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Ep. " Socrates" (dubbed) - "Animated...Philosophers" Official
Socrates - Encyclopedia channel
The Ideas of Socrates
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Socrates la pelicula subtitulada al español
Who Was Socrates? – 8-Bit Philosophy
The Greeks- Socrates
How Socrates can stimulate your brain activity: Matthew Stoltzfus at TEDxOhioStateUniversity
Socrates - Starvation
Sócrates, the elegance of football
The Trial of Socrates
Socrates Drank The Conium (Live 1999-STEREO) Starvation
Socrates & the Socratic Turn
Sócrates - Filosofía - Educatina
Actors Seth Klaudt (writer), Alejandro Etcheagaray (writer), Alejandro Etcheagaray (director), Alejandro Etcheagaray (producer), Roberto Trujillo (actor), Raul Ponce Trejo (producer), Adrian Aispuro (editor), Graciela Gomez (actor), Jorge Ivan Mascareño (actor), Ricardo Torres (producer), Luis Daniel Bojorquez (actor),
Actors Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty (actress), Robert Ashby (actor), Scott Christie (actor), Peter Williams (editor), Elom Bell (writer), Elom Bell (producer), Elom Bell (director), Elom Bell (producer), Pete Jones (composer), Lee Phillips (producer), Asta Musvicaite (producer), Toby Coughlan (producer), Benjamin Warren (actor),
23 filmmakers, 10 countries, 7 languages, 0 budget, 1 martyr of free speech
Socrates was put to death, but 2500 years later we remember his words
The unexamined life is not worth living
Actors Wilson Stiner (writer), Wilson Stiner (producer), Wilson Stiner (director), Xander Berkeley (actor), Wilson Stiner (editor), Bill Flynn (actor), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (director), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (producer), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (writer), Tom Druilhet (actor), Junya Sakino (actor), Ray Abruzzo (actor), Zain Effendi (composer), Lawton Paseka (actor), Dario Varga (actor),
23 filmmakers, 10 countries, 7 languages, 0 budget, 1 martyr of free speech
Socrates was put to death, but 2500 years later we remember his words
The unexamined life is not worth living
Actors Wilson Stiner (writer), Wilson Stiner (producer), Wilson Stiner (director), Xander Berkeley (actor), Wilson Stiner (editor), Bill Flynn (actor), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (director), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (producer), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (writer), Tom Druilhet (actor), Junya Sakino (actor), Ray Abruzzo (actor), Zain Effendi (composer), Lawton Paseka (actor), Dario Varga (actor),
23 filmmakers, 10 countries, 7 languages, 0 budget, 1 martyr of free speech
Socrates was put to death, but 2500 years later we remember his words
The unexamined life is not worth living
Actors Wilson Stiner (writer), Wilson Stiner (producer), Wilson Stiner (director), Xander Berkeley (actor), Wilson Stiner (editor), Bill Flynn (actor), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (director), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (producer), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (writer), Tom Druilhet (actor), Junya Sakino (actor), Ray Abruzzo (actor), Zain Effendi (composer), Lawton Paseka (actor), Dario Varga (actor),
23 filmmakers, 10 countries, 7 languages, 0 budget, 1 martyr of free speech
Socrates was put to death, but 2500 years later we remember his words
The unexamined life is not worth living
Actors Wilson Stiner (writer), Wilson Stiner (producer), Wilson Stiner (director), Xander Berkeley (actor), Wilson Stiner (editor), Bill Flynn (actor), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (director), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (producer), Natasa Prosenc Stearns (writer), Tom Druilhet (actor), Junya Sakino (actor), Ray Abruzzo (actor), Zain Effendi (composer), Lawton Paseka (actor), Dario Varga (actor),
Actors Carlo Trevisan (actor), Carlo Trevisan (director), Rita Rusciano (actress), Giuseppe Gennusa (editor), Matteo Paglierani (actor), Gabrio Ciliani (writer), Gabrio Ciliani (actor), Lambert Friedl Trevisan (actor), Igor Postiglione (actor), Arnaldo Brolli (actor), Luca Pinto (actor),
12 Episodes - Philosophers discuss the 'beginning of the world', the universe, and the inter-action of the Human Soul within.
Actors Paul Pissanos (producer), Paul Pissanos (director), Roy Dotrice (actor), Spiros Focás (actor), Nikos Vastardis (actor), David Bowles (actor), David Bowles (producer), Duncan Skinner (actor), Carolina Liriti (actress), Andrew Bullock (actor), Angelica Timms (actress),
Actors Bjørn Floberg (actor), Tomas von Brömssen (actor), Hans Alfredson (actor), Espen Skjønberg (actor), Ingar Helge Gimle (actor), Jesper Christensen (actor), Philip Hersh (actor), Kari Simonsen (actress), Jon Øigarden (actor), Kjersti Holmen (actress), Randall Meyers (composer), John M. Jacobsen (producer), Mark Tandy (actor), Irmelin Wister (miscellaneous crew), Lars Arentz-Hansen (actor),
Actors Clarence Wilson (actor), Berton Churchill (actor), Warren Hymer (actor), Henry Armetta (actor), Pat Harmon (actor), Edward Hearn (actor), Maurice Black (actor), Marc Lawrence (actor), Sumner Getchell (actor), Monte Montague (actor), Frank Moran (actor), Lee Phelps (actor), Frank Rice (actor), Slim Summerville (actor), William Wyler (actor),
The most important philosophers of all time are presented through an original marriage of animation and interviews of professors of Philosophy, at each episo...
Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was born in Athens in the year 469 B.C., into the family of the sculptor Sophroniscus and Phaenarete. Socrates became the new philosophy founder and the teacher of the many of great philosophers. There is a sample of our production worldwide distributed.Having an exchange stock we are looking for archive and video materials (tv quality) for our use in our own historical video-project about prominent people of the past and famous canvases. (For more information please visit:
In this lecture we examine the ideas of Socrates. We look at his exhortation to 'care for your soul', his conviction that knowledge of virtue is necessary to...
Año1970 director Roberto Rossellini.
Know what you don't know. You know? Hit the SUBSCRIBE button. CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE: Welcome back to 8-Bit Philosophy, where gaming makes you smart. Email Alerts: Facebook: Twitter: Homepage: Episode 18: Who Was Socrates? (Socrates & Plato's Dialogues) Written by: Mia Wood Created & Directed by: Jared Bauer Narrator: Nathan Lowe Animation Producer: MB X. McClain Original Music & Sound by: David Krystal ( Animation Consultant: Matt Reichle Producer & Additional Artwork by: Jacob S. Salamon © 2014 Wisecrack, Inc.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Dr. Stoltzfus talks about how, in an time period with many online d...
artist -Socrates - album-phos [ 1976 ].........the band ....antonis tourkoyiorgis -bass....yiannis spathas -guitar...yiorgos trantalidis -drums ...percussion...
Assists, passing and skill compilation of one of the greatest Brazilian midfielders of all times. All goals of Socrates with Brazil National Team http://www....
Socrates (as the somewhat ponderous name is often abbreviated) began its career in the clubs of Athens. Most prominent of these was the popular Kyttaro. They...
The third video in Dr. Richard Brown's online introduction to philosophy. To see all videos go to Technical note:...
Más sobre este video en: ▷ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sócrates e...
Frases de Socrates ©copyright 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ frases de sabiduría, frases de filósofos, frases ...
Música em homenagem ao Zezinho e aos tempos difíceis que está a passar na prisão!
Socrates - Queen Of The Universe Album: Phos Year: 1974 Genre: Progressive Rock Vertigo Greece.
Socrates was one of the founders of Western Philosophy. He is credited with inventing a new form of discourse, the Socratic Method, which revolutionized teaching and is still widely used today. His methods won him few fans, however, and ultimately he was charged with corrupting the youth of Athens and was put to death. Learn more about the mysterious man who taught Plato and so many others. As Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Our Great Thinkers playlist celebrates influential thinkers who have changed the world for the better. Please Subscribe today! Circle us on Google+ at Follow us on Twitter at Like us on Facebook at Host: Liliana de Castro Artwork: Kim Parkhurst Directed by Michael Harrison Written and Produced by Kimberly Hatch Harrison Creative Commons Picture Credits: Bust of Socrates in the Louvre Author: Eric Gaba (Sting) Socrates by Leonidas Drosis, Athens - Academy of Athens,_Athens_-_Academy_of_Athens-corte.JPG Author: DIMSFIKAS at Greek Wikipedia ; corte Eugenio Hansen, OFS Columns of the Temple of Apollo,_Greece.jpeg Author: Patar knight Delphi composite picture Author: Leonidtsvetkov Bust of Plato Author: Marie-Lan Nguyen (User:Jastrow) 2009 Parthenon from the South Author: Thermos
SUR LA ROUTE AVEC SOCRATES Foot, Brésil et politique, un road movie avec Dany Cohn-Bendit Sur les traces du grand footballeur libertaire Sócrates, Daniel Cohn-Bendit a sillonné le Brésil pendant la dernière Coupe du monde de foot. Entre passion du beau jeu et réalités sociales, il tire du pays un portrait riche en contrastes. Daniel Cohn-Bendit est tout autant un amoureux inconditionnel du Brésil qu'un incurable nostalgique. Il y a trente ans, il assistait à ce fameux match des Corinthians de São Paulo, où le grand Sócrates et ses coéquipiers déployaient sur le terrain la banderole "Gagner ou perdre, mais toujours pour la démocratie". En se rangeant frontalement du côté du peuple et en prônant l'autogestion, les Corinthians avaient initié un réel élan de contestation dans un Brésil encore sous le joug d'une dictature crépusculaire. Depuis, comment le pays a-t-il évolué ? Que reste-t-il en 2014 de l'héritage de Sócrates et du mythe de la "démocratie corinthiane" ? Sur les traces d'une époque où football et politique étaient étroitement liés, Daniel Cohn-Bendit a repris la route cet été pendant la Coupe du monde. À bord d'un van digne de la grande époque hippie, il sillonne le Brésil et rencontre Wladimir, un ancien joueur de São Paulo, porteur de la mémoire libertaire des années 1980, le chanteur Gilberto Gil, ancien ministre de la Culture, des poètes, des éducateurs, des paysans en lutte pour leurs terres, Raï, l'ancien joueur du PSG, un ancien révolutionnaire et député fan de Che Guevara, deux filles championnes du monde de foot-volley... Le football, cette triste fable Mais Sócrates, disparu en 2011, n'est plus là pour veiller à la destinée des siens et Daniel Cohn-Bendit doit faire face à un certain désenchantement quand il constate que le Brésil s'est éloigné de l'utopie corinthiane. Autour de lui, la contestation sociale, qui a surpris la planète avant la Coupe du monde, semble s'essouffler à mesure que l'entrée dans la compétition de la sélection nationale se rapproche. Les griefs, pourtant, n'ont pas disparu, notamment ceux portant sur la corruption ou le manque de moyens pour l'éducation et la santé. Certes, le Brésil n'est plus une dictature, et l'ex-président Lula et sa successeure Dilma Rousseff ont fait naître bon nombre d'espoirs chez les plus pauvres. Mais le député européen, depuis peu à la retraite, souligne que le gouvernement n'a pas su protéger certaines minorités, notamment indiennes, et que de nombreuses inégalités subsistent. Au moment où le football de la Seleção se délite face à l'Allemagne, Daniel Cohn-Bendit constate que la grande utopie se divise en milliers de causes plus modestes. Les véritables héros du Brésil ne sont plus les footballeurs mais les combattants du quotidien.
SOCRATES Live στον Αγιο Κοσμά 1973 (οχι 1972 οπως αναφέρεται αλλού) Απόσπασμα απο την εκπομπή στον ρυθμο της ποπ, εκπομπή της ΥΕΝΕΔ που παρουσίαζε ο Ντάνος Λ...
During a God debate with Dinesh D'Souza at Notre Dame, Christopher Hitchens illustrates the fact that religion is not falsifiable. He makes that point that e...
The Apology of Socrates by Plato, Audiobook, Philosophy Audio, Greek, Greece. PLATO (ΠΛΆΤΩΝ) (c. 428 BC - c. 347 BC) and translated by Benjamin JOWETT (1817 ...
Honors Grad U blog: Online Store: --- Follow us on Twitter: @HonorsGradU...
This video is 1st in the 8-part lecture series Philosophy and Human Values (1990). Thanks to for making this available. I'm merely intereste...
Conversation about what is beauty in Football.
Entrevista com Socrates no `De Frente Com Gabi` Interview with Socrates, a true football legend.
If interested in international matches (usually from 80s-90s), you can also check my blog I not only provide lineups/goa...
Jeanne Socrates ( chats with Sarah Curry about her recent non-stop, solo, unassisted circumnavigation (!) and why she chose Hydrovane.
Subscribe Now : Early Access to New Videos : Get Personal Coaching : Visit Socrates at : Name: “Sock”- shorten childhood nickname for Socrates, which is my birth name that I later had changed due to societal and peer pressures. My parents first met during a literature course in college and fell in love reading a play by Socrates… somewhere they thought it would be terribly romantic if they got married and named their first son Socrates… They did and the rest is my history… …or so the story goes… Six years ago I found the men’s community in the emerging blogosphere, in search of not only trying to save an unhealthy and failing relationship, but in desperate search to find myself and reconnect to a society of men where I had previously always excelled and realized myself. It was something that I had lost touch of and was dearly lacking. It was the first tangible step in changing my life by re-taking control and authorship of it. I found and discovered many, many things in the community… about myself, my life, my ideals and my values. I found and made friendships that I hold dear to this day. It more than anything for me was a culture that fostered and nurtured acts of self discovery, analysis and ability to be naked and raw with my honesty, as expressed to myself and others. It was this support group with which you could honestly engage and receive feedback, which I found so critical to my personal development. It was and still is many, many things to me well beyond ‘The Game’. Who am I? I’m honestly not sure. I can tell you I’m (currently) a 43 year old man, professional (Architect), guest speaker at The 21 Convention 2011 of Orlando Florida, a man who is still trying to honor his inner child and balance the desires, ambitions and responsibilities of a grown man… to realize an idealized self… in that regard I’m a process, part of a journey of discovery… I am a son, a brother, a friend to many, an ass-hole to some, a lover to a few and a nameless face in a crowd all in one… I am a composition of the human kaleidoscope of being… unique and utterly common… yet distinctly a noble being. You can find more about Socrates here:
We are stoked to have an interview with Mike Socrates From If These Trees Could Talk He picks some of the bands biggest tracks and some his influences. We also talk about the signing to Metal Blade Records and the re-release of Above earth Below the Sky and Red Forest. You can hear the show live 7pm GMT and all the replays of the full shows on the website
The final video in our series of ancient religious scepticism features the acclaimed historian, author and broadcaster Dr Bettany Hughes in conversation with...
Subscribe Now : Learn Now : Shop Now : About this video : This video is an H...
It's been a long time since the legendary Socrates has been seen competing, he sits down with ddk to discuss what he's up to these days amongst other topics.
The cast of Professor Andrew Irvine's "Socrates on Trial" comment on the big question: was he guilty? Full video at
Subscribe to get more free videos About : behind the scenes video with Socrates from Help us capti...
Socrates Ioannou from Soulsteal interviewed by Nick Azinas from Peek from the Pit in London, UK. In the interview Socrates discusses: - The new album - The d...
Interviewer --Catherine Christensen Interviewee --Alex Chu Camera Op --Zeke Anders Editor -- Brian Dawley Written and Produced by MBA Ap...
Interview RFC 26 Pierre Socrates MMA Fighter 2012-04-28 Pierre had a big win at RFC 26 in Ocala Florida - see what he had to say...
I made this during my undergraduate studies at Central Michigan University. I gradated in December, 2008 with a B.A.A. from the School of Broadcast and Cinem...
Tyra interviews one of ancient greece's most famous philosophers.
Jetzt ist Lissabon an der Reihe: Die Portugiesen übernehmen von den Deutschen die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Durch die Arbeit der Troika - also das gemeinsame V...
Movie 2005 [Special features title 05_1]
Scott Rappoport interviews Jeanne in New York before she receives the Cruising Club of America's prestigious 'Blue Water Medal' for her solo circumnavigation...
This was created for a Lesley University graduate level class for educators, to provide an example of a constructivist lesson that students could produce to ...
The Greek philosopher Socrates was born 469 B.C in Athens and died in 399 B.C. Socrates was a Great philosopher. jewel Matubber he also Lived in Greece.About...
Sokrates 2.
All Deists embrace the Socratic principle of following the evidence wherever it leads ... Socrates:
The Examiner 2015-04-10... Fernandez, 22, and Carlos Hernandez Torres, 21, who were outside of a home on Socrates Drive when .
Big News Network 2015-04-10... the much anticipated film Shooting for Socrates, the highlight of this year's Belfast Film Festival.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-09George Osborne: ... The Tory faithful loved it ... (minor premise) Socrates is a man;. (conclusion) therefore, Socrates is mortal ... ).
The Guardian 2015-04-09... Rudy Flores (2012), Raul Navarro (2010), Tom Belza (2011), Socrates Brito (2012), Alex Glenn (2012).
noodls 2015-04-09(Hmm, is that such a word? ... Like a contemporary Socrates with a wry sense of humor, Boote questions the conventional wisdom.
The Examiner 2015-04-09(Source: Arizona Diamondbacks ). MLB. com Columnist. Jonathan Mayo ... 4:04 PM ET ... 2015 MLB ... Socrates Brito -- Mobile BayBears (AA).
noodls 2015-04-09As Socrates, one of the founders of Western philosophy, put it, "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Huffington Post 2015-04-08So true are the immortal words of the Greek philosopher Socrates, "the brilliant statesman had ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-08... to focus all of our energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new," according to Socrates.
noodls 2015-04-08Wednesday, June 24 at 7 PM in Socrates Sculpture Parks (Queens); Friday, June 26 at 7 PM in Jackie ...
noodls 2015-04-07Erik Satie’s solo vocal composition "Socrate," based on three passages from Plato, and Terry Riley’s ...
The Examiner 2015-04-06(Source: ... The Rocco J ... "Over the course of decades, Bill Moyers has been for the United States what Socrates was to Athens:
noodls 2015-04-06Socrates ( /ˈsɒkrətiːz/; Greek: Σωκράτης, Ancient Greek pronunciation: [sɔːkrátɛːs], Sōkrátēs; c. 469 BC – 399 BC) was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is an enigmatic figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato and Xenophon, and the plays of his contemporary Aristophanes. Many would claim that Plato's dialogues are the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity.
Through his portrayal in Plato's dialogues, Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of ethics, and it is this Platonic Socrates who also lends his name to the concepts of Socratic irony and the Socratic method, or elenchus. The latter remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions, and is a type of pedagogy in which a series of questions are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. It is Plato's Socrates that also made important and lasting contributions to the fields of epistemology and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains strong in providing a foundation for much western philosophy that followed.
Mountains all around me
reaching out to heaven
Wild and full of colours
standing proud forever Mountains all around me
reaching out to heaven
Wild and full of colours
When the people, are happy
and stoned
Then comes the killer
I am death
and I need some respect
I am the killer
dirty generation
You try to put me down
Soon I will make you feel me
I'm the black dog
walking with you tonight
I'm a shadow
watching you anytime
time has come to get you When the sun is bright
or when the moon is dark
Then comes the killer
Dressed in black I'm here
pointing at you
I am the killer
dirty generation
you try to put me down
So I make you feel me
I'm the black dog
walking with you tonight
I'm a shadow
watching you anytime
Spirit of the night
took my body right
point me to the sky
let me know [I'm dying for my soul?]
Summertime is gone
I'm singing you my song
the wind is blowing strong
My blond hair is turning grey
Time of pain
spring time
winter time
dream away Everybody is gone
I'm sitting all alone
talking to the rain
The night is going to take me away
Spirit of the night
took my body right
point me to the sky
let me know [ I'm dying for my soul?]
Time of pain
spring time
winter time
As Socrates said, "Know thyself!"
As Socrates said, "Know thyself!"
He was the best philosopher in the land;
He said words plato could understand.
One day, hewent too far---
Went all the way, to the jail bar!
There in jail, he heard a knock;
A guard poisoned him with hemlock!
Plato carried o Socrates' work;
He knew Socrates was no jerk!
Plato made an academy school;
He knew Socrates was no fool!
Mountains all around me
reaching out to heaven
Wild and full of colours
standing proud forever Mountains all around me
reaching out to heaven
Wild and full of colours
standing proud forever
Queen of the universe, I saw you in a dream
with your eyes staring into mine
riding with the wind
I'll be with you tomorrow
and never let you run away
You're coming with the morning sun
you're living with the moonlight
you smile and every flower grows
you cry and they die I'll be with you tomorrow
and never let you run away
Queen of the universe
daughter of starlight
I see the skies within your eyes
the pain within your tears
I'll be with you tomorrow
Sailing far
with the morning wind
blue the ocean
you and me
blue the ocean
you and me
the sun goes down
to the golden land
close your eyes
and be your man
close your eyes
and be your man [Interlude]
hear the music
coming from the sea
song of evening
sad and free
song of evening
Voices crying through the night
people starve and pray for bread
Darkness seems to take their life
they are living to be dead
Hey look at the world
open up your heart
spread your love around
Hey, feel the human pain
aren't you the same
Spirits have no name
Little children dying away
drowning flowers in the rain
All they know is fear and pain
have you nothing left to say ?
Hey look at the world
open up your heart
spread your love around
Hey, feel the human pain
aren't you the same
Spirits have no name
Voices crying through the night
people starve and pray for bread
Darkness seems to take their life
they are living to be dead
Hey look at the world
open up your heart
spread your love around
Hey, feel the human pain
aren't you the same