Showing posts with label War coma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War coma. Show all posts

Jan 21, 2010

War coma - 5 track demo

Some weeks ago when i read the post about hammers in crust demos i was wondering if the other bands that members of hammers also playing are as good as hammers, so i asked mr. 7inchcrust if he can post war coma's demo... Unfortunately, he didn't had it...
But, with the collaboration of the great hammers i finally have it in my own hands...
War coma are from manchester, uk and share members with hammers...
So, d-beat crust with some melodic "neo" crust guittars with angry vocals, not screaming, not brutal. The recording is not so good but they'll release a split some day soon and i hope that is gonna be "rocking"...
Some of their words : "Today ‘Manchester’ is an international brand designed to attract students and tourists, young professionals and enterprises, footballers and musicians with big ambitions. Punk has become part of this branding exercise. Allegedly, it was a sex pistols gig in June 1976 that kick-started the Manchester music scene. And thanks to them, a grey, impoverished, post-industrial wasteland was transformed into the hip and hedonistic second city of Britain... (...)
War Coma : They are just as active as Hammers in terms of gigging, and comparable in sound. Their guitars, however, are more melodic and create a tense atmosphere located somewhere between belligerence and melancholy. War Coma have just released a five-track demo that could have been a ‘proper’ record. It comes in a self-made box assembled out of recycled cardboard, is sold at gigs and costs less than a pint..."
