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Face of Terror: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - ISIL Terrorists
Who are the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
The Amorites: From Arabia to the Levant 2500BC-1200BC
Part 13 - Levant AND The Dawn of Lucifer - ISIL & Obama
500 Muslims attend Danish terrorist's funeral: Ezra Levant reports
The Evolution of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
soleil levant au Grand theatre
Ezra Levant - Justin Trudeau wouldn't strip citizenship from ISIS terrorists
TROUPE SOLEIL LEVANT - 10 ans de succès au Grand Théâtre
Ezra Levant - - For the media too lazy to report on the jihad in Canada
Ezra Levant with Anjem Choudary
Levant - Lidt Mer' Feat. Izzy
Ezra Levant - From Canadian jihadis to ISIS, it's all Islam
Face of Terror: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - ISIL Terrorists Everyone who is not us is the enemy and should be branded as infidel. This seem...
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, (ISIL), is a jihadist group active in Iraq and Syria seeking to establish a Islamic caliphate. Subscribe to our channel As an al-Qaeda offshoot with thousands of Arab and foreign fighters under its wing, it has emerged as one of the most powerful groups in the region. It controls several cities in Iraq, and parts of northern Syria. Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh reports.
Tracing the Amorites migration from Arabia to the Levant. The western Semitic speaking Amorites sprung out Arabia in waves of tribal federations roaming the desert/semidesert region between the Euphrates in the west and the Mediterrianean sea in the East. They were restricted from Mesopotamia by their Eastern Semitic kinsmen, the Akkadians. The Amorites of the North will settle the highlands and later fall under Hittie influence, after the fall of the Hittites they will emerge as the highlanders (Arameans). The Amorites of Western Canaan will establish the coastal Canaanite towns that will later evolve into Phoenicia and Philistia. The third group of the Amorites were the East Cannanites (lowlanders) concentrated along the Euphrates, mainly following the water and pasture in the midwest Euphrates region. The Meso-Akkadians regarded the Amorites as an uncivilized unproductive group because they didn't have a harvest they can loot or a town to sack to supply their growing empire. To them the Amorites were troublesome Nomadic shepherds a people with no submission and no house in a lifetime! The Amorites viewed the Akkadians as the oppressive imperial power that controlled their only source for survival; the Euphrates water and the needed pasture for their livestock. This Mesopotamian animosity between the Akkadians and Amorites will give birth to the Zodiac as we know it. THe Amorites marked their age with the fall of the Akkadian empire 2160BC (the Akkadian Bull) and the start of the Shepherds age (The Ram). At this point The Zodiac was still two ages and will later become divided into 12 astrological ages once the Amorites enter Babylon. By the 20th Century BC the Amoires were already established in mid-Mesopotamia and started sacking the Neo-Sumerian towns; eventually conquering Babylon, making it their capital in 1959BC. UR survived another 9 years, until it was taken by the Elamites. The Amorites established their authority as he absolute Arabian/Semitic dynasty by crushing the Elamites, starting the Old Babylonian Kingdom. Hammurabi receiving he laws from the sun god. With the death of Hammurabi The Kingdom disintegrated into smaller city states ruled by weak kings. Babylon proper survived for another 100 years. In 1659BC the technologically advanced Hitties conquered Babylon. 1659BC - 1648BC: After the fall of Babylon, the Amorite dialect disappeared from Babylon and was replaced by an Assyro-Akkadian dialect interrupting the gap between Old and Neo-Babylonian and clearly shows that the East-Canaanites disappeared from Mesopotamia. 1649BC: The Amorites conquered Egypt, starting the 15th dynasty. The Amorites will control Egypt for 108 years as the elite class in Egypt. The Amorite Hyksos ruled Egypt for 108 years. However, the Egyptian-born Amorites lacked what their Nomadic ancestors had three generations earlier. By the 1540s BC the East Canaanite Amorites (Hyksos) lost control of Egypt and sensed the danger of remaining in Egypt after the atrocities the first generation commited in Egypt, so they escaped to Sinai fleeing the angry Egyptians. The Hykso escape from Egypt is very similar to the later Judean biblical folkore (the Exodus). In Against Apion, the 1st century historian Josephus simply equates the ProtoHebrews with the Hyksos. In the three centuries between the Exodus and the appearance of the Hebrews. The Egyptians documented raids by Semitic tribes into Canaan. The Egyptians knew them as the HABIRU this group included the remains of the Hyksos and the Pre-Hyksos East Canaanites who remained in Souther Canaan. The Egyptian and Hittite Imperial powers will clash in Kadesh 1274BC The treaty of Kadesh was the beginning of the end of the Imperial influence in Canaan. The power vacuum of the 1200s in Canaan allowed the Phoenician and Philistinian Semitic cultures to flourish on their own. Taking advantage of the Egyptian absence, the Hebrews moved into Central Canaan pushing into the Egyptian protected Philistia. هجرة العمور من الحجاز الى الشام خرج العمور من شبه الجزيرة العربية في موجات من القبائل التي جابت المنطقة الصحراويه/الشبه الصحراويه بين الفرات و البحر المتوسط
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
After a Muslim terrorist in Copenhagen murdered a policeman, then a Jewish synagogue security guard, local Muslims came out to mourn... the killer. Bill Nye "The Science Guy" knows what's behind all this anti-Semitic violence: It's the Jews' fault. Not surprisingly, Ezra Levant has other ideas... SIGN UP to for more news and commentary you won't get anywhere else: Who are Canada's radical Muslim leaders? FIND OUT and fight back at GET Ezra Levant's timely book about domestic terrorism: "The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr"
Stratfor Military Analyst Paul Floyd examines the history of the jihadist group and discusses the reasons behind its recent military successes. For more analysis, visit:
Soleil levant au Grand théâtre Regarder la vidéos intégrale
OTTAWA - Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau refused to answer when asked if convicted terrorist Hiva Alizadeh - a Canadian-Iranian dual citizen sentenced to 24 years in prison this week - is the type of Canadian whose citizenship his party wouldn't revoke. When asked, Trudeau simply said "next question" and turned away. Trudeau opposes a recently passed bill that enshrines the government's right to strip the citizenship of dual nationals convicted of terrorism offences, calling it a "slippery slope" that creates a "two-tiered" system of citizenship. Alizadeh, the 33-year-old ringleader of a homegrown terror cell, pleaded guilty to terrorism offences, including possession of explosives. During sentencing, Judge Colin McKinnon told Alizadeh he had effectively been found guilty of treason. Speaking about the case, Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said it was proof that homegrown terrorism isn't a "phantom threat." "We do need to be able to revoke citizenship for these very grave acts," Alexander said Thursday. "Deportation is a separate matter, but we will revoke the citizenship of dual nationals who are convicted of terrorism offences." Earlier in the day, Trudeau was asked whether his party's opposition to revoking the citizenship of those convicted of terror offences applied to Alizadeh; does he believe Alizadeh's citizenship should be protected by government? "Any other questions?" was Trudeau's non answer. When asked if he believes the 24-year prison sentence was enough punishment, Liberal foreign affairs critic Marc Garneau said, "If you commit a crime including terrorism, you're going to pay for it." Unless Alizadeh lied on his application for Canadian citizenship, Garneau believes the convicted terrorist should remain a Canadian.
La troupe Soleil Levant a fêté ses 15 ans de carrière, 10 ans de succès au Grand Théâtre le vendredi 31 octobre 2014. Revivez ces moments forts... documents public statements made by Canadian imams, Muslim scholars, and Islamic activists who advocate extremist ideas that undermine Canadian principles of freedom, democracy, pluralism, the rule of law, respect for minorities and the separation of mosque and state. In some cases, it shows Muslim leaders actually promoting violence, including murdering infidels. Research for this site, including translation from Arabic, is courtesy of Jonathan Halevi. is a project of
Is there a more punch-worthy face than that of Anjem Choudary?
Soundcloud: Vokal: Levant & Izzy Mix/Master: LasseJ Video/Foto: Rebekah Christel, Frederik Marbell Klip: Thomas Irving Tak til alle medvirkende Levant Izzy
Ezra covers it all here - includes some graphic video but Ezra gives you fair warning.
Trahison, amour, mariage forcé, tels sont les thèmes développés dans votre nouvelle série «Wiri-Wiri». Proposée par la troupe «Soleil Levant» de Thiès, cette série sera bientôt diffusée sur la Tfm. Très heureuse avec son mari Aziz Niane, Soumboulou est martyrisée par sa belle famille. Elle divorce et se remarie avec un certain Cheikh Ndiaye, un homme riche. Une union qui lui ouvre à nouveau les portes de la déception et de la tristesse. Pis, elle se voit renier par son père. En attendant, la diffusion de cette téléréalité, TFM vous propose ci-dessous, la bande annonce de «Wiri-Wiri». Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous sur notre chaine Retouvez-nous sur facebook : Retouvez-nous sur twitter : Retouvez-nous sur G+ :
Votre Théatre très rare du groupe "Le Soleil Levant" ASKANU LAOBÉ
You will not see anything like this on the Media Party channels, be it NBS, CBS, ABC, CBC, CTV . . .
► Next Release - 6 October ------------------------------------------- Support on iTunes: Support on Beatport: Support on Amazon: Support on Google Play: Listen on Spotify: Listen on Soundcloud: Listen to more on ENM Classics playlist ► Steve Levant FB: Twitter: Soundcloud: ► Tom Skender Tumblr: DeviantArt: ► ENM - EpicNetworkMusic FB: Twitter: Soundcloud: Instagram: Google+ ENM Art Originals by Tom Skender & Nerior Find this artwork by Tom Skender on our Tumblr
Here's the first of four uncut episodes with original commercials I'll be posting over the next few days. As always, I preserved as much as possible of my original copy due to its much higher a/v quality. But what a treat to have the original commercials in any watchable video quality-- it takes away a bit of the sting of Dorothy Kilgallen's imminent departure. MYSTERY GUEST: Oscar Levant PANEL: Arlene Francis, Milton Berle, Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennett Cerf Many thanks, as always, to epaddon for providing his copy of the complete episode. ------------------------------------ Join our Facebook group for WML-- great discussions, photos, etc, and great people!
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Joel Pollak and Ezra Levant discuss Obama's latest stupid comment. ================= Over the weekend, President Obama participated in an interview with, the website for those he termed “the brainiac-nerd types.” Sadly, those brainiac-nerds couldn’t come up with the intestinal fortitude to press Obama on this bizarre and disturbing comment about the murder of four Jews in Paris by radical Muslims immediately following the Charlie Hebdo massacre: [quote] It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris. [end] Randomly shoot “a bunch of folks” in a deli in Paris? No mention of anti-Semitism from the president here. By this measure, Nazis randomly broke the windows of a bunch of folks in delis in Germany right around 1938. But that’s the point: Were Obama to face up to the real problem of anti-Semitism globally, he would have to stop isolating Israel, given that global isolation of Israel is a manifestation of the same anti-Semitism that ended with the murders of Jews in a Paris deli. Were Obama to lump together the Jews and the victims of Charlie Hebdo, he could no longer plausibly claim that Israeli settlement policy spurs Islamic murder — as it turns out, the victims of Charlie Hebdo and those in the kosher supermarket had nothing to do with Israeli settlements. They have to do, instead, with radical Islam. Instead, Obama prefers to see the murders as random, unforeseeable events. Obama’s casual dismissal of anti-Semitic murder isn’t out of character. Obama often dismisses Islamic evil with a wave of the hand, a bothersome but random circumstance. Less than two weeks after the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya, Obama described the terrorist attacks leading to their deaths as “bumps in the road”: [quote] I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because — you know, in a lot of these places — the one organizing principle — has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn’t been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And you know can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements, but I do think that over the long term, we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with our interests. [end] A month after that, Obama said that the attacks were “not optimal.” His administration had also claimed that the attacks weren’t attacks at all, but merely random violence inspired by a YouTube video. Fort Hood: a random act of workplace violence. The Oklahoma beheading of a woman by his Muslim coworker: random. A hatchet attack by a radical Muslim on two NYPD officers: a lone wolf. The Boston Marathon bombing: more lone wolves. Random, all random. Because if these attacks aren’t random — if they have something to do with the system of thought guiding them — Obama might have to reconsider his worldview. If radical Islam underlies the attacks on Jews in Israel as well as the attacks on Jews in Paris, Obama can’t throw the Jews off of Western civilization’s lifeboat. If the same ideology undergirds Charlie Hebdo and the honor killing of Noor Almaleki in Phoenix, the murder and beheading of Aasiya Hassan and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Obama might have to face up to reality. He won’t. And so Americans will be told, again and again, that attacks on innocents by radical Muslims have no rhyme or reason.
I don't see how the Shiny Pony can possibly be expected to remember Parliamentary votes when his obvious focus is on hair care products.
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FULL EPISODE: Ezra Levant confronts David Suzuki and shares new details about Suzuki's hypocritical lifestyle.
... Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Friday, March 20, in Conference Room D, National Defence Headquarters.
noodls 2015-03-25Abe and Key also agreed to strengthen antiterror measures through cooperation with the international ...
The Japan News 2015-03-25The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has claimed a suicide bombing that killed seven ...
Al Jazeera 2015-03-25March 20, 2015 - Toronto - Earlier today, the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister for ...
noodls 2015-03-25PM in the kitchen of a one-story home on Levante Street, near Romaria Street and was spreading into ...
U~T San Diego 2015-03-25... following a spell of eight matches without a goal for Real Madrid with a brace against Levante.
BBC News 2015-03-25... Levant (ISIL) to expand and pose a threat to the region and to Western nations, including Canada.
noodls 2015-03-25Ali is among the most risqué of the vendors, his thriving store a reminder that even with the rise ...
Business Day 2015-03-25... not benefitted the standing of Israel, the US, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Al Jazeera 2015-03-25Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), the jihadi group that has established a self-styled ...
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-25... just 21km away from Mosul, which is controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Al Jazeera 2015-03-25... Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and associated groups, followed by an interactive discussion.
noodls 2015-03-25... known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), poses a fundamental threat to Canada.
The Times of India 2015-03-24The Levant ( /ləˈvænt/) (
/ləˈvænt/, Arabic: بلاد الشام Bilād ash-Shām) or Arabic: المشرق العربي al-Mashrīq al-'Arabiyy) is a geographic and cultural term referring to the region of the "eastern Mediterranean littoral between Anatolia and Egypt". The Levant includes most of modern Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, and sometimes parts of Cyprus, Turkey and Iraq, and corresponds roughly to the historic area of Greater Syria; precise definitions have varied. The Levant has been described as the "crossroads of western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa".
In earlier periods,[when?] the Levant encompassed all the "Mediterranean lands east of Italy".[citation needed] The term Levant, which first appeared in English in 1497, originally meant the East in general. It is borrowed from the French levant 'rising', that is, the point where the sun rises. Similar etymologies are found in Ancient Greek Ἀνατολή (cf. Anatolia), Germanic Morgenland and in the Hungarian Kelet which literally means the place of rising. Most notably, "Orient" and its Latin source oriens meaning "east", is literally "rising", deriving from Latin orior "rise".
Justin Pierre James Trudeau, MP (born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician. He has represented the Montreal electoral division of Papineau in the Canadian House of Commons since 2008 as a member of the Liberal Party and currently serves as the party's critic for youth, post-secondary education, and amateur sport.
Trudeau is the eldest son of the late former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair Trudeau Kemper. His maternal grandfather, James Sinclair, was also a federal cabinet minister.
Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971, in Ottawa, Ontario. He was only the second child in Canadian history to be born when one of his parents was prime minister; the first was John A. Macdonald's youngest daughter Margaret Mary Macdonald, and Trudeau's younger brothers Alexandre (Sacha) (born December 25, 1973) and Michel (1975–98) were the third and fourth, respectively. Pierre and Margaret Trudeau separated in 1977, when Justin was six years old, and Pierre retired as prime minister in 1984. Of his mother and father's marriage, Trudeau said in 2009, "They loved each other incredibly, passionately, completely. But there was 30 years between them and my mom never was an equal partner in what encompassed my father's life, his duty, his country."
Milton Berle (born Milton Berlinger, July 12, 1908 – March 27, 2002) was an American comedian and actor. As the host of NBC's Texaco Star Theater (1948–55), he was the first major American television star and was known to millions of viewers as "Uncle Miltie" and "Mr. Television" during TV's golden age.
Milton Berlinger was born into a Jewish family in a five-story walkup at 68 W. 118th Street in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan. He chose Milton Berle as his professional name when he was 16. His father, Moses Berlinger (1873–1938), was a paint and varnish salesman. His mother, Sarah (Sadie) Glantz Berlinger (1877–1954), eventually became stagestruck and changed her name to Sandra Berle when Milton became famous.
Berle entered show business at the age of five when he won an amateur talent contest. He appeared as a child actor in silent films, beginning with The Perils of Pauline, filmed in Fort Lee, New Jersey. The director told Berle that he would portray a little boy who would be thrown from a moving train. In Milton Berle: An Autobiography, he explained, "I was scared shitless, even when he went on to tell me that Pauline would save my life. Which is exactly what happened, except that at the crucial moment they threw a bundle of rags instead of me from the train. I bet there are a lot of comedians around today who are sorry about that."
You treat a man like a dog and that's just what you get
You may try to leave him but he'll follow you yet
Can't do a thing to get him off a your trail
You better give up, he's hot on your tail
You used to laugh at me when I said I'll come back
You let me roll over, you let me play dead
You think your little lap dog is dragging you down
I'm a ooh love hound
You went downtown and I followed you there
A sniff of perfume still hung in the air
You took the taxi, I took my time
Rolled down the window and you hid me outside
You used to laugh at me when I said I'll come back
You let me roll over, you let me play dead
You think your little lap dog is dragging you down
I'm a ooh love hound
No earthly reason to live in my home
Just pure motor reflex is keeping me going
Don't bother explaining it'll bring me down, child
All I can hear is the call of the wild
You can tease your little puppy mama, that's alright
But when they grow up they just love to fight
You tremble in the dark when you hear that sound
I'm a ooh love hound
A love hound howls under the moon
A love hound gonna come and love you soon
Love you baby till the morning light
Feel that little old love hound bite
Open up your window mama, what's that sound
[intro sample:]
I wish they wouldn't laugh.
I've been driving for some time / and the towns look the same. /
This town feels very different, / as though I've been here before. /
This looks like the old school-yard where we both used to play. /
and the kids in that building, / they look just like our friends. /
Something about / this place / makes me lose a grip on time and space. /
I haven't seen you for years, / but I feel you could be here right now. /
And I know it's strange, / yes I know it's strange, / that you could be here with me now. /
Days spent staring at highways, / strange effects on the brain. /
I can tell I'm not dreaming, / I know I'm wide awake! /
I'm sure I saw the theatre / that burnt down in '83 - /
and I followed the Harley / that had your number-plate. /
Something about this place / makes me lose a grip on time and space. /
I haven't seen you for years, / but I feel you could be here right now. /
And I know it's strange, / yes I know it's strange, / that you could be here with me now. /
Hey whats up?
Yo I been tryin to call you all day man where you been?
Now it ain't like that he been wit me all day I been tryin to call you
Word, umm, really?
Yeah, I got the flowers you sent me to my job that was beautiful
You like that?
Umm, cool, cool so umm
How was your day?
I mean it was kinda hard at the office today but I got by though
Hey, ok, lets go but I gotta go he comin upstairs
Oh word, oh alright ok cool
Hey...I love you
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
The love you need is already here (Put it in cruise control)
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
Why you wanna look for love in all the wrong places
I know you, better than you know yourself
And I hold you, higher than I hold myself
And what I told you, it was just to make you wealth
I try to mold you, but you keep goin for self
Uh, I had you on such a high pedastal
Did things for you, I said I'd never do
Gave you my hancock, it wasnt legible
And, the love we had, it was incredible
But, you know I had to move on I guess
Somethin was goin on, people was in my lawn
Talkin on the phone tellin me I did you wrong
And that was just not the norm
I see now everything you said, did you really mean?
Cause everything I said I still mean now
You can make a frown and all the cryin sounds
But this is how its goin down, I'm tellin you now
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there (What?)
The love you need is already here (why you keep foolin with him then?)
The love you need is already there (Man I can say whatever I want I'm a grown man)
When you need it, I'm gon' be there (You gon end up back wit me anyway)
Why you wanna look for love in all the wrong places
Tell me what you want from me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is somethin you could have for years
Tell me what you want from me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is somethin you could have for years
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
The love you need is already here
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
Why you wanna look for love in all the wrong places
Aint it funny how honeys now
Tryin to find love in the club
Good girl wit a thug and its makin me bug
They the ones who wanna lose they life
And be wit somebody that'll do them right
Put yellow in they ear, put pink in they wrist
No worldly man would ever think of this
When I'm gone you'll make a wish
You'll dream all the days you could think of this
I only wanted to make sure that you had everything I got
Make sure that you had everything thats hot
Since I got it all you could even have
Mansion wit a lab put somethin in your bag
Dont let me, be the one to hold you up
But go tell him, its over now the time is up
Now you know I got a message to the world
I ain't here to mess wit your girl you can relax
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
The love you need is already here
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there (I tell you what, love don't act like that)
Why you wanna look for love in all the wrong places
(I'm tellin you now love don't act like that)
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
The love you need is already here
The love you need is already there
When you need it, I'm gon' be there
Why you wanna look for love in all the wrong places
Love ain't for the faint of heart
Start Training, this game is hard
And arduous, you're gonna play in the dark like when it rains in the park
You're hardly conscious of the stains and scars, enabling your partly clouded logic
To pay to impart bliss with arrangements of chocolates
Now, you're working yourself out the same as when you strain with a nautilus
And you're willing to embrace pain facing sustained negative consequence
If nothing you say when in love is embedded with common sense
Then, do you really regret when you've shredded your promises?
Now, I've tested the waters, kid. Sipped it; rippled the pond a bit
Visits have been abolished, and this shit's killing my confidence
Is this filling your conscience when distance is an accomplishment?
If you miss chicks when they're around, the phrase "Let's quit" isn't an option
You best fix whatever's wrong and just move on and get on with it
Cause, You'll catch bigger fish in the sea if you manage not to drown in it
It's sad, but proud or not, most your standards go down a notch
When loneliness drinks at the bar you set too high
Cause, It isn't really my time, is it? Shit...I just found the watch
But hearing the bell toll for me twice a day, has me fearing my grandfather clock
And I can't die without trying. My hands tied in knots
Knowing that I'll never learn to brave the waves if I stand by the docks
Love is hampered by thought, if you can handle the prospect of
Death - it's as massive a shock. And To intellects, it's a fuckin' smack in the crotch
It's a cancer that rots your soul, tosses demons off of the road
Just use caution and know, that, love ain't nothing but a loss of control
Off then, we go
[Deacon the Villian]
Love'll have you nervous, doing stupid shit on purpose
brain out of service, words slurred when you blurt shit
studderin', utterin' non-sensical shit in your verses
feeling like a shirtless, 4-breasted woman in a circus
furthurly trying to gap an unfillable void
because of parents never transfering that unbillical joy
so girls create a false world of filling on boys
exploited, guys playing with her heart like her feelings are toys
but when you have it.. there's nothing like it, you get excited
seeking those who provide it, on phones talking to psychics
some fear it... spend their entire lives trying to fight it
living in a confusing Hayes, like they're grooving to Isaac
it ain't the end of the rainbow with a treasure chest and a map
it ain't easily learnable with definitions in tact
it can ride your train of though and demolitions your tracks
hittin' and bullwhippin you, leavin' them slits in your back
but i've been a lucky one.. loving parents, loving friends
but I still spend alot of my life loving sin
but I ain't a genious on it, I can only pretend
cause over all it's an emotion I can not comprehend.. it's love
Love ain't the basis for action
In a nation of addicts pacing and waiting for seconds of satisfaction
Where the word itself is only fashioned in fits of passion
Hand in hand with animalistic orgasmic reaction
and the past isn't felt as a match made in hell
But rather its held as a latter day meld
Of common mistakes and nice intentions
But when false love retention is simply vice invention
Its only right to mention the fights you get in
Nightly visions of these Tina and Ike revisions
So Whats Love really Got To Do With It?
From prude women to stool pidgeons in soup kitchens
The truth isn't as eloquent so be intelligent
Getting caught out of your element just for the hell of it's irrelevant
And that word'll fit like a glove if you don't get right
Now live your life for the love or stop
You know I can't get
I say I can't get
You know I can't get
The love I need
The love I need
Maybe I'm just wasting time
Trying to get a fish on a line
Anyway, I'm a man, so I got to try
Maybe I'm just hard to please
But then again, it's just my needs
Maybe it's just the way that I am high
Because I can't get
No, no, I can't get
You know I can't get
The love I need
The love I need
I know that it's love it takes
To keep this man in me awake
And I find it hard to compromise
There's no mountain hard to climb
When I got the love I need full time
To keep me satisfied and it's just my size
Therefore I can't get
You know I can't get
No, no, I, I can't get
The love I need
The love I need
I don't want no part-time love
I don't want no part-time love
Don't want no part-time love
Don't want no part-time love
Because I can't get
I know I can't get
No, no, I, I can't get
The love I need
The love I need
Don't want no part-time love (The love I need)
And I don't want no part-time love (The love I need)
Don't want no part-time love (The love I need)
Don't want no part-time love (The love I need)
Part time love (The love I need)
Levanta, Levanta
[Verse 1: Waqas Ali]
Once giving is always got you know
Once hit ain't always hot we know
Homie out here because I'm here fasho
Foundations solid rock a-yo
Hit 'em with moros across the globe
Purslow? we got sold our show
Ain't even released there yet
Now downloads now what the heck
Only specimen left to resist here
In a crowd of world of clones so clear
Be resistant punk face like this
This is as real as it gets
Same recipe as the dying breed baby
Used on U.S. streets so crazy
God blessed so I flow regardless
Put my soul to the test and yes
I too run out of breath so I breathe again
I got many sins, Lord know where I been
But I don't rap for free
I sign your bootleg Outland CD
Can I get a hand in the air then two
Levanta que no es tarde y no es vano (Woo-ooo)
Levanta la mañana con tus manos (Woo-ooo)
Y va naciendo y va creciendo un sol dentro de ti, de mi
Levanta si tu gente esta calleando (Woo-ooo)
Levanta y todos te van repitiendo (Woo-ooo)
Y va naciendo y va creciendo un sol dentro de ti, de mi
[Verse 2: Mala Rodriguez]
Escucha me, no ahí tiempo que perder
Planta esa semillita pa poder ver la crecer (Crece el alma)
Atiende me, si me caigo levanto otra vez (Siempre)
No quiero acostumbrar me a tener que dejarme vencer (Nunca)
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - ¿Que estamos esperando?
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - Pa volver a empezar
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - Ya Dios me lo dio todo
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - Y no fue por azar
Levanta que no es tarde y no es vano (Woo-ooo)
Levanta la mañana con tus manos (Woo-ooo)
Y va naciendo y va creciendo un sol dentro de ti, de mi
[Verse 3: Isam B.]
Hits, they may bring change to some
It's El Moro coming through like Napoleon
I'm a shiner, starter, dreamer
How you gone keep in a box, a believer?
One dream away from changing the world
Scares the hell out of some
Cause I know how to wake em
With a flow, with a line, with a tone
Been around the world from the meat to the bone, bone
Why you all up in my grill?
Thinking I got a mill but on the real, I feel
Like a billion, more like a trillion
All I got is a dime and all I hear is “Gimmie some”
Music is whatever you want it to be
Don't wanna down you, big up you
With that soul food, out of you
Nothing but true, yes sir, yes sir
I too run out of breath so I breathe again
I got many sins, Lord know where I've been
But I don't rap for free
I sign your bootleg Outland CD
Can a get a hand in the air, hand in the air
Levanta que no es tarde y no es vano (Woo-ooo)
Levanta la mañana con tus manos (Woo-ooo)
Y va naciendo y va creciendo un sol dentro de ti, de mi
Levanta si tu gente esta calleando (Woo-ooo)
Levanta y todos te van repitiendo (Woo-ooo)
Y va naciendo y va creciendo un sol dentro de ti, de mi
Levanta, Levnata
Y va naciendo, y va creciendo
Woo - Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - Ooo-ooo [x8 Till Fade]
Rise up, it's not too late and not in vein
Rise up, (Uplift) the morning with your hands
They're being born and a sun is growing within you, within me
Rise up, (Uplift) your people if they're falling
Rise up and everyone goes repeating
They're being born and a sun is growing within you, within me
[Verse 2: Mala Rodriguez]
Listen to me, there is no time to lose
Plant that seedling to watch it grow (Grows the soul)
Attend to me, if I fall I will rise yet again (Always)
I don't want to get used to having to give up (Never)
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - What are we waiting for?
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - To continue to begin
Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah - God already gave me everything
Time blows softly all around us,
But we don't feel it now.
You made much more than a hole in the sky, boy.
You made us hollow on the inside.
So next time, when you're leaving,
Could you at least leave a note?
Next time, when you're leaving,
Could you tell us before you go?
Black wheels roll out a young heart,
As the cold wind cools our eyes.
You left much more than thick salty lips, boy,
You left us wondering why.
So next time, when you're leaving,
Could you at least leave a note?
Next time, when you're leaving,
Could you tell us before you go?
You go, you go, you go...
So next time, when you're leaving,
Traces of love, long ago...that didn't work out
Love ain't for the faint of heart
Start Training, this game is hard
And arduous
You're gonna play in the dark like when it rains in the park
You're hardly conscious of the stains and scars
enabling your partly clouded logic
To pay to impart bliss with arrangements of chocolates, now
You're working yourself out the same as when you strain with a nautilus
And you're willing to embrace pain facing sustained negative consequence
If nothing you say when in love is embedded with common sense
Then, do you really regret when you've shredded your promises?
Now, I've tested the waters, kid. Sipped it; rippled the pond a bit
Visits have been abolished, and this shit's killing my confidence
Is this filling your conscience when distance is an accomplishment?
If you miss chicks when they're around
the phrase "Let's quit" isn't an option
You best fix whatever's wrong and just move on and get on with it
Cause, You'll catch bigger fish in the sea if you manage not to drown in it
It's sad, but proud or not, most your standards go down a notch
When loneliness drinks at the bar you set too high
Cause, It isn't really my time, is it?
Shit...I just found the watch
But hearing the bell toll for me twice a day
has me fearing my grandfather clock
And I can't die without trying, my hands tied in knots
Knowing that I'll never learn to brave the waves if I stand by the docks
Love is hampered by thought, if you can handle the prospect of
Death - it's as massive a shock
And to intellects, it's a fuckin' smack in the crotch
It's a cancer that rots your soul, tosses demons off of the road
Just use caution and know, that
love ain't nothing but a loss of control
Off then, we go
[V2: Deacon the Villain]
Love'll have you nervous, doing stupid shit on purpose
brain out of service, words slurred when you blurt shit..
studderin', utterin' non-sensical shit in your verses.
feeling like a shirtless, 4-breasted woman in a circus..
furthurly trying to gap an unfillable void..
because of parents never transfering that unbillical joy..
so girls create a false world of filling on boys.
exploited, guys playing with her heart like her feelings are toys..
but when you have it.. there's nothing like it, you get excited..
seeking those who provide it, on phones talking to psychics..
some fear it... spend their entire lives trying to fight it..
living in a confusing Hayes, like they're grooving to Isaac..
it ain't the end of the rainbow with a treasure chest and a map..
it ain't easily learnable with definitions in tact..
it can ride your train of though and demolitions your tracks..
hittin' and bullwhippin you, leavin' them slits in your back..
but i've been a lucky one.. loving parents, loving friends..
but I still spend alot of my life loving sin..
but I ain't a genious on it, I can only pretend..
cause over all it's an emotion I can not comprehend.. it's love
[V3: Kno]
Love ain't the basis for action
In a nation of addicts pacing and waiting for seconds of satisfaction
Where the word itself is only fashioned in fits of passion
Hand in hand with animalistic orgasmic reaction
and the past isn't felt as a match made in hell
But rather its held as a latter day meld
Of common mistakes and nice intentions
But when false love retention is simply vice invention
Its only right to mention the fights you get in
Nightly visions of these Tina and Ike revisions
So Whats Love really Got To Do With It?
From prude women to stool pidgeons in soup kitchens
The truth isn't as eloquent so be intelligent
Getting caught out of your element just for the hell of it's irrelevant
And that word'll fit like a glove if you don't get right, now live your life
for the love or stop
Sometimes I think I need to get away,
Pack all my things,
Get on a plane,
Head off alone one summer day,
Never look back at the town i called home,
maybe visit california,
I hear its nice there in the summer,
Nous étions deux amis et Fanette m'aimait.
La plage était déserte et dormait sous juillet
Si elles s'en souviennent, les vagues vous diront
Combien pour la Fanette, j'ai chanté de chansons.
Faut dire, faut dire qu'elle était belle comme une perle d'eau.
Faut dire qu'elle était belle et je ne suis pas beau.
Faut dire, faut dire qu'elle était brune, tant la dune était blonde
Et tenant l'autre et l'une, moi je tenais le monde.
Faut dire, faut dire que j'étais fou de croire à tout cela.
Je le croyais à nous, je la croyais à moi.
Faut dire qu'on ne nous apprend pas à se méfier de tout.
Nous étions deux amis et Fanette m'aimait.
La plage était déserte et mentait sous juillet.
Si elles s'en souviennent, les vagues vous diront
Comment pour la Fanette, s'arrêta la chanson.
Faut dire, faut dire qu'en sortant d'une vague mourante
Je les vis s'en allant comme amant et amante.
Faut dire, faut dire qu'ils ont ri quand ils m'ont vu pleurer.
Faut dire qu'ils ont chanté quand je les ai maudits.
Faut dire que c'est bien ce jour-là, qu'ils ont nagé si loin
Qu'ils ont nagé si bien qu'on ne les revit pas.
Faut dire qu'on ne nous apprend pas, mais parlons d'autre chose.
Nous étions deux amis et Fanette l'aimait.
La plage est déserte et pleure sous juillet.
Et le soir quelquefois, quand les vagues s'arrêtent
Estaba un rotito un día
en una fonda tomando,
una cantora cantando
lo miraba y se reía.
El rotito se fijó
en la risueña cantora,
y en el acto, sin demora,
una copa le sirvió.
Y le dijo: amada mía,
en tus brazos me durmiera,
si me conseguís tu amor,
dulces besitos te diera.
La cantora se reía
del besito que le dio,
y el rotito le pidió
media 'ocena 'e botellas,
por fin que a la doncella
medio cura' la tenía,
y le dijo si podía
acompañarla un poquito,
y ella dándole un besito,
lo miraba y se reía.
Por fin que'el roto tomó
la doncella de una mano
y con ella muy ufano
de la fonda se salió,
pa'l monte se encaminó
donde tendió su mantita
y en ella se recostó
muy feliz la mujercita.
Para toda la compaña,
cogollito 'e verde planta,
cuando vaigan a una fonda
Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Come onto me baby and take my blues away
What I need to see now is brighter days
I want you to take away my dark skies, take away my tears
Take away my suffering people feel for all these years
Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Let this love light shine, let it in your soul
Steady on forever, it's time to take control
We don't need no darkness, we don't need no fear
We don't need no sadness, it's love we need right there
Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Ooh yeah, give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way
(Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get...)
Take away my sadness, take away my fear
Give me all the loving I miss through all these years
Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Don't get upset if you ain't got no money
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Ooh yeah, let's give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way
Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get...
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha... yeah yeah
The love I need
The love I need
Não espere a sorte se mover
sempre tento te convencer
se o tempo vira eu corro atrás
Em todo canto que eu andei
faltou um pouco doque tenho aqui
Não tem jeito eu sempre vou voltar
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha ha... yeah yeah
The love I need
The love I need
A trilha é um mito que criei
Tempos difíceis de esquecer
o medo que se faz desafiar
E quando vejo o que fiz
tudo que ficou pra trás
eu sei no que posso confiar
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha... yeah yeah
You know ha ha... yeah yeah
The love I need
The love I need
Love You Want - Wailing Souls
(Matthews / McDonald / Feldman)
Ah, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
If a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Come onto me baby and take my blues away
What I need to see now is brighter days
I want you to take away my dark skies, take away my tears
Take away my suffering people feel for all these years
Ah, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
If a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Let this love light shine, let it in your soul
Steady on forever, it's time to take control
We don't need no darkness, we don't need no fear
We don't need no sadness, it's love we need right there
Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Ooh yeah, give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way
(Ah, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
If a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get...)
Take away my sadness, take away my fear
Give me all the loving I miss through all these years
Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Don't get upset if you ain't got no money
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun
Ooh yeah, let's give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way
Ah, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya Love You Want you a go get
If a this ya Love You Want you a go get
Love is a word that is misunderstood
It's somethign we all need and we'd buy if we could
But the things that matter most in this world of ours
Can't be found on earth but beyond the stars
If you're unable to care for someone that cares for you
Then your life ain't worth living
No matter what you do
Because a world without love is like a bird with no wings
The less it flies is the less it sings
Life is too short to always be cool
So why not tear the mask off the unfeeling fool?
I love my parents
Now how is that bad?
They only want for me the things that they never had
The way I see it is
You should let them know
Sometimes being different can allow you to grow
A world without love is like a man with no heart
There's no room for growth because you wind up where you start
In the beginning, where you start
There's no room for feeling
Don't be afraid To Care
Don't be afraid To Dare
Don't be afraid To Care
Don't be afraid To Dare
Don't be afraid!