Showing posts with label Snifter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snifter. Show all posts

Jun 21, 2010

Snifter - action... reaction! 7''

I think the year was '99 or '00. the phone rang and a good friend of mine - and the first person i ever saw with dreadlocks and patches, a very cool thing back in the day - said : "hey, come from my place. I have some 7'' that you might find interesting". Those seveninches was chupacabra's "Tired of talking to shadows" and some noisy mind-blowing shit from an unknown band called Snifter. He played me that stuff and got me so "unprepared". I run to a fellow shop to buy a casseette (i had no cd-recorder back then, guys) and started to record these two glorious 7'' (actually i recorded also jeniger's first 7''. haha - all my gratitude to alex from hibernation who sent me a physical copy of jeniger's "captured" 7'' back then. same era - full of memories). When i got home i played that goddamn tape, first thing, and started headbanging like crazy. Yeah, snifter was a killer band (later i found them in a cd complilation called "swedish hc comp" including great bands such as diskonto and e.n.s).who captures perfectly the late-90's sound of the diy hardcore scene. Actually, when you were young and other kiddos asked you what your favourite music and you keep on answering "hardcore punk" and they stared like the most stupid human beings in the world you propably had to say except Doom and Extreme noise terror also Snifter, "yeah, the sound i like is snifter's chainsaw-guitar".

This 7'' is a trully great example of d-beat heaviness, dual vocals one shouting - one yelling, heavy as hell bass-guitar and an old-school feeling (ακους μητσο?) with good and fancy artwork. On the front-cover you'll get a cop tie-up an activist with the word "action", and on the back-cover you'll get a cop-car full of bullet-holes and the kind word "reaction". Heavy political hardcore from one the most underrated bands of the late 90's. Some songs are on english and some on swedish. Did i mention some Infest influences ? (check an interview from 1997 here and their split with Yuppiecrusher)
The mastering has been made by jocke tack (also Kontrovers, intensity mastering's fame) so you know that the sound is killer.


Jan 18, 2010

Yuppiecrusher & Snifter - Split 7''

Here we have a split 7" from sweden (the first (it's the second, what a liar i am...) and probably the last post for the overestimated hardcore / crust scene of sweden - i'm just kidding but it's a little bit overestimated, don't you think?)...
First(ly), we have Yuppiecrusher...90's style mid-paced hardcore (or crust) with a lot of fast parts...
Secondly : SNIFTER is a noisy very fast d-beat crust / core band with the 90's "fresh" air recording (HEHEHE)with political lyrics and double vocals...
A must have split.... enough said i think...
(if anyone has anything else from Snifter (or an other great swedish band called ENS) please contact me)
