FULL interview with Barbara Walters from ABC News (07-12-2011)
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be lauded for his efforts to protect Christians from the radical militants of the Islamic State, according to Virgini...
President Bashar Al-Assad has granted an exclusive interview to the italian RaiNews24 channel on 29-9-2013, you can read the full script of the interview on ...
El presidente sirio denunció este sábado que las potencias occidentales planean una guerra contra su país para derrocar a su Gobierno y apropiarse de sus rec...
From Maaloula, President al-Assad asserts that Syria's human landmarks will remain steadfast in the face of those who target the homeland * On the occasion o...
Presidente Bashar al-Assad Entrevista con Prensa Argentina Clarín ~ 18/5/2013 ~ "Yo no renuncio. El pueblo dirá quién se queda o quién se debe ir, no EE.UU."...
President Bashar al Assad celebrates New Year’s Eve with Syrian soldiers on the battlefront. Jobar area, suburb of Damascus. President Bashar Hafez al-Assad: “On the new year, families meet together, but you wanted to be here to protect your people and country, leave your families behind. Receiving a new year is everybody’s hope, but the bigger hope is the victory of our armed forces and of all those who fought alongside with them, in our battle against terrorism. We do embrace you, as a society and people, but we derive our morale from you and your high morale”. With the beginning of the new year, President Bashar al-Assad visited army and popular defense forces at the fire lines of Jobar, Damascus countryside. President al-Assad toured a number of posts and military units which face armed terrorist groups, hailing and appreciating forces’ victories and sacrifices to keep the people of Damascus and its surrounding, as well as their properties, protected and safe. Greeting families, soldiers of the Syrian army and popular defense forces, the President wished quick recovery for injured ones, affirming that sacrifices of martyrs, injured soldiers and the determination of their families were the most important basis for Syria’s steadfastness. The president also hailed soldiers on the fire lines in Jobar and all those who carried arms for defending the homeland in all hot spots of Syria, where terrorists attacked their people. For their part, the soldiers affirmed that they will keep defending Syria preserving its soil and pride till defeating terrorism and restoring safety and security to the homeland. Report by R. al-jazaeri/ Barry, SANA 1/1/2015 ~ Best wishes from our small but active team ( of combative freelancers Mr. President, May God protect you. Honor to you and to the wonderful Syrian Arab Army, Syrian Armed Forces, Syrian Air Forces, National Defence Forces, and all our local allies, Ba’ath Brigades, Hezbollah, Arab Nationalist Guards. Best wishes also to our best friends in the world, from Russia, Novorossia, Iran, China, Venezuela and all those countries who are really working for the peace of the peoples against the aggressions by the hands of the Zionist/Yankee evil forces (and their Euro-NATO puppets) ~ Broadcasted by Syrian National Television, Damascus January 1, 2015 Reloaded by Network #Syrian_Patriotic #Freelancers_Network ... ... ...and associated web spaces, blogs, Youtube channels and Facebook pages... ... ... * * #Armée_Syrienne #Syrian_Arab_Army #Syrian_women #peuple_syrien #Al_Qaeda #Exposing Al_Qaeda #Zionist plots #groupe_terroriste_armé #armes_chimiques #chemical_weapons #Syria #News #Army #Anti_Terrorism #Syrian_Crisis #Bashar_al_Jaafari #Bashar_al_Assad #Syrian_patriots #Noticias_de_Siria
Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview - September 9, 2013 PBS' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday,...
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad paid a visit to several families who were displaced by militants who took over the town of Adra in the Damascus countryside. He met with members of those families as they spoke about their suffering from having members of their families either kidnapped or killed by terrorists and from being displaced and not being able to return home. President Assad likened Adra to a "little Syria" in its residents' diversity and the suffering it is undergoing due to terrorism. Source: Syrian State TV
Various YT videos of Pro Assad/Pro Syrian Army rallies in Syria from Damascus, Latakia, Aleppo Intro from Various footage from An...
Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview (full) - September 9, 2013 PBS' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on ...
TENSE, VERY INTERESTING, CHEMICAL WEAPON, SARIN, DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, The Fox interview, in which Greg Palkot and former U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich spoke with ...
President al-Assad inspects an army unit in Daraya Aug 01, 2013 * Defense Minister: No one will be able to break the Syrian army * On its 68th annive...
A Song for our President Bashar Al Assad.
- #President Al-#Assad: No president can remain in his position for four years in such circumstances without the support of the Syrian people - #Syrian Arab #army #kills #scores of terrorists across the country - #Parliament #Speaker, Al-Laham calls for boosting #reconciliation across the country - #Iraq: Security forces kill #suicide bomber north of #Baghdad - #Occupied #Palestine: Israeli #soldiers #assassinate Palestinian #citizen & wound another - #Levant Religious #Scholars #condemn republication of #offensive pictures by #CharlieHebdo - #Iran: Larijani: Actions of #Western #countries #serve #terrorists organizations - #Geneva: #US & #Iran's Foreign Ministers conclude round of negotiations on Iran's #nuclear file #Syria #News #15_January_2015 #Latest #Updates #Army #Anti_Terrorism #Operations #Political #Situation #Humanitarian #Syrian_Crisis #Youtube #Iraq * Recorded from Syrian Official Tv Channel and brought to you by
Noticias de Siria, 20/4/2014 ~ From Maaloula, President al-Assad asserts that Syria's human landmarks will remain steadfast in the face of those who target t...
May 27, 2010 Copyright © 2010 Charlie Rose LLC. All rights reserved. Bashar al-Assad is the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Regional Secretary of the Baath Party, and the son of former President Hafez al-Assad. Originally trained as a doctor, Assad attended medical school at the University of Damascus Faculty of Medicine. He then went on to get subspecialty training in ophthalmology in London's academic hospitals. Initially Assad had few political aspirations; his father had been grooming Bashar's older brother, Basil al-Assad, to be the future president. However, Basil's death in an automobile accident in 1994 suddenly made Bashar his father's new heir apparent. When the elder Assad died in 2000, Bashar was elected President unopposed with apparent massive popular support, after Syria's Majlis Al Shaa'b (Parliament) swiftly voted to lower the minimum age for candidates from 40 to 34. Upon becoming President, Bashar al-Assad promised economic and political reforms to Syria, but he has so far delivered little change from the status quo. The Baath Party remains in control of the parliament, and is constitutionally the "leading party" of the state.
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad celebrates New Year (2015) in his own way
Obama renews call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down Breaking News March 2015 Assad must go USA says, as Syrian war enters fifth year Breaking News March 2015;_ylt=AwrSbhsOxARVp0oAx21XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw-- Assad Says He Will Not Step Down Breaking News March 2015 Chief of Police Arizona Fired Phoenix Arizona - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA Home Owners Association (602-957-9191 Cynthia Quillen Mgr. & Board of directors President Ryan Atwood) refuse to help by contacting reaching out to the cobblestone community/homeowners/renters to find out if anyone saw the fatal police shooting on 1/18/2015. Breaking News January 2015. Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 City of Maricopa Arizona Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) City of Maricopa Police Officers involved in deadly shooting of a Iraq Afghanistan combat war veteran with PTSD identified City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him ( says need PTSD help call 911) Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit 2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News
[Exclusive] President Bashar al-Assad's inaugural pledge with English subtitles. Like us: Subscribe to us:
In an preview of an upcoming "60 Minutes" report, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad tells CBS News' Charlie Rose that he is "open" to a dialogue with the U.S. Assad's comment was in response to a recent statement made by Secretary of State John Kerry. | LIKE | FOLLOW | SUBSCRIBE.
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.” “This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose. Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
CBS This Morning plays portions of Charlie Rose's interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Rose asks Assad about chemical weapons use and potential w...
Bashar al-Assad on giving up chemical weapons if President Obama authorizes a strike. Tune in for a special presentation of Charlie's interview with Presiden...
CBS This Morning Charlie Rose Talks with Bashar al-Assad - Rebels could have caused attacks CBS This Morning Charlie Rose Talks with Bashar al-Assad - Rebels could have caused attacksBashar. In an interview with PBS Charlie Rose, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dared Secretary of State John Kerry to present evidence of his responsibility for chemical weapons attacks, and warned. CBS This Morning plays portions of Charlie Roses interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Rose asks Assad about chemical weapons use and potential war with the United States.
Bashar Al-Assad on the use of chemical weapons Tune in for a special presentation of Charlie's interview with President Assad, tonight at 9pm (check local listings).
In an exclusive interview, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad tells Charlie Rose that he wants a political solution to the 4-year-old conflict in his country -- but that he won't let an "external party" tell him when he has to step down. The full interview airs March 30, 2015 on PBS. Visit for more.
The Full Video of President Assad's interview with Charlie Rose of American CBS, to be broadcasted on CBS on Monday, 30th March 2015. Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview (full) - September 9, 2013 PBS' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday, September 9, at 9 p.m.. Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview - September 9, 2013 PBS' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday, September 9, at 9 p.m. in a special.
Este video corresponde a la entrevista realizada por Charlie Rose de la cadena CBS al presidente de Siria Bashar al Assad. Da una visión diferente a la de la...
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad talks to Charlie Rose about how an ultimate end to the conflict might come about, why the West does not want to see his regime continue and why it's a mistake to consider the conflict in Syria a civil war. The full interview airs March 30, 2015 on PBS; visit for more.
President of Syria. Aired Sept 9, 2013.
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad talks about his neighbors, particularly Saudi Arabia -- which he calls a medieval autocracy that is ideologically aligned with ISIS -- and Turkey, whose leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan he calls a "Muslim Brotherhood fanatic." The full interview airs March 30, 2015 on PBS. Visit for more.
Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad gave a rare, wide-ranging interview to "CBS This Morning" co-host Charlie Rose. Rose joins CBSN with more on his talk with the Syrian leader.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has warned there will be "repercussions" against any U.S. military strike launched in response to a chemical weapons attack ...
A different point of view... The interview has taken place on 09/09/13.
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad talks about the role of Russia and Iran in resolving the conflict in Syria. He maintains that both countries are purely interested in stability, not for themselves but "for the region and for the world." The full interview airs March 30, 2015 on PBS; visit for more.
CBS This Morning Charlie Rose Talks with Bashar al-Assad - Rebels could have caused attacks CBS This Morning Charlie Rose Talks with Bashar al-Assad - Rebels...
Charlie Rose interviews the Syrian dictator as a four-year-old civil war drags on in which his regime has been accused of devastating attacks on civilians. Breaking news, latest news, current events. AMANDA KNOX, ANDREAS LUBITZ, NYC BUILDING COLLAPSE, OKLAHOMA TORNADOES, BOWE BERGDAHL, GERMANWINGS PLANE CRASH, TED CRUZ, YEMEN, LISA COLAGROSSI, SUGARLOAF, SOLAR ECLIPSE 2015, CRAIGSLIST, MARTESE JOHNSON, ZAYN MALIK, SAM SMITH, NCAA MARCH MADNESS, HOWIE MANDEL, MESA ARIZONA SHOOTING, TUNISIA MUSEUM ATTACK, AARON SCHOCK, ROBERT DURST, MARCH MADNESS 2015, ST PATRICK'S DAY, VANUATU, PI DAY, OBAMA JIMMY KIMMEL, VLADIMIR PUTIN, MCDONALD'S BEATING, 47 SENATORS LETTER, WILL FERRELL, POWDERED ALCOHOL, FERGUSON SHOOTING, PREGNANT MODEL, KIDS THWART KIDNAPPING, HILLARY CLINTON, ARMY HELICOPTER CRASH, PUTIN CRIMEA, AMTRAK TRAIN DERAILS, APPLE WATCH, SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON, COLIN POWELL, TONY ROBINSON, MALAYSIA AIRLINES 370, SELMA, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 2015, HARRISON FORD, DELTA AIRLINES LAGUARDIA, KIM KARDASHIAN HAIR, MOMOFUKU ANDO, DZHOKHAR TSARNAEV, BOBBI KRISTINA BROWN, PAUL ALLEN BATTLESHIP, HULK THE PIT BULL, PRINCE JUNIOR HIGH PHOTO, HILARY DUFF, SHANIA TWAIN TOUR, NETANYAHU SPEECH, HULK THE PIT BULL, MAN, 88, STABBED WIFE, TINDER OVER 30, THE BACHELOR 2015, FAITH HILL, WLAPD SHOOTING, BILL CLINTON PORTRAIT, CHARMAYNE MAXWELL, ANNA DUGGAR, WALKING DEAD TOWN, TIKRIT, SAMSUNG GALAXY S6, BORIS NEMTSOV, SAMSUNG, RONDA ROUSEY, THE DRESS, MOVIE REVIEWS, LEONARD NIMOY DEAD, NET NEUTRALITY, WEED LEGALIZATION DC, HOUSE OF CARDS, JONBENET RAMSEY, DOG BREEDS, JIHADI JOHN, JONBENET RAMSEY, COUPLE DIES HAND-IN-HAND, EDDIE RAY ROUTH, ISIS ARRESTS, JAMIE DORNAN, MARASCHINO CHERRIES, DUCKTALES, OBAMA VETOES KEYSTONE, DANCING WITH THE STARS, METROLINK TRAIN, TRAYVON MARTIN, JOAN RIVERS SNUB, Las Vegas Road Rage, Oscars, Rudy Giuliani, Wal-Mart, Crisis in Ukraine, Trayvon Martin, Bernie Sanders, Celebrating black history, Vaccinations, Chris Christie, Super Bowl, Marissa Alexander, Harry Reid, Blizzard of 2015, Benjamin Netanyahu, Deflate-Gate, Cuba, Bill Cosby, Climate Change, 2015 State of the Union, Marriage Equality, Counter-Terrorism, Guantanamo, Secret Service, Immigration Policy, Mitt Romney, David Petraeus, France, Charlie Hebdo, Mitch McConnell, Steve Scalise, Chris Christie, AirAsia, Bill de Blasio, Terror strikes France. Democrats, Economy, Taxes, Poverty, Corporations, Jobs, Energy, Small Business, Unions, Wall Street, Education, Early Education, School Reform, Elections, Election 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, Money in Politics, Voting Rights, Equality, LGBT, Race, Women, Immigration, Green, Pollution, Climate, Health, Health Care Reform, Obamacare, Global Health, Food, HIV-AIDS, Sexual Health, National Security, Middle East, Military, Afghanistan, Terrorism, Republicans, Tea Party, Society, Civil Liberties, Criminal Justice, Guns, Media, Religion, Culture, Terrorism, ISIS
US strike Syria Bashar al-Assad's interview with Charlie Rose shows he knows Obama's weak spots Subcribe
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sat down for an interview with PBS host and CBS News anchor Charlie Rose on Thursday in Damascus. Assad denied reports of chemical weapon use by his military and signaled openness to dialogue with the United States. Rose joins Judy Woodruff to discuss what he learned in the interview and the state of Damascus today.
... murder in London of an imam who was a critic of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, police said today.
Big News Network 2015-04-14... in London last week of an imam who was a critic of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, police said .
Big News Network 2015-04-14February 2012 protest against Syrian president Bashar Al Assad.
Big News Network 2015-04-14... with the purpose of intervening in Syria and attempting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
Press TV 2015-04-14... build new nuclear reactors for Tehran and both sides supporting President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-14... build new nuclear reactors for Tehran and both sides supporting President Bashar al Assad in Syria.
Dawn 2015-04-14... build new nuclear reactors for Tehran and both sides supporting President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
Business Day 2015-04-14... to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to sources speaking to the Huffington Post.
Big News Network 2015-04-14... goal of forming a military alliance to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to sources .
Big News Network 2015-04-14... Iran and its allies – Hezbollah, Syria’s Bashar Assad and Iraq’s Shiite militias – are on our side.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-14"Our partners at NBP Capital, with their investment acumen and strategic foresight, have been ...
Seattle Post 2015-04-14Syria's President Bashar al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has accused the West of trying to ...
Big News Network 2015-04-13... was shelling by warplanes loyal to Syria's president Bashar Al-Assad in Aleppo's rebel-controlled .
Big News Network 2015-04-13Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأسد, Baššār al-ʾAsad, Arabic pronunciation: [bæʃˈʃɑːɾɪlˈʔæsæd]); born 11 September 1965) is the current President of Syria and Regional Secretary of the Syrian-led branch of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. His father Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria for 29 years until his death in 2000.
Al-Assad graduated from the medical school of the University of Damascus in 1988, and started to work as a doctor in the army. Four years later, he attended postgraduate studies at the Western Eye Hospital, in London, specializing in ophthalmology. In 1994, Al-Assad entered the military academy and in 1998, Al-Assad took charge of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, née Akhras. Al-Assad was elected as President of Syria in 2000 and 2007, unopposed each time. During the Syrian uprising, activists and protesters have called for President al-Assad's resignation.
Bashar Hafez al-Assad was born in Damascus on 11 September 1965, the son of Aniseh (née Makhluf) and Hafez al-Assad. His father, Hafez al-Assad, born to a poor family of Alawite background, had risen through the Party ranks, to take control of the Syrian-led branch of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party in the 1970 Corrective Revolution, thus installing himself as president. Hafez al-Assad purged the Party, and introduced effective Alawite rule of Syria.