The Mambilla Plateau is a plateau found in Taraba State of Nigeria. This plateau, is the northern continuation of the Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon.
The mambilla plateau has an average elevation of about 1,524 metres (5,000 ft) above sealevel,leaving it as the highest plateau in Nigeria since no other plateau in Nigeria rivals it in elevation. Some of its villages are situated on hills that must be at least 1,828 metres (5,997 ft) high above sea level.
Some mountains on the plateau and around it are over 2,000 metres (6,562 ft) high, like the Chappal Waddi mountain which has an average height of about 2,419 metres (7,936 ft) above sealevel. It is the highest mountain in Nigeria and the highest mountain in West Africa if the Republic of Cameroon's higher mountains like the Mount Cameroon are excluded as mountains in west Africa, even though they are sometimes included among mountains found in the west African region.
The plateau developed on basement complex rocks.Tertiary basalts also occur on the mambilla plateau and are mostly formed by trachytic lavas and extensive basalts, occurring around Nguroje. The Mambilla plateau measures about 96 km (60 mi) along its curved length; it is 40 km (25 mi) wide and is bounded by an escarpment that is about 900 m (2,953 ft) high in some places. The plateau covers an area of over 9,389 square kilometres (3,625 sq mi). Chappal Waddi mountain is found at the northeastern flank of the Plateau.