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7 histoires incroyables mais vraies - 28 - e-penser
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Minecraft - The Dropper #1 Ft Nenho e Ítalo!
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TITAN SOULS PROTOTYPE REDUX... E Morreu! (Titan Souls Demo Gameplay)
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Hasb e Haal - 5 April 2015
Abonnez-vous : Avec Patrick Baud, d'Axolot, découvrez pour ce 1 avril 2015 7 histoires totalement ahurissantes, mais pourtant vraies. - - - © e-penser Musique de l'épisode : La grande table productions site : playlist youtube : soundcloud : CONVENTION NEOCAST (16/17 mai 2015 à Strasbourg) : Toutes les informations sur Liens : La femme immortelle - - - - - -;=1427706784&sr;=8-1&keywords;=henrietta+lacks - (Voir aussi la biographie d'Henrietta Lacks par Rebecca Skloot) Les cerbères soviétiques & les têtes de chiens - - - - - - -;=1427707112&sr;=8-1&keywords;=elephants+acid StarFish Prime - - - L'armée des hommes-singe - - - - MK Ultra & le projet StarGate (attention, sur ces sujets, beaucoup de fantasmes et de sites complotistes, donc méfiance sur ce que vous lisez ou entendez) - - - - Hedy Lamarr (...mite) - - - - - Les Darwin awards - Les guests : - Antoine Daniel : - Frédéric Molas : - Sébastien Rassiat : - Links the sun : - Mathieu Sommet : - Kriss : - Experimentboy : - David Alexandre, pour Respect Zone : - François Theurel : - Jean-Junior : - Léo Grasset : - Cyrus North : - Dr Nozman : - Maître Éolas : - SB Berhoun : - François Descraques : - FloBer : - Sylvain Szewczyk : - Julien "Julfou" Josselin : - Raphaël Descraques : - Florent Dorin :
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Vídeo gameplay do game Titan Souls Prototype Redux, demo do jogo Titan Souls disponível grátis via download na Steam. Infelizmente tive que cortar uma de minhas mortes para o boss do cérebro por um problema de captura, desculpem-me! Onde baixar Titan Souls: Titan Souls estará disponível em sua versão final para PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 e PS Vita. Segundo canal: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Google +: Contato comercial: comercial @ brksedu . com . br Canal BRKsEDU - TITAN SOULS PROTOTYPE REDUX... E Morreu! (Titan Souls Demo Gameplay) Gameplay em 1080p 60fps.
Watch Online Diyar e Dil Episode 4 HUM TV Drama April 7, 2015.Fresh and latest Episodes of Pakistani Drama serial only on HUM TV at best and High quality stream. Director: Haseeb Hasan Writer: Farhat Ishtiaq Producer: Momina Duraid Cast: Abid Ali, Sanam Saeed, Mikal Zulfiqar, Hareem Farooq, Ali Rehman, Rasheed Naz, Osman Khalid Butt, Maya Ali, Azra Mansoor, Behroz Sabzwari, Tara Mehmood, Ahmed Zaib, Eshita Mehboob, Humayun Gul etc. Watch our official channels: Watch and Subscribe our official channel :-
Se você quiser comprar o lindo batom Flavia Calina da Tracta, clique aqui: Último vídeo: INFLUÊNCIAS DA INFÂNCIA COM LUBATV - Oi pessoal, tudo bem? Todo os domingos (a noite ou de madrugada), venho trazer pra vocês o "Sunday Love". Essa era uma série que criei uns anos atrás para falar de coisas que amei durante a semana. Pode ser um vídeo, um livro, um artigo, um acontecimento em minha e por ai vai... Espero muito que gostem e lembrem sempre de avaliar o vídeo! Beijos e mais beijos! -----------------------------------Links sobre o vídeo-------------------------------- Vídeos que fiz pra o canal da Bruna Vieira e para o Luba TV Viciadas em viagem feat. Flavia Calina | Bruna Vieira - DESAFIO DA FRALDA COM COCÔ (ft. Flavia Calina) - Vídeo da Bem Patricinha sobre Autismo: NORMAL É SER DIFERENTE - Projeto de leitura DIAdeLER.TODODIA de Barueri: Canal do Ricardo meu marido: ---------------------- Assista aqui meus últimos vídeos ------------------------- 1 ANO SEM AÇÚCAR? - BOAS E NÃO TÃO BOAS NOTÍCIAS - DESAFIO DA PIMENTA MAIS ARDIDA - BASTIDORES DO ENCONTRO DE BLOGUEIROS EM POA - --- Links de lojas que confio e que entregam em todo Brasil --- Luck Stars (maquiagens importadas) : (cupom de desconto: FLA1982) Carol Stefano (Bolsas): --- Links para me achar --- Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @flavia_calina_ E-mail para contatos comerciais:
Inscreva-se no canal: Assista a outras críticas: CANAL "ACABOU DE ACABAR" Críticas rápidas e cheias de humor para você ficar sabendo se o filme é realmente uma boa pedida para você. Gostou da crítica? Comente aí embaixo, seu feedback é muito importante! :)
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Hasb e Haal – 5th April 2015 ---- Watch Today 5 April 2015 All Pakistani News Feed Talk Shows - Imran Khan Pti Latest Speech Update Click below To watch 5th APr 2015 Latest Shows --- Live With dr Shahid Masood: Off the Record Khabar Naak:: Khara Sach: Hasb e haal: Aapas ki Baat: Power Play: Hasb e haal: Mere Mutabiq: ------ Like Us Facebook : Click to Subscribe Pakistan NO 1 YouTube News Channel: Sub for next 6th April 2015 shows
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Tecnologia da NVIDIA promete revolucionar os gráficos dos jogos [vídeo] Mortal Kombat X: conheça os golpes e variações de Goro, o destruidor Veja dois fatalities de Goro em Mortal Kombat X Veja combo vídeos de Mortal Kombat X, incluindo novo trailer de Goro Confirmados todos os lutadores de Mortal Kombat X. Confira a lista Destiny atualização do mês e anúncio da data de House of Wolves Anunciada data de lançamento do segundo DLC de Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Gigantesco: confira o mapa completo de The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Passeio: Bloodborne zerado sem evoluir de nível [vídeo]
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Facebook: Emision LIVE nga Arian Cani ne KLANHD & TVKLAN
A cada dia o cenário de carros customizados vem mudando muita coisa! Os eventos vem aquecendo os comércios locais, mais famílias e crianças prestigiando e agregando mais respeito a este mundo de carros rebaixados e claro quem realmente curte sabe do valor que merecemos ter. A cidade de Ipatinga foi o palco deste evento onde contamos com a presença do Hungria fazendo um show bacana e levantando a galera! Curta mais esta cobertura de evento realizada pela 7008Films, nossa missão sempre será provar o que o nosso Amigo Enildo fala no vídeo carro baixo é estilo de vida!
Trilha sonora do filme Velozes e Furiosos 7 | Fast & Furious 7 .....:::::::::: Letra | Lyrics ::::::::::..... It's been a long day, without you my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again Damn, who knew All the planes we flew Good things we been through That I'd be standing right here talking to you Bout another path I know we loved to hit the road and laugh But something told me that it wouldn't last Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture Those were the days Hard work forever pays Now I see you in a better place How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? Everything I went through you were standing by my side And now you gon' be with me for the last ride It's been a long day, without you my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again First, you both go out your way And the vibe is feeling strong And what's small turned to a friendship A friendship turned to a bond And that bond will never be broken The love will never get lost And when brotherhood come first Then the line will never be crossed Established it on our own When that line had to be drawn And that line is what we reached So remember me when I'm gone How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? Everything I went through you were standing by my side And now you gon' be with me for the last ride So let the light guide your way, yea Hold every memory as you go And every road you take Will always lead you home Hoome It's been a long day, without you my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again Blog: ====================================== Tags + Dom, Vin Diesel, Brian, Paul Walker, Letty, Michelle Rodriguez, Fast and Furious 7, Fast and Furious, Velozes e Furiosos 7, Velozes e Furiosos, Ian Shaw, Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson, Roman Pearce, Ludacris, Tej Parker, Dominic Toretto, Dwayne Johnson, Luke Hobbs, Sung Kang, Han, Jordana Brewster, Mia Toretto,
Na segunda e última parte desta série, a verdade sobre a hora de contar que é trans em um relacionamento, cirurgia de redesignação de sexo, mercado de trabalho e conselhos para famílias que tem travestis e pessoas trans. Facebook: | Instagram @PoeNaRoda | Twitter @CanalPoeNaRoda
Gioca con noi: i nickname sono sgtsynergo e Redez Altri video:;_id=1&view;=0 SIAMO ANCHE QUI! ● I ROGNOSI: ● QDSS: ● PORTALE: ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM: ● TWITTER: ● LIVE: ● APP: Vuoi inviarci qualcosa? Clim4lab (per QDSS) via Montecarlo, 48 Termoli 86039 (CB) * Attenzione: non abitiamo/lavoriamo qui. Ci aiutano solo con la posta. * L'indirizzo potrebbe cambiare quindi riferitevi sempre a quello sotto i nuovi video. Puoi parlare con noi su: ● TS3: COMPUTER NUOVO? Ecco qualche dritta: ● Canzoni fatte da noi: ●;=PLBFDuUOPixgDluFiEhx6CEtxP4BV5S6qm ●;=PLBFDuUOPixgDluFiEhx6CEtxP4BV5S6qm Attenzione, quasi tutte le musiche nei video sono originali e create da noi. I nostri video sono creati con Sony Vegas Pro 13, se volete iniziare ad editare utilizzate Grazie per la Visita da Quei Due Sul Server, Redez e Synergo.
ETV News is a 24 x 7 satellite channel comprising News (Telugu News), News based programs, women's infotainment programs,film news, youth based programs, devotional programs, and special programs relating to Telugu language speaking community and the Indian State of Telangana. ETV News is part of Ramoji group which is a diversified group with substantial business interests in Media (print as well as electronic), Entertainment (Film & TV Software programming), Foods, Finance, Retail, Hospitality & Education. Supporting Eenadu Television is the stupendous infrastructure of Ramoji Film City, the world's largest and most comprehensive film studio complex.
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Amazing News Ethiopian Woman Grows Big Horn on Her Head ETV Special Report.
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Here is my Interview with Errol Naidoo of the Family Policy Institute regarding their call for a mass boycot of ETV by Christians throughout South Africa unt...
India News: Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar mocks about Gujarat development model of Narendra Modi during his speech in Bihar assembly. JD(U) which broke t...
ETV Rajasthan_06 Sep'11_Mahro Rajasthan News Headlines. leaked Ravi Chander report confirming the illegal activities by AP police. This news was picked up by ETV urdu. full report can be downloaded ...
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As presented by South Africa's independent news channel e.TV, tuberculosis kills some two million people a year. In 2008 more than 9.4 million cases were rep...
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News about Huyilagodu Narayanarayaru old song sung by Manna Dey & Lakshmi Shankar. From :
Have Big Brother Africa stars Elikem and Pokello Split. Are Rihanna and Drake an item? & details on Paul Okoye's wedding.
Sar e Aam 25th October 2014- Sar e Aam with Iqrar ul Hassan 25 October On Ary News- SAR E AAM (SHO OF THANA JACKSON AND JOHAR EXPOSED) Sar e Aam Todays Topic- Karachi Kay SHO's Exposed by Iqrar ul Hassan October 25th, 2014 Subscribe Pakistani Talk Shows Channel Watch Following Investigations of Iqrar ul Hassan of ARY News Sar e Aam 24 October 2014 Sar e Aam 9 August 2014 Sar e Aam 2 August 2014 Sar e Aam 1 August 2014 Sar e Aam 25 July 2014 Sar e Aam 19th July 2014 Sar e Aam 18th July 2014 Sar e Aam 18th July 2014 Sar e Aam Haram Products Available in Pakistani Markets Subscribe @ Program Description- Sar-e-aam is not only a program but also a platform for the needy people who have no place to live, nothing to eat, no shelter above their head and are seeking for help but are helpless. In Sar-e-Aam, Ary News will take their issues to the caretakers of the society. The Program horizon will be on a broader perspective without any restriction....Sar-e-Aam Hosts Iqrar Hassan presented by Ary News Iqrar ul Hassan used to be news anchor on Ary News later became integral part of crime time show of ARY Sare Aam . In Today's Episode of Sar e Aam Iqrar ul Hassan Exposed corruption of Karachi's SHO of Two Different Police Stations on 25 October 2014 - Ary News and Iqrar ul Hassan met Dacoits of interior Karachi in Latest Show of sare aam. Program: Sar e Aam, Sare Aam, Host: Iqrar ul Hassan Presented by: Ary News
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Asamoah Gyan's manager opens up, Tyga & Blac Chyna call it quits, #MakeupTransformation & MORE.
All the latest entertainment scoop featuring Ghana's own DJ Jules, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj.
Maritime iRacing League at USA Speedway. Join Joe Cortez and Evan Posocco in the booth tonight.
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Etv 2 yuva program about Friend's Entertainment And Interview with Ravi Ganjam and Avinash Varanasi First Step of Success.
YouTube sensation Grace Helbig is coming to TV and she is not holding back! Catch the hilarious new show starting April 3rd at 10:30|9:30c on E! About E! Entertainment: E! is your go-to source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. Connect with E! Entertainment Online: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Follow E! on Spotify: "The Grace Helbig Show" Premieres April 3rd | E! : Ehiopian ETV Sunday Entertainment - Part 5.
ETV Sunday.
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We've been treated to some N*E*R*D. This is what went down at their gig at the Standard bank Arena, and we caught up with Pharrell after. For more video go t...
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Hollywood and entertainment reporter Jen Su (Jennifer Su) talks about the latest entertainment news in South Africa and beyond, on eTV's top morning show "Su...
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For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 4th April 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 21st March 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 28th March 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
Nagababu and his daughter Niharika about Chiru-Pawan-Nagababu's Childhood Photo in Genes Program in ETV.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 7th February 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 13th February 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 21st February 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 27th February 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 15th November 2014 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Cash - 10th January 2015 A game show hosted by the famous anchor Suma in which four celebrities compete to win cash. The contestants need to answer simple questions fired at them during four rounds.
For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Extra Jabardasth - ఎక్స్ ట్రా జబర్దస్త్ - 20th March 2015
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A great funny antique buying and selling tv show with lots of buying and selling of antiques - We need a sponser or picked-up by a network.
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For latest updates on ETV Channels - Subscribe for more latest Episodes - Follow us on - Subscribe for latest news - Follow us on - Jabardasth - జబర్దస్త్ - 12th March 2015
Some of the best late night hosts give me advice on hosting my own TV show! The Grace Helbig show comes to E! Friday April 3rd at 10:30pm! THE BOOK: THE PODCAST: OTHER SOCIALS: Hi, if you're new. I make 3 videos a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday. You might like them, you might hate them, but you can't unsee them. Unless you have amnesia.
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Show con insulti in diretta tv, nel talk condotto da Marco Columbro su Vero tv Sgarbi ricopre di insulti Gianni Barbacetto. E sul finire se la prende con Gri...
Grace Helbig Is Getting Her Own comedy/pop culture Talk Show On E! The show is rumored to be called The Grace Helbig Project. More Updates: http://www.Behind...
E! Europe |
![]() |
Launched | December 2, 2002 |
Network | Universal Networks International |
Owned by | E! Entertainment Europe B.V. (NBCUniversal) |
Picture format | 576i (16:9, SD) 1080i (HD) |
Slogan | Pop of Culture |
Broadcast area | ![]() |
Headquarters | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Sister channel(s) | 13th Street Universal CNBC Europe Syfy Universal Style Network (Europe) KidsCo Golf Channel |
Website | |
Availability | |
Satellite | |
Sky (UK & Ireland) |
Channel 151 (SD/HD) Channel 233 (SD) |
Sky Italia (Italy) |
Channel 129 |
CanalSat (France) |
Channel 29 |
Cyfrowy Polsat (Poland) |
Channel 32 |
NOVA (Greece) |
Channel 210 |
Digiturk (Turkey) |
Channel 112 |
TotalTV (Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia) |
Channel 17 (Serbia) |
TVCabo (Portugal) |
Channel 75 |
Tring Digital (Albania) |
Channel 30 |
Dolce (Romania) |
Channel 144 |
Cable | |
UPC Ireland | Channel 501 |
Virgin Media (United Kingdom) |
Channel 156 |
UPC Netherlands | Channel 115 |
UPC Austria | Channel 148 |
UPC Romania | Channel 54 |
naxoo (Switzerland) |
Channel 33 |
UPC Poland | Channel 124 |
SBB Serbia | Channel 311 |
IPTV | |
Vodafone Casa TV (Portugal) |
Channel 102 |
A1 Kabel TV (Austria) |
Channel 519 |
meo (Portugal) |
Channel 84 (SD) Channel 83 (HD) |
E! Entertainment is an European television channel, operated by E! Entertainment Europe B.V. and owned by NBCUniversal. It features entertainment-related programming, reality television and Hollywood gossip and news. E! currently has an audience reach of 600 million homes internationally.
Contents |
E! Entertainment Television was founded by Larry Namer and Alan Mruvka in the United States.[1][2]
The network launched on July 31, 1987 as Movietime, a service that aired movie trailers, entertainment news, event and awards coverage, and interviews as an early example of a national barker channel.[3] Three years later, in June 1990, Movietime was renamed E! Entertainment Television to emphasize its widening coverage of the celebrity-industrial complex, contemporary film, television and music, daily Hollywood gossip, and fashion.
In 2002 E! launched in Europe with its headquarters situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.[4][5][6]
At the end of 2011 E! Europe launched in HD in Eastern Europe.[7] The UK and Ireland followed on October 8, 2012.[8]
E! in Europe has localized versions of the same channel including the UK, Ireland, France, Poland and Italy. The channels share similar content but with localized advertising and dubbing and/or subtitling.[9] These channels are licensed by Ofcom.
ceb:E! da:E! de:E! Entertainment Television el:E! Entertainment es:E! fa:ئی! fr:Entertainment Television ko:E! hy:E! հեռուստաընկերություն hr:E! Entertainment TV id:E! it:E! ms:E! nl:E! ja:E! no:E! pl:E! Entertainment pt:E! Entertainment Television fi:E! Entertainment Television sv:E! tr:E! (Europe)
E! Entertainment Television is an American basic cable and satellite television network, owned by NBCUniversal. It features entertainment-related programming, reality television, feature films and occasionally series and specials unrelated to the entertainment industry.
E! currently has an audience reach of 88 million cable and satellite viewers in the U.S. and 600 million homes internationally.
E! Entertainment Television was founded by Larry Namer and Alan Mruvka.
The network launched on July 31, 1987 as Movietime, a service that aired movie trailers, entertainment news, event and awards coverage, and interviews as an early example of a national barker channel. Early Movietime hosts included Greg Kinnear, Paula Abdul, Katie Wagner, Julie Moran, Suzanne Kay (daughter of Diahann Carroll), Mark DeCarlo, Sam Rubin and Richard Blade. Three years later, in June 1990, Movietime was renamed E! Entertainment Television to emphasize its widening coverage of the celebrity-industrial complex, contemporary film, television and music, daily Hollywood gossip, and fashion.
I've been waiting all my life
I've been waiting for you to call me
Seasons are passing
Have i wasted my time?
Forty-eight hours have sustained
Fifteen minutes of real pain
How i survived this, i don't have a clue
I've been grasping to you
I will not come again
Say what you will coz i know what you're feeling
I will not come again
Do what you want coz i know why you're bleeding
I will not come again
Please don't take long coz the weight is impeding
I will not come again
I'm feeling alone and you're all that i'm needing
I've been waiting all my life
I've been waiting for you to call me
It's time for decisions so what will you do?
Will you still have to choose?
You may be too good for someone to hold
You're surely an angel that never grows old
Why am i calm when it's eating me up
Am i falling asleep?
I've got your face burned in my head
From the first night we met
You were lost, twenty-two, tired of it all
Eyes like stop on black holes
I was living alone
The world went by down below
Through the window I watched it all
You've been here seven years clothes on the floor
Shadows crawling along the walls
Reminisce reticence learn to move on
Without you 'I would be' is gone
Try or fail to forgive
Nothing left to relive
I watch your black hair blow in the wind
Can we love again?
Do you feel a thing?
Will you take my hand?
I want to live again
In your eyes I see the sky go gray
Looking down as I say
'give me one more day'
In the distance I hear the rain
It's really more than I can say
Looking at this tower
Angels are off duty and asleep
In these wee hours
And there's no place I can go
And this noise inside my head
It comes and goes
It comes and it goes
There's really nothing you can stop
So I guess I'm gonna try
Climbing up this tower
Walking up the stones
Stocking feet
To the clock
This is one place that I know
And the face in front of me
It comes and goes
Not some lucky charm
But something to hold onto
That could hold onto me
And there's no place I can go
And this noise inside my head
It comes and goes
It comes and it goes
Tarot cards
Said I'm already dead
Crystal ball
Fell down onto my head
If I want it I pay
My true love
Well she threw it away
But I can shine it all on
I can shine it all on
I can shine it all on
And still be amazed
Had some money
And a hole in my pocket
Had a house
But I forgot to lock it
Took a drag
From a smoke that may kill me
What a drag
How the winter wind chills me
I can shine it all on
I can shine it all on
I can shine it all on
And still be amazed
I'll shine it on just like macbeth
In the face of certain death
Of a salesman or a king
And when the palm trees are on fire
I'll take my boat out on the sea
Had a face
But I never could save it
Had a kid
But I never would name it
Have a life
Well that's what they call it
It's a road
But I guess I could crawl it
(E/Jennifer Condos)
Don't know why
She thinks she loves him
Don't go try
He's just a toy
She calls it only love
Her love it is not pure
She loves a puppet
She loves a puppet
ANd all that I can do is cry
Got no soul
Only a haircut
He's no man
Barely a boy
Why can't she understand
That I am her true love
She loves a puppet
He's made of flesh and blood
His footsteps make a heavy thud
His porch light's on
But no one's home
I'd love to make her mine
But I have to wonder why
She loves a puppet
(E/Jennifer Condos/R. Anderson/Susanna Hoffs)
You up there
Don't ya think there's something you can do?
Well no one ever told me it was gonna be this way
Me down here
Well look at all the things I try to do
Every day's another day but nothing else is new
Everything I see is broken
There's no water in the well
Oh wont't you please send me
Someone to break the spell?
Well is it me?
Or is it everyone that comes around?
They always stay a little while
But they're gone before too long
Hey you up there
Looking down upon this sorry scene
Is it what it's all about
Or is this some bad dream?
I've got a million dreams stuck in my head
If I could live a few before I'm dead
I'm a loser and a screw up
Don't insult me you're no better
Lay back on it culture panic
Got a freckle on my vomit
I will never lie
Monday till Sunday .... s a m
as ever
It don't matter I am boredly
I'm a loser and screw up first
You kiss me then you leave me
Got a flimsy sonar rattle
it's so easy to be silly
Eight lives left
One chapter down
Still nothing new
In this old town
I'd like to spend at least one life with you
Eight lives left
And a heart that wants to be true
Five miles out
The depot is there
A Greyhound is waiting
To take us somewhere
I'd like to spend at least one life with you
Eight lives left
And a heart that wants to be true
Eric Wincentsen
Glendale Community College
Glendale, Arizona
"We want the airwaves!"
She hides in the library reading Henry Miller books
'Til they flash the lights
It's time to go
When she was a little kid she said,
"Dad, I don't know why I feel so penniless inside."
She's on the promenade
She's looking for a dress
She's locked outside a world
Just a Manchester girl
Oh I'll meet you there
By the old newsstand
Oh, I'll mee t you there tonight
Shoot out at the neighbor's house
She pulls the covers on her head
She's counting the shots as they go by
And Pandora's litter box
Well it's gettin' mighty high
That cat's gonna keep her up at night
Another scary dream
Another cigarette
She's locked outside a world
Just a Manchester girl
(E/Jennifer Condos)
Walkin' along by the L.A. River
This river's such a joke and so am I
I don't know why I should believe her
I don't care what she says
I wanna die
I'd jump right in the drink
But there's no water
I'd jump right in and sink away from here
Poor river
Empty river
I'm feeling just like you
I'm feeling just like you
Walkin' along by the L.A. River
Stepping on broken glass, kciking cans
She's tellin' me I don't even know here
I guess there's some things I won't understand
I'd love to float away like old Tom Sawyer
I'd love to run away and be Huck Finn
Poor river
Empty river
I'm feeling just like you
Walkin' along by the L.A. River
Reading graffiti and throwing stones
She's looking for someone to deliver
She doesn't give a damn if I'm alone
I'd drive right in and drown
But there's no water
My head may hit the ground
But still I'm here
Poor river
L.A. River
I'm feeling just like you
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na
Are you there?
Oh no
She's giving back my old raincoat
The one I said she could keep
She's taking back her umbrella
Well that's alright with me
Oh why
I feel like I'm a fighter
Who only wins despite
My broken bones
The winner stands alone
Every pocket has a hole
There is no hope
I'm walking around
In my old raincoat
Oh yeah
She's tearing up my old letters
She's setting fire to the heap
Oh joy
She says she's feeling much better
She says it's easy to sleep
Without me there
In the cool night air
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
And I am cold
Just walking around
In my old raincoat
Now I know I'm really free
Oh why
I feel like I'm a fighter
Who only wins despite
My broken bones
The winner stands alone
Every pocket has a hole
There is no hope
I've searched them all
Looking for a note
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
And I am cold
I'm walking around
In my old raincoat
Now I know I'm really free
Tomorrow I'll be nine
ANd everything will be the same
Tomorrow I'll be nine
It's only gonna be another day
THey're always looking at me funny
I'm always doing something wrong
I'm thinkin' they'd be better off if I was gone
Tomorrow I'll be nine
And everything will be the same
Tomorrow I'll be nine
It's only gonna be another day
They never tell me what they're thinking
They're always busy being mad
I start to thinkin'
Could it be 'cause I am bad?
Oh I'll go
Where I can't hear them
Oh I'll go
There's got to be someone who wants me
There's got be someone who cares
Don't know where they are
But I am going there
Tomorrow I'll be nine
And everything will be the same
Tomorrow I'll be nine
I think it's time to make my getaway
what you've done to me
is not for the world to see
does bring back the anger,
it's crawling deep inside of me
'cause you're all I have worth waiting for,
left alone once more
what do you intend to do now?
when you dance for
when you dance through the night,
you know it's not right
you're not who you are,
you're losing it by far
heaven knows I do care,
'cause you're all I have been living for
now it don't seem so sure,
what do I intend to do now?
what do I intend to do now?
Do now do now
when you dance for,
when you dance through the night,
you know it's not right
when you dance for,
when you dance through the night,
Vuoi da bere
Vieni qui
Tu per me
Te lo dico sottovoce
Amo te
Come non ho fatto in fondo
con nessuna
resta qui un secondo
se hai bisogno
e non mi trovi
cercami in un sogno amo te
quella che non chiede mai
non se la prende
se poi non l'ascolto
E... uo... e...
sei un piccolo fiore per me
e l'odore che hai
mi ricorda qualcosa
va bè...
non sono fedele mai
forse lo so
quando sento
il tuo piacere che si muove lento
ho un brivido
tutte le volte che il tuo cuore
batte con il mio
poi nasce il sole...
E... uo... e...
ho un pensiero che parla di te
tutto muore ma tu
sei la cosa più cara che ho
e se mordo una fragola
mordo anche te
uo... E...
sei un piccolo fiore per me
se l'odore che hai
mi ricorda qualcosa
va bè...
non sono fedele mai
Someone tell me how
They got crazies to make a circle
Something I never thought I'd see
Everyone should speak
Don't and they will make you
I can feel each person watching
Check myself out
While I check myself in
I'm doing the work
I'm baby stepping
Baby so maybe you won’t
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Where's that god damn wishing well
The one that sorta works
It's early still, so hopefully no line
I have enough regrets, like this room full of jerks
But the smell of guilt and law suits me just fine
Sleep with an angel, but sitting with demons
I'm not the same as them, I know I'm better
Hope you know so you won't
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Give me the chance and I might disappoint you
Better that I had the chance, than no chance at all
Save me a dance and I'll never let you go
This is the only thing that matters
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
Throw me, throw me away
Throw me, don't throw me away again
A gente quer valer o nosso amor
A gente quer valer nosso suor
A gente quer valer o nosso humor
A gente quer do bom e do melhor
A gente quer carinho e atenção
A gente quer calor no coração
A gente quer suar, mas de prazer
A gente quer é ter muita saúde
A gente quer viver a liberdade
A gente quer viver felicidade
A gente não tem cara de panaca
A gente não tem jeito de babaca
A gente não está com a bunda exposta
Na janela pra passar a mão nela
A gente quer viver pleno direito
A gente quer viver todo respeito
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente que é ser um cidadão
É, é, é, é...
(E/Parthenon Huxley)
She had the eyes of someone older
I have the eyes that wander 'round
I couldn't see what really mattered
Caught hell from my boss
Don't care about my job
Caught a cold from the rain
Don't care if I'm cold
Played every record that I own today
But the only thing I care about got away
She was a walking work of art
I am a broken wind-up toy
I thought I knew what really mattered
Got a flat on the road
Don't care about my car
Lost 26 bucks
Don't care about my rent
Caught every episode on TV today
But the only thing I care about got away
She had a brilliant future
I have a past
I have my memories
But they're fading fast
Caught hell from my boss
Don't care about my job
Caught a cold from the rain
Don't care if I'm cold
Played every record that I own today
But the only thing I care about got away
The only thing I care about got away
Let's not fight it anymore
Unpack the bags and close the door
I'll never leave you, no, no
Though you lied right from the start
I can't convince my stupid heart
Not to believe you
You've got two good men strung out
And there's not the slightest doubt
That other men have loved you before
But you work your thing so well
I'll dream of Heaven and live in Hell
Til I can't take it anymore
If I had one ounce of pride
I'd stand up or step aside
But girl, I love you, can't you tell it?
So I'll accept the crumbs you drop
'Cause I'm a fool and I can't stop
Or rise above you
Let him speak up for himself
I speak for me and no one else
'Cause I'm a beggar knockin' on your door
You work your thing so well
I'll dream of Heaven and live in Hell
Til I can't take it anymore
I'm too far gone to turn around
To lift myself up off the ground
And start all over, over and over and over
Now him or I must win or lose
No matter which one you may choose
You'll be in clover, you know you will
Darlin', while you're making up your mind
Well, I'll be prayin' all the time
Prayin' that you'll never, never, never be letting me go
But you work your thing so well
I'll dream of Heaven and live in Hell
Til I can't take it anymore
Girl, you work your thing so well
Dream of Heaven and live in Hell
Til I can't take it anymore
You know that you work that thing so well
I dream of Heaven and live in Hell
Til I can't take it anymore
You work it so well
I dream of Heaven and live in Hell
a gente quer valer o nosso amor
a gente quer valer nosso suor
a gente quer valer o nosso humor
a gente quer do bom e do melhor
a gente quer carinho e atenção
a gente quer calor no coração
a gente quer suar, mas de prazer
a gente quer é ter muita saúde
a gente quer viver a liberdade
a gente quer viver felicidade
a gente não tem cara de panaca
a gente não tem jeito de babaca
a gente não está com a bunda exposta na janela
pra passar a mão nela
a gente quer viver pleno direito
a gente quer viver todo defeito
a gente quer viver uma nação
a gente quer é ser um cidadão
a gente quer viver uma nação
É, é,é,é,é,é,é,é,é...
Il nome tuo ' garanzia
Mio aiuto da parte di te
Amore mio,
Mi manca l'aria
E mi manchi tu,
Le domeniche
E l'inquietudine
I bar I motel,
Il sesso tra noi,
L'oro e le briciole
Se canto non piango mai
A modo tuo mi hai amato
So che potrai avere molto di pi'
Mi manca l'anima
E mi manchi tu,
Le domeniche
E l'inquietudine
I bar I motel,
Il sesso tra noi,
L'oro e la cenere
La ferita che fa male
Di pi' della solitudine
Se canto non piango mai,
Mai, mai, mai, mai, mai
I saw some photos of a happy family
Hanging up on the thrift shop wall
I paid the man and I brought them back home
I feel better now when they don't call
Every once in a while
I see your face when I stare at the ceiling
I truly regret
The day I wrote you off
Always dreamed that one day I'd leave home
And now I do it again and again
ANd here I go looking for my new home
Or shall I say looking for a best friend
she's never known acceptance
she's never know the word
she says i like to call myself m
but my real name is mockingbird
mockingbird franklin
so how do you do
mockingbird franklin
i'm a lot like you
she says her mother is gone now
she says her mother got killed
i said i'm sorry but is it true
did she really name you mockingbird
mockingbird franklin
broke your heart in two
mockingbird franklin
i'm a lot like you
mockingbird don't you change
just because you're not like them
oh mockingbird you're not the same
alone along the sidewalk
her steps are barely heard
it's kinda funny that it's her name
'cus she's nothing like a mockingbird
nothing like a mockingbird
mockingbird franklin
don't it get to you
mockingbird franklin
i'm a lot like you
i'm a lot like you
(it's true)
I walked by your window
To see if you're home
The candle was burning
I could see you weren't alone
I shouldn't have gone by
But what could I do?
I've never known anyone
Who was quite like you
Life ain't very easy when you've got
A permanent broken heart
I walk down the dirty street
And see the old man
But now he seems different
I think I understand
Well maybe he had a love
And swore it was true
But then he blew it away
Just like I lost you
I'm looking out my window
There's not much of a view
And my hat is still quite blue
Maybe I'll move away
To some other town
And maybe I'll find that thing
I've never found
Well, I'll rise above
Once I forget
What it was like then before we met
I had no dreams
There was no plan
You see it's just that I was
A most unpleasant man
And now it all has come to pass
I guess I knew somehow it couldn't last
And so I'm back where I began
And once again I've become
A most unpleasant man
Where will I go if you're not here?
I'll try to find yo ueverywhere
Remember me
Not as I am
But how I was as your truest friend
Remember me
Not as I am
How did I ever become
A Most unpleasant man?
I'll see you later baby
So what ya gonna do about me?
I been hangin' 'round a while
Trading books and knowing glances
I thought I'd stick around
But this really ain't my style
So this ain't heaven on earth
Looks like we'll have to wait
But we are standing at the gate
I took a look inside your attic
And secret shelves and hidden rooms
It didn't scare me when I saw it
Your hidden attic is no temple of doom
So what ya gonna do about me?
Put me on a secret shelf?
I wanna change myself around
You know I'd do it
If I thought that it would help