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L'importance du Tawhid | Premier rappel de la série sur le Tawhid
Le type de Tawhid qui te sera bénéfique - Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzan Al Fawzan
Les Trois Catégories De Tawhid 1/2. [Sulaymân Al-Hayitî]
Le Tawhid (Rachid Abou Houdeyfa)
Trinity or Tawhid? (Part One)
Geeflow - Tawhid (Official Video 2014)
Khutba du Jumu'a: "La Croyance au Tawhid" - Shaykh Saleh Al Fawzan
Resto du tawhid - L'etat islamique mondiale arrive
Islam- Questions\answers -Tawhid- 1/2
islam Conférence La lumière du tawhid mach Allah a ecouter sans attendre
TAWHID en bref - Sheikh Al Fawzân
Le Sens du Taghout {1} | rappel de la série sur le Tawhid
Matn Kitab at Tawhid
Enseigner le tawhid aux enfants - cheikh Mohamed ibn 'abd al Wahab
Ce premier rappel concernant le fondement de l'Islam nous montre l'importance d'apprendre, de comprendre et de pratiquer la parole du Tawhid "La ilaha illa A...
Notre frére du Quebec Sulaymân Al-Hayitî (Qu'Allah le présérve) donne un cours sur les 3 catégories de Tawhid d'aprés l'ouvrage du Sheikh Mohammed ibn 'Abd a...
La mosquée sunna de Brest présente "apprends le tawhid!" par L'imam Rachid Abou Houdeyfa rejoignez nous sur The Quran commands Muslims to say to Christians: "Our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender" (29:46). But this is an odd statement, because the God of Christianity is a Trinity. Islam denies the Trinity and proclaims a doctrine called "tawhid." In this video, Dr. Tony Costa introduces some of the issues in Christian-Muslim dialogue concerning the Trinity and tawhid.
abonnieren nicht vergessen booking@ bitte die seiten liken um uns zu unterstützen Kamera: Payne Back Produced by: TLH Video: Ferhat Kayabas lyrics: 8x La ilahe illALLAH Refrain: La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH La ilahe illALLAH ich bleine ein Moslem bis in das Grab La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH Muhammedur Rasulullah Muhammed ist der Gesandte ALLAH´s ich bin so froh ein Moslem zu sein weil ich sonst weiß, dass für mich die Sonne nicht scheint wenn man die Sorgen nicht teilt bleibt man Morgen allein denn als Egoist hat man sich mit dem Teufel vereint wir sind reuebereit doch verleugnen den Neid aber hasserfüllte Herzen kommen nicht rein in das Paradies denn sie flogen allein die Sünden brennen wie Feuer und die Sorgen sind heiss die Hölle glüht und kocht uns sind die worte vereist doch wir öffnen den Kuran und lesen die Hoffnung in Zeilen "Verliert nicht die Hoffnung auf ALLAH´s barmherzigkeit" weil er: "La tagnetu min Rahmeti ALLAHi" schreibt weil der Prophet uns mit der Sunnah vereint bin froh Muhammeds Ummah zu sein Islam verbindet uns. Ein ganzes Volk wird vereint daher danke ich dir ALLAH ein Moslem zu sein Refrain: La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH La ilahe illALLAH ich bleine ein Moslem bis in das Grab La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH Muhammedur Rasulullah Muhammed ist der Gesandte ALLAH´s Part 2: ich rauch nicht ich sauf nicht ich klau nicht,weil du es verboten hast ich zeig Liebe und Frieden für jeden, weil du es befohlen hast für dein Segen im Leben doch wir werden verfolgt durch Hass aber du bist das Rezept dafür, dass man das Herz vergolden kann vergeudet man die Zeit hört man die Schritte vom Tod nicht also öffne die Ohren bevor ALLAH Azrail los schickt alles ist vergänglich außer "Amel" komm beten als perfektes Vorbild haben wir unseren Propheten hol jeden Islams Türen sind offen für alle wer hier reinkommt zerbricht vom Teufel die Krallen die Zunge ist für Zikir,die Stirn ist für Secde, Amel für Seele,Iman für Cennet weil uns unsterbliche Suren umarmen bin so froh Kuran als Buch zu haben Islam verbindet uns ein ganzes Volk wird vereint daher danke ich dir ALLAH ein Moslem zu sein Refrain: La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH La ilahe illALLAH ich bleine ein Moslem bis in das Grab La ilahe illALLAH es gibt kein Gott ausser ALLAH Muhammedur Rasulullah Muhammed ist der Gesandte ALLAH´s Esch hedu el la ilahe illALLAH we esch hedu enne Muhammeden abduhu we Rasuluh
Dr Zakir Naik is forbidden to entry in England. Is he a terrorist? Does he kill, murder someone? He is just a preacher of truth, yes the truth is the most po... visitez notre nouveau site et retrouvez plein de rappels recitations et videos. L'islam arabe : الإسلام est une religion a...
Bismillaah, wa-s-salaatu wa-s-salaamu 'alaa Rasuulillaah Sheikh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) explique brievement en quoi consiste la base la...
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Matn Kitab at tawhid sheikh al islam al mujaddid Muhammad ibn abdelwahhab rahimahullah playlist apprentissage et memorisation
Ce que tout musulman et musulmane se doit de connaître - Définition des termes : Tawhîd, Kufr, Shirk et Nifâqître-définition-des-termes-taw/527687103967386 El 'Aqida (petit résumé)ésumé/534457219957041 Les actes d Adoration du cœur (Tawhid - Islam)œur-tawhid-islam/531657940236969 Qui est Allah ? programme d étude :;=3 Où et Comment apprendre Correctement Sa Religion;=3 Pack Da3wa (livres) pour faire découvrir ou redécouvrir l Islam;=3
cheikh outhaymine nous fait étalage d'une partie de son vaste savoir sur EL AKIDA.
Comment perfectionner son Tawhid*(voir N.B) : Question : Noble Sheikh cette Question concerne le fait de réaliser (correctement) le Tawahid, comment le musulman peut-il perfectionner son Tawhid ? Cheikh saleh el Fawzan : Concrétiser et perfectionner son Tawhid est le plus haut degrés du monothéisme celui-ci se concrétise en délaissant le polythéisme Majeur (Shirk Akbar) de même que le polythéisme mineur (Shikr Asrar) ainsi que toute forme d'innovation (bida') et d'interdiction, de même que certaines choses Permises (Moubah) il ne néglige aucune sorte d'obligation et s'éloigne (du mieux possible) de toutes interdictions ainsi que de ce qui détestable. C'est à dire qu'il délaisse (totalement) Shirk Akbar et le Shikr Asrar de même que les innovations et les désobéissances il s'éloigne également des interdictions et des choses détestables. Il s'éloigne de toute forme de péché qu'il soit grand ou petit et il ne va pas à l'encontre (de la législation) mais si tel est le cas, alors il s'empresse alors de se repentir et ceci jusqu'à ce qu'il perfectionne son Tawhid. De cette manière il rentrera au Paradis sans jugement ni châtiment tout comme nous là informé le Prophète (paix et bénédictions sur lui). **N.B.**Le tawḥīd (arabe : تَوْحيد tawḥīd, monothéisme, unicité) : Consiste à reconnaître Allah exalté (Dieu) comme unique et seul Créateur de l’univers mais également comme l'unique qui est digne d'être adoré car Il exalté nous a crées et donnés le don de la vie ainsi que toutes choses vivantes à partir du néant. Ceci est le dogme fondamental de l’islam, seul religion monothéiste, Les trois types d’Unicité-Tawhîd- sont : l’Unicité de Seigneurie (Tawhid Ar-Rububiyah), l’Unicité d’adoration (Tawhid Al-Uluhiyah), l’Unicité des Noms d’Allah et de ses Attributs. Quant l'homme rempli ces trois types là il devient alors Monothéiste (mouwahid).
Leçons de Tawhid Leçon 1 : Le sens de "Lâ ilâha illa Allah" Leçon 2 : Les conditions de l'attestation qu'il n'y a de divinité digne d'adoration qu'Allah (lâ ... Re...
Le docteur Adnan Ibrahim réfute Ibn Taymiyya et sa doctrine des 3 tawhid (unicité).
Nasheed: Bi Al-Iman wa Tawhid.
... being taught. "Above all else," Mahmud claims, they are taught about "tawhid," the unity of God.
The Daily Beast 2015-04-06Finally, the ability of successively Jama’at al Tawhid wal Jihad (1999-2004), al-Qaeda in the Land ...
Minds 2015-04-06... including IS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Suqour al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham, Liwa al-Islam, and Liwa al-Tawhid.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-03-29... while our hearts have faith, we will raise the flag of tawhid (monotheism) above your thrones.
The Guardian 2015-03-18... but of the ordinary person; the Sufi Prince believed that peace lay in tawhid, the unity of God.
Dawn 2015-03-15A Contemporary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship from Tawhidic Paradigm ... Tawhidic paradigm approach ...
noodls 2015-03-12I don't want to die." His captors were from Jamaat al-Tawhid, a precursor group to the Islamic State.
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-11Photo: Reuters ... Photo: Getty ... Photo: AP ... His captors were from Jamaat al-Tawhid, a precursor group to the Islamic State.
Canberra Times 2015-03-11ADAM TAYLORSARAH KAPLANTampa Bay Times ... pm ... His captors were from Jamaat al-Tawhid, a precursor group to the Islamic State. 2015-03-11In 2004, he pledged fealty to Osama bin Laden, renaming his group from Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-11The previous year, Zarqawi’s network, originally known as Tawhid and Jihad, had publicly released ...
Business Insider 2015-03-02... 7th century Mecca, before the prophet Muhammad started preaching belief in one God—tawhid in Arabic.
The Daily Beast 2015-02-27... a common sign used by militants to mean "one," an attestation of belief in tawhid, or monotheism.
Voa News 2015-02-24Tawhid (Arabic: توحيد tawḥīd; English: doctrine of Oneness [of God]; also transliterated Tawheed, and Tauheed.) is the concept of monotheism in Islam. It is the religion's most fundamental concept and holds God (Arabic: Allah) is one (wāḥid) and unique (ahad).
The Qu'ran asserts the existence of a single and absolute truth that transcends the world; a unique, independent and indivisible being, who is independent of the entire creation. God according to Islam is a universal God, rather than a local, tribal or parochial one—is an absolute, who integrates all affirmative values and brooks no evil.
Tawhid constitutes the foremost article of the Muslim profession. The first part of the Shahada is the declaration of belief in the oneness of God. To attribute divinity to a created entity is the only unpardonable sin mentioned in the Qur'an. Muslims believe that the entirety of the Islamic teaching rests on the principle of Tawhid. There is an uncompromising monotheism at the heart of the Islamic beliefs which distinguishes Islam from some other major religions.
I've heard a lot of stories
So tell me if they're true
Oh I would die for you
Knowing that you're mine
You tell me that you're sorry
You say your heart is new
Oh I will cry for you
Call me and we'll dine
It's almost over Lorraine
Can you still feel the pain
Do you still want me to love you
It's such a funny day
Whoah oh oh
It's such a funny day
Tonight we sail for Paris
Where the streets are paved with gold
Your eyes have blessed my soul
Your lips, they've blessed the wine
We'll tame the Gulf of Lyons
I'll wed thee in Marseilles
We'll turn the moon to blood
If only there were time
It's almost over Lorraine
Can you still feel the pain
Do you still want me to love you
It's such a funny day
Whoah oh oh
Stop, taking for granted
I am the one who's wrong
You might be surprised
Time standin' still
It seems like we don't belong
You'll realize
Start giving to me all you can
Stop telling me girl just where I stand
It's your turn you should show what you know to me
One I've not heard before
My concern you can't tell what you know to me
You can't say it all in a word
Life turns around
Time not to look away
And face what you see
Truth shows itself
So watch everything you say
When you're talking to me
You find yourself just in time
No don't be afraid of what you'll find on the way
If you're dreamin', son don't you rise, I never get lost, so deep into us
I won't give up until you give in, but I know you must realize
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too, yeah
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too
Everyone knows, but they don't know why, how much will a smile, you satisfy
Stars gonna shine, the way that you feel, so there is no reason, I wonder why
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too, yeah
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too, yeah
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too, yeah
I could be good for you, you could be good for me too
Get out I won't even listen
I can't hear a single word you say
Enough of your intimidation
Don't tell me 'bout the price I pay
Take off don't want your kind of trouble
Don't wanna see you hangin' 'round my place
It's late and here's the situation
I never wanna see your face
You just drag me down
And I've got the scars to show
I think you oughta know
You got the best of me
Mister Friendly
You got the best of me
Don't ask can't promise any favors
Don't want to owe you in anything again
Bad luck it's your occupation
Can't you see you are your own worst friend
I'm gone the masquerade is over
I'm cashin' in the silver tray
So long I can't buy this evil game you play
You just drag me down
And I've got the scars to show
I think you oughta know
He's standing in your way
You smile like it's okay
Knowing you'll show him somehow
You're running out of time
Too late to change your mind
Day after day
I feel myself slowing down
What does it mean?
The air has changed
It's getting harder to breath
Or so it would seem
Sail me away to a distant shore
Where everything's fine
A thousand years
Lost in the blink of an eye
If the sky keeps fallin'
The world will come tumblin' down
In a thousand years
Tell me my friend
Can you imagine a place
Free of boundaries and lies
There's blood on the wind
And it's come all of the way from faraway skies
Take me away to a different world
Where everything's fine
A thousand years
Lost in the blink of an eye
If the sky keeps fallin'
The world will come tumblin' down
In a thousand years
A thousand years
One day for every life
Just keep on going
We'll find you a home underground
In a thousand years
Sail me away to a distant shore
Where everything's fine
A thousand years
Lost in the blink of an eye
If the sky keeps fallin'
The world will come tumblin' down
In a thousand years
A thousand years
One day for every life
Just keep on going
We'll find you a home underground
In a thousand years
(Sail me away to a distant shore
I must have aged twenty years in the last seven days
Living on emotion, disbelieve and rage
I found out the hard way life is what you make
Sometimes you gotta learn to give yourself a break
You can go where you wanna go
You can know who you want to know
Take a good look inside you'll see
You can have it all
If you just believe
Time moves in mysterious ways
You're dancing to the music while the music plays
Accelerates and then delays
Time moves in mysterious ways
Accidents can happen and they always do
It only takes a twist of fate to turn on you
I was in the wrong place at just right time
I thought she was a lover not a friend of mine
You can do who you wanna do
You can screw who you want to screw
In the end it's the fantasy
But not reality
That will set you free
Once it's inside of me
It's like a symphony
On a cloud and I can't come down
It's like a dream then you come around
You can go where you wanna go
You can know who you want to know
Take a good look inside you'll see
You can have it all if you just believe
Time moves in mysterious ways
You're dancing to the music while the music plays
Accelerates and then delays
Time moves in mysterious
Time moves in mysterious
Know these words are wrong to say
Need you more and more each day
Hey Mrs. Johnson
Give me your answer as fast as you can
Hey Mrs. Johnson
Don't you know I really love you
Here's my life, it's yours today
Help me chase the blues away
Know these words are wrong to say
Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny
Passes by
There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That's how our love must be
Don't ask why
It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
As soon as forever is through
I'll be over you
Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same
There were the nights holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
as soon as my heart stops aching
someday ill be over you
as soon as my heart stops aching
someday ill be over you
as soon as my heart....
The world is precious, a gift to you and me
I suggest we treat her right, with love and dignity
Everybody's looking for some peace of mind
If you seek the truth then you will surely find
Everybody wants to have global peace
While the press of a button can shake the world to its knees
Can you hear what I'm saying, can you hear what I'm saying
There are those who say might is right, I beg to disagree
I say we all unite and redirect our destiny
Everybody's looking for a quick solution
Our lungs are chocking from beathing air polution
I say put down your guns and stop the revolution
I say it's time we make a restitution, yes
Chorus - can you hear me now
Chorus repeats 2x
Can you hear me now, I am calling out to you
(Can you hear me calling out to you, can you hear me calling out to you)
There's so much starvation, so much say untruth
So much prejudice, there's so much liquidation - oh how long, how long
Can you hear what I'm saying
Africa, America, Eurasia, Latin Africa
Everybody's moving way too fast
Before you blink you better find out who's in your path
The pressure's building up on every side
In my heart I know that I've got nothing to hide
What would make you think that you're the only one
Now I know my troubles have just begun
I'm on the run and nobody's stopping me
I'm on the run and there's nobody left on my side
I'm on the run and I know you're watching me
There's not enough time to decide
You never know what the night could bring
Every moment all the angels begin to sing
Why the worry - just to save your pride
With all the answers buried so deep inside
It doesn't take a crystal ball to see the truth
It's gonna take a miracle to see this thing through
I'm on the run and nobody's stopping me
I'm on the run and there's nobody left on my side
I'm on the run and I know you're watching me
I'm on the run and you can't say that I haven't tried
I'm on the run and nobody's stopping me
I'm on the run and there's nobody left on my side
I'm on the run and I know you're watching me
All this pain surrounding me
Hopelessness is all that I see now
Does it have to be this way
Brought up on hypocrisy
The seeds they sow don't last forever
They just fade away
Don't be confused by the lies
Of the fools and deceivers
Hope and believe in the things
That we need to survive
We can make it if we'd only take the gift of faith
We can change it if we'd just accept the gift of faith
Take away my dignity
Take away my hope and my freedom
You got a world full of rage
Don't cover me with apathy
Don't buy and sell what I believe in
Don't lock me in a cage
In a world where no one's alone
Trust should come easily
Just reach out your hand
And I'll give you mine
We can make it if we'd only take the gift of faith
We can chage it if we'd just accept the gift of faith
Don't be confused be the lies
Of the fools and deceivers
Hope and believe in the things
That we need to survive
We can make if if we'd only take the gift of faith
We can change it if we'd just accept the gift of faith
We can make if if we'd only take the gift of faith
I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
She's coming in the 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say
"Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you!"
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
The wild dogs cry out in the night
As they grow restless longing for some solitary company
I know that I must do what's right
Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti
I seek to cure what's deep inside
Frightened of this thing that I've become
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa, I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa, I bless the rains down in Africa
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
Is the enemy of a young man's dreams
And I'm stranded
In the heartland, or so it seems
I'm hitching a ride for a chance at the good life
I'll have my own place out on fifth avenue
I'm leaving this time gonna walk on that fine line
I'll be the first one who finally breaks through
One road to the promised land
I have to get there any way I can
One road to the promised land
I'm gonna find out just who I am
Do you know what I mean
Flat lands
Are all I've ever seen
Stuck in a small town where you live, then you die
Ain't nothing but fool's working nine until five
I'll sleep in the subways 'till I get what I need
I'm not gonna stay here, just lie here and bleed
One road to the promised land
I'm gonna get there any way I can
One road to the promised land
Show the world just who I am
One road to the promised land
I'm gonna get there any way - any way I can
One road to the promised land
I have to find out just who I am
One road to the promised land
I thought by now I'd be a different man
One road to the promised land
Ashes to ashes
That's how it ends
You go from heartache to heartache
As you make amends
Just bigger and bigger
You take two steps back
You want something from nothing
And you're so exact
You think you're a rich man
Now you misbehave
You're not a free man running
Just a comfortable slave
So selfish
You got more than you can use
But you still don't see
You're so selfish
And you're running out of room
Deeper and deeper
As you forge ahead
You go higher and higher
But you've been misled
Harder and harder
You grind the stone
Faster faster faster
Till you're skin and bones
Too much ambition
Without relief
You know that ain't heaven
But it's what you teach
[Instrumental break]
Who's got the answer
Give me the cure
Don't rush to judgement
Until you're sure
She got fingernails like knives, she got twenty-four karat eyes
She wants everything she sees, she'll drop you to your knees
She ain't gonna change her wicked ways, I'll love her till my dying day
She got poison heart, painted smile, she always has a girlfriend
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
She knows the devil, she knows the devil
She knows the devil, and the devil knows me
She knows the devil, she knows the devil
She knows the devil, and the devil knows me
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Bad little girl with a vermin tongue, ooh, she loves to have her fun
The daughter of Mephistopheles, she loves to aim and she aims to please
She'll take any young god and burn him down
He'll see who's the queen and who's the clown
She got lips that bleed, she's what I need, I want her for my girlfriend
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
(Instrumental break)
She wants everything she sees, she'll drop you to your knees
She ain't gonna change her wicked ways, I'll love her till my dying day
She got poison heart, painted smile, she always brings a girlfriend
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, she knows the devil
Whoa, whoa, whoa, she knows the devil
The world is precious, a gift to you and me
I suggest we treat her right, with love and dignity
Everybody's looking for some peace of mind
If you seek the truth then you will surely find
Everybody wants to have global peace
Whilst the press of a button can shake the world to its knees
Can you hear what I'm saying, can you hear what I'm saying
Those who say might is right, I beg to disagree
I say we all unite and redirect our destiny
Everybody's looking for a quick solution
Our longs are choking from breating in air polution
I say put down your guns and stop the revolution
And say this time we make a restitution
Can you hear me now, I am calling right out for you
(Can you hear me calling out to you, can you hear me calling out to you)
There's so much starvation, so much say untruth
So much prejudice, there's so much liquidation - oh how long, how long
Can you hear what I'm saying
I got my feet back on the ground
We were headed for disaster
Woke up, I got ready for work
You weren't around
I was fast, but you were faster
Such a night, feeling right
Nothing I could say
(Don't take it away)
Have to know, why'd you go?
Couldn't even beg you to stay
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
All of my lovin' for you girl
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
All of my lovin' for you girl
you compell me with your eyes
It's my heart that you're enslaving
Serpent dance
You really hypnotize
To the lion's den is the road for me you're paving
In a trance, saw you dance
And you made romance to me
(Don't take it away)
Took a chance, circumstance
And it wasn't hard to see
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
All of my lovin' for you girl
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
All of my lovin' for you girl
You're the one that made me feel this way
So alone without your smile
You took my heart
Left my soul to pay
Just to watch me crawl on another smile
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
All of my lovin' for you girl
Lyin' in a sweat, tryin' to forget
Everybody keeps talkin' about you
I can't lie anymore
Been too long
What went wrong?
It's a mystery
Why you ever walked out that door
What direction should I go?
Girl what's next for me
I don't know
Is it gonna get easier
Than tryin' to break these chains around my heart
Ohhh ohhh
Does it ever get easier
Without you I can't pull these chains apart
Ohhh ohhh
I see your face
When I look in the mirror
I feel your touch
But you're not there
Wakin' up
Had enough of this dream of mine
Girl this just isn't fair
What direction should I go?
Girl what's next for me
I don't know
Is it gonna get easier
Than tryin' to break these chains around my heart
Ohhh ohhh
Does it ever get easier
Without you I can't pull these chains apart
Ohhh ohhh
Day by day
Until they break
Ohhh ohhh
Is it gonna get easier
Than tryin' to break these chains around my heart
Ohhh ohhh
Does it ever get easier
Without you I can't pull these chains apart
Don't know quite what to say
Haven't seen you in seven ages
Can you tell that it's me
Or is my picture on torn out pages?
And you think it's real
But it's just another future deal
And you know you're right
'Cause you've waited for it all night
Then you find yourself
Sitting on a little shelf
Don't know quite what to do
I've been acting my life in phases
Is it really true
That they're keeping us locked in cages?
And you think it's real
But it's just another future deal
And you know you're right
'Cause you've waited for it all night
Then you find yourself
Sitting on a little shelf
And you think it's real
But it's just another future deal
And you know you're right
'Cause you've waited for it all night
Then you find yourself
Sitting on a little shelf
I'm driving' through the rain
Just to talk to you again
Please don't run away this time
Until I say what's on my mind
Tonight I need to stay with you
This time I'm not passing throught
Tear down the walls around your heart
And though I know it's who you are
I just can't get to you girl
Oh yeah, I just can't get to you
If you won't let me through girl
Oh no, I just can't get to you
You say you really need me here
So I can't let you disappear
Even though it's getting late
Somehow I seem to hesitate
'Cause I just can't get to you girl
Oh yeah, I just can't get to you
If you won't let me through girl
Oh no, I just can't get to you
You're afraid that you'll get hurt again
Yes, I know that's how it feels
Don't surrender, that's no way to win
Let it go, let me in
'Cause I just can't get to you
Just can't get to you girl
Oh yeah, just can't get to you
If you won't let me through girl
Oh no, I just can't get to you
Just can't get to you girl
Oh yeah, just can't get to you
You won't let me through girl
Well I'm out on the road
And the devil's got my soul
And I'm looking for the Lord
In New York City
Yeah I'm out on the run
Got some heat, got a gun
If they don't find me soon
It'll be a damn pity
So it's
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
It's so hard to see the truth with the sun in your eyes
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
Must be in the way that she cries, must be in the way that she cries
Must be in the way that she cries
Oh there's smoke in the air and there's blood everywhere
But I'm hoping that the white man don't recognize me
I'm so sorry what I've done and I say it not in fun
When I tell you that there's no one left inside me
And it's
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
It's so hard to see the truth with the sun in your eyes
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
Must be in the way that she cries, must be in the way that she cries
Must be in the way that she cries
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
It's so hard to see the truth with the sun in your eyes
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
Must be in the way that she cries, must be in the way that she cries
Must be in the way that she cries
So it's
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
It's so hard to see the truth with the sun in your eyes
Goodbye girl, goodbye girl, girl goodbye
Must be in the way that she cries, must be in the way that she cries
I never felt like this with someone,
I never knew I could feel this way at all
Predestination by appointment,
Storybook realities are coming true
I was scared, you looked so helpless,
Lust was dressed in good disguise
I took you on to meet my mother
Just like me, she fell straight in love with you
You took me to your own apartment,
was it me or does the night do things to you
You read from Venus and Adonis, so honey how could I resist I
C'mon baby we've got tonight
No one loses when two tigers fights
I lift you up, never let you down
I'll be the jester and you'll be the crown
We're instinctively impulsive, we're animals
A body like yours should be arrested,
Honey I should be locked up in a cage
We are flesh, we are carnal, we are human
We've got desires we can't contain
Smoke alarm is going off again,
I guess I'm gonna have to cool you down
Say c'mom baby, we've got tonight,
No one loses when two tigers fight
You'll be fire, I'll be the ice,
so come on baby melt me ooh so nice
Instinctively impulsive, we're animals
Some girls may turn my head,
but only you, baby, turn me on
When we touch it's so explosive,
it's seems my life's been leading to this
Say c'mon baby, we've got tonight,
no one loses when to tigers fight
You'll be fire, I'll be the ice,
so come on baby melt me ooh so nice
Listen to my bluebird laugh
She can't tell you why
Deep within her heart, you see
She knows only crying, just crying
There she sits, aloft a perch
Strangest color blue
Flying is forgotten now
Thinks only of you, just you, oh yeah
So get all those blues
Must be a thousand hues
And be just differently used
You just know
You sit there mesmerized
By the depth of her eyes
That you can't categorize
She got soul, she got soul
She got soul, she got soul
Do you think she loves you?
Do you think at all?
Soon she's going to fly away
Sadness is her own
Give herself a bath of tears
Well she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind that's running round
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairy tales
That's all she ever thinks about
Riding with the wind
When I'm sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
It's alright she says it's alright
Take anything you want from me, anything
Fly on little wing,
Only the wind sang the words he could hear
Born of the sand washed ashore on a tear
Time wrote the lines on his face like a scroll
Love is a loss to the man with no soul
Run through the darkness he hears
Turn back
There's no survivors
You can't turn back
Dreams keep him turning back the years
Raising his sail cast away on his own
Motherless child on a sea all alone
Morpheus calls but they won't lay him down
Creatures of midnight appear with no sound
Run through the darkness he hears
Turn back
There's no survivors
You can't turn back
Dreams keep him turning back the years
Run through the darkness
Turn back the years
It's been forty days and nights
Since I've heard from you
Girl I cannot bring myself to ask you why
It's a fact that you're not here
I ain't accusing you
All I seek is simple answer from the sky
See the circle spinning 'round
Changing colors without a sound
Helter Skelter
Doom's day plan
Was just another tale of a man
Let me down - let me down in you heaven
I can really see everything quite clear
I can almost reach my hand enough to touch you
Girl I have it save and sound
I've got it yeah
It's been forty days and nights
Since I've heard from you
Girl I cannot bring myself to ask you why
It's a fact that you're not here
I ain't accusing you
All I seek is simple answer from the sky
(Ooh I love you love you baby
Waiting for you again
Seems like this never ends
I close my eyes and I see your face
And I see it all fading away
Woke up before you again
You're still asleep I can't pretend
I feel like I'm losing you
And I am trying to make everything right
Only you
Only me
Say the words I want to hear for all eternity
Only you
Holding my heart in your hands
Only me
Still trying to understand, whoa no oh oh
If I could have a second chance
Maybe change the circumstance
Imagine if the dream came true
We could start it all over tonight
Only you
Only me
Say the words I want to hear for all eternity
Only you
Holding my heart in your hands
Only me
Still trying to understand, whoa no oh oh
Only me
Say the words I want to hear for all eternity
Only you
Holding my heart in your hands
Only me
Still trying to understand
Hello girl
You're good to see
Love your face shining down on me
How does it feel with the warm winds blowing
Hello girl
You're good to know
Love your smile, I love your glow
How does it feel with the warm winds blowing
Must have touched a right part of me
A sign in your eyes
You came running in from the start
Connected all the right numbers
From the picture you were painting, of me
Listen girl
I can't let go
The time is right
I have to know what's it like
You supply the night, baby,
I'll supply the love
You supply the night, baby,
I'll supply the love
I see a horseman in the sky,
It makes me turn and wonder why
I hear the same old fourteen reasons,
Must be the changin' of the seasons
I met the girl across the sea,
She saved my life and came with me
A tender night of dark persuasion,
Could be my first and last occasion
Baby, I'll supply the love, baby,
Can you tell me where I might find the Hydra
Is he wearing a familiar face
Does he still live below Seventh Avenue
With the princess dipped in lace And not a victim of circumstance
We drew lots for his soft underbelly
Now his fate is sealed with my lance
I can tell by the look in your eye
You've never seen the man with nothing to say
I can tell by the look in your eye
You'd better watch yourself
St. George is on his way
Is it true that he's a mighty warrior
And a viper of the first degree
I've been sentenced here to slay the giant
Geld this fear I cannot see
Can you tell me where I might find the Hydra
Is he wearing a familiar face
Does he still live below Seventh Avenue
In the slums of Satan's grace
Your hair's a mess
You better put on a dress
And get your feet back on the ground
You fix your eyes
For some city guys
Who wouldn't save you if you drowned
You hang on Forty-second street
And do your homework in the bar
Saint Helen says you're missin' school
And I'm wond'rin' where you are
Girl, what you do to me
Girl, you're a blue-eyed mystery
You read your books
Until nobody looks
And then you slip out after dark
You steal my love
Then say you're sorry
And do your penance in the park
You fooled your mother when you skipped ballet
To paint your face for the midnight show
And in the morning you knelt beside your bed
She know you bad
You don't sing songs of love
She treats you right, she treats you like a web of love
You know who's of the heart, her notions of societies
You belong to know and just like our sophiaties
Modern eyes
Modern eyes, to see what you want to see
Modern eyes
Modern eyes, she'll paint you with the modern eyes
What you look for in people is not hard to recognize
Black man, white man, short man
They're all the same in size
You breath the air, you feel the sea and the sand and the skies
When nighttime comes you blind men with modern eyes
She'll paint you with the hupskin on
She'll paint you with the fire in your eyes
Listen to my story
'Cause it may never be the same
And a young man in his glory
He may never see her again
Hey Miss Sun
What could I say
I tried to hold you
But the moon got in the way
It won't be long before the morning has you back in my arms
If I could just remember
What she told me with her eyes
'Cause Daisy ain't a member
And her eyes stare as I forage the skies
Mama, I don't love you anymore
Money's got me crawlin' on the floor
Lover, I'm so ashamed that I must go
Funny somehow I thought by now you'd know
Girl you'd better take my hand
And say what you mean to say
(And she said)
"Stay as long as you can
But don't wait till you're thrown away."
Mama, please throw me out in the cold
Woman, the love you bought was never sold
Girl you'd better take my hand
And say what you mean to say
(And she said)
"Stay as long as you can
But don't wait till you're thrown away."
Mama, I don't love you anymore
Sorry I'm not the boy you're looking for
(See the girl with they eyes on fire
All us boys like to drink and smoke
Pull off a joke
Blow your minds and leave
Hot tires behind
All us boys like to fight and kick
Carry a stick
We're getting older
And acting bolder
Mothers tell your daughters
To stay away from Rock 'n Roll
'Cause it may entice them
And mesmerize them
Even satisfy their soul
I'm sure mama told you 'bout making love
And the skies above
With its fallen angels
Diet pills
Female thrills
But mama never told you 'bout
All us boys
Mothers tell your daughters
To stay away from rock and roll
'Cause it may entice them
And mesmerize them
Even satisfy their soul
All us boys just want to play
Get out I won't even listen
I can't hear a single word you say
Enough of your intimidation
Don't tell me 'bout the price I pay
Take off don't want your kind of trouble
Don't wanna see you hangin' 'round my place
It's late and here's the situation
I never wanna see your face
You just drag me down
And I've got the scars to show
I think you oughta know
You got the best of me
Mister Friendly
You got the best of me
Don't ask can't promise any favors
Don't want to owe you in anything again
Bad luck it's your occupation
Can't you see you are your own worst friend
I'm gone the masquerade is over
I'm cashin' in the silver tray
So long I can't buy this evil game you play
You just drag me down
And I've got the scars to show
I think you oughta know
You got the best of me
Mister Friendly
You got the best of me
He's standing in your way
You smile like it's okay
Knowing you'll show him somehow
You're running out of time
Too late to change your mind
No one can save you now
You got the best of me
Mister Friendly
You got the best of me
At the end of my life
When it's time to depart
Will the last face I see be yours
When I take my last breath
And I drift through the dark
Will I look 'round and still feel secure
It's no sacrifice to stay by your side
Till hell freezes clear to the core
Whatever the price
No matter how high
Over your shoulder
When you turn around
I'll be tellin' you
No love will ever be stronger
No love not anywhere, no no
No love will ever last longer
If I can't have your love, I don't want no love at all
I'll put my change on the dresser
Next to your scarf
Cook my heart in the skillet next to yours
Ten thousand tears lead up to now
You are the treasure for sure
Lines on my face they get deeper each day
But the feelings are ageless and smooth
One single trace of doubt still remains
Over my shoulder, when I turn around,
Will you be tellin' me
It's no sacrifice to stay by your side
Till hell freezes clear to the core
Whatever the price
No matter how high
Over your shoulder
When you turn around
Momma said be careful what you do
Don't you let just anybody talk to you
I can't hide the way you make me feel inside
I'm afraid if momma only knew
It feels right
If you want me
You got me
If you need me
You got me all night
And if you love me
You got me all night long
I confess I love the things you do
Your caress keeps me coming
Back to you
If you want me
You got me
If you need me
You got me all night
And if you love me
You got me all night long
If you want me
You got me
If you need me
You got me all night
And if you love me
Hands, don't let her go, 'cause then the midnight icy winds will blow
Eyes, give every drop, this ain't the way that should have made her stop
Arms, just let her know, no one fills the place she used to go
Smile, don't leave me now, 'cause you're the reason she's here anyhow
Words be gentle when you speak into her heart
'Cause if it breaks, she may not come again
I've been waitin' for your love
And it's been here all the time right in front of me
I've been sitting, waiting for your love
And all the time it's been here right in front of me
Look, forget your pride, she might kiss as you're like even tide
So, be in her heart, especially when we're apart
Love, be by my side, 'cause if she leaves there ain't no place to hide
Soul, be with her now, 'cause you're the first one she knew anyhow
Words be gentle when you speak into her heart
'Cause if it breaks, she may not come again
Words be gentle when you speak into her heart
'Cos if it breaks, she may not come again
I've been sittin', waitin' for your love,
And all the time it's been here right in front of me
Draw the line, I'll step across, even further I give in, you got me
I've been sitting, waiting for your love
And all the time it's been here right in front of me
Just separated by ten thousand miles, you're not alone, girl you got me
Guess I needn't tell you that I'm not around, I'm inside, you got me
I've been waitin' for your love
You gave me too many chances
Now it's drivin' us apart
I keep on runnin' with the boys, girl
But then you knew that from the start
It must keep building up inside you
'Cause you never let it show
I know I'm hanging on the edge now
But I won't let go
I never meant to hurt you
But something was on my mind
Just give me one more chance
We can make it this time
Stay away, stay away from my heart
Stay away, stay away from my heart
If you gave me three wishes
I'd throw two of them away
I've seen that look in your eye girl
I'd use the last one this way
We've been from rags to riches
But your love can't be bought
I'm just a junkyard dog, girl
Who's afraid he's been caught
You're standing in the shadows
Watching everything that I do
And I know the way things must look
It couldn't be further from the truth
Stay away, stay away from my heart
Stay away, stay away from my heart
Remember how it used to be girl
Makin' love like it's the last time
We held each other close
Not knowing what we'd found
You felt the pounding of my thunder
As your rain was pouring down
I never meant to hurt you
But something was on my mind
Just give me one more chance
We can make it this time
Stay away, stay away from my heart
Stay away, stay away from my heart
Stay away, stay away from my heart
When you meet a special person
And it feels good passing time
You tell yourself it's casual
But they have something else in mind
You try to make some reason
A voice calls out from across the room
She runs away without an answer
She runs away too soon
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
We all belong to someone
Sometimes they're so far away
You write down words in letters
Not quite sure what they say
You know that she needs you
And you miss her in your heart
But a certain feeling lingers
That keeps us miles apart
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
(You'd better believe)
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
(Oh Lord)
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
(You'd better believe)
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Someone's crying
Somewhere tonight
Well, there's a light in your eyes
That's guiding my way to your doorstep
And your voice called my name
With a sound that I've never known
I was a kid in a comicbook-world looking for answers
When out of the darkness she came
Like a cat on a crown
In the middle of the night
Doesn't care if it's late
Doesn't matter if it's right
And I laugh when I think
I may never have knocked on your door
Last night
You turned a frightened little boy into a man without shame
Last night
We tore the hands off a clock and it read just the same
Last night
I had a crazy little dream and you turned it all around
Last Night
We took a chance, we shook it up, and now the world's upside down
All the fire in your heart
And the heat of your touch I'll remember
And you're dancing like a flame
Perfection in motion
It was the masterpiece from the start
Only you and I could have rendered
And I'll never be the same
I'm a cat on a crown
In the middle of the night
Doesn't care if it's late
Doesn't matter if it's right
And I laugh when I think
I may never have knocked on your door
Like a cat on a crown
In the middle of the night
Doesn't matter if it's late
Doesn't matter if it's right
'Cause I laugh when I think
I may never have knocked on your door
What would you say
If I asked you to stay with me forever
But forever's in too soon
The touch of your hand
And the look in your eyes
Are the only things I know
I know that are true
We only have this life
To forgive and then forget
But the only thing that matters
Is we have no regrets
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you
There's nothing I wouldn't give to you
I know that you know it's true
Oh can't you see
You're the last love for me
Time passes fast
And the hours go quickly
But the fire inside our hearts
It never dies
The sound of your voice
And the way that it moves me in a special way
I can't describe
Please take my hand
And we'll walk the endless road
No one has to lead us
'Cause we know which way to go
And if I ever really hurt you
How sorry I would be
There's something I've been trying to tell you
Darling it's time you know
You'll always be a part of me
Please take my hand
And we'll walk the endless road
No one has to lead us
'Cause we know which way to go
I know that you know it's true
Oh can't you see
It's meant to be
You got the eyes of a vulture
As you gaze from your meaningless throne
And the pain that you've been selling
I'd rather die before I own
I'll call you a doctor
Or find you a priest
'Cause no one can save you
And you won't get no peace
I've felt your displeasure
And girl I used to relate
So don't hand me no anger
I'll be crushed by the weight
That's the high price of hate
That's the high price of hate
Little Girl
Lord what's the cost of my fate
She'll lay you wide open
Like a surgical knife
I've watched it take over
What's left of your miserable life
She'll live on deception
Your pleasures long dead
Your soul is left bleeding
From the lies that you spread
Don't pull on my collar
I won't rise to debate
Don't ask me for comfort
You're a lifetime too late
That's the high price of hate
That's the high price of hate
Lord what's the cost of my fate
There's a storm overhead
Will it ever end baby
It's all inside your head
Is it gonna end
That's the high price of hate
That's the high price of hate
Yeah, I hope I ain't asking too late
That's the high price of hate
Would you say no if I asked you for your hand
Could you believe in the same words that I don't understand
And would you cry if I told you I must go
I've been waiting such a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
I've been wanting you a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
Would you say no if I asked you for this one chance
Am I a fool to believe that this night is circumstance
I wish that for once you could see the look in your own eyes
I've been waiting such a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
I've been wanting you a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
I've been waiting such a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
I've been wanting you a long, long time
I think I could stand you forever
I think I could stand you forever
Think I could stand you, think I could stand you forever, yeah
Think I could stand you forever, yeah - I think I could stand you
Think I could stand you forever, yeah - forever and ever
Think I could stand you forever, yeah