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When you believe in things you don't understand...
Actors Gerard Joseph (actor), Steve Gudelunas (actor), Timothy Fennell (editor), Steve Gudelunas (producer), Timothy Fennell (writer), Timothy Fennell (director), Robert Stineman (producer), Rebecca Miglionnico (actress), Christina Theodoro (actress), Sean Bradley (actor),
Actors Aslaug Konradsdottir (miscellaneous crew), Jørgen Langhelle (actor), Ingar Helge Gimle (actor), Börje Hansson (producer), Georgi Staykov (actor), Dejan Cukic (actor), Tomas Täng (editor), Kjell Sundvall (director), Stig Henrik Hoff (actor), Aage Aaberge (producer), Henrik Mestad (actor), Anneke von der Lippe (actress), Lars Arentz-Hansen (actor), Erik Hivju (actor), Kim Haugen (actor),
Actors Aydemir Akbas (actor), Cüneyt Arkin (actor), Hüseyin Baradan (actor), Altan Günbay (actor), Atif Kaptan (actor), Ahmet Kostarika (actor), Baki Tamer (actor), Fatma Girik (actress), Memduh Ün (producer), Sevda Nur (actress), Duygu Sagiroglu (writer), Duygu Sagiroglu (director), Yildirim Önal (actor), Serap Olguner (actress), Mehmet Samsa (actor),
Actors Dariush Mehrjui (director), Dariush Mehrjui (editor), Ezzatolah Entezami (actor), Dariush Mehrjui (producer), Jamshid Mashayekhi (actor), Dariush Mehrjui (writer), Ali Nassirian (actor), Jafar Vali (actor), Ezatallah Ramezanifar (actor), Firouz Behjat-Mohamadi (actor), Parviz Fanizadeh (actor), Mahin Shahabi (actress), Khosrow Shojazadeh (actor), Esmat Safavi (actress), Hormouz Farhat (composer),
Actors Fosco Giachetti (actor), Giovanni Grasso (actor), Doris Duranti (actress), Romolo Marcellini (writer), Romolo Marcellini (director), Gian Gaspare Napolitano (writer), Italo Pirani (actor), Marcello Orano (writer), Marcello Orano (writer), Ali Ibrahim (actor), Hagì Mohamed Samantar (actor), Abdullah Ali (actor), Ahmed Busser (actor), Hassan Mohamed (actor), Abdullah Mussa (actor),
Part 1 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" produced in 2000. This part is about the Rasool Muhammad SAW and the rise of Islam after its early turbulent history. -Uploaded by Nahda Media-
It is He (Allah) who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness. Holy Qur'an 48:28
Sunday February 23, 2014 Dr. Volker Enders shared his story of his journey to Islam in Belmont Masjid, Belmont, California - Yaseen Foundation. Dr. Enders is...
Banned in the UK. A long time journalist, historian, writer/author attempts to find archaeological an literary evidence for the alleged Arabian Prophet of Is...
877-Why-Islam team interviewed people in Times Square, New York. The questions asked were about Islam, Muslims, Jihad, Hijab, Jesus, God and Mary. Watch the ... Obwohl sich die große Mehrheit der 4 Mio. Muslime in Deutschland an westlichen Werten (Studie der Bertelsmann-Stiftung) orientiert, haben negative Vorurteile gegenüber Muslimen in den letzten Jahren zugenommen. 57 Prozent der befragten Nicht-Muslime empfinden den Islam als Bedrohung, 61 Prozent meinen, der Islam passe nicht in die westliche Welt. Die Anschläge von Paris und Kopenhagen haben die Debatte um das Zusammenleben noch einmal verschärft. Könnte ein Islamgesetz nach dem aktuellen österreichischen Vorbild das Verhältnis entspannen? Gäste: Jens Spahn, CDU (Bundestagsabgeordneter) "Wir sollten eine Finanzierung von Moscheen und Imamen aus dem Ausland gesetzlich unterbinden", fordert das CDU-Präsidiumsmitglied. Der Bundestagsabgeordnete kritisiert das Import-Imam-Modell von Predigern, die kein Deutsch sprechen und die Kultur nicht kennen. In einem "Zeit"-Interview befürwortete Jens Spahn kürzlich ein Burkaverbot: "Dass Frauen sich nur komplett verhüllt im öffentlichen Raum bewegen dürfen, kann ich nicht akzeptieren." Renate Künast, B’90/Grüne (Ehem. Parteivorsitzende) Die frühere Bundesministerin wirbt für Deutschland als multikulturelle Demokratie: "Die vier Millionen lebenden Menschen muslimischer Herkunft stellen fünf Prozent der Bevölkerung dar. Sie und ihre Religion sind selbstverständlich Teil dieses Landes, der Kultur und Gesellschaft." In der Konsequenz fordern die Grünen die gleichen Rechte für Muslime und ihre Organisationen in Deutschland, wie sie für Christen und Juden gelten. Joachim Wagner (Fernsehjournalist und Jurist) "Imame in Deutschland wenden die Scharia an und gefährden unseren Rechtsstaat durch islamische Paralleljustiz", stellte der langjährige Leiter des ARD-Magazins "Panorama" und ARD-Hauptstadtkorrespondent in seinem Buch "Richter ohne Gesetz" fest. In Regionen mit hohem muslimischem Bevölkerungsanteil sei eine Art Schattenjustiz entstanden, die gegen Polizei und Strafverfolgungsbehörden arbeite und im Gegensatz zu Ehrenmord und Blutrache noch wenig bekannt sei. Idil Baydar (Comedian) Mit ihrer Kunstfigur "Jilet Ayse", der "Ghettobraut aus Neukölln", wurde die Schauspielerin zum gefeierten Youtube-Star. Als Tochter türkischer Eltern wuchs Idil Baydar im niedersächsischen Celle auf. Ihre Herkunft spielte nie eine Rolle, bis sie mit 15 Jahren nach Berlin zog: "Ich musste plötzlich erklären, dass nicht alle Türken ihre Frauen schlagen, selbst wenn diese ein Kopftuch tragen." Die frühere Sozialpädagogin, u. a. an der Berliner Rütli-Schule, kritisiert die Benachteiligung vieler junger Muslime im Alltag. Andreas Thiel (Satiriker) Nach den Anschlägen auf die Satirezeitschrift "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris fanden seine Vorstellungen unter Polizeischutz statt. Andreas Thiel erklärte damals, dass er sich nicht einschüchtern lasse. Der Gewinner des Deutschen Kabarettpreise 2013 hatte mit einer "Streitschrift" zum Koran für Aufregung in der Schweiz gesorgt. In dem Text bezeichnete der Satiriker den Koran als "Aufruf zur Gewalt und Anleitung für Krieg und Unterdrückung" und erntete dafür neben heftiger Kritik auch Morddrohungen. "Wie das Christentum hat auch der Islam eine Reformation nötig", glaubt Thiel, der sich selbst einen Anarcholiberalen nennt Ender Cetin (Moscheevorstand) "Wir Muslime werden derzeit nur mit Terror und Gewalt in Verbindung gebracht", beklagt der in Berlin geborene Politologe und Theologe. Der 38-jährige Vorsitzende der Berliner Sehitlik-Gemeinde warnt vor wachsendem Misstrauen gegenüber dem Islam. Er will Vorurteile bekämpfen, z. B. dass der Islam frauenfeindlich sei. Ender Cetin ist sich sicher, dass radikalisierte Jugendliche eine Vorgeschichte mit kriminellen oder familiären Problemen haben. Ursächlich für die Gewaltbereitschaft sei nicht der Islam.
Islam Di Jepang - Masyarakat Jepang Mulai Mempelajari Islam Yang Begitu Indah Ajarannya - Sebuah program acara televisi di jepang menayangkan sebuah diskusi ...
WWW.TRUNEWS.COM TRUNEWS WITH RICK WILES SPECIAL GUEST: ELIJAH ABRAHAM "EXPOSING ISLAM" Drag queens crashing the NSA gate, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew surrendering to China, the Bank of England stress-testing U.K. banks for a meltdown, and Anonymous’ “cyber-holocaust” threat for April 7. Just another normal slow news day here at Trunews. Former Muslim Elijah Abraham joins the program to discuss Barack Obama’s traitorous aid to Islamic terrorism, and the work of Living Oasis Ministries to share the Gospel of the Kingdom with Muslims. ELIJAH ABRAHAM WEBSITE: Elijah was born in Middle East and grew up as a Muslim. He fled Middle East as a teenager and lived in Europe for several years. Due to persecution in Europe and its spies Elijah fled to the United States in mid 1980’s. Subsequently he obtained a degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Since the Twin Towers and Pentagon terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 he has been educating his audiences in churches and civic groups on Islam and the Islamist threat. Elijah believes that Islam in the U.S. has mutated into a Westernized religion that is aggressively and successfully converting Americans to its beliefs. “ I am compelled by the Lord to expose Islam as a religion/ideology that embraces an antichrist spirit. As Christians we must look at Islam as an aggressive ideology, but we must also look at the Muslims within Islam as our mission field.” He is helping evangelical congregations participate in God’s work around the world by encouraging them to be pro-active in missions. Elijah has trained missionaries from the International Mission Board of the SBC and other organizations. His experience has taken him around the world to train and implement missions on five continents. Elijah appeared on national radio (Janet Parshall’s America, Today’s Issues with AFR Radio, Paul Revere Radio, Live the Word with John Neider on KDKR Dallas, and Stand up for the Truth with Mike LeMay on Q90FM Green Bay). Political party organizations, conservative PACS, Veterans’ groups, and American/international businesses are also seeking Elijah’s expertise and knowledge of the Islamic threat in the West. He has served two non-profit organizations over a period of seven years. He also served as a mission pastor at a local Baptist church for three years.
"Ben Affleck was quick to call out what he felt was Bill Maher's "gross, racist, disgusting," ideas about Islam during a heated debate. The "Gone Girl" star appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" Friday and things got heavy when the late night talk show host continued his conversation about Islam, which he started the week before. "You and I have been trying to make the case that liberals need to stand up for liberal principles," Maher said to fellow panelist, author Sam Harris."* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Zayda Rivera / NY Daily News ********** Ben Affleck vs. Bill Maher, Religion in America, Korasan & Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - The Young Turks 10/6/2014 News & Politics ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Get your TYT Merch: ********** 'Your Country Is Just Not That Into You: How the Media, Wall Street, and Both Political Parties Keep on Screwing You—Even After You’ve Moved On' by Jimmy Dore. Buy it here:
In which John Green teaches you about how Islam has interacted with politics during it's history, and how it continues to do so today. Islamist movements are in the news a lot lately, but how did that happen. John will point out that Islam has alway been tied to political movements. Mohammed was not only a religious leader, he led an empire. So how did this lead to modern movements like ISIS? Islam has traditionally been a pretty egalitarian religion, and its scriptures value peace, so it is surprising in a lot of ways that such a violent fundamentalist movement would come out of it. What is a caliphate? What is a Caliph? John will teach you all about it. Take it easy in the comments, y'all. Be kind and respectful to each other. You can directly support Crash Course at Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
The Battle for British Islam BBC Panorama BBC Documentary 2015 Defiant Je SusCharlie Hebdo depicts Prophet Muhammad on cover Charlie Hebdo shootings: 3 million copies of new edition of magazine to go on sale
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
Christopher Hitchens and Tariq Ramadan Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Moderated by Laurie Goodsteing, October 5, 2010 at 92Y. Read more at Vanity Fair...
Blog Lampu Islam: Facebook Page: ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ஜ۩Ϫ۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ Jazakallah Khair k... The coming of Imam Mahdi is one of the signs of Qiyamah as is the belief of the ...
Kesaksian aneh biarawati Amerika setelah masuk Islam [onepiece bahasa indonesia] [lagu natal] [vidio lucu] [biarawati hamil] [pendeta masuk islam] [pastur mu...
In this fascinating interview and Q&A; session, Richard Dawkins is confronted with all the hard questions and criticisms he has raised in his book The God Delusion in an interview on Al Jazeera: Is religion a force for good or evil? Was 9/11 a religiously-inspired attack? Should teaching religion to small children be considered child abuse? The interviewer, it turns out, actually believes Muhammad the "Prophet" flew to heaven on a winged horse! Yup, you read that right. You really need to watch this. Please LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! Subscribe To Atheism VS Religion for more DAWKINS, HITCHENS, HARRIS and more: Watch Richard Dawkins UPSET a Mormon - it's hilarious: For the rest of our Atheism-related videos, please visit our channel: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us Google+: Clinton Richard Dawkins is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer. He is a prominent atheist and has written several books on the subject, including "The Selfish Gene", "The Blind Watchmaker" and his most famous and successful book to date: "The God Delusion". Subscribe To Atheism VS Religion for much more: Richard Dawkins on Muslims, Religion and Darwinism Visit our channel to see the rest of our videos: No copyright is claimed in this video and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact the poster.
Islam In Women - New Documentary in English made by Bridges Foundation
Brother Tim(AbdulRaheem) was a strong Atheist who always debated religious people trying to convince them that there is no God & he thought he's smart and th...
Is Britain Heading Towards A Civil War With Islam? Credit Liberty GB
Science and Islam, Jim Al-Khalili. BBC Documentary Science and Islam is a three-part BBC documentary about the history of science in medieval Islamic civilization presented by Jim Al-Khalili. The series is accompanied by the book Science and Islam: A History written by Ehsan Masood. Episodes: Part 1: The Language of Science Part 2: The Empire of Reason Part 3: The Power of Doubt Part 1: The Language of Science: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and on his travels he uncovers a diverse and outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science. From the great mathematician Al-Khwarizmi, who did much to establish the mathematical tradition we now know as algebra, to Ibn Sina, a pioneer of early medicine whose Canon of Medicine was still in use as recently as the 19th century, he pieces together a remarkable story of the often-overlooked achievements of the early medieval Islamic scientists. Part 2: The Empire of Reason: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Al-Khalili travels to northern Syria to discover how, a thousand years ago, the great astronomer and mathematician Al-Biruni estimated the size of the earth to within a few hundred miles of the correct figure. He discovers how medieval Islamic scholars helped turn the magical and occult practice of alchemy into modern chemistry. In Cairo, he tells the story of the extraordinary physicist Ibn al-Haytham, who helped establish the modern science of optics and proved one of the most fundamental principles in physics - that light travels in straight lines. Prof Al-Khalili argues that these scholars are among the first people to insist that all scientific theories are backed up by careful experimental observation, bringing a rigour to science that didn't really exist before. Part 3: The Power of Doubt: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili tells the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Al-Khalili turns detective, hunting for clues that show how the scientific revolution that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe had its roots in the earlier world of medieval Islam. He travels across Iran, Syria and Egypt to discover the huge astronomical advances made by Islamic scholars through their obsession with accurate measurement and coherent and rigorous mathematics. He then visits Italy to see how those Islamic ideas permeated into the West and ultimately helped shape the works of the great European astronomer Copernicus, and investigates why science in the Islamic world appeared to go into decline after the 16th and 17th centuries, only for it to re-emerge in the present day. Al-Khalili ends his journey in the Royan Institute in the Iranian capital Tehran, looking at how science is now regarded in the Islamic world.
As Salam Aleykoum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.
Dawn O’Porter is back for another episode of Soul Food, and this time she is out to uncover what’s so hot about Halal. She finds delectable delicacies at The Halal Guys food cart and an intimate family dinner, and learns about the relationship between food and religion from a respected Imam, but things get more complicated for Dawn when it's time to visit a Halal slaughterhouse. Watch: 'My Big Fat Greek Easter with Dawn O'Porter: Soul Food (Episode 1)' - Read: Halal Slaughter Is More Complicated Than You Realize - Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Kristen kesaksian Jehova sangat ahli dalam Injil dan misionaris. Debat penuh kesabaran dengan murtadin Nigeria... Kakek nenek muslim, ortu dan anak muslim da...
Khazanah Islam Trans 7, Para Penghuni Neraka 7 November 2014 Khazanah Islam Trans7, Khazanah Islam Trans7 Terbaru 2014, Khazanah, Khalifah Trans 7, Khasanah, Khalifah, Khazanah Trans7 Yahudi, Khazanah trans7 Tanda Tanda Kiamat, Khazanah Trans 7, Khazanah Islam Trans7 Terbaru, Khazanah Islam, Khazanah Dajjal, Khazanah Isis, Khazanah 2014, Khasanah Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Imam Mahdi, Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Dajjal, Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Ruqyah, Khazanah Islam Trans 7 ISIS, Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Hari Ini, Khasana, Khasanah Ruqyah, Khasanah Bulan Ramadhan, Khazanah islam Ruqyah, Khazanah Ruqyah, Ruqyah, Khazanah Terbaru, Trans 7, Khazanah Youtube, Video Khazanah, Khazanah 7, Khazanah Trans7, 2014, Trans7, Trans 7, Islam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melayu "Khazanah Islam Trans7" "Khazanah Islam Trans7 Terbaru 2014" Khazanah "Khalifah Trans 7" Khasanah Khalifah "Khazanah Trans 7" "Khazanah Islam Trans7 Terbaru" "Khazanah Islam" "Khazanah 2014" "Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Ruqyah" "Khazanah Islam Trans 7 Hari Ini" Khasana "Khasanah Ruqyah" "Khazanah Islam Ruqyah" "Khazanah Ruqyah" Ruqyah "Khazanah Terbaru" "Trans 7" "Khazanah Youtube" "Video Khazanah" "Khazanah 7" "Khazanah Trans7" 2014 Trans7 Islam Indonesia Malaysia Melayu
Islam is a tumour on the world, and is growing to become a cancer. It is an evil death cult. This video must be shared to make people aware of the Islamic de...
Most of us may know someone whose been through a crisis of faith or perhaps even know someone who is no longer a Muslim. Islam may be the fastest growing religion in the world with the highest number of converts but there is a dark side often left neglected of Muslims who have renounced their faith in Allah and His Messenger (saw). We are seeing more and more people question and doubt their faith and become either agnostic or atheist and the reality is that very few of us are qualified to deal with this phenomenon. The problems & challenges that our youth go through today is unlike that of previous generations and we need to be there to help our brothers and sisters when they go through this difficult crisis in their lives. In this intellectually stimulating talk Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi challenges the modern mindset and brings forth a rational paradigm of looking at Islam that is sound & gratifying to the intellectual mind. Recorded on 29th August 2014
Miracles découverts dans le monde et l'univers, envoyés par le tout puissant Créateur de toutes créations, en tant que preuves indéniables: afin de connaître le but réel de cette vie et pour être sûr de la vérité de la destination finale de l'au-delà ... Le miracle du nourrisson Russe, le miracle de la place d'or du monde, le miracle de l'église, le miracle du secret de la création de l'homme , le miracle de la création et la fin de l'univers, le miracle du tsunami, le miracle du comportement de soumission des animaux, le miracle des fourmis, les miracles des poissons, le miracle du corps humain, les miracles des arbres, les miracles de la montagne, le miracle de l'eau islamique sainte : ZAMZAM , le miracle du saint lieu de la KAABA, le rang de la femme dans l'Islam, le miracle du prophète, les récompense de Dieu , .. Et plus de 58 autres miracles et preuves étonnantes que sûrement personne ne peut nier! Ce qui attend toute personne suite à sa mort et dans l'au-delà! Regardez pour comprendre et connaître un certain nombre de très importantes informations. Vraiment c'est la vidéo de la salvation! o! Honnête et courageux Spectateur, après avoir regardé les 69 très importants miracles assemblés dans cette vidéo, jugez vous-même! S'il vous plaît veuillez la partager, la faire partie de vos favoris et veuillez contribuer à répandre la vérité.
Islam English, Islam Nederlands, Islam Polski, Islam Francis, Please check more:
Muktamar NU ke-1 di Surabaya tanggal 13 Rabiuts Tsani 1345 H/21 Oktober 1926 Mencantumkan pendapat Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami dan menyatakan bahwa selamatan kemat...
Have you ever had or are you having any doubts about Islam? Don't know what to do? This is a must watch episode for you. Enjoy and share with anyone you know who is also struggling with their Islam. Make Donations for Dawah Here: Please subscribe to my channel Join me also on Look into Islam it is Truly a way of life sent by the Creator as a Mercy for all of mankind. Start today by earnestly asking your Maker to guide your heart to the truth. Look beyond the hype and the false stereotypes and lies you've been told about Islam. Judge for yourself tune into TheDeenShow to really learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. Purpose of life ever Wonder? Islam means submission to the Creator alone. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God. Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas. Allah is the name of God in Arabic, Arab Christians use the word Allah. Become a Muslim(Any Peaceful person who submits to the Creator alone) Now If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim. Help us get the word out about TheDeenShow Take this video link and send it out to your Facebook,Twitter,Websites,Blogs,news-letters,emails, etc.. send it out to the world.
Sean Hannity hosts this hour long special devoted to the Rise of Radical Islam. Special guests include David Webb, Brigitte Gabriel, Ryan Mauro, Lisa Daftari, Pamela Geller, and Zainab Kahn. The use of media materials is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purpose of commentary, criticism, and education.
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ماموستا مةلا شيرزاد باسى ئاسودةيى بةشى 1
İslam Ateşi, Osmanlı Kılıcı, Türk Kuvveti No.2 Besteci - Erkan Engin
BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! Liebe Schwestern und Brüder, im Jahr 2005 haben wir in privater Initiative begonnen, die Da ́wa-Tätigkeiten in Deutschland in moderner Form und unter Zuhilfenahme neuer Medien auszuweiten. In erster Linie geht es uns darum, das Bild der Muslime und des Islams in Deutschland zu verbessern. Wir alle können stolz auf unseren Glauben sein, aber unsere Umwelt sollte auch stolz auf uns sein. Gemäß diesem Motto ist das vorliegende Buch gestaltet worden, das inshaAllah zur Aufklärung der Nicht- Muslime über den Islam beiträgt und darüber hinaus den Muslimen in Deutschland hilft, sich weiterzuentwickeln und ihren Iman zu stärken. Team der Kontakt:
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Tentang Islam di Jepang Tentang Islam di Jepang Eka Gustiwana di Suruh foto !! PARAH 2015 : SALAMAN MEMBINGUNGKAN PRANK : Eka Gustiwana di Suruh foto !! PARAH 2015 :
Rampok Amrik Masuk Islam !! Rampok Amrik Masuk Islam !! Eka Gustiwana di Suruh foto !! PARAH 2015 : SALAMAN MEMBINGUNGKAN PRANK : Eka Gustiwana di Suruh foto !! PARAH 2015 :
Ceramah Agama Islam - Hibah, Sodakoh & Hadiah @ Mamah Dedeh # Dakwah Ceramah Agama Islam - Hibah, Sodakoh & Hadiah @ Mamah Dedeh # Dakwah
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Ceramah Agama Islam - Hibah, Sodakoh & Hadiah @ Mamah Dedeh # Dakwah Ceramah Agama Islam - Hibah, Sodakoh & Hadiah @ Mamah Dedeh # Dakwah Polygamy and sex in Islam: a Muslim woman(the wife of an Imam) gives her opinion!
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Hadirin sekalian yang berbahagia! Melaksanakan ibadah yang didasari dengan hati yang ikhlas, maka hakekatnya adalah mengerjakan segala kebaikan yang tidak ingin dilihat, diketahui, apalagi dipamerkan kepada orang lain. Marilah kita menjauhkan perbuatan riya karena perbuatan tersebut bisa menghancurkan amalan kita yang pada akhirnya akan sia-sia. Dalam hal ini Nabi saw. Bersabda: “Empat macam tanda bagi orang-orang yang riya, yaitu: (1) Malas ketika sedang sendirian, (2) Sangat tangkas/giat di hadapan banyak orng (3) Amal ibadahnya meningkat ketika dipuji (4) Menurun ketika prilaku /ibadah dicela. CERAMAH LUCU Bersama Ustadz Ahmad Al Habsyi Cinta Nabi Kepada Umatnya: (kisah nabi) Sayyid Muhammad Bin Alawi Al Maliki Hukum Tawassul kepada Nabi: Ceramah Ustad Yusuf Mansyur 2015: Habib Rizieq Syihab Bukti bukti Ahok Melanggar Konstitusi: Ceramah Islam Full Kh Aa Gym Cara Agar Hidup Bisa Sukses Part 1: FPI Ancam Bikin Gubernur Tandingan, AHOK Balas Ancam Bikin Ketua FPI Tandingan: Ceramah Islam Aa Gym Penenang Hati Gelisah: Gambus Malaysian Oud Dollah gambus:
In Sydney last year a video showed children with an Islamic State flag chanting anti-US slogans.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-08Snippets of life from refugees who have fled the Islamic State.
Mashable 2015-04-08Rebels say Islamic State halted its western advance last summer at Marea, which has become a battleground for rival forces.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-08Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ).
noodls 2015-04-08ISESCO - Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) Rabat 07/04/2015.
noodls 2015-04-08In January, the Islamic State group released some 200 Yazidi prisoners as well ... The Islamic State group, targeting in U.
The Times of India 2015-04-08Al-Shabab, an Islamic extremist group from Somalia, claimed responsibility for the attack that killed 148 people.
Seattle Post 2015-04-08Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia ) ... This content was issued by Universiti Islam Antarabangsa ...
noodls 2015-04-08... Islamic State declared its Islamic "caliphate" and unfurled its campaign across Iraq last summer.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-08Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ) April, 8 2015.
noodls 2015-04-08Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of the Islamic Republic of Iran ).
noodls 2015-04-08Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ).
noodls 2015-04-08Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of the Islamic Republic of Iran ).
noodls 2015-04-08Islam (English /ˈɪzlɑːm/;Arabic: الإسلام al-ʾislām IPA: [ʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allāh), and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to love and serve God. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets. They maintain that previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time, but consider the Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.
Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt (born August 15, 1972), better known as Ben Affleck, is an American actor, film director, writer, and producer. He became known with his performances in Kevin Smith's films such as Mallrats (1995), Chasing Amy (1997), and Dogma (1999). Affleck won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for the screenplay for Good Will Hunting (1997), which he co-wrote with Matt Damon, and has appeared in lead roles in such popular hits as Armageddon (1998), Pearl Harbor (2001), Changing Lanes (2002), The Sum of All Fears (2002), Daredevil (2003), Hollywoodland (2007) and State of Play (2009).
Affleck is a critically acclaimed filmmaker. He directed Gone Baby Gone (2007) and The Town (2010), playing the lead in the latter. He has worked with his younger brother, actor Casey Affleck, on several projects, including Good Will Hunting and Gone Baby Gone.
Affleck has been married to Jennifer Garner since June 2005. They have two daughters, Violet and Seraphina, and a son, Samuel. He dated the actress Gwyneth Paltrow in 1998. His relationship with actress/singer Jennifer Lopez attracted worldwide media attention, in which Affleck and Lopez were dubbed "Bennifer". The two broke up in 2004.
William "Bill" Maher, Jr. ( /ˈmɑːr/; born January 20, 1956) is an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commentator, author, and actor. Before his current role as the host of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher hosted a similar late-night talk show called Politically Incorrect originally on Comedy Central and later on ABC.
Maher is known for his political satire and sociopolitical commentary, which targets a wide swath of topics including religion, politics, bureaucracies of many kinds, political correctness, the mass media, greed among people and persons in positions of high political and social power, and the lack of intellectual curiosity in the electorate. He supports the legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage, and serves on the board of PETA. He is also a critic of religion and is an advisory board member of Project Reason, a foundation to promote scientific knowledge and secular values within society. In 2005, Maher ranked at number 38 on Comedy Central's 100 greatest stand-up comedians of all time. Bill Maher received a Hollywood Walk of Fame star on September 14, 2010.
Uh, hmm
Hurry up a bit
Yeah, yeah
[Chorus: x3]
I like the way you do it, when you do it
When you doin, what you doin
Check this out right here, son
We about to move to make you feel some
A lot of positive vibrations to build from
'Cause all I wanna do is lose some and win some
Have a little of prosperity and then some
Livin my life handsome, has always been a dream but
Now it's time to really achieve by all means (Bust it)
I keep my shit, plus thirty in between
When an arm reach out to grab the supreme
'Cause I won't stop, and AP won't stop
And Tab won't stop until we reach the top
That means we won't quit, so we stay thick so you can enjoy it
I know you like the way it's goin down, honey, honey
I know you like the milky-mellow sound, honey, honey
Doin this ain't all about money, money
I know you like the way I sound, right, right
[Chorus x4]
As I enter the room I absorb the mood
Positive vibe supplied by a positive crew
And negativity exist and you must acknowledge
You can be intelligent and never go to college
'Cause the way we live in society
It ain't really the way that it's supposed to be
And don't get close to me if you're contaminated
Take a picture of your soul and get it laminated
Put them in your wallet next to your money
Money represents your whole and soul represents your honey
Ain't got honey then you ain't got bees
And if you ain't got no money I'ma still MC
Then empty L-O-V-E all over the track
Once you R-E-D then you never go back
'Til the end of studio with the Peas as Black
With Adam, Taboo, and alligator APL De AP
[Chorus x4]
I wanna travel the world and stop on every city
Rejuvenate your burnt out sea put down your Philly for a sec
Close your eyes and don't fret
Listen to the audible sounds and just let
Your soul feel the free feelin
Reprovide you with the ride, free fallin
To make your heart beat, skip, hipnotize you and
APL take you on a trip where your mind's at ease
Forget ballin 'cause I won't quit, and Will won't quit
And Tab won't quit so you can enjoy it
That means we won't stop
And I won't stop until we reach the rop
I'd rather be ready for the future
Do it for yourself 'cause no one else will suit ya
I juxtapose for mine to maintain
And segregate myself from evil and pain
if you love it like i love it
and you feel what i feel inside
if you want it like i want it
then baby let's get it tonight
if you feel it say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
and say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
this is love, this is love, this is love
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
this is love, this is love, this is love
this is love for the beat
feel it in the streets
love for the melody
notes on the sheet
adult crusader
funky terminator
i created me a rocket
just so we can rock it later
and the waiter beat is knocking
got me feeling
(all right)
cause the dj got me rocking on the ceiling
(all night)
i got a rocket full of gold
bomb it, just go
fill it up with lovin'
and i watch it explode
if you love it like i love it
and you feel what i feel inside
(feek what i feel)
if you want it like i want it
then baby let's get it tonight
if you feel it say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
and say hell yeah
(hell yeah)
this is love, this is love, this is love
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
this is love, this is love, this is love
yeah, yeah, yeah
this is love for the base
and love for the trouble
love for the orchestra
violin, cello
love for computer beats
harder than metal
house beats housin'
bouncing in the ghetto
we sip till we smashed up
feelin' all right
and we rock the ghetto blast-off
rock it all night
i'll send a rocket to the roof
bombin' this close
i filled it up with lovin'
and i watch it explode
yeah baby, yeah all right
can you feel it?
good god, yeah
all right
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
you feel the love,
is this love, is this love, is this love
this is love, this is love, this is love
this is love, this is love, this is love
this is love, this is love, this is love
this is love, this is love, this is love
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
can you feel the love?
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Beat break]
This is love for the beats
Steal it in the streets
Love for the melody, notes on a sheet
The dope crusader, funky terminator
I created me a rocker just so we could rock it later
And the way the beat is knocking
Got me feeling, alright, cause the dj got me walking on a steeler
I got a rocket full of gold, mami's just gold
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love for the bass, and love for the treble
Love for the orchestra, violinchello,
Love for computer beat, hotter than metal
House beat housing, bouncing in the ghetto
We sip till we smash it, feeling alright
And we rock the ghetto blaster, rocking all night
I sent a rocket to the globe, armor just stole
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
Eh, baby, yeah, alright
Can you feel it?
Good god, yeah, alright
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
It's a fly Love song...
It's a fly Love song...
It's a smooth Love song...
It's a true Love song...
It's a Love Love song...
It's a Love Love song...
It's a make Love song...
It's a take Love song...
Check It Out...
1, 2, 3, 4...
Hey wonderful...nice to meet U...(sugar)...
U know...that U're a beautiful creature...
So fine and sophisticated...
I'm so glad that we ain't related...
And tell U things that others don't (that's right)...
On and on and on and on...
Oh oh oh...
D cup size 25 waist...(alright)...
Ooh...what a lovely face...
Your hips and candy things...
Girl they got Me mesmerized (that's right girl)...
I just wanna lay U down (that's right girl)...
And make them pleasant sound...
I can't think of nobody else...
That goes better with Myself...
Oh... Ooh...
We look good together...
I know...
Why would she go looking for a new Love...
Why don't U...
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again
Tell Me when U want Me to Love U...
But if U're far away from home...
U could call me on My cell phone...(that's right)...
Yeah...and I could talk U through it...
Yeah...girl...U know how we do it...
So just close your eyes...
We can fantasize...
Think about lingerie that I bought U...
Think about Me...taking them off U...
I just wanna get lost in U...(that's right)...
I tell you things that brothers don't (that's right)...
I don't think 'bout nobody else...
Just Me with your self...
We look good together...
I know...
Why would she go looking for a new Love...
Why don't U...
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again (alright)
Tell Me when U need it again
It's a fly Love song...
It's a fly Love song...
It's a smooth Love song...
It's a true...true...true...
I make good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I give good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I get good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I want good Love (good Love) good Love...
I make good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I give good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I get good Love...
So I wrote a Love song...
I want good Love (good Love) good Love...
Lady over by the bar
Lookin’ like a movie start
I gotta know just who you are so tell me you name
I like the way you groove and glide
I like the way you slip and slide
Maybe later on tonight you’ll come play with me
And ooooh, show me to another place
And ooooh, show me how your honey taste
And ooooh, tell me what it takes for you to…
Swing by my way (x2)
Maybe we should slow it down
Or maybe we should just head out
Or maybe I should kiss you now right here on the floor
Cause baby when you move like that
You’re givin’ me a heart attack
But still you got me comin’ back and beggin’ for more
And ooooh, show me to another place
And ooooh, show me how your honey taste
And ooooh, tell me what it takes for you to…
Swing by my way (x2)
And, baby oooo weee
Watch yourself you might be comin’ home with me
Grab your purse and baby let me grab my keys
Let’s get up out this place and maybe…
Swing by my way (x2)
Lady over by the bar
Lookin’ like a movie start
I gotta know just who you are so tell me you name
I like the way you groove and glide
I like the way you slip and slide
Why they say the sky is the limit
When i've seen the footprints on the moon
Why they say the sky is the limit
When i've seen the footprints on the moon
And I know the sky might be high
But baby it ain't really that high
And I know that mars might be far
But baby it ain't really that far
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
(let me see your hands up)
Can't nobody hold us back
They can't hold us down
They can't keep us back
Tiers to the ground
Told your people that we don't mess around
When we're trying out
Please don't turn this down
We will turn it up
Louder than it was before
Like the lion at the jungle, you can hear us roar
When I lie hear, it's like a sonic blaster
Flying just like nasa, out of space master
Hands up, reach for the stars
Hands up, get 'em up high
Hands up, if you really feel alive
Live it up, live it up
Why they say the sky is the limit
When i've seen the footprints on the moon
Why they say the sky is the limit
When i've seen the footprints on the moon
And I know the sky might be high
But baby it ain't really that high
And I know that mars might be far
But baby it ain't really that far
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let's reach for the stars
Take me back
Take me back
Take me back
Girls girls girls
Girls girls girls
Girls girls girls
Take me back
One more chance
This time around I'll get it right I know
One more chance
Let me undo what i've done before
One more
Girl I be lovin' you like la la la
But it be hittin' you like blah blah blah
We been goin' back and forth like volleyball
Battlin' each other like Galactica
Girl our love could be spectacular
But we crash like vehicular
Homicide, I know why you're sick of a brother
With tricks that's quick to trick on you
I know you want more than a dick in you
You want a good nigger to stick with you
I'll stick with you and perfect my love
I'll protect you girl if you give me just
One more chance
This time around I'll get it right I know
One more chance
Let me undo what I've done before
Cause I don't wanna go
Another day, another lonely night
And I don't wanna be
In this world without you in my life
One more chance
This time around
Baby protect the love (la la la la la)
This time around
Baby protect the love (la la la la la)
La baby protect the love (la la la la la)
This time around gotta get it right
This time around gotta get it right
Lemme lemme lemme lemme love you all day (all day)
Remixin' love in a new way (new way)
Put it on, put it on replay (replay)
Spin it round and round like a DJ (DJ)
Forever and ever and always
Our endeavor got me sure like Albay
Yesterday got you feelin' little salty
Girl I promise imma love you, love all the way
To the end
L-O-V-E end
Girl I'm serious, no more pretending
I receive all the love you're sending
I give my all if you give me just
One more chance
This time around let's have a different flow
A new romance
Do the things we've never done before
Cause I don't wanna do
The same mistakes that I made yesterday
I love you
I really love you baby, I really love you baby
La protect the love (la la la la la)
This time around
Baby protect the love (la la la la la)
La baby protect the love (la la la la la)
This time around gotta get it right
This time around gotta get it right
This time around, this time around, this time around, this time around
I promise baby, imma change it
I'll remix it, no more same shit
This time around, this time around, this time around, this time around
I promise baby, i'll rearrange it
I'll remix it, no more same shit
This time around, this time around, this time around, this time around
Check it out now
Check it out now
Check it out now
Eh eh
Fuck your friends girl, they just haters
They just think that I'm a player
You gone see that love is greater
If not now, then maybe later
Cause endlessly, enormously
You will see my L-O-V will be
Strong until the end
Baby give me
One more chance
This time around I'll get it right I know
One more chance
Let me undo what I've done before
Cause I don't wanna go
Another day, another lonely night
And I don't wanna be
In this world without you in my life
One more chance
La la la la la la la (la la la la la)
La la la la la la la (la la la la la)
La la la la la la la (la la la la la)
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
you can go hard, or you can go home
you can go hard, or you can go home
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
check it out
my mama told me willie rock hard
don't be no dummy, be a lil' smarter
don't be like your daddy, finish what you started
aha momma, i'mma rock hard, check it out
fly willy i'll be a charter
i won't forget my place
gonna rock harder
you know i kill it, kill it baby leave the slaughter
i will stand by, i promised momma
i'm a big baller, check it out
i'm hip-hop hard
rock a boulevard
willie's in charge
i don't need nobody now
i go on and on
on and on
on and on and on, on, on, on
you can go hard, or you can go home
you can go hard, or you can go home
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
check it out
hard like a rock and roll
a time bomb ticking – explode
baby this is dynamo
baby back now
it's 'bout to blow
hard like geometry and trigonometry
this is crazy psychology
yeah baby, i'm back in
watch out now i'm going in
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or yo can go ho-o-ome
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
you can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Stand for life
Stand for true
Stand for somethin'
Don't fall for nothin'
Stand for love
Stand for power
Stand for somethin'
Don't fall for nothin'
Stand for me
Stand for you
Stand for somethin'
Don't fall for nothin'
Don't fall for nothin'
Don't fall for nothin'
Stand for life
Stand for true
Stand for somethin'
That twitter love
Hashtag, you and me
Hashtag, you and me
Hey, hey, our love is trending
You and me
Our love is trending
Hashtag, you and me
You my uno, you my uno
You're my number one, yep first numero
Young wild I feel like Bruno
Mars take you far like you know
Mars you my ace girl
I wrote a song for your pretty little face girl
Put it on a rocket sent it outta space girl
Meet me right back here to your place girl
I love your attitude, and I don't care I even get the X tonight
I'll still be up in the space like an astronaut
I'm with you even and we smashing it
I love it cause you play it loud
And we don't even got to say it loud
You can lay down, and snaggle up
Watch the little flicket cuddle up
Girl I wanna lay you browning
Next door neighbour stay around you
Me hard baby imma be around you
Necklace baby let me hang around you
Yeah, just me and you, XO baby it's me and you
One on one baby it's me and you
You and me together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me, together
Put the love per se, tweet
Go to love it when you say
Sweet, sweet, nutting in my ear
Yo, everyday, every year
Uh, put the love per se
Chuck, woman love love say
Work, go to work it everynight
Uh, outta work, outta sight
Make it nasty, make it nasty
Drop, drop it on me baby make it nasty
On the sheets baby turn the tough trashy
Go to work looking smoke, and classy
Make it juicy, make it juicy
Drop, drop it on me baby make it juicy
So mr kennedy even know you act loosely
Me and baby getting busy in the twoseat
Girl I wanna be around you
Next door neighbour stay around you
Me hard baby imma be around you
Necklace baby let me hang around you
Yeah, just me and you, XO baby it's me and you
One on one baby it's me and you
You and me together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me, together
Our love, our love is trending
Hashtag, you and me
Hashtag, you and me, together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me together, forever
Put the love per se, put the love per se
You and me, together
Our love is trending
Our love is trending
You and me
Our love is trending
It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.
Yes we can. Yes we can.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores
And pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
Yes we can. Yes we can.
It was the call of workers who organized;
Women who reached for the ballots;
A President who chose the moon as our new frontier;
And a King who took us to the mountain-top and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
Yes we can to justice and equality.
(yes we can, yes we can, yes we can, yes we can...)
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.
Yes we can heal this nation.
Yes we can repair this world.
Yes we can. Si Se Puede
(yes we can, yes we can, yes we can, yes we can...)
We know the battle ahead will be long,
But always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way,
Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We want change!
(We want change! We want change! We want change...)
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant.
We've been asked to pause for a reality check.
We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. We want change!
(We want change! I want change! We want change! I want change...)
The hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA;
We will remember that there is something happening in America;
That we are not as divided as our politics suggests;
That we are one people;
We are one nation;
And together, we will begin the next great chapter in America's story with three words that will ring from coast to coast;
From sea to shining sea - Yes. We. Can.
(Obama, Obama)
We can change the world, na, na, na
We can change the world
I would like to see a cleaner earth for my child that I am bringing into the world very soon
(Obama, Obama)
I think that it's time for change
I want a better future for my children
(Obama, Obama)
I would like out environment to be safe
Es es nuestro America
Mi America
Tu America
This is our America
Mi America
My America
Tu America
Your America
America Nosotros
(Obama, Obama)
Someone can actually make a difference in my generation
(Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama)
I would like to see us in a world without fear
Basically, I would just like the war to end
The donq; The donq
The donq; The donq
The donq
The donq; The donq
There they go...
There they go...
There they go...
She-she-she-she got a big o' butt (Damn!)
I like the way she move it
Come be my buttercup
And let me double scoop it
Girl you's a mama jama
You make this boy go loco
Let me whip out my camera
So I can take your photo
If I could work it out
Then that means I must be the luckiest nigga in the house
'Cause your donque is steady
Po-po-po-po-poking out
The kind I'm looking after
Girl is it genuine
That's what I gotta ask ya
She got the donque (yeah...)
She got the donque (uh...)
She got the donque (yeah...)
She got the donque (uh...)
I got the donque
I got the donque
I got the donque
I got the donque
She got the donque
She got it
The donq;
The donq; The donq
She got it, she got it
The donq;
The donq; The donq
She got some mega ass
I like the way she dancing
Now baby, is it bad
If I just keep on glancing
She said: "Boy, go ahead"
As long as I don't touch it
I said: "Now why the hell,
Would I wanna interrupt it?"
Now baby make it sway
Just make them hips
Pop-pop-pop-pop and
Do your thang
Girl you do that thang so byatiful
Now check it out, here I go
I'll be that nice romancer
Now check it out, there you go
You'll be my private dancer
Girl you're looking wonderful and
I'm so lucky to be here
Dancing with the wonderful girl (So wonderful)
I'm so lucky to be here (I'm spaced out of my mind right now)
Dancing with you...
Yeah; yeah...
She got the donque
She got the donque (uh...)
I got the donque (yeah...)
I got the donque (uh...)
She got the donque (uh...)
She got the donque (yeah...)
I got the donque
I got the donque
She got the...
S.N. Double O, P. - that's me
Chilling with my nephew
All these ladies in the place to be
All of 'em on with the big donque
The big donque - the big booty
All on me, 'cause they all love me
I want a little some of that - all y'all sweet
The beat go: boom-boom-boom-boom-boom!
There's so much ladies in the place to be
Kinda hard being Snoopy D.O. Double G.
But I somehow; some way
Keep coming up mackin' on chicks
Like every single day
May I show you a li'l something for
You and me and your friends can
Go out with all that donque give it here
Girl don't say nothing
Girl you're looking wonderful and
I'm so lucky to be here
Dancing with the wonderful girl
I'm so lucky to be here
Dancing with you...
Yeah; yeah...
She got the donque
She got the donque
I got the donque
I got the donque
She got the donque
She got the donque
I got the donque
I got the donque
She got the...
She got it (The donq)
She got it (The donq ;The donq)
She got it
She got it
She got it (The donq)
She got it (The donq; The donq)
She got it
She got it
She-she-she (The donq)
She got it (The donq; The donq)
She got it
She got it
She-she-she (The donq)
She got it (The donq; The donq)
She got it
She got it
She-she-she (The donq)
She got it (The donq; The donq)
So wonderful...
I'm spaced out of my mind right now
You are looking so wonderful
I am so lucky to be here
You are looking so wonderful
[Jennifer Lopez - Hook]
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
Oh my goodness, this beat is so hard...
Oh my goodness, this beat is so hard...
Imma go hard, hard to the core
Hard like moth* f*c*in liquid swords
Harder than worldwide stadium tours
I am the future, Delorian doors
Will he survive? Never deceased
I don't think I'mma ever rest in peace
Imma kill the game, leave the rest in pieces
Now everybody want my recipes
I'm just making money for my grankids' nieces
Imma work hard, that's my thesis
This beat is a sh*t fesces
Pardon me ma'am, Imma go dumb, I'm complicated,
I end the beginning, and start it again
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
Oh my goodness, this beat is so hard...
Oh my goodness, this beat is so hard...
You can get that, or you can get this
You can call a demon, Imma call jesus
You can get a curse, you can get a cross
You can go to work, or you can be the boss
Imma be the owner, be a thought doner
Imma go hard, like i'm on a mother f*c*in boner
Imma make the beat put the people in a coma
You can be a geek or be a rolling stoner
I woke up in the morning,
Hard like morning wood in the morning
Woke up thinking about microphoning
E.t own the mic ....
I wait out like nasa, i'm way over here I go passed you
I get stacks of cash, you get cashews
I go hard, statues
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard or you can go home
Now let me take this time to say
I don't wanna lead you on
You can go hard or you can go home
Well I, I know there is a life to pay
I don't wanna lead you on
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard...
Wait a minute, Imma make it a little harder
Imma make it a little harder
Give it to you a little harder
[Mick Jagger]
Hard like a rock n roll
Time-bomb ticking, explode
Vivid as a stan mode
Better move back now
It's bout to blow
Hard like geometry and trigonometry
This is crazy
Get it baby
I'm bou to win
Watch out now
I'm going in
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard
You can go hard or you can go home
You can go hard
You can go hard or you can go home
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world
People killing, people dying, people lying, people blind
People don't see the sign, watching money all the time
Get the pennies, get the dimes, get the dollars is the mindstate
Of the human race, people on the paper chase
The environment is fragile, and we been on the gradual
Declining in a lifetime or lose the battle
Get burned by volcanoes, get blown by tornadoes
Cause mother nature signals, is trying to warn NATO
We got a new terror threat, it's called the weather
More deadlier than chemical and nuclear together
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Jesus, or Buddha, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
The world is dying
And if they say it's gonna be alright, them people are lying
People trapped behind the gates, ignorance in their state of mind
Cause they formulate a plan just to penetrate us
You see they stimulate us with fear, manipulate us
Each year, they dominate dividing us like calculators
And we can't add it up cause calculators do the math for us
And here they come choppering down, chopping down our rainforest
F**king up our air for us, they don't really care for us
But we can't complain, because the only one to blame is us
The gas is rising up but we keep on filling up
CO2 levels got the whole planet heated up
It's blazing in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Mohammed, Jehovah, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looks like we ain't gon' figure it out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
The world is ending
And if they say it's gonna be okay, they just pretending
When the eskimo gets bit by a mosquito
Somebody in Miami will get swept by a tsunami
Rastas in Jamaica will get hit by a quake that
Registers something like 8.8
You see it's situations happening with our planet
Cause, 50 years ago we took it for granted
We should have took advantage, and reversed the damage
Instead of just pumping and selling and slanging the gas
And while we purchased the gas
We was watching soap operas while they steady brainwashed the masses
Cause we could make a vehicle that runs off ashes
But they own a patent for that, and that's exactly what's happening
Corruption and bullshit politics
The planet's gonna die cause of bullshit politics
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
And ain't nobody coming to the rescue to help the
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, the, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, hope, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, hope, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the..
Looking all around watching the world...
(The world)
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world...
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world...
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world...
Feeling down, down, it's all ohh-ohh-ver
Heading down down down
I just can't get over
Simple little fact the the love is over
I thought me and you was gon' get older
And then go half on a baby and mold her
I thought I was gon' always hold ya
Even though we constantly fought like soldiers
Together we 'sposed to fall down like boulders
But ever since the weather been gettin colder
We're lookin for closure, cause we couldn't stay in love
Cause we both miserable in love
And I'm even worse without you
I walked away and I'm feeling down, down (it's all ohh-ohh-ver)
But even if I stayed I'd be feeling down down down
This situation, needs a brand new configuration
Baby take a look at our relationship, it's sittin on a rocky foundation
And that's why conversations are confrontational
and cause frustrations, the cause of our separation
is a culmination of complications, and that's why we gotta quit the love
Cause we both miserable in love
And I'm even worse without you
It's over, it's ohh-ohhhhh-ver....
It's ohhhhhhhhhhh-ver
I don't know where I should go, backwards or forwards now
I don't know what I should do, feelin lonely or be with you
I heard this on another song, you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
Yu don't know what you got 'til it's gone, don't know what you got
We gotta quit the love
Cause we both miserable in love
And I'm even worse without you
At a higher pitch
At a higher pitch
Oh it's ohhhhhhhhhh-verrrrrrrr
It's ohhhhh-verrrrrrr
Don't shed a tear for me, it's oh-verrrrrrr
[Chorus: Justin Timberlake]
The nature of the world today
The nature of the world today
The nature of the world today
The nature of the world today
Stop, stop, stop
Stop smiling 'cause the way the world's moving's not funny,
School system conditioning your child to be a dummy,
Ain't no education in education hunny,
School teacher's only rackin' up a little money,
T.V.'s raising kids in the new era,
And I don't see a prophet that'll prophesize it clearer,
Dayum if Christ comes back they'll probably kill him,
Crucify him twice just to keep the people from hearin',
The message that you and I should be hearin',
The unhearable,
What I'm getting to is this world is somethin' terrible,
I've had it up to hear 'cause being blind's unbearable,
It sounds like I'm goin' deaf,
So now I'll go hysterical,
'Cause living in a world that's not harmonius is deafening,
There's no life business but death is a profession,
You got morticians and coroners, exorcism performers,
But we ain't got nobody there positioned just to warn us of the
Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum conditioning,
We gettin' elementary, it's funny how they put us in a dummy state o' mind,
A dummy state o' mind
I ain't smiling 'cause all they got is money on they mind,
That's the nature...
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today.
Money got me dog, money got you,
Money got you working just to pay off your coupe,
Money got the gas prices higher than ever,
The people runnin' money yo they gotta be clever because if you ain't got no money then you wanna get some,
People want money more than education,
And if you wanna education then you gotta pay to get it,
Money's the new God, if it ain't who is it?,
Looking back at the dollar, In God We Trust
Fuck that, money ain't God and money ain't us,
People will save a dime, people will save a dollar,
They hesitate to save a life if they hear a holler,
So holler, holler, holler if I'm hitting you with purity,
Homeland security is insecurity, secure the homeland with proper education,
Expand the minds of the youth and build up the nation,
And compete in a whole new world of technology,
We been brainwashed and tricked psychologically,
And we just consumers so go get ya money,
And buy a diamond ring for your honey,
But fuck that, I realise I'm shinin' like the sun,
Got enlightened and enlightened everyone,
I realise I'm shinin' like the sun,
Get enlightened and learn a little somethin' about the nature...
[Chorus: Justin Timberlake]
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today,
The nature of the world today,
I'm tryna to maintain with all of these games
Me and my ex be sexing but I ain't her mayne
You, you know the deal when the love is real
But it's complicated we hate each other and still
Mess around when we got problems
No we have to solve them all
Issues yeah we got 'em
But I still revolve around her
Man we do it
Yeah we acting foolish
But before we get into it
I say hold up wait a minute
No I can't wait no more
I gotta have you boy
Somebody call the doctor
Scream and holla
Until your lungs get sore
No I can't take it boy
I want you even more
Touch me, touch me
I'm losing it...
It's fucking up my flow
This time I do not know
If I should give it to her
Or should I go
Cause when it's up and time to go
She gets emotional
She's tearing and she's crying
For what I don't know
Oh yeah I know we got them problems
No, we haven't solved 'em all
Issues yeah we got them
Yep, they just revolve around us
And we do it
Yep yep we do it
But before we get into
I say hold up wait a minute
No I can't wait no more
I gotta have you boy
Somebody call the doctor
Scream and holla
Until your lungs get sore
No I can't take it boy
I want you even more
Touch me, touch me
I'm losing it
What do we do
What do we do
With me and you
With me and you
We fell in love
We fell in love
We fucked it up
We fucked it up
We broke it down
We broke it down
Now we mess around
Now we mess around
Girl it ain't right
It ain't right
So I say hold up
Wait a Wait a minute
No I can't wait no more
I gotta have you boy
Somebody call the doctor
Scream and holla
Until your lungs get sore
No I can't take it boy
I want you even more
Touch me, touch me
I'm losing it...
Scream and holla
Until your lungs get sore
No I can't take it boy
I want you even more
Touch me, touch me
I'm losing it
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's party
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's party
Everybody in the place in the place
Let's party
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's go
Let's go let's go
Let's go
Let's go let's go
Let's go
Let's go let's go
All the all the sexy ladies shake shake your body
All the all the sexy ladies shake shake shake your
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's party
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's party
Everybody in the place in the place
Let's party
Everybody in the place to be be be
All the all the sexy ladies shake shake
All the all the sexy ladies shake shake
All the all the sexy ladies shake shake shake your body
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's party
Everybody in the place in the place
Let's party
Everybody in the place to be be be
Let's go
Let's go let's go
Let's go
Let's go let's go
Let's go
And we try to fix it up but its too late?
Lets give up, had enough, no more mistakes.
Here we go, Here we go..
'Cause you can't see where I'm comin' from, I feel so invisible
My lady got me goin' crazy cuz we be havin problems and
I think that she ready to go away
where she could be happy 'cause we be standin arguing and I can't really take it no more. No No
Too much of fussin' and fightin' this used to be so excitin' and now its just not invitin' no mo
Now baby why even botha if we can't help one another over
And we try to fix it up but its too late?
Lets give up, had enough, no more mistakes.
Here we go, Here we go..
'Cause you can't see where I'm comin' from, I feel so invisible
(She can't see me, hey she can't see me
The girl can't see me, no she can't see me)
I'm invisible
(She can't see me, hey she can't see me
The girl can't see me, no she can't see me)
I'm invisible
My lady don't even be listenin'
I be tryin to tell her but she says she can't take it no mo because
She can't really handle it
Love is something scandalous
I just let her walk out the door
Whatever happens was meant to be
So why don't we sim-p-ly stop playin games men-t-ally (games, games, games)
Whatever we did or didn't lets hurry up and just get it over
And we try to fix it up but its too late
Lets give up, hands up, no more mistakes.
Here we go, Here we go..
'Cause you can't see where I'm comin' from, I feel so invisible
(She can't see me, hey she can't see me
The girl can't see me, no she can't see me)
I'm invisible
(She can't see me, hey she can't see me
The girl can't see me, no she can't, she can't, she can't)
I'm invisible
I got no visual
I be talking she be walking, walking with her eyes closed
Trying to get her attention, does she see me?
No she don't
I'm invisible, I'm invisible
I be yelling in her face but she doesn't even notice
I be speaking she be creeping, creeping with her eyes closed
Check her out, there she goes, creeping with her eyes closed
but its too late
Lets give up, had enough, no more mistakes.
Here we go, Here we go..
'Cause you can't see where I'm comin' from, I feel so..
I'm invisible
And we try to fix it up but its too late?
Lets give up, had enough, no more mistakes.
Here we go, Here we go..
'Cause you can't see where I'm comin' from, I feel so invisible
I'm invisible
I'm invisible
Calling individuals to realize the power
And falling the world poverty and end the world hunger
And forcing the politicians to keep with their promise
And making the world leaders and we'll leave the world honest
In my name
In the name of greed and gain
There's a lot of people that's suffering
There's a lot of people that's livin' in pain
And then there's folks that won't complain
That's the kinda stuff I just can't explain
So much injustice
Stuff's gotta change
People in poverty play by the game
That's why I believe on the track like rain
I believe for the love to bring up our change
I believe to inspire more people to maintain
Hold on strong, y'all
Try to sustain
Scream to the Government, we come with a plan
And rescue you from the flames
With the keys for your shackles and chains
Power that we should be all ashamed
For the people they're slayin'
In my name
In my name
In my name
In my name
Just calling individuals to realize the power
And falling the world poverty and end the world hunger
And forcing the politicians to keep with their promise
And making the world leaders and we'll leave the world honest
In my name
In my name
In my name
In my name
In my name
In the name of greed and gain
There's a lot of people that's sufferer
Too many children stuck up inside their box
No oxygen
Economic travesty
They say "Give a dollar every child can see"
I think what they need is new policies
A little bit of help from you and me
In my name
[singing in some African language]
[saying: Will.I.Am]
I Can't Wait...
I Can't Wait...
(I Can't Wait...)
{I Can't Wait...}
{I Can't Wait...}
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait...
I Can't Wait
I Can't Wait Wait
I Can't Wait
I Can't Wait Wait, Wait
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait...
(I Can't Wait...)
(I Can't Wait...)
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait...
I Can't Hardly Wait For Your Love
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait...
I Can't Wait...
I Can't Wait...
I, Can't, Wait
I Can't, Wait
I, Can't, Wait
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait...
I Can't Wait
I Can't Wait
I Can't, I Can't, I Can't, I Can't Wait
I Can't Wait, Wait...
Ladies, l-l-ladies, l-l-ladies, here we go
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it, got it, g-got it
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it, got it
Honey, lookin' good from her head to her toe
Beauty overload, body outta control
She 24, she could be a model
So beautiful, all so natural
Mama lookin' good from her head to her feet
She 44, but she still lookin' sweet
And you could tell her daughter ain't even at a peak
Cause her mama lookin' so hot, packin' that heat
So be a good girl and thank yo mama
She made ya steamin' like a sauna
Look out, look out here she come now
Look out, look out here she come
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it, got it, g-got it
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it, got it
Girl, yo beauty is a sensation
You sittin' in the temptation
I never knew a girl could shine like the sun
You betta thank ya mama, cause girl you the one
We should have a date of celebration
Celebratin' God's best creation
Girl, you got a beautiful vibration
Everyday should be ya birthday, hon'
You make the guys all dumb
Maybe cause your blessed with the beautiful buns
Maybe cause your beauty keep the dudes unsprung
Wonderin' just where you got that from, from, f-from...
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it from my mama
I got it, got it, g-got it
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
All that fish right here, I got all this from my mama
All this stuff right here, I got all this from my mama
Ladies, l-l-ladies, Ladies, l-l-ladies, Ladies, l-l-ladies, l-l-ladies, here we go
If the girl real fine, 9 times outta 10 she fine just like her mama
And if the girl real pretty, 9 times outta 10 she pretty like her mama
And if the mama real ugly, I guarantee she g'on be ugly like her mama
And if the mama real ugly, I guarantee she g'on be ugly like her mama
And if the girl real sexy, 9 times outta 10 she sexy like her mama
And if the girl real hot, 9 times outta 10 she hot just like her mama
And if the mama real ugly, I guarantee she g'on be ugly like her mama
And if the mama real ugly, I guarantee she g'on be ugly like her mama (like her mama)
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
Baby, where'd you get yo body from?
Tell me where'd you get yo body from
All that fish right here, I got all this from my mama
All this stuff right here, I got all this from my mama
If you pretty make some noi--
If you pretty make some noi--
If you pretty make some noi, make some noi, make some noi--
Nico: Party in the Ipanema, baby!
Nico: I want to party,
I want to samba,
I want to party,
I want to samba.
I want to party,
And live my life, (Pedro: My life!)
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
And fly~!
Nico: Imma fly, fly just like a bird
(Pedro: But you are a bird! )
Oh yeah, you're right,
So let me fly just like a rocket, then. (Pedro: Ok.)
Fly so high but I need to come down for oxygen,
'Cause once we start it, baby, ain't no ain't no stoppin' then
'Cause I just want to live my life and party,
All I want is to be free, and work my body,
Ain't nowhere around the world that I want to live my life,
But in Rio,
Cause in Rio,
I rea-realize:
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to samba, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
And fly~!
Pedro: I'm that samba, samba
Master, master, master, master, master
Push out sound from my ghetto blaster, blaster, blaster, blaster, blaster,
You dance fast,
But I dance faster, faster, faster, faster, faster
You're too slow,
You need to catch up,
Both: You can dance, and dance, but I...
Nico: I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to samba, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to samba, (Pedro: Party!)
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
And live my life, (Pedro: My life!)
I want to party, (Pedro: Party!)
And fly~!
(Instrumental Break)
(Pedro caws)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
(Pedro caws)
Jewel: (wordless, atmospheric melody)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
(Blu caws)
Shake it to the ground,
What! What! What!
What! What! What! What!
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hey hoola girl
Won't you go and get your twirl on?
Go and get your swirl on?
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hey hoola girl
Won't you go and get your twirl on?
Go and get your swirl on?
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hey hoola girl won't you shake it, shake it real hard
Shake it, shake it real hard
Shake it to the ground, what!
And when you shake it girl
Don't let it fall off, don't you let it fall off
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now stop it!
This a beat for the strip club
Handmade for the chick with the big butt
That girl got me pullin' out paper
Go one girl
Shake ya money maker
Backside real big like jumbo,
Dynamite, grab a tight don't fumble
Shake it down south, big belly gumbo
Don't shit, you can call me gumbo
This beat's infection
Hey girl, come and sit in my section
Uh you looking so good, perfection
That's not real, those are injections
Backside real big like jumbo,
Dynamite, grab a tight don't fumble
Shake it down south, big belly gumbo
Don't shit, you can call me gumbo
Now wait! Drop! Slide! Pick it up!
Helicopter, let it fly!
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now stop it!
Hey hoola girl
Won't you go and get your twirl on?
Go and get your swirl on?
Shake it to the ground, what!
And when you shake it girl
Don't let it fall off, don't you let it fall off
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Now stop it!
Nicole Scherzinger:
You see my lips singing, you see my hips swinging
You're liking what I'm bringing,
Bring it on, bring it on
You see my back poppin'
I got your mouth droppin'
And now you're heart's stoppin'
Check it out, check it out
I'm goin' to drop it, I'm goin' to drop it now
Now stop it now
Break it down, break it down
Now wait! Drop! Slide! Pick it up!
Helicopter, let it fly!
Now stop, and shake it
Drop it low, hit the floor
But don't break it!
Now stop, and shake it
Drop it low, hit the floor
But don't break it!
Now shwang (shwang), now shwang (shwang), now shwang (shwang)
Now shwang (shwang), now shwang (shwang), now shwang (shwang), now shwang (shwang)
Now stop it!
Hey hoola girl
Won't you go and get your twirl on?
Go and get your swirl on?
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hey hoola girl
Won't you go and get your twirl on?
Go and get your swirl on?
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop,
Hey hoola girl won't you shake it, shake it real hard
Shake it, shake it real hard
Shake it to the ground, what!
And when you shake it girl,
Don't let it fall off, don't you let it fall off
Shake it to the ground, what!
Hoola hoop, hoola hooá¹—, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Hoola hoop, hoola hoop
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Now shwang, now shwang, now shwang, now shwang
Look Out
Where It's At
I Know Karmas Comin To Pay Me Back
I Hurt The Sweetest Thang That's On The Map
I Broke Her Heart In 30 Seconds Flat
In 30 Seconds Flat
Now How Did I
Just How Did I Become That Kind Of Guy
To Look At Girl And Lie Right In The Eye
My Momma Told Me Willy That Ain't Right
Boy Now That Ain't Right
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heart
A H H H H I'm A Heart
A H H H I'm A
Where She Go
I Got Some Things I Gotta Let Her Know
To Fix The Love Now It's Impossible
But Baby Baby If We Take It Slow
If We Take It Slow
We Can Make It Work
We Just Can't Throw The Love Down In The Dirt
You Probly Thinkin I'm A F**Kin Jerk
Cause The Way I Let You Down It Made You Hurt
I Didn't Mean To Make You Hurt
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heart
A H H H H I'm A Heart
A H H H I'm a
Break It Down
Let's Break It Down
So So So Sorry
So So So Sorry
A La La La
La La La La
La La La La
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heart
A H H H H I'm A Heart
I hope your ready
The great times coming
I hope your ready
I see them coming around
I hope your ready
The great times coming
I hope your ready
I see them coming around
Lets celebrate the good times
Celebrate the good times
Celebrate the good times
I just want to have myself a good time
Make some noise
Make some noise
Make some noise
Make some noise
For the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Ima rock out hell yea hell hell
Get the party poppin
Keep it rockin ‘up in here
I be in the party with my hands in the air
I go out and party like I just dont care
Put your drinks up Let’s make a toast up in here
We gon do it big in the most up in here
I just want to chill with sexy tits up in here
Do not want the drama up in here
Lets get ready yea yeah
I hope your ready
The great times coming
I hope your ready
I see them coming around
I hope your ready
The great times coming
I hope your ready
I see them coming around
Lets celebrate the good times
Celebrate the good times
Celebrate the good times
I just want to have myself a good time
Make some noise
Make some noise
Make some noise
Make some noise
For the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Im living for the good time, good time, good time
Everybody in the place to be
Get Your Money Baby!
If You Strippin' I Aint Trippin'
If Its Arite With Ya, Its Arite With Me
She's A Single Momma, Makinq Dollars
Caboret And Make You Holla
Lookinq Lovely, Day And Nightly
Makinq Hubbies Leave They Wifey
Homewrecker; Heartbreaker; Love To Shake Her Money Maker
She's To Sexy For Her Clothes, So She Throws Them On The Floor
She Danqer, She Danqer
What Ya'll Wanna Do Fall In Love?
She Just Handlinq Buisiness
Qo Head Qirl But Dont Work Your Stuff
Get Your Money Baby!
If You Strippin' I Aint Trippin'
If Its Arite With Ya, Its Arite With Me
Its Arite
She's Drop Dead Intelliqent
Her Fraqrance Is That Stripper Scent
Browses Poppinq To Bonqo
We Thonqses Drop To 50cent
Private Dancer, Bubble Twister
Just Be Qlad She Aint Your Sister
Hands Off Her You Cant Touch Her
Fall In Love, And She Bound To Crush Ya
She Danqer, She Danqer
What Ya'll Want? She Truly Hood
She Just Handlinq Buisiness
Qo Head Qirl Qo (Cut)
I Aint Mad, I Aint Mad
I Aint Mad At Ya, I Aint Mad
Cuz Qirl You Bad, Qirl You Bad
You Doinq Your Thanq, And Your Work Is This
When You Work Out
When You Drop Your Bubble Low
Qirl I'll Qive It Up And I'll Clap
When You Crawlinq On The Flo'
Qirl I Clap
Get Your Money Baby!
If You Strippin' I Aint Trippin'
If Its Arite With Ya, Its Arite With Me
When You Work It, Work It, Work It
Qirl When You Work It
Please Dont Hurt Me, Hurt Me, Hurt Me
Hurt Me, Dont Hurt Me
When You Drop It, Drop It, Drop It
Pop It And Drop It
Take It Easy, Easy, Easy
Easy, Go Easy
Because You Bad Girl, Bad Girl
Dynamite (Dynamite)
Thats Rite
Because You Bad Girl, Bad Girl
Dynamite (Dam Rite Im Bad)
Get Your Money Baby!
If You Strippin' I Aint Trippin'
Yeah (x7)
[Dan Talevski: Verse 1]Baby (baby)
Lately I've been thinking about you
And it's driving me crazy (crazy)
Cause I just wanna give you all this love and I hate it (hate it)
When I have to wait oh baby I'm trying to patient (patient)
But my heart is in a rush
[Hook]I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
Right now (Right now)
Right now
I can't do (I can't do)
Without you (without you)
Not now (not now)
Baby I'm so gone...
Girl I...
[Chorus]Girl I think I'm falling
And I don't wanna get up
And even if I'm dreaming
I don't wanna wake-up
Tell me again I can have you baby
365 oh yeah...
Cause if everytime we touch
I'll be in a trance
Cause I just wanna do it again
Oh baby can we do it again (x8)
[Verse 2]When I wake-up,
The first thing I wanna do is see your face girl (face girl)
Boo you be looking so good
Don't need no make up
Everytime you go away
I want you to stay girl (stay girl)
Right here girl (right here girl)
[Hook](cause) I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
Right now (Right now)
Right now
I can't do (I can't do)
Without you (without you)
Not now (not now)
Baby I'm so gone...
Girl I...
[Chorus]Girl I think I'm falling
And I don't wanna get up
And even if I'm dreaming
I don't wanna wake-up
Tell me again I can have you baby
365 oh yeah...
Cause if everytime we touch
I'll be in a trance
Cause I just wanna do it again
Oh baby can we do it again (x8)
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em
She Want it
[Soulja Boy]Uh, you're on my mind like money
I'm on my grind, like Tony
Girl I know you want me (baby)
We'll have a good time, now won't we
I'm soulja boy tell em
Drop top Lambo, riding in sunset letting your hair blow
Girl you look good baby you so sexy
In a brand new Lexus, naw
Riding in the candy paint Bentley
Throw some more cash, I got plenty
Yeah and I love these women, and they love my pimpin'
I forgot to mention that - dress got me trippin'
Don't trip baby, don't be stingy
Let's do it again, and again baby
[Chorus]Girl I think I'm falling
And I don't wanna get up
And even if I'm dreaming
I don't wanna wake-up
Tell me again I can have you baby
365 oh yeah...
Cause if everytime we touch
I'll be in a trance
Cause I just wanna do it again
Ain't nothing in the world that can
Tear it apart, you my friend
Ain't nothing in the universe
That can come in between us,
If you're in a rut
I will pick you up and bring you back
To who you are
Anything that you need
I'm here for ya
Where ever I need to be
I'm there for ya
Unconditional even if it ain't cool
I'm there when you need me
You need a shoulder to cry on?
It's here for ya
Need a friend to rely on
I'm there for ya
I know you know you're my buddy
And you my bestest friend
Nobody better say nothing bad about
My friend
Ain't no kinda gossip you can spread around
That will change my opinion
They can make it up they can talk that trash
You know who I am and I know who you are
Anything that you need
I'm here for ya
Where ever I need to be
I'm there for ya
Unconditional even if it ain't cool
I'm there when you need me
If you need a laugh I'm there for you
If you need a place to crash
Come on
I know you know you're my buddy
And you my bestest friend
Yeah you my bestest friend
Now baby look I've
I've got nothing but money, honey
And I wanna spend it all
Spend it all on you
Spending money
On you
Spending money
Girl lets go to store and spend bank
Buy you things you like
Get you pinky rings with diamonds in them
Dress you how I like
Put you in a flower designer clothes
Look your wardrobe
But Louis Vuitton
Try on Yves Saint Laurent
Let me give you what you want
Take you to the South France
Sit up in nice restaurants
Eat food that we can't pronounce
Go yacht in Saint Tropez
Club happening in Miami
Girl I love you special way
So go help me spend my money
Now baby look I've
I've got nothing but money, honey
And I wanna spend it all
spend it all on you
Spending money
On you
Let me get you something
Spending money
Can I bye you dinner
Spending money
Spending money
They say money don't bye nobody's love
But you've already got them from me
I've already got it from you
You my baby's mama I'm your baby's daddy
We are family
Let's go spending this money
Let's go take a nice exotic trips
Live a life lavish
Make a wish Lis
I'll give you the things you like
Make a wish Lis
Don't you worry 'bout the price
Girl I do adore you
That's why I'm trying to spoil you
I'm doing all that for you
Cuz, loosing you I can't afford.
I ain't try to buy you
I just wanna buy you all them things
That you always wanted
Girl let's go shopping
Now baby look I've
I've got nothing but money, honey
And I wanna spend it all
spend it all on you
Spending money
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world
People killing, people dying, people lying, people blind
People don't see the sign, watching money all the time
Get the pennies, get the dimes, get the dollars is the mindstate
Of the human race, people on the paper chase
The environment is fragile, and we been on the gradual
Declining in a lifetime or lose the battle
Get burned by volcanoes, get blown by tornadoes
Cause mother nature signals, is trying to warn NATO
We got a new terror threat, it's called the weather
More deadlier than chemical and nuclear together
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Jesus, or Buddha, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
The world is dying
And if they say it's gonna be alright, them people are lying
People trapped behind the gates, ignorance in their state of mind
Cause they formulate a plan just to penetrate us
You see they stimulate us with fear, manipulate us
Each year, they dominate dividing us like calculators
And we can't add it up cause calculators do the math for us
And here they come choppering down, chopping down our rainforest
F**king up our air for us, they don't really care for us
But we can't complain, because the only one to blame is us
The gas is rising up but we keep on filling up
CO2 levels got the whole planet heated up
It's blazing in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Mohammed, Jehovah, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looks like we ain't gon' figure it out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
Looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
The world is ending
And if they say it's gonna be okay, they just pretending
When the eskimo gets bit by a mosquito
Somebody in Miami will get swept by a tsunami
Rastas in Jamaica will get hit by a quake that
Registers something like 8.8
You see it's situations happening with our planet
Cause, 50 years ago we took it for granted
We should have took advantage, and reversed the damage
Instead of just pumping and selling and slanging the gas
And while we purchased the gas
We was watching soap operas while they steady brainwashed the masses
Cause we could make a vehicle that runs off ashes
But they own a patent for that, and that's exactly what's happening
Corruption and bullshit politics
The planet's gonna die cause of bullshit politics
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
And ain't nobody coming to the rescue to help the
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, the, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, hope, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the...
The, the, the, hope, the...
(The world)
The, the, the, the, the..
Looking all around watching the world..
(The world)
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world..
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world..
(The world)
Looking all around watching the world..
Make it funky for me
Make it funky for me
(Dee-jayy...) (She said she said she...)
Move it in, check it out, move it in, check it out
Move itttttttt... i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it's - it's
It's the funk that make you jump, sexy honies shake they hump
Got them dummies spendin money just to get up in yo' junk
Buy you drinks up at the bar, fill you up with alcohol
Why me, boo you, try to do you, even walk you to yo' car
You don't want what's goin down, you freak them to the sound
The bass was steady poundin, you dropped it to the ground
Hypnotized by the (dee-jayyy) when he select the beat
Steady rockin on a (weekday) heavy on repeat
So put 'em up, put 'em up, drop it down, to the ground
Back it up, back it up, somebody ask the (dee-jayyy)
Could you make it funky for me
Can you make it funky for me
Can you make the (dee-jayyyy!)
Can you make it funky for me
Could you make it funky for me
Could I ask the (dee-jayyyy!)
I make it funky for ya, I make ya feel alright
Reach for somethin really high, go ahead and touch the sky
Ain't no limit when you in it, live it up cause it's yo' life
Any minute we gon' spend it like the (shit) never gets spun
Oh yeah this (shit) just begun, and we came to have FUN!
Put away your guns, ladies keep shakin your buns
Some-body grab some-body party 'til the sun come up
And we ain't stoppin, I don't care if 20 cops come in
Let 'em keep knockin and knockin, we keep on rockin
So put 'em up, put 'em up, drop it down, to the ground
Back it up, back it up, somebody ask the (dee-jayyy)
I make it funky for ya, I make ya feel alright
I make it funky for ya, I make ya feel al.. al... al... al... al... al... al...
Yo, yo, hey
You like the beat
Go ahead girl rock it to the beat
You like the track
Go ahead girl shake it like that
You like the sound
Go ahead girl move it all around
Go 'head girl rock your body
I went to sleep last night tired from the fight
I've been fightin' for tomorrow all my life yeah
I woke up this mornin' feelin' brand new
Cause the dreams that I've been dreamin' have finally came true
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's been a long time comin'
Up the mountain kept runnin'
Songs of freedom kept hummin'
Channelin' Harriet Tubman, Kennedy, Lincoln, and King
We gotta manifest that dream
It feels like we're swimmin' up stream
It feels like I'm stuck in between
A rock and a hard place
We've been through the heartaches
And lived through the darkest days
If you and I made it this far well then
Hey! we can make it all the way
And they said no we can't and we said yes we can
Remember it's you and me, together
I woke up this mornin' feelin' alright
I've been fightin' for tomorrow all my life
Yeah, I woke up this mornin' feelin' brand new
Cause the dreams that I've been dreamin' have finally came true
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's a new day...
It's been a long time waitin'
Waitin' for this moment
It's been a long time prayin'
Prayin' for this moment
We've hoped for this moment
And now that we own it
For life I'm 'a hold it
And I won't let it go
This is for our fathers
Our brothers, our friends
Who fought for freedom
Our sisters our mothers
Who died for us to be in this moment
Stop and cherish this moment
Stop and cherish this time
It's time for unity
For us and we
That's you and me, together
I woke up this mornin' feelin' brand new
Cause the dreams that I've been dreamin' finally came true
Yeah, I woke up this mornin' feelin' alright
Cause we weren't fightin' for nothin'
And the soldiers weren't fightin' for nothin'
No Martin wasn't dreamin' for nothin'
And Lincoln didn't change it for nothin'
And children weren't cryin' for nothin'
It's a new day!
It's a new day!
It's a new day!
It's a new day!
It's a new day!
It's a new day!
I've been around the world in the pouring rain,
Feeling out of place, really felling strange,
Take me to a place, where they know my name
Cause I ain’t met nobody that looks the same
I’m a fish out of water lying out in the jungle,
[He a fish out of water lying out in the jungle]
I leave my peoples, my peoples, take me to my peoples
Good to have somebody, good to have somebody,
To relate to, to relate to
Good to have somebody, good to have somebody,
To relate to, to relate to
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’ve found a home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’m a home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’ve found a home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven, heaven
Driving in the world, like a touring man
Been around the planet in the pouring rain
I’ve seen things that I’ve thought I’ve never seen
Take me to a place where they live like me
I’m a lion out the jungle, fish out of the ocean
[He’s a lion out the jungle, fish out of the ocean]
I leave my peoples, my peoples, take me to my peoples
Good to have somebody, good to have somebody,
To relate to, to relate to
Good to have somebody, good to have somebody,
To relate to, to relate to
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’ve found a home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’m home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
See I’ve been travelling, been travelling forever
But now that I’ve found a home,
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven,
Feels like I’m in heaven
Feels like I’m in heaven
I’m in heaven,
Oh and I’m feeling right at home
Feeling right at home
Feeling right at home
I’ve been around the world
Feeling right at home
Feeling right at home
Feeling right at home
Feeling like I’m in heaven,
It’s like I’m in heaven
It’s like I’m in heaven
I’m in heaven
It’s like I’m in heaven
I’m in heaven
It’s like I’m in heaven
From Delaware to Tennesse to Hawaii
From mountain tops
We have dreams from sea to shining sea
and now here we are
We have come
we have prevailed
who so ever dreamed, this is your will
Here we are
Here we are
At the dawn,
At the morning
Of a brand new day (a brand new day)
For all (for all)
In the spirit of our fathers
America is beautiful (beautiful, yes it is)
My America
Your America
Our America is beautiful
And may God (may God)
Keep us together
Cause America (America)
Is beautiful (beautiful)
May liberty and justice ring for all
Let your dreams stand tall
May opportunities fall upon you
In the land of the free
We have come
And we have prevailed
Who so ever dreamed, this is your will
And here we are
Here we are
At the stars
And the risen
Of a brand new day (of a brand new day)
For all (for all)
In the spirit of the fathers (spirit of the fathers)
America is beautiful (beautiful, yes it is)
My America
Your America
Our America is beautiful
America is beautiful (beautiful, yes it is)
My America
Your America
Our America is beautiful
Is beautiful to me
Girl I wanna thank your mama
For making such a beautiful daughter
Girl you know your looking lovely
Got all the supermums looking ugly
And I know, I know
You cant, you cant
I know you cant help it baby
Alright, alirght
Okay, okay
I'm alright, i'm alright, i'm alright, i'm fantastic
I'm Al...
Nine years of lovin you, that's now flushed down the drain
Six years with a bundle of joy, the last two was the pain
Too immature to handle love, we was just playin games
You used to say i was your everything, now you can't say my name
I never thought that i could survive, without you in my life
If you was wonderin about how i'm doin, baby i'm doin alright
But it don't even look like you would cry, if i was to up and die
Die tomorrow, uh-huh-uhhh, but that's alright gi-irrrl, cause
Don't even worry 'bout me
I'm doin good now, doin super baby
Don't even worry 'bout me, i'm super duper baby
I'm doin good now, yeah
Six months and a couple of weeks and not one call from you girl
Three months after we broke down, i moved up in the world
I wanna know what's goin on, what's goin on in your life
I know it's really hard to be my friend, when you were gon' be my wife
We used to love our relationship, but now we just can't relate
I understand why you had to go and change your, love for me into hate
And that's why i believe you wouldn't cry, if i was to up and die
Die tomorrow, uh-huh-uhhh, but that's alright gi-irrrl, cause
Don't even worry 'bout me
I'm doin good now, super duper baby
I'm doin good now, i'm fantastic
Fantastic, yeah
Ain't it pretty when she walk
Ain't it pretty when she talk
Ain't it sexy when she move
She's so sexy when she move
It's so lovely when she do
When she do the things she do-ooo
Its lovely, oh its lovely
Girl look good when she sit
Down at the bustop lickin on her lips
I seen a lot of chicks
I gotta admit
But You the baddest girl that I seen in a minute
You got nice eyes
Real nice lips
Got a pretty face
Tig ol' bits
I just wanna pay you some compliments
Please don't think that im tryna get in it
But baby if you wanna gimme a lil something
Here go my number girl call me if you
Wanna get to know eachother better if you dont that's cool
I just had to come and compliment you
Had to let you know you had a beautiful view
Your front says UH
Your back says OOH
Theres a million things I can think to do
But right now I just want to watch you, just watch you, watch you
Ain't it pretty when she walk
Ain't it pretty when she talk
Ain't it sexy when she move
She's so sexy when she move
It's so lovely when she do
When she do the things she do-ooo
Its lovely, oh its lovely
Your just gorgeous so beautiful
When God made you, he made you slow
He took his little time, plus you were the halo
One of a kind you the star of the show
Girl you shine, every door you glow
You so fine and I know that you know
You prolly get mobbed everywhere that you go
You need a body guard cus your body like WHOA
Walk down the blvd, boys like WHOA
Walk down the courtyard, boys like WHOA
If you want a best friend girl let me know
If you want a boyfriend here I go
I love you, I love you, I love you...
Ain't it pretty when she walk
Ain't it pretty when she talk
Ain't it sexy when she move
She's so sexy when she move
It's so lovely when she do
When she do the things she do-ooo
Yea. Yea.
I know i know
It's true it's true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
My my my my my love is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
My my my my my love is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
My my my my my love is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
So true funny how it seems
Always in time, but never line for dreams.
Head over heels when toe to toe.
This is the sound of my soul, this is the sound.
I know you love the way my love is (soundin')
From over there you could feel my heart(poundin')
Let me swim in your outermind (drownin)
Forever i'll be upside down (frownin')
I love you uptown, love ya (downtownin')
You could be my women, and i could be ya main man
And thats why i sat down and wrote this poem
Cuz i want the truth to be told.
Boy you know i know that is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
My my my my my love is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue
Dissolve the nerves that just begun.
Listening to marvin (all night long.)
This is the sound of my soul, this is the sound.
Ya i like the way your soul sounds to me
Ain't nobody do me the way you do me
I got the stamina for l-o-v-e
Whip out the camera lets make a movie
In the future we could look back at what we done did
We'll be makin love til we like a hundred
And thats why i had to remix this song
Cuz i want the truth to be told
Boy you know i know that is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Huh huh huh hu-uh huh
I know this much is true
Hey hey hey hey hey it's true
My my my my my love is true
You know it's true
You know it's true
You know i love ya girl, you know it's true
You know it's true
I know this much is true
You know it's true
You know it's true
You know i love ya girl, you know it's true
You know it's true
I know this much is true
You know it's true
You know it's true
This much is true
This much is true
You know i love ya girl
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
I like them big, I like them chunky
I like them big, I like them plumpy
I like them round, with something, something
They like my sound, they think I'm funky
My name is Moto Moto, yeah, say it
Say it, girl, Moto, Moto
Say it again, Moto, Moto
I'm nice and smooth, so nice and sassy
None of the hippo's here
Don't wanna get next to me
I like them chunky
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
I like them hippos, their skin no white
(Their skin no white)
I like the attitude, I like their style
(I like their style)
The way they walk, walk, the way they talk
(The way they talk)
I like the whatever appetite
They eat a shark, shark
And when the dog barks
(Woof, woof)
They eat them too
I love every inch, oh, yes I do
I like them chunky
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy
Ain't nothing wrong with loving chunky
I like them funny, I like them spunky
I like them witty, I like them smart
(With brains)
Girl, I like your big
(What you say?)
Your big ol' heart, what?
Girl, your're crazy, she drive me crazy
I love my lady, she nice and shapely
She nice and spacey, take so much space up
Like a big ol' space ship, yeah so gracious
It's all in the way she move
It's all in the way she move
It's all in the way, it's all in the way
It's all in the way she move
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
What she do? What she do?
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky
And plumpy
Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Ain't nothing wrong
Ain't nothing wrong with lovin' chunky
And plumpy
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
We like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
Keep on jumpin' off the floor
Dancin' 'til your feet is sore
Party hard just like a smarty girl
'Cause that's what life is for
And we don't party hardly
We just party hard
And not because we bored
We party 'cause we born to party
We gonna move our bodies
With our hands in the air
And wave 'em all around
Like we just don't care
Moto Moto in the house
I'm about to turn it out
And you know it's going down
I'm physically, physically, physically round
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
We like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
Party ain't done, party ain't done
Party this belly got started, Act I
It just begun, big action
Pump up the volume, speaker blastin'
Shake up the ground, shake up the ground
Shake like a earthquake quake up the ground
Play to make a sound, play to make a sound
Play to make a, play to make a, play to make a sound
So I can do my little dance, do my little dance
Do my little, do my little, do my little dance
Ants in my pants, got ants in my pants
Ants in my, ants in my, ants in my pants
That's why I keep on movin'
Yes, that's why I keep on groovin'
Yes, that's why I keep on doin'
Doin' what I'm doin', y'all
First name Moto, last name Moto
Here's how you spell it, M-O-T-O M-O-T-O
When I step in all the girls want a photo
Ya know, hey, yo
Moto Moto in the house
I'm about to turn it out
And you know it's goin' down
I'm physically, physically, physically round
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
We like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
I like to party, party
He like to party, party
They like to party, party
We like to party!
She like to shake it, shake it
She like to shake it, shake it
He like to shake it? Yo!
Somebody say ho!
Say ho ho!
(Ho ho!)
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up
Yo! Somebody say yeah!
Say yeah yeah!
(Yeah yeah!)
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Back it up, back it up
Gimme room, gimme room
Gimme room 'cuz, huh!
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
We like to move it!
She like to shake it, shake it
She like to shake it, shake it
She like to shake it, shake it
Yeah, shake it girl, huh!
We like to party, party
We like to party, party
We like to party, party
We like to party!
We like to move it, move it
He like to move it, move it
They like to move it, move it
Move it, move it, move it, move it
Fly girl!
Fly girl!
Fly girl!
She's a fly girl
She can fly
But she's a girl
That makes her
Fly girl
Fly girl
Fly girl
Yeah, she be flyin'
But, she a girl
That makes her a fly girl!
Dive into your deepest pain
Changing everything you are
Don't let yourself go
Don't fall, don't flow with
Spin into your hurricanes
Your last chance has just arrived
Don't let yourself go
No pain, no gain
Let yourself grow
Promise me you won't fade away
Nothing is over, now is your time
Don't let yourself go
You fight, don't choke
And rise again
And you revive
And live another day
You're free so try
To get another chance
The old is over
And the new has come to stay
Now set your soul alight
And you revive
And live another day
You're free so try
To get another chance
The old is over
And the new has come to stay
Now set your soul alight
Sometimes the morning seems dark as the unknown
Night seems without ending as a road
To the forgotten land
Thousands years and thousand dreams are gone
Hidden within tears they're still alone
Drifting in the endless sea those souls beg for the death
Just waiting for the arrival of the sails of Charon
To the forgotten land
Someplace where there's no time to lose
Some world where lies are more than truth
An empty space inside your heart
Someplace where hope is obscure
Shallow lives and haunt 'em as a ghost
It feeds the greed that drinks right from the source
And enriches the stronger one
Hungry eyes arrested numb souls
Floating in the skies they cross the rainbow
To the forgotten land
Someplace where there's no time to lose
Some world where lies are more than truth
An empty space inside your heart
Someplace where hope is obscure
Born a child
King of the kings
He's the heir of his father's death
New empire
New domain
Surrounded by the greed and rage
The skies greet the jewel of death
The legend arises to reign
"Crucify enemies
Burn and kill who threat my breed"
Treason and lie stole his dreams
Now the curse is alive in freedom
The skies greet the jewel of death
The legend arises to reign again
We are the children of lies
We are the children of lies
Children of lies
Children of lies
Are we beloved indeed?
What is creed and what is crime?
Heavenly? Out of one's mind?
People love, esteem
And cherish who they crucified
As victims we pretend to cry
Tragedy, end of days?
Or it's just the blindness of a man
Loyalty or fanaticism?
Hopeless, it makes me feel so lonely
A gunfire
You rest the bullets on the altar
And you die
And you kill
Dead inside
Your aberration under your faith
Taken dreams, taken lives
Taken angels from the innocence's arms
Priory, house of pain!
It's drivin' nails in the cold rain
But I feel the end of the storm
And free the twelve caught souls
When we see the burnin' crosses for relief
We rely on the unknown to leave our guilt behind
Mercy won't erase your lies
Face the evidence that God is something to relieve
Heaven is freedom and hell is here
Taken dreams, taken lives
Taken angels from the innocence's arms
Priory, house of pain!
It's drivin' nails in the cold rain
But I feel the end of the storm
And free the twelve caught souls
When we see the burnin' crosses for relief
Now I see the end of the storm
And glance the twelve taught souls
Life has always been there
You can try to hide
But it's everywhere
The color of roses
The shine of sunrise
The strength of the waves
The tears in your eyes
The rage of the storm
The smile of a child
The river that flows
The birds in the sky
It all lives deep inside you
Spinning so fast
It's out of control
It screams in your chest
It screams in your chest
The hands of a friend
The trees in the park
A yellow portrait
A bleeding old heart
A cold rainy day
The beauty of the stars
A cruel hurricane
It all lives deep inside you
Spinning so fast
It's out of control
It screams in your chest
Your colorful soul
Now adorns the space
That before was dark
And now you can see
So now you can breathe
Now you can breathe
Changes are coming so fast
As a flash all this freedom is shaking your life
Blinded by fire and shadows of legacy of fear
Cold sword of wisdom cuts the crime of
Deprivation of sight
People are captive since they were born
In the chains of all innocent lies
Diving and sinking in a mud sea
where they can't breathe
Cold sword of wisdom cuts the crime of
Deprivation of sight
Thoughts are free as the wind
You just should spread them
You just should break all the welds
They want to control your mind
They want to sew your eyes
They steal your resting mind
Oh! Deprivation of sight
Thoughts are free as the wind
Shout loud! Stand up and cry
Thoughts are free as the wind
You just should spread them
You just should feed them
Our reason hides a thousand ways
Sometimes clear, sometimes dark
Our emotion is like an endless tale
Sometimes is real, sometimes is not
Hold on!
Your inner trip has just begun
Go on!
Don't let this journey slip away
Start over!
When our soul is kept inside a box of illusion
All of your fortune then depends on your own attitude, yeah!
You always knew that all your knowledge was asleep
So it rolls on
All days
Even a secret mind can leave a trace
Even you can hide a crime
When you're trapped and there is no way out
Let your spirit find the light
Hold on!
Your inner trip has just begun
Go on!
Don't let this journey slip away
Start over!
When our soul is kept inside a box of illusion
All of your fortune then depends on your own attitude, yeah!
You always knew that all your knowledge was asleep
So it rolls on
All days
Hold on!
Your inner trip has just begun
Go on!
Don't let this journey slip away
Start over!
When our soul is kept inside a box of illusion
All of your fortune then depends on your own attitude, yeah!
You always knew that all your knowledge was asleep
So it rolls on