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"Reign Array" is off Liturgy's album "The Ark Work," out in March on Thrill Jockey. 2xLP/CD: iTunes: Liturgy 2015 tour dates: April 2 - Washington, DC - DC9 April 3 - Philadelphia, PA - The Boot & Saddle April 4 - Raleigh, NC - Kings April 5 - Atlanta, GA - The Masquerade April 7 - Austin, TX - April 8 - Dallas, TX - Club Dada April 9 - Kansas City, MO - Record Bar April 10 - Chicago, IL - Subterranean April 11 - Oberlin, OH - Dionysus Disco April 15 - Brooklyn, NY - Saint Vitus April 27 - Vancouver, BC - Electric Owl April 28 - Seattle, WA - Neumos April 29 - Portland, OR - Dante's April 30 - Sacramento, CA - Press Club May 1 - San Francisco, CA - The Chapel May 2 - Oakland, CA - Leo's Music Club May 3 - Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex May 4 - Santa Ana, CA - Constellation Room May 5 - San Diego, CA - Casbah May 25 - Berlin, Germany - Kantine am Berghain May 26 - Malmo, Sweden - Inkonst May 27 - Oslo, Norway - Bla May 28 - Stockholm, Sweden - Kagelbanan May 29 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Jazzhouse May 30 - Hamburg, Germany - Kampnagel May 31 - Leipzig, Germany - UT Connewittz June 1 - Vienna, Austria - Arena June 2 - Munich, Germany - Feierwerk June 3 - Cologne, Germany - Studio 672 June 4 - Zurich, Switzerland - Bogen F June 5 - Schorndorf, Germany - Manufaktur June 8 - Brussels, Belgium - AB June 9 - Paris, France - Espace B June 10 - Brighton, UK - Sticky Mike's Frog Bar June 11 - London, UK - Electrowerkz June 13 - Birmingham, UK - Supersonic Festival June 14 - Diksmuide, Belgium - 4AD June 15 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - OCCII June 19 - Toronto, ON - Opera House (NXNE) June 20 - Montreal, QC - Bar Le Ritz PDB June 21 - Allston, MA - Great Scott July 17/18 - Eau Claire, WI - Eaux Claires Liturgy on Facebook: Liturgy on Twitter: Thrill Jockey on Facebook: Thrill Jockey on Twitter: Thrill Jockey on Instagram: Thrill Jockey on Tumblr:
"Quetzalcoatl" is from the upcoming Liturgy album "The Ark Work" out March 23/24, 2015 on Thrill Jockey Records. CD/2LP pre-order : iTunes single : Liturgy on Facebook: Thrill Jockey on Twitter : Thrill Jockey on Facebook : Thrill Jockey on Instagram : Thrill Jockey on Tumblr:
No Copyright Intended.
AESTHETHICA out May 10, available now for pre-order on CD or 2xLP Directed by Zev Deans © Panorama Programming 2011 vim...
This video I put in a request and hope to heal all people in the world suffering from malignant disease. Сергей Рахманинов - Литургия Иоанна Златоуста для смешанного хора a cappella, Op.31 Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff - Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, for mixed choir a cappella, Op. 31 Вокальный ансамбль солистов Камерной филармонии Санкт-Петербурга п/у Ольги Ступневой: Ирина Михалкина (11) Зоя Церерина (3,9) Станислав Леонтьев (2) Виталий Золаторёв (9,10,17) Леонид Гладков (2,6) Vocal Ensemble Soloists Chamber Philharmonic St Petersburg Conductor: Olga Stupneva Irina Mihalkina (11) Zoe Tsererina (3.9) Stanislav Leontiev (2) Vitaly Zolatorev (9,10,17) Leonid Gladkov (2,6) 1. Благовесть (Ringing of church bells) 2. Великая ектения (The Great Litany) 3. Благослови, душе моя, Господа (The First Antiphon: Bless the Lord, О My Soul) 4. Слава Отцу. Единородный Сыне (The Second Antiphon: Glory Be to the Father - Only-Begotten Son) 5. Во царствие Твоем (The Third Antiphon: In Your Kingdom) 6. Приидите, поклонимся (The Little Entrance: Come, Let Us Worship) 7. Господи, спаси благочестивыя. Святый Боже (Трисвятое) (Trisagion: Lord, We Pray That You May Be Merciful) 8. Иже Херувимы (Cherubic Hymn) 9. Верую (Credo) 10. Милость мира (The Eucharistic Prayer: A Mercy Of Peace) 11. Тебе поем (We Praise Тhee) 12. Достойно есть (Hymn to the Mother of God: It Is Truly Meet) 13. Отче наш (The Lord's Prayer: Our Father) 14. Хвалите Господа (Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord From The Heavens) 15. Благословен градый. Видехом свет истинный (Blessed Is He - We Have Seen the Light) 17. Буди имя Господне благословенно (Blessed Be the Name of the Lord) 18. Благовесть (Ringing of church bells)
Liturgy live at RED 7 in Austin Texas. Presented by ACOLYTE (
The Liturgy of St. Gregory the Theologian of the Coptic Rite. Father Yousef Asaad is the celebrating presbyter. Part 1. You can reach us at Liturgy playing live at Death by Audio in Brooklyn, New York City on October 30, 2014.
"Missionary" Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with commentary from Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev. Sung according to recomposed 17th century manuscripts. Celebrant: Bishop Ambrosy - Rector of the St Petersburg Theological Academy, St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg, July 14 2012 Миссионерская Божественная Литургия св. Иоанна Златоуста с пояснениями протодиакона Андрея Кураева. Реконструкция певческого чинопоследования по древнерусским рукописям 17 века. Исаакиевский собор, 14 июля 2012 г.
Starts at 8:20 am - Pope Francis attends the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Church of St. George, followed by an Ecumenical Blessing and signing of the Common Declaration
Listen: Do intentions matter: A reaction to transcendental black metal? On Liturgy's latest...
Uploaded with Permission. Filmed for and by Aghaby Christian TV on September 2009. Celebrant is Fr. Mauritius Anba Bishoy at the Heavenly Cathedral Sharm El-sheikh, Egypt. The Divine Liturgy of St Basil in English. May God bless and encourage each of you. Amen. Visit a parish, explore the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church instituted by Christ on the foundation of His Apostles, ask a local Parish Priest about how to become Orthodox, come develop and grow your relationship with Jesus Christ. Browse to . Come home to your family in Christ.
LITURGY - THE ARK WORK Coming in March 2015, on Thrill Jockey Records Directed by Zev Deans © Panorama Programming 2015 Cinematography by Jacqueline Castel Art, GFX, Edit by Zev Deans Special Thanks to Max Isaacson & Micki Pellerano Liturgy on Twitter: Liturgy on facebook: Thrill Jockey on Twitter: Thrill Jockey on Facebook :
00:00 The Prayer of Reconciliation 04:40 Adam Aspasmos 09:48 Aspazesta 21:28 Anaphora 30:49 Agios 35:23 You Thou O my Master 37:01 You who are the Being at a...
01. Ευλόγει η ψυχή μου Τον Κύριον - My Soul Doth Praise the Lord 02. Τρισάγιον, Δύναμις - Trisagion 03. Χερουβικόν - Cherubic Hymn 04. Λειτουργικά - Liturgic...
Chapter I: Intro - 00:00 Chapter II: Matins - 04:05 Chapter III: Lauds - 13:36 Chapter IV: Prime - 18:06 Chapter V: Terce - 21:43 Chapter VI: Sext - 32:40 Ch...
Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill are due to participate in a liturgy of the Nativity of Jesus Christ on January 6. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Vine: Instagram: Google Plus: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
Patriarchal Divine Liturgy with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at Madison Square Garden during his visit to the United States of America i...
There is only One True Apostolic Universal Orthodox Church who's bishops are dirrect successors of Christ's Apostles for 2000 years nothing has been changed,...
from the album Aesthethica,copyright belongs to the band,label,etc. not me.
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom was celebrated at the 2013 Napa Institute Conference by the Rt. Rev. Mitered Protopresbyter Andriy Chirovsky, Fr. D...
Dr. Hahn discusses how his study of typology and the interconnectedness of the Old and New testaments pointed him, at every turn, toward the historic Catholic Church. He shows the place of tradition in Christian life and how scripture is fundamentally connected to liturgy. He concludes with a discussion of the sacramentality of marriage and the powerful daily liturgy we are called to in the domestic church. (This talk was originally given in 2003 at the CHNetwork's "Deep in History" conference) About the Deep in History Talks from the CHNetwork: Why should we go deep in history? As generations before us have learned, history is the laboratory for thinking about the issues that matter most to us as human beings. By placing ourselves back into another time, we are able to look at our own time with more objectivity; we see its strengths and weaknesses. For Christians, there is the additional truth that ours is a historical faith. Christianity is rooted in the historical facts of Jesus's life. The Church which is his body has lived, grown, and matured in space and time. The surest way to know Jesus and his Church is through the study of history, both biblical and post-biblical. We hope these resources take you deep into the history of Christ's Church and thereby deeper into Christ. Please visit:
Fr. Anthony Cook celebrates the service of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, August 5th, at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Turkey. Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy on the Feast Day of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Andrew the First-Called of the Apostles, the Feast Day of the Throne of the Holy and Great Church of Christ in Constantinople, led by Patriarch Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Eastern Orthodox Communion and Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome, with attendance of Pope Francis, from the Patriarchal Basilica of St. George, Istanbul, Turkey. After the Divine Liturgy, Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew signed a common declaration. 30 November 2014 ~ Viaggio Apostolico del Santo Padre Francesco in Turchia. Ortodossa orientale Divina Liturgia per la festa del Santo e glorioso Apostolo Andrea, il primo chiamato degli Apostoli, il giorno della festa del Trono della Chiesa Santa e Grande di Cristo a Costantinopoli, guidato dal patriarca Bartolomeo, Patriarca ecumenico di ortodossa orientale Comunione e Arcivescovo di Costantinopoli Nuova Roma, con la partecipazione di Papa Francesco, dalla Basilica Patriarcale di San Giorgio, Istanbul, Turchia. Dopo la Divina Liturgia, Papa Francesco e il Patriarca Bartolomeo hanno firmato una dichiarazione comune. ~ Αποστολικό ταξίδι του Πάπα Φραγκίσκου προς την Τουρκία. Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Θεία Λειτουργία για την εορτή του Αγίου και Αποστόλου Ανδρέα Glorious η Πρώτη Ονομάζεται των Αποστόλων, την Εορτή του Θρόνου της Αγίας και Μεγάλης του Χριστού Εκκλησίας στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, με επικεφαλής τον Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίο, ο Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης της Ανατολικής Ορθόδοξης κοινωνία και Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Νέας Ρώμης, με τη συμμετοχή του Πάπα Φραγκίσκου, από την Πατριαρχική Βασιλική του Αγίου Γεωργίου, στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, Τουρκία. Μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία, ο Πάπας Φραγκίσκος και ο Πατριάρχης Βαρθολομαίος υπέγραψαν κοινή δήλωση. ~ الرسولية رحلة البابا فرانسيس إلى تركيا. الأرثوذكسية الشرقية القداس الإلهي يوم عيد الكريم والرسول الكريم اندرو الأول يسمى الرسل، ويوم عيد العرش للكنيسة المقدسة والعظمى المسيح في القسطنطينية بقيادة البطريرك برثلماوس، البطريرك المسكوني الأرثوذكسية الشرقية بالتواصل ورئيس أساقفة القسطنطينية روما الجديدة، مع حضور البابا فرانسيس، من كنيسة البطريركية القديس جورج، اسطنبول، تركيا. بعد القداس الإلهي، وقعت البابا فرانسيس والبطريرك بارثولوميو إعلان مشترك.
By the end of the liturgy, he suggests--after the singing, the lessons, the sermon, the prayers, the ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-10Zionists use this piece of the liturgy to reaffirm the idea that the State of Israel is the ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-09Next week in KC: Sixx: A. M. , Kristeen Young and Charlie Parr … Click to Continue ».
Kansas City Star 2015-04-08This view of marriage was reflected in the lack of any formal liturgy for marriage in the early ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-08... Liturgy on the Great Feast of the Annunciation at the Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery here.
noodls 2015-04-08On April 12, the Armenian President will visit Vatican City where he will take part in a liturgy ...
noodls 2015-04-08... 30 years, planning and directing music for Archdiocesan liturgies and local parish celebrations.
noodls 2015-04-08Directly following the midnight liturgy, also known as the Anastasi service, most churches offer an ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-08According to the spiritual rules at the end of the Candlelight Liturgy the good tiding of the ...
noodls 2015-04-07... which had lasted since 1570 and which was the most widely celebrated Mass liturgy in the world.
The Irish Times 2015-04-07While the pope was busy with the Easter liturgies, he sent Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the papal ...
noodls 2015-04-07(Source: The Anglican Communion ) ... Three years ago, Los Angeles Bishop J ... '" ... How does liturgy emerge out of what we are doing?
noodls 2015-04-07Following the Liturgy, the Holy Father gave the traditional 'Blessing Urbi et Orbi'- to the City ,of Rome, and to the World.
Palm Beach Post 2015-04-06Liturgy (Greek: Λειτουργία) is the customary public worship done by a specific religious group, according to its particular traditions.
The word, sometimes rendered by its English translation "service", may refer to an elaborate formal ritual such as the Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy (Greek: Θεία λειτουργία) and Catholic Mass, or a daily activity such as the Muslim salat and Jewish services. As a religious phenomenon, liturgy is a communal response to the sacred through activity reflecting praise, thanksgiving, supplication, or repentance. Ritualization may be associated with life events such as birth, coming of age, marriage and death. It thus forms the basis for establishing a relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy. Methods of dress, preparation of food, olication of cosmetics or other hygienic practices are all considered liturgical activities.
The familiar sense of the word is an extension of the technical term in ancient Greek, leitourgia, signifying the often expensive offers of service to the people, and thus to the polis and the state. Through the leitourgia the rich carried a financial burden and were correspondingly rewarded with honours. The leitourgia became both mandatory and honorific, supporting the patron's standing among the elite. The holder of a Hellenic leitourgia was not taxed a specific sum, but entrusted with a particular ritual, which could be performed with greater or lesser magnificence. The chief sphere remained that of civic religion, embodied in the festivals: M.I. Finley notes "in Demosthenes' day there were at least 97 liturgical appointments in Athens for the festivals, rising to 118 in a (quadrennial) Panathenaic year." Eventually, under the Roman Empire, such obligations, known as Monera, devolved into a competitive and ruinously expensive burden that was not avoided[clarification needed] when possible.
False horizon
Pointing nowhere
The sky is not blue
The air is not crisp
Brother, sister
Tear through the forest
Brother, sister
Tear through the forest
The sun doesn't set
It's bronze rays do not
Sparkle in the water
They do not brush against my lashes
As I stare
And the yoke weighed heavily
Upon the neck
And the tractors placed their tracks
Upon the cowering soil
The arrow cast
The bow pulled back
The arrow cast
And the chains were linked to other chains
Forged obliquely, freeing no one and everyone
Ecstatic rite
Divide the father
Ecstatic rite
Divide the father
From river to sea
The waves sing and shine
Untrained, unrestrained
Desiring nothing
From hill to vale
Floating upwards
Lungs filling up with air
As God inhales me
Into the impossible
I wave a sad goodbye
To each newly conquered territory
Nomad hearth
Consuming it's own home
The glow of warm joy
Leaving dry form
Carcass Ashes
True will
Green life scraped from copper vaults
Silver pins in crippled cartilage
Ballooning substrate of eternity
Without reason's diamond
Without imagination
True will
Magnet charger
Lightning Blaze
Everything that ever was
Slightly changes
Green life scraped from copper vaults
Silver pins in crippled cartilage
Ballooning substrate of eternity
O sail of skin tumbling in the air
Blowing anywhere
O absent law
Chattering useless teeth
Secreting quiet sweat
O mirror that does not reflect
O fire that illuminates nothing
But itself
O shadow of what never was
But seems to have been
And to have been lost
A cascade of lightning startles the firmament
A thousand black hooves clatter
Upon the mountain
Grey plume of dust
Red flag of blood
Blue shining blade of sky
Spark with no cause
Wound with no sword
Fresh skulls and supple bones
Golden helm of radiance
The incantation uttered by no one
The call to arms from nowhere
The message from the clarion
Resounded across deaf hills
Men awoke
And sprayed their blood upon the earth
Spark with no cause
Wound with no sword
Unseeing eye
Gashed shoulders and crippled loins
Huge steampunk boulders
Nestling between cargo khaki knees
Magenta flush across your cheek
Eyes on the horizon
On the oasis siren
On pairs of Tits
Helicopter of vultures
Tornado senselessly a'whirl
You diagonalize
You tear the continents apart
And plunge into the gulf
And flush your eyes with crime
And hoard up all the rubles
Glory Bronze
Glory Bronze
As the blood of God
Bursts the veins of time
Give your avatar a kiss
High gold
Holy noon
Ribbons of gas
Flailing across the Sun
Boil the anchors
Scatters the spangles
Lift up the limp red tongs
Scald the glowing gauntlets
And molten coin
Eradicate the shadows
Ignite the wool
High gold
Holy noon
Ribbons of gas
Good genius
Offering itself in flickers
Everywhere fragile flashes
Wormholes into an unconceived future
Sun of Sun of Sun
Sun of Sun of Sun
Beads of acid
Bedfeathers flying
Through dried up gashes of air
Indices of the moment
When nature's necklace was clipped
And her pearls sprayed everywhere
The hero's statue drips with stones
Parched dried up like his bones
The tragic laurel goes
To the temples
As their doors come to a close
The lava blows
Vesuvius Blushes
Underneath his clothes
The tragic laurel goes
With the torso
Locked in contrappasto pose
The tragic laurel goes
The tragic laurel goes
I force through the opening
I claw through veil after veil
Absent purity
Painted dawn
I choke the apocalyptic trumpet
With my power
Resounding though the arcangel
Like marrow
Absent purity
Painted dawn
The future is nowhere
The past is gone
Bursting Universal
Violation of the law
God destroyer of a God
Violation of the law
Plant toxic bombs in marble tombs
Stream the universal us
Through optical ISP transmission lines
Crack my fathers' spines
And sail me to Chimera
Lay down a long leg
And elegant toe
Good Genius
Offering Itself In Flickers
Everywhere Fragile Flashes
Wormholes Into An Unconceived Future
Sun Of Sun Of Sun
Beads Of Acid
Bedfeathers Flying
Through Dried Up Gashes Of Air
Indices Of The Moment
When Nature's Necklace Was Clipped
And Her Pearls Sprayed Everywhere
The hero's statue drips with stones
Parched dried up like his bones
The tragic laurel goes
To the temples
As their doors come to a close
The lava blows
Vesuvius Blushes
Underneath his clothes
The tragic laurel goes
With the torso
Locked in contrappasto pose
The tragic laurel goes
The tragic laurel goes
The tragic laurel goes
In vain the iron-wrought tower
Pierces heaven's dome
In vain the muscle tears it's fiber
Ten more fibers blossom in it's place
They tried to plant a flag
Behind the void
In vain the moat surrounds the castle
Mud skulks across it's bed
In vain contraction
In vain expansion
In vain our kinds seeks total order
There is a fissure at the heart of being
They tried to plant a flag
The steam shall give birth to a glacier
The heath shall give way to sand
Bone shall become tusk
Hair shall become nail
Tooth shall cling to skull
Being shall become
The eternal return
Of fire
Asphault shall flow like water
Forest shall crowd out the worms
Nothing ever began
There was no dawn
The heat chars
The cold stabs
The wheat shall give way to chaff
Bone shall crack against bone
Being shall become
The eternal return