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The power of animism: John Reid at TEDxQueenstown
Tanya Tagaq - Animism - Album Trailer
Tanya Tagaq - Caribou (Pixies Cover)
What is Animism?
What Animism Is
What is Animism
Tanya Tagaq Talks Animism (EPK)
The Living World: Animism in The 21st Century - Dr Robert Wallis and Erik Davis Discussion
Tanya Tagaq brings "Animism" to Studio Q
Touhou 11 / 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism OST
【東方メドレー】House set of Subterranean Animism
Why Teutonic Animism? (Shamanism)
Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic
Jordan Waunch, Mark Oliver, Nicole Fairbrother, Jewel Staite, Andrew Francis, Joanna Gaskell, James R. Baylis, Jo Bates, Michael Dobson, Matthew Toner, David Attar, Jason Brydon,
In this TEDx talk at TEDx Queenstown - Sense of Place 2014 John Reid, a senior research fellow at the University of Canterbury's Ngai Tahu Research Centre, t...
Tanya Tagaq's new album, Animism, will be out on Six Shooter Records on May 27, 2014. Album Trailer features the song "Umingmak." Thank you to KUNUK COHN PRO...
From her 2014 Polaris Music Prize winning album, Animism. Tanya Tagaq covers The Pixies' Caribou.
A large number of African cultures believe that all objects, whether human, animal, or inanimate, have a spirit of their own. Worship of spirits and ancestors includes music and dance.
I made this video to explain some misconceptions about the Worldview of Animism, the Primal religion of Indigenous people around the world.
Freddy Davis shares an explanation of the Animistic worldview.
Tanya Tagaq's unique vocal expression may be rooted in Inuit throat singing but her music as much to do with electronica, industrial and metal influences as ...
How does our relationship to the world change if everything is alive? --- Author Erik Davis and historian of shamanism Robert Wallis discuss traditional and ...
Jian speaks with Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq about her new album, Animism, collaborating with the likes of Bjork and the Kronos Quartet, and why she doesn...
OST of Touhou 11 - 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism For gameplay I uploaded the following ReimuA Normal : All music ma...
Animistic religions of hunter-gatherers: Evenki, Aborigine, Bushman, Inuit. Three levels, shamans, trance, clan animals. The incredible journey, common origi...
0:00 set 00 地霊達の起床 2:13 set 01 暗闇の風穴 5:12 set 02 封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place (黒谷ヤマメのテーマ) 8:51 渡る者の途絶えた橋 (ginkiha remix) 12:04 set 03 渡る者の途絶えた橋 15:35 set 04 緑眼のジェラシー... Why study or practice Modern Teutonic Shamanism? Western culture has been disconnected from its original animist practices for 1...
Replay: HAHAHAHA YESSSS!! Well, here it is, a run I've wanted for quite sometime now. Utsuho is by far the m...
Hey, it's been a while since I uploaded any serious Touhou stuff. D: For some reason I decided to finally get around to this. This stage doesn't really have ...
Nice OP. Subterranean Animism (romanized: Touhou Chireiden, meaning Eastern Palace of the Earth Spirits) is the eleventh official game of the Touhou series. ...
Album:.....。東方幻妖夢. ◢▫Event:......。Comiket 81. ◢▫Circle:......。流派未確定. ◢▫Original:...。 ◈ 東方地霊殿 ◤Subterranean Animism.◢. ▫------------------------------------...
Resource management game. Special thanks to Nereid for recording this for me.
Humans seek the best possible explanation for everything that happens to us, using the knowledge available to us at the time. And it is not so important that...
I am not above saying I was wrong about Touhou. I was wrong about Touhou - Subterranean Animism is completely awesome. PA Master and Mighty Dicktron join me.
DOWNLOAD LINK AT THE END OF THE DESCRIPTION! /!\ /!\ IT'S FANMADE AND I DID NOT MAKE THIS! I JUST PLAYED IT! /!\ After a lot of search on the net, i fina...
No deaths/bombs. Only really hard part is the midboss spell. I used gap on the part after the midboss because I couldn't be bothered to learn it properly. 60...
In our modern, fast moving society people are turning to a variety of objects for love and companionship. Animism is the belief that inanimate objects are se...
Player: UKT (currently the holder of all SA Lunatic World Records) I thought it would be fun to watch, my favorite part is ...
Title Screen theme.
Stage 1 theme.
Stage 1 boss (Kurodani Yamame) theme.
Stage 2 theme.
Stage 2 boss (Parsee Mizuhashi) theme.
Stage 3 theme.
Stage 3 boss (Yuugi Hoshiguma) theme.
Stage 4 theme. MEOW!
Stage 4 boss (Satori Komeiji) theme.
Stage 5 theme.
Stage 5 boss (Rin Kaenbyou) theme.
Stage 6(Final) theme.
Stage 6(Final) boss (Utsuho Reiuji) theme. AKA : "Sun Worship of Gnosis"
Extra Stage theme.
Extra Stage boss (Koishi Komeiji) theme.
Ending theme.
Credits/Staff Roll theme.
Player's Score theme.
The music playing during the title screen of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 1 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 1, Yamame Kurodani, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 2 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 2, Parsee Mizuhashi, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 3 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 3, Yuugi Hoshiguma, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 4 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 4, Satori Komeiji, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 5 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 5, Rin Kaenbyou, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during stage 6 of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of stage 6, Utsuho Reiuji, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the extra stage of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the battle with the boss of the extra stage, Koishi Komeiji, in 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the 'Game Over' screen of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'. (It's actually the exact same theme as the one used during the 'Game Over'...
The music playing during the ending of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The music playing during the credits roll of 'Touhou: Subterranean Animism'.
The Lovely Visitor from Hell ~Moriya Shrine~ ☯ A snowy Hakurei Shrine. The geyser itself didn't stop, but the phantoms and vengeful spirits from the underground had stopped appearing. The denizens of the underworld seemed surprisingly satisfied with their situation. Any ambitions or plots that the above ground youkai had feared had long since vanished, and in general, the only people who tried to come above ground from below were foolish animals. There was no longer anything to fear from the underground city. Reimu and company were able to go to and fro relatively freely. In return, though, some of the underground youkai also began to appear above ground from time to time. Reimu "Well, I'm not really satisfied that I know what happened." Marisa "The crow was too hot, so the geyser couldn't stop. So the cat sent the onryou up here as a sign something was wrong, right?" Reimu "The crow was too hot because she swallowed up some god, right? I know some of the details... but, didn't someone give her that power to try to fulfill some sort of purpose? I just can't understand what that is." Marisa "Hey, you over there, what do you think?" Utsuho "Unyu?" Utsuho and Orin sat in the shrine's tea room, a pair of innocent looks on their faces. The two were quite familiar with the shrine, and were stuffing their faces with eggs boiled in water from the geyser. Marisa "Eat as many of the eggs as you want, there are always more, but why not tell us what happened?" Utsuho "Well. I know I've said this before, but I was playing in the Remains of Blazing Hell, when suddenly a god came down from above ground. It said it was looking for the strongest hell raven in the area, and I said right away that was me. Then it said it would give me power, and I got it." Reimu "But, that's so strange. I just can't understand why a god from above ground would bother doing that. Who would stand to gain anything from making some crow in what used to be hell powerful?" Utsuho "Well, I did! I got power." Orin "Nom nom. The Remains of Blazing Hell didn't even used to be that hot back in the day. It's slowly been getting colder even since the underground was cut off from Hell. It's gotten really dark and lonely ever since Miss Satori sealed it off with the Palace of the Earth Spirits. But, when Okuu turned weird, the fires suddenly roared into life again. So hot, that geyser was uncontrollable. Nom nom." Reimu "... I wonder who would benefit from the Remains of Blazing Hell being rekindled? Could you try remembering the god that gave you power again? What did they look like? Did they talk about what they were trying to do?" Utsuho "Uh-uh. I can't remember much more." Orin "You birdbrain. It's no use, even Miss Satori couldn't see anything with her third eye. It's probably fallen out of your heart already." Marisa "Well, she does have a bird's brain." Utsuho "I'm pretty sure they said they came down from a mountain... both of them." Reimu "Both of them? Hey, that's the first time you've said that, and that's pretty important." Orin "Anyway, let's get in the bath already. Just sitting around the geyser, not jumping in to take a bath... I can't stand it." Marisa "You're a cat, but you like taking baths?" Reimu and Marisa had their suspicions. It was probably those two gods from on top of the mountain. They tried asking the crow more, but she had nothing left to say, so they thought they'd just have to go see for themselves. The top of a mountain is no place to be in winter, but compared to the fires of the underground it wasn't so bad. Why did they give the crow that power, and what would happen now? ☯ This stage is a goddamn nightmare. Though in the stage itself isn't too bad between the lack of [P] and lives you cannot afford to mess up at all. And then Sanae's apparently been making up for lost time with how piss easy she was last game. Her 1st spell isn't too bad but if you're like me and try not to bomb her 2nd and 3rd will be the bane of your existence. And then there's Koishi. Honestly she doesn't have many spells comparable to Sanae's hardest but she makes up for it in tenacity. Koishi is a master of making you feel extremely stressed and nervous throughout the entire battle. Difficulty-Extra Character-Marisa-A Extra-Moriya Shrine BGM-Last Remote Mid-boss-Deified Human of the Wind: Sanae Kochiya Boss-The Closed Eyes of Love: Koishi Komeiji BGM-Hartmann's Youkai Girl 2:23-Esoterica "Nine Syllable Stabs" 2:54-Miracle "Miracle Fruit" 3:23-Divine Virtue "Bumper Crop Rice Shower" 8:32-CD 8:52-Symbol "All Ancestors Standing Beside Your Bed" 9:18-CD 9:34-Symbol "Danmaku Paranoia" 10:05-CD 10:22-Instinct "Release of the Id" 10:52-CD 11:08-Suppression "Super-Ego" 11:54-CD 12:11-Response "Youkai Polygraph" 13:01-CD 13:17-Subconscious "Rorschach in Danmaku" 13:54-CD 14:09-Rekindled "The Embers of Love" 14:43-CD 14:56-Depths "Genetics of the Subconscious" 16:41-"Philosophy of a Hated Person" 17:44-"Subterranean Rose"
Un replay de la deuxième fois (sans savoir pourquoi, j'ai pas conservé la première) que je réussi à passer Subterranean Animism à la difficulté "Normal" 0:00...
Replay by Nindella: Nindella's channel:
Replay by Enamel:
Replay by Kurage:
House set of Subterranean Animism ~ Chireiden Set DJ Cowbell Recut - Watch in HD NOTE: For anyone interested in a DL Link, send all requests to
Vera List Center for Art and Politics | | Roundtable III: Animism In the habituated scheme of mode...
The "Perfect" condition in this clear means that no deaths or bombs were allowed. Additional requirements: All spellcards and nonspells captured. Stage 1 - 0...
IBUKI used to hold all the SA Extra WR's for a long time, but since last year ASL (known from IN extra scoring) have been pressuring his scores hard, doing a complete sweep, the most recently beaten scores were the ReimuA and ReimuC. But today IBUKI retaliated by defending his ReimuA record, and with one decisive blow he now holds the overall WR again, almost a year after losing it to ASL's MarisaA score! Since their routes were so surprisingly different I though it would be fun and interesting to compare them directly like this! ASL (left) final score: 1,115,055,990 final graze: 29,756 final faith: 234,810 IBUKI (right) final score: 1,115,679,550 final graze: 29,333 final faith: 234,540
I was pretty close to giving up by the middle of stage 4, but I'm glad I didn't. Completely unexpected.
This is my first 1cc of Subterranean Animism on Normal. I used ReimuA. This time, I didn't resort to closed captions for the commentary. Replay: http://repla...
If you like Touhou, please consider supporting it by buying it! Read how: Please don't discuss how to do piracy in the comments. Any su...
Va - Quantum Animism - Compliled By Gelika 2013 1. Illustrator - Carnaval Designer 07:40 2. Evp - Kymarama 07:21 3. Insane Creatures - Mushroom Information 0...
HD 60fps (Re-Upload)
I had, for a long time, disregarded SA Hard of the things I wanted to achieve, because I thought it'd be too hard for me to do. A while ago I suddenly wanted to just try it out. Maybe it wouldn't be that hard, now I'm skilled enough for stuff like a Banshiryuu Lunatic 1cc... and indeed it wasn't too hard. :P In my first try I only got to Rin, but I practiced stage 5 and 6 after that, and then I got much further. And I eventually got this 1cc, of course. :D I perfected stages 1 and 2 and stage 3 went really well too (no miss). I had two silly deaths in stage 4's stage portion, but they were compensated nicely because I did really well against Satori. :) Stage 5 was hard, and not surprisingly at all, Stage 6 was much easier. Rin, stop being harder than Utsuho. xD I did well against Utsuho, except her final spell got me twice purely because of the tension of reaching that and almost getting the 1cc. :P I normally capture it. Stage 2 2:37 Stage 3 5:30 Stage 4 9:23 Stage 5 14:14 Stage 6 20:39
00:00 Chireiden set 00 〜 地霊達の起床 by 凛 02:16 Chireiden set 01 〜 暗闇の風穴 by 凛 05:16 Chireiden set 02 〜 封じられた妖怪 by 凛 08:54 渡る者の途絶えた橋(ginkiha remix) by ginkiha 12:07 Chireiden set 03 〜 渡る者の途絶えた橋 by 凛 15:38 Chireiden set 04 〜 緑眼のジェラシー by 凛 18:40 Chireiden set 05 〜 旧地獄街道を行く by 凛 21:18 旧地獄街道を行く(Jerico remix) by Jerico 24:40 Chireiden set 06 〜 華のさかづき大江山 by 凛 27:42 ハートフェルトファンシー(平茸 remix) by 平茸 31:43 Chireiden set 07 〜 ハートフェルトファンシー by 凛 34:59 Chireiden set 08 〜 少女さとり by 凛 39:34 少女さとり(yoshiki-narutaki remix) by yoshiki-narutaki 43:33 Chireiden set 09 〜 廃獄ララバイ by 凛 47:07 Chireiden set 10 〜 死体旅行 by 凛 50:56 Chireiden set 11 〜 業火マントル by 凛 54:27 Chireiden set 12 〜 霊知の太陽信仰 by 凛 59:46 霊知の太陽信仰(MYTK remix) by MYTK 1:04:31 Chireiden set 13 〜 ラストリモート by 凛 1:10:15 Chireiden set 14 〜 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 by 凛 1:14:30 Chireiden set 15 〜 地霊達の帰宅 by 凛 1:15:52 Chireiden set 16 〜 エネルギー黎明 by 凛
【うp主のお知らせ】 ・ついにツイッター始まりますよ~@suwako88です~ よろしくお願いします~w 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism 原曲BGM 6面ボス・霊烏路 空のテーマ 「霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion」です~ずっとうpしてなかったとはww
Touhou 11 (Chireiden) ~ Subterranean Animism playthrough Reimu A (Yukari Yakumo), difficulty set on Normal ...
TÄHTIÄ!!!...ei mitään pentagrammi tähtiä vaan ihan oikeita vitun TÄHTIÄ!! :O
Mitä tapahtuisi jos Darth Wader olisikin kissimirri?
Yuugista päästyämme otamme beastmoden päälle...
I just decided to use Suika on a whim, since results with Alice, Patchy, and Nitori weren't exactly favorable. And look what happened rather quickly. I think this is also the first SA Hard 1cc on YT using ReimuB. Hooray! #timetogetdrunk Anyway, the journey to Utsuho in SA Hard is a rather long and difficult one. SA's stage patterns, IMO, are the toughest parts of the game aside from Rin's crap. I found myself panic bombing a lot, but better safe than sorry, y'know? Orin, as annoying as she was, went pretty well survival-wise, which enabled me to wipe the floor with Okuu, who is honestly one of the easier final bosses in the series on Hard. Maybe my antics with Yuyuko and Kanako, two of the tougher final bosses on Hard, spoiled me? I don't know. Either way, Okuu isn't so bad. The fight at the beginning was rather sloppy, but things were heating up (ha) once I hit her third nonspell and it stayed that way to the very end: obvious safespot spell capture, 0 Power Hell's Tokamak capture (this is way easier in Hard than in Normal, IMO, holy shit), and closing with a Subterranean Sun capture. I'm satisfied. BTW, Deep Mist Labyrinth is an amazingly fun spell and everyone should do it. Anyway, back to bed. Replay: ~Vincent ZM
Limnauth as Arachne from Sakizo’s Mystic Animism For news and updates regarding EuroCosplay: For more information about MCM London ComicCon:
入坑作 easy 妖精級 START~五面 道中王 目前最高不續關 我得了用炸彈還會死的病 我四面王關沒死我自豪(X
How To Pronounce animism
How To Pronounce animism's
Pikku, pikku Yuugi...kyrpänaamatyhmähomo!
Parseesta selvittyämme astumme paskaan...
Archeology -The Black Mummy and Cattle Cult of Africa - Ancient Civilizations and Theocracies Reference Discovery Channel list of programing;=79661 All records, recordings, archives and productions of the History Channel and Discovery are property of God's Holy Spirit and Principe Jose Maria Chavira M.S. - Adagio I. God's Holy Spirit and Principe Jose Maria Chavira M.S. - Adagio I are owners of the New World Bank, all major corporations and companies, conglomerates and mega-conglomerates as well as medium and small businesses all over the world and in partnership with many more. God's Holy Spirit and Principe Jose Maria Chavira M.S. - Adagio I own all Petroleum companies in the world under the Mega-conglomerate - (CRWNPRNC) ® is a registered trademark © all rights reserved ™Crown World Petroleum & Natural Gas Reserve Corporation - Cloud Tag: Ancient Civilizations and Theocracies. The Conquering of China - Ancient Civilizations and Theocracies, History lessons, God's Holy Spirit, Principe Jose Maria Chavira M.S. - Adagio I,
No shot is a fun restriction which is slightly more challenging than a perfect run. I accidentally "beat" a low-score attack with this lol Follow me on Twitch: .rpy: 1:22 Esoterica "Nine Syllable Stabs" 2:22 Miracle "Miracle Fruit" 3:22 Divine Virtue "Bumper Crop Rice Shower" 6:28 Symbol "Ancestors Standing Beside Your Bed" 8:58 Symbol "Danmaku Paranoia" 11:28 Instinct "Release of the Id" 13:58 Suppression "Super-ego" 16:28 Response "Youkai Polygraph" 18:15 Subconscious "Rorschach in Danmaku" 20:48 Rekindled "The Embers of Love" 23:33 Depths "Genetics of the Subconscious" 25:20 "Philosophy of a Hated Person" 26:20 "Subterranean Rose"
SMARTSignDictionary is provided by the Center for Accessible Technology in Sign
Ja minäkun luulin että Mountain Of Faith oli vaikea...
Alzack here. This is probably the best run of a Touhou game I have ever done, so I'm fairly proud of it. Please ignore abysmal stage 4.
The Boss is Just Really Really HArd The stage is quite easy as you can see it just requires a lot of memorisation
This video was created solely for non-commercial purposes. No copyright infringement is intended. All rights belong to the respective artists, including Disney.
This video was created solely for non-commercial purposes. No copyright infringement is intended. All rights belong to the respective artists.
Kukaan ei sitten nähnyt tuota eikä sitä ikinä tapahtunut...
Proof that Marisa A's 8-bomb-per-life mechanic is broken. This only took one attempt.
Easy Peasy
Like the book's central message about the importance of the human-animal bond, the Animal Friends ...
PR Newswire 2015-04-08At WonderCon this weekend, I had a fun time covering the Walt Disney Animation Studios and Disney Television Animation:
IMDb 2015-04-08Zoo authorities in Nagpur are making special arrangements to provide the animals a cool environment in the extreme summer.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-08The New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on Wednesday announced animal ...
Lehigh Valley 2015-04-08The cat froze to death by the time the animals were discovered ... misdemeanor animal cruelty charges.
Syracuse 2015-04-08The statues were installed by the ward government to promote the ward as an animation center ... anime.
The Japan News 2015-04-087272) has globally released the second season of "Master of Torque," an original short anime series ...
PR Newswire 2015-04-08Animated in Cinema 4D with post work done in After Effects.
Minds 2015-04-08... Dark Knight, but he gets to explore much different territory in Animals ... The post ‘Animals’ Trailer:
IMDb 2015-04-08[The Star] Animal welfare officers have accused human rights activists of misusing and mistreating animals.
All Africa 2015-04-08... of elephants and other animals who were nearly blind or had severe eye problems and other cruelty.
The Times of India 2015-04-08PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) ... PETA-whose motto reads, in part, that "animals ...
noodls 2015-04-08PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) ... his grandparents-to stop eating animals, too.
noodls 2015-04-08Animism (from Latin anima "soul, life") refers to a set of beliefs that revolve around the existence of non-human "spiritual beings" or similar kinds of embodied principles. The core beliefs of animism are held in common by a diverse group of people, primarily the world's remaining "primitive" tribal peoples and many of the living descendants of tribal peoples previously colonized.
Animism encompasses the beliefs that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical (or material) world, and souls or spirits exist, not only in humans, but also in all other animals, plants, rocks, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment. Animism may further attribute souls to abstract concepts such as words, true names, or metaphors in mythology. Examples of Animism can be found in forms of Shinto, Serer, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pantheism, Paganism, and Neopaganism.
Throughout European history, philosophers such as Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, among others, contemplated the possibility that souls exist in animals, plants, and people; however, the currently accepted definition of animism was only developed in the 19th century by Sir Edward Tylor, who created it as "one of anthropology's earliest concepts, if not the first".
When he cannot see the shadow unrelating & slowly
Anymore he's destined to die
Beware of crossing & treading by the light of sun
The burial of the tomb
And then I've seen my double painted in a portrait
Who looks at me from a mirror
Animism The latent part of demons
Animism Manifestation of hidden
Animism Beside double of shadows
Inspired or kill me!!!
I must realize my double before seeing my body image
The dream shows me my "own other" while I am the other
Look at me
A strict relation between Gemini's obsession &
Anguish of death
Schizophrenic presence stands beyond the door
Alone in deep silence to reflect my trouble
I am walking hanged 'til the dark room
Mother & daughter double of nightmare
She's calling her name
Between the conflict schizophrenic Christ
And his other antichrist
His other in the reign of dream reflects
On water surface
The shadows of the soul of aldrego in the night