Showing posts with label compilation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compilation. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2012

Spanish hardcore

My good basque friend borja sent me another great review about a tape with spanish hardcore bands. I upload it on jumbofiles as i wrote on my previous post where you can see a tutorial if you find it difficult to download.

-Borja, from the wastelands :

I was writing one more time some stupid things and i couldn´t concentrate much on what i was writing, so like i always do i started to listen to music. and i started to listen to the fabulous compilation tape from the 80s called SPANISH HARDCORE from bct records from san diego. an italian friend gave me ones this tape... and i promissed mike two different reviews, but this is a FUCKING MUST!!!!!!!!!!! whatever, this tape is a FUCKING AMAZING HYMNE of spanish HARDCORE (and i write it with big letters), starting with MG-15 (from Nerja), IV REICH (Zaragoza), RIP (Mondragon), FRENOPATICSS (Barcelona), ANTIDOGMATIKSS (la Roca) and ULTIMO RESORTE (Barcelona)...

every single band is incredible. i grew up with this sound. it´s normal that after this the raw and aggressive sound from finnland, sweden and italy makes you crazy. but when you listen to this you realize that the spanish hardcore and punk scene in the 80s was totally unique. other band like GRB, Subterranean Kids, HHH, Codigo Neurotico, Ultimo Gobierno, all this fucking crazy bands from the basque country... there are much more bands i would like to write now...

there are a lot of bands on this tape, but i wanna write about one. exactly the band i know since i am very young. it´s RIP. when i started to listen to punk i used to go to a recordstore in barcelona and i found this record NO TE MUEVAS (don´t move) with this amazing cover. i got an edition where you can listen as well to the songs record on the split with ESKORBUTO, called ZONA ESPECIAL NORTE (special zone north). The tape compilation is missing, RIP appeared also on the MRR compilation WELCOME TO 1984.

RIP play hardcore, fast raw brutal and aggressive hardcore (specially on the split with eskorbuto and on the compilation) and FUCK GORILLA BISCUITS and FUCK VICTIMS and JOIN RIP! DISCOVER real HARDCORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all their songs (you should know spanish for the brutal fantastic lyrics, i knwo they are not anarchists, but their lyrics beat even bakunin or bonanno) are very powerfull. it is very rare to listen to such a band with a combination between beeing raw and dirty and having at the same time clean recordings. i could write about every single song and start cutting my veins in this orgasm of music. now the song ODIO A MI PATRIA (i hate my fatherland) started and outside it is raining. i hope that the lightnings destroy everything (as well me)... i really can say that i love this band. when people talk about hardcore without having listend to RIP, discharge, crucifix, agony, kafka process, wretched, UBR or ripcord (for example)...they never have had listened to hardcore


Jul 4, 2012

Sleepless, a night out mix

Αρχίζω να μην έχω καθόλου αυτοεκτίμηση. Ντρέπομαι για τον εαυτό μου, ντρέπομαι για το γεγονός πως έχω επιτρέψει να κυλά ο πολύτιμος χρόνος της ζωής μου χωρίς ουσιαστικά να τον απολαμβάνω, απλά καταμετρώντας τον με μια σχολαστική εμμονή και μια κρυφή ελπίδα πως κάποια στιγμή, με κάποιον μαγικό τρόπο όλα θ' αλλάξουν άρδην κι ένας ευεργετικός άνεμος θα φυσήξει κάνοντας πέρα τα σύννεφα που έχουν μαζευτεί στη ψυχή μου αποκαλύπτοντας νέους ορίζοντες και προοπτικές.

κ.π. Βλαχογιάννης “άυπνος”
εκδόσεις Τυφλόμυγα

Not so much to say, first thought was the creation of a hardcore/punk compilation with the non-clever title "going to Arm Your Desires fest" and that would be it, till i got on my hands the above mentioned book. The writing - in a strange way - made me soliloquize "these words are made for me", and with that in mind i chosen carefully the 16 songs you'll find here. Early anarcho-punk delivered from The System to luxemburg's Petrograd with Born/Dead covering Cress and the london's finest, the Restarts, the greek participation with Ex-Humans, Negative stance and Death Rattle, japanese freaks Bastard and japanese wanna-bes Selfish and Invasion, an anti-fascist anthem delivered surgical from Harda tider, also the swedish "woodcutters" Krigshot and Totalitar delivering first wave noise. Finally we have some rock'n'roll madness from mexico's Crimen and from united states, Severed head of state and Against empire. All in all, a nice comp for your night out or your driving madness. No sleep till...

Aug 19, 2011

Sweet Revenge like a tasteful meal

We do not destroy the heretic, because he resist us. As long as he resist us we never destroy him.
We make him one of ourselves before we kill him, we make his brain perfect before we blow it out.” 

For those that likes the mix-tapes I made a new one with songs that really turns me up and can't remove them from my stereo. These are the bands i'm obsessed lately, take pen and paper and we start. When you seek for a sick-o first track it's always a good choice for an intro especially when this intro welcomes you to the “age of continues warfare” of Behind Enemy Lines. “But the darkness was here yesterday” and from the raging Dogsholylife to the last screams before death. Death Rattle (epithanatios roghos) demonstrating their ugly tragedy-influenced d-beat with clouds of despair. Raw nerves with their lethargic mid-tempo hardcore opens the scene greatly for the straight dirt of Burning Love's “lives of the saints” (lyr:That aren't "obsolescence", "system" or "machine"... are you holding out on me?Lives of the saints, be the death of you) and that leads us to one of my favorite bands and maybe my favorite song, Indigent from Born/Dead (“so proud of your modern prison....”). Later I’ll hook you up with the primitive hardcore/punk of Brother Inferior and the ugly darkness of Masskontrol. Pay attention to “this is the way we do it in Leivadia” crust of the Disrupt worshipers Doomed to Extinction that makes “the ending fight” of Tragedy sounds like the new Katerina Stikoudi's pop hit. Sarabante released the best album of 2011 worldwide in my humble opinion and I couldn't include their greek lyrical anthem (“Βαρια τα φτερα μου, πιο βαρια απο μενα”) while Against Empire biting with their japcore title “choose to fight”. Goodnight in flames. Raw d-beat for supper. The best bands in the genre. Go filth go and Kromosom. Play it Loud

Jan 9, 2011

"...that is something wrong with this world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter on your mind driving you mad."

Holy crap, i'm so excited to write about some of the best N.W.O.J.N.H. bands (new wave of japanese noisy hardcore) in this post that i can't feel my legs. Here we go. I first listened to these comps mainly to the "italian" monsters Isterismo (songs of the band included on both comps). But here we have some deadly good hardcore, Hit it band-by-band.

Here you'll get two compilations released in japan. Hard Core Inferno and Yotsuva. Both comps have been released in 2009. Firstly, let's see Hard Core Inferno.

First band is Death dust extractor that everybody knows more or less (they have tracks on both comps and you gonna noise your ears really bad with these gents). Ada plus max and Krossa are the highlights on this comp. Ada plus max have that dirty hardcore sound, with some metallic riffs that make me want to lay down and trip out really bad. Krossa continues that noisy hardcore full of vocal-reverbs but they do it really great. I prefer them in compare with other "famous" noisy bands. Deathtribe mixing their technically accomplished crust ala Battle of disarm with fast drums and schizzoring guitar tunes, while Skizophrenia have the most radio-friendly tracks, i don't like the voice (reminds me of UK82 style in a strange way) but the tracks are blistering. Tantrum are good and fast, but nothing extraordinary. Disturd are fucking heavy and a little bit thrashy reminding me how Bolt-throwerish crust should be played. Play them loud and you'll be deaf. Chaotix are more or less "expected" and isterismo are Isterismo. Last but not least, Sacrifice. Good as an old wine, noisy crust.

Yotsuva comp starts with three tracks from Isterismo (can you ask something more?) and continues with three tracks from Death dust extractor (No, you can't ask for nothing more). Lastly (the band) are not my cup of tea but you can say that have this crazy chaotic sound. Zyanose continues the noise odyssey but in an exeptional way. Crazy japanese motherfuckers, sniffing pepper.

VA - Hardcore inferno & VA- Yotsuva

Jul 18, 2010

"People, regulated machines, greed flows in their veins. the air we breathe smells of a pasteurized death, offered in abundance by modern civilization."

I have to say that i was starting be a little bit jealous about "song of the week" section of the fugitive equilibrium blog and i wanted to start it over here too, but then i thought that i can't reach bat's crazy opinions, so the second thought was a very good mix-tape.

While i was travelling from the capital city to my hometown, some compilation cassette (mix-tape as dbill likes to say) come to my mind. As the trip was way too long (7 hours, mates) i was starting to put the bands of the comp in line. At least, before my village-arrival and the turn-on of my pc. S.(vocalist of antimob) had left me a very good comment and suddenly everything fall apart in my head. I had to write it all from the start.
Some days ago, S had a fucking serious accident. His room ceiling fell down in pieces (over 4 tones weight) in his room, fortunately he wasn't indoors, so he is still around us. A good friend is not dead so this mix-tape is a gift to one of the best vocalist and smiling guys of the greek hardcore scene... Forgive me for the "inside" jokes, guys.
Γραψ'το σε κασσετα, Σταθακη!!!!!Αφιερωμενο με αγαπη....

1. Shit hit the fan - Change
First track and what a better intro than a melodic punk song from one of the best hardcore/punk/post bands of the early 90's. Great lyrics from the pioneers of the "hardline" diy approach (i'm a big fan of this approach) of the greek underground. check also this one.
"Nobody's gonna save us from the chains."

2. The wipers - Doomtown
As S. once told me : "Man, this band plays melancholic punk rock. now, how that's can be happening, i don't know but they do it." Amazing rainy portland punk with one of the most expressive vocalist. Drop virus's fave. song.

3. Anti-cimex - Game of the arseholes
I first heard this one as a Napalm death's cover (weird, ha?). Still nowadays, i can say that noone reach their excellent and powerful sound. "Καλα ρε μαλακα, σου εσπασε το anti-cimex?" ΗΑΗΗΑΗΑΗΗΑ

4. Doomtown - Never believe
Ha, what we have here? Burial's Fabian (here plays bass) with his "paying-respect-to-the-Wipers" band Doomtown. this one is close to Burial's type of playing but it's fucking good. (one more great band that i didn't reach to see live a few years ago, fuck)

5. Deus ex machina - Iraq'n'roll
I think the title speaks for itself. Written in '92 and released as the b-side of the 7'' "execute" this track has great backing vocals, great riffs, great bridges and great lyrics. Great in general. Gulf war - children dies....

6. Skew whiff - Vertigo
If you don't know already, skew whiff features two guys from the legendary belgians Hiatus and this track is the perfect example of the "Brain" 12'' legacy. Crusty punk with amazing d-beat chorus and sci-fi riff....

7. Amebix - Largactyl
It was time for a classic. I think everything that could been told about amebix is already told. Even if i prefer monolith this one is dedicated to amebix's first drummer that lost his mind in england's mental hospitals (as hundreds of people in uk in the 80's) due to enormous doses of a medicine called Largactyl. "Relax. it's only paranoia".

8. Agathocles - Cheers mankind cheers
I didn't do it by purpose but this one is also for people in mental hospitals. Music wise, this is by far my favourite agathocles's song. Mincecorers playing hardcore punk, up-tempo and funny (type of...)

9. Aus-rotten - The system works for them
How many times i felt embarassing due to this one. It's strange to caught yourself screaming in the bus "Boycott" and suddenly to understand that everyone staring at you!!! Great lyrics. and a question : How the fuck Dave Trenga remembers all that lyrics (that he writes)? The crazy fucker. Anarcho-crust up our asses.

10. Tear it up - Everybody hates me
I know you love them... So, straight-into-your-face...
check also here

11. Judgement - Kick them over
Τα λογια ειναι περιττα as a greek pop song says... Japan's massive killing machine Judgement will chop-off your genitals with their sharp-knife riffs and howling vocals...

12. Out cold - Hidden agenda
Holy god of war, if you listen me make your sons play again... From boston comes death.
Taken by "Will attack if provoked" and dedicated to marc.

13. Goulag - Sarkovoro arni
The title can be translated as Carnivorous lamp! Third track from a greek band in this "tape". Late 80's - early 90's punk rock with great riffs and anti-war message. Don't be confused with Goulag from spain.

14. Poison idea - Taken by surprise
Set some polls and voting stuff for the best hardcore album of all time,99% Poison idea's "feel the darkness" would be the answer. I can remember bassist of antimob to play it on a party for three times in a row. Awesome track from a heavy "heavy" band.
"overwhelming - show no mercy"

15. Down in flames - Waging a war
My personal favourite from all the 625 records releases and the most underestimated. Dbill used to say it "stop and go" hardcore (is this description correct? i ask myself), i call it unstoppable hardcore to make boys cry for good... discography here

16. D.S.-13 - Watch out
S. wanted "vi skatar..." but i choose "watch out" - same lp, dude. Happy (let's laugh) hardcore from a band from umea, sweden, even if the sound reminds boston. hahahha.

17. Antimob - In front of the machines
I've said before that antimob is one of the best hardcore bands globally and this is their most beloved track between fans. Great slow-snake intro till the old-man takes the mic and shout his lungs out, "workers gathered in front of the machines". Good to have you among us stathaki.

ο ουρανος επεσε στα κεφαλια μας

Apr 6, 2010

Sixteen Counts of Arson comp. arranged by Dbill

You may think that we turned this blog into a cassette mix-tape thing, and we are gonna post only self-made comps. Well, you're wrong. This shit has been scheduled and all the next posts are straight-forward proper releases. So, i'm leaving dbill to do the talking...

The art of making a mix tape, or a compilation of mp3’s in our case, is a gentle one that needs extra care and choises of great wisdom….this is not the situation here, fuck modest attitudes and shit like that. These are some of the best hardcore punk bands of today and past ages. Some have broken up, some are dead but their fucking legacy lives on and keep rocking my world. Hope it rocks yours also.

P.s. Naturally we play this compilation after listening with extra caution at His Hero Is Gone’s ‘’Monument to thieves’’ LP…the blogspot is named FifteenCountOfArson after all…

Let’s get started:

1. Straightjacket Nation: Cheap Kicks

Nothing starts off a good compilation better that a good kick in the ass, and this is what Straightjacket Nation serves in great quantities and qualities. Pissed off rocking hardcore punk by bitter young punx who are dedicated to ruining your life. Blown out production from their three song killer EP ‘’Cheap Kicks’’... It sure is a kick, and a cheap one…come one, come all!

2. Skitkids: Weekday Suger Rov

From ‘’Besoket Vid Krubban’’ 12’’. This record totally brings a huge smile on my face, whether i play it first thing in the morning or at pitch black night. It’s like total Totalitar fanatics beat up ACDC and took their place, stealing their equipment. A whirlwind of up tempo rocking hardcore that deals with really important issues (READ THE LYRICS SHEET!!!), but can’t seem to handle itself in a serious-esque manner. Really i can't really describe how rocking this record is, you need to find out yourselves (especially Peio, if you are reading this go get the fucking record!)….Ladies and dear scumbags…the Skitkids.

3. Death Token: 4 Track Attack

This is one of the best 7’’ I have…period. A reason by itself to play punk, and the greatest evidence that when you have the fucking urge and creativity (''meraki'') you can produce homemade masterpieces. Recorded entirely on a 4 track recorder (hence the title..duh!), this blown out monster is a sound engineers nightmare, so to say. Violent hardcore for losers, freaks, atrophic punx and all around life drop outs. From Even Worse records. Stephen is a wreck. (check death token here and here)

4. Totalitar: Vi Ar Eliten

I don’t think i have to write anything special for Totalitar. If you don’t have this you might as well end your life (cause it was probably not worth it)…no one will notice you anyways. Totalitar is punk itself. Their best LP so far (‘’Vi Ar Eliten’’ on Prank recs.).

5. Rajahtaa: Crucified Child part II

Runour has it that a casefull of evil Finlandia Vodka ended up in Kavala, in the northern part of greece, and the combination of the sweet poison and the cold woods led to the creation of this Fin bastard. From their demo CD-R. Hope they get back on track and play gigs again…enjoy.

6. Kyklooppien Sukupuutto: Alyn Jattilaiset

Speaking of the devil (finland), I present you one of the most fucked up hardcore punk bands of today…Kyklooppien Sukupuutto keep on putting one great record after the other. Many punks can’t follow their uncompromising sound. Total distressed, chaotic and anxious beats, led by a great personal political view of today. From ‘’Helvetin Elementit’’ ep. (check their split 7'' with death token here)

7. Kraut: Onward

It was about time to move backwards in time, so that we can go onward with our compilation.  From their ‘’An Adjustment to Society’’ LP 1982, these New Yorkers breath out true punk tunes. Exceptional riffs with hooks, and great anthems. Classic.

8. Zero Boys: Civilizations Dying

One of my personal favourite american hardcore punk bands, the Zero Boys put out records that where way ahead of their time, leaving punks now and then jawdropping and stunned. Meaningful songs, right fucking attitude towards the music industry, the Boys have left us a true diamond of a record to marvel at. It has been reissued, so don’t miss out on this one, trust me.

9. The Stress: Gennoktonia (Genocide)

One of greeces most loved punk bands of the 80’s, and totally worth it. It is said that when The Stress were to play outside of their hometown, athens(zofos), they had a crowd of 50 punx following them around. Trully the first punk band with deep routed anarchist/antiauthoritarian lyrics. I was a late comer to old greek punk, but only now can i really appreciate it’s worth. From their LP ''O ihos tis Anasfalias'' (The sound of Insecurity) out on Wipe Out records on 1985. Masterpiece.

10. Gorilla Angreb: Pa Patrulje

…so to smoothen things up a bit more, and add a touch of atmosphere. Gorilla Angreb are from the city of Kobenhavn (also city of Stephen the jerk!), and released a handful of ep’s and an 12'', "Bedre Tider" from which we get this song. Most of their tracks are more garage punky and straight forward, with a good mix of melodic leads and not so eerie as this track (which reminds me of a mix between the Wipers and Neil Young’s Dead Man OST as I have written before). Exceptional punk band.

11. Invasion: Destino Final

Keeping the atmosphere, adding huge amounts of angst and a heavy rocking claustrophobic feeling we have Invasion (now named Destino Final). Like a punk bastard of Japanese hardcore recorded by a lo-fi black metal fanatic, these spaniards really get me going with their amazing releases. Simple to the core music and graphics, these punks have kept things to its roots, while having an impressive attitude, showing solidarity to the anarchist movement, proving that they feel deep inside what they stand and sing for. This is the closing track of the ‘’La Casa’’ 12’’. Fucking good music.

12. Crude: No Light Soul of State

What can one write about this amazing Japanese hardcore outfit…? The guitar work is absolutely out of this world, the tracks make you pump your fist to the air in no time, and these Japs will have you singing along all their choruses all day long. Completely powerful burning spirits style, melodic and epic from their ‘’Attitude 2000’’ LP out on Yannick’s very own Feral Ward records. This record can redefine what you think hardcore punk is.

13. Burial: Eternal Excess

This wouldn’t be a compilation without the beloved german wolves ripping your heart out with this bomb of a song, Japanese style. Burial is undoubtably one of THE best hardcore punk bands of our time. One of the few bands that are even more ferocious live on stage serving you a hellish time that leads to many heart attacks amongst the punx. From their split with Crude and Nightmare, this track is another fatal shot, by a band that knows how to evolve their style record after record. Listen to this all day, and then to the rest of their records (but not at their split with Antimob cause that sucks monkey ass!).

14. Selfish: Burning Sensation

No other band captures the ‘’fuck you all, I will make it through’’ attitude more than Selfish. These Finns have invaded japan and stole most of its talent, serving it in heavy doses of rocking hardcore. Fuck boredom, Selfish are here like a spinning ball of pure adrenaline energy to get your ass either moved or fucked…your choice. The song says it all: Fucking boredom, Burning Sensation for Life. From their s/t LP (again on Yannick’s Feral Ward…geez the guy never stops putting out awesome records!). (check also selfish here and here)

15. Death Side: Fight Your Way

We can’t go without the true masters of the burning spirits sound. Death Side strikes with fire, torching everything to ashes with their destructive sound. Amazing releases (this one being from the ‘’Bet on the Possibility’’ LP) are their huge legacy to the punk world. Sadly the punk world lost this amazing guitarist, Chelsea (also of Paintbox fame) some time ago. So play this tune loud cause the leads are inspired from the heart. Death Side.

16. Mortuus: Supplification for the Demise of All

A closing special, this is nor hardcore punk, nor fast and furious. Just plain death worshiping nordic Black Metal by two swedes. Cathartic and atmospheric as it is, it serves as a good spiritual closing to this compilation, for the cold heart. As far as I have read there are no suspicious views from this band, and they seem to have a different perception of the world we live in, mostly concerning death. From their LP ‘’De Contemplanda Morte’’.

download (and leave twenty comments each...)

P.s.2 Naturally many great bands were not included, so a second strike of dbills hardcorepunk seminars should be awaited in tremble and fear. Now go make your own kick ass band you lazy bastards, and stop listening to other people’s music.

Apr 4, 2010

"Everyday when I wake up I know I've failed. Something to live for is hard to find, I'd like to think that I know tomorrow. I need to leave it all behind"

The first one that will comment about the title (from which band it is...) will earn a secret, hot, erotic night with me (fuck, i hope the first would be a girl). I am waiting dbill to sit his own ass down and make a happy-birthday comp of his favourite hardcore punk tunes, but as you may already figure-it-out, he is drowning with the university's stuff (τελειωνε τη γαμωδιπλοματικη).
So, i will make my own comp, and when db-ill makes his own, i will think if i'll post it. I am the boss in case you forgot it..
So, let's start...

1. The assasinators - A for anarki
From the freezing city of copenhagen, former members of paragraf 119 delivers sweet, up-tempo, anarchist punk-rock. I'll post their lp some day soon, so stay tuned.

2. Destino final - Que vas a hacer
Another band that has me stucked (sweet dbill's words). "they rule, γαμανε μανες" etc. Get the reverb on vocals up to 11, throw some well-hidden japcore here and there, add amazing drum-parts and you got Destino final.

3. Out cold - Total human monster
Boston's finest. With the first note you want to punch your best friend on the head.
"and i know.. I can't fail...". total old-school monster.(all the thanx, from my heart, goes to fugitive equilibrium. thanx, bat)

4. Battle of disarm - In the war
One of my favourite japanese crusties. In the war from the self titled seveninch.
D-beat as it was meant to be. Ugly, distorted and from the heart.

5. Arnitiki stasi (negative stance) - To kouti tis pandoras (Pandora's box)
One of the best bands that ever came out of greece. Late 80's - early 90's era. The sound is not the best but you have to pay attention to the great drum works. Simply amazing

6. Kafka - Generazione di stupidita
A friend of mine once told me : "If biohazard were from italy and they didn't play for money their name would be kafka". NYC breaks alongside heavy slayer riffs and screaming vocals. wow....

7. Masskontrol - Not the work of mother nature
Do i have to say anything about masskontrol, really? Portland crust at it's finest by the guys that make it a trend (i don't mean they wanted to...). Their members also plays in one million other bands...

8. Bastard - Misery
Japan's best band (for me). Fast, agressive, solid, with great production. Death side or bastard conflict reminds me the maradonna - pele thing. I prefer stelios manolas. hehehe. Check etacarinae's cover on this song.... Miseelllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy, fucking bastard!

9. Intensity - Silence = Consent
One of my favourite bands from sweden. Old-school, us influenced hardcore...
Break the silence, now...

10. No hope for the kids - Secret police
Danish punk rock for endless sing-alongs. Check their discography here

11. Despite everything - All your faults
A new band from greece that fucking rips. Amazing punk-rock alongside melodic american hardcore from members of 925, nekra katsikia trikavalo, endsight and censored sound. In this song some lyrics are stolen from 925's "wall of prejudice". They have released two 7inches...

12. Hammers -  Mass producing death
My favourite englishmen once again... Amazing band that finally will come to greece. Check them.

13. Burial - The incurable fever
What a band. The best japcore band. I love them. I choose this one, insteed of "heart is truth"...
Right decision? Who knows... Also, here

14. Victims - Running for escape
For me, the best dis-band nowadays. nough said. (Unfortunately, they signed for deathwish inc. α ρε κατακαημενο diy)

15. Tragedy - Under the radar
I didn't make it. I couldn't make it. I'm posting tragedy. Yeah, i know... emofaggot. yeah, i know...
I just couldn't... They rule... And i'm currently screaming "I'M NO MASTER'S SLAVE"

download (and leave ten comments each...)

Mar 3, 2010

Va - Disrturbance Of Domestic Peace (1996, GRE)

Once more i'm pausing the k-town series (don't worry, we have three more posts) to give you one of my all-time favourite albums, or compilations if you like. As you may already know i don't like any of my posts to have photos, but today is a special one. i think this album is a masterpiece that captures the energy of the greek scene of the 90's in a perfect way. Also you must know what the fuck some lunatic-punks used to say about the d.i.y hardcore punk before fourteen years. On your right you can see one of the inserts of this comp with thoughts (in english) about the d.i.y scene in greece back in the day. Before the usual music-talk i have to mention one of the more important things that this page says : "No companies, no managers or intervinings would deal with the sending off of this action...". I guess you already know my view on the topic "profit"! Please : read it carefully.

This comp.Lp released back in 1996 from the collaboration of the 6 bands that took part in it, alongside two occupied buildings - "social centres" : Villa amalias in athens and Villa varvara in thessaloniki. Here's propably the best bands of mid-90's in greece (sadly this comp does not include naytia and chaotic end - i think that they had already disbanded) with eleven ass-kicking diamonds. Every each-one band plays a unique style of their own that makes the listening provocative about what the fuck the next in line band will sound. All the lyrics are about social-political issues, the "scene" etc. This lp was also the first lp i ever bought (the same day i bought my first sony turntable also... so beautiful days - so energetic).

The bands that participated were :
MASTIGA :  (trans. infliction, plague) they played a combo of mid-tempo hardcore with some faster parts, double vocals and a lot of drum breaks.
SHIT HIT THE FAN : the only band that you can say it's not hardcore. a lot of melodies, fantastic riffs and expressive vocals. something like the petrograd of greece.
MIASMA : ass-kicking mid-tempo hardcore punk. excellent guitar works.
ANASA STAHTI : (ashen breath) from the ashes of Levelling, ashen breath took form adding the first vocalist of chaotic end. they played a hardcore heavily influeced from the late 80's, early 90's heavy-thrash metal scene with a lot of dark, gloom lyrics about society etc... their guitarist and main song/lyric writter created the band anatellon tromos (rising terror) in the late 90's.
PANIKOS : (panic) The first greek band that had samples and a "post-rock" touch, way before this genre becomes a trend... these two songs are more aggressive and a litlle bit faster than their usual... They only band that keeps playing nowadays.
PSYHOSI : (psychosis) If a band from greece we can say that is/was underestimated, this would definetely be psychosis... Heavy, distorted guitars, heavy, distorted bass, mid-tempo drum hitting and amazing vocals with much more amazing lyrics. When i was a liitle kid i used to call them greek Amebix but the band has it's own mark and it's so fucking great. maybe my favourite band from the comp. their bassist/ singer know plays for the "anti-seller", post-rock band Incognita sperans.

If you want infos about greek bands etc you can check the blogs : crustcracker, 7inchcrust, crust-demos
Last, but not least : this rip isn't mine.
Enjoy and leave comments to tell me if you like it...
Heads Up :
I have made a mistake : when you download this album the folder says "disruption of public peace"
Change the word public with the word domestic!


Feb 24, 2010

"I'm going for a walk. And there's nothing you can do 'cuz I don't have to live like you"

I have to overthrow (just for one post) the k-town series (we promise : tomorrow we'll continue with more danish punk), for an expression of deep(er) feelings...

Being ill is so fucking shit, when a hell of things happening in real time in real world, and you are nailed to a fucking bed... I'm ill and i can't stand it...
So, i'm turning illness into a weapon (hehehe)
So, i created a comp, if you are in need of a walk, or if you are going to wash the dishes, or if... something...
Let's take it track by track...

1. Naytia - o ponos den einai omorfos (pain isn't beautiful)
I think i can go on and on about naytia, so i'll keep it simple. Dog-shoutings is the perfect sound for every-single-one-comp to get started... Maybe, the best band ever came out of greece.. heavy influeced by the old-school european hardcore alongside heavy thrashy guitar parts makes them so fucking awesome... also, maybe the most well-known band outside greece...

2. Dishammer - Wish of Suffering
Dishammer is a band from spain that blends : raw, dis, hardcore and black metal so beautiful that you think that these sub-genres is one and the same... imagine more crusty darkthrone... amazing...

3. Hjertestop - Pis Mig I Munden
This one must go to the k-town section so i don't say nothing more... great punkrock in da face
(they are the next k-town post)

4. Tentacles of destruction - Red Squad
Hell, i found this band in the rat king blog (the guy that runs it also plays in this band) and i can't throw-away this song from my mind. It's going straight two weeks now...
in your face hardcore punk, heavy influeced by old uk punk, hailing from new zealand...

5. Violent arrest - Take The Power Back
I have had to post something from Ripcord, but i couldn't decide. I wanted to post the "poetic justice" album, but i figure it out to be more interesting to introduce you to violent arrest... check out NBSF blog for more infos... including members of Ripcord, Heresy, Excrement Of War, Can't Decide, Spite, Dumbstruck, Bomb Blast Men...

6. Detestation - Consumed by your greed
Do i have to mention anything? best crust band ever - best female vocals ever... their members played (before and after detestation) in 3 billion bands (including : question, faggot, severed head of state, hellshock, murder disco x and a tone more)...

7. Antimob - H ora tis lyssas (Rabid time)
Dbill is playing with these assholes... one of my latest obsessions... a band that i hated when i listen to, in the first place... a song againt racism and the stupid racistscums... the best hardcore punk band in greece nowadays... (go here)

8. Negative approach - Ready to fight
ENOUGH SAID (go here)

9. Straightjacket nation - distate
Maybe the best band outta australia. pissed-off, angry and in your face hardcore as it should be played (go here)

10. The now-denial - Eraser
one of my personal favourite, if you wanna hit your head on a wall. and it has this fucking mid drum break... eraseaa... (go here)

11. His hero is gone - Scalor
This blog's name is 'fifteen counts of arson" and i had to include something from this well-known album : scalor is the most representive track, if you wish to know who the fuck copy-pasted all the neo-crust bands...

12. Xeimeria narki (Hibernation) - Gualini Mitropoli (Metropolis Of Glass)
Second greek band that i can talk about forever... members of hibernation also have been playing in Pyrinikos xeimonas (nuclear winter), Xaotiko telos (chaotic end) and ten more bands... With two european tours, they are by far the best greek crust band that keep going on and on nowadays... did i mention that i have a hibernation tatoo on my tiny body?

13. Active minds - Insomnia
One of my favourite bands ever, this one is from '98... amazing...

14. Coldbringer - Coming home
Two guys of From ashes rise playing melodic punk rock in the vein of wipers and leatherface, enough said...

15. Forward - absolutely
My love song. the finest honda worshippers... japanese burning spirits hardcore... FORWARD... amazing once more (go here)

I had to reach 15 (counts of arson)... neither more, nor less... so, i left out bands like masakari, hammers or destino final that i really love... maybe the next time...
-mikxxx, in need of a walk
