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Sports in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
National Sport School Malta Promotional Video
Malta (Sports & Recreation)
IPTV Malta All Sports Channels Demonstration XBMC Android TV Box
Alfred Debono Malta Sports Awards 2012
Pinnacle Sports Receives Malta Gaming License
The Shooting of Migratory Birds in Malta 2014 - Featuring Bill Oddie
Amber - Warrior (Sports Malta Awards)
Blue Waves Water Sport - MALTA
Fishing for Bluefin Tuna in Malta
Fil-Com Malta Sports Fest 2014
Move Malta: Sports has no barriers - wheelchair basketball & handball
Actors Sérgio Penna (miscellaneous crew), Sérgio Penna (miscellaneous crew), Marcelo Galvão (producer), Marcelo Galvão (director), Marcelo Galvão (writer), Fábio Assunção (actor), Marília Gabriela (actress), Rosanne Mulholland (actress), Nill Marcondes (actor), Andreas Kisser (composer), Tony Bellotto (writer), Beto Coville (actor), Luíza Curvo (actress), Eduardo Queiroz (composer), Christiano Cochrane (actor),
Actors Carmina Villaroel (actress), Pen Medina (actor), Caridad Sanchez (actress), Bobby Andrews (actor), Michael V. (actor), Janno Gibbs (actor), Ramon Christopher (actor), Janno Gibbs (actor), Richard Gomez (actor), Richard Gomez (actor), Paolo Contis (actor), Ramon Christopher (actor), Richard Gutierrez (actor), R.J. Nuevas (writer), Annette Gozon-Abrogar (writer),
Actors Tôru Furuya (actor), Tony Oliver (actor), Mami Koyama (actress), Keiko Han (actress), Keiko Han (actress), Chiho Katsura (writer), Michiko Nomura (actress), Masashi Furukawa (editor), Masami Hata (writer), Masami Hata (director), Shintarô Tsuji (producer), Kôichi Sugiyama (composer), Ikue Sakakibara (actress), Tsunemasa Hatano (producer), Tadashi Furukawa (editor),
Storror hit the cliffs of Malta for a second year of air time and fun! For all commercial, press related enquiries and to work with Storror, please contact S...
Malta's beautiful climate means you can enjoy tons of different sporting activities on your holiday! For the best adrenaline rush, book your break with lowco...
With mild Winters and hot Summers, the Maltese Islands are an ideal playground for a multitude of land and water sports. Having a track record of various tra...
Visit our website:
Malta - Sports & Recreation Produced by Daniel Lapira Cameraman: Warren Brimmer Edited by: Daniel Lapira Voice Over: Jody Fiteni I have no rights to this production - uploaded as an example of Narrative Voice Over.
The LIVE TV - IPTV Malta sports channels HD Quality for android tv box via XBMC
Recognition of an endless determination to participate in sport activity. Alfred Debono is the first Maltese athlete who conquer the 5 World Marathons Majors...
In today's SBR news report, SBR covers Pinnacle Sports (SBR rating A+) receiving a gaming license by the Malta Gaming Authorita (MGA). This news comes just two weeks after SBR reported that Pinnacle Sports announced new ownership.
In April 2014 a team from the League Against Cruel Sports, made up of campaigners and investigators, made their way to Malta along with Wildlife Expert and L...
Amber - Warrior (Elton Zarb / Matt Muxu Mercieca) (Sports Malta Awards) - Copyright 2015 PBS Malta/TVM2/Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Ramla Bay Marfa - Malta
Recreational fishing for Bluefin Tuna in Malta, Mediterranean Sea.
Valleyball Players Vangiitanz Team with thier Full body Dynamic Warming up Routine
Sinclair Custom Fishing Rods -
Swieqi Phoenix Handball is one of Malta's leading handball clubs and part of the bigger Phoenix Sports Club...for more details find us on facebook or on our website Email
Sports Day at Ta Qali Malta for the school children of St. Francis B'Kara.
A spoof for a Tourism Ad for Sliema, A city in Malta
Saint Elias College Sports Day held on Thursday 18th April 2013 at the Marsa Sports Grounds, Malta.
Best sports tour ever.
Malta Sports Journalists Association meeting with ASA officials June 28th, 2014 at ASA office National Pool Complex tal-Qroqq.
Sports Day at Ta Qali Malta for the school children of St. Francis B'Kara.
L-Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports fl-aħħar jiem kellu tliet laqgħat fil-Gżira Għawdxija. L-ewwel laqgħa kienet mal-Gozo Football Association fejn l-Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports iltaqa’ mal-Eżekuttiv tal-GFA liema delegazzjoni tal-GFA kienet imexxija mill-President Alvin Grech u mis-Segretarju Ġenerali Joe Bajada. Fil-laqgħa ġew diskussi diversi materji fosthom il-faċilitajiet tal-media fil-Gozo Stadium li tjiebu drastikament u faċilitajiet fi stadia oħra. Iż-żewġ naħat qablu wkoll li għandu jitwassal il-messaġġ lill-ġurnalisti maltin sabiex jippruvaw jagħtu iktar spazju lill-Football Għawdxi fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir speċjalment waqt programmi televiżivi u anke tar-radju. Laqgħa oħra separata kienet mal-Gozo Sports Board fejn is-Sur Alvin Grech huwa wkoll il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ dan il-Board. Is-Sur Grech f’din il-laqgħa għamel preżentazzjoni dettaljata tal-proġett li mbarka fuqu l-Ministeru ta’ Għawdex sabiex jagħti dimensjoni oħra lill-iSport f’Għawdex permezz ta’ struttura ta’ aministrazzjoni b’saħitha fid-diversi assoċjazzjonijiet sportivi għawdxin. Laqgħa oħra saret mal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-NGO’s Għawdxin li fiha hemm affiljati l-NGO’s kollha inklużi dawk b’rabta diretta jew indiretta mal-Isport. Id-delegazzjoni tal-GħĠS waqt dawn il-laqgħat tmexxiet mill-President Charles Camenzuli u mill-Viċi President Mario Bonici. Intant is-Sur Mark Cini ġie maħtur uffiċjalment ir-rapreżentant tal-GħĠS f’Għawdex u ġie co-opted b’effett imedjat fil-Kumitat Eżekuttiv.
me driving my rc Kyosho inferno mp7.5 / mp 7.5 sports 3 offroad 4wd buggy at Pembroke Malta.
2014 July Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA 1 of 5 Last days final hour news prophecy update 2 of 4 3 of 4 4 of 4 5 of 5 National Geographic article to describe an experiment in 2003, during which Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs animal-human mixtures 2013 BREAKING NEWS WARNING TO HUMAN RACE human-animal genetic hybrid or chimera Human dog thousands of labs worldwide with animal human experiments this is sick and funded by the world Governments. The UN is now and in preparation through 2025 worldwide. Gods Judgement will happen World war 3. We are in the end times last days the medical field is playing god DANGEREOUS times we are living. Part Human part animal genetic hybrids A parahuman is a human-animal Genetic engineering hybrid or chimera hybrid. For Years Scientists have done extensive research into the mixing of genes or cells from different species, e.g. adding human (and other animal) genes to bacteria and farm animals to mass-produce insulin and spider silk proteins, and introducing human cells into mouse embryos. Para humans have been referred to as "human-animal hybrids" in a vernacular sense that also encompasses human-animal chimeras. The term parahuman is not used in scientific publications. The term is sometimes used to sensationalize research that involves mixing biological materials from humans and other species. According to Daily Mail, as of 2011, more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos were created in British laboratories since the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CREATION OF ANIMAL-HUMAN MIXTURES: 5. Animal-Human Transgenesis 6. Animal-Human Gestation 6.1. Placing a human embryo into an animal 6.2. Placing human sperm into an animal 6.3. Placing an animal embryo into a human 6.4. Placing animal sperm into a woman 7. Animal-Human Hybrid Embryos 7.1. Embryo containing cells made up of both human and animal chromosomes 7.1.1. Non-human eggs into which human nuclei are inserted Frog-Human Hybrid Entities 7.1.2. Animal-Human chromosome transplant Mouse-Human Hybrids 7.2. Non-human eggs stripped of their chromosomes into which human nuclei are inserted Gametal Cow-Human Hybrid Embryos Gametal Rabbit-Human Hybrid Embryos 7.3. Mixing of Animal and Human Gametes Genetic Human-Hamster Hybrid Embryos 18/10/2010 Ethics of animal-human mixtures - animal-human ... 2/22 8. Animal-Human Chimeras 8.1. Animal-Human Chimeras Created Through Xenotransplantation 8.2. Animal-Human Embryonic and Fetal Chimeras 8.2.1. Incorporation of Human Stem Cells into Post-natal Animals 8.2.2. Incorporation of (1) Human Stem Cells into Post-blastocyst Stages of Non-human Embryos or (2) Non-human Stem Cells into Post-blatocyst stages of Human Embryos Genetic Human-Mouse Chimeric Fetuses Genetic Sheep-Human Chimeric Fetuses Genetic Monkey-Human Chimeric Fetuses Genetic Pig-Human Chimeric Fetuses 8.2.3. Incorporation of (1) Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into a Non-Human Blastocyst or its Preliminary Embryonic Stages or (2) Non-human Pluripotent Stem Cells into a Human Blastocyst or its Preliminary Embryonic Stages Genetic Human-Mouse Chimeric Embryos Glossary References Nevertheless, mixtures between biological species are relatively rare in nature, and most such entities would be less 'fit' than their progenitors. With respect to animal-human mixing, no evidence of any entities being born has ever been recorded but new developments in crossing the species barrier may no longer limit animal-human mixtures to the domain of mythology. Indeed, procedures have recently been developed by scientists which mix human and animal biological elements to such an extent that it questions the very concept of being entirely human. For example, concern for animal-human mixtures was raised in 2001 by the UK Animal Procedures Committee which indicated in its Report on Biotechnology that though questions may exist as to the likely fate of such animal-human mixtures, there may be a deeper repugnance at the thought of their very existence. Indeed, The Regulation of New Biotechnologies and published in 2004, that the crossing of the animal-human boundary was, in some respects, quite complex and subtle but that the mixing of human and animal tissues and materials was not by itself objectionable. In other words, in the context of therapy and preventive medicine, the President's Council accepted that the transplantation of animal parts to replace defective human ones could be considered as ethical. Moreover, the Council had no overriding objection to the insertion of animal-derived genes or cells into a human body - or even into human fetuses.
Paul Azzopardi and Toni Sant present a special edition of the weekly popular TVM current affairs programme Malta u Lil Hinn Minnha. For many years before Mal...
Are Maltese people yesmen? Do we stand up for our rights?
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Click here to receive the latest news: Visit or website to learn more: The initiative is called "Make Lent Count." --------------------- ROME REPORTS,, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries. --------------------- Follow us... Our WEB FACEBOOK TWITTER PINTEREST INSTAGRAM
Stilisti u esperti tal-moda minn madwar id-dinja se jaslu f'pajjizna ghal gimgha mill-iktar importanti ghall-moda f'Malta...Il-Malta Fashion Week.L-attivitaj...
Click here to receive the latest news: Visit or website to learn more: The President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican for the first time. She invited him to visit this Mediterranean island, whose population is mainly Catholic. --------------------- ROME REPORTS,, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries. --------------------- Follow us... Our WEB FACEBOOK TWITTER PINTEREST INSTAGRAM
to see more videos here: for copyright listed in the video. please no haters please like and subscribe in accident, A...
TV News coverage of the Mercedes-Benz Malta Fashion Week from Favourite TV. Voice over is in Maltese language.
More Breaking News: Subscribe: A U.S. Navy ship rescued 128 men from a raft after it was ...
This is where I said that Jordan infiltrated ISIS right before all this media propaganda about Jordan: A few years ago I also made this video explaining about the Knights of Malta, and that Jordan and Germany are both run by the Knights of Malta (Taoist Masons): The video is 3 parts, most of the stuff about the Knights of Malta is on parts 2 and 3, you can understand my current video better if you watch this first
as well as TVM L-Ahbarijiet, which is TVM's Maltese language news service, PBS also provides TVM News, a daily short bulletin of news in english. Its broadca... David's Been Here is in the small island country of Malta, exploring the local sites, destinations, cuisine and culture. In this short video, David gives the Maltese language a try. Listen along as David and Ana learn a few of the basic words from their tour guide Audrey. From the numbers and basics of getting around to simple conversation starters, if you're planning a trip to Malta, learning some of the language is a great place to begin. Find everything you need to know about visiting this beautiful country with the David's Been Here Guide to Malta, also available for your Kindle. Learn more about the Maltese Language at
The summer concert is a cultural highlight on the island of Malta where every year international... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscri...
This video is a brief summary of the Jesuit power structure of America. At the top is of course the Black Pope. The Jesuit Superior General is the head of an army. This video shows the power structure from Rome down to Richard N. Haass, the Pope serving jew who is chairman of the Archbishop of New York's Council on Foreign Relations. It touches on the subject of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Zionism etc. Thanks for watching.
Subscribe On YouTube: Tweet On Twitter: We Ned Your Support For Subscribe This Channe... Pope Francis met with the Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra' Matthew Festing at the Vatican. Its tradition stems from chivalry and noble Christian families. One of the main missions of the Sovereign Order of Malta, is to nu...
We asked the residents of Islington, London (and a few Maltese expatriates too) to take up our Maltese tongue twister challenge. The Maltese language is spoken by approximately 400,000 people.
The aftershocks from the violence in Libya are being felt in the Maltese economy. The island's exports to the North African nation totalled 85 million euros ...
For a full text review:;=1 03 March 2014 Emirates 107 Larnaca-Malta Departure 11.30 (Actual: 12.02) (GMT: 10.02) Gate: 25 Runway: 22 Arrival. 13:20 (Actual: 13.54) (GMT: 12.54) Gate: 21x: Runway 31 Boeing 777-200 "A6-EMF" Economy Class 23K Emirates operates a daily service between Dubai and Malta! on a few days it stops in Tripoli, on other days in Laranca. I had the oppertunity to try out Emirates between Larnaca and Malta. Usually this flight is operated by Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, however today our flight was operated by the rare 777-200. Ratings for Emirates 0107 Departure: 70% Aircraft Cleanliness: 60% Seat Comfort 60% Crew 70% IFE: 90% Catering 80% Arrival 70% Overall: 71% After hearing alot of positive news about Emirates I was really excited to try them out. This flight was rather average and the 10-abreast seating felt very cramped. Thankfully the flight load was only 50%. I would not want to sit on this plane for a 5-hour+ flight from Dubai at all! Will I fly Emirates again? sure, but probably on it's newer aircraft. Like and suscribe to us on Facebook: Worldwide Flight Journals
Why Malta?` film A 12-minute film highlighting the attractions of living, working and running a business in Malta, the `Why Malta` film which is available o...
Closing remarks by Hon. Dr Christian Cardona, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business (Malta) at the FinanceMalta 6th Annual Conference 2013 ...
World Finance interviews Charles Borg, CEO of Bank of Valletta, on the Maltese economy and whether it will escape the trouble that affected Cyprus. We have j...
Full-Immersion English for Business Training Programmes in Malta. The Executive Training Institute (ETI) Malta offers quality customised training programmes ...
In this video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the role of the private sector when it comes to the generation of employment, as this sector is the driving force behind the creation of quality employment and economic growth. Minister Scicluna underlines that the Labour Government is a pro-business government which believes in the leading role of the private sector in the journey towards economic growth. He notes that while the Government, through the public service, provides services fundamental to the running of a just and stable society such as security, justice, education, and healthcare, it is from the private sector that other activities conducive to economic growth emerge. Among others, Prof. Scicluna explains, these include the prosperous sectors of tourism, manufacturing, financial services, igaming, banking, insurance, and other services. Prof. Scicluna notes with satisfaction the manner in which the economy managed to create as many as 5,000 new places of employment over the past year. He notes that out of these 5,000 as many as 4,000 - or four out of five - were created by the private sector. The 1,000 jobs which were created in the public sector were due to the manner in which the public sector had to refine and expand its services to keep up with the expansion in the private sector, Prof. Scicluna explains. He underlines that despite this, public sector employment as a share of the overall labour force remained constant, meaning that public sector employment has remained under control. Prof. Scicluna explains that the Government remains determined to ensure that public employment decreases gradually so as to decrease the tax burden it places on the country, and facilities job creation by the private sector. Visit Website: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Subscribe for Newsletter: - 18th Sept 2014
The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently published NSO figures on economic growth, which confirm Malta’s place as the leading economy on growth in the Eurogroup. The figures show that during the third quarter of 2014 real GDP increased by 3.8% from 3.4% registered in the previous quarter, while for the first nine months of 2014 it expanded by 3.5%. Prof. Scicluna notes that the figures confirm that the economy is benefitting from the various measures undertaken by the Government to create an environment which encourages effort and investment. He explains that it is also encouraging to note that growth was broad, with most economic sectors registering positive growth. He explains that the growth was underpinned by a strong increase in private consumption and investment, confirming the high level of confidence and optimism by consumers and investors. Prof. Scicluna also notes that the economic growth registered is all the more encouraging given that it is not seasonal, but rather represents a consistent and sustained growth trend that has been registered over the preceding months. Minister Scicluna also notes that this rate of economic growth also reached the Government’s target for next year, meaning that it will be less of a challenge to register the same rate of economic growth next year also. Visit Website: Like on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Subscribe for Newsletter: 13th December 2014
65% olaunch of FITA Research. Top table, from left to right, Mrs. Elizabeth Olivieri, FITA Chairperson and Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Bus...
You have just reached the most comprehensive guide to conducting business in Malta. Inside this expo you will find Malta's key enterprises, the more importan...
Filmed, September 2010. This video is one of a series of videos filmed by Mark Kobayashi-Hillary during a research project in Malta with eCode and Ovum. The ...
Mark Scicluna Bartoli, Head EU Business Development at Bank of Valletta discusses the Eu Budgets for the next 7 years that are being discussed in Brussels and their impact on Malta and the Maltese economy
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected. More news at founder and CEO Chris Malta and president Robin Cowie explain the key elements to building a profitable online business: • cho...
World Finance interviews Joaquim Silva Pinto, CEO of Banif Bank Malta, on supporting SMEs. Malta avoided the worst of the financial crisis, thanks in large p... Lead Events organised the first in a series of seminars and networking activities for expats on W...
Just one plane helped the Malta School of Flying, founded in 2004 by two men, to now employ 20... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe...
visit Every year for a period of 4 days the members of JCI are given the opportunity to meet for networking, training, formal and informal...
TAGS Nostalgia, escopo, amor, paradigma, mau, inerente, peço, mal, ser, exceção, imprescindível, cônjuge, concurso, alfacom, pm, pmsc, polícial, ...
PRESS RELEASE -- MEDAL PRESENTATION Twenty one soldiers of the Armed Forces of Malta were yesterday awarded the Dutch Navy Service Medal for their participat...
Mr. Simon Osborn from International Funds Investments interviews Custom House Chairman, Mr. Dermot Butler about Fund Business in Malta. Learn more about Fund...
Organised by the town of Ħaż-Żabbar and endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government and Culture, Malta International Food Festival will take place on the 31st of May, 2014 in Żabbar. This culinary and musical event will be spectacular, hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from 10 different countries in areas specifically decorated to represent each country. Visitors will be entertained by Malta's best artists along with a number of international traditional acts. A number of painters will be also be painting murals live on large walls; a unique experience! Special children's area will be set up including Bouncy Castles, face-painting and other activities will be set up fpr the young ones. Żabbar will be given a temporary facelift with Pavilions and special conceptual lighting to make the event visually memorable. Bars in the area will also be set up outside, as Sanctuary Street will be pedestrianised for the night. The Malta International Food Festival, is being held on the 31st May 2014 from 19:00hrs onwards. This was an event recommended by our public relations co-ordinator Henri Diacono. For more events in Malta, visit Azure Malta's website page
Le Meridien St Julians Hotel & Spa unveils a new perspective on the local culture on the island of Malta. Discover interviews from local maltese artists and curator. More information on or
GĦANAFEST 2009 - Malta Mediterranean Folk Music Festival On the 29th, 30th and 31st of May 2009, the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts will present a fa...
This is a talk by Professor John Varriano organised by Palzzo Falson Historic House Museum, Tuesday 21st February 2012 at Palazzo Santa Sofia, Mdina The illu...
This clip gives an overview of street games that our grandparents and parents in Malta used to play when they were children. These games were chosen as the theme for Bank of Valletta's calendar for 2013. Nowadays, it would be unheard of for children to play unsupervised or to wander off into nearby fields. This was not always the case. If we rewind our story by a few decades, we would find a time before the advent of television and computers, when street games formed a big part of children's lives in Malta. In the pre-war era, children were expected to amuse themselves. Fortunately, streets were not yet taken over by traffic and served as makeshift playgrounds. Even. back then, games and toys were more than merely a pastime but served to develop co-ordination skills as well as appropriate social skills and interaction. Street games helped children to build their character and confidence and also instilled a neighbourhood sense of community, something whcih remains a core value for Bank of Valletta. At Bank of Valletta we have always been interested in our heritage and culture in all its guises. This is central to our Bank's ethos as a culture that values the individual and the community. As an active corporate citizen, the Bank is committed to supporting the community through a programme which is founded on seven pillars: arts and culture; heritage; environment; social; sport; education; and business strategic alliances. The Bank is a leading patron of initiatives that bring together generations through their appreciaiton of historical artefacts. The narration is by Guido Lanfranco, researcher and historian. He has written numerous articles for various periodicals, and published well over twenty books, mostly about local nature, history and culture. He has won several literary prizes for his books and poetry. In 1969, he was awarded the bronze medal of merit of the Federation of Civic Councils and in 1996 'Medalja ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika' for his contribution to local culture and nature conservation. The photographer and artist responsible for this project was Joe P. Smith. He is an artist constantly in search of new and contemporary channels for expressing his photographic vision. He has a strong preference for architectural, environmental portraiture and performing arts photography. Joe has been the recipient of numerous local and international awards and he has lectured and judged extensively locally as well as in the international sphere.
An enterprising Maltese woman takes on the traditional savory snack found in tea shops all across the island. This piece appears in Season 3, Episode 2 of FoodieTV, a free iOS app showcasing the best stories about food from all around the world. Get the app here: What to do in Malta - things to do, top attractions Malta travel video guide: A strategically important island, 7,000 years of history, near year-round sun, crystal clear water and one big open-air museum. This awaits you in Malta. Your Wizz Air Ambassador Petra and Brad the traveler are excited to guide you on this stunning island. Hello! If you are looking for beautiful beaches, mysterious history, incredible scenery or all night parties then this Mediterranean island is the perfect place to be. Welcome to Malta! Valletta - or as they call it the Fortress City -- is the capital of Malta, the administrative and commercial heart of the Islands. Today, it is one of the most concentrated historic areas in the world, so it is no wonder that this smallest of European capital cities is a world heritage site. The narrow side streets are full of tiny quaint shops, cafés and bakeries where you can enjoy traditional Maltese food like ftira in one of the most popular artisan bakeries. The Upper Barakka Gardens occupy the elevated space on the ramparts of St. Peter and St Paul Bastion. The garden was laid down in the mid 17th century to provide a peaceful retreat for the pastime and relaxation of the Knights. The St. John Co-Cathedral was built in the 16th century - a baroque work of art in its architecture and sculptures, this church boasts some of the most beautiful works of art by Mattia Preti and Caravaggio himself. By far the most famous of the island's cave complex is the Blue Grotto, a series of nine caves rocky sides of which glow green, purple, and orange according to their mineral content. Popeye Village has grown from its days as a film set of the 1980 Musical Production 'Popeye' into one of the major tourist attractions on the Maltese Islands filled with a number of colorful fun activities for all young and young at heart. Open all year round -- it is a guaranteed enjoyable visit to all guests. It takes only 25 minutes to get to Gozo which is a greener more rural and smaller island than Malta. It is an ideal day trip to discover great historical sites, forts and amazing panorama. If you are into partying then you should head up to Paceville where plenty of discos and bars guarantee the amazing nightlife Malta offers. Good-bye Brad! Follow Brad's adventures in other utopian top destinations: Paris: Madrid: London: Istanbul: Barcelona: Rome: Corfu: Tel-Aviv: Malta: Dubai: Stayed tuned: MORE Mediterranean Crossroads in Valletta- International Migrants Day in Malta - Caramella Bellydance Malta PART 1: PART 3: Please Like, Favorite, and Subscribe! The 18th of December is marked by the United Nations as International Migrants' Day, an annual event that calls upon governments, organisations, and individuals to recognise the efforts, contributions and rights of migrants world-wide. In December 2012, a multi-stakeholder event was organised in Malta to commemorate this day. 'Mediterranean Crossroads' was jointly setup by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), the Agency for Welfare of Asylum Seekers (AWAS), UNHCR Malta, the International Organisation for Migration and the local NGO Community -- the Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, GetUp! StandUp!, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS Malta), Organisation for Friendship in Diversity (OFD), Malta Emigrants' Commission, aditus foundation, the Migrants' Network for Equality, SOS Malta, the Malta International Relations Student Association (MIRSA) and INMalta. Various migrant groups residing in Malta were invited to support the event by contributing in different ways such as setting up a stand, or displaying traditional dresses, music, food, or simply by attending the event. Thanks also to the financial support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, different migrant groups were able to participate in the event through various activities such as displaying henna art, cooking food from different cultures as well as sharing traditional music and dance. Soundbite at the start is Setuniman First Indications (Creative Commons) URL: Music::Live Event Music More videos at: Facebook:
Paul shows you around the Generator Malta festival centre on Plac Wolnośći in Poznań. The Malta Festival is the largest annual arts and cultural festival to ...
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from six different areas of the world, inclu... Mediterranean Crossroads in Valletta - Caramella Bellydance Malta Celebrating International Migrants Day in Malta. Please Like, Favorite, and Subscribe! The 18th of December is marked by the United Nations as International Migrants' Day, an annual event that calls upon governments, organisations, and individuals to recognise the efforts, contributions and rights of migrants world-wide. In December 2012, a multi-stakeholder event was organised in Malta to commemorate this day. 'Mediterranean Crossroads' was jointly setup by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), the Agency for Welfare of Asylum Seekers (AWAS), UNHCR Malta, the International Organisation for Migration and the local NGO Community -- the Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, GetUp! StandUp!, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS Malta), Organisation for Friendship in Diversity (OFD), Malta Emigrants' Commission, aditus foundation, the Migrants' Network for Equality, SOS Malta, the Malta International Relations Student Association (MIRSA) and INMalta. Various migrant groups residing in Malta were invited to support the event by contributing in different ways such as setting up a stand, or displaying traditional dresses, music, food, or simply by attending the event. Thanks also to the financial support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, different migrant groups were able to participate in the event through various activities such as displaying henna art, cooking food from different cultures as well as sharing traditional music and dance. PART 2: PART 3: Soundbite at the start is Setuniman First Indications (Creative Commons) URL: Music: "Ibn Al-Noor" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 "Desert City" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 More videos at: Facebook: EVEN MORE Mediterranean Crossroads - International Migrants Day in Malta - Sudanese Musicians It was TOO WINDY - you can...
On the 4th, 5th and 6th of June, the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts will present a fabulous concert series of Mediterranean folk roots. Malouf music from Tunisia, Arabic fusion from Egypt and Balkan rhythms from Bosnia and Herzegovina come together for Għanafest 2010. The festival will also host a series of workshops on traditional instruments and a special programme for children. A wonderful event for the whole family complemented by traditional Maltese food and the marvellous surroundings of the Argotti Botanical Gardens in Floriana. Għanafest offers a unique opportunity to experience an overview of the different styles of Maltese folksong, known as għana. Besides local folk music, each day the festival will present a variety of local musicians and ensembles. This category will include Maltese hip-hop by No Bling Show and Dominic Galea quartet, together with a selection of local songwriters. Three extraordinary ensembles from three different Mediterranean countries: Tunisia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Egypt, have been invited to participate. Darabouka virtuoso Marzouk Mejri from Tunisia will perform a wide range of instruments from the shabi and malouf music traditions of Arab-Andalusian heritage. Bosniak singer Dijana Grigic will take the stage accompanied by the up-beat Balkan rhythms of her ensemble di.Ples. The music of the band Ressala from Egypt combines Arabic lyrics and Egyptian instruments with other modern musical influences. Għanafest - Malta Mediterranean Folk Music Festival is organised by the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture with the support of the Ministry for Culture of Egypt. The Festival will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th of June at 19:00, Argotti Gardens, Floriana - within walking distance from Valletta. Tickets: €2 available at the door. Parking available at the Floriana Boy Scouts headquarters, right next to the venue. This year's edition of the festival is dedicated to Maltese folk guitarist Indri Brincat (il-Pupa) who passed away on the 24th of March 2010. Indri Brincat was also a renowned guitar maker.
GĦANAFEST presents a fabulous concert series of Mediterranean folk roots on the 10th, 11th and 12th of June at 7pm at Argotti Gardens, Floriana. This year's edition presents għana (Maltese folksong) as well as concerts featuring Persian music by Navà ensemble, Turkish folk-jazz fusion by Swing a la Turc quartet and a Mediterranean music journey by Nakaira from Sicily. About 50 għannejja (Maltese folk singers) and 20 folk guitarists will take part. Other local musicians and bands include Big Band Brothers, Trania - Walter Vella, Jason Fabri and Mark Attard, David Azzopardi and The Green Fields. The festival will also host a series of workshops on traditional instruments and a special programme for children. A wonderful event for the whole family complemented by Maltese food, an artisan market of local crafts and the marvellous surroundings of Argotti Botanical Gardens in Floriana. GĦANAFEST -- Malta Mediterranean Folk Music Festival 2011 is organised by the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts. The Festival will be held on the 10th, 11th and 12th of June at 7pm, Argotti Gardens, Floriana -- within walking distance from Valletta. Tickets: €2 and €5 three day block ticket available at the door. Parking available at the Floriana Boy Scouts headquarters, right next to the venue. Malta Council for Culture and the Arts 230 Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta VLT 1116 Malta tel +356 21232515 mob. +356 79048179
Produced by Shadeena Films Directed by Martin Bonniċi Light Painting by Chris De Souza Jensen Location Manager/Production Assistant - Simona Zdanaviciute Post-Production by Shadeena Films Audio by Mario Sammut Voice Over by Sean Buhagiar Poem written by Simone Inguanez Sarah-Lee Zammit for Arts Council Malta --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waslet id-disa’ edizzjoni ta’ Notte Bianca – u b’100 artist, madwar 5,000 persuna involuta u udjenza ta’ kważi 70,000, din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibqa’ l-akbar avveniment kulturali fil-belt kapitali. Notte Bianca ta’ din is-sena – li se ssir is-Sibt 4 ta’ Ottubru – tiġbor fiha taћlita tal-modern u t-tradizzjonali, bi proġetti li huma diġa magћrufin mal-pubbliku u oћrajn innovativi ġodda. Għal aktar informazzjoni żur is-sit: Facebook: Notte Bianca Valletta Notte Bianca huwa mtella’ mill-Kunsill Malti gћall-Arti taћt il-Minsteru tal-Ġustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali, bl-gћajnuna ta’ MSV Life, il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, il-kunsill lokali tal-Belt, TVM, Shadeena, Orienta, Phoenicia Hotel, il-kunsill lokali tal-Furjana u Aziamendi100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Church bells will ring; communities will prepare food in the streets; a giant science and art installation will be set up... Notte Bianca is back for its ninth edition – and with around 100 artists, a team of around 5,000 people involved and an audience of almost 70,000, the celebration remains the capital’s largest cultural event. To be held on Saturday 4 October, this year’s event brings a mix of old and new, with some firm favourites and innovative new projects. For more information visit the Notte Bianca website: Facebook: Notte Bianca Valletta Notte Bianca is organised by Arts Council Malta under the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government, with the support of MSV Life, Valletta 2018 Foundation, Valletta Local Council, TVM, MSV Life, Shadeena, Orienta, Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana Local Council and Aziamendi100.
Valletta, Malta’s capital city, rich in its historical past, recently named Best in Travel 2015 by Lonely Planet will mesmerise you. Read more about Valletta - This video has been filmed and edited by Azure Malta
10-day catamaran cruise on the Indian Ocean - highly recommended - guaranteed great experiences and great food. Thanks to the team which has looked after us so well. more pictures and tips are among my channel METALLROMANTIK Travel and art / cultural recommendations on India, Dubai, Malta, metal art and photography are by me in the net.
RE/MAX Malta introduces to you a new way of buying property in Malta. Fractional Sales in Co-ownership of the same property. We are giving the opportunity to a maximum of 13 like minded people to share this investment whether it will cater for their own holidays, a rental investment or pure investment. One may also buy more than one share. Our current project is a luxury 2 bedroom apartment in the exclusive Tigné Point, Malta; which is now available. Owners will be able to enjoy this fabulous apartment for 4 weeks a year (two separate two week allocations, rotating through each year) for an investment of only €58,000. Please ask about our Try Before You Buy Offer as well as our eight year buy back guarantee. Our partners, Fractional Development Express, have carefully selected this apartment as they believe that its location and views offer owners a luxurious and relaxing environment which can be enjoyed year round, whilst offering good opportunities for capital appreciation. Tigné Point is approaching the end of its development and due to the protection offered by the historic fort location, there can be certainty that the views from the apartment are protected and will not be encroached upon by future development. The Apartment The 148m2 property offers 2 en-suite bedrooms on the first floor of the T10 block, offering sea views and a lovely perspective of the harbour across Fort Tigné. A dedicated parking place is included and the apartment comes with use of the stunning Tigné Point pool. With a light and spacious feel, the apartment design exudes quality and comfort helping you make the most of your holiday experience. The terrace is fully enclosed with a glass railing and is fully decked, providing a wonderful vantage point to gaze over Fort Tigné and beyond to the the Valletta skyline. Lounge in the morning sun and enjoy yourself watching the yachts and boats ply their way around the peninsula. In the evening, relax and dine outside where we also have a very nice table and chairs complementing the terrace. You have a walk in wardrobe and en-suite contemporary style bathroom in the master bedroom. The second bedroom and bathroom, including a walk in shower, lie behind a passage door to provide additional privacy and separation from the main bedroom, should you need it. Furnishings The furnishings, including a state of the art kitchen, have been selected to modern, stylish design standards appropriate to the upmarket development that this is. Fully equipped with modern, energy efficient appliances, including dishwasher, washing machine, dryer and microwave, wine cooler and coffee machine, the apartment has been designed and furnished with entertaining in mind. Whether you prefer formal dining, or a more casual approach, you can choose to entertain up to eight around a dining table, or less formally around the kitchen island. Amenities The apartment is fully air-conditioned and offers all modern conveniences you would expect, including sophisticated multimedia entertainment systems with a wide screen LED television and broadband connectivity to keep you in touch with the world or your business as you choose. Air conditioning settings are controllable by room,offering full flexibility in your heating or cooling options. A local telephone line is installed and you have a video enabled entry phone system to ensure that you have full control over access to the apartment in a fully secure environment. The apartment also has the advantage of use of a common swimming pool. Location You should also note that the apartment is 2 minutes walking distance from The Point Shopping Centre where you will find a iety of shopping facilities including M&S; Food Store, Debenhams and a fully equipped supermarket. The location of the apartment within the block is excellent, easily acessible to all amenities and also within walking distance to the Sliema ferries where you can also get on a boat and head off to Valletta, or enjoy a nice walk along the promenade. There are a number of catering establishments within Tigne Point, however within walking distance there are other fine dining and casual restaurants that offer Traditional Maltese Cuisine, Japanese, Chinese and Italian food. You are also close to a 5 star spa and a number of cafes frequented by locals and foreigners alike. On a final note, the apartment is fully managed, cleaned and maintained by a professional property management company, therefore allowing the owners to enjoy their usage of the apartment.
Visit: Hello You Tube users! Thank you for watching this video! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Description* The video speaks for itself :-) Enjoy! About Malta: Like any other country, Malta has a unique sights which makes this country unique travel destination in the world! We sincerely hope this wonderful video will help people to recognize beauty of this country and encourage them to explore as much as possible. Selecting and watching this video is just beginning of your journey. For more information on tourism and travel in Malta, you can visit our Malta web page: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer* We do not own this video, it is posted only for promotion and presentation of the country and all rights belong to their respective owners. Thank you for reading this.
We visited Dingli Village for its annual Agriculture and Traditions Festival which was held on Sunday, May 15 and recorded some video footage. The beautiful event was organised by the Dingli Local Council.This video contains some activities that we had attended to. It was a fun filled day with interesting and educational activities. The activities begun from 7.00am till 6.00pm. The proposed event/festival showcased what this village has to offer in terms of agriculture and traditions. Exhibition of sheep and goats - traditional way of sheep & goats milking, sheep shearing, demonstration of fresh Maltese cheeselets making, re-enactment of the pre war picnic performed by the Ghaqda Talent Dingli, homemade wine competition, eco tours, pony rides, falcons displays, homemade wine competition, displays of fruit & vegetables, local crafts, traditional Maltese food, traditional farm/wine tools, traditional Maltese games and Dingli Scouts Band March amongst all. The sound system was very professionally engineered and arranged for this open-air event. The technicians certainly had done a great job on it. The Mnarja Folk of Nadur Gozo performed magnificently and so did the Ta' Seguna Band from Sannat. Brief info about Dingli: Dingli (or Had-Dingli) is a village on the west coast of Malta, with a population of 3,326 persons (Nov 2005), 13 kilometers from the capital Valletta and two kilometers from the nearest city, Rabat. The village lies on a plateau some 250 metres above sea level, which is the highest point of Malta. The area provides not only open sea views over the tiny, uninhabited isle of Filfla, but also an excellent vantage point over Malta. From the cliffs there are views inland of nearby Buskett Gardens and Verdala Palace. The countryside here is ideal for walking. Maltese Music performed by Mark & Denise Vella of Zabbar Village, Malta. *A note of thanks to Mark & Denise for giving us permission to use their beautiful music for this video. Video footage & editing by Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech Produced by Alfred & Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech, Mosta, Malta Youtube Channel jasalf5959
10-day catamaran cruise on the Indian Ocean - highly recommended - guaranteed great experiences and great food. Thanks to the team which has looked after us so well. more pictures and tips are among my channel METALLROMANTIK Travel and art / cultural recommendations on India, Dubai, Malta, metal art and photography are by me in the net.
The traditional feast of St Philip, the patron saint of village of #Zebbug #Malta is held every year with music, food, fireworks, colour and lots of particip...
For chef Veronica Salazar, preparing homemade Mexican cuisine to serve at her restaurant El Huarache Loco is not only a lifelong dream realized, it represent...
10-day catamaran cruise on the Indian Ocean - highly recommended - guaranteed great experiences and great food. Thanks to the team which has looked after us so well. more pictures and tips are among my channel METALLROMANTIK Travel and art / cultural recommendations on India, Dubai, Malta, metal art and photography are by me in the net.
Malta Doctor - Your Private Medical Clinic in the Sunny Maltese Islands. Visit for a Wide Range of Online Information ; from Government Lists of Pharmacies , Medical Centres , and Hospitals , to (Utterly) Sensational Healthcare News (with or without a Great Big Dollop of Healthy Humour). Please Note that is also a Registered Informal Learning (Educational) Organization ; with a Rather Eclectic Approach to Self Care, Disease Prevention , Sustainable Empowerment , Optimal Wellness and Holistic Wellbeing. A 24 Hour (Pay Per Minute) Phone Premium Service is also available for those who cannot reach us via our Official Phone Number ; as our Internet Booking Scheduler is now Fully Operational , and we only See Those with Prior (Pre-Scheduled and Prepaid Ticket) Appointments. A Trillion Thanks For Viewing (and Sharing). We are Always Ready to Help ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Malta Doctor ( Private Medical Clinic ) , 1 Triq Stella Maris , St Paul's Bay, SPB 3602, Malta - European Union. Phone +356 99213818 Discover a true difference with Health insurance Malta by purchasing a GasanMamo medical insurance plan. We offer ...
A short docu-movie about Profile Health and Fitness and it's opening of the ultra-exclusive club in Malta.
Nutrilook Health and Beauty Malta,offers high-quality health, sports nutritional supplements and dietary products all at very competitive prices.Nutrilook also offers a wide range of cosmetics and skin care products. Contact us at Nutrilook,175,High Street Hamrun or by email web
Dr Sue Malta works as a Research Fellow for the National Ageing Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, as well working as a researcher with the Royal Fr...
Here at Nutrilook,we are proud to present our new products for 2010 including all our top fat burners and weight loss products.Please do not hesitate to cont...
Spot con los consejos del Instituto Home and Health para Pony Malta. Desde este 2013 soy la nueva voz del canal de cable.
Adriana Zarb Adami - Director of Bupa Malta, on local health program - Kif Inti, discussing the basics of Health Insurance and claiming.
Visit for Further Details concerning any (or all) of the Following Queries in direct relation to this Matter : * Future Audition Dates and Schedules. * Future Pilot Dates and Schedules. * Future Screening Dates and Schedules. * Presenter Rehearsals * Press Appointments * Medico-Legal Case Conferences * Scheduler (Time-Keeper) Plans * Commercial Events Showcase ( Day , Week , Month , Year ) * Corporate Partnership Briefings ( Morning , Afternoon , Night ) * Technical Brain-Storming Sessions ( Weekends and Evenings ) * Clinical Panelist Interviews (Multi-Disciplinary) * Audience Participation * Strategic Proposal Summits (Major and Minor) * Educational Input * Social Networking ( Medical , Wellness and Wellbeing etc) * Healthcare Jobs News (Temporary , Part-Time or Locum ) * Fashion Suggestions * Music Bands * Health Updates * Entertainment Acts * Learning Opportunities * Media Production * Blog (Blogger) Article Submissions * Studio Set (Stage) Design * Citizen Journalists (CJ) Accreditation * Internships , Apprenticeships and Observerships * Celebrity Guest Appearances * International Sponsorship * Gap Year Placements * Worldwide Syndication * Legal (and Human Rights) Issues ******************************************** Malta Doctor ( Private Medical Clinic ) , 1 Triq Stella Maris , St Paul's Bay, SPB 3602, Malta - European Union. Phone +356 99213818
This video is about Health Minister_Godfrey Farrugia_20_02_14
Adriana Zarb Adami - Director of Bupa Malta, on local health program - Kif Inti, discussing restrictions and exclusions of Health Insurance.
Malta Health Network supports Rare Diseases Day 2012 and its noble causes towrards patients suffering from a rare disease. Expression of Solidarity event, in...
Interview 1: Elaine Dutton, health Psychologist, is preparing and motivating the Chase Your Dream participants as they gear up to take on one of the hardest ...
Health Travel Tourism in Malta 2008.
Forward Health Malta TV: Opening Intro
Favourite-Maltamedia: Mental health problems in Malta low. More news at
This was a joint project between medical schools in the UK, Malta and Rwanda (Healthy Planet UK, ClimateCare Malta and Healthy Planet Rwanda) to highlight th... A healthy way to quit smoking! Stop Smoking Now! With the method Malta Puff 100% Natural Oral Spray without Nicotine No Side Effec...
Check the characteristics of freshness of fruit and vegetables such as bright lively colours and crispness.
Fresh fish on sale for the consumer should be displayed on a bed of and partially covered with ice at all times.
Check out the Announcement!
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Video brought to you by the Travel and Tourism Foundation and Travelindex (
This was filmed over a number of Visits to Malta, I have tried to cover the whole islands, showing what there is to see in this really beautiful place. The people are really friendly, food and weather are Fantastic. Beaches are a little Limited, but there is Sooo much to see and do. Other Mediterranean Islands on my Channel Sicily; Majorca; Corfu; Malta; Glass Bottomed Boat; Malta-Driving on Malta; Malta-Grand Harbour Tour; Malta- Ancient Monuments; Malta. officially the Republic of Malta, is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya, with Gibraltar 1,755 km (1,091 mi) to the west and Alexandria 1,508 km (937 mi) to the east.[8] Malta covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi) in land area, making it one of the world's smallest states.[9][10][11] It is also one of the most densely populated countries worldwide. The de facto capital city of Malta is Valletta; the largest town, Birkirkara. The main island comprises many towns, which together form one Larger Urban Zone (LUZ) with a population of 368,250 according to Eurostat. The country has two official languages, Maltese (constitutionally the national language) and English. This was filmed in SD and has been Upscaled to HD.
Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat. Malta is probably the best Mediterranean Island and gives any Greek Island a run for it's money. Music: Medieval Shopping by TeknoAXE -is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. On My Mind by TeknoAXE - is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Filling the Void by TeknoAXE -is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The Maltese Islands offer a wide choice of things to see and do: From UNESCO World Heritage sites to modern hotels and spas, from a relaxing beach and café life to the excitement and fun of traditional festas, from crystal clear seas to ancient temples and romantic walled cities... No wonder so many choose Malta, Gozo and Comino as their preferred holiday destination.
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Valletta, the capital of Malta, which was built on the peninsula surrounded by two bays. Visit Valletta in Malta The malicious that the language of Malta is like of an Italian which trying to speak Arabic however he only speaks English. And this complexity can be experience in not only the language but also the whole mentality and lifestyle of the people living here. Malta is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Northern Africa and only one thousand kilometers from Sicily. The Archipelago is part of the British Commonwealth. So, it's quite obvious that Arabic, Italian and British and other cultures influenced it. Malta's language basically is related to the Semitic language family and so it's related to Arabic and Hebrew. It's the only surviving form of the Phoenicians language so this is truly unique. The capital of the Maltese Archipelago of three inhabited and two uninhabited islands is Valletta. Valletta is built on the peninsula surrounded by two bays. After the Turkish' siege, the Popes send his Architect Francisco Lipari here who together with Gerolamo Cassar, the chief architect of the order of knighthood planned the symmetrical square reticulated street structure of the new town. For the construction, they used rocks extracted underneath the town area. Therefore today there's a several kilometer long tunnel system running under Valletta. The upper house was bomb during World War II. There are plans for the rebuilding, however it's better not to expect this opening in the next one or two years. The busiest street of Valletta is Liberty Street starting from the town gate. We can recover from the fatigue of sightseeing by sitting on one of the café terraces. The most famous is the Café Cordino. Behind the coffee, inside the beautiful library, there's an audiovisual exhibition on the history of the St. John. The sounds and picture effects are cutting edge. The palace of the Grand Master has lasted one decade starting from 1570. The renaissance building has been both the master's office and resident. Today it's a presidential palace and meeting place of the House of Commons. The table is placed on the wall of the inside yard and remind us the vistas of the pope and the queen. The interest of trick el dasca which is parallel to Liberty Street is that it was the only street in Valletta more where the nights have been allowed to fight a duel. Near, there are the toy museum and a small product palace, the Casa Roca Picola where paintings from the 15th to 17th centuries are exhibited. Nowadays, there are only 8,000 habitants living in the city and many moved out to the suburbs. In Valletta, traveling by car is problematic because they drive on the left and it's hard to find a parking place. It's better if we visit the inner areas by walking or by a small horse carriage called Karrozzin. The star shape of St. Elma was built on the former place of the watch tower. Some scenes of the Oscar winning film Gladiator were shot here. Inside we find a World War Museum converted from the command center of the British Air Defense. Besides others, General Eisenhower's jeep named husky is guarded here as well as three contemporary airplanes of the Maltese air force. One is even a little interested in military history can spend illuminating hours here. The name of the St. John Cathedral indicates that it received its cathedral status from the Pope together with its fellow Medina. The building represents a classical byzantine Basilica. We can see simple and clear forms on the outside and rich baroque interior. In olden times the Congresses of the Knights were held here. When Napoleon's army ravaged Malta, the silver gate was painted black in order to prevent soldier's recognizing how valuable it was. The flooring of the main ship is made from 400 carve colored marble gravestones. Under which is night rest. The 12 Grand Masters are buried here. Among them de la Vallett, his coffin was brought over from the triumphful ladican temple in Saint John fortress. Caravaggio's famous painting titled "St. John's as beheading" is exhibited in the cathedral museum. The painter is escape from Naples to Malta after he killed his enemy. The painter signature on the painting is no worthy as it's the continuation of the blood coming from the chop head. Tags: Valletta in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,Visit Valletta in Malta,world travel,shepherdfilm Viaje a Malta, turismo por la isla / Malta Island, Malta Tourism / City tour / Cityscape La Valetta, Birgu, Marsaxlokk, Cruta Azul / Blue Grotto, Mdina, Rabat, Qrendi Éste es un vídeo sobre Malta, la isla principal que constituye el archipiélago del mismo nombre junto a Gozo y Comino. La capital es La Valeta que cuenta con varios edificios importantes como el Palacio del Gran Maestre o la Casa Rocca Piccola, un palacio construido en 1850 que muestra cómo vivían las familias maltesas hace siglos. Bajo sus cimientos hay dos refugios antiaéreos de la II Guerra Mundial. También es recomendable visitar la Co-catedral de San Juan y los Jardines Upper Barracca. Justo enfrente de La Valeta están las llamadas Tres Ciudades: Bormla (Cospicua), Senglea (Invicta) y Birgu (Vittoriosa) conservando esta última toda su riqueza arquitectónica pese haber sido bombardeada durante la II Guerra Mundial. Importantes son el Palacio del Inquisidor, la iglesia de los Dominicos o la bella iglesia de San Lorenzo. Desde el Puerto de Birgu parten excursiones en embarcaciones que recorren el Puerto de La Valeta. Uno de los núcleos turísticos por excelencia es Marsaxlokk, un núcleo marinero con un puerto con aguas cristalinas. Cerca de aquí se encuentra la Gruta Azul, un arco natural en el acantilado con una profunda cueva subterránea. En el vídeo también se ven imágenes de la primera capital maltesa, la Mdina, y de su patrimonio arquitectónico en su mayoría de estilo barroco. Mdina está al lado de la población de Rabat donde se encuentra el Museo Wignacourt. En este recinto se pueden visitar dos refugios antiaéreos, unas catacumbas del siglo III y la Cueva de San Pablo. Por último, en el vídeo aparecen imágenes del Templo de Hagar Qjm, a dos kilómetros al suroeste del pueblo de Qrendi. Agradecimientos a: Panasonic Oficina de Turismo de Malta -------------------------------------------------- This is a video about Malta, the main island which is the archipelago of the same name next to Gozo and Comino. The capital is Valletta, which has several important buildings such as the Grand Master's Palace and Casa Rocca Piccola, a palace built in 1850 that shows how Maltese families lived centuries ago. Under its foundation there are two bomb shelters of World War II. It is also advisable to visit the Co-Cathedral of St. John and the Upper Barracca Gardens. Right in front of Valletta are the Three Cities: Cospicua (Cospicua), Senglea (Invicta) and Birgu (Vittoriosa). Important are the Inquisitor's Palace, the church of the Dominicans or the beautiful church of San Lorenzo. From the Port of Birgu boat tours depart that run the Port of Valletta. One of the quintessential tourist resorts is Marsaxlokk, a seaside village with a port with clear water. Close by is the Blue Grotto, a natural arch in the cliff with a cave deep underground. The video shows also the first Maltese capital, the Mdina, and its architectural heritage mostly Baroque. Mdina is next to the town of Rabat where is situated the Wignacourt Museum, where you can two bomb shelters, III century catacombs and the Cave of St. Paul. Finally, the video shows images of the Temple of Hagar QJM, two kilometers southwest of the town of Qrendi. Con el soporte audiovisual: Gozo y Comino, Malta islands / Islas de Malta Tuismo, viaje / Travel, tourism / Beaches - Playas Este vídeo nos lleva a las islas de Gozo y Comino que, junto a Malta, forman el archipiélago maltés. Es ideal para disfrutar de la naturaleza, de la tranquilidad y de la vida rural. Para llegar hasta Gozo hay que tomar un ferry que sale de la localidad maltesa de Cirkewwa y atraca en el puerto de Mgarr. Es imprescindible visitar Dweira Bay donde está La Ventana Azul, un arco natural de unos 20 metros de altura. Aquí se encuentra también el Mar Interior, una piscina natural rodeada de acantilados y conectada por un túnel con mar abierto. Desde aquí es muy recomendable dirigirse a la bahía de Xlendi, de aguas cristalinas. La capital de Gozo es Victoria que destaca por su Ciudadela en la que hay edificaciones antiguas como la Norman House, que acoge el Museo del Folklore, o el Museo de la Tortura. En el norte de Gozo están las salinas de Qbajjar, que se cree que tienen su origen en la época romana, y la bahía de Xwejni. Por último, en el sur de la isla, están los templos de Ggantija, considerados unos de los más antiguos del mundo que se mantienen en pie. Por su parte, en la isla de Comino, con tan sólo tres kilómetros de superficie, está el tesoro mejor guardado del archipiélago maltés: la Laguna Azul, un brazo de mar donde las aguas son cristalinas y turquesas. This video takes us to the islands of Gozo and Comino which, together with Malta, the Maltese archipelago form. It is ideal to enjoy nature, tranquility and rural life. To get to Gozo you take a ferry from Cirkewwa Maltese town and docks in the port of Mgarr. Agradecimientos a: Panasonic Oficina de Turismo de Malta -------------------------------------------------- It is essential to visit Dweira Bay where Azure Window, a natural arch about 20 feet high. Here is also the Inland Sea, a natural pool surrounded by cliffs and connected by a tunnel to the open sea. From here it is highly recommended visit Xlendi Bay. The capital of Gozo is Victoria. The main tourist attraction is the Citadel where there are old buildings as the Norman House or the Museum of Torture. In the north of Gozo are the saltmines of Qbajjar, which is believed to have originated in Roman times, and the Bay of Xwejni. Finally, in the south of the island, are the temples of Ggantija, considered one of the oldest in the world that are still standing. Meanwhile, on the island of Comino, is the best kept treasure Maltese archipelago: the Blue Lagoon, an inlet where the waters are crystal clear and turquoise. Con el soporte audiovisual:
Discover Malta. Take a Break. Visit Malta. copyrights movie from National Geographic. music Serenata Immediate Music.
Video brought to you by the Travel and Tourism Foundation and Travelindex (). Discover Malta. Take a Break. Visit Malta. copyrights movie from National Geographic. music Serenata Immediate Music. The videos are travel and news related visuals. please find all the latest videos and clips in this channel. Alex Incorvaya, director of tourism for Malta, talks about the sights, attractions, accommodations and more in this Mediterranean paradise. For more news and. Антониони Ара Папян Арарат Аричаванк Аркадий Гукасян Арман Киракосян Армен Айвазян Армен Мовсисян Армен Тигранян Армия Армия и разведка Армении в 1918-1920 А.
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Golden Bay, one of the few sand beaches on the north west coast of Malta which was previously known as Military Bay. Visit Golden Bay in Malta We sail over to the Northwest, and we can find several pleasant beaches on both sides of the Marfa ridge promontory. One of the best known is the Golden Bay. A rock towers between the two bays giving a lovely view in all direction. The yellow sand of the Golden bay is quite crowded during peak season. People come to have a bath even from Sliema by car or bus. Those less interested in monuments who mind the relative distance of the capital like to spend their holidays here. We can also find it quiet lonely small bays between two artificial beaches and those who like the water sports can find the wide range here. Water skiing and parachuting, jet skiing and diving. We can find all that is needed for an active vacation. As on old coastal settlements or islands on Malta, there's a wide range of different boating possibilities. There are also programs starting from Pileta and boating around the whole island. The long journey is interrupted by a call to pay breakfast and a short rest in one of the splendid bays of Cominotto Island. Only the oak or sandstone rocks stand between the blue sky and the deep sea. The water in the bay is incredibly clear we can see down very deep. Diving in it is a bit more difficult. The salinity of the Mediterranean Sea is quite high. Even if not so high as that of the Red Sea so it's harder to sink than to say at float. There are countless types of ships and boats on the bay from the modern copy of the former pirate ship up to the boring pleasure boat and Snow White Luxury yacht. There are more motor boats delivering ice cream, inflatable boats and small fishing boats. The place is ideal for the wind surfers and the like divers. The high powered motor boats called Yellow Fun represent a vivid patched color. They show the local small blue caves and cliffs zigzagging on the water all the while, spring the passengers with water. This is an attraction you should believe out, although you have to pay for it separately. Surely, those who spend their holidays here will have a look at the pictures again and again during the cold winter evenings because here you could find the summer to see in all happiness of the vacation together. Tags: Visit Golden Bay in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,world travel,Golden Bay in Malta,shepherdfilm
Malta Tourism Video featuring performing arts, historical re-enactments, notte bianca, jazz fringe, streets alive, nadur carnival, gozo 1234, fireworks festival, middle sea yacht race, power boats P1 championships, lydia caruana, jose carreras, joseph calleja, isles of Malta, enrique iglesias, maroon 5, akon, lady gaga, one republic, the kooks, n.e.r.d, duran duran, sean paul, michael bolton, bryan adams, john mayall, smokie, robert plant, the wailers, zucchero, baglioni, morandi and cocciante, renzo arbore, gigi d'alessio, fish, world class dance events, dj bob sinclair, dj carl cox, chicane live, dj ferry corsten, in bed with space ibiza, dave morales, maxi jazz (faithless), sister bliss (faithless), creamfields malta, dj letroluv and sander van doorn. Permission to use footage for tourism promotion by Copyright Owner Malta Tourism Authority For more information visit
In 2004 I was part of the Maltese delegation that attended the PWG (Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors) meeting in Copenhagen. Tatyana and David Ellul joined the fun. This is the presentation I prepared to entice those attending to come to the next meeting in Malta. Thanks to the Malta Tourism Authority for supplying most of the great photos, and to Joseph Borg who had originally made the sand 'Malta' graphic for my website back in 1997.
Ciro Di Maio intervista Maya Francione di Malta Tourism Authority che racconta l'offerta turistica dell'isola alla BMT di Napoli
In this video Alex Incorvaja from the Malta Tourism Authority talks about how advertising with Mail Classified helped boost sales during a difficult 2010. We have the market, the readers and the platform.
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of the Blue Grotto, number of sea caverns on the southern coast of Malta and a popular destination for tourists. Visit Malta's Own Blue Grotto Blue Grotto namely Blue Cave, the most famous can be found on the Island of Capri but we can find similar ones on nearly every coast or island. All you need is a rocky cave or arch way and the sunshine reflecting from the sea bottom covering the water to different shades of green or blue depending on how deep the water is. This national site provides a living for some clever boat man all over the world from Thailand to Corfu. The mountainous Blue Cave is especially nice and the small harbor from where the boats are departing is singularly pleasant. Besides the cave, we can also admire two other formations similar to fjords. These are the Wied Babu and the Wied iz-Zurrieq. Wied means the same in Maltese language as wadi in Arabic language namely river valley or channel. The Blue Grotto is a 15 meter long stalactite cave with some coral, although these are not so colorful as the tropical ones. The most amazing spectacle is in the morning hours but each part of the day has its specialty. The cliff cropping abruptly to the water is broken by countless caves and hollows. In the distance of six kilometers, we can see the inhabited Island of Filfla. The island was used by NATO for a long time and even nowadays cannot be visited. On summer weekends, dozens of local children enjoy the water and sunshine here. The traditionally painted boats, the shining sun, the general noise of the beaches and the salty smell of the sea together make our time spent here into a special experience. Close to the Blue Cave there's a temple group which consists of three individual cultic places that later were surrounded by a common wall. This is an archaic world with a mysterious symbol. It was built 3000 to 4000 years Before Christ and the big question is the same here as with the Egyptian Pyramids. How could people move those almost 20 ton rocks? According to the Science findings those huge stone tables were altars and served for presenting victims just like Stone Henge, Higer Quinn also provides evidence that the beginning of human civilization is older than we imagine. The nearby Manatr is a similar megalithic Church which has been closed to visitors owing to repeated vandalism. Malta was the first European territory to adapt Christianity and mainly due to the journeys 300 year reign the inhabitants are still very religious. In addition, the love of holidays is very common here. On Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's days the local church blesses the animals. Everyone comes with his own animal like lambs, goats or horses or even house pets like cats or dogs. A red mark is painted on the blessed animals. These festivals are not only holidays or spectacles but also big events in the Maltese community life and there are about basket garden, the pavilions, music fans and several programs give a real picnic feeling. The highest point of the island is the 253 meter high Ta' Dmejrek. Here was the small Magdalena Chapel from which we can overlook to an amazing view. Wonder is the giddy Dingli precipice opposite in the sea is the Island of Filfla. Tags: Visit the Blue Grotto in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,the blue grotto in malta,world travel,shepherdfilm
Alex Incorvaja is the Director for Malta Tourism Authority in the UK & Ireland and in this interview he tells us about when he began at Malta Tourism and his background in hotels. Alex goes further to discuss his responsibilities within the marketing of Malta as well as a few interesting facts about this area, such as it's UNESCO status, Deep sea diving locations and the abundance of wedding venue choices.
Malta Tourism Authority - Josef Formosa Gauci at World Routes Forum.
Whats going to happen in 2014? - G7 Events in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority Presents the MALTA Music Week 2013, feat. the Isle of MTV Concert. UK powerhouse Rita Ora & breakthrough Dance collective Rudimental announced as First two artists to perform at this years Isle of MTV on the 26th June. With more acts still to come Celebrating 7 years of Malta's greatest show and Europe's biggest free event! Isle of MTV live at the Graneries, Floriana is here once again. The mid-week show will be broadcast on the MTV network and will boast a line up full of upcoming and renowned artists performing live in front of a crowd of 40,000+. Afrojack said, "Really excited to play here, I visited Malta once before on Isle of MTV and it was absolutely crazy. I can't wait to make your island jump!" world's hottest new acts Rita Ora and dance collective Rudimental as the first two acts in the line-up to perform at Isle of MTV, the annual, free outdoor music extravaganza taking place in Floriana's spectacular Il-Fosos Square on 26th June -- with more acts to be announced in the coming weeks. As one of the hottest new acts in the world right now and the name on everybody's lips, Rita Ora is a smouldering UK songstress with a slice of attitude. Following her sizzling performance opening at the MTV EMA in Frankfurt in November, Rita Ora is set to bring her distinctive mash up of R&B; and pop with a splash and funk to the Isle of MTV stage. The 22-year-old British singer-songwriter caught the world's attention after being picked up by Jay-Z and signed to his label Roc Nation. Her debut album Ora entered the UK album charts at No. 1 last year and gave rise to three No. 1 singles, making Rita Ora the artist with the most No. 1 singles in the UK in 2012. Bursting onto the international music scene in 2012, Rudimental are one of the most exciting acts to emerge from the UK in recent years. On the back of their breakthrough single Feel the Love, which reached No. 1 on the official UK singles chart, and their powerful follow up track Not Giving In, Rudimental recently embarked on their second international tour, taking in SXSW and Future Music Festival as they crossed the USA, Australia and the UK. Their debut album Home will be released on April 29 via Asylum Records/Warner Music Group. "We can't wait to touch down in Malta to play live for MTV! See you all in June!" they said. Bruce Gillmer, EVP, Music, Talent Programming and Events, VIMN, commented: "It's fantastic news to have such fresh talent like Rita Ora and Rudimental on board for Isle of MTV. With her powerhouse vocals and distinctive style, I know Rita will work the crowd like no one else can. Rudimental's unique soulful drum-and-bass sound makes them one of the most exciting acts in the world right now. Malta should definitely brace itself for another unforgettable party." The Isle of MTV Malta Special, delivered through a successful partnership with Malta Tourism Authority, is now in its seventh year, and has become one of the must-attend highlights of the summer music calendar, attracting fans from all over Europe to party in one of the most entrancing settings in the Mediterranean. The open-air concert will take place in the stunning, sun-kissed Il-Fosos Square in Floriana and a mixture of the live performance and location settings will be filmed and broadcast as a 60-minute special across MTV's channels and platforms throughout around the world.
Beyond Certainty event management and production for Malta Tourism at the Kensington Roof Gardens in 2010. Beyond Certainty is one of the UK's most imaginati...
The videos are travel and news related visuals. please find all the latest videos and clips in this channel
With seven thousand years of history Malta is a wonderful island that evokes chivalry and noble knights, a tantalising pearl set in the Mediterranean.
This island country is found in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and is one of Europe's most densely populated countries. contin... Our latest travel guide heads off to the lovely country of Malta! Don't be fooled by its relatively small size...
Click here to enjoy more videos: World Travel Malta Travel Guide Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel ti. I hit the old town of the quite beautiful and historic capital city of Malta. I look at the Siege Bell, the Cathedral, a few gardens and sample the main tour. Take a tour of City of Valletta in Valletta, Malta -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Malta's most interesting city. Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat. M.
As an ancient country with a rich history, Malta features a number of fascinating attractions for visitors to enjoy. learns more abo...
Malta - A holiday destination of extremes. An entertaining and informative documentary about Malta, its surrounding bayview and the natural gems of Malta.
I hit the old town of the quite beautiful and historic capital city of Malta. I look at the Siege Bell, the Cathedral, a few gardens and sample the main tour...
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel ti...
Take a tour of City of Valletta in Valletta, Malta -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Malta's most interesting city...
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Malta's St. Paul ...
World Travel Malta Travel Guide Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Malta, a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago which located in the centre of the Mediterranean. Visit Malta Each country or town has a kind of image associated to it. Here, those images are the Knights of Malta, the Maltese falcon and the Maltese cross. These definitions are closely connected to each other and to the past to the island. The St. John was established in the 11th century in Jerusalem by Raymond du Puy. The main name was to help the people participating in the crusades. Accordingly they had clerical military, and curative branches squeeze off from the holy land. The knights try to settle down on Cyprus and later in 1306 they bought the - Archipelago from pirates. But Johnny has become extremely rich because with the Popes help, they obtained the property of the Knights Templar as that order had been dissolved, the power of the Knights who wore red doublets above their chain armor with a white cross decoration on it, most continuously increasing. Their army consisted of black galleys and played an important role on the trade sailing. On the island of Rhodes, we can still admire the palace of the Grand Masters and the Street of Knights. In 1522, Suleiman's army of hundred of thousand occupied Rhodes. The Knight's seemed to insist on the area of the Mediterranean Sea. And first we're treated to Crete and from there to Malta. And here comes a falcon to be scene however many of us probably know this bird rather from the Hamlet crime story than from the history books. The Knights had to give a falcon as a present to the Sicilian governor in each year and an exchange and they got the small barren island of Malta. The island was Sicilian property. The first headquarters of the Knights were built up in Medina. The great Suleiman who perhaps regretted that let the Knights leave from Rhodes besieged Malta. Repelling the attack required great sacrifices, four months and a help of the Sicilian governor. After the victory, they were still afraid of repeated attacks. Therefore they strengthen the defense of the islands. The Grand Master de la Vetta invited the best architects to establish the first European town by plan based construction with impregnable fortresses all around. Today the Knights head quarters are in Rome and their embassy is located in Valletta. This is the Cavalier building behind the St. John bastion. Isliama's name originates from the Arabic Salem meaning peace. This is Malta most recent and most fashionable holiday resort. We can have a bath in the small rocky bays however this kind of beach cannot really be mistaken for the Copacabana. Along the winding promenade, there are luxury apartments and hotels over hanging. At the end of the promontory, the huge casino building is located close to Malta's highest building, the 24 story Portal Masaood Tower. Shops and catering places border the way. The center of the quickly improving city is Paceville which is a verduras residential quarter on the hillside. Along the many modern houses, it's real refreshment to our eyes to see the wonderfully decorated block. The local people like swimming in the sea however the hotels have there own bathing pools. And there's also a swimming pool where water polo matches are held from time to time. St. Julian Bay shows different faces during daylight and in the evening floodlight. Most tourist spend the day the time in the hotels bathing pools or going out for a boat trip or site seeing in the town. In the evenings, crowds invade the restaurants, ice cream bars, discothèques and bars of the St. Julian's bay and its surroundings. On the whole Island, the night life here is the biggest. The average age in the discothèques is extremely low. Only 14 or 15 years but older people can also find there own pleasure grounds. Luxury Yachts and the fisherman's over fatigue with small boats peacefully co-exist in the bay. Restaurants of many categories and ethnicities can be found here and the biggest shopping center of the island, the Bay Street shopping center. The local people love the five kilometer long decoratively covered walking way with small terraces, buffet pavilions, parks and playgrounds along the side. The Fortezza fortress originating from 1872 is very popular and is also functioning as a restaurant. Shipping to the east, we past Valletta's awesome walls, the next net worthy settlement is more sex lock. Tags: Learn About Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,Visit Malta,world travel,shepherdfilm Malta travel guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism
This Maltese island boasts a rural sensibility and slow pace of life, making it the perfect place to get away and relax. explores th...
Know it: "Malta is divided into 68 elected local councils".
Malta is known for its diverse culture, which is an amalgamation of the various cultures that have inhabited the area. learns more a... - A video guide to St Julians, from Teletext Holidays.
This European country is a blend of ancient and modern life. learns more about some of the most important and historically significa... - A video guide to Malta from Teletext Holidays. With secluded bays and beaches as well as a host of archaeological treasures, thi... - A video guide to beaches in Malta, from Teletext Holidays.
After five peaceful weeks on Gozo, we give our Top 5 travel experiences! - Visit for more information on Vallette, Malta. The city of Valletta is the capital city of Malta, an island country located in the Mediterranean Sea. Valletta boasts with buildings from the 16th century, mainly with Baroque character containing elements of Mannerist, Neo-Classical and Modern architecture. The city was nicknamed Superbissima, meaning Most Proud due to the bastions, curtains, ravelins combined with the beauty of its Baroque palaces, gardens and churches. What to see • St John's Co-Cathedral -- formerly the Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta • National Museum of Fine Arts -- Rococo Palace dating back to late 1570's • Our Lady of Victories Church -- built by the Knights of Malta, it is the first building in Valletta • St Francis of Assisi Church -- build in 1598 it was rebuild in 1681 by Grand Master Gegorio Carafe • Magisterial Palace of the Grandmaster -- currently houses the House of Representatives of Malta • Auberge de Castille -- known as the official seat of the Knights of Langue of Castille • Grandmaster's Palace Armory Museum -- contains armor, arms and guns dating back to the 15th century • National War Museum -- located inside Fort Saint Elmo was a focal point during the Great Siege and a prominent building during WWII • Manoel Theatre -- home of the National Orchestra of Malta is Europe's third-oldest working theatre • Upper Barrakka Gardens -- constructed in 1661 with a panoramic view of the Grand Harbour • City Gate -- the fourth gate to have stood at the entrance to Valletta • Valletta Waterfront -- stretching along the water's edge and the Quay Wall, it is composed of nineteen 250-year-old warehouses What to do • Maltese Carnival -- held in February and leads up the Lent • The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel -- a feast in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary is held in July • Saint Paul's Feast -- held on 10 February • Saint Dominic's Feast -- held either in the end of July or beginning of August • The Feast of Saint Augustine -- celebrated on the third Sunday after Easter - A video guide to excursions in Malta, from Teletext Holidays. Malta is a year-round holiday spot, with a great harbour, nightlif...
Assista a classificatória da Red Bull de kart do piloto Leonardo Pires em São José dos Pinhais, Paraná. Link:
The documentary: As the subtitle says we show 21 facts about Malta. Those are: 01: The temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra 02: St. Pauls Island 03: Busride with the oldest Maltese Bus in Service 04: Flight over Malta and Gozo with Eagle Heli Flights Malta 05: Blue Grotto with Blue Grotto Boat Trips and Fifla Rock 06: Malta Cuisine, feat.: Tax-Xiha Bar and Restaurant Blue Grotto 07: Sliema 08: Mosta - a traditional wedding 09: Comino 10: Marsaxloxx 11: Peter Bergers Pool 12: Ta Qali craft village 13: Popey Villace / Ancor Bay 14: the Red Tower 15: Ghar Lapsi 16: Gozo (Azure Window, Inland Sea, Viktoria ...) 17: Valletta 18: Dingli Cliffs 19: Paceville 20: Malta Music Scene, MTV Music week 21: Mdina - the silent city at night The movie is a non profit production by Alex Pfeiffer - owner from
CD Banda Malta - (CD Completo) - Todas as Músicas - #SuperStar 00:00 Alguém 02:14 Baby 04:33 Diz pra mim 07:06 Entre nos dois 09:20 I don't want to miss a thing 11:41 Its not easy 15:01 Lendas 17:11 Mais que o sol 19:18 Memórias 21:33 Nova História 23:42 Supernova 25:50 Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
Malta, Republika Malty (Repubblika ta’ Malta, Republic of Malta) – wyspiarskie miasto-państwo położone w Europie Południowej, na Morzu Śródziemnym, na południe od włoskiej Sycylii. Obejmuje archipelag Wysp Maltańskich, jednakże większość ludności mieszka na głównej wyspie, w zespole miejskim Valletty[6] - stolicy Malty. Malta ma długą historię sięgającą kilka tysięcy lat. Pierwsze budowle na wyspie - megalityczne świątynie zaczęto budować około 3000 r. p.n.e. Są one najstarszymi stojącymi budowlami w Europie. W podobnym okresie powstało Hypogeum Ħal Saflieni. Spuścizną tych budowli jest kilkanaście ruin, z czego siedem jest wpisana na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Przez następne wieki wyspy maltańskie były pod panowaniem Fenicjan, Kartaginy, Starożytnego Rzymu, Arabów, Zakonu Maltańskiego oraz jako kolonia imperium brytyjskiego do 1964 roku, gdy to Malta uzyskała niepodległość. Burzliwe losy wysp maltańskich mają dziś odzwierciedlenie w kulturze, języku i w różnorodnej architekturze, czego przykładem jest Valletta z 320 zabytkami, czyniąc ją jednym z najbardziej zagęszczonych obszarów zabytkowych na świecie. Także ona została wpisana na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO Współczesna Malta jest rozwiniętym krajem o dobrej jakości życia (w rankingu plasuje się pomiędzy Niemcami, Słowenią a Wielką Brytanią). Jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej oraz NATO. Obowiązującą walutą jest euro. Językami urzędowymi są maltański i angielski. Malta znajduje się w strefie klimatu subtropikalnego typu śródziemnomorskiego z krótkimi, bardzo łagodnymi zimami i długimi latami, ze średnią roczną temperaturą 23 °C w dzień i 16 °C w nocy
2015 European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta, final table live poker coverage - never miss a moment from the official PokerStars channel –The final table at EPT Malta streamed live to witness yet another EPT 11 winner.
Dominik Pańka na FT EPT Malta Main Event! -- Watch live at
Živé pokerové zpravodajství z finálového stolu European Poker Tour 2015 (EPT 11) Malta - Nenechte si ujít ani chvilku z oficiálního kanálu PokerStars – Finálový stůl EPT Malta bude přenášen živě, abyste mohli být svědky vyhlášení dalšího vítěze EPT 11.
A Banda Malta abriu os show do dia 30/01/2015, primeiro dia do Planeta Atlântida Rio Grande do Sul 2015
Programa que se acerca a destinos de todo el mundo a través de los españoles que han decidido instalarse en otro país. Estos ''nuevos emigrantes'' ofrecen su particular punto de vista sobre el país que los ha acogido y explican sus anécdotas sobre cómo son sus vidas allí.
European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta de 2015, cobertura en vivo de la mesa final: no te pierdas ni un momento con el canal oficial de PokerStars - Sigue la retransmisión en directo de la mesa final de Malta; sé testigo de la victoria de un nuevo campeón del EPT 11.
2015 European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta, Day 2 live poker coverage - The EPT welcome players to the lively seaside resort of St Julian’s, Known as the unofficial ‘capital’ of Maltese nightlife.
2015 European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta, Day 5 live poker coverage - never miss a moment from the official PokerStars channel – Watch day 5 of EPT Malta live poker action as we draw closer to the final table of the main event.
INSCREVA-SE: Aprenda como tocar no violão a versão acústica da música "Diz Pra Mim" da Banda Malta neste tutorial completo com o instrutor Julien Bacelar. Cifra: Siga o Cifras nas redes sociais:
European Poker Tour (EPT 11) 2015 Malta, stół finałowy – transmisja na żywo na oficjalnym kanale PokerStars. Śledź na żywo rozgrywki przy stole finałowym EPT Malta i zobacz, jak wyłania się kolejny zwycięzca EPT 11.
Stefan Schillhabel - You Only Life Once: You Only Live Once: #ForMeItsEgal: European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta 2015, Finaltisch Live Poker Berichterstattung - mit dem offiziellen PokerStars-Kanal keinen Moment mehr verpassen - erlebt mit dem Live Stream vom Final Table der EPT Malta einen weiteren Gewinner der EPT 11! --------------------------- Jetzt kostenlos PokerstarsDE abonnieren: Mehr zu PokerToday: Präsentiert von: Mehr Infos auf: Folge uns auf Facebook: Twitter: --------------------------- ist eine Webseite, auf der Sie zum Vergnügen und ganz ohne Geld mit Leuten aus der ganzen Welt Poker spielen können. Wir sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass es jede Menge anderer Online-Pokersites gibt - doch nur bei werden Sie auch wie ein echter PokerStar behandelt.
Carlos Malta é multi-instrumentista, compositor, orquestrador, band-leader e educador musical. Possuidor de um estilo original e criativo, já lançou 7 CDs. Depois de 12 anos participando do grupo de Hermeto Pascoal, partiu para carreira solo em 1993. Liderando diferentes grupos, apresentou-se na França, Suíça, Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Holanda, Dinamarca, África do Sul, Marrocos, Japão, Venezuela, República Dominicana e Cuba, onde tocou com Michel Legrand e Chucho Valdéz. Ficha técnica: CARLOS MALTA saxofones, clarinete, pífano e flautas DANIEL GRAJEW piano RICHARD MONTANO bateria GUY SASSO contrabaixo acústico produção: DIVERSÃO E ARTE KARINA SOUZA Repertório EMORIÔ (João Donato) VENTO BRAVO (Edu Lobo e Paulo César Pinheiro) O VENTO (Dorival Caymmi) TEMPESTADE (Dorival Caymmi) CANTO DE OXALÁ (Carlos Malta) LOGUM EDÉ (Carlos Malta) CANTO DE OXUM (Carlos Malta) CACHIMBO DA PAZ (Carlos Malta, Daniel Grajew, Richard Montano, Guy Sasso) CANTO DE XANGÔ (Baden Powell e Vinícius de Moraes) CANAL I direção geral e artística MAX ALVIM direção de tv e coordenação técnica MARCELO AMIKY assistente de direção IGOR DELION narração e entrevista PATRICIA PALUMBO transcrição ITAMAR SUZANO roteiro e edição de texto SILVIA MARTINEZ edição de imagem PATRI SALGADO assistente de edição CLARISSA PELLEGRINI coordenação de produção BRUNA PACHECO produção de set RENATA REIS cinegrafista ALDO RIBEIRO operador de áudio REGINALDO SILVA fotos de still PIU DIP finalização PATRI SALGADO tratamento de áudio TRILHA ORIGINAL chromafix video WASHINGTON BARBEZAN RICARDO VATEZECK câmeras DIEGO KARMAN CARLOS TRAVAGLIA FILHO RENE GUARIGLIA PATRICIO ATRIAN NAVARRO LUIZ CARLOS CURY assistentes de câmera ANDRE VATEZECK ANTONIO LINDOBERTO DIAS TOMAS RONALDO DA GRAÇAS ANTONIO DA SILVA PEREIRA LEANDRO PEREIRA CLEMENTE MARCELO HENRIQUE operador de vídeo ANTONIO APARECIDO ALVES operador de videotape WELLINGTON MEDEIROS BARBEZAN TUKASOM técnicos de áudio CLEBER ANTONIO CARVALHO SILVA UMBERTO DE FREITAS ALVES (JOÃO) RODRIGO PIMENTEL SESC CONSOLAÇÃO gerente FELIPE MANCEBO gerente adjunta SIMONE ENGBRUCH AVANCINI SILVA coordenação de programação TIAGO DE SOUZA coordenação de área ELAINE DE SOUSA EMILIA CARMINETI FERNANDA MENDES CONEJERO FLAVIA CAROLINA S. FERREIRA MARCO ANTONIO DA SILVA SABRINA POPP MARIN TAYNÁ GUIMARÃES V. FERREIRA THANYA F. CARBONI ZACARIAS DE CARVALHO equipe técnica ALEXANDRE BONA ARATAN LAMBERT CARVALHO EDSON FERNANDES MACHADO FABIO ALBINO DA SILVA FRANKLIN DIÓGENES WEISS LUIZ FERNANDO FIGUEIREDO MARCIO ANTONIO MARTINS GERÊNCIA DE AÇÃO CULTURAL gerente ROSANA PAULO DA CUNHA gerente adjunta KELLY ADRIANO assistentes área de música HENRIQUE RAMOS RUBIN RICARDO TACIOLI SONOE JULIANA ONO FONSECA SESCTV produção VALÉRIA M. GIANNOCCARO HELOISA URURAHY programação FERNANDA FAVA SIDÊNIA FREIRE SILVIA GARCIA coordenação de programação JULIANO DE SOUZA direção de programação REGINA GAMBINI direção executiva VALTER VICENTE SALES FILHO superintendente técnico-social JOEL NAIMAYER PADULA superintendente de comunicação social IVAN GIANNINI diretor regional SESC-SP DANILO SANTOS DE MIRANDA Realização --- Show que ocorreu no Teatro Anchieta do Sesc Consolação dia 02/06/2014 • site oficial: • assista aos shows ao vivo pelo Inscreva-se no canal e fique por dentro de toda a programação que acontece nas unidades do Sesc no estado de São Paulo. Basta ter uma conta gratuita no Google.
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European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta 2015, Finaltisch Live Poker Berichterstattung - mit dem offiziellen PokerStars-Kanal keinen Moment mehr verpassen - mit dem Live Stream vom Finaltisch der EPT Malta einen weiteren Gewinner der EPT 11 erleben.
DJ's : Gushito | Manteeno | Deep Onion Video - Movo Productions (Marcin Cebula) Tracklist : 1. Gushito - Believe 2. Gushito - French sampler 12 & 17 3 Gushito - Feel it 4 Gushito - Chillout Outro vol 12 Film przedstawia jedną z imprez organizowanych przez ekipę Music Therapy nad jeziorem Malta w Poznaniu.
Mota tat-Thabbira ghal-Jum il-Festa ta' San Publiju - 2015 Photo - The Big Bell This church has 8 bells: 2 bells for clock 6 bells for peal but use 5 bells. The bells 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th founded by Gulju Cauchi in different years. The small bell founded by Salvu Cauchi. The big bell founded by Giuseppe Cappozutto of Napoli in 1954. Note of Peal Bells: RE4 - D'' LAb3 - AS' FA#3 - FIS' MIb3 - ES' DO#3 - CIS' LA2 - A°
Our trip to Malta: - shot entirely on iPhone 6 - 240 fps - color grading done with Chromic app - cut and edit with iMovie, during return flight For footage, All rights reserved: Adam Śmiały © 2015 Music: The tallest man on earth - The Dreamer Samuraii edit
Official channel for The Malta Independent news portal
The St. Mary Fireworks Factory, Qrendi, competed with two structures at the IX Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival that was held on the 19th April 2015 at The Granaries, Floriana at the eve of the Feast of St.Publius. Brought to you by Hip Hop Froggy Productions. Enjoy :) Follow us on Related videos Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival: St. Mary Fireworks Factory, Qrendi, prt.2 Il-Kumpless tan-Nar ta' Santa Marija, Qrendi, ikkompeta b'zewg irdieden (strutturi) ghad-disgha edizzjoni tal-Festival Nazzjonli tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat li sehh fid-19 ta' April 2015 fuq il-Fosos (Pjazza San Publju) tal-Floriana f''lejliet il-Festa Titulari ta' San Publiju. Migjub lilkom minn Hip Hop Froggy Productions
The St. Mary Fireworks Factory, Qrendi, competed with two structures at the IX Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival that was held on the 19th April 2015 at The Granaries, Floriana at the eve of the Feast of St.Publius. Brought to you by Hip Hop Froggy Productions. Enjoy :) Follow us on Related videos Malta Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival, Floriana 2015: St. Mary Fireworks Factory, Qrendi, prt.1 Il-Kumpless tan-Nar ta' Santa Marija, Qrendi, ikkompeta b'zewg irdieden (strutturi) ghad-disgha edizzjoni tal-Festival Nazzjonli tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat li sehh fid-19 ta' April 2015 fuq il-Fosos (Pjazza San Publju) tal-Floriana f''lejliet il-Festa Titulari ta' San Publiju. Migjub lilkom minn Hip Hop Froggy Productions
Amanda a young person shares her experience in foster care.
San Antonio Hotel, Malta- Volcanic Eruption? Fire? Even the staff looked worried 😂
Maltese Bodybuilder Luke Debono - 1st Place Overall IFBB
Albania (Zoada grind mix) - Tiago Malta Homenagem a banda punk finlandesa Kansanturvamusiikkikomissio, esta versão foi lançada originalmente no Álbum "Disturbio Eletrônico- Volume 1", para baixa-lo:
2 week Photography Master Classes of Malta and Gozo brought to you by Martin Bonnici Photography & Photography Made Easy. Extensive post-production is included everyday so we can make the . What it's like to work as a professional photographer? In this interview, Elisa gives us a snapshot of her profession as a photographer in Malta; she speaks about the highs and lows of trying. On Hitler's birthday 20th of April, Varangian Vladimir The Great Putin, Hereditary Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, signed a decree proclaiming Yalta as the New Monte-Carlo - casino.
Hotel Phoenicia Malta - 5 звездочный отель, Валетта, Мальта. Размещен по адресу: The Mall, Valletta, Malta, FRN1478, Мальта, &rlm-;?-.
รวม สารคดีสํารวจโลก สารคดีไดโนเสาร์ สารคดีท่องโลกกว้าง สารคดี มนุษย์ต่างดาว จากทุกมุมโลก กดติดตามช่องกันไว้ด้วยน่ะครับ Viviana Orfei Last Animal Circus in Malta-Horses Act Please Like, Favorite, and Subscribe! Soundbite at the start is Setuniman First Indications (Creative Commons) URL: "Volatile Reaction" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 "Run Amok" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 More videos at: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Flickr:
Zlot motocyklowy Malta / Poznań 2015 przejazd ulicą Głogowską - parada.
Malta Story (1953) FULL MOVIE Play NOW: [[[ ]]] Enjoy your Free Full HD movies!
The European Poker Tour concludes the season with its biggest festival held to date. EPT Monte Carlo runs between April 28th and May 8th. Here's a little snippet of what's to come. Don't... 2015 European Poker Tour (EPT 11) Malta, Day 5 live poker coverage - never miss a moment from the official PokerStars channel – Watch day 5 of EPT Malta live poker action as we draw closer... EUROPEAN POKER TOUR MALTA 2015 - FINAL TABLE ♧♥♢♤ For more poker videos please subscribe to my channel! It's for free! ♤♢♥♧ ♧♥♢♤ Für weitere Poker-Videos abonniert... Stefan Schillhabel - You Only Life Once: You Only Live Once: #ForMeItsEgal: ... Živé pokerové zpravodajství z finálového stolu European Poker Tour 2015 (EPT 11) Malta - Nenechte si ujít ani chv Poker 2015 - EPT Malta 2015 - part 1 Full Poker 2015 - EPT Malta 2015 - part 1 Full
... save more than 600 migrants after their boat capsized in Libyan waters, Malta's prime minister said.
WPXI 2015-04-19... dead after a fishing boat packed with migrants trying to reach Europe capsized off Malta yesterday.
The Australian 2015-04-19How could he not do this when there was so much at stake for Malta? ... Dr Muscat broke his promise.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-19It is not known if Transport Malta supervises such work ... The Malta ... The Malta Automobile Club.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-19The provisions of Referenda Act in Malta for the holding of an abrogative referendum are already very restrictive.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-19Hibernians FC, unbeaten in all 30 league games this season, won 3-1 against Floriana FC to wrap up ...
Big News Network 2015-04-19Rescuers from Italy and Malta have found scores of bodies in Libyan waters, said Maltese military spokesman David Cioffi.
CNN 2015-04-19BirdLife Malta yesterday urged the Maltese to ‘seize the moment’ to help the referendum momentum continue.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-19Malta helps in new migrants emergency as biggest ever tragedy unfolds in the Mediterranean http:
Mashable 2015-04-19... seats in Councils have been gained by the PN, and that progress has been seen in the south of Malta.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-19The most serious incident prior to Sunday occurred off Malta in September 2014.
Business Day 2015-04-19... the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast, according to a report in the Times of Malta's website.
Al Jazeera 2015-04-19... carrying migrants capsized off the Libyan coast overnight, the Times of Malta reported on Sunday.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-19Malta i/ˈmɒltə/, officially known as the Republic of Malta (Maltese: Repubblika ta' Malta), is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya, with Gibraltar 1,755 km (1,091 mi) to the west and Alexandria 1,508 km (937 mi) to the east. Malta covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi) in land area, making it one of the world's smallest states. It is also one of the most densely populated countries worldwide. The de facto capital city of Malta is Valletta; the largest town, Birkirkara. The main island comprises many towns, which together form one Larger Urban Zone (LUZ) with a population of 368,250 according to Eurostat. The country has two official languages, Maltese (constitutionally the national language) and English.
Throughout history, Malta's location has given it great strategic importance, and a succession of powers including the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Aragonese, Habsburg Spain, Knights of St John, French and the British ruled the islands. Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a republic in 1974, whilst retaining membership in the Commonwealth of Nations. Malta was admitted to the United Nations in 1964 and to the European Union in 2004. Malta is also party to the Schengen Agreement and in 2008 it became part of the eurozone.
Fleur des villes ou des campagnes
Fille des plages, fille des montagnes
Moderne ou plus traditionnelle
Tu restes toujours la plus belle
A Saïgon, Huê ou à Hanoï
Da-Nang, Dalat, en pays Moï
Fille du Dragon et Immortelle
Une noix d'arec et du bétel
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Tuong trung nhân bàn
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Mier Båc miën Nam
Pliée sous le poids du balancier
Dans les villages, sur les marchés
Dans les rizières comme sur la Terre
Et dans la paix comme à la guerre
Tu es la puissance du pays
La force même de ta vie
Gardienne de la nostalgie
Tu hantes parfois nos rêves la nuit
Tu portes quelque chose de magique
Est-ce le charme du chapeau conique?
Ton doux visage de hoa mai
La blancheur de ton ào dài?
Tu portes quelque chose d'impérial
En scooter comme une amazone
Est-ce le sourire des paysannes
Qui fait s'enfuir tous les fantômes?
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Tuong trung nhân bàn
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Ra Båc, vào Nam
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Tuong trung nhân bàn
Fille du Viêt-Nam
Mièn Trung dep låm
Oh fille, fille du Viêt-Nam
Fille, fille du Viêt-Nam
Je voudrais que tu m'accompagnes
Oh fille, fille du Viêt-Nam
Fille, fille du Viêt-Nam
Entre la montagne et la mer
Entre violence et misère
Entre inflation et guérilla
Les enfants perdus de Lima
Rêve brisé, splendeur passée
Les effluves de colle t'ont noyé
Sur le marché sale et puant
La rue, la faim, tu serres les dents
Tu en as marre d'être humilié
Par ces adultes sans pitié
L'appel des rues te fait souffrir
Combien de temps à guérir
Entre la montagne et la mer
Entre violence et misère
Entre inflation et guérilla
Tu es devenu Piranha
Errant dans la ville par milliers
Voler est ton seul métier
Sur le marché sale et puant
La rue, la faim, tu serres les dents
Tu en as marre d'être humilié
Par ces adultes sans pitié
L'appel des rues te fait souffrir
Combien de temps à mourir
Lâchés dans la ville sans pitié
Comme des coqs de combat
Ton visage est buriné
Marqué par le choléra
Plus tes amis sont décimés
Plus l'avenir semble bouché
Tu n'es rien qu'un enfant des rues
Comme il y en a un peu partout
Ni l'état, ni la guérilla
Ne peuvent quelque chose pour toi
Peux tu vraiment t'en sortir
Puisqu'il n'y a pas d'avenir
Petit voleur de Lima
Woh oh oh...
Tu f'sais toujours l'aller-retour
Entre Paris et Saïgon
A la recherche d'un peu d'amour
Fille-phoenix, garçon-dragon
Tu déambulais dans la ville
Qui a maint'nant perdu son nom
Sans oublier qu'derrière les grilles
Meurent encore des bonzes en prison
Dans le vacarme des scooters
Sous la chaleur et les odeurs
Tu arrives en plein Cholon
Quartier de toutes les convulsions
Avec un étrange goût d'opium
Tu as l'ivresse des âmes errantes
De l'Opium Rouge à l'Opium Noir
Où sont les filles en ao dài?
Paris-Saïgon, Phoenix-Dragon
C'est la chanson
D'la ville qui a... perdu son nom
Perdu son nom!
Tu vas du marché aux voleurs
Au Palais de l'indépendance
Ici pas besoin d'avoir l'heure
Le temps s'écoule et te balance
Un jour tu prendras l'aller simple
Pour un voyage sans retour
Retrouver les poussières de vie
Qui dorment dans les rues la nuit
Paris-Sàï gòn, dây là tinh ca
Cho thành phô' da mâ't tên
On est là pour en chier
Y'a pas à discuter
On est là pour donner
Y'a pas à vérifier
On est là pour gueuler
Y'a pas à protester
On est là pour donner
Rien que de l'amitié
On est là pour gueuler
Quelques de nos idées
On est là pour jeter
Un peu de liberté
On est là pour cracher
Un peu de vérité
On est là pour danser
Pas se faire emmerder
On est là! (8x)
Et on n'a de leçons
A donner à personne
On est comme des cons
Et juste on se la donne
On est là pour planter
Le drapeau de l'Unité
Aussi pour réveiller
Ta solidarité...
On est là pour la fête
Pas se prendre la tête
On est pas des perdants
Et puis on chie dedans
On est là pour tuer
Le temps et les années
Et pas là pour poser
Ils t'ont envoyé
Au nord de ce pays
Pour leur liberté
A ce qu'on t'avait dit
Mais tout c'que t'as vu
C'est des gamins féroces
Te crachant dessus
Des boulons dans les poches
Une intifada
Du côté de l'Europe
Personne n'y croit
Ça ne fait pas très propre
Au nord du pays
Dans la ville de Belfast
Deux ghettos survivent
Se faisant face à face
Ils t'ont envoyé
Couvert de kaki
Pour coloniser
T'as rien à faire ici
Et tout c'que t'as vu
C'est une occupation
Des squelettes nus
Des grévistes en prison
De block en block
Et sous la torture
Les images chocs
Des années que ça dure
Les gamins furieux
Nourris d'insoumission
Sont les jeunes Dieux
De la libération
Ils t'ont envoyé
Soldat du maquis
Foutre des barbelés
A travers les prairies
Un jour tu as tué
Comme on te l'as appris
Un gosse est tombé
Alors tu as compris
Mais tout ce qu'il te reste
C'est un avenir foutu
La mort ou la peste
Les cagoules dans les rues
La ville de Belfast
N'est plus qu'une impasse
Deux ghettos menacent
La mort est face à face
Jeune Irlande
Qu'ont-ils fait de tes fils?
Il y a bien longtemps
Sur l'île des Mers du Sud
Vivaient quelques géants
Dont la vie était rude
Dès que la nuit tombait
Ces hommes se forgeaient
Une terrible main de fer
Dans le plus grand secret
Ces techniques de combat
Interdites par la loi
Venaient des bonzes chinois
Qui défendaient la voie
Ils imitaient le singe
Le cerf ou le héron
La grue ou le serpent
Le tigre ou le dragon
Okinawa, si belle, si belle
Danse & combat, rebelle, rebelle
Dans les danses du pays
Se cachaient les mouvements
Le souffle et l'énergie
Qui frappaient l'occupant
S'entraînant comme des fous
Répondant coup pour coup
Résistant jusqu'au bout
Armés de nunchakus
On se souvient encore
Des taureaux qui sont morts
Abattus par le poing
D'un Okinawaïen
Les jambes dans les rizières
Les poings déchiraient l'air
Et sur les bananiers
Les coups de pieds sautés
Okinawa, si belle, si belle
Danse & combat, rebelle, rebelle
Si tu attrapes la pierre
Tout au fond de ma main
Tu verras la lumière
Qui brille dans l'être humain
Comme disait mon vieux maître
Explose de tout ton corps
Tu n'auras plus de haine
Mais un coeur comme de l'or
Mais qui pourra sauver
L'esprit du karaté
Du kung-fu, du kempo
De tous les arts martiaux
Qui pourra restaurer
La sagesse des grands maîtres
Pour qu'enfin tous ces rêves
Connais tu une seule nation
Où il n'y aurait pas de frontières
Peux tu me dire pour quelle raison
Les hommes aiment tant se faire la guerre
Connais tu donc un seul pays
Où il n'y aurait pas de prisons
De quel côté est l'ennemi
Côte crosse ou côté canon?
Regarde comme des nouvelles nations
Sont à la croisée des chemins
Libérées d'la vieille oppression
Leur avenir est incertain
Vois tu venir ce monde nouveau
Qui émerge dans le chaos
Peuples perdus sans idéaux
A l'aube d'une nuit des longs couteaux
Je rêve d'une fédération
Dont la devise s'rait l'amitié
Toutes les cultures, toutes les fractions
Auraient droit à la dignité
Tu souhaites l'approche d'une nouvelle ère
Avec les peuples solidaires
A moins que tout ça ne soit qu'un rêve
Comme un champignon nucléaire
Nations sans prisons
Sur la terre sans frontières
Peuples en rebellion
Nouvelle ère planétaire
Nations sans sans prisons
Sur la terre sans frontières
Et champignon nucléaire
Une jeunesse libre se serre les coudes
Prête pour le dernier baroud
Ensemble, unis sur toutes les routes
Elle gagnera y'a pas de doute
Une jeunesse libre au genre humain
A l'avenir entre ses mains
Si tu veux vivre libre demain
Alors l'histoire t'appartient
Nations sans prisons
Sur la terre sans frontières
Jeune fédération
De tous les peuples solidaires
Nations sans prisons
Sur la terre sans frontières
Et champignon nucléaire
Nations en flammes (3x)
Tu es né à Montréal
Clandestin à l'hôpital
Tu as grandi illégal
Tu es devenu brutal
Passé devant tribunal
Terrorisme musical
Tu as chanté "Germinal"
La misère pour idéal
Molodoï & associal... (3x)
Passé devant tribunal
Tu es devenu chacal
Tu es mort en animal
D'une lobotomie frontale
Exécution matinale
Dans clinique carcérale
Ils t'ont rendu végétal,
Prisonnier de ton mental
France Paris capitale
Jeunesse Paris-Montréal
Jeunesse au sida-mental
Cherche partout idéal
Société occidentale
Au fascisme libéral
Suicidé à Montréal,
C'est écrit dans le journal
Tu es né à Montréal
Clandestin à l'hôpital
Tu es mort en animal
Dans clinique carcérale
Jeunesse au sida-mental
Cherche partout idéal
Cherche voie originale
Et passer pour anormal
Il a dans le sang
Une partie d'occident
Il a dans les yeux
De l'extrême orient
Son pays est la France
Sa peau le Viêt-nam
Il parle les langues
De sa double âme
Rejeté par les uns
Dénigré par les autres
Une histoire sans fin
Ce n'est pas sa faute
C'est le fils indigne
D'une guerre cruelle
C'est le fruit d'un crime
D'une mère trop belle
Métis est son nom
Métis est sa race
Partout où ils vont
Il n'y a pas de place
Métis est ton nom
Métis est ta race
Partout où ils vont
Il n'y a pas de place!
Elle a la peau dorée
Des filles d'Alger
Elle a le franc-parler
Des filles des cités
Elle parle l'arabe
Dans sa famille
Une rose des sables
En elle brille
Rejetée par les uns
Dénigrée par les autres
Une histoire sans fin
Ce n'est pas sa faute
C'est la fille-cible
D'une guerre cruelle
C'est l'enfant terrible
Des cités poubelles
Ils ont dans le sang
Quelque chose d'étrange
Ils ont dans les yeux
Quelque chose de mieux
Ils sont nés en France
Leur peau n'est pas blanche
Ils parlent deux langues
Ça leur donne une chance
Rejetés par les uns
Denigrés par les autres
Une histoire sans fin
Ce n'est pas de leur faute
C'sont les gosses indignes
De guerres cruelles
Et le fruit d'un crime
Tu étais un grand soldat
Décoré par l'armée rouge
Mais tu n'es plus qu'un paria
De la machine en déroute
T'as vendu ton uniforme
Un jour au marché aux puces
Eprouves-tu du remords
Un sentiment d'amertume?
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Tu étais le légionnaire
Partisan de toutes les guerres
Tu n'es plus qu'un marginal
Pour qui y'a ni bien ni mal
Tu vis dans une caravane
Loin des autres, loin des flammes
Comme tu dois rien à personne
Un jour tu f'ras Camérone
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les capitaines de l'anarchie
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les colonels de la folie
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les sous-officiers de la mort
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Et les soldats du rock'n'roll
Tu étais toujours partant
Dans la jungle, à 20 ans
Médaillé d'agent orange
T'es dans une chaise roulante
A quoi penses-tu maintenant
Face au mur des Vétérans?
Dans la fumée du napalm
Coure cette fille du Viêt-Nam
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Soldats perdus et fous de Dieu
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Spéciales forces de l'assassinat
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Bienvenue à l'opéra des Gueux
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les commandos de la polka
T'étais le seigneur Anar
Le guide de l'Armée Noire
Tu reposes 6 pieds sous-terre
Eliminé par tes frères
Ceux qui font cracher le sang
Depuis plus de 70 ans
"Où est passé l'idéal?"
Epitaphe d'une pierre tombale
Hey Ho Hey Ho Lo-lolololo (2x)
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Le régiment disciplinaire
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les bérêts noirs, les loups de guerre
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les grognards d'la Bérézina
Nous sommes les lieut'nants du désordre
Les déserteurs, les renégats
Dans les mouroirs de Roumanie
Y'a tous les enfants perdus
L'orphelinat et la folie
Univers quotidien cru
Un petit corps recroqu'villé
Est sur son lit attaché
Il y a l'enfant aux os brisés
Qui ne casse pas de crier
Irrécupérables... (2x)
Derrière la vitre du communisme
Socialisme triomphant
Y'a les mouloirs psychiatriques
Pour quelques milliers d'enfants
Un petit visage griffé
Dont le sang vient de sécher
Les enfants de Ceausescu
Ils sont tous devenus fous...
Dans les mouroirs de Roumanie
Quotidienne est la folie
Sur un sol d'excréments
Un gosse ici est dément
Les enfants de Ceausescu
Classés "irrécupérables"
Pavillon des enfants fous
Surgit d'un monde exécrable
Les combattants d'la spirale d'or
N'ont que la jungle pour seul décor
Ca s'ra comme ça jusqu'à ta mort
Vivre libre, t'y crois encore
Derniers combattants de l'Asie
Derniers guerriers de Birmanie
Derniers rebelles de Karenni
Derniers sauvages sous la pluie
Derniers rebelles dans la nuit
Les combattants d'la spirale d'or
N'ont que la jungle pour seul décor
N'ont que leurs femmes qui les rend forts
Belles gardiennes toutes parées d'or
Dernières filles ou femmes girafes
Dernières fées des photographes
Dernières compagnes des Jeunes Seigneurs
Sous l'oeil voleur du voyageur
Le seul témoin d'un monde qui meurt
T'es combattant d'la spirale d'or
Ca s'ra comme ça jusqu'à ta mort
A quoi penses-tu, t'y crois encore
A quoi rêves-tu dans ce décor?
Derniers combattants de l'Asie
Derniers guerriers de Birmanie
Derniers rebelles de Karenni
Toi tu te bats contre l'oubli
Jusqu'à c'qu'une balle te prenne la vie
Les combattants d'la spirale d'or
Ont une légende qui les rend forts
Le long cou des femmes parées d'or
Les protègera du mauvais sort
Mais si tu perds la spirale d'or
Tu pourras rien contre la mort
On racontera toujours encore
La légende la spirale d'or...
Il restera toujours encore
Avec un peu de nostalgie
On écoute du rockabilly
Pour se souvenir qu'à Paris
Ca nous f'sait danser toutes les nuits
Rendez-vous au Golf Drouot
Pour y voir les alligators
Jezebel Rock toujours plus haut
Le rock & roll toujours plus fort
Rendez-vous à la Foire du Trône
A Daumesnil, à Buzenval
Mais aussi partout sur la zone
Avec les anges aux figures sales
C'est le calvaire des voyous
Une hirondelle dans le cou
D'la gomina sur ton paqu'bot
Un peigne ou une chaîne à vélo
Où sont passés les Blousons Noirs
Le rock'n roll aux heures de gloire
Little Richard, Gégène, Cochran
Wanda Jackson, Crazy Cavan
Rendez-vous rue de la Roquette
Où tous en DS à Vincennes
Et rendez-vous au cinéma
Revoir 100 fois "La blonde et moi"
James Dean dans la "Fureur de vivre"
Brando et "L'Equipée sauvage"
West Side Story, Blackboard jungle
C'est sur les hauts plateaux
De la haute région
Tu as du prendre tôt
Une terrible décision
Tranchante comme un couteau
La plus dure des missions
Frappé par le marteau
D'un ennemi sans nom
Sous les feux de la guerre
Les morts de la légion
Pas le temps d'une trève
Il faut l'évacuation
Tu repenseras toujours
A ces populations
Comme un dernier recours
Accrochées aux camions
La rage!
Les crosses de tes soldats
S'abattant sur les mains
D'une enfant d'une femme
Qui seront morts demain
C'est sur les hauts plateaux
Ou bien dans le Djébel
L'armée demandait trop
T'es devenu rebelle
Toutes ces populations
Laissées à l'abandon
Que vous aviez armées
Soutenues et aimées
Les hameaux furent rasés
Les villages incendiés
Ceux que vous protégiez
Furent tous massacrés!
La rage!
C'est sur les hauts plateaux
Ou bien dans le Djébel
L'abandon des hameaux
De tout un peuple fidèle
Et qu'elle soit musulmane
Ou venant du Viêt-nam
Défilent les caravanes
De ce cruel drame
Dis-le à tes soldats
Ne les abandonnes pas
Regarde tout ces visages
De vivre ils ont la rage
Dis-le à tes soldates
N'écoute pas les lois
Regarde tous ces visages
De vivre ils ont la rage!
Ils marchent ensemble
Sans se séparer
L'union fait la force
Chez les ouvriers
Sur tous les chantiers
Le coeur plein d'espoir
L'espoir de changer
Cette société
Oh ils ont lutté
Et ils ont crié
Ils ont avancé
Souvent les premiers
Le drapeau au vent
L'espoir en chantant
Les coudes se serrant,
Et maîtres du temps
Oh ils ont crié "solidarité"
De toutes leurs cités
Jusqu'à l'Elysée
Stop à la machine
On veut travailler
Personne ne les a vraiment écoutés
Oh ils ont aimé la révolution
Mais ils ont perdu toutes leurs illusions
Le vent a tourné
Balayant leurs idées
Et ils sont restés
Seuls, les poings serrés
Ils marchaient ensemble sans se séparer
Comme un coeur qui bat
Dans la société
Ils sont morts ensemble
Sans se retourner
Lorsque leurs usines
Se sont arrêtées
Si tous leurs espoirs
Se sont envolés
Si toutes leurs usines
Se sont arrêtées
Et si la machine
Les a sacrifiés
Comme le boxeur devant une glace
Tu donnes des coups pour que ça passe
Si tu sais qu'ça ne mène à rien
C'est toujours mieux qu'une vie de chien
T'es dans une impasse sans issue
C'est un cri perdu dans la rue
Qui résonne sur l'béton armé
Imprègne les murs de ta cité
La boxe la boxe la boxe de l'ombre...
Comme la jeunesse de la Chine rouge
Qui attend que là-haut ça bouge
Elle vit au rythme du taï chi chuan
En résistant la mort dans l'âme
On s'bat toujours pour quelque chose
Pour se sortir d'une vie morose
Tu n'sais pas si t'y arriveras
Et malgré ça t'aimes le combat
C'est comme le Nord face au Sud
Où l'un vit en écrasant l'autre
Mais toi qui mène une vie rude
Tu sais qu't'as besoin de rien d'autre
A tous les combattants de l'ombre
J'adresse un message d'espoir
Y'en a qui résistent dans ce monde
Dans les jungles ou d'vant un miroir
Tu aimes danser la boxe de l'ombre
Pourquoi danses-tu la boxe de l'ombre?
A tous les combattants de l'ombre
J'adresse un message d'espoir
Pour ceux qui résistent dans ce monde
Dans les jungles ou d'vant un miroir
A tous les combattants de l'ombre
J'adresse un message d'espoir
Je fais un voeu pour que leur Fronde
Se transforme un jour en victoire
La boxe la boxe la boxe de l'ombre
La boxe la boxe la boxe de l'ombre
Allez boxe! Boxe!
Elle me l'avait toujours promis
Une belle petite cage pour mon canari...
Youp-la-la, youp-la-la, youp-la-la-lalère (2x)
Quand mon canari saura chanter
Il ira voir les filles...
Quand mon canari saura chanter
Il ira voir les filles
Pour leur apprendre à danser
Kalachnikov style
Et c'est une mère qui pleure
A.K. 47 style
Et c'est un gosse qui meurt
Smith & Wesson style
Et c'est une chair blessée
Remington style
Et c'est une vie d'ôtée
Riot Gun style
C'est une banlieue en flammes
Parabellum style
Et c'est plus d'opprimés
T.34 style
C'est une ville encerclée
B.52 style
Une forêt défoliée
Missile Scud style
En Méditérannée
Bombe atomique style
Et combien d'irradiés
Bombe à neutron style
La terre va éclater
Dynamite style
Lào Cai, Pa Kha, Lai Châu
Autant de mots étranges
Qui forment tes villages
Thài, Nùng, Mèo
Autant de noms magiques
Qui forment tes peuples
Nâm Cai, Nâm Su, Nâm Lu
Pistes et rivières
Sinh Hö, Chiëng Neo, Phong Thô
Montagnes ou villages
Cao Bång, Lang Son, Son La
Autant de souvenirs
Qui restent en mémoire
Nghìa Lô, Pha Long, Dông Khê
Autant de batailles
Qui restent souffrance
Oh c'est la Haute-Région... (2x)
Tu ne ressembles à aucune autre
Ton apparence est fin du monde
Sans doute plus belle que toutes les autres
Forêt étrange, plongée dans l'ombre
De paysages dans les nuages
En pistes folles toujours sauvages
Entre calcaire ou bien montagnes
Un chant perdu les accompagne
Peuple inconnu, ethnie perdue
Ton histoire est-elle révolue?
Peuple si beau de tout là-haut
Tu n'as pas dit ton dernier mot
Jeune Mèo, fleur de pavot
Ton frère est un guérillero
Le soleil tombe sur ton village
La nuit recouvre le paysage
Peuple inconnu, ethnie perdue
Ton histoire est-elle révolue?
Peuple si beau de tout là-haut
Tu n'as pas dit ton dernier mot
Les femmes en tunique indigo
Sont les gardiennes sans drapeau
De la montagne des Hauts-Plateaux
Tu trainais dans les rues
En jeune délinquant
Alors tu es venu
Au camp d'entraînement
Où on t'as recruté
Pour défendre la France
Tu t'es battu fidèle
Jusque dans le Djebel
Pas question de reculer
Sinon pour mieux sauter
T'es allé jusqu'au bout
Fallait tenir le coup
Tu as choisi le camp
Des condamnés à mort
Tu restes le perdant
Celui qui a eu tord
Harkis! SOS! SOS!
Tu restes le maudit
Car tu es harki
Tu rêvais l'Algérie
Et la France en amie
Mais rien 'a été fait
Pour ces fidèles soldats
Quand est revenue la paix
T'étais fait comme un rat
Tu restes incompris
Rejeté dans l'oubli
Coupé de tes racines
Taxé de tous les crimes
Frappé par le racisme
L'histoire est bien cynique
Tu es dans le ghetto
Où il fait le plus chaud
Harkis! SOS! SOS!
"L'Algérie sera donc algérienne"
Tu es devenu en France
Un gibier de potence
Victime de l'arrogance
Ta vie ne fût qu'errances
Tes fils un peu partout
Reprennent le flambeau
Il n'y a plus de tabou
Sa chambre était capitonnée
Pavillon de sécurité
Quand il se jetait sur les murs
Pour s'envoler c'était très dur
Les infirmiers le tabassait
Camisolé il délirait
Il crachait les médicaments
Sur le chef de l'établissement
H.P. 84, H.P. 84
H.P. 84, H.P., homme prisonnier...
Un matin une voix a parlé
Lui ordonnant de se venger
Muni d'une pauvre barre de fer
Il les frappait tous par derrière
Il a tué 4 infirmiers
Ouvert les portes aux aliénés
Il a mis l'feu à l'hôpital
Attention, ils arrivent
En courant sur la ville
A défaut de subversion
Tu pratiques la barbarie
A défaut de révolution
Tu te contentes d'un cri
Pas de revendication
Juste de la délinquance
Pas même d'organisation
Juste un esprit de vengeance
Des cités de l'ennui
Liberté dans la nuit
Quelles sont tes aspirations
Sinon de tout foutre en l'air
Un volcan en éruption
Dont la lave s'étend dans la mer
Tu n'te poses pas de questions
Tu préfères te défouler
Crois-tu qu'c'est la solution
D'être partout rejeté?
L'espoir dans la destruction
Tant que la vie s'ra misère
Des banlieues de l'abandon
Résonnent encore les cris de guerre
Plus jamais de frustration
Pour la jeunesse oubliée
La rue reste le bastion
D'une lueur de liberté
Le mouv'ment d'la jeunesse
La seule que tu connaisses
Celle qui brise les chaînes
Une génération perdue
Aujourd'hui dans toutes les rues
Poursuivie par les Milices
D'une haine répétitive
Une zone d'enragés
Des chiens hurlant dans le noir
Une jeunesse en danger
Tous les feux du désespoir...
Golan Golan United (3x)
United... United...
Une raïa échappée
Rejet du béton armé
Interdite dans les cafés
Golan de la société
Roumanie, Algérie
Une jeunesse qu'on détruit
A Pékin, à Berlin
Les mêmes menottes aux mains...
Du Québec à Manchester
Les mêmes tatouages de guerre
Du Pérou à Oiên Piên Phù
Les mêmes gueules de voyou
De Beyrouth à Séoul
C'est le même sang qui coule
Pour la jeunesse condamnée
L'même besoin de liberté...
Golan Golan United (2x)
Les voyous d'aujourd'hui
Font des sports de combat
Et quand sonne minuit
C'est la méga-stomba
Y'a les moines rasés
Qui font du karaté
Et la bande à "Papaye"
Qui donne dans la boxe thaï
Y'a la bande des cats
Qui frappe à grands coups d'battes
Et les punks et les skins
Y vont d'la doc' martens
Les Apaches de Paname
S'la donne en jouant d'la canne
Et tous les autres fous
Déroulent au nunchaku
La brigade d'la dérouille
Frappe les jeunes dans les couilles
Tous ceux qui sont trop gros
Sortent la lacrimo
Ceux qui n'ont pas les pompes
Sortent le fusil à pompe
Y'en a qu'ont des machettes
Y'en a qui perdent leur tête
Les jeunes sont divisés
Tous les coups sont permis
Y z'auraient d'quoi flipper
Si nous étions unis
Arrête de délirer
Et viens te la donner
Mais moi j'ai toute ma tête
J'me fais un plan basket
Génération destruction
Aller-retour en prison
En bomber camouflage
Etoile de Ninja
La jeunesse a la rage
Un esprit de combat
Gavroche des cités
Prêts à te fracasser
Avec les policiers
Qui rôdent dans le quartier
Quartier des têtes de mort
Des réducteurs de têtes
Je crois pas qu'j'ai eu tord
J'me fais un plan basket
Arrête de faire le con
Et d'parler de baston
Et viens dans la chanson
Faire le choeur des oursons
Génération destruction
Allez allez les oursons
Rendez-vous place d'la nation
Un barrage policier
Pour un rebelle évadé
Une cité quadrillée
Pour un délinquant armé
C'est le plan Epervier
Lois d'urgence pour tuer
Hommes de sécurité
Comme des chiens excités
Un bourreau assoiffé
Du sang des condamnés
Y'a un évadé qui fuit
Tout au coeur de la nuit
Et des miradors crachent
Une lumière blanche et lâche
Une prison transformée
Et un camp retranché
Un rebelle évadé
D'une centrale en acier
Une division blindée
Préparée pour chasser
Images de déportation
Surgissent dans ma mémoire
Je veux la Grande Evasion
Pour les taulards, le Grand Soir!
Liberté... liberté...
Le sol tremble quand tu passes
De ton pas lourd mais majestueux
La poussière vole et puis s'efface
A l'ombre de ton corps rugueux
Sous le soleil de l'Afrique
Tu traces lentement un long sillon
Tu suis sans faille une destinée
Et tu inspires respect aux lions
Derniers géants sur cette terre
Ils foulent aux pieds toutes les frontières
Parcourent savanes ou marécages
Se souviennent-ils des mille visages
Du paysan vêtu de noir
Aux braconniers chasseurs d'ivoire?
Quand sonnent huit heures chez les Kenyans
La brume dévoile les éléphants
Jungle Ragga Dub Style:
Ma taktik c'est l'attack
Et si tu tik je t'attack
Mik-mak des politiks
Sont pas dans mes pratiks
Je réplik, je casse la barak
Les ghettos sont en vraks
Quand ils saccagent l'Afrik
C'est que pour s'faire du frik
Montagne grise forte et tranquille
Pourquoi restes-tu impassible?
Ce calme cache-t'il la fureur?
Ne connais-tu jamais la peur?
Et si un jour ton heure sonnait
Tu partirais en grand secret
Pour le cimetière où tes ancêtres
Reposent fossiles depuis des siècles
Du côté du Laos
Royaume des éléphants
Tout est devenu morose
Rien n'est plus comme avant
Depuis que t'es parti
De ce petit pays
En bravant le Mékong
Sous les balles qui tombent
Du côté de Vientiane
Il n'y a plus de tailleur
Et dans la rue Pang Kham
Il n'y a plus la douceur
Mais où est l'éléphant
Flottant sur le drapeau
Et les parasols blancs
Qui protégeaient les gens?
Il reste le Mèo
A la peau burinée
Et les jeunes Lào
Qui sont faits pour s'aimer
Il reste les enfants
Qui mangent du riz gluant
Sauvages par le piment
Qui coule dans leur sang
J'entends la pluie qui tombe
Sur les tambours de bronze
Lourde comme l'éléphant
Mais libre comme le vent
Je vois les bonzes en file
Et les pagodes qui brillent
Paisibles comme avant
Mais tristes comme le vent
Des résistants sont morts
Un jour à Saravane
La longue chaîne de leurs corps
Formait une caravane
La rose de Paksé
Pique comme du barbelé
De très jeunes montagnards
Défendent leur territoire
Dragon de feu
Pour ce nouvel an
Tu rendras heureux
Des millions de gens
Dragon de feu
T'es si flambloyant
Les enfants joyeux
Te suivent en courant
La ville se décore
Couleurs rouge et or
Chassant les démons
De toutes les maisons
C'est le renouveau
Au son des tambours
Le jour le plus beau
L'espoir de retour
Réseau de résistance
Comme une toile d'araignée
C'est ton jour de chance
Et il faut gagner
Dragon de feu
Donne leur du courage
Pour se libérer
De cet esclavage
Dragon libre libre libre (3x)
Comme un dragon libre yeah!
Eh! Oh! Eh! Oh!
On est né en même temps
D'une époque de sang
Et sans illusions
On gueulait destruction
Puis le temps passé
Les concerts terminés
Les bagarres et la bière
Rythmaient la vie d'hier
Ça fait mal de voir
Quand il n'y a plus d'espoir
Ce coup de vieux qu'tu as pris
Les piqûres dans ta vie
Toutes ces années de drogue
T'ont rendu si amer
Le sida et la mort
Ont tout foutu en l'air
Eh! Oh! Eh! Oh!
Et je vois aujourd'hui
Que tous les copains
Qui se droguaient d'ennui
Vont crever comme des chiens
Ça fait mal de te voir
T'as plus le même visage
T'as la gueule bouffie
Ce coup de vieux qu'tu as pris
J'te fais pas la morale
Mais c'est vrai qu'ça fait mal
De te voir figé
Comme une bête blessée
On se souviendra
Quand tu nous quittera
Qu'en ce monde dément
Personne n'est innocent
On est né en même temps
D'une époque de sang
Et sans illusions
On gueulait destruction
Puis le temps passé
La souffrance a monté
T'as goûté à tout
Mais sans garde-fou
Aujourd'hui en sursis
Tu repenses à ta vie
Et je peux t'affirmer
Que notre amitié
Sans aucun remord
Est scellée dans la mort
Tu sais qu'ça l'a fait
Alors repose en paix
Détresse! Détresse! Détresse! Ohohoh...
A ma mère qui m'a porté
A tous ceux qui m'ont aidé
Et à la femme que j'aime
A qui j'ai donné mon coeur
A l'aube nouvelle du Grand-Est
A l'orage et à la nuit
Aux Dieux qui m'ont supporté
Au public qui a chanté
A Paris et à Vientiane
A la France et au Viêt-Nam
A Bouddha, à l'Eurasie
Chaque jours présents dans ma vie
A tous mes compagnons de routes
A la jeunesse qui nous écoute
Qui n'se prend jamais la tête
C'est une fille d'une brigade
Où chacun s'appelle "camarade"
Et chaque fois qu'elle part en mission
C'est au nom d'la révolution
Comme héroïne et comme putain
Elle se prête à tous les coups d'mains
Mais un beau jour elle rencontra
Un jeune soldat pas comme les autres
Il lui dit: "Au nom de l'amour, j'emmerde l'idéologie"
Elle lui dit: "Au nom du parti, si tu m'aimes, trahis ton pays"
Alors il déserta l'armée
Laissant la guerre aux damnés
Alors elle quitta le Parti
Par amour et pour l'Eurasie
Mais l'Eurasie n'existe pas
Que dans les rêves des filles-soldats
Ils furent mis au ban de l'histoire
Etait-ce un rêve ou un cauchemar?
On les r'trouva bras dans les bras
Corps contre corps, sang contre sang
On les r'trouva bras dans les bras
Unis pour toujours dans l'amour
C'est dans un p'tit village du nord
Coincé dans un creux du delta
Qu'la déesse d'la miséricorde
Au paradis les envoya
On les r'trouva bras dans les bras
Corps contre corps, sang contre sang
On les r'trouva bras dans les bras
Personne n'osa les séparer
Brigade d'amour,
Il écoute la musique
D'orange mécanique
Marchant dans la rue
Hooligan perdu
Il a le crâne tondu
Façon troupe commando
Son esprit est foutu
Il ne le sait que trop
Un air mélancolique
Une drôle de musique
Ça le rend fanatique
Et tout devient déclic
Il court sous la pluie
Un couteau dans les dents
La pleine lune luit
Sur sa tête de dément
C'est un loup solitaire
La vie comme une guerre
Sa robe de safran
Devient couleur de sang
Un jour il a déjoué
Son couteau a planté
Les ordres, la société
C'est le bal des damnés
Comme les toiles d'araignées
Sur ses coudes tatouées
Il s'est fait prisonnier
D'un jeu sans pitié
Y'a rien pour l'accrocher
Ni Bouddha, ni Jésus
Pas plus la croix gammée
Au Québec je m'en souviendrai
Au Québec j'y retournerai
Je me souviendrai de toi
On se souviendra de vous
Du Léon, du Mario, du Denis
Du Sergio, Nicolas... Tabarnak!
Montréal! Tabarnak!
Au Québec je m'en souviendrai
Au Québec j'y retournerai
Je me souviendrai de toi
Et on vous oubliera pas
Le Richard, la Chantale
La Nancy, la Ste-Catherine
Les Foufounes Eléctriques! (2x)
Au Québec je m'en souviendrai
Au Québec j'y retournerai
Je me souviendrai de toi
Et un jour on reviendra
Les Mohawks, Montagnés
Les Tribus oubliées
Nègres blancs d'Amérique (2x)
Chicoutimi, Shawinigan, Rimouski
Montréal, Trois-Rivières...
Tout le monde vit... au Québec!
J'ai marché sur toutes les routes
Comme Rimbaud en d'autres temps
Parmi les ruines de Beyrouth
A la poursuite du néant
J'ai erré dans les cafés
Comme Verlaine bien avant
Printemps, automne comme été
Et même les hivers cinglants
J'ai chanté sur tous les toits
Les combats d'une autre vie
Celle qui mène au nirvana
Celle qui pousse à la folie
J'ai gueulé comme un damné
Les derniers mots d'un condamné
Comme un fusillé de Goya
Qui s'époumone "Libertad"
Si j'ai lu plein de romans
Remplis d'amour, de poésie
Rien ne vaut un testament
Dans lequel on remercie la vie
J'ai marché sur toutes les routes
Comme Kérouac en d'autres temps
Parmi les ruines d'Angkor
Aux sourires fascinants
Et j'ai rêvé sous des ponts
Ou bien au milieu des champs
Couché sous le ciel étoilé
Loin de toute réalité
J'ai marché sur toutes les routes
Et partout j'étais étranger
Comme un voyageur en déroute
Qui n'a pas voulu s'arrêter
Je n'ai pas vu le temps passer
Et le vide m'a emporté
Comme un gosse au rire figé
Dans une douce volupté
J'ai marché sur toutes les routes
Et partout j'étais étranger
Porté par une mer déchaînée
Je connaissais une amazone
Amazone Hoa-Hao
Comme les filles de la Zone
Elle savait jouer du couteau
Elle était fière comme une panthère
Véritable apôtre de guerre
Armées de piques et de fauchards
Elles défilent derrière l'étendard
Parées de sabres et de fusils
Elles protègent Bouddha de leurs vies
Une unité de femmes dingues
Défendant une partie de la jungle
Si tu les rencontres dans la rue
Alors vaut mieux changer d'trottoir
A moins qu'tu n'soit soldat perdu
Et qu'tu veuilles entrer dans l'histoire
Ecoute les bandes de toucans
Et les colonnes de singes hurlants
Au large de la baie d'Along
Ou dans les eaux vertes du Mékong
Et bercé par les crapauds-buffles
Dans les odeurs de terre nocturne
Sous la chaleur de la mousson
Les amazones t'apparaîtront
Amazone Hoa-Hao! (4x)
-Com com com com communiste
-Naze naze naze nazionaliste
-Bol bol bol bol bolchévique
-Ane ane anarchiste
-Mec mec mec mec mécanique
-Fan fan fan fan fanatique
-Sauce sauce sauce sauce socialiste
-Mille mille mille militariste
Regarde toi un peu
Regarde ce que tu fais
Ne baisse pas les yeux
Regarde qui tu es, eh!
Regarde toi un peu
Tu te prends pour un dieu
Tu n'est qu'un petit pion
D'un grand parti de cons, oh!
As tu choisi ton camp
Celui des partisans
Celui des délinquants
Celui des charlatans, eh!
Je ne suis d'aucun camp
Ni perdant, ni gagnant
Etre toujours hors-jeu
Ce que j'aime le mieux, oh!
-Punk punk punk punk alcoolique
-Skin skin skin skin athlétique
-Psy psy psy psy psychotique
-Hep hep hep épileptique
-Frappe frappe frappe frappe atomique
-Cap cap cap capitaliste
-Nar nar nar nar narcotique
-Bord bord bord bord bordélique
Kader, Yazid, Djamel
Thomas, Aïssa, Youssef
Jean-Luc, Francis, Toumi
Abdenbi, Abdelkrim
A bout portant! (4x)
Policiers trop nerveux
Face aux jeunes des banlieues
C'est un jeu dangereux
Quand vient le couvre-feu
Où sont les jours heureux
L'espoir de vivre mieux
Les gamins sont teigneux
Ca devient contagieux
Tu veux être intégré
Et pas désintégré
Pas servir de gibier
Dans une cage d'escalier
Heide la jeune Allemande
Marina la Gitane
Christophe ou bien Mohand
Sont tombés à Paname
Combien y'a t'il de jeunes
Tirés à bout portant
Combien y'a t'il de keufs
Relaxés de leurs crimes
Mais que fait la police?
Mais où est la justice?
Comment vivre debout
30 avril 75
L'année du tigre dingue
Personne vraiment ne saura
C'que ça représente pour toi
Tous les chapeaux côniques
La fuite, la panique
Cette date, n'oublie pas
Le jour où Saïgon tomba
30 avril 75
Après 30 années de guerre
Sous un ciel de zinc
Tu as du mordre la terre
La honte, la folie
Sur les routes tu as fuis
Cette date, n'oublie pas
Le jour où Saïgon tomba
Oh oh oh oh... oh oh oh oh...
30 avril 75...
Cet avril est trop cruel
Pour Saïgon la belle
Tu as retourné ton arme
Contre ta tempe et sans larmes
Le drapeau, trois bandes rouges
Sur fond jaune impérial
Ne flottes plus sur la ville
Ce jour là, 30 avril
Si tous tes camarades
Sont partis dans la jungle
Tes enfants et ta femme
Sont partis dans les vagues
15 années de prison,
De ré-éducation
N'ont pas suffit à tuer
L'espoir de liberté...
Không bao già quên tu' do
Không bao già quên Thuyên Nhân
Không bao già quên Quê Hudng
Không bao già quên Sa
Và Khàng Chiên
Và Nhân Quyên
Và Giâi Phòng
Và Thudng
Và Quê Me
Va Tô Tiên
Và Lòng Tin
Và Gia D
T'as grandi prs des docks
Et ds ton plus jeune ge
L'alcool et le pub rock
Cotoyaient le chmage
Debout sur la tribune
Tu clames les chants de guerre
Comme tu n'as pas une thune
Tu oublie la misre
Tout l'espoir de la ville
Repose sur ce ballon
Qui va taper dans le mille
Comme une rvolution
Journalistes et mdias
Disent n'importe quoi
Hooligan ou ultra
Ils ne te connaissent pas
Les camras se braquent
Car sur le front des stades
T'es pass l'attaque
Comme tous tes camarades
Debout dans le virage
Il n'y a plus de chmage
Il n'y a que des supporters
Qui chantent et qui sont fiers!
Le mur de Berlin est tombé
Et on va pas le regretter
Un mur d'argent l'a remplacé
Et il faudra bien le casser
Car pour les jeunes de ta cité
Y'a vraiment rien qui a changé
Y'en a qui brûlent de tout brûler
Dans une action désespérée
Les nuits de Bagdad sont striées
Des meilleures bombes civilisées
Les autres peuples sont condamnés
Y'a pas de pétrole sous leurs pieds
L'ère de la mort dollarisée
Règne sur les masses fascinées
Quartier de Haute Sécurité
Et toi tu restes prisonnier
Dans ton lycée, dans ton quartier
Y'a tous ces jeunes étrangers
Comme partout dans le monde entier
On rêve de solidarité
L'est et l'ouest sont réconciliés
Le sud a été oublié
Que la jeunesse veuille s'exprimer
Y'a pas d'raison d'l'en empêcher...
Il fait -20 sur la ville
Dans la nuit tout est tranquille
Tout le monde est bien au chaud
Et chacun dans son ghetto
Dans la rue, le boulevard
Dans la ville, les clochards
Meurent de faim, souffrent de froid
La jungle a aussi ses lois
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho...
C'n'est pas l'armée que tu crois
Bien qu'ils portent un uniforme
Ce ne sont pas des soldats
Qui se battent contre d'autres hommes
Ni l'Armée Rouge en haillons
Ni les chiens d'garde des prisons
C'est un peu les missionnaires
De la soupe populaire
Vive l'armée du salut
En avant les poilus
Vivre, vivre, vivre
Dans la rue...
Dans la ville indifférente
Y'a les clodos qui déjantent
Tous les jeunes sur la pente
Qui ont besoin de confiance
Un petit coup de fanfare
Et voilà que tout repart
Un petit peu d'réconfort
Pour toi qui te croyais mort
Autour de la camionnette
Ils sont tous au rendez-vous
Il y a comme un air de fête
Solidaires malgré tout
Il fait -20 sur la ville
Le métro ferme ses grilles
Mais pour tous ces oubliés
Heureusement il y'a l'armée...
Il fait -20 sur la ville
Dans la nuit tout est tranquille
Les bourgeois sont bien au chaud
Et chacun dans son ghetto
Sous les cartons, les soûlauds
D'la sociale démocratie
Sur une bouche de métro
La liberté n'se monnaie pas
Elle se prend les armes à la main
Les peuples n'ont plus peur de ça
Rien n'arrêtera ce vent divin!
Est, ouest...
Dans les coins les plus reculés
Le parti unique peut trembler
Les dictacteurs patentés
Savent que leurs jours sont comptés
Laisse toi aller à ce vent fou
Qui soufflera bientôt partout
A l'est, à l'ouest, au nord, au sud
Dans les campagnes ou dans la rue!
Et clouez-le
Et percez-le
Et soudez-le
Et cuisez-le
Et claquez-le
Et cousez-le
Et crottez-le
Et branlez-le
Et lynchez-le
Et bourrez-le
Et boxez-le
Et truffez-le
Et grillez-le
Et gonflez-le
Et crossez-le
Et broyez-le
Et sabrez-le
Et sucez-le
Et greffez-le
Et bouffez-le
Et violez-le
Et rasez-le
Et castrez-le
Et gazez-le...
Trait'ment spécial
Pour fortes têtes
Ca m'est égal,
Certains disent de toi
Que tu n'es pas français
Mais ce qu'ils n'aiment pas
C'est que tu la ramènes
Et ce qu'ils ne voient pas
C'est que t'es comme moi
Que tu es né ici
Qu'on a la même vie
Dans les mêmes cités
On partage les mêmes peurs
L'angoisse du chômage
La mort du travailleur
Certains voudraient que toi
Tu ne sois pas français
Parce qu'ils n'aiment pas
Ton teint trop basané
On ne juge pas un homme
Sur sa couleur de peau
Mais les actes qu'il fait
Déterminent ce qu'il est
Dans les mêmes cités
On est tous condamnés
Car ceux qui font les lois
Se foutent de nos droits
Certains oublient que toi
Tu n'as rien demandé
Ton père qu'était là-bas
On est venu l'chercher
Pour reconstruire ici
Ce qui était détruit
Pour faire le labeur
Dont les gens avaient peur
Que tu sois d'origine
Viêt ou maghrébine
Africaine ou européenne
On partage tous les mêmes peines
Nous sommes tous des juifs allemands
Et des arabes délinquants
Nous sommes tous toujours ensemble
Et la France est notre chance
Nous sommes tous des juifs allemands
Et des arabes délinquants
Un pour tous et tous pour rien
Comme les 5 doigts de la main
Un dragon tatoué
Un navire de vikings
Le visage d'une fée
Des boxeurs sur un ring
Une fleur, une épée
Quelque part dessinées
Un soldat blessé
Sur une plage à Huê
Cascade japonaise
Sur des épaules anglaises
Histoires Samouraï
Sur un dos Yakuza
Une carte du Viêt-Nam
Sur le bras d'un ancien
Le dessin d'une femme
Fiancée ou putain
Une hirondelle libre
Sur le torse d'un jeune tigre
Orange mécanique
Sur le coeur d'un malchick
Une ligne pointillée
Sur un cou prisonnier
Un lézard caché
Dans quelque coin osé
2 marteaux croisés
Sur un crâne rasé
Calvaire des voyous
Sur un ancien marlou
Sigle militaire
Sur un bras légionnaire
Un coeur enflammé
Couvert de barbelé
Seigneurs de la guerre
Ou bien marins en mer
Des moines-guerriers
Aux vieilles femmes d'Alger
Ils gardent à jamais
Tout un jardin secret
Une parcelle de toi
Qui ne s'efface bas
Esprit de revanche
Marque de souffrance
Poignard de vengeance
Troupes soviétiques
Hors de l'Afghanistan
Troupes américaines
Hors du Panama
Troupes britanniques
Hors de l'Irlande
Troupe françaises
Hors de Kanakya
Troupes chinoises
Cassez-vous du Tibet
Troupes viêtnamiennes
Cassez-vous du Cambodge
Troupes sud-africaines
Cassez-vous des ghettos noirs
Troupes tchetniks
Cassez-vous de la Bosnie
Troupes martiennes
Hors de Jupiter
Troupes de l'Enfer
Hors du Paradis
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète Terre
Troupes romaines
Hors de Gergovie
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète...
Tu marches dans Pékin
Et tu marches dans l'histoire
Tu revois l'être humain
Qui veut stopper les chars
Tu retraces dans Paris
Les sentiers d'la mémoire
Car tu aimes suivre les villes
Qui sont comme des miroirs
Les reflets de la vie
Sortent d'un étrange tiroir
Tu remontes dans la nuit
Du temps et du savoir
Tu es comme un pantin
Glissant sur patinoire
Tu racontes des histoires
Sur le fil du rasoir
Rue de Saïgon ou bien rue d'Alger
Place de la Nation, rue des Suicidés
Puis rue de la Paix et le long des quais
Tu suis les bouquinistes
Qui t'invitent au voyage
Tous les rêves nostalgiques
Se terminent dans les pages
Tu revois les Massaï
Toutes les tribus d'Afrique
Qui s'entre-déchirent
Dans des combats épiques
La vie est un tango
Qu'on ne peut arrêter
Même la sueur des mots
Ne peut pas en parler
Tu revois les guerriers
A la peau noire, brûlée
Combattant à mains nues
Dans un tango qui tue
Plus tu marches, plus ta tête
Se remplit de souvenirs
A la fin il ne reste
Qu'un nuage de délire
A la fin il ne reste
Plus qu'un coeur qui respire
C'est le tango massaï
Il n'y a plus rien qui aille
C'est le tango massaï
Il n'y a plus rien qui vaille
C'est le tango massaï
Debout sur le balcon
Il parle du Japon
Mais personne ne l'écoute
Dans la garnison
Il a le coeur d'un lion
Il a la conviction
Refusant l'abandon
De toute une tradition
Banzaï Samouraï--Aïe aïe aïe!
Soleil et acier--Yeah yeah yeah!
Il a le front bandé
Des futurs suicidés
L'âme du Kamikaze
Se lit sur ton visage
Il a le corps forgé
L'esprit déterminé
La code du Samouraï
Et une voix qui raille
Il clame les valeurs
Fidèles a l'empereur
Le Japon Impérial
Ce n'est pas commercial
Vêtu d'un uniforme
Il réclame le réveil
L'esthétisme et la force
Le drapeau du Soleil
Alors comme un tueur
Il a reglé sont heure
Assis sur les genoux
Ultime seppuku
Un fidèle s'est levé
Le sabre a tranché
La tête du guerrier
Qui s'est mise à rouler
Aujourd'hui qu'tu es mort
Tout le monde y pense encore
L'acte spectaculaire
T'as rendu légendaire
Aujourd'hui t'es plus rien
Tu restes l'écrivain
Les héros de tes bouquins
Suivent les mêmes destins
Les salopards
Cherchent la bagarre
Les malatars
Traînent dans les bars
Les jeunes pillards
Foutent le bazard
Les steaks tartares
Sur des brancards
Les binoclards
Aiment les nibards
Les banlieusards
Foncent à la gare
Et les mouchards
Sont des trouillards
Les débrouillards
Montent une fanfare
Les maquisards
Boivent du pinard
Jouent d'la guitare
Fument des pétards
A Gibraltar
Y'a des guépards
Qui tirent des chars
Plein de loubards
Ska ska ska
En camping-car
Y'a une grosse tare
Qu'a le braquemard
Dans son placard
Et ce gros lard
Pue l'sauciflard
Moi j'en ai marre
Y faut qu'je m'barre
J'ai un rencart
Avec Nanard
Sacré fêtard
Joyeux saoûlard
C'est un traquenard
Moi j'en ai marre
Je suis déjà en retard...
"I want all you skinheads
To get out of your seats
Put your braces together
And your boots on your
Feet and give me some of
Sur le toit du monde
Peuple Tibtain
Se dresse ta fronde
En joignant les mains
Sur ce toit qui gronde
Y'a l'occupation
Le projet immonde
De ta destruction
Sous les coups qui tombent
Y'a tes rsistants
Tes guerriers, tes bonzes
Tes femmes, tes enfants
Et de Tien An Men
Ouais jusqu' Lhassa
Les chars sont les mmes
On en parle pas!
Depuis 40 ans
Que la Chine t'occupe
Tu payes le prix fort
D'un million de morts
Les balles tires
Sont empoisonnes
Tes filles violes
Ou strilises
Des 4 rivires
Jusqu'aux 6 montagnes
Les drapeaux-prires
Sortent de la terre
Toi pour le Tibet
Tu ne dsirais
Qu'une zone de paix
A l'aube du soleil
Difficile d'crire
Ce que l'on ressent
Lorsque l'arme pile
Partout tes temples
Difficile de dire
Ce que l'on entends
Quand partout se brisent
Les bols chantants
Moine aventurier
Ou jeune cavalier
C'est Shambala
Qu'un jour tu iras
Le drapeau aux Lions
De la rbellion
Que tu planteras
Sur le Potala...
-Dala Lama
-Jeune Bouddha
-Sont avec toi
-Dala Lama
-A Shambala
-Jeunes de Lhassa
-Tous avec toi