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Scots Gaelic Lesson 1 part 1
WIKITONGUES: Iain speaking Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Weather Forecast (in Scots Gaelic)
Discovery Channel - Scottish Gaelic
♫ Scottish Gaelic Music - Oganaich Uir A Rinn M'fhagail ♫
Speaking Our Language Episode 1 part 1 - Learn Gaelic
Wake Me Up - Scottish Gaelic Version
An Innis Aigh - gaelic traditional song - in Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) language
WIKITONGUES: Àdhamh speaking Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic Lesson 1 - Simple Greetings
The Gaelic Language | David Mitchell's SoapBox
WIKITONGUES: Donald speaking Scottish Gaelic
♫ Scottish Gaelic Music - Julie Fowlis - Cadal Ciarach Mo Luran (Scottish Gaelic Song)
♫ Scottish Music - Gaelic Folk Song ♫
This is the first dialogue from the Teach Yourself Gaelic book with an extensive explaination.
Uploaded in Glasgow, Scotland.
Scottish weather forecast presented by Sarah Cruickshank in Scots Gaelic on BBC Alba.
A short film from Discovery Channel about the Scottish Gaelic language, introduced by Jayne MacLeod. "Is mise Sìne NicLeòid. Tha mi fuireach ann an Nis, ann an Eilean Leòdhais. Fìor na Gaidhealtachd. Bidh mi (a) dèanamh dannsa Gaidhealach. Dhfheumainn a bhith air falbh air Tìr Mòr ach ràinig mise fuireach air an eilean airson cùrsa ceum a dhèanamh ann an cànan agus cùltar na Gàidhlig. Tha clann òga a smaoineachadh gu bheil Gàidhlig seann fhàsanta, agus cha bhi iad ga bhruidhinn, s tha sin uabhasach tamailteach. Tha mise a smaoineachadh gu bheil Gàidhlig a toirt ionnanachd dhuinn mar Ghàidheil. Tha mi fàireachdainn an ceangail leis an àite far an deach mo thògail."
Sung by Julie Fowlis.
Gaelic Learners programme presented by Rhoda MacDonald. Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. I've decided to replace the episodes with better...
A cover of Avicii's "Wake Me Up" in Scottish Gaelic sung by Iain MacKinnon and the children of Stornoway Primary School's Gaelic Medium Classes.
From the album ,,Irish Songs'' of Goran Bregovic, perforemd by The Chieftains Seinn an duan seo dhan Innis Àigh Sing this song to the Happy Isle An innis uai...
Uploaded in Loch Gair, Scotland.
A short lesson teaching basic greetings in Scottish Gaelic.
David Mitchell talks about the relative merits of The Gaelic Language LIKE David Mitchell on Facebook @ David Mitchell's...
Uploaded in Glasgow, Scotland.
Cadal Ciarach Mo Luran (Sleep Well My Beloved) Sung by Scottish Folk singer Julie Fowlis from her new album - GACH SGEUL - EVERY STORY. Please support Julie by liking her facebook page here:
Scottish Gaelic Song sung by Julie Fowlis.
The Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This documentary has a Scottish Gaelic commentary. You can also hear some Irish Gaelic...
A sad but very beautiful lullaby. After the execution of the Clan Chief MacGregor of Glenstrae in 1570, his widow composed and sang this lullaby lament to he...
News in scottish language, in gaelic: Alba is a country that occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. Presenting Angela Maclean (Angela Nic´Illeathain). Recorded: 13 Jan 2009, 8.00pm (GMT) Source: DVB-S Around 60.000 people speak Scottish Gaelic, most of them in the north of the country. After 300 years of losing speakers, they have mana... Eoin asks Caron about an experiment she ran, asking people what they called the Irish language (t...
(The Mavis of Clan Donald) - Smeorach Chlann Domhnaill, Sung by Scottish Folk singer Julie Fowlis from her new album - GACH SGEUL - EVERY STORY. Please suppo...
Scottish Gaelic numbers 1-20.
Ceud soiridh soiridh bhuam na e hò hao oho Gu strath m'eòlais na hi ri rirì ò o-hi ò 's a-bho roho e hò hao oho Is chon na leitir bheag na e hò hao oho bharraich bhoidhich na hi ri rirì ò etc Fàsaidh peasair ann na e hò hao oho Fàsaidh pònair na hi ri rirì ò etc Fàsaidh fochann ann na e hò hao oho corc 's eòrna na hi ri rirì ò etc 'S binn guth cuthaig ann na e hò hao oho 'S binn guth smeòraich na hi ri rirì ò etc 'S binn guth a' bhuachaill' na e hò hao oho cuallach bhò ann na hi ri rirì ò etc 'S binn guth na banchaig na e hò hao oho 's meanbhchrodh òg leath' na hi ri rirì ò etc Chì mi 'm bàta na e hò hao oho Falbh gu siùbhlach na hi ri rirì ò etc 'S i dol timchaell na e hò hao oho Rubh' an Dùnain na hi ri rirì ò etc 'S e mo leannan-sa na e hò hao oho tha 'ga stiùireadh na hi ri rirì ò etc A hundred greetings from me To the strath I know And to the little slope With pretty birches Peas will grow three Beans will grow also Corn will grow there Oats and barley Sweet is the call of the cuckoo there Sweet is the sound of the mavis Sweet is the voice of the herdsman there herding cattle Sweet is the voice of the milkmaid The young beasts with her I can see the boast Sailing swiftly Going around Rubh an Dùnain It is my sweetheart who is steering her
Spare yourself the embarrassment of looking up those three little words in a dictionary and saying something other than you intend! Learn how to say "I love you" in Scottish Gaelic.
Learn how to "Speak Outlander" with the Gaelic Expert from the set of the STARZ Original Series Outlander. Subscribe now for more Outlander clips: http://bit...
A video of me trying to remember everything, may be helpful for learners but somethings might be wrong D:
The Jesus Film - Gaelic, Scottish / Gaelic / Gàidhlig / Scots Gaelic Language (United Kingdom) The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (United Kingdom) Gaelic, Scottish / Gaelic / Gàidhlig / Scots Gaelic Language. God Bless You All.
The Jesus Film - Gaelic, Scottish / Gaelic / Gàidhlig / Scots Gaelic Language (United Kingdom) The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). . The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (United Kingdom) Gaelic, Scottish / Gaelic / Gàidhlig / Scots . This is: Words of Life Gaelic, Scots People/Language Movie Trailer c11101 [c11101t] Other names for this language are: Albannach Gaidhlig; Albannaich; Erse; . For more information go to: This film is an introduction to different services the NHS provides in Scotland, including spec.
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (United Kingdom) Gaelic, Scottish / Gaelic / Gàidhlig / Scots ...
I can't believe I'm so blessed that I get to play with my subscribers! :D It's crazy! I hope you all enjoy~ Ben-
Scottish Gaelic Drama set around a college on the Isle of Lewis.
Scottish Gaelic Drama set around a college on the Isle of Lewis.
Scottish Gaelic Drama set around a college on the Isle Of Lewis
Scottish Gaelic Drama set around a college on the Isle of Lewis
2/13/2012 Ann Kandler - Santa Fe Institute "Analyzing Language Shift: the Example of Scottish Gaelic" Language shift' is the process whereby members of a com...
Scottish Gaelic Drama about a woman (Mairi) who returns home to the island she grew up on for a funeral.
2/13/2012 Ann Kandler - Santa Fe Institute "Analyzing Language Shift: the Example of Scottish Gaelic" Language shift' is the process whereby members of a com...
The Paradise Scottish Highlands, known locally simply as the Highlands (Scottish Gaelic: A' Ghàidhealtachd, "the place of the Gaels"; Scots: the Hielands) are a historic region of Scotland. The region became culturally distinguishable from the Lowlands from the later Middle Ages into the modern period, when Lowland Scots replaced Scottish Gaelic throughout most of the Lowlands. The term is also used for the area north and west of the Highland Boundary Fault, although the exact boundaries are not clearly defined, particularly to the east. The Great Glen divides the Grampian Mountains to the southeast from the Northwest Highlands. The Scottish Gaelic name of A' Ghàidhealtachd literally means "the place of the Gaels" and traditionally, from a Gaelic-speaking point of view, includes both the Western Isles and the Highlands. source: WILD LIFE DOCUMENTARIES - RELIGION DOCUMENTARY - HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - ADVENTURE DOCUMENTARY - HEALTH AND MEDICINE DOCUMENTARY - PEOPLE DOCUMENTARY - TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENTARY - SUPERNATURAL DOCUMENTARY - More Documentary Films: Be The First To Watch Our Newly Uploaded Videos Just By Subscribing To Our Channel Documentary Films: TAGS: documentaries, documentary films, documentary film, watch free documentary, watch free documentary films, online documentary films, free online documentary films, free documentary films, paradise, scottish highlands, highlands, scotland, scotland paradise, haven on scotland, scotland highlands,
The following is excerpted from an episode of 'Diomhair' on BBC Alba, Scotland's Gaelic TV channel. Unveiling secret UK government files, it shows the lengths London was prepared to go to thwart Scottish independence: sabotage, censorship, false-flag terrorism, spying, character assassination, and hiding the extent of Scotland's tremendous oil and gas wealth. Par for the course for British security services in Northern Ireland, but only recently made public in Scotland. This 10th episode of Diomhair was the last one to be broadcast... Special investigation into the rigged Scottish referendum: Full episode of Diomhair: Music: spontaneous public performance of Scotland the Brave in Glasgow on September 18th 2014, by young piper and his father:;=o.621468891279029&type;=2&theater;
Scottish Words Pronunciation is a video I've made to help people better understand how the words are pronounced in Scottish Glaswegian. An author C.L Champla...
Track list and more: Facebook / iTunes / Bandcamp: Real CD's / Twitter / Merchandise:!/AdrianVZiegler Track list: 0:00 -- Prophecy 5:34 -- Song of Brotherhood 8:07 -- Land of the Free 12:30 -- Legend 16:17 -- A Celtic Lore 19:36 -- Gaelic Earth 21:43 -- Cliffs of Moher 24:40 -- Fear no Darkness 27:44 -- Crann Na Beatha 31:47 -- Ode to the Fallen 36:26 -- Wolf Blood 39:31 -- Myth 41:54 -- Breath of the Forest 44:54 -- Welcome Home 48:32 -- Evocation 51:20 -- Kingdom of Bards 55:47 -- Circle of Life 59:17 -- Fairy Forest 1:01:52 -- Where I Belong 1:06:01 -- Spirits of the Wild 1:08:36 -- Ride 1:12:10 -- Beautiful Dreams 1:15:46 -- Dance with the Trees 1:19:00 -- Rune Magic 1:21:50 -- A Celtic Tale 1:25:24 -- Child of the Highlands 1:27:38 -- For the King 1:31:07 -- Wild Flower 1:34:19 -- Callirus 1:36:40 -- Dreamtide 1:42:12 -- Spring Charm MUSIC USAGE CONDITIONS: Everyone is free to use my music if credits are given. Exceptions are if you want to use my music in something with commercial purpose because you can get into trouble with GEMA if there is no written permission from me, it already happened several times and people even got sued by GEMA without even my knowledge. So that's why you MUST request a written permission from me if your project is commercial, for your own safety. But as far as YouTube goes you can use my music for free even if you monetize your videos, just give credits and you can use any song you want. =) © All music composed by Adrian von Ziegler. The video artwork was made by Carina aka Aelathen:
See more New Age music is an umbrella term for various down tempo music intended to create artistic inspiration, relaxation, and optimism. It is used by listeners for yoga, massage, meditation, and reading as a method of stress management or to create a peaceful atmosphere in their home or other environments, and is often associated with environmentalism and New Age spirituality. The harmonies in New Age music are generally modal, consonant, or include a drone bass. The melodies are sometimes recordings of nature sounds and used as an introduction to a track or throughout the piece. Pieces of up to thirty minutes are common. New Age music includes both electronic forms, frequently relying on sustained synth pads or long sequencer-based runs, and acoustic forms, featuring instruments such as flutes, piano, acoustic guitar and a wide variety of non-western acoustic instruments. Vocal arrangements were initially rare in New Age music but as it has evolved vocals have become more common, especially vocals featuring Native American, Sanskrit, or Tibetan influenced chants, or lyrics based on mythology such as Celtic legends or the realm of Faerie. Track list & names: 01. Ryan & Rachel O'donnell - May It Be 02. Loreena Mckennitt - Skellig 03. Athair Ar Neamh And I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls - Enya 04. Elysia - Elysium 05. Annwn - E Parrez Langonned 06. Altan - Ta'me Mo Shui 07. Faun - Von Den Elben 08. Gandalf - Love Is The Answer 09. Grzegorz Ciechowski - Pocalunek Yennefer 10. William Coulter - Keening Of The Three Marys 11. Dunkelschcn - Dornenweich 12. Glenn Stafford - To The End of the Earth 13. Narsilion - Montserrat 14. Jason Hayes - The Sin'Dorei 15. Celtic Lords - Riverdance 16. The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim - The Streets of Whiterun I suggest to watch this video in HD for better performance. Sit back relax and let yourself go, dream big! All music and images belong to their rightful owners no copyright infringement intended. Enjoy!!!
last names Maclean, Joesph, Cappelutti, Scuse to Freemason Hector Maclean who was beheaded
The 16th BT Scotland National Schools Gaelic Debate Final was contested at the Scottish Parliament on 26th November 2014. Twenty two teams representing seventeen secondary schools throughout Scotland participated in the initial stages at An Lanntair in Stornoway. The finalists were Megan Dale and Ella Scarr of Dingwall Academy and Callum Nicolson and Mairi MacLennan of the Nicolson Institute. The topic matter for the debate final was: “In terms of media know-how, Gaels have little to learn from anyone”.
The Scottish Gaelic language service from St. Columba's Gaelic Church of Scotland at 300 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RU. This service was recorded on Sun...
The Scottish Gaelic language service from St. Columba's Gaelic Church of Scotland at 300 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RU. This service was recorded on Sun...
Scots is the Germanic language variety spoken in Lowland Scotland and parts of Ulster (where the local dialect is known as Ulster Scots). It is sometimes called Lowland Scots to distinguish it from Scottish Gaelic, the Celtic language historically restricted to most of the Highlands, the Hebrides and Galloway after the Middle Ages. Because there are no universally accepted criteria for distinguishing languages from dialects, scholars and other interested parties often disagree about the linguistic, historical and social status of Scots. Although a number of paradigms for distinguishing between languages and dialects do exist, these often render contradictory results. Broad Scots is at one end of a bipolar linguistic continuum, with Scottish Standard English at the other. Consequently, Scots is generally regarded as one of the ancient varieties of English, yet it has its own distinct dialects. Alternatively, Scots is sometimes treated as a distinct Germanic language, in the way Norwegian is closely linked to, yet distinct from, Danish. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Professor Rob Dunbar, Chair of Celtic Languages, Literature, History and Antiquities, presents his inaugural lecture entitled "Canada, the Gaelic Imagination... When Christ was being taken to the tree of crucifixion, in the hurry the black Jews forgot to provide themselves with nails. They went to the blacksmith and asked him to make nails to nail the hands and the feet of the Saviour to the cross. But the blacksmith refused to make nails for such a purpose. The Jews went to the whitesmith (tinsmith, tinker) and asked him to make nails to nail the hands and the feet of the Saviour to the cross. The whitesmith did the work as the Jews asked of him, and the hands and the feet of Christ the blessed Saviour were nailed to the tree of crucifixion. This is why the blacksmith is esteemed and honoured among men, while the whitesmith is contemned and despised, and this is why the race of the whitesmith is spread and scattered here and there throughout the great world.;=transcription
I thought I'd have a tune on my Morino VN. Once every 3 years is not bad. A lovely sounding accordion nothing sounds like it but hard to play.
Justice Sub-Committee on Policing - Scottish Parliament: 19th February 2015 Scottish Parliament Justice Sub-Committee on Policing 2015 The Scottish Parliament (Scottish Gaelic: Pàrlamaid na h-Alba; Scots: The Scots Pairlament)[2][3][4] is the devolved national, unicameral legislature of Scotland. Located in the Holyrood area of the capital city, Edinburgh, it is frequently referred to informally as "Holyrood".[5] The Parliament is a democratically elected body comprising 129 members known as Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), elected for four-year terms under the additional member system: 73 MSPs represent individual geographical constituencies elected by the plurality ("first past the post") system, while a further 56 are returned from eight additional member regions, each electing seven MSPs.[6] The most recent general election to the Parliament was held on 5 May 2011. More info: Scottish Parliament, scottish parliament history, scottish government, members scottish parliament, scottish parliament tours, scottish parliament building, scottish parliament elections, welsh parliament, welsh assembly, Central Scotland, Glasgow, Highlands and Islands, Lothian, Mid Scotland and Fife, North East Scotland, South Scotland, West Scotland, Sport/Highlight/Everytime,
Medieval Irish music about a strong kingdom in Medieval Ireland ruled over by a High King who protected the land from Viking raids. This Medieval Irish music is called Gaelic Kingdom. I hope you enjoy listening to it! *** This dark picture is done by Psigo-Blood. Related Tags: Derek Fiechter, Medieval Irish Music, Irish Music, Celtic Irish Music, Dark Irish Music, Traditional Irish Music, Celtic Highlands Music, Beautiful Irish Music, Gaelic Music, Epic Music, Irish Dance Music, Scottish Music, Recorder Music, Ireland Music, Ancient Irish Music, Medieval Music, Celtic Medieval Music, Celtic Music ~ Medieval Irish Music by Derek Fiechter ~
M’ eudail. My dear. Learn Scottish Gaelic for yourself! More opportunities at
Mo thogair! I couldn't care less! Learn Scottish Gaelic for yourself! More opportunities at
Hello. I've joined as a tutor in order to offer you the opportunity to learn the Scottish Gaelic language. Any level welcome. Bonjour. Je me suis inscrit à pour vous aider à apprendre, ou pour vous aider à découvrir cette langue riche d'histoire et de culture celtique d'Écosse. こんにちわ。私はスコットランドゲール語に興味がある方のため、ヴぁ―ブリングの講師になりました。この豊かなケルト言語を発見しましょう。
The Scottish Parliament Building (Scottish Gaelic: Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, [1] Scots: Scots Pairlament Biggin) is the home of the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, within the UNESCO World Heritage Site in central Edinburgh.[2] Construction of the building commenced in June 1999 and the Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) held their first debate in the new building on 7 September 2004. The formal opening by Queen Elizabeth took place on 9 October 2004.[3] Enric Miralles, the Spanish architect who designed the building, died before its completion.[4] scottish parliament building edinburgh scotland torres de colon visit scottish parliament building peter the great statue; moscow scottish parliament building edinburgh birmingham central library; the scottish parliament building peter the great statue in moscow
Rob Roy may refer to: Colloquial name for the Scottish hero Rob Roy MacGregor (Scottish Gaelic: Raibeart Ruadh MacGriogair, 1671–1734) Creative works based on his life: Rob Roy (novel), an 1817 novel by Walter Scott based on MacGregor's life Rob Roy Overture, a musical composition by Hector Berlioz inspired by the novel Rob Roy (operetta), an 1894 operetta by Reginald De Koven and Harry B. Smith Rob Roy (cocktail), created in conjunction with the operetta's premiere Rob Roy (1922 film), a silent film starring David Hawthorne Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue, a 1953 film starring Richard Todd and Glynis Johns Rob Roy (1995 film), a 1995 film starring Liam Neeson and Jessica Lange
A quick view of the town centre of Stornoway (Scottish Gaelic-'Steornabhagh'). Isle of Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland
Uploaded in Glasgow, Scotland.
Read More EuroTalk Interactive - Talk Now! Learn Scots Gaelic Product Features The intelligent software feature remembers words you get wrong and targets your weak points Extensive basic vocabulary from first words food colors phrases parts of the body and numbers to telling time shopping and countries Each of the target languages for Talk Now has help available in an additional 102 languages simply choose the flag of your native country in the beginning of the program EuroTalks Talk Now Program will provide instruction in your native language Each topic contains listening practice an easy game a hard game a printable dictionary as well as the opportunity to record your voice and hear how you sound in comparison to the two native speakers who tutor the user throughout the Talk Now course Each question that is answered correctly increases the users score - get an answer wrong and points will be lost There are 1800 points in total to gain from the disc A full score earns the user a Gold Award
I am interested in learning Gaelic because it is my heritage and my great-grandfather taught the language to adults in the 1920s and 30s but it wasn't passed down to me. This video shows what I know after about 6 lessons. To be continued....
Read More Instant Immersion Scottish Gaelic - Level 1 (12-month subscription) Product Features By subscribing to this Web-based version of Instant Immersion Level 1 you get 24x7 access on any computer so you can learn when you have time And with a new updated interface you will be able spend more time learning the language Instant Immersion Level 1 teaches you basic vocabulary and phrases quickly and easily Learn how to say first words food colors useful phrases numbers time shopping terms and more in your new language Language learning is broken down into goal-focused 10-minute sessions in Instant Immersion Level 1 This helps make the process of learning a new language quick manageable and rewarding Practice your new language in real-life situations using the advanced interactive recording feature in Instant Immersion Level 1 You will be able to hear what you really sound like and compare it to a native speaker The game-based exercises in Instant Immersion Level 1 make learning fun and keep you coming back for more Earn points during games and quizzes and achieve awards
Read More EuroTalk Interactive - Vocabulary Builder! Learn Scots Gaelic Product Features Record your own cartoons and play them back in your own cinema Nine games of varying difficulty with points awarded for correct answers More than 100 words including colors numbers actions and simple sentences Teaches children a new language with interactive help in 49 different languages The only language learning CD-Rom series designed for children thats guaranteed to get them speaking a new language fast
... thousands of speakers of Manx, a Goidelic language, closely related to Irish and Scottish Gaelic.
The Guardian 2015-04-02He borrowed and stole and pillaged from all Irish dialects, from Scottish Gaelic, from new ...
The Irish Times 2015-03-30Glennorangie Tùsail, which means "original" in Scottish Gaelic, is made with Maris Otter winter barley.
The Examiner 2015-03-28'. The Folk Awards are hosted by Radio 2 Folk Show presenter Mark Radcliffe alongside Scottish Gaelic singer Julie Fowlis ... co.
Music News 2015-03-27A. S. H ... The Folk Awards are hosted by Radio 2 Folk Show presenter Mark Radcliffe alongside Scottish Gaelic singer Julie Fowlis.
noodls 2015-03-27Named for its position on the mouth of the River Ness, or inbhir Nix in Scottish Gaelic, Inverness ...
The Times of India 2015-03-15just like Scottish Gaelic, Manx Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Cornish, and the rest of the other Celtic ...
Business Insider 2015-02-26The word "whisky" comes from whiskybae, originally usquebaugh, the Irish and Scottish Gaelic versions of "water of life".
BBC News 2015-02-24As they say in Scottish Gaelic "Ith gu leòir"! (Bon Appétit) ... 6 Ena Baxter's Scottish cook book (bookcrossing).
Sun Star 2015-02-23English, Polish and ... I see Irish as a unifying factor within the UK – with Scottish Gaelic, for example, and Manx Gaelic."
The Irish Times 2015-02-07His selected poems in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Chernilo, were published by Coiscéim in 2006.
The Irish Times 2015-02-02Nick, granting blessings to virtuous inhabitants while they slept ... Related: ... A Scottish Gaelic poem illustrated the tradition:
Inhabitat 2015-01-27... while languages like Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic are fiercely protected, others are threatened.
BBC News 2015-01-20Scottish Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic: Gàidhlig [ˈgaːlikʲ] listen (help·info)) is a Celtic language native to Scotland. A member of the Goidelic branch of the Celtic languages, Scottish Gaelic, like Modern Irish and Manx, developed out of Middle Irish, and thus descends ultimately from Primitive Irish.
The 2001 UK Census showed that a total of 58,652 (1.2% of the Scottish population aged over three years old) in Scotland had some Gaelic ability at that time, with the Outer Hebrides being the main stronghold of the language. The census results indicate a decline of 7,300 Gaelic speakers from 1991. Despite this decline, revival efforts exist and the number of younger speakers of the language has increased.
Scottish Gaelic is not an official language of the European Union, nor of the United Kingdom. (The only language that is de jure official in any part of the United Kingdom is Welsh.) However, it is classed as an autochthonous language under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which the UK government has ratified. In addition, the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 gave official recognition to the language and established an official language development body ‒ Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Scottish may refer to something of, from, or related to Scotland, a country in northern Europe, part of the United Kingdom since 1707.
Scottish may also refer to: