Abu Darda was one of the companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Abu Darda was a trader in Medina and belonged to the al-Ḥārith clan of the Banu Khazraj tribe. He converted to Islam after the Battle of Badr. He was declared the brother of Salman the Persian and served as a judge in Syria during the caliph Uthman's reign.
He died in 652 AD (AH 32) in Damascus, where the tombstones of his and his wife Umm al-Dardāʾ may still be seen.
An hadith transmitted by him states that Muhammad enjoined to him three things: to fast three days every month, to offer the Witr salat before sleep, and to offer two rakat sunnah of Fajr. From Tabarani and Majma uz-Zuwaid
Abu Darda's own preaching focused on the insignificance of worldly wealth and the minor details of life. According to him, this life was comparable to a loan.
It is said of Abu Darda that once a friend went to visit him at his home. On reaching there, the friend noticed, with grave concern, the appalling condition of Abu Darda's house. According to the friend, Abu Darda's house was shorter than the full height of a standing man. It was also as narrow as it was short, and the household utilities were less than basic. When the friend inquired from Abu Darda why he lived in such dire conditions, Darda's response was: "Do not worry my friend, this is just my temporary shade. I am building a proper house somewhere, slowly putting good things deserving thereof." When, on another occasion, the friend went back and found the same deprived shade, he demanded to know why Abu Darda had not moved to his better house. It was then that Abu Darda revealed to him that the house he referred to was the Kabr (the grave).
The Story Of Umar Bin Khattab And Abu Darda (R.A) _ ᴴᴰ - Sheikh Khaled Al Rashed
Anything For Allah The Story of Abu Dahdah (RA) Emotional Story
Pesanan Rasulullah SAW kepada Abu Darda'
Kisah Abu Darda & Khalifah Umar
Sahabat Nabi Abu Darda- Ustaz Shamsuri Hj Ahmad Low
Abu Darda (ra) - Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
DR ASRI-Wasiat Abu Darda'
Doa Abu Darda Agar Selamat Dari Malapetaka
Ismail Menk - Al-Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib (r.a.) and Abu Darda (r.a.)
Quand Umar ibn Al Khattab rendit visite à Abu Darda
Abu Darda
Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki - Saying Of Sahabi Abu Darda (ra)
Be Like Abu Darda Towards Your Wives and Family | Shaykh Saalih Aal-Shaykh
Grave Of Sahaba Hazrat Abu Darda ra
The Story Of Umar Bin Khattab And Abu Darda (R.A) _ ᴴᴰ - Sheikh Khaled Al Rashed
Anything For Allah The Story of Abu Dahdah (RA) Emotional Story
Pesanan Rasulullah SAW kepada Abu Darda'
Kisah Abu Darda & Khalifah Umar
Sahabat Nabi Abu Darda- Ustaz Shamsuri Hj Ahmad Low
Abu Darda (ra) - Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
DR ASRI-Wasiat Abu Darda'
Doa Abu Darda Agar Selamat Dari Malapetaka
Ismail Menk - Al-Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib (r.a.) and Abu Darda (r.a.)
Quand Umar ibn Al Khattab rendit visite à Abu Darda
Abu Darda
Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki - Saying Of Sahabi Abu Darda (ra)
Be Like Abu Darda Towards Your Wives and Family | Shaykh Saalih Aal-Shaykh
Grave Of Sahaba Hazrat Abu Darda ra
Who Was Abu Darda | DEENI AULA | HD
Soyez comme Abou Darda envers vos femmes -Cheikh Sâlih ibn 'Abdel'Azîz Âl Sheikh-
Jejak Rasul Part 14 Maqam Abu Darda & Abu Hurairah.mpg
Ustaz Abu Darda - "Muhammad - Contoh Ikutan, Bukan Kisah Khayalan"
Sahaba Series - Session 9 - Abu Darda r.a
Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Pentingnya Ilmu Agama[Abu Darda r.a]
Abu Darda RA Ka Qual Khel Kood Sports Ke Bare Me Take Refresh Hojaye By Adv. Faiz Syed
Dua Abu Darda - Protection from Calamity
Dua Of Hazrat Abu Darda
Visite de Umar ibn Khattab chez Abu Al-Darda ( A en Pleurer ) .
Anwar Al Awlaki -- Wonderful story how Abu Dharr (ra) became muslim.
[MUST WATCH] Interview with SwissTV | Abu Baraa
Pt 2 - Imam Interview - Taqiya in action- - Ft Luaderdale, Fl
[FULL] Virtues of Surah Kahf- Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq
Surah Al 'Kahfi D' ZAMAN oleh Syeikh Imran Hosein Rahmatullahi 'alaih . . .
Laws of Love - Shaykh Omar Suleiman
حلب تشكيل كتيبة أبي الدرداء 7-12-2012 | أموي سوريا - الجيش الإسلامي الحر
Sheikh Imran Hosein - 1st 10 Verses of Surah Kahf in Depth - 1/6
Sheikh Imran Hosein - 1st 10 Verses of Surah Kahf in Depth - 3/6
Sheikh Imran Hosein - 1st 10 Verses of Surah Kahf in Depth - 5/6
Abu Dujana RA | Imam Anwar Awlaki
Facebook Sheikhism
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