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View full lesson: It's perfectly human to grapple with questions, like 'Where do we come from?' and 'How do I live a life of meaning?' These existential questions are central to the five major world religions -- and that's not all that connects these faiths. John Bellaimey explains the intertwined histories and cultures of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Lesson by John Bellaimey, animation by TED-Ed.
All religions Muhammed(s.a.v) and our religion İSLAM'S birth...
Documentary about Relegion .Must Watch . ENGLISH VERSION OxYgenTV202
The evolutionary origin of religions theorizes about the emergence of religious behavior during the course of human evolution. Humanity's closest living relatives are common chimpanzees and bonobos. These primates share a common ancestor with humans who lived between four and six million years ago. It is for this reason that chimpanzees and bonobos are viewed as the best available surrogate for this common ancestor. Barbara King argues that while non-human primates are not religious, they do exhibit some traits that would have been necessary for the evolution of religion. These traits include high intelligence, a capacity for symbolic communication, a sense of social norms, realization of "self" and a concept of continuity.[1][2][3] There is inconclusive evidence that Homo neanderthalensis may have buried their dead which is evidence of the use of ritual. The use of burial rituals is evidence of religious activity, but there is no other evidence that religion existed in human culture before humans reached behavioral modernity.[4] Marc Bekoff, Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, argues that many species grieve death and loss.[5] There is general agreement among cognitive scientists that religion is an outgrowth of brain architecture that evolved early in human history. However, there is disagreement on the exact mechanisms that drove the evolution of the religious mind. The two main schools of thought hold that either religion evolved due to natural selection and has selective advantage, or that religion is an evolutionary byproduct of other mental adaptations.[18] Stephen Jay Gould, for example, believed that religion was an exaptation or a spandrel, in other words that religion evolved as byproduct of psychological mechanisms that evolved for other reasons.[19][20][21] Such mechanisms may include the ability to infer the presence of organisms that might do harm (agent detection), the ability to come up with causal narratives for natural events (etiology), and the ability to recognize that other people have minds of their own with their own beliefs, desires and intentions (theory of mind). These three adaptations (among others) allow human beings to imagine purposeful agents behind many observations that could not readily be explained otherwise, e.g. thunder, lightning, movement of planets, complexity of life, etc.[22] The emergence of collective religious belief identified the agents as deities that standardized the explanation. Some scholars have suggested that religion is genetically "hardwired" into the human condition. One controversial hypothesis, the God gene hypothesis, states that some variants of a specific gene, the VMAT2 gene, predispose to spirituality.[23] Another view is based on the concept of the triune brain: the reptilian brain, the limbic system, and the neocortex, proposed by Paul D. MacLean. Collective religious belief draws upon the emotions of love, fear, and gregariousness and is deeply embedded in the limbic system through sociobiological conditioning and social sanction. Individual religious belief utilizes reason based in the neocortex and often varies from collective religion. The limbic system is much older in evolutionary terms than the neocortex and is, therefore, stronger than it much in the same way as the reptilian is stronger than both the limbic system and the neocortex. Reason is pre-empted by emotional drives. The religious feeling in a congregation is emotionally different from individual spirituality even though the congregation is composed of individuals. Belonging to a collective religion is culturally more important than individual spirituality though the two often go hand in hand. This is one of the reasons why religious debates are likely to be inconclusive. Yet another view is that the behaviour of people who participate in a religion makes them feel better and this improves their fitness, so that there is a genetic selection in favor of people who are willing to believe in religion. Specifically, rituals, beliefs, and the social contact typical of religious groups may serve to calm the mind (for example by reducing ambiguity and the uncertainty due to complexity) and allow it to function better when under stress.[24] This would allow religion to be used as a powerful survival mechanism, particularly in facilitating the evolution of hierarchies of warriors, which if true, may be why many modern religions tend to promote fertility and kinship.
World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Budhism Spread of Religions by time from 3000 BC to 2000 AD. Discover the origin of religions Personalities Like Jesus ( PBUH) , Muhammad (PBUH), Abraham( PBUH) Gotham Budh , Krishna Religions In asia africa america central asia far east asia etc. I hope you will like it.
The hidden truth about all religions that they do not want you to know is revealed in this award winning documentary video. Please watch, discover and become awake to the lies that you have been told, learn and share the truth with others.
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the commentary civil. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @raoulmeyer @crashcoursestan @saysdanica @thoughtbubbler Like us! Follow us again! Support CrashCourse on Subbable:
History of World Religions - Judaism
History of Religions - Islam. Discussion with historian Stoyan Trendafilov.
History of World Religions - Islam
History of World Religions - Christianity
Learn the history of the Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This is a must see lecture for everyone.
The History of Westeros series continues with Religions (Known World), exploring some of the major Faiths of the World. Based on the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin. Religions Featured: Nature Gods and Tall Trees Aquan the Red Bull Bakkalon the Pale Child The hooded Wayfarer Black Goat Many-Faced God Merling King Moon Pale Maiden The Pattern Semosh and Selloso The Silent God The Stone Cow of Faros Trios Weeping Lady of Lys Lady of the Spears Great Shepard Lion of Night Horse God Follow us Visit our Site: Music by Ross Bugden (RFGB): "House Stark" Channel
Narrated by Ben Kingsley, each installment in the Religions of the World series offers an in-depth investigation into the practices and theology of a major w...
Parliament of the World's Religions documentary about the original parliament in 1893, the centennial celebration in Chicago, 1993, Cape town 1999, Barcelona...
CORRECTION : ISLAM CAME TO INDONESIA IN 7th CENTURY,NOT 17th CENTURY !!! The reason I'm making this video is to respond the ignorant and stupid comments of p...
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"The great world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Taoism all developed in Asia within a thousand years." En...
NDSE's Near Death Soul Experience Network has been created for people who are interested in sharing their own individual near death experience socially and meeting others who had similar experiences. Also individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the soul’s journey purpose through multiple body incarnations here on earth. Our goal is to bring souls back to the universal source we call God which dwells within each of us. If you like to share your near death soul experiences with us, please send us a message so we can post your testimony.
continued, leading to the main errors occuring in Bhakti (devotional practice) and the main advice to any group that wants to experience bhakti as a group.
The History of Westeros series continues with Religions (Westeros), exploring some of the major Faiths of the Continent. Based on the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin. Religions Featured: Old Gods 0:20 - 1:11 New Gods (The Seven) 1:12 - 2:00 Drowned God 2:01 - 3:05 The Red God R'hllor 3:06 - 4:11 The Mother Rhoyne 4:12 - 4:56 The Lord of the Skies and Lady of the Waves 4:57 - 5:16 Follow us Visit our Site: Music by Ross Bugden (RFGB): "House Stark" Channel
Why Is Christianity True ( Origins of Life, World Religions, Archeology, Bible History )
The spread of Hinduism,Judiasm,Buddhism,Christianity and Islam.
Introduction to the union between all religions in their original Sanatan Dharm, following the history of religions and the evolution from polytheism & monis...
... the campaign of George W ... The History of Religion, Beginning with Noah and his Wife, Joan of Arc.
The New York Times 2014-04-27... completely divorced from the messy, push-pull reality of history ... The Cartoon History of ‘Cosmos’.
The Daily Beast 2014-03-23A celebration of the history of religion in the former coal mining town of Porth will take place ...
noodls 2013-08-30The history of religion refers to the written record of human religious experiences and ideas. This period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5,000 years ago (3,000 BCE) in the Near East. The prehistory of religion relates to a study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records. The timeline of religion is a comparative chronology of religion.
The word "religion" as it is used today does not have an obvious pre-colonial translation into non-European languages. Daniel Dubuisson writes that "what the West and the history of religions in its wake have objectified under the name 'religion' is ... something quite unique, which could be appropriate only to itself and its own history." The history of other cultures' interaction with the religious category is therefore their interaction with an idea that first developed in Europe under the influence of Christianity.
The school of religious history called the Religionsgeschichtliche Schule was a 19th century German school of thought which was the first to systematically study religion as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It depicted religion as evolving with human culture, from primitive polytheism to ethical monotheism.