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26-05-2013 DR ABDULLAH YASIN Tajuk: Aqidah Yang Tetap
Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Aqidah Sebenar
Serial Aqidah Islam (01): Untuk Apa Kita Diciptakan? - Ustadz Afifi Abdul Wadud
Ustaz Syed Norhisyam Al-Idrus: Aqidah Dan Perjuangan
21-10-2012 MAULANA MUHAMMAD ASRI Tajuk : Sesi Soal Jawab Khilaf Pandangan
Apa Kata Buya Yahya tentang Aqidah Yang Benar Bagi Orang awam
Ceramah Singkat: Pentingnya Aqidah Islam yang Benar - Ustadz Abdullah Roy, MA.
Syeikh Abd Yazid Qadir Jawas - Syarah Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah
Kiyai Muhammad Idrus Ramli - Seminar Pemantapan Aqidah - Part 1 of 2
Asas Aqidah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah part 1
[LIVE][260315] "Aqidah Dalam Rumahtangga" - Ust Mohd Shaffi • Ustzh Hjh Che Nazrah • Ust Mat Isa
Nilai Aqidah Ustaz Azhar Idrus
Prinsip-Prinsip Aqidah Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Sessi Bedah Buku)
Video (Klik link untuk melihat koleksi video lainnya) Kunjungi juga situs Islami lainnya: * * http://www.Konsultasi...
Ustaz Syed Norhisyam Tuan Padang Kuliah Maghrib di Masjid Al-Muhtadin 30hb December 2012.
Kuliah Bulanan Syakhul Hadis Maulana Muhammad Asri Yusoff Di Ampang..Kitab Hadis Al-Bukhari.
Apa Kata Buya Yahya tentang Aqidah Yang Benar Bagi Orang awam.
Mengapa banyak ulama dan da'i yang terus menerus mengajarkan aqidah Islam yang benar? apa pentingnya aqidah dalam Islam? simak ceramah singkat (6 menit) berj...
Syeikh Abd Yazid Qadir Jawas - Syarah Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
Seminar Pemantapan Aqidah (ASWAJA) disampaikan oleh Kiyai Muhammad Idrus Ramli - Part 1 - Koleksi Kuliah & Ceramah
- Doakan Dimurahkan Rezeki dan Diberikan Kesihatan Yang Baik Untuk Kami Teruskan Projek ZonKuliah - **Untuk update terkini sila like Facebook Page kami : atau dan Group Facebook : Twitter : @zonkitaorg ( Sekiranya ada sebarang persoalan agama yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mana-mana ustaz, sila kemukakan soalan di FB page Ubat Apa Tok Wi? (, insyaAllah kami akan postkan video jawapan di channel kami **
Nilai Aqidah Ustaz Azhar Idrus
Prinsip-Prinsip Aqidah Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Sessi Bedah Buku) - Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas
Maza yakni intimail islam? - Apa ertinya saya menganut islam? Bab 1 - Saya mestilah Muslim dari sudut Aqidah! Sebuah filem pendek, hasil gabungan cerita manu...
Bismillah, kajian ini membahas salah satu buku Ustadz Zainal Abidin yaitu buku Aqidah Muslim, yakni membahas seputar Aqidah dan tauhid dalam islam beserta penjelasan seputar hal tersebut. Rangkaian Dauroh Ust. Zainal Abidin Syamsudin, Lc di Balikpapan Tanggal 22 Dzulhijjah 1435 - 25 Dzulhijjah 1435 / 17 Oktober 2014 - 20 Oktober 2014 Pemateri : Ust. Zainal Abidin Syamsudin, Lc Tema : Aqidah Muslim Tempat : Masjid Imam An Nasa'i Balikpapan Hari, Tanggal : Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014 Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - 20.30 Direkam oleh @Ruziqa TV Website: Twitter: @ruziqaTV Facebook :
Ini adalah bukti dari bathilnya aqidah syiah. Mereka sampai menganggap bahwa Ali r.a sebagai tuhan. sebagaimana agama nasrani yang menganggap Nabi Isa sebaga...
Video berikut adalah ceramah agama Islam tematik yang mengetengahkan tema tentang “Menapaki Jejak Manhaj Aqidah Imam Asy-Syafi’i” yang disampaikan pada Kamis, 29 Rabi’uts Tsani 1436 / 19 Februari 2015, pukul 09:30-11:40 WIB. Ceramah oleh Ustadz Badrusalam ini menyampaikan profil seorang imam yang masyhur di kalangan Muslimin, Imam Syafi’i, khususnya tentang bagaimana manhaj dan aqidah beliau rahimahullahu Ta’ala rahmatan wasi’ah. Menapaki Jejak Manhaj Aqidah Imam Asy-Syafi’i Pembahasan kita tentang manhaj seorang imam yang agung, imam yang sangat terkenal, seorang ulama yang dikatakan oleh Imam Adz-Dzahabi, (bahwa) seluruh ulama setelah Imam Syafi’i merasa berutang budi kepada Imam Syafi’i. Seluruh ulama berutang budi kepada Imam Syafi’i. Kenapa demikian? Karena beliaulah (Imam Asy-Syafi’i) yang pertama kali meletakkan dasar-dasar ilmu. Beliau yang meletakkan ilmu ushul fiqih. Beliau juga meletakkan dasar-dasar daripada ilmu hadits. Di mana dua ilmu ini, ilmu yang sangat penting di dalam memahami Al-Quran dan Hadits Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Sampai-sampai Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal berkata: لولا الشافعي ما عرفت فقه الحديث “Kalau bukan karena Imam Asy-Syafi’i, aku tidak akan mengetahui bagaimana memahami hadits.”
Video Kajian Umum: Ringkasan Aqidah Imam Syafi'i - Ustadz Abdurrahman Thoyyib, Lc. Download MP3 kajian2 ustadz Abdurrahman Thoyyib, Lc. di gratis:...
24-03-2014 Ustaz Halim Hassan, Muqadimah Syarah Aqidah Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah
Hati-Hati Penyesatan Aqidah
... a bittersweet experience for TV personalities Baki Zainal and Rickman Chia, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-06-06If scholarly arguments among Islamic scholars centre around the question of furuq (subsequently ...
New Straits/Business Times 2014-05-26... Bawah Lindungan Kaabah has called for as much emotion on stage as off it, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-05-09... another achievement to her portfolio of work — hosting at a virtual studio, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-05-02Get an insight into how wealthy offspring live in Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi. "MALAYSIA? ... com ... .
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-25Travel goddess Samantha Brown tells Nur Aqidah Azizi about filming for Fun Taiwan All Stars ... Brown tells us more: ... I love that.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-24... is a collection of cathartic songs about making decisions in love and life, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-19For Emma Maembong, popularity has come with some controversy, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi ... That’s all," she says ... .
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-18... the aspect of their "aqidah" (faith) and, thus, the Islamic rights of the father should be upheld.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-16Shane Delia tells Nur Aqidah Azizi he cherishes the experience and exposure in TLC’s new show Shane Delia’s Spice Journey.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-14... in the second season of the hit series Hannibal in a phone interview with Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-09Magician Andrew Mayne devises elaborate illusions on his new TV show, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi ... "It’s not a staged magic show.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-04-01Music in his heart After 25 years in the entertainment industry, Ajai is still reinventing himself, writes Nur Aqidah Azizi.
New Straits/Business Times 2014-03-13Islamic theology (Arabic: عقيدة, ʿAqīdah, plural Arabic: عقائد, ʿaqāʾid) is a branch of Islamic studies describing the beliefs of the Islamic faith. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of ʿaqīdah. However, this term has taken a significant technical usage in Islamic history and theology, denoting those matters over which Muslims hold conviction. Literally, the word ʿaqīdah is derived from the triconsonantal root ʿqd (ʿaqada), which means "to tie" or "knot".
Muslims enumerate their creed to include the Six articles of belief (called arkān al-īmān). There is a consensus on the elements of this creed across all spectrums as they are clearly articulated in the Qurʾān. While some Muslim groups may hold different beliefs regarding the attributes of God or the purpose of angels, there are no disputes concerning the existence of God, that he has sent his revelation via messengers, and that man will be held to account and rewarded or punished in the after life.
In the Hadith of Gabriel, the Islamic prophet Muḥammad explains, "Faith is to affirm your faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day, and to believe in the Divine Destiny whether it be good or bad."
Columbians, mexicans, even got some word from the dominicans
Americans, they are not free
... shit, my country...
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Cripple bloodshed, nigger I salute
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Cocaine shit, nigger I salute
Columbians and mexicans I'm trying to...
... but else they g'd up
Maybach with my feet up, aka when I creep up
Young nigger wear blood game, my og's...
All I got is shoot out, all we do is shoot out
My bad bitch got no aids, she my working hula
... in... when the town blew up
Now I got a 911 porsche with the blue guts
... make it throw up, some will make you blow up
Niggers get little money when you gonna grow up
Louie from the toe up, street nigger so up, I am
Louie 13, and... just telling bitch... up
Columbians, mexicans, even got some word from the dominicans
Americans, they are not free
... shit, my country...
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Cripple bloodshed, nigger I salute
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Cocaine shit, nigger I salute
Voila, haha, 18 wheels of...
... and 30 bricks inside of honda
He don't speak in english all he know is number
Then... he gonna get me through the summer
He don't know my name, him is just a runner
He pick it up and drop it off, then he gets some...
Land of the free, run up if you wanna
Suicide mission, we got choppers in the...
Red white and blue, I'm no politician
But I live in a white house so feel presidential
... you name streets of america
In god we trust and where we stand
I'll always be a hustler
Columbians, mexicans, even got some word from the dominicans
Americans, they are not free
... shit, my country...
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Cripple bloodshed, nigger I salute
Red, white and blue, red white and blue
Same old shit, just a different day
I can try to get it, each and every way
Mama need a house, baby needs some shoes
Times are getting hard, guess what I'ma do
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Closed mouths don't get fed on this boulevard
Okay, I'm booked out until August
Show money deposits
See the shit then I cop it
got but a house note in my pocket
I'm on south beach with the top off
Bad bitch and her ass soft
Something outta that catalogue
She introduced to that lock jaw
and I think her name was Lisa
Or maybe it was Sheila
My chevy sittin' too high
I call that Wiz Khalifa
And I'm all about the new Franklins
Ain't talkin' Aretha
Bitch my league too major
I'm hiphop Derek Jeter
And I'm still feeling my pockets
Big bass and its knocking
Yeah this be the remix
But still ride around with that rocket
I'll go walking back to my household
“We The best” be the logo
Hundred grand for that neck glow
All about the dinero
nigga flow so retarded
we be getting gnarley
Oh Kimosabe, it be me, Ross, Weezy party cause its the
Same old shit, just a different day
I can try to get it, each and every way
Mama need a house, baby needs some shoes
Times are getting hard, guess what I'ma do
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle for the bread, hustle to them bad,
Hustle is my name, all I know is came
My heart get no feel is, got no
Niggers in my benice, tossed up decisions
They is still my niggers, I won't stalk my partners
Nick can't sound with me or listen, nigger shoot new choppers
Look at my wallet, trying to raise my daughters
Money on the books I sent to my partners
Rapping they changing, young niggers they're brainless
I hold my own, cause my partners let me hanging
wonder what they're claiming
Choppers shooting no lame shots they're aiming
Niggers playing like killers, beefing out on Twitter
Sworn like the with my blister
I am meister bad rob, coming to nigger show
like let me get that chains cause I know you nigger's whose
all the rappers they trap us, all bitches they models
dj got ego, put it in a bottle, damn
I'm a mean cause I look up, I'm a real nigger, can't have me,
or buy me, but guess what,
play with me wish you would
stand for refill rap nigger but he's still a murderer
...we rock you
Same old shit, just a different day
I can try to get it, each and every way
Mama need a house, baby needs some shoes
Times are getting hard, guess what I'ma do
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Closed mouths don't get fed on this boulevard
24's on my Beemer
You never know when I slide up
19 in my nina, red dot when I ride up
Hundred deep in that K.O.D
King Of Diamonds that's me nigga
No you bitches can't get my beat
Choppers only thing free niggas
Step to me and I teach you
Somebody text his picture
Straight drop in my
Ace knocking my speakers
Last night I counted 1 mill
This morning 150
pussy niggas can't count me out, don't make me hurt ya feelings, ah
V12 ?, jet blue, forget it
Rolex embedded with princess and baguettes
Same old brick, but's it's different yay
Yeah that's candy paint, On my 7 Tre
Same old shit, just a different day
I can try to get it, each and every way
Mama need a house, baby needs some shoes
Times are getting hard, guess what I'ma do
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Closed mouths don't get fed on this boulevard
Ok, now, black card in my pocket
Riding round in that gotti
Pistol off my boxers
I ain't got time to be boxing
Got a red bone she look tropic
If she fuck me right or she shopping
Young money we poppin'
I eat these rappers, Anthony Hopkins
See that V-neck, that's Polo
Grilled up like Ocho
Chuck Taylors with no socks
You niggas chicken, pollo
nigga live on Sundays, King of Diamonds Monday
Swagger just dumb, call it Kelly Bundy
Got a big house with a back yard, fish tank with sharks in it
Real nigga I'm authentic
I'll fuck the bitches 'til she short winded
Got a bad bitch who be bartending
Couple homies that gang bang
I get on anybody track and hit that bitch with that Wayne train
Free my nigga T.I
SooWoo to the beehive
Got a G6 and a G5
You pussy niggas you feline
Don't stop the party, we be getting gnarley
Oh kimosabe, I'm with Mack, ? and Marley
Same old shit, just a different day
I can try to get it, each and every way
Mama need a house, baby needs some shoes
Times are getting hard, guess what I'ma do
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hard
You went and bought that bitch
Flossed that bitch
But you lost that bitch
Cuz we tossed that bitch
Bought that bitch
Flossed that bitch
But you lost that bitch
Cuz we tossed that bitch, what
Toss that hoe
Toss that bitch
I can't believe all y'all niggas out here buyin these hoes
Need to imitate Gotti start lyin to these hoes
Tossin these hoes
Never ever flossin these hoes
You know how it go
Two thangs I ain't seen befo' (before)
A UFO and a hoe that will not go
Cuz after the show
I'm tossin up 3 bitches or mo' (more)
You know how I roll
Wit the whole firm in this bitch
The Embassy Suites
We takin turns tossin a bitch
Who I be? Yo Gotti
Ain't scared of nobody
Clique tight wit my people
Totin' a desert eagle
You roll through in a Regal
Lookin like "Leave It To Beaver"
Talkin about some mo shit about yo senorita
You know I'm fuckin nigga's hoes whenever I can
Ain't gon hide it
Gon provide it
Bring this shit to the fan
You see what I'm sayin'?
They say that I'm a dog and all
I'm up to no good
They say I'm fuckin all the broads but really I'm not
I just got my name too hot
Tossed too many hoes wit niggas that talk a lot
I don't support these bitches
I go to court on bitches
Get a resrtainin' order so they can keep they distance
Can't adapt to thes bitches
Try not to slap these bitches
Don't wanna hit these bitches
I just want cap from these bitches
I ain't got time for bitches
Mind ain't made for bitches
Askin God to keep Gotti away from these bitches
These hoes stare too much
These hoes care too much
These hoes get in the mirror and comb they hair too much
These hoes thin they slick
These hoes'll fuck yo friend
Break bad, make up, then do it again
These hoes ain't got no feelin's
Hoes prayin' for chillin's (children)
By a young balla nigga that they think got millions
These hoes eat too much
These hoes sleep too much
These hoes complain too much
These hoes change too much
I got this bitch at my crib
All the bitch do is bitch
This hoe is outta her mind
She ain't got shit on shit
First it was cool to kick it
Now the hoe gettin evicted
"Get the fuck out my house, and take this burnt ass chicken!"
I said ain't shit main
Bout a bitch but her name
I can promise you that I hate my hoes the same, what
[Bossy Lady]
You love that nigga
I love his cash
I dun hit the boy stash
He ain't even get no ass
You love that nigga
I love his cash
I dun hit the boy stash
He ain't even get no ass, what
Break that trick
Charge that bitch
I'm a priceless bitch
I'm rockin ice and shit
Breakin bad on niggas before it's time to hit
Get they cheese then I vamp
Leave these niggas stressed out
And can't wait til they run up on me wit they chest stuck out
"You wanna fight or sumthin'? That's what I want you to do
So I can call up Gotti 'nem to blast yo' crew"
You think you tossin these hoes dawg, but really you not
You niggas payin what you weighin' peelin off the knot
You got a thug bitch fucked off deep in the game
Gimme ten G's if you wanna toss me, mane
Don't try to get no playa points off usin my name
When you ain't tell em how you used the whipped cream on me, mane
Now this bitch constantly talkin' bout her nigga the shit
Now I dun asked this hoe a question:
What you want for a brick?
Now what you know abouy transportin' bricks for thugs?
I thought not cuz you fuck wit scrubs
You wit that faithful shit
That relationship
I'm tryin' to break a trick
Vacate wit all his chips
If he got a woman then disregard that shit
Cuz yo' main obstacle is to charge that trick
[Bossy Lady] Break that trick
[Yo Gotti] Toss that bitch
Look here, you know what I mean, I done did alot of
shit in my life, Yo Gotti, street raised street paid...
I'ma sell my dope can't trust no bitch
Pop my wheel break bread with my click
If a nigga don't hustle than a nigga don't eat
steady chasin paper out here running these streets
I'ma sell my dope can't trust no bitch
Pop my wheel break bread with my click
Kinfolks we block burn till we get these mills
We do it how it go so we gone get it how we live
I'm back to the basics
Face it I'm back on the rise
Back with my guys
Back 22 for them pies
I'm back rollin' clean
Back lookin' mean at niggaz
That's throwin' up signs
Lettin' off rounds for mine
Back in the hood
Like my niggaz think I should
But knockin' on wood
They got a nigga back on that good
Back on a mission
In other words I'm back in the kitchen
Water whippin' with my niggaz tryin' to sew up the city
Back in school
Gotti back to actin' a fool
But seekin' some knowledge
Southwest community college
Took hold a nigga
Enrolled and showed a nigga
When Gotti around, ain't enough hoes for niggaz
Never did I
Get the big head or lie
And say I'm the mayne
I just said I'm workin' with change
And doin my thang
I can't help I don't trust hoes
Move birds on the low and seen a hundred or mo'
You wanna sue me? You wanna rob me?
Get your choppers come to my shows and try to mob me?
I took birds from your people
So you gone kill me
Say my beats be aight
But you don't really feel me
Dog, I ain't hard to find I be in the bay
Ridgecrest, Shady Vista street everyday
Sellin yay with my nigga G.B. and Todd
Lil' Mont Big G we all got heart
Rap shit aight but Im from the streets
Under all circumstances I gotta eat
I gotta ki
What you know about thirty six o's in a drought
Double up make 'em bounce whoa...Look at my mouth
Blockburner nigga be rollin'
I go the title from [?] my shit ain't stolen
I'm watchin' TV's and DVD's
I'm thug bruh
One more time Dre and Shine
It's love bruh, It's love bruh
Dope just [???] and can't stop me from gettin this paper
Nineteen years a closet full of gators
Platinumed out chain beggets around my charm
One hundred fifty shots shtos four five caliber drum
Got 4 spots
One for the money
One for the drugs
A third spot for all of these hoes that I don't love
A fourth spot for me and my shorty that stayed down
The one who stayed strong and helped me through shady grounds
I'm a mean mugger,head buster
Nothin nice
I'm a street hustler
And my motto is rock ice
Streets is callin
Why not picture me ballin
Enjoy it while I got it cause one day I'm gone be fallin
Dope boys do what they want not what they can
You boys tag along and protect the man
Cheap hoes jockin them niggaz cause they got paper
All hoes change like weather because it's nature
Shawty Ride Or Die Here For Sober Or High
She Kno Jus Wat To Do To Help A Gangsta Get By
Shawty Knowin Like Yea...She Aint Trippin At All
She Go Down On A Nigga And She A Swallow It All
Me And Her Done It All, Catch Us Both At The Mall
She Can Get Wat She Wanna And It Aint Trickin At All
Shawty Fukk Wit Her Nigga Her Nigga Fukk Wit Her Bakk
She Put Her Life On The Line Cuz She A Ride Wit This Sack
Wen I Went Bakk To The Hood Hustlin Movin Them Birds
She Was Takin Up Nurses Studying Gettin Wats Hers
I Aint Chase Her Or Sweat Her Try My Best To Protect Her
Wen You Fukk Wit A Gangsta Baby You Bet Imma Bless Ya
And Thats Real
If You Wanna Come Ride Then (Lets Ride)
If You Wanna Come Smoke Then (Lets Smoke)
If You Wanna Come Drink Then (Lets Drink)
If You Wanna Come Vibe Then (Lets Vibe) Come Vibe Baaaaaaaayyyyy
I Been Thinkin Bout Fuckin You
I Been Thinkin Bout Kissin You
And Touchin And Lovin You (Thats All I Wanna Do Baby)
Wen We Out On The Road Granted Doin Ma Shows
She Be Callin My Phone Like Dont Be Fuckin Them Hoes
She At Home Wit My Child I Be Flirtin In The Crowd
I Need Help I Cant Control Myself These Hoes Be Wild
As I Think To Myself Another Nigga In My Bed
So I Start Thinkin It Off That Shit A Fukk Up Yo Head
My Confedearal Jesus I Work So Hard For The Bread
Wonder If She A Keep It Real If I Eva Go To The Feds
She Gon Write Me And Visit Me Like I Think That She Should
Or She Gon Disrespect Me Fukk Another Nigga Out The Hood
I Aint Chase Her Or Sweat Her Try My Best To Protect Her
I Dont Kno About Love I Jus Kno Jus Kno Wat Imma Get Ya
If You Wanna Come Ride Then (Lets Ride)
If You Wanna Come Smoke Then (Lets Smoke)
If You Wanna Come Drink Then (Lets Drink)
If You Wanna Come Vibe Then (Lets Vibe) Come Vibe Baaaaaaaayyyyy
I Been Thinkin Bout Fuckin You
I Been Thinkin Bout Kissin You
And Touchin And Lovin You (Thats All I Wanna Do Baby)
When Yo Momma Was Trippin Talkin Bout Kickin You Out
You Had Nowhere To Go I Let You Move In My House
You Can Jump In My Benz, Go Stunt Out On Ya Friends
I Took You All Around The World And I A Do It Again
You Respected My Grind Cuz You Knew I Had Dat Work
And I Respected Ya Mind Because You Still Went To Work
See It Wasnt Bout The Money Shawty Kept It 100
She Stayed In Tune Wit Her Family Because They Knew I Was Hustlin
If You Wanna Come Ride Then (Lets Ride)
If You Wanna Come Smoke Then (Lets Smoke)
If You Wanna Come Drink Then (Lets Drink)
If You Wanna Come Vibe Then (Lets Vibe) Come Vibe Baaaaaaaayyyyy
I Been Thinkin Bout Fuckin You
I Been Thinkin Bout Kissin You
And Touchin And Lovin You (Thats All I Wanna Do Baby)
I Been Thinkin Bout Fuckin You
I Been Thinkin Bout Kissin You
And Touchin You and Lovin You
I been hustlin' all my life,
All I know is sell white, (live from the kitchen)
Know is sell white, All I know is sell white. (Yo Gotti!)
Young Blood on the green but I'd rather sell white, (that residue)
Rather sell white, (that extra shit) I'd just rather sell white nigga. (that extra rich)
But I ratha sell white, ratha sell white, ratha sell white (I'm a dopeboy for life nigga!)
Young Blood on the green but I'd rather sell white,
Man I'll never change my life cuase I ratha sell white!
I know I'm gettin checks, but I rather see it cash.
Pussy ass niggas out here workin for the task.
And I'm just int he kitchen, like I'm workin with my last,
Sweatin bullets over the stove, I'm just tryin to bring it back!
Put my city on the TV, call it 48 hours.
Them fuck niggas be snitchin but we murdered the cowards,
And we just in the hood selling crack, weed, and powder,
Every minute, every second, every motha fuckin hour!
Dis my life, dis my story, feel my motha fuckin pain.
You can rap about that work, me an you are not the same.
Put my life into a pot, little rotation from my wrist and you get dis,
My residue, that extra shit.
My mexican just brought me 30 bricks in the Hyundai!
Do I look like I got time to check on motha fuckin Myspace?
And I be Gucci down, head to toe on a Sunday!
Just like a fuckin model like I stepped off the runway.
Put on for my city like I'm Jeezy or Kanye!
Hundred-round choppers so you better not come my way.
Me tool feel like them niggas who owe me checks.
Big pistol down to die about my respect. CHEA!
Ain't no pimp, got a hoe outside.
You lookin at 5 50, look like snow outside.
WHITE ER'THING! My favorite color!
Cocaina Paint, represent the struggle!
We mafia! Stay ont he grind. Selling white shit that hipnotize minds.
Rich park, they ball hard.
MJ's on my feet, comin out hard.
Momma worried, just prayin to God,
That youngest son that live behind bars (NA!)
Stop the beat, where da Menphis Dro?
Don't cry mama, he'll be back, we're gon' be alright...
Man, I miss my brother, I swear to god, I'm still mad at myself that I couldn't take the charge, I remember like yesterday, phone ringing up off the hook, pandemonium in the north, what happened to juk? shhhhhit, I don't know, guess the same old bullshit, Fed's said DP got caught with half a brick, that damn near stopped my heart, cause me and knowing my brother I'm thinking this shit hard, but luckilly it was soft and fortunately he was straight, we're findin' to take it to trial, but went on sign for eight, mama we're gon' be straight, li'l sister we're gon' be cool, I know that my brother strong, so I did what I had to do
Mama we're gon' be aiiiiight,
He gon' be okay,
Shit, I didn't know but I was walkin' on faith,
Li'l sister we're gon' be aiiight, he gon' be okay,
Got me a brick and started moving that weight
His sister taking it bad, mama trying to be strong, couple calendar years, I never shedded a tear, wrote him a couple letters to tell him I'm doin' better, told him I took his Chevy and put the shit back together, told him I'm gettin' money, I counted a hundred g's, told me to slow it down, play the shit low-key, told me to make it happen, focus more on rappin', cause fuckin' round in these streets that anything can happen, told me I had heart, plus he knew I was smart, the only thing that'd break his heart is if I fuck around and catch a charge, told me to watch my sister and never let mama suffer, and do what I had to do to overcome the struggles
[Chorus x2]
Finally made parol, they think he gon' change his life, I axed him what he gon' do, he said he's gon' walk light, it wasn't a year later, he smokin' behind tint, half an ounce of the reddy rock, mane they got his ass again, judge gave him a bond, now he out on the run with that fuck the world attitude, still totin' a gun, still havin' his fun, we clubbin' it on the weekend, had conversations bout going to turn himself in, wanted to raise his son, gon' get the shit behind him, plus he knew it's only so long before they find him, lawyer was talking good, say he gon' get three, when the prosecuter quit yellin' they gave my brother eleven, my mama damn near fainter, my brother didn't want to accept it, the hardest part for me, I couldn't do nothing to help it, rap shit paid off, now we all on tv, my brother say he good, he finally feel free
Aye you know im cocaine crazy right?
These niggas go
White dis, white dat
(Quit fucking with me, white everything)
A lil bitch i fuck with talk bout she want white cat
You know dis my city right?
(Hoe you crazy)
Pussy ass nigga
I got base in the trunk, highs on the inside, marshmallow paint 49ers on the inside
Touchdown, a nigga going long, field goal, extra point a nigga going strong
210 on the dash, blue jean inside, white wit blue top, like the yankees when i come past
Home run, that boy out the park, bases loaded, world series, that boy hustle smart
Streets Talkin Gotti been doing good
Niggas wanna try em, couple niggas from the hood
You know how that go, niggas say you dont fuck wit em, truth be told wen i hustlin i aint fuck wit em
Same nigga still owe me on a pack, think a nigga forgot becuz im rappin? nah...
When i get off the road I shoot back to my town
New whips, new watch, fuck with me, its goin down
Own family hatin, niggas looking mad, guess it be little better if a nigga was doin bad,
But momma got a smile, brother still wild, i gotta get this money i just had another child,
They say im gettin fat, guess im eatin good
20 racks in the motor, got my name under the hood, YO GOTTI,
Sometimes i think back, I could of went fed, this a chance in a lifetime i gotta think ahead
I got base in the trunk, highs on the inside, marshmallow paint 49ers on the inside
Touchdown, a nigga going long, field goal, extra point a nigga going strong
210 on the dash, blue jeans inside, white with blue top, like the yankees when i come past
Home run, that boy out the park, bases loaded, world series, that boy hustle smart
My city rootin for me, the club owners mad
Cause i wont come to kick it for under 25 bands
And u taking it personal im just tryna feed my mans
See u aint a real nigga so dats sumthin u wouldnt understand
But if it wasnt for my homeboys and if it wasnt for my fans
I would of been clicked on u bitches and doin a quarter off n da can
But imma keep on grindin, keep on shinin cuss dats wut u cant stand
Imma kill u bitches softly every time i ride pass
What da fuck make u wanna beef wit me like u street as me
Running round here talking down bitch u aint use to be wit me
Bitch u aint use to tote heat wit me, bitch u aint use to eat wit me
Bitch i was thuggin n ridgecrest yo funky ass was somewhere down da street
Yo fuck ass aint no real g, tell me where dey do dat at
Gang bang in yo neighborhood but round me wouldn't even throw up your set
Motherfuckers do anything for a check, ok dats cool
But dont fuck around and let project pat and juicy j get yo ass wet
On another note im da same nigga wit mo paper and mo bigger
And whenever im in town bitch im rite here on shady vista
My jewelry on my car parked my shirt off wit no pistol
Aint nan nigga gone take nuttn my lil niggaz a shake sumtn
My lil niggas got mo paper, my lil niggas dont even rap, bitch
Runnin round talk bout u got signed, bitch u still livin in da trap!
I got base in the trunk, highs on the inside, marshmallow paint 49ers on the inside
Touchdown, a nigga going long, field goal, extra point a nigga going strong
210 on the dash, blue jeans inside, white with blue top, like the yankees when i come past
Featuring: Gucci Mane, Sean Garrett
(Intro Music Playing and Gotti humming)
Ay, you know what time it is nigga
Aw yeah, it's cookin' time homeboy
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Verse 1
I got 36 ounces
Fish Scale Entree
Newspaper on the floor
I break it down bag it up
Hit the hood sew it up
Hit the kitchen blow it up
18 wheelers full of bricks
The feds Say they know what's up
I'm a keep it swaggin
Till the day they come and lock me up
Basically I don't give a fuck
Go ahead try your luck
Prices kinda high
So you get pass you or you can muscled up
City kinda dry so this the time for you to hustle up
Baking soda beaken cup stretch it out whip it up
2 to 4, 4 to 8 I can make it double up
Glock 40 hush em up
If a nigga rushin up
Ak47 banana clip bitch I'll torch em up
I was standing in the kitchen
Over that stove just water whippin'
Mixin soda with the yoda
Bet I can show you how to get some overs
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da (I'm yo gotti)
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
Verse 2
I'm a dumb boy plenty yam
125 Gram for twenty seven fifty all day Nigga here I am
Wanna get the whole quarter I'll charge you a nickel flat
Let you roll the whole up you gotta bring a nickel back
Gotti came a long way for selling nigga nickel sacks
On the track rich cred 15 dollar powder bags
If you a loyal soldier then I mite front you the whole thing
First I need to know where your mama stay and what's your whole name
Niggas catchin cases coppin pleases givin long names
Fuckin up the whole thing yeh it's a cold game
Niggas scared to shop in north Memphis cause they mite get robbed
Front a nigga from the north shit he gone pay them off
I was standing in the kitchen
Over that stove just water whippin'
Mixin soda with the yoda
Bet I can show you how to get some overs
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da (I'm yo gotti)
Da Da Da Da Da Da Daa Da
[Verse 1]
Down here Memphis no hanky panky
And we ride whips on twanky twanky's
Thugged out club scene dranky dranky
That cristy cristy til' we faint'n faint'n
And they run to the dance floor
All shape sizes from dime to zero
I'm not Captain Kurt or Captain Nero
I'm just trying to get you and your friend to G-O
Then I dream voices hit my ski-lo
T-shirt, head band, tech-marino
Old school throw back Memphis sho-bo
Lorenzo jersey to hide the 4-O
Shawty, Cree-o and she know Judo
She say she got some green that will send me to Pluto
Sorry mommy ya boy don't smizzo
But you can let your boy burn brain in the G-4
[Chorus: x2]
Shake it mommy
Girl tell me where you get that from
Put it on me
Alright (alright)
[verse 2]
I'm like me burning drink but me at the bar and uuhhh...
Me from the hood but me is a star and uuhhh...
You looking right and we can go far if uuhhh...
Ya don't mind spending time with a hustlah
Yo gotti, M down, Lil' Monster and
You get it right how bout you be his wifey and
We cock whips move bricks in a mini van
Take trips to Hawaii to hula dance
She back in Philippines
Looking right in them Gucci jeans
She bounce she turn she drop it low
And I look like damn! This bitch is cold
The monastery monora whatever hoe
Look I'm from Memphis ain't seen that shit before
Down here they twerk and shake it fast
But we love it cuz we watch her crip her ass
( Chorus |
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
She want me to give it to her I’m gone make that pussy hurt ( Yo Gotti |
( Verse 1 |
They like go once I hit the door
They know how it go
Get to know
Um about to blow ten thousand or more
Dj play some of that gotti shit
Watch out and touch yo toes
She ah fool with her ? she do her thing with the pole
Shawty cold, she the type that make a nigga pay her bills
Watch her raw she can make her body shake while standing still
Um for real she say she can go all night without a pill
If a bitch play with her bread she gone whoop that ass in heels
Um like damn well excuse me ma’am what you tryna do
She say she just stripping part time so she can pay for school
Um like oww so you educated you may be my type
She like boo um just dedicated get that money rite
( Chorus |
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
She want me to give it to her I’m gone make that pussy hurt
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
Got a nigga at the crib but she still a fucking flirt
Now watch her make it work
( Verse 2 |
I know this bitch she a a.k.a went to Memphis state
She dropped out her Jr. Year then she got a escalade
Um like hey gone and do yo thing you shouldn’t be ashamed
If that nigga don’t pay yo bills then that nigga shouldn’t complain
This insane I should be yo man ill encourage you
Make that money bring it back and watch how much I cherish you
You so cute look at you other hoes aint gotta clue
Aint nobody hit the stage and do the shit the way you do
Must admit you game type you stay on top of yo shit
But you got to know the difference between a baller and a trix
See a trix gone pay for pussy while a baller make it rain
Real niggers fuck for free so this shit is not the same
( Chorus |
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
She want me to give it to her I’m gone make that pussy hurt
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
Got a nigga at the crib but she still a fucking flirt
Now watch her make it work
( Verse 3 |
You wanna flirt its ok to flirt gone head flirt back
Dey admit he aint got no paper don’t your chirp back
Mane this worse some ass nigga said he gotta purp set
He got high and told my bitch where he keep all the purp at
Damn fool
You done let that pussy make you break the rules
You confused
What she love you cause she fucked and sucked you too
That’s her job you just got robbed
Charge it to the game
You so green you are such a lame you should be ashamed
Um like mane watch her do her thing
She do it unique
Shawty ? thick as a fool
Shawty ? she so patek
Personality so hood face impression be so sweet
They professional homie they learn what they know from the streets
( Chorus |
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
She want me to give it to her I’m gone make that pussy hurt
Watch her make it work ( Work |
Watch her make it work (Work |
Watch her make , watch her make
Watch her, watch her make it work
She coming out her clothes ,
She done came up out her shirt,
Got a nigga at the crib but she still a fucking flirt
The pussy the rappers
I am a real nigger
I ain't like them
Nothing like them
... the pussy the rappers
I am a real nigger
I ain't like them
What it do doc
This ya boy yo gotti
You know I'm affilliated with them aphiliates
And this is gangsta shit
Gloc 40, dope money make my pance sag
White tee, red hat, no flag
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
Rolley watch, yo chain ain't shinig like mine
I'm in the club & they ain't throwing no signs
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a gasta nigga, I got a gansta grill
A nigga signed with stunna got like a half of mill
Alot hating they don't wanna see a gangsta chill
But fuck it I'm a tell em how a gansta fill
I seek the industry fake, cause ain't no ganstas in it
But every motherfucker wanna play that gangsta image
Niggas rap about bricks then they get all excited
I rap bout dope cause I sold & pray I don't get endited
And I ain't throwing no signs, claiming no colors or shit
But got that p-90 rouger & it can get ugly in this bitch
My city watching my rearview, I'm speaking in codes
Cause I'm a gansta & I stay in gangsta mode,
Look I'm a gansga
Wife beater, with $600 pance on, 100 grand long
Nigga I know what the fans want
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
Take this rap & this fame shit from me
Security & jewlery, iron all a nigga really need
Niggai'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
Feast your eyes on a g, you suprised yeah it's me
Keep my eyes in the mirror, 4-5 on my seat
Ride mine on them feet, I can ride on any street
I ain't even gotta hide from a nigga cause I'm street
I'm a die up in these streets I got my mind made up
All my niggas k-ed up, ready for what for what ever come
Yeah a nigga getting money stunting ain't no thing to me
Dem hoes saw my phantom coming thougth I was jermaine dupree
Just hollered at my nigga b, I told it's time to roll
He told me nigga I kno, I told him nigga let's go
Gangsta musik 2 let's give the streets thath on there
And I bet a million real niggas go get this bitch of the shelf
And bet lil niggas will love to, stop me & my lil thug to
Trill fenta lock it, bitch watch it me & my lil thug to
Everybody show us love, so us we just show them love to
You fuck with a busta, we bust him up, you get drugged to
Tanktop, big rocks, big glocks
I'm a get rich or die tryna make it to the top
Niggai'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
Life stories, real shit, real facts
Real niggas, real bitches feel that
Niggai'm a keep it gangsta (boosie talking during hook):
I'm a keep it gangsta what up drama
I'm a keep it gangsta this is what niggas been waiting for
I'm a keep it gangsta check it out look
I spit this shit from the bottom of my stomach
So try some I knock the bottom out ya stomach
It ain't nothig, momma like ooh my baby boy thuging
In love with guns & he can't stop clubing,
Never could tell him nothing
Fuck real g's, with big nuts who flip keys on highways
Player made niggas, man who flip hoes off myspace
Luxery in driveways let your roof back nigga
That half of pill ain't doing the job, then throw ya two back nigga
My time to shine niggas playing, but I'm bout my bussines
Lats to drop, but off the top, the whole world know I'm the sickest,
Red monkey's to dickies, nigga got every color
From yo stae to 28, niggas got many hustles
My brothers the trill fam, love me because I'm loyal
Duke keep his shit straped, because my watch will get me kidnaped, from my block to yo trap
Niggas heads get bust, feds get dust
My trill niggas out here ready to bust
It's gansta
Tanktop, big rocks, big glocks
I'm a get rich or die tryna make it to the top
Niggai'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
Life stories, real shit, real facts
Real niggas, real bitches feel that
Niggai'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
I'm a keep it gangsta
[OUTRO: DJ DRAMA talking at the end of the song]
Dj drama! A.M.G.!
Qaulity street music
Already, kno what I'm sayin this Birdman and this how it's goin down, that little youngin Yo Gotti I certifed him stamped approval, you feel me?, Energy or I see like nigga it must be they got us fucked up, they got us fucked up, they got us fucked up we been movin birds bitch, they got us fucked up, they got you fucked up, then get you fucked we been movin birds bitch
Quarters, Quarters and Halves, Chickens, Chickens, and bricks, bundles, Bundles of dope, and Ounces, Ounces and shit [x2]
I got what they lookin fo, keep what they lookin fo, all they gotta do is tell me what they lookin fo, Cause I'm da dopeman, dopeman, dopeman, dopeman...
I Got Em'
[Verse: Lil' Wayne]
Money to be made best believe a nigga clockin, I run it myself like a quarterback option, I pitch a 10 g's tell a bitch to go shopping, she buy herself some clothes, and she bought me back a chopper, see niggas tryna kick it, but no I don't play sucka, I'm all about my cake I'm tryna marry Betty Crocker, a package on the way you know my whip game proper, and enough for one key I see seventy thousand dollas, Now I was shootin dice, smokin on a joint, I bet with Yo Gotti, he hit five straight points, we ovahere hustlin, we ova here grindin, you rap about money and nigga might sign ya, you rap about me and a nigga might find ya, banana in ya ass with ya head right behind ya, DOPE GAME BITCH let his mamma worry bout him, you can holla at me for a fee but I
Got Em'
[Verse: Yo Gotti]
I met the birdman with the Bird layin, got a twenty piece, brought it back to NORTH MEMPHIS charged twenty two a piece, now I'm in da kitchen with a beacon and a blender, low key in a rental, with dem thangs in da fender, see I full time grind january to december, put that snow in da summer got it lookin like da winter, I goin back to Cali, I gotta get that light green, mexico valley, you know they got them pine trees, 18 wheeler, now I'm on I-10, on my way to memphis, I gotta get my hands in, I come from da NORTH where gangstas gon grind, bitch niggas gon whine, and hustlas gon shine, everybody say they trappin but most of dese niggas lyin, I told slim, told stunna I'm waitin for my time, either robbin, or poppin, click clack I shot em -, bullets buryin, brrrrr I GOT EM'
[Verse: Birdman]
Back where I started on my set in black, hop out da passenger side of my 'lac, under my nuts was to ounces of crack, but in my palm I had dat chromed out mac, shinin on them bitches cause nigga I'm bot that, flip a quarter bird to score a whole sack, pull up in the club in a old school 'lac, with a bitch ridin fly so high, you love that, it's grind time, nigga been about that, we flippin birds let them hoes go to sacs, we livin large with the garbage bag flats, want the money and the power, real niggas gon stack, and ridin fly, 25's on the back, flushed out nigga keep a few stacks, out the hood, bout money that's that, if you ever cross the line best believe you gettin gat
Women Lie, Men Lie
Women Lie, Men Lie
Women Lie, Men Lie
The numbers don't lie
[Yo Gotti:]
Ay, step up in the party and them bad b-tches be on me,
I be sippin on Patrone, when I'm jumpin out ferraris,
I be rocking Gucci sometimes Louie, I'm retarded,
3 oh 5 chevy, and the shades by Bacaray
Hatin on my scrap I got my mind on my money,
Milan on, taking nothing from me,
Hated on these, hated on these.,
Ballin is my hobby, damn homie going shoppin,
Got 5 star with me a milli in the lobby,
Took her to the room, she hit me with that line,
She ain't that type of girl so I told her stop lying,
[Lil Wayne:]
Young money, yeah, ok,
I ain't gotta lie, cross my heart hope to die,
The numbers don't lie, G-5, over sky
I f-cked her p-ssy good, make her cry if I tried,
I'm tired of being sick and I'm sick of being tired,
Tired of these n-ggas and tired of these b-tches,
Sh-t let em lie as long as they ain't snitching,
And men lie about women,
And sh-t women lie about plenty,
They ain't lying on me I'm in the bed with 2 fine b-tches lying on me,
So that would make 3 and numbers don't lie,
And money don't lie,
And neither do I,
(The numbers don't lie, the the numbers don't lie)
[Yo Gotti:]
I'm trying to count to a billion,
My b-tch Brazilian,
Hop in that Lamb,
Push the button lose the ceiling,
Sun out no raindrops,
Posting the same spot,
Right here in north north memphis,
Is where I came from,
Hundred on the neck, I ain't never had sh-t,
The streets gave me family, Barry White couldnt,
Ain't no secret in the streets,
N-ggas know I got,
Got swagger through the roof,
I was born,
Zip code on my wrist,
Phone number in the bank,
In my ten til six
With my 305 paint
I got my 357 and my 501s,
And Lear 55 with my air force ones.
Yo this your boy Yo Gotti
[Chorus: x2]
Aye homie what's wrong with you
That bitch don't belong 2 you [x2]
Bet she don't go home with you
She already feelin me
I'm a get her on the two
Later on she gonna do, whatever I want her to
Yo gotti [x2]
That bitch ain't no gutta bitch
She done sucked ahunnit dicks
Crossed about a hunnit hoes and ran threw ahunnit clicks
She do the most, do the gross, niggas and bitches she fuck em both
If you wanna buy some head, pick her up and blow the dough
She from the nutta gutta south
Then she moved down to the east
You can move a million times but bitch you still go be a freak
She use to fuck with Triple C, now she fuck with Nimean
Her sister and them from Mo-East Mountain
That's a Memphis hoe, you know that pimping go
Say she went to Northside, graduated from Merrow
Say she went 2 TSU, transfer to UT Check
Now she fucking Star and them, they don't want to give her back
Say her head dumb dumb, very very dumb dumb
That's a known Memphis bitch, I know where she come from
I know what her tongue done, I know where her mouth been
Don't you fall in love with her, she will fuck yo bestfriend
[Chorus: x2]
Aye homie what's wrong with you
That bitch don't belong to you [x2]
Bet she don't go home with you
She already feeling me
I'm a get her on the two
Later on she gonna whatever I want her to
That's just ain't yo busz so stop taking shit the wrong way
Sitting home pissed, like shit, with the long face
Yo bitch ain't coming home anyway long as I tell you why
Landlord, kush and patron go have her hella high
Her homegirl ain't sayin shit, her homegirl her alibi
I been waitin to burn her throat she... I can't never lie
Her nigga think she clean, lowkey she be on the scene hard
Mouse point, rollin green, doin lean in between the rachett parks
My lil rachett broad, broke as hard...
He was a D Boy, now that nigga got a job
Man he gotta rob, that's his plan B, all the time...
And we was at Woodcrest, and many honders, me and my new bitch, oh shit that's yo babymoma
I don't wanna hear it, nigga save the drama
What's wrong with you, let her do what she wannaa
[Chorus: x2]
Aye homie what's wrong with you
That bitch don't belong to you [x2]
Bet she don't go home with you
She already feeling me
I'm a get her on the two
Later on she gonna whatever I want her to
Yo bitch done got toss around, left her in the lost and found
Heard that she was feelin me, then you started talkin down
That just made it easier, that it make her curious
She said you don't give her space and me I don't give a fuck
She on the two, bitch told me everything she goin threw
She goin to, goin to, details you wouldn't know was true
Let's just say we have an understanding, I can't withhold the truth
She gets on dro, and lose it and puts head on the whole crew, damn
That bitch played it cold, she just wanna stay though
And fuck with some real niggas, and she know anything go
Why you think we call em hoes, cause they hoes
[Chorus: x2]
I got them choppas you understand
Fuckin' around with us we burn ya block up you understand
Fuck what cha' heard got them birds you understand
Coming shawt with us yeen scared you understand
[Verse 1]
Your broad I done banged her
Weighing game then trained her
With the block burners the ones that's bringing flames up
I be in the north cuzz
Chillin' with my squad cuzz
Laughing at these weak ass niggaz swearin' that he hard cuzz
What the fuck you know about, niggaz with them extra clips
Hanging out the choppas on yo block, I'm making niggaz flip
23's got it, big bodies I got it nigga
Whole thang got it, gotti he been had it
Rolling with them niggaz, them damn fools from Watkins
Shit start poppin', bitches start joggin'
Niggaz start flaugin, rumors got out gotti start mobbing and robbing
Cause he on Galling regardless the circumstance
Ain't be starving' like marvin of any man
So now my target is Ridgecrest with working hands
I'm posted up with double ups to do a gotti and
You understand
I move bricks like a constructor
Famous like Paul Brooker
Grew up around hustlahs with M plants and coca
Gotti get them birds and pass 'em to T sticks
I could cut where they store and then provide bricks
Transport and ??? half way on see some green
Youse a fiend bout to dream want some ching yaa mean
Stillman got the ready rocks what you possed to be a cop
Tell em' I got them 100 proof that's taped up and watt block
Carousel my issue I got's to get richer
I ain't cockin' out until I get me some millions
All day my phone ring I got cone like ice cream
Product 24 hours dawg consumers call me Wal-greens
More blocks than gun shots
Ammo like Rambo
On the block posted up, like Shaq I'm gone score
Like Pringles my chips stacked
What you want a nigga got?
Coming shawt with us if yeen scared man holla back
[Verse 3]
I'm the same young nigga since elementary
And I didn't go then neither, it ain't no game with me
If you ain't breaking bread, you ain't no friend to me
So cut to brush it out, you ain't no ken to me
I got them whole thangs, hand caught 4 in the split
I'm straight from the north
So they assume that I'm straight with this shit
I'm straight with my clique, but otherwise these niggaz be scared
I'm 5 foot 5 they talkin' bout some shit they done heard
Come on dawg big ole you and lil' me
Don't mean shit cause if you slip it's O.V
But that's beef fuck all that what cha' need
I got trees and I bricks for chee cheese
Fuck wit yo boy I turn around and fuck wit you back
You shot a few times I turn around and front you your pack
You keep it real together nigga we can make mils
Don't be scared just hustle up and get the shit how you live
Tupac back and we are like the outlaws
Had to call my label tell them I need an out...
Back to my trust spot fuck it I have been hot
Pussy saying rapper has been with me I think not
I got two twins... two twins in my free spot
Trouble put... right back... tupac back
He never leave cause money... ride in my hood how about you
Cause haters I have been spot bitches they have been ran
Fuck one pussy niggers I know that they have been fucked
Tupac back fuck it he never leave bitch
I am still on my outlaws and I am still on my dog shit
Still on my drug shit... don't wanna shake my hand
Cause you know there is no love bitch
And double y a nigger with an attitude... I think I should check the attitude
Tupac back... got on top of my lamborghini took off like and astronaut
Fuck it I beg you not own it... I am talking paper... you fail or not
Tupac back... and I remember cutting that bitch... they get your phone and maybe
... maybe your face on the ground
Maybe they will empty your pockets and get your bitch for a round
It's been a long time cumin n
A lot of dope run-in
Hustling tryna dodge des cases
You niggas been telling n
Da streets been beggin
So I had to go back 2 Da basics (INE)
[Verse 1:]
Dis the entry to my life
Entry to my world
Ridgecrest apartments movin dat white gur
Posted up on da corner
Movin dat marijuana
Glock found on my hip
Hollin out u don't want it
My glock stay cocked
Rocks n a match box
Head guardin on lock
I'm a go get her
A nigga raided yo spot
Confiscated yo block
N he didn't get shot
You a hoe nigga
N I remember u do u remember me
8th grade leavin skool
Walkin up (dats wats up)
Ten tops on dat Z
I was passin ya
Fishscales swerving with yo bitch on da passenger side
Shawty let's ride
Rims still spinnin so shawty let's glide
She askin me why I don't get high
Cause bitch I make 50 off a 3 point 5 (n dats wats up)
You see me nigga say wats up
Wanta be me nigga dats wats up
Bout yo dollar, pop yo collar den u holla dats wats up
See me shawty say wats up
Well fuck me shawty dats wats up dats wats up
[Verse 2:]
Wat up Coo
Wat up Juke
Wat up Grandma a
Wat up Mama a
Wat up haterz a
Wat up hustlerz
Wat up Reall niggas
Wat up busterz a
Wat up snitches
Look at dem bitches
Wat up stunna thanx 4 dem six digits (fo sho)
Wat up ball
Wat up G
Wat up memphis tenna fuckin key (wats hapenin)
Wat up three six
Kno u'll like me (well fuck ya)
Wat up Feds don't incite me (well fuck ya)
Wat up TVT cut dat check pimp
Wat up cash money dats how it is slim
Wat up allstar
Wat up Melrose
Wat up chat
Wat up try
Wat up V slash
Wat up Columbian
Wat up Mexicans
Cause on da real yawl got a nigga ass in
You see me nigga say wats up
Wanta be me nigga dats wats up
Bout yo dollar, pop yo collar den u holla dats wats up
See me shawty say wats up
Well fuck me shawty dats wats up dats wats up
[Verse 3:]
Wat up Ballin watch
I paided da brick fo u
Wat up grill
On da real u buy da chicken too
Wat up crack house
Wat up dope fein
Wat up purple dro
Wat up cod dean
Wat up trap season
Baby u da reason
Charge nigga 30 fo birds n don it easy
So fishscale so oil bay
Wat up street tune
Wat up yung fay
Wat up C dollin
It's a gangsta party
Wat up TVT
U fuckin with a gangsta artist
Wat up grip
Let'em I ain't got to budget (nope)
Quarter million out da pocket said promotion fuck it
Wat up trap niggas
Scraping up dat dirty change
Wat up rap niggas dis industry a dirty game
Recouped yo advance take it rub it and publish it
Put u on TV and leave u out there with nuthin
Not me
Long time cumin n
A lot of dope run-in
Hustling tryna dodge des cases
You niggas been telling n
Da streets been beggin
So I had to go back 2 Da basics
Gotti dis yo boy Yo Gotti
INE nigga I said it's INE
Yeah N I remember u do u remember me
N I remember u do u remember me
Dis yo boy Yo Gotti
[Lil Jon:]
Pay a motherfuckn atention;
[Yo Gotti: Talking]
Yea, gotti talk to um, nigga we here
I need to talk to um, I need to talk to um, it been a long time coming homie;
Chopper talk to um, chopper talk to um
(Yea)ah let me talk to um;
(Yea).ah let me talk to um,
Gotti talk to um;
Gotti talk to um;
This here for my street niggas;
(Just let me talk to um)
My hood bitches
(Ah gotti talk to um, ah gotti talk to um)
You already know what it is homie
[Verse 1: Yo Gotti]
Back on the block, fresh up out the court room
Fitted hat all black, nun but goons;
Yelling free my nigga d.j. drama don cannon;
Let stop a second, I need a undastanding
First I sale birds, then I switched to words,
You want to lock me for that you got the fuckn nerve, oh main, I guess they ain't playn fair, so I'm going back to the basics and I ain't playn fair
[Verse 2:]
My last album dropped and you might think I flopped, cause you didn't see me on bet and mtv main;
Ridin in that drop and bet I got mo money than some of them nigga that's on bet and mtv main;
Gooti tell the truth, so if a nigga don't know;
I'm teel how I made a million or mo;
I get 75 hundred, friday saturday and sunday;
That's twenty two five a weekend I'm gettn money
Just me my nigga star and my new nigga platinum;
Ain't no secert I'm gone slang if I don't make it rapping;
Big ole rankin what's happen, young cash what's good;
When I come to duvole shoot me straight to the hood;
Tell plies throw me a bad bitch, I'm gone need ha, and after a nigga fuck ha, damn right I'll feed ha;
MJ dem my people, 8ball you trill, three 6 I don't fuck with them, that's just how it is; no publicity stunt, that's just how it is, main them niggas doing they thing, but them niggas ain't real, somebody talk to um, for I make that chopper talk to um
[Verse 3:]
I'm from watkins and brown, thuggin in da crest, now I'm with dj khaled, hollin we da best;
Denial, finally my turn
So if you play wit fire you know you gone get burned
My life is in denial, finally my turn
So if you play wit fire, you know you gone get burned
I'm a pimp slash poet slash slash hustler
Pimp slash poet slash slash hustler
Pimp slash poet slash slash hustler
Slash playa hater killer, don't fuck wit busters
[Yo Gotti]
I got work slash yirk slash slash green
Slash hot heaters and them other felomies
Wanna feel better like the colors in yo sweater
Hit me on the hill I get pills and etc.
X slash V slash slash D
Slash Viagra for your high performance needs
Boy and that girl
Come into my world
38127, shady vista by the stairs
Y O slash G O slash T T I slash
Get up on yo ass
W W W slash dot Gotti slash dot com
Check out where I'm from
Makin' Easy Money Pimpin' Hoes In Style slash
Twenty inch wheels and I'm straight from the south slash
Home slash chrome slash doing my thang
Cause it's I slash E slash out the frame
[Yo Gotti]
I'm a real ass nigga, trill ass nigga
Play me if you wanna, you'll get killed fast nigga
I&E; for life, Gotti thinkin' twice
Just like a atheist believing in Christ
Never havin' slash, been stackin' slash
Reliable, viable, worth more than cash
Street sense slash
Book sense slash
Young kid slash
Wit six figs slash
Ballerific slash, real gifted slash
Never drift away, I just pay attention slash
My shows be like whoa slash
At the doe (door) slash
Got a nigga poppin' Mo slash
Like a pro slash
Get wrong if you wanna slash
Bet I'm gonna slash
Hit yo block wit that K and wet it like Daytona slash
T slash Stit
No love for a bitch
Jiggalo slash lympho slash no trick
Paper-chaser slash block-burner slash
Dome-cracker wig-splitter nigga like a ass
I cook pork slash beef wit my P slash
And when I cap a nigga ass, they gone be sleep slash deceased
In deni slash ial slash slash title
Slash on fire, I'll blaze like a lighter
I'm a block slash burner trill real youngster
Slash gettin' money, now can you count all these hundreds?
I'm slash artist, I'm so creative, I'm slash ink-smoker
Now can handle this dolja?
I'm slash thug nigga, I'm from the hood nigga
I'm slash head-busser, I'm slash playa nigga
I love to ride on chrome, pop Mo and shit
Hit the stage in a rage and rock shows and shit
I be V slash D uh O G nigga slash
Just like a nigga, like I said befo' nigga
Puttin' it down wit my bru slash Y to the O G O T T I
Slash I&E; for life
Wanna know where I'm from I'm screamin HYDE PARK BITCH
Slash shawt (short) end bound slash G-Street bitch
And I'm down for them niggas like lil R, Dre and Petey
Big B.B J.D, and girlfriends
Wup that hoe [x13]
[Chorus x2: Yo Gotti]
Wup that hoe, Wup that hoe (she fucked yo baby daddy)
Wup that hoe, wup that hoe (shit I aint mad at ya)
Wup that hoe, wup that hoe (shawty violating)
Wup that hoe, wup that hoe (shawty been hating)
[Verse 1:]
There were two hoes, Yo Gotti, one couple hearin
Who be hollering look at that hoe fucking her friend
Knowing 'bout the beef and shit I gone tuck my eyesPop my collar, hit my boy and let these hoes fight
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Shawty got a right like she Laila Ali
Thats just my baby mama
And her best friend
Coming out they stilettos to do these hoes in
U fucked the wrong nigga
Caught the wrong bitch
Hit the wrong club, and got yo ass kicked
I fuck wit hood hoes
Them hoes stay jacking
Look at shawty weave
I'm like dammmmnnnn what happened
[Chorus: x2]
Wup that hoe [x13]
[Verse 2: Lil' Chat]
The hoe done fucked my baby daddy
Now the hoe is out here braggin'
When I see the hoe, through the door her ass Im gone be draggin'
Bitch I be ya mad
What you did hoe is nothing
But I gotta beat yo ass cuz you think you did something
I aint fucked up bout no nigga
Niggas coming by the dozen
I be with da shit, my paper is thick, like niggas kill they cousin
Talkin shit now I cant go
Throw dem thangs on dat hoe
See you buckin in da club before you know you on da floor
I be strapped like jab in the back
Beat dem killers thats gone attack
Hoe you know its gone be on when you talking about fucking off with Lil' Chat
Bust these bitches with a bottle
Naw I'll bust you with my popper
Hoe you really don't want no problem cuz my 38 will resolve them
Hoe you fresh straight out the mall
Brand new set, get staright, get dirt
Shit its gonna help you get blazed up cuz you'll get smoked just like some perk
I don't play no games with these bitches
Lil' Chat straight gone let you know
If you disrespect my gangsta
Imma staright up wup you hoe! (straight up wup you hoe)
[Chorus: x2]
[Verse 3:]
My main girl trippin', she think Im fucking off
Ask me 'bout some bitches, I had to play it off
Told me if she catch me then she gone cut a shine
Found a couple rubbers but I told her they weren't mine
She checked my phone, she watched my home, she searched my clothes
She asked me 'bout
Where I'm at and who I'm with
She tryna figure pimpin out
She cursed me out said I'm a dog
She sitting here crying and saying I'm wrong
Calling my phone all through the night and ask me when I'm coming home
Rule number 1, if shawty from the projects
Niggas takin' care of, you hoes better respect that
Nigga got her pregnant, you hoes better respect that
Where I'm from hoes get guns and leave hoes wet
[Chorus: x2]
A leo I want you to give me an in instrumental
Aite what kind
I wanna do that off da top of da head shit again
Let's slo dat shit down this time
You fuck with this
Yeah I fuck with this
You know how we do it right
Shit you no I been doin thid to
[Verse 1:]
It go capital C Capital M he talk work but he from da M and he's a real nigga (I am) free Tip tell my partnas off in Forrest City tour bus in da hood I took my whole apartments with me if ya want me come and get me I'm waitin on ya I got dat K with the motherfuckin shank on it realest nigga in it I bet the bank on it (beep) shots fired man down no prank homie
[Verse 2:]
They say I'm well rounded did a song with Wiz and wale shoutout to Vegas chillen qt milli just to parle my nigga fuck what you say I got a spot in da A now keep them choppas on deck so you can get shot in the A I take a shot of Ciroc I got a bottle of Ace I shake it up pop the top and squirt that shit in ya face you throw a rock and hide ya hands say that shit to my face I guess you want be satisfied until they give me a case a dis dat Cocain 6 realest shit in da streets niggas know when they see me I'm a go CMG I&E; niggas know we in these streets this that Cocain 6
[Verse 3:]
A lot of niggas talkin loud dog but they don't want no beef lot of rappers yappin bout that work but they ain't in no streets quarter ounce ass nigga you will never equal me now all that gangsta shit you talkin don't mean nothing to me biggest nigga in my city so the haters target me I'm A1 just like my door so they gone have to market me wonder if I didn't have this money would these bitches fuck a G don't know the answer to that question so sometimes that bothers me bothers me bothers me really really really really bothers me I'm standin on the couch where the models be you can catch me in the club where the bottles be gettin my money I'm a Kick my feet up told yung zilla we gone feed up bitch bend over I bet you can't beat up pull my dick out bet you gone eat up we on chill you can't read us best take notes try and be usin these streets everyday gone take a navy to defeat us choppas chop I'm gone rock I push that button it's gone be war have them niggas with them choppas at yo mammy front door have yo grandmammy hollin oh lord on the church floor bring my baby back all black all that and more it's a long line lights on it look like a funeral nigga playin with Gotti had him killed that's how the rumor go my life ain't no rumor doe I seen a hoe rumor doe my shooters got shooters you gettin money but you goons are broke that shit don't make sense to me maybe they should get we me I&E; yo life ain't worth shit to me but a brick to me and I just count a hundred to a chicken b you will never get to me charges never stick to me realest I can be bitches be lickin me suckin me and fuckin me the city know what's up with me nigga you a fan of me just want to shake the hand of me you the type to see me out and say man you just playin with me apologizin and askin for advice I'm the type to say fuck you and yo boss I fucked his wife.
Intro( gotti talking)
Aye say ma, you know I wanna apologize for any and everything I ever put
You through, and I also wanna let you know that any hurt I caused it was
Non intentional. I'm here to tell you I'm sorry.
Verse 1
Mama, I just wanna apologize for 20 some years of pain now I realize
All this shit I put u through, back and forth to juvenile ma ian have a
When grandma went to church, I was selling work
Walked up in Trezevant high wit dat 38 under my shirt
They tried to kick me out mama came act a damn fool
They let me right back in, but wat I go and do
Skipped class, catch me on all 3 lunches, smoking og kush a nigha had da
All the hurt I caused high speed chases from da laws
Neighborhood gang fight a nigha done it all
Ma overall I just want a better life
For you and my sister that's why I start sellin' white
Ma every night and every day
I contemplate about da day dey came took chuck away
Den I wasn't afraid, to go to jail
Dats when I hit da streets, start givin' dese nighas hell
But in yo eyes, I know dat wasn't da right choice
I thank you for yo love and support
Dats why I jus wanna pologize.
Chorus x4
(Cause you know I messed up baby)
Yeah, a this dis real life shit homie
See nighas make musik
I make musik from the heart
A drama you know I jus tell it how I live it homie
Dats da only way I know how
Verse 2
Daddy he a OG brutha he was a hustla too
Shit run in my bloodline
What the fuck you think imma do
Mama down bad
Car repoed and the rent was due
Fo I let her starve I'm off da porch without a fuckin' clue
Pistol in my hand no mask
Who would ever knew
Goon turned rapper to millionaire
Look what life a do
Mama got a big house on the hill and it's white too
Think she goin' cocaine crazy jus got a white coupe
Mama say she proud of me
All dese nighas who doubted me
Raised me ta be a real nigha
Memphis brought it out of me
Ridgecrest apartments
Slangin' dope down on Garland
Feds givin' out too much time, fuck it um robbin'
Mama say she gon pray fa me
Know dat dey got a place fa me
Told her I had a plan
And this musik gon make a way fa me
Sorry fa all the pain
Tears and all the shame
But mama you know I love ya
And I promise u imma change (I am)
Outro (Gotti talking')
Hands in da air
U know I speak fa all real nighas around the world
Nigha we fall we get back up
We make mistakes we make up nigha
You feel me
You ever got yo mama do kicked in
Jumped out da rental car and now you had to leave it there.
Know what um sayin', this dat life homie
And to my nighas who lost dey life in dese streets
Fo dey got a chance to tell dey mama dey sorry
I’m on fire, whole hood blazin
Hustle game incredible, ice game amazing
Look in the mirror [4x]
Like a chandelier, look in the mirror
Ice super clear, you looking in the mirror
Who you here to see when you look in the mirror
If you a real nigga, you lookin in the mirror
I’m on fire, whole hood blazin
Hustle game incredible, ice game amazin
Look in the mirror [4x]
[Verse 1:]
Six in tha morning, my alarm goes off
Dope come out tha pot then the stove goes off
Knock knock on tha door, I’m sellin wholes on soft
Nigga try to rob me, get his nose blowed off
Am I a real nigga? Point blank period
If you a pussy nigga, you need pads fa ya period
Damn right I’m getting money, half a million on tha jewelry
Just go and ask Emmet if you don’t think a nigga serious
My whole house glass, I’m lookin at a reflection
I’m cocaine crazy, got a all white section
All my niggaz mafia I never even heard of ya
Quarter brick, half a brick, my young niggaz’ll murder ya
[Verse 2:]
Wake up in the morning and I wash my face
Brush my teeth and put my gun on my waist
Louis belt (check) Louis shoes (check)
Car on my wrist and a house on my neck
Last I remember I was standing on Garland
Buyin ten for tha hundred outta Ridgecrest Apartments
BET material I’m 106 & Parkin’
And I’mma stay Gucci dead fresh on ‘em regardless
I represent tha dope boyz, I can’t say it clearer
You lookin at me when you lookin in tha mirror
I motivate the trap, yeah the hood niggaz hope
Because I became a millionaire when I was sellin dope, I’M YO GOTTI
[Verse 3:]
Live from the kitchen, it’s tha pyrex king
Straight from North Memphis to ya tv screen
But before it comes, “All White Everything”
Keep a few hundred grand in my Levi jeans
White and red Cutlass, same color as a Smirnoff
One ticket, two tickets, I can take a year off
Got my money up, think I’m movin where da beach at
Lifestyle of tha hood and famous, where da fuck is Robin Leach at?
[Chorus: woman singing - repeat 4X]
Take a look in my life and see what I see..
[Yo Gotti]
3 - 8 - 1 - 2 - 7
shady vista, segshaw lane
my ghetto game, where it all started for gotti
little summin', running around [?] and naughty
asking for dollars from niggaz I assumed was ballin'
twelve years old, and talking about flippin' tomorrow
counting my cheese, think I had 'bout 37 bones
I made up my mind, tomorrow gotti's starting to cone
bought me a deal, posted up on top of the hill
throughout these years, i've seen a lot of niggaz get killed
my life is the truth, i'd rather rap outside a booth
y'all ain't talking about shit, i'm 100 proof..
that's what my life like
[Yo Gotti]
I'm from the projects, jaded in, fence surround
I'm a normal teen black, but these chinks around
'cause they on the corner stores, like how could they afford
something we can't, they never seen these dollars before
I wrote this here for the government, me and my people sufferin'
break bread with the immigrants, not word for recipients
tell me what my benefit, long jazz, fifty cents
eighty-five percent with no parole in parenthesis
the north memphis president, here to set the record straight
rob, steal, kill, put some food on your people plates
going lethal, thrill me, before these people kill me
gotti's just a spokesman for the north and they gon' feel me
my block consists of.. lost hope
gangbangers and street-thugs.. plus coke
there's one way in and one way out, take summin'
a cop working; wait for drought, like yo gotti
[Yo Gotti]
Back in the day, used to cut the five off of twenties
Back in the day, I used to cut the two off of tens
Back in the days, I thought everybody was friends
Back in the day, the hood had me trapped within
Back in the day, used to play "pick up and run"
the shit was fun, but nowadays we picking up guns
Back in the day, me and my niggaz fought with each other
shared with each other, but nowadays we bust at each other
trust in each other just like we done sealed-up leather
never, we're all clever but on different levels
Back in the day, used to play "that's my car"
Back in the days, I never thought i'd make it this far
Back in the day, used to play "catch a girl, get a girl"
nowadays, niggaz let a girl ruin they whole world
last days, it was existing in the dirty south
rediculous in the dirty south, come get me out this dirty south
my life like..
[Chorus: x2]
Mr. Tell It gone do yo thang (do yo thang)
Mr. Tell It present yo game (sent yo game)
Mr. Tell It gone head and squeal (head and squeal)
Can you see that my hoe ain't going
I thought you was real
[Verse 1]
I got Mr. Tell It up on the phone
Disturbing peace inside my home
Tryna tell my biz and shit so he can get inside the throne
I guess the nigga like my song after I fucked a nigga's bitch
I'm fucking niggaz all daily baby ain't gotta snitch
Strong you'll never sell memoir salt don't kill a playa
Once a hoe forever hoes always been a tattle tell
Ever since the third grade still got the same waves
Ridin' and kickin' shit with you
And the hoe know every move I make
This nigga must think I'm dumb
Getting' the numbers out my phone
All around hoe navi - gaty (navigator) lickin' out his tongue
2 waying my bitch and shit he know something' what she don't know
Nigga what you think this a Jenny Jones or Springer show
Nigga I got hoes to give, hoe wit rides, and hoes wit cribs
Synonyms and antonyms, negatives and positives
Frankly what I'm trying to say you can tell the President
My hoe know numbers Gotti on tip she relevant
[Verse 2]
Mr. Tell It tell the truth, is you jealous or you jes?
Overprotected don't fuck around and get no injection
Not bout the bitch but bout the principle
That you wanna see me living life miserable
They say bullets ain't got no name money ain't got no rules
And a bitch gone do what she want to
My street literature spit at her so quick and smooth
She give a fuck about the hustling doubts that you went through
So get yourself together dawg and tune in tonight
She wanna fuck with a thug Mr. Tell It you too nice
All you wanna do is lick her pussy and hit her bare
She wanna fuck with a nigga that don't really care
Yo gotti hit the bitch and I'll never call her again
Same room same hotel next week with her friend
So Mr. Tell It I hope you linen (listen)
Stay the fuck up out my business
[Verse 3]
Mr. Tell It don't shoot me down to knock a bitch
Mr. Tell It don't use my name, remember you the shit
I can't help I fucked your hoe, and yo cuz, and yo sissta
and yo ex-girl-lah
Mr. Tell It want to pay be back, ain't that a bitch
My name ain't Kurt so remember that
Mr. Tell It these hoes already know that I'm a dawg
Mr. Tell It can't say nuttin nice then don't speak at all
Mr. Tell It quit bothering me, watching me
Following like a private eye agency
Mr. Tell It just leave me alone
Cause on the real, I don't want to put one in your dome
So leave me alone
Mr. Tell It we tryin' to sleep
Quit leaving message bout where I was last week
It's understood, Mr. Tell It listen close
I ain't married and ya boy don't love the hoe
Mr. Tell It
Hey hey picture me performing in an orpheon
A in the orphenat
What my future home onyl god knows
As while i stay and play it up
And ..
Count on me count on me ..
Tryin upside down
Let em look at the ..
'Cause i did you like bush
.. It's a cooper they dont' drop
Hard ..for i let em damn nigga nigga my hood my fellows
I kill em
F*ck em, i don't feel em
When the beat drop nigga
Hey nigga do get to ..
Play the nigga
Any nigga can make some money
But any nigga can try
Killa for killa west side
White vile ..
Do on one out of ..
Any five percet fo ten nigga
Any five percent of ..
Not do what i do i try nigga
Hope you drink
Don't confuse it money bags
White .. Bitch i say murder
Have you ever heard and is the word
..the shit ..the label
I aint' on the .. You got no consistency
Tryin to get my know the ..
You slow it down
Open the legs you beat it up
..can't see em
What you sayin i'm own it
..who want it your p**sy don't kill it
…comes to bury takin all
Is like an ..
I i i i just like deeper than eye
It gonna for crazy i stay for ..
Kill a shit, i kill a shit
Banana shit
You've been so faking shit
Why you only ..
Them bitches i ain't really ..
Go in time
Or a hater ..killa killa
Can murder one
I'm the only one
..we think to afce no
I know the ..ain't got the wings
Cut off the mike
They drop the base ..
See a brighter day real niggas
..killas we killas ..
Murder murder , kill kill
I'ma keep it real
..take the killer
…comes to bury takin all
Is like an ..
I i i i just like deeper than eye
See it .. They all runnin
When they see me coming
[news reporter]
Gotti gotti we've been dying to get a hold of you for this interview
You have this new album dropping and everyone just wants to know
What's been going on with you where have you been?
[Yo Gotti]
Well I was kicking down on Watkins on some motherfuckin' hustling shit
Catching my cone tryin to get old listen to that triple 6
Mr. Ian looked at me gotti let go take a trip
I know where they got them beeper 3 for we can get em shipped
See baby the ground is mine niggas try to disrespect
Be poochin' and grab the chopper fuck around and left em' wet
Twenty - fours Yokohama we look like some superstars
No more pop off we play we got TV sterna's in the trunk
Rappin' ain't no fucking thang block burna big biggidy bang
Me and my guys be sellin' them pies since 95' we out the frame
Gotti representing the streets so Swizzo let 'em feel the beef
Try to steal my flow but niggas know they ain't real as me
Back when I was whippin' chickens choppin' bricks in momma kitchen
Never knew that rap shit would establish me a mill ticket
Shinin', grindin' , never mindin' niggas winin' bout a bitch
I'm combining' every line and perfect timing with this shit
I'm combining' every line and perfect timing with this shit
(Movin' the zone movin' my throne)
(I&E; is the label I consider my home)
I'm combining' every line and perfect timing with this shit
(I&E; is the label I consider my home)
[Yo Gotti]
I'm from the north cuzz were I was tought cuzz
Was doin' my own thang never had a boss cuzz
So if you didn't know Gotti still C.E.O
It's block burnin' with yo bro but they don't feel me tho
I represent the M Project Pat and Fly and them
And all the pioneers that put it down for Gotti them
They say I'm new school but Gotti old school
Been having birds fuck what cha' heard I'm just a young dude
I'm just the truth and the realest to come up out the town
Keeping' it Memphis delivering the universal sound
It's fucking going down it ain't no fucking round
The king of Memphis you trippin' give me the fucking crown
It's fucking going down it ain't no fucking round
The king of Memphis you trippin' give me the fucking crown
(I&E; is the label I consider my home)
I'm combining' every line and perfect timing with this shit
I'm combining' every line and perfect timing with this shit
Im a gangsta(gangsta)
You a actress(actress)
You be dreamin(dreamin)
I make it happen(make it happen)
I aint a g I aint a crip I aint a blood
But i be fuckin with them niggas im a thug x2
I got respect
I came from the streets
If a nigga didnt hustle then a nigga didnt eat homie(homie)
And aint nan nigga took nuttin
Playin with me money
make ya mami go and book somethin
a fruit of a for that bitch ass nigga
ole dick in a booty slitch nich ass nigga(look) a couple niggas got fronted
took to long with me money
send them youngstas to that dumpin bitch
and i got soljas on my team
that will die for the i to tha e
the feds want me bad because they know i got them killa niggas out tha north
if Gotti get tha word they'll take them niggas off
and kids wanna be just like me
systems tryna dig cause some shit wan indict me
I sold hella keys made hella cheese
and all my niggas what convicted felonies cuz a
[chorus x2]
you wanna beef with c'mon lets go get em man
fuck talkin im tryna be the first one to hit em man
my patience little man
dont take alot of bullets man
drop em where the stand with one squeeze u dont understand
this a hard knock of life for niggas
take a pentatentery chance throwin bricks to prison
and i aint talkin bout no polka
but i watch niggas fold
fuck them other niggas cuz them other niggas hoes
them niggas hoes thats the verdict case closed
aint shit like they say
we da streets we know
7 out of 10 of dem niggas who talkin gangsta need a g replaced with the w cuz they wankstas(aint cha)
and i guess we like the black sheep
we live where we speak
so we neva talk cheap
these niggas vegetarians dont wanna see no beef
when it come they want peace
but me i want a piece cuz
[chorus x2]
back in 95
got a pick da side
with them big guys
they seen it in my eyes
they had a lot of pies
money to the vibe
i knew no betta but whateva i was down to ride
and neva asked about tha shit dat they owe me
just did wat they showed me
or did what they told me
the littlest nigga with tha biggest fuckin
balls i was down for tha motha fuckin cause
now i must say today im a rich cred veteran
shot alot of niggas cuz i sold a lot of medicine
did a lot of shit that you may think irrelavent
i masked on them rappers cuz they play with my intelligence
they had white when the price was cheapa
they hate the mel row
and now my brothers keepa
alot of niggas may not think the same
cuz they lame
they just rap they wasnt in tha game get it
[Verse 1]
My home boy rico, fell in love wit kesha
Full time freak bitch part time teacher
Me and kesha cool cuzz I use to fuck tammy
That's her lil sista just moved to miami
Kesha was the driver when I was takin trips to mexico
Got the head once and I ain't eve fuck the hoe
Course I told rico now tammy cant stand me
Before I fucked the bitch me and him was like family
And kesha start hangin round niggas couldn't trust her
But money over bitches that my mothefuckin brother
Sticking to the g-code, fuck one of these stank hoes
Of course I went told what she said back to rico
Rico gott mad excelled and start clickinq
Pulled his pistol out and told me stay up out his business
Told me he would kill me if I ever fucked his bitches
And he ain't pay me shit for them last five chickens
Rico trippin out rico know I ain't no hoe
Rico know he should have killed me
Rico know I ain't gone go
Rico still fuckin kesha, kesha still fuckin up
Rico still owe me a hundred grand and plan on running off
Rico mama know my mama we like family rico smart
But rico know what I know cant no one save him but god
I know rico ain't no sucka rico gutter he got heart
Rico merked so many niggas but his weakness is a bar
Now ico fuckin tammy cuzz he wanna pay back kesha
Kesha wanna pay back rico, I don't give a fuck bout neither
This bitch kesha so fucked up she been fuckin wit danetta
Gave dat bitcch a couple stacks she called rico up to meet him
Rico walked into the house I was sittin right on the couch
Rico thought he saw a ghost kesha standing right by the door
Rico one shot to the head, kesha screaming out he dead
Uu' know I cant leave no witness kesha pow, I fled
If uu; a real nigga then uu' stand for sumthing
By the way never change gotta stand for something
Its a hard man life and the streets made to go
One thing about it I don't love these hoes
I want it cuzz I got it and it __ all fishy
__ not to love these bitches
Trynna do the teacher and the game ain't work
__ then the streets don't care
[Verse 2]
Jesse a old as player jesse kind of like my plug
Jesse always got gud work bu he don't never show no love
I think jesse take my money and they front him what he buy
Maybe jesse a middle man using my shit to get by
Jesse prices be too high but I heard he work for nino
Jesse a full time gambler he met nino at the casino
On the cool jesse strong mane I heard he getting a c-note
That a hundred of them I'll knock his meat out his borito
Jesse home boy dede he be fuckin wit that white
Dede pose to be his goon he catching bodies every night
Me and dede went to skool together me and dede tight
5th period mr. anotchie class I was sellin dede white
I been playing under dede tryin to get up under jesse
Maybe I'll meet up wit nino and get me a connection
Jesse always getting robbed they don't respect him in the streets
Dede told me nino always asking questions bout me
But jesse always put me down nino got to play it safe
So in others words nino do whatever jesse say
Jesse playing like he straight nino moved back to LA
Dede told me jesse llove some bitches down in M I A
Nino flew us out to cali he gone take us to the grammys
I pulled up on jesse he was front seat with tammy
Tammy looked me in my eyes jesse looking at her strange
Thinking bout what dede told me tammy holding jesse change
Me and dede in the lobby told him I was leaving soon
When I left I saw that tammy bitch come out of nino room
Okay nino fucking tammy tammy holding nino work
And jesse ain't got a clue cuzz if he do he will be hurt
A long story short I took a trip to 305
Kicked in that tammy bitch door and got 100 something pies
Now dede looking for me but he fuck off with my guys
A quarter thing sofft they kbocked his brain off threw his eyes
Nino nino nino nino nino nino, nino nino nino nino nino nino ,
If uu; a real nigga then uu' stand for sumthing
By the way never change gotta stand for something
Its a hard man life and the streets made to go
One thing about it I don't love these hoes
I want it cuzz I got it and it __ all fishy
Shouts out to wanda told me not to love these bitches
Trynna do the teacher and the game ain't work
It's a World War Three, nigga
Fuckin' wit me, nigga
My niggas wit it, wit it, I&E;, nigga
World War Three nigga,
Fuckin' wit me, nigga
My niggas wit it, wit it, WB bitch
It's a World War Three nigga, fuckin' wit Gotti boy
I'm bout to separate yo soul from yo body boy
I got that chopper boy, coming through yo block boy
And you can't stop us boy, betta call the coppers boy
My niggas wit it, wit it
Money, we get it, get it
I see my target, regardless I hit it, hit it
Bullets ain't got no name
Gotti ain't playin' games
Gotti don't buss in the crowd, I see my mane in aim
Situations don't matter, put yo head on a platter
Catch the cut then bitch, I shed, born, and rattle
Got on yo head, feel you ready, got on yo best?
You say you beefin' wit Gotti you livin' then you blessed
Fu-Fuck a institution, bitch this a revolution
I ain't gone chill, until I get a execution
Fu-Fuck a institution, bitch this a revolution
I ain't gone chill, until I get a execution
So you say you want to break the law
What about when I break your jaw?
What about, when I come through your hood, sideways in a Regal, me and my
people, stuntin' wit a Sod-Off
I say you want to think, before you do that
You don't really want to see me run through that
I'm screamin out Gotti, before I got him so why you screamin' "Who that?"
You say you want to wild out
But you don't want to foul out
What the fuck you thinkin' bout?
See you fuckin' wit a block burner, when shit get hot it melt, ain't no
tellin' how it turn out
I'm bringin' fame to the streets in a proper way
Represent I&E; each and every day
Yo Gotti, motherfucker, what the fuck you say?
My grill ain't real, my shit don't shine in your face
How many niggas had six figgas, besides Jigga
Before the rap game came, me and my niggas
Representin' down south
Wit plat up in our mouth
Shit, bricks, and chips is what I'm all about
Say it again
Rewind the shit, Play it again,???, ???, record again
Cause you fuckin wit a nigga, bring war again
I scream attention! (WHO?)
If you a I&E; solider pay attention! (WHY?)
Cause it's some serious shit I'm bout to mention! (WHAT?)
Go and get that nigga, so I can lynch him! (WHO?)
Don't ever join my team and try to exit (BITCH)
That's like having a Lexus and won't flex it (BITCH)
I know you like the ice up in my bracelet (BITCH)
It's all about the sign around my necklace (BITCH)
You reckless (BITCH)
You had the advantage
Now you can't do nothing, but panic
Like a hoe, wanting it rough, but you too romantic
I'm the number one writer
Who say that they tighter?
That's just like bringing a fight, up out of a fighter
Trick, I'm ready for it, never 'noid, so energetic
And with that slick shit you pull, you make me feel disrespected
It's a World War Three nigga, fuckin wit Gotti boy
I ain't no studio gangsta I bring the drama boy
Okay i just bought a white bulldog all white fish white this
chorus x2:
white cutlass white lamb white truck white Porsche
I live on a golf course I be wit da white boyz
white couch in my white house off a white girl
all I know is white dawg I live in a white world
verse 1:
all I want for Christmas is a package and my pistol
if it is a black santa won't you free some of my nigguhz
every time I made a sale I made sure I used a scale
and if I ever got sum money I gon' give these nigguhz hell
vanilla color leather it look perfect with the wood
park the cutlass at the office park my lambo in the hood
gave the Lexus to the goons gave the truck to baby mama
but took it from that bitch cuz she went acting(?) like I want her
so now she pissed off mad at me but I don't give a damn
a bitch gon' do wat bitches do so she been going ham
my favorite color white u know I'm cocaine down from head to toe
I bought so much white shit think I'm bout' to cop some mo'
chorus x2
verse 2 :
I told em' white my favorite color u can ask my big brother
he said i'm going cocaine crazy but I do it for the struggle (i do)
I do it for the hustlers n I do it for the trappers
like I do it for the gangstas but I don't do it for no rappers (nah)
do it for the city ain't shit dat chu can tell me (nah)
don't compare me to no artist and(?) comparing me to Elvis
a chopper in my trunk I gotta 40. By my pelvis
n i want all the money so I guess Im kinda selfish
a bitch ????? She stay in ??? Atlanta
she said the worlds mine like Tony Montana
u working for the Feds I can see an antenna
so yellow cost taker(?) white chocolate outlaya
ey look pussy, nigga every thing i talk about real nigga, what I got huh what what, u see that shit nigga u know wat I'm talkin bout
just talk:
u kno WTF going on nigga
yo gotti mr. One time u num saying
cutlass like 90 or 80 sumthing 88 89
rach in this bitch nigga u kno the lamb 252 like 258 to be exact sum shit like dat naw mean. porsche like 135 2010 oh yeh nigga I could do January 1st in dat bitch
u nuh im saying i'll truck race dat shit just u kno 450 thousand dolla shit it ain't nuthing
[Hook: Yo Gotti]
I'm yo gotti... Niggas pistol playing showing straps
How you ain't got no work but in the trap... aye where they do that at [x4]
I know you ain't hating on yo dog were they do that at niggas going insane about a braud were they do that at
Snitching ass working for the laws were they do that at... aye were they do that at
[Verse 1: Yo Gotti]
I'm sitting up o's of that purple shit nigga playing money games
Charged a nigga a couple hundreds he told me charge it to the game
Oka it's all good bet I get his ass next time around ordered up the whole pound let my youngins lay him down
North memphis number 1 rule bitch nobody slide playing with me money just like playing with a nigga pride
And if you ever ever ever ever hurt a nigga feelings it's gone be a bloody bloody murder cold hearted killing
You ain't got no witness then they ain't got no damn case million dollar bond bitch that really like a hundred days
That real hood shit nothing but facts when I'm talking certified street approval and I'm the realiest nigga walking
Niggas pistol playing showing straps where they do that at
How you ain't got no work but in the trap where they do that at
Aye where they do that at [x4]
I know you ain't hating on yo dog were they do that at
Niggas going insane about a braud were they do that at
Snitching ass working for the laws were they do that at
Aye were they do that at [x2]
[Verse 2:]
I'm in the middle of my hood where everybody thuggin 4 deep one car and everybody busting
This that g shit all I ever wanted was a key shit never love these hoes you can miss me with that sweet shit
Cause yo bitch ain't yours and my bitch ain't mines they ah have a nigga fooled every motherfucking time
Every motherfucking line come out they motherfucking mouth is give me this or buy me that bitch it's a motherfucking drought
I'm a outlaw rolling stone never ever going home I stay were I spend the night different hoe house every night
This that real hood shit nothing but facts when I'm talking certified street approval and I'm the realiest nigga walking
Niggas pistol playing showing straps where they do that at
How you ain't got no work but in the trap where they do that at
Aye where they do that at [x4]
I know you ain't hating on yo dog were they do that at
Niggas going insane about a braud were they do that at
Snitching ass working for the laws were they do that at
Aye were they do that at [x2]
[Verse 3:]
I'm a certified gangsta in between me and you just got a million dollar check so my homies did to
We bout to fuck the whole city up tell them hoes come get with us if they want they hair and nails did cause that ain't shit to us
Nigga you ain't real you a pussy and everybody know it talking bout yo homeboys like they ain't even yo homeboys
You could'ntleave the house so I guess your just a home boy literally see my wrist and neck that bitch so glitterly
All I know is white girl I call her hillary cause that bitch got power plus she so considerate
This that real hood shit nothing but facts when I'm talking certified street approval and I'm the realiest nigga walking
Niggas pistol playing showing straps where they do that at
How you ain't got no work but in the trap where they do that at
Aye where they do that at [x4]
I know you ain't hating on yo dog were they do that at
Niggas going insane about a braud were they do that at
Snitching ass working for the laws were they do that at
Aye were they do that at [x2]
[talking: Yo Gotti]
No what I'm saying they don't do that shit in my hood nigga
They keep it 100 you know what saying cosack nigga cut they grass gather them cut they heads off nigga we good
Were they do that at
And we can get it on
Close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a nigga like this
And we can get it on
I know yo pain - all the shit you been through I
Just wanna see ya dreams come true
And we can get it on
Right here right now back seat
And we ain't gotta make it to the suite and I'mma go strong
And I'mma hit it hard like the beat guaranteed to
Put dat ass to sleep and have ya like
[Chorus: (Yo Gotti) {Ciara}]
{La La La La La La Lah} got me singing lullabies (I'm have ya like)
{La La La La La La lah} got me singing lullabies
I'mma put dat ass to sleep
[Verse 1:]
break it down to the beat then back it up (ok)
red bone super thick super tatted up (ok)
last dude super lame shawty had enough (ok)
gotti world super real cant get enough (ok)
wanna see you smile (ok)
change yo life around (ok) baby daddy gone (pruu) ice up the child (ok)
neva wont fa nothin (nothin)
neva need fa shit (ok)
cause I'mma real nigga and you a real bitch and I take you there clothes on clothes off 45 minutes straight zone dose off close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a gangsta like this and we can get it on
close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a nigga like this
And we can get it on
Close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a nigga like this
And we can get it on
I know yo pain - all the shit you been through I just wanna see ya dreams come true
And we can get it on
Right here right now back seat
And we ain't gotta make it to the suite and I'mma go strong
And I'mma hit it hard like the beat guaranteed to put dat ass to sleep and have ya like
[Chorus: (Yo Gotti) {Ciara}]
{La La La La La La Lah} got me singing lullabies (I'm have ya like)
{La La La La La La lah} got me singing lullabies
(I'mma put dat ass to sleep)
[Verse 2:]
I like it in da kitchen cuz dat my favorite spot she want it in da porshe cuz dat her favorite car she got me tryin things dat doin do 2day but I can make it valentine 4 a year str8 got her pregnant I know it ain't your birthday 30 minutes back seat on your lunch break I make yo legs shh shake like a earthquake (booom) you get yours I get mines now we both straight he put his hand on (WHO) you he must be insecure I drop them bands on you I like 2 volunteer (BEEP) close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a gangsta like this and we can get it on
[Chorus: (Yo Gotti) {Ciara}]
{La La La La La La Lah} got me singing lullabies (I'm have ya like)
{La La La La La La lah} got me singing lullabies
(I'mma put dat ass to sleep)
L-o-v-e I love ya theres not a thing I won't do fa ya we can last forever you and me you have everything I want you are all I need
[Verse 3:]
We like Tiny and Tip, maybe Puffy and Kim, Michelle and Obama, maybe Jada and will we like Hova and B, maybe Hillary, Bill we can be who eva we wanna shawty long as we real
And we can get it on
Close your eyes shawty gone make a wish you neva met a nigga like this
And we can get it on
I know yo pain - all the shit you been through I just wanna see ya dreams come true
And we can get it on
[Chorus: {Ciara}]
L-o-v-e I love ya theres not a thing I won't do fa ya we can last forever you and me you got everything I want you are all I need {La La La La La La Lah}
got me singing lullabies (I'm have ya like) {La La La La La La lah} got me singing lullabies
Tuesday night, I was laid up in the bed
Tired as hell, I'm hearing voices in my head
Heard some knocks, grabbed my tone, ran to the doe (door)
Screamed, "Who is it?", but i ain't hear that shit no mo'
Cocked my nine
I went to peekin' out the blinds
Thought it was fine
But at a unexpected time
The doe (door) flew in, I got a two-story home
Seen 'em comin' wit they face masks on
Bust the choppers, down the stairs, they hit the cut
Two of them got away, but the other two got stuck
Hit 'em again
One in the neck, one in the chin
Then called the Law and said I did they ass in
OK, you wanna play
You say you know where I stay?
Well, come today
Bring yo bad ass on, I'm waitin on ya
I got a K wit a motherfuckin' shank on it
You bitch you
OK, you wanna play
You say you know where I stay?
Well, come today
Bring yo bad ass on, I'm waitin on ya
I got a K wit a motherfuckin' shank on it
You bitch you
Say whodie, you won't believe what happened to me
A nigga all in my spot, and he askin' for me
See I wouldn't at the spot, but my broad was there
When she hit me on the phone, it's niggas in there
They knocked me off for a bird and my platinum chain
Them niggas from round there, they just doin' they thang
I respect the game
But they got to respect it, I aint no hoe ass nigga
I'm gone take car my business
Next day, broad-daylight, rode the track
The first nigga looked suspicious had to get in the back
Bitch, we ain't straight no mo'
Hoe we used to have fun, we don't play no mo'
Them niggas that you run wit, they kicked in my doe
So I'm gone shoot you in yo face if you don't cough up that dope, bitch
This situation is a cold thang
I got to explain
Cause nigga this a cold game
I was keeping my pounds at a spot in Raleigh
But I was moving them thangs, like they was hot tamales
Well, hot tamales, I played the cards I was dealt
Because I knew befo' long that they'll hang they self
I ain't no fool
Nigga that's why I play it cool
I know the shit you will and won't try to do
But what you came in wit, that's what you left wit (AHH HAA)
Because I'm three steps ahead, it's like you brainless
I been fuckin' wit money, I been having birds
I disassociated my self from bad nerves
Cause once you under pressure, you'll bust trick
And you the type of nigga that I can't trust bitch
And the nigga that went, you just a send-out
I tried to kill yo hoe ass, but you went out, the window, bitch
Since 50 Dropped Wanksta Erbody A Gangsta(This Ya Boy Yo Gotti)
Since 50 Dropped Wanksta Erbody A Gangsta(Gangsta)
Yeah, You Put On Ya Gangsta Image Nigga But You Know You Aint Gangsta(Gangsta)
You Can Fool Yaself Nigga But The Fact Still Remains You Niggas Just Aint Gangsta(Gangsta)
You Got Ya Braids To The Back(You Gangsta Rite)
Sold Ya Rags Get Some Tags(You Gangsta Rite)
So You Roll Wit A Clique(You Gangsta Rite)
Claim You Dont Date No Shit(You Gangsta Rite)
I See You Got Ya Golds In Ya Mouth(You Gangsta Rite)
But Them Niggas Shot Up Ya House(You Gangsta Rite)
I Know You Aint Gonna Go Like That(Cuz You Gangsta Rite)
You Gangsta Rite(Rite), You Gangsta Rite(Rite) You Gangsta Get Real.
All You Animated Put Togther Popeye Thugs Need To Hit Cha Spend It Fo Ya Try To Step To Me Cuz
Aint Yosamite Sam Nor Elmer Fud
Got A Mold Bird Pump And It Filled With Slugs
Hit Ya Hunni In Tha Mouth
You Ran Thats How Tha Cookie Crumble
Damn Im Too Fast You Remind Me Of The Warner Brothers
You Aint Gon Kill Nutthin Or Let Nutthin Die
Be Tha First To Testify To Tha Lbi
Yo Gotti Got Guns We Aint Seen Before
Ar 15's Red Beams And Scopes
Ya Moms House Got Sprayed
And Ya Mans Got Hit
You Was All On A Dinner Date Trickin To A Bitch
Yeen Shot Nobody
Yeen Sold No O's
Yeen Been On A Mission
Kicked Down No Doors
Yeen Pimped No Bitches
Yeen With No Riches
Yeen Cut A Nigga Head Made Em Go Get Stiches
Yeen Bout Yo Skrilla
And You Sho Aint A Boss
You Aint Help Young Niggas
You Cant Seen No Cross
You With Ya Ho Romantic
I Make Ya Petty
Im Tha Mild Cold Deala Like Shootin That Cannon
And Ya Bitch Can Get It To
So Get A Taft None
Gangsta Why Tha Fuck You Run Wit A Gun
Real Niggas Dont Press Charges
What Tha Fuck You Doin
You On Tha Stand Pointin Fingers At Peliminary Hear
Me Vs The State And You Was The Victim
Thought You Said You Was A Solja
You Runnin With Killas
Yeah Tha Truth Hurts Nigga
But Im More Than Bullets
I Make A Bun Get A Gun
Run Up On You And Pull It
You Niggas Square As A Pool Table
And Twice As Green
Type Of Nigga Take All His Work And Front It To Fiends
Real Gangstas Get Money
And They Call Tha Shots
Got Block Burnas That Dont Rap
I Can Get You Shot
And Then Niggas Tryna Get Tha Don's Killed
Thats Why I Neva Leave Tha House With Out My Heata Consealed
I Got One In Tha Cham When I Jump In Tha Range
Keep My Hand On Tha Trigga
I Blow Out Ya Brains
Leave Tha Club Switchin Lanes
Half A Life Doin A Hundred
Tryna Catch This Cred Dummy That Wont Pay Me My Money
Im From North Memphis Nigga We Dont Play That Shit
You Threw Ya Door Fenders And Windas
And Kill That Bitch
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for
Girl of my dreams, I'm looking for
I'm looking for, running around the streets, I'm looking for
They say she is cruel, she don't force to be your be your girl
But if I really like her dog, who cares what she was?
I think it don't matter, she the girl of my dreams
She a bad bitch and I just want her on my team
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for
Man, I'm in the club when I'm looking for
Cut off the lights.
If you wanna meet the rich, you got to see the pict
You can't get dollars forever, girl, you got to fuck a real nigga
Hope you see the shit that I see in my eyes when I see them
Hope you think the shit that I think in my mind and be them.
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for
I'll eat that pussy good and they're tricking for
I heard she got a plane, that she's a dancer on the side,
And when she get her money right she put me to the side.
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for, I'm looking for
I'm looking for, turn on the lights
I'm looking for, I'm looking for.
Say hello to baby momma, she will never give me drama,
In my phone I found her number, I will fuck her number one
Say I'm sorry for this shit I put you through,
But I'm a street nigga, what the fuck I'm for to do?
And when I'm 'bout that close side when they bought you want 'em too
So you can kill them bitches every time you pull up to
Turn on the lights, that club bad, that bitch is back,
And I see some ready way in the back, back.
She say she a fan, and if she fuck me, she a groupie,
I say no you're not, girl, that shit sound stupid.
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for,
I'm million miles away, I send a ticket for
Sex on the beach, Miami for,
The way she make that noise I've got a Grammy for
Say she a down b, a homie down b,
Super fly chick, a ride or die bitch,
And I just wanna say I'm happy that you are my bitch
I'll never be ashamed, so you can quit that shy shit.
And turn on the lights, I'm looking for,
I'll eat that pussy good and they're dipping for
I heard she got a plane, she's a dancer on the side
And when she get her money right she put me to the side.
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for, I'm looking for,
I'm looking for,
Turn on the lights, I'm looking for, I'm looking for,
Chorus- This that club shhit straight thhug shit, This that beat a nigga ass in the club shit. Jays laced up Gam faced up. Bang Bang Nigga Nigga Throw Ya Sets Up. Bang Bang Bang Throw ya sets up. Bang Bang Bang throw ya sets up. Throw ya sets up. Throw ya Sets up. Throw ta ses up.
Verse- Yo Gotti: Bang Bang Click Clack Bow B08. North Memphis memphis Nigga. I do This everyday. You Seen fist 48? Pussy nigga had a choppa got killed with a 38. Everday everyhood in my cuty throwing up signs. These young niggas crazy. They lost they muthafuckin mind. White bandana we paly nun but games.20 yale club baking soda thang. Aint throwing money i make it rain. Carbon 15's thats hella caine. Say we young and dumb we'n got it all. gotta lot of beef but we kill em all. body piling up blame it on my dogs. Lota money Lota buns i'll make em all. blue and white jays. white and red chain. you bout that gangsta shit well im bou the same thang.
Um huh ooooo nananna they don't want it with us
[Yo Gotti:]
Record label who nigga I do my own thang cocaine 5 nigga I'm in my own lane running round with shooters young niggas they insane I&e; the mob nigga I got my own gang bigga bigga rankin you betta tell these niggas work in the u-haul respect down in Duval 100 clips 100 bricks before I ever knew yal walking through your hood like what up what it do dawg fake ass trappers phoney ass rappers nigga say anything to sell they lil albums choppers on the tour bus feds trying to grab them phantom in the drive way still ain't dropped a album
Um huh ooooo nananna they don't want it with us
[Zed Zilla:]
Yea they might puff dro and yea they might fuck hoes a yo all I know they want it with us I'm talking bout every where I go I got choppers in 4-4s first sucker even looking like he want it I bust I'm mister z.e.d I'm just southside coasting plenty syrup plenty dro now I'm in slow motion shooting hit your head stomach leg all in one motion for the he said she said causing that commotion when you take your shirt off when them crips thanking you locing when they get them bullets out you doctor c-section you open all my niggas straight killas like the illa we be smoking so if I nigga fucking with us in the river he be floating... zilla
Um huh ooooo nananna they don't want it with us
...yea this some personal shit here nigga!
I'ma take it there...
You can kiss her, You can hug her
You can tell her that you love her to her face bro'
But that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
Said, that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
You can lick her, You can stick her
You can give it to her right all nite bro'
But that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
Said, that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
You can like her you can wife her
You can get married and fight her all nite bro'
But that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
Said, that bitch ain't yo bitch dawg
[Verse 1: Yo Gotti]
I'm the same nigga off tha chain nigga
I get's paid to giving game to lame niggaz
I learned early way back in my younger days
Following my heart I fell in love at seventh grade
Late nite on the phone quality time king
Malco movie screens she was my queen
We was everything and I was so faithful
Fucked my homeboys and that was so hateful
I thought taped her
In denial and didn't wanna believe in the truth
man but they taped her
Made me strong so I can live with that
So I gotta thank that Andrea for that
[Verse2: Yo Gotti]
How many real niggaz can stand up and tell the truth
Lay it all on the line when they step in the booth
Not that many pimpin' close to any pimpin'
That boy Gotti a fool that's why I'm winning pimpin'
Nineteen-nintey-six I was moving bricks
Opened my heart back up and got another bitch
I changed that hoe life I copped that hoe ice
I showed that hoe wrong I taught that hoe right
And she was ride or die I seen her smile and cry
I sent that hoe to school I made her work nine to five
They kicked my door in they shot my bitch up
The cut my whole head they stole my white stuff
But she was still there cause she did not care
She's a soulja man she was so real
I asked her one day do you know dude there
She said hell naw man she said she swear
poseda been out of town I popped up in my home
Man it' was going down
And I ain't no damn fool
And it was clear to see she was fuckin the enemy
She made me strong and cold-hearted for that
Man I gotta thank Ranarda for that
If I should die for our way
I pray the streets my world to take
Getting my jewellery to the most respected
My .. give my guns to the gunners
You don't say it!
Cocaine dose, fish.. vicious
Pray the Lord for giving niggers, street is my religion
Amen, amen, amen
Can I hear who the niggers praying amen
Give my testimony, testimony, testimony
My testimony, my testimony
Give my testimony, testimony, testimony
Amen, amen, amen
Can I hear hood niggers praying amen
I'm a different type of niggers, I'm on a different shit
Every day I wake up, I want a different bitch
I want the world playing, I want the kido
Talking real so big they can't feel ….
..a different one…
For.. bitch, another name!
Got confession to make, you all look the same
No .. and looking, ought to be ashamed!
Say the rap game change a lot of niggers stress
But between you an me, nigger is a bliss
fake niggers come up, real niggers suffer
.. that's why I don't trust him!
In my testimony, I … the truth to see
Hoping the Lord forgive a nigger, street is my religion
Then can't I get an amen…
Cocaine dose, fish.. vicious
Pray the Lord for giving niggers, street is my religion
Amen, amen, amen
Can I hear who the niggers praying amen
Give my testimony, testimony, testimony
My testimony, my testimony
Give my testimony, testimony, testimony
Amen, amen, amen
Can I hear hood niggers praying amen
In my hood, playing it right
Where do I shoot, where do I hit?
Five hundred ..and it did my life
OG, OT I don't shit… but the money…
..then it ain't my guy
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen…
Anything else, way to high
Gucci knew this… way too fly
way to high, need to come down
Need a…
Don't know me, don't know you
…my hood, so don't come around.
I'mma tell you like a nigger told me
..might be OG
That being said, that being told
That's the first nigger in front of me,a whole key
..put it in my hand, cause he know I wanna plan…
..he had to shoot me…
My testimony, my testimony, my testimony!
My testimony, my testimony, my testimony!
Yeah, I hear… inside the kitchen saying…
..why took 'em bitches…
..full of money.. but I kept the chopper…
..cha cha cha ain't no stopping me!
acting crazy, yes I am, nobody need to pray for me
.. I know they got a place for me…
You know how these game goes
[Verse 1:]
I get... momma, she's fucked up,
It's no playing for you doll, keep your head up!
I just come to the city, young niggas still witty
So this summer it's gonna be a killing.
Plus I got the feeling some pussy ass rappers gonna try to play me,
And the record label might not try to pay me.
But fuck it, I'm a spazz out, spazz out,
I think I'm a spazz out, spazz out!
[Verse 2:]
I just talked to my homie, said he ain't assed out
He got a chopper, and I know he's about to spazz out.
Let me put it... broke the grass out,
I'm going green on them hoes my block a cash cow
I put 'em whine up, drop 'em black and broke 'em...
These niggers still talking ignas I'm a crash out!
I'm about to crash out, I'm about to crash out!
A brand new beamer, a brand new phone and nigga crashed out
And if I had to shoot a nigga, I'm just gon bail out,
Kck up my feet, watch bet and kush my self out
I never said a lot, labels say I held out
Cause I'm made 80k/week don't give a hell about!
The realest nigga walking my shows gon sell out
I'm talking chickens bitch, let's break the scale out
I'm about to spazz out, spazz out,
I think I'm a spazz out, spazz out!
[Verse 3:]
I put my mind in this shit, grind in this shit, blood, sweat, and tears I put my time in this shit! Niggas took the easy route, I had to climb in this shit. From Cocaine Muzik 1 to Cocaine Muzik number 6!
I'm a spazz out, spazz out,
Fuck it, I'm a spazz out, spazz out!
And this that cocaine muzik forget I'm about to lose it,
Mac 19 extended clips niggas gon make me use it
I'm a beat that pussy up bitch, I'll throw my balls in...
Spank that ass... cocaine muzik
[Verse 4:]
Hold on, stop the beat, cut me up
Make sure niggas hear me clearly
This is my appectance speech!
I'm the gangsta of the year
Thanks the soda, thanks the kitchen
Thanks the... that show me love
Thanks the trap before I leave the stage, I must salute the plug
Thank the streets, thank every nigga that ever doubted me...
Thanks to beef kept me on my toes like I 'oughta be
Look at me balling now, right where I'm supposed to be,
Feds won't trap a nigga, hit me with conspiracy
Fuck it, do your job then
Broke, I'm a rob then
I need organized crime, we're a mob, then!
Bring the streets back like some hard then
This shit is real life, so I'm a put my heart in!
Gangsta of the year
Realest nigga of all time
Streets cast ya votes
It's nomination time
I'm Yo Gotti!
Pulled up at the show
Half a brick of blow
12 pack of goose, quarter pound of dro
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
We do it for the goons
Sellin' out the club
Fish scale tour
Ain't what you thought it was
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
[Verse 1]
This Yo Gotti
Mic check 1, 2
I love you guys (white girls)
I love you too (Yo Gotti)
We got this motherf*cker jumpin off the hinges,
Ni*gas throwing gang signs, b*tches in a frenzy.
Lined up outside they said this motherf*cker sold out,
Word on the count they said that motherf*cker showed out.
He aint had the platinum on, but girl he broke the gold out
DJ played that gangsta sh*t, the waitress brought the rolls out.
Dope boy fresh, yeah they brought some 24's out
Them hatas stayed at home, but I bet I brought their ho*s out.
HAHAHA yeah I said I brought their ho*s out
Before I leave their city man, I'm burning up their ho*s mouths.
Pulled up at the show
Half a brick of blow
12 pack of goose, quarter pound of dro
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
We do it for the goons
Sellin' out the club
Fish scale tour
Ain't what you thought it was
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
[Verse 2]
50 dollar hat, hundred on the chain
Thousand dollar jeans, I come to do my thing.
50 on the wanch, twanky on the ring,
Bass hitting hard, club off the chain.
Fire marshall tripping, they want to shut us down
Laws raid the club, they try to shake us down.
Helicopter high, we ain't coming down
You ain't smokin these, this sh*t from out of town.
Goons on stage, security in the crowd
B*tches pull my shirt, plus they want my towels.
They say you cool as hell, and you ain't hollywood
I say I'm real as hell, because I come from the hood.
Pulled up at the show
Half a brick of blow
12 pack of goose, quarter pound of dro
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
We do it for the goons
Sellin' out the club
Fish scale tour
Ain't what you thought it was
This b*tch is sold out (4x)
[Verse 3]
Wanna book a show, tell me when and where
A half a brick - could be a dro, I'll meet you there.
Hotel exclusive, ni*gas be playing games
With all that monkey sh*t, I'm knocking out your brains.
I'm a hood ni*ga, dog I know the game
Ni*ga want my watch, ni*ga want my chain.
Catch me in your city, walkin through the mall
And I ain't in your city, if I ain't strapped dog.
I'm a bad b*tch, I picked through them all
But I ain't f*cking nothing, if I ain't strapped dog.
Ni*ga started fighting, f*cked up the night
Yeah it's been a ball, but I gotta catch a flight.
Pulled up at the show
Half a brick of blow
12 pack of goose, quarter pound of dro
This b*tch is sold out (x4)
We do it for the goons
Sellin' out the club
Fish scale tour
Ain't what you thought it was
Single, single
Go go go go go
... up in the building
Single single single
I'm single for the night
I'm single, I'm single
Say I need a single so here we go
Nigga say... single 24
She ask me am I single I say damn right
Yeah she got a man for the night, she single for the night
Single single single single single
She single for the night
Single single signle single single signle
I'm single for the night
Got trapped homie say you wanna single
Hood nigga I'ma born I get pringles
I get paid in the club I don't come...
... in my own top gun in my blood put my own blood...
For the club don't play two shot carries my watch on
I'm single carries on my finger looking for a big bad b*tch like...
I am, she committed... let me hit it you can... a single dollar then you
Know you're with it
Say I need a single so here we go
Nigga say... single 24
She ask me am I single I say damn right
Yeah she got a man for the night, she single for the night
Single single single single single
She single for the night
Single single signle single single signle
I'm single for the night
Tell em that I'm single but I...
Top squares... white some night aires
Single horse on the... couple hundred...
Single pots... ain't no...
Yeah I'm married to the game what you know about it
Yeah I'm fly rich nigga action all about ti
For single in the split... real bottles
Yeah we're rockin like the...
Single don't born else stand on the couch middle finger to the...
I am like queen latifa... single bout me in the hood...
Baby mama left a nigga, got another man
You work out and try to come back and geta second chance
Second chance, second chance
Yeah i love that ass to death but ain't no second chance
If i fucked off with your friend
Would i get a second chance?
Guess i fuck too many hoes i need a second chance
Second chance, second chance
Seh may love your ass to death btu aint no second chance
See bitches think there slick but then they act like niggas
Gon fuck off and then come back and act all sentimental
Pack your bags get out my house you knw the bizz,
And you better not have no nigga round my fucking kids
See loyalty's a must and trust is all we have
And i'm a street nigga so you know the math
Don't put me in no shit cuz you know what i woll do
And if a nigga know my business i may have to kill you
Street code, freak home, fuck a bitch, anythign goes
I think i fuck too many hoes, its come on maybe
Finally got the one i like and she gon drive me crazy
It goes once upon a time, i was on my grind
Yeah i fucked a couple hoes
Yeah she caught a nigga lying
Then i went out on the road,
Then she want to pay me back,
So she fucked another nigga,
When i get back i'ma kill her (damn)
Gave that hoe the world, she had my lil girl,
Got a nigga hot, put me on the spot (damn)
Guess that's what i get get
Nigga round my bitch bitch
One thing bout it though we never working out shit bitch
I guess i fuck too many hoes,
It's come on maybe
Finally got the one i like
And she gon drive me crazy
Pure cocaine, pure cocaine [x2]
All I ever served out in these streets is pure cocaine
[Chorus x2]
[Yo gotti]
Remember me coca'ina you like my best friend,
When I was down and fucked up you got my ass in
Far as I remember my nigga my life is full of pain,
I posted up in the snow I stood out in the rain
I laid that white on the table I watch em catch a drain,
I knew right then right there that I would never live the same
I'm like a bird myself nigga wrap me up and move me,
I got a stamp in the middle the whole hood approve me
But you can't break me down (down) you gotta sell me whole (whole),
It's a drought on real niggas you already know
I'm that ether nigga that fish scale,
You that oil base homie you don't cook well
I'm yo gotti the king and I got that young cash,
New money in a muthafuckin dufflebag
All hundreds in a sour creme ruffles bag,
Young money bitch I keep a couple hundred stashed
[Chorus x2]
[Gucci Mane]
Coca'ina heavily cooking dope excessively,
Heavy risk activity my god given ability
Hid the bricks in the 6 wait 'til they get low to downtown, charleston, SC
Shawtys start a lotta problems let her start it off wit bricks
Gucci mane the dope boy point me where the jays at,
Heres a 50 slab watch my'74 to payday
Shawty want some hardball baby want some powder,
I'm so high I see stone mountain
Gucci got da birds I aint talkin bout da falcons,
Gucci slangin birds also known as a dragon
Hundred pounds of midgrade stash that in my magnum,
Roll it to the country then them country boys I tax them
Gucci mane bastard cook dat dope faster,
Make that dope stretch like a 80 inch plasma
Coke skank dope skank smokin on my airplane,
80 in the air man bricks over here mane
[Young Cash]
Yeah, I never thought I would be ridin dirty on i-10 just reup and flip again,
Rent a car from enterprise license proof of insurance
Speed limit 65 so I'm goin 62,
Both hands on the steering wheel drivin like a old lady do
Crackers pull me over they aint got shit gotta let me dip,
Purple haze is all I smoke but she couldn't make it on this trip
Usaully keep a pistol too one in the chamber clip full,
Not today on i-10 it's nothing but me and redbull
Collared shirt brown slacks lookin like a business man,
Bible on the passenger side yeah I'm a christian man
Yeah I pray to god let me get these bricks back lord,
Please don't let these crackers try to search this lil ol' honda accord.
Shit I'm wide awake, I aint sleepy so I aint gon swerve
Told you I like the traffic when it rain I call em thunderbirds
I'm the only one touch the work so I know it's all good,
[Talking: Yo Gotti]
I'm a North Memphis Survivor...Survivor
I'm a North Memphis Survivor...I'm a young nigga, money and power
I'm a North Memphis Survivor...Survivor
I'm a North memphis Survivor...I'm a young nigga, money and power
[Yo Gotti]
I was a young nigga thugging now, moms bugging now
Getting the Third Degree, for bringin drugs in the house
Getting my ass in, but my mama had to spoil it
Ran across my work, flushed my shit down the toilet
Fucked me up bad, but I tried to ignore it
Couldn't though, why? cuz I owed the nigga for it
125 grams eight one yo-la, 50 doller power tell blue motorola
Broke up my tube and my scale, I got no luck
Hold up, mama even threw away the soda
I remember this shit like it was yesterday
Falling in the house late, seent the look on mama's face
I knew something was wrong, by the smile and the smirk
You know the look you get when your mama really hurt
She shook her head, I dropped mine, ya'll already know
Boy you selling dope, get your shit you got to go
[Chorus x2]
I'm on the motherfucking grind
You think this easy, you out your motherfucking mind
You could see the shit I'm doing, if you was blind
Straight up, I'm just trying to get mine
[Yo Gotti]
What am I to do now, where am I to go?
And how the fuck I'm gonna pay this nigga for his do?
Been looking for me, got a nigga kind of scared
And all the other niggaz looking up side my head
They said he came through, layin low with his beeper
Two, Three cars Two, Three Desert Eagles
Got me a fresh quarter ounce and a beeper
Fuck it, I'm a grind till my bank get steeper
72 hours had 28 elither
Know what I'm talking about that uncut ether
Junkies lookin whoin, goose neckin and browsing
Word got around, I sold up the Public Housing
[Yo Gotti]
One week later had 4 and a split
Called up the nigga, told him told him come get his shit
I'm a real nigga, I just ran into some problems
All the time you think a nigga tried to slick rob ya
Thinking about my mama and them, I'm ready to go home
I'm fifteen years old, out here on my own
Mama let me back in, mama real strict
After school, straight home, no phone, no shit
Now doom in my room, I assume I was broke and it's true
So what the fuck a nigga gone do
Called grip, I heard he just got back off a trip with that shit
Man fuck it, I'm getting back with my click
It's hard to believe (It's hard to believe)
I made it through the years (I made it through the years)
I guess that I'm blessed (I guess that I'm blessed)
Cause I didn't get popped (or I didn't get killed)
[Yo Gotti]
It's hard to except
The cards I was dealt
The life that I chose
A life full of crime
A bag full of dimes
A hood full of jealous ass niggas wanting mine
But now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take
I seen it, all this ana fall, never thought I'd make it out
Broad-daylight, I seen my homeboy get takin' out
They shot at me
They got at me
Never could they get at me
I gotta thank the Lord from shielding me from all my enemies
Ran mo' blocks than fugitives
Sold mo' dope than Cubians
Kept my mind on dollar signs and never was abusing them
I think I got the feeling jone
I'm seeing millions jone
Come into my residence
But that's irrelevant
2000 was on jone
2000 is gone jone
2000 and 1 is here, I'm still droppin' songs jone
Don't shit exist in this galaxy, that's like D'Nero
Ain't facin' shit, but tragedy from out of my baro
Witnessed too much shit at a age like mine
Beef off in the streets got me on stages wit nines
My nig Gotti get the mic, and yo I'm watchin' the crowd
I see a nigga start to reachin' and let that heater go pow
Took too many losses, felt sad feelings out here
My nig lost his mom and dad, I lost my lil' one this year
We be exposed to a lot of shit our eyes shouldn't see
But I'm composed of a lot of shit y'all niggas couldn't be
Cause I'm a real nigga, meaning I'm limited dog
Fake shit done played out like SEGA Genesis dog
They used to call me Ghost, cause I had a nigga that spook
Just a young nigga, strapped up and ready to shoot
I played it smart this year
Life was hard this year
I kept my lawyer fully paid and beat my charge this year, nigga
[Ms. V-Dawg]
It's hard to believe I made it nigga, but I made it nigga, yeah I'm here
You thought that I wouldn't make it nigga, but tell me who you hear
It wouldn't my time to go, so I ain't gone nowhere
I'm still bumpin, keepin' you jumpin, while I'm smokin' my square
I be V slash D uh O G nigga, I'm just like a nigga, holdin' my pants when I
pose nigga
Still fuckin' hoes nigga
Doing my shows nigga
And listening to you niggas say this bitch is cold nigga
I'm out of control nigga
I can't be stopped bitch
I made it through the years with out gettin popped or killed
I said I'm out of control nigga, I can't be stopped bitch
I made it through the years with out gettin' popped or killed
[Verse 1:]
Ok the beat go hard but I go harder
I can die a drug dealer but I'm smarter
Pair of forgiato rims I could of brought a charger
But dem bitches make the lambo look a little more harder
King of my city north memphis we're like holla
Blood gang crips too we gon eat regardless
See me on the news yeah I beat em charges
All they do is runnin gunnin and a dodgin
Blood shed my niggas in the fed my nigga Gucci die
I can't let nuthin slide
Ridgecrest where I resign Ridgecrest what I provide
Young nigga with them choppas 'cause I know they gonna ride
Fuck if I die today I went to church I pay my tax
I leave my son a couple million dollars so I did alright
Hard ain't no nigga in this streets that built like me sold bricks like me
Mexico took trips like me
Texaco ain't nothin but gas if I was u nigga down my past
I break bread so no fuck me nigga I'm a real nigga and I was built to last
Hard hard I'm hard hard hard I'm hard
Hard hard I'm hard
In the kitchen I whip it harder
Top drop ridin harder
Hard hard I'm hard hard hard I'm hard
In the kitchen I Whip it harder
Real nigga I live harder
Hard hard I'm hard
[Verse 2:]
The streets go hard but I go harder
I know what didn't meant mo money mo fuckin problems
I know young money like I'm dwayne carter
Remember my life a real nigga if I die tomorrow
I'm harder met a bitch in the mazda
Put the bitch in the range rover
Cause she suck dick till tomorrow
Head 4 24 hours 24 brick or powder
24s on my platnmium neek 50k on the chandelier
Nozzle like a castle bitch white like alaska
Got instrumentals sold all white on my mercedes shit nasa
Pulled off in that 'rari took off like I'm nasa
Nigga playin dem games with me she'll fuck you if you answer
She smarter better get she harder better yet you pussy
Then why them bitches charge ya
[Verse 3: Rick Ross]
Strip moneys strip moneys got on my wall
I'm going so hard I know I got more than dough
Got the beamer the bentley triple-black mercedes-benz
Got me 5 mill in cash time to get it again
From reebok to surrock came a long way from the blocks
Baby girl I don't wed cause shit I've driven it rocks
Licking shots that you pussies my stock fresh shot through the roof
As I shoot for the stars I'm shootin buying a coup
I know I won't live forever but stocking up like I will
I know you niggas ain't real but I fuck you like u is
48 laws 36 hoes 57 nets all black tip-toein
26 inch rims chrome mac 11 doing right so hard but I pray I get to heaven